The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, August 15, 1866, Image 3

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-?,P;7UST ' "
M. P. Coskkiikncb. Tliu Annual
Conference of Ihe M. 1'. Church, Pitt,
burgh district, will moot in tho J. P.
Church at Wnyncsburjjf, Ureotiu county,
Pa., September oth, 1 81.0.
XV w. Wallace,
Run. Tlio past tow day lias been
very rainy, intorfbrin-j nlitui t.illy with
harvesting, although it hu bt-cn ot great
auVaiilago to corn, arid vocation gaii
crally. Iris nn indisputable fact
tho beat muslins in town.
Unit Uciin it has
Notb tho udverltseunyit of !)(,
Si'EtutY it Sox in to-days paper. Tiieso
gentlemen havim; roeunily como aiming
us announuo tiui e. 1 1 1 j i rt-; ovu haulini,'
. ond refitting (if tlio hotel known as the
"Hamilton I loiso." Their livery stock
is tho tinjit n this region ot tlio country
and if you would have tho butt at the
cheapest rate, call on then).
t ; Vn understand that .Mr Isaac T Hid
die, of Caruiichticls, was robbed lately of
soiuo $2001) in Government bonds. As
wo have no positive information on the
matter wo cannot vouch for the truth of
tho rumor.
Must 'tho lumber and 'debris of the
Bo.ilToldiin; torn down from tho Court
House, hu in the street till it rots, or will
tho Council see to havinij it removed I
Several stono and ash piles also
removal and the streets cleaned it gen
orally. Let it bo attended to.
''''Vo Uvo in deeds not years in thun-hu not
la feelings not In Mgures on a dial,
Wo slioulil count time hy hearts lliroba He
most lives
Who thinks most feels noblest actstho best.'
Ami that's "Doe" Ucmiai, for lit deals fair
ly, ami sells cheapest.
Wayniwuiiuo has no theatres, no op
era house, no Central Park, no water
works, not even a musenui ; brtt (for the
past week we have enjoyed cool nights
a full compensation. Co mo days of
Wat! Shine on. O blistering, pitiless sun,
1. II I. nil I 1 I 1.1 .
ii nn an iii.iiuvuicncc ! jjei us uui nave
cool refreshing nights ami proprietor
ship ir. one blanket, ami we will cry
with Pistol, "A fieo for city amusements
'and dissipations''! ill Pall
Tin: Post Ollioi. at. -dray's Landing"
in this County has been discontinued, for
tlrt Vvason that the "M nl Line of Steam
crs" didn't get, dray's chipping and
consequently it was incunvvnicnt for
them to si. p. delicious souls! No
xloubt they have gained considerable in
the estimation of the people therea
boil .s.
Qi.rru an udditii u to the business looks
of our town, was made one day last week
in the way of neat. sign erected by Mis.
M. Sutton, of the Wriht Mouse, at the
Corner ot itshing'ou alul .Main Si reds.
This is undoubtedly the liuist looking
hotel in our place, and we understand
tho proprietress has finished and lilted it
up in good stylo insiilo.
'GitKA-r was Tim Fall Tii lasuoV." If
ever thoro was a project, the consuunna
lion of which was devoutly wished for.
It was tho finishing of outside repairs to
the Court House. Jt is done, thanks bo
tu tho persistent energy of the workmen
and last week, down came tho ''lattice
work" with a crash. We would suggest
now that the inside bo repaired and Unit !
tho same persons bo employed, liy tho
time that is done tlio outside will be
ready for overhauling, thus thu building
may bo kept in continual repair.
It would uTso bo well to pul off the
cleaning up of the halls until such time
as ii ltepiiblican, or Union Soldier's
Convention may wish to assemble. My
such Blragotiu inaiieuvers those who"owu
tho Court House" may prohibit vandal
foot from contaminating its enured pre
tmiuts. Ul'iiulaiiv Thuhoueoof .Mr. Uriah
liinehart, at Mice's Landing, this coun
ty, was eiitured on tho night of tho "lh
lat . and that gentleman robbed of bo
twe'Mi three and live hundred dollars.
Between VI nnd 1 o'clock a noise was
hoard supposed to bo hoiiio ono of the
family, on awaking in tho morning they
found that tho llrawer had been opened
Kind thu money taken. Tho drawer was
found iiear tho barn, Fortunately three
or four hundred dollars were overlook
ed by the burglars. No information ns
to whom thu miscreants are bus been
developed, It is hopcH that they may
be detected and suniiniuily punis!icd
We aro indebted to Mr. W. Kinclmrt
lor thu above partieulars. Any of our
IriumU trausmUting items of local inters
tit Cither accidents or Incidents, will
plnoo us under great obligation to them.
Doinh a Fa von -Thu Cabinet Organ
of Mason & Hamlin has, for so small nn
Instrument, wonderlul volume and pow
er, and a variety of expression that is
equalled only by a costly pipo organ,
While its purity and 'sweetness ot tone
re truly charming. It is most admira
bly calculated to moot tho wants of linn.
Hies and small ohurcheit, It can be
transported with solely, takes up no
inoro room than a inuloikon, does not
soon get out of order, and makes an el
egant article of fiirnituro for a parlor
Wo are but doing a favor to our readers
by calling iheir attention to the Cabinet
Organ American
See adveitisomunt in another column
"How, Wow! Yklv, Yki.v! P Ot
all the disagreeable sounds that salute our
cars of late, this seems to bo most disa
greeable. It would bo impossible to en
uinerato tho many dillurcnt species ot
tho canine liibc that abound hereab ills
as they certainly unbraco all from iho
Newfoundland down to tho detestable
lap dog. Wo certainly agree with the
illustrious llyron that
"Tis sweet to hear Uui watch dogs honest
hark. .
Hay deep mouthed welcome as we draw
near home."
but this infernal "vow, yow I screech,
screech !" of lioutid and "lice." is outrage
ously niovokiiig at all tunes, and at hat
lime is it that we don't hear it in Way
Losburg? A good sound night's, idci p
is something we don't believe a L'i'cul,
many of our citizens have enjoyed tor
weeks. What with troublesome di earns
ol whole sides of meat carried away,
of "cream crocks" upset, and stono ware
broken, it is no wonder that our worthy
ilames look harrassed and careworn
Thesis despisable town curs wage an in
cessant war upon the more decent coun
try dogs that happen to pay them a
visit in pursuit of their lawful calling,
and occasionally when they run snapping
ami snail ng ut them, U does our soul
good to seo the great honest f'JIows lift
them up by the cull' of the no;k and give
lbein a snatch that sends them howling
under their doorstep.
The tax of one dollar per head it is
ll.ipud will diminish llie i'imiiis somimvvIoiI
" ' -' "" i;eueiou.i spun no mo
comni'ii.ily a kindness by bagging all
and sinking them in Ten Mile.
IIalsthd's Home Abide Hoots aro at
trading considerable attention, and aro
pronounced by thy crowds examining
them, to be good mid cheap. Me h is a
large slock of Moots and Shoes of. all
kinds, which he is oliering at prices that
it is impossible not to buy. Don't
forget to call at Halsled's, Wayneslmrg
Shoe Stoie for good and cheap work.
Druixii tliu severo sl.oriu ot last Sun
day night, the hoii.-e ol Mr. (1., of
our village, was struck by lightning
The occupants cseipod unhurt, home
little material injury to the dwelling be
ing the only (fim.ige su-laiued.
W, uolioi) tint during the recent
storm llu Ihwds from Hu gutters ran
across lh j ro i Is in m my pi uses. This
is owiii jr to Hid filling no ol diloh.M and
culverts, an I it allo.vo I to exist in this
state lor the Kill rains to gully and wash
over, we may look out fr sad ihorou.-h-farcs
next Winter. It, would be well lor
our S lpervH'ir.A to sea to this now, so
that it will not bis iirt;.)ssil)hj in tho
mudly season' to get, away rom fo.vii.
For lh i lt'iMi'diraa.
school KhToitr.
loi:si:s. The number occupied Inr
Public School purposes, was one hun
dred and sixty. In my last annual re
port, lilty-lour were given as totally
uuiii. lor use, inn mx and stilislan
til.l Iramc buildings have been erected '
1 supply the places of these old, lliicom
furtable. inconvenient and dilapidated
lines. Those new houses are of good
size, well arranged, niid have plenty if
black-board surface ; and aiv located in
tiiu following districts : ono in Wash-
inglon, ouu in Wayne, two in Centre
ami two in liiolihill ; at mi average
cost of seven hundred dollars each.
I would respectfully appeal to the
School Directors lo purchase larger lots
of grounds, select more eligible locutions,
and direct inoro care to fencing mul
oni.'iineutary, 'also, lo tho erecting ol
out-houses. When these are properly at
tended to, they will have a salutary cl
f'cet in elevating the standard of popu
lar education.
Pi:liNlTt:i:li AND AlT.U'ATt'S No.
houses have been supplied with good
and convenient furniture worthy of no
lice since my last report, with tho ex
ceptions ot the new ones, these have been
snpplyed with fiirniiiiru tolerably well
adapted to the health, comfort, und con
venience of the pupils. It is. certainly
encouraging lo report that greater pro.
green, nnd advancement have been made
in the way of introducing school appa
ratus, than during uny previous year,
although, tho districts have been bur
dened with luxation throughout tho Into
civil conflict, yet tho Directors of Cum.
beihitid, Centre, Dttnkard, Franklin,
Jackson, Jell'erson, Marion, Mononga
hola, Ml. Morris, Pefry, Washington,
Wayne, Wlutcly and Carmiolincls Ho
rough, supplied their schools with globes
nnd Mitoliol's out-line maps. These, in
tlio bunds ol a practical teacher, will
give interest and thoroughness in im
parting instruction ill the science of
School. Tlio wholo Uiiniber of pub
lie Schools in operation was one liun
drej nnd sixty-three, nnd in sixty ot
these, tho higher branches were taught.
In ono hundred nnd ono ol theso tho
ii vuu iiv.ii.iio'. i. in. i.iiu biiunu tiiu
,'. , , ,, . ,
Jihlo was used regularly. J ho whooli
iruall classilled, but soino inoro perl'oct. 1
' 1
ly than others, a want of uniformity iu
toxt.books prevents a thorugh elassillca
tion. Springhill had no public schools,
hut there is a fair prospect for her to
open them tho current year. No schools
have been graded during tho year. At
present there are but two graded schools
in tho county two others should bo
established without longer delay i one in
(licensboro and one in JoHiison l!o
roiigh, Tho advantages of graded
schools aro,: 1st, They abridge the labor
of teaching. 2d, They accommodate
the pupil with a more thorough course of
instruction. 3rd, They encourage the
legitimate expenses of education. These
aro sullieieiil to recommend their ratal)
Examinations Fourteen publio ex
aminations were held licloro tho open
tng of tho winter schools, at which one
hundred and font ty-two teachers were
examined, a few, however, were reject
ed, the others receiving uertillcates
average grade, two. Some special ev
animations wero I eld, but the number
was low as possible. A teudenev beiiiL'
, "mown out by some to evade public
j examinations, not willing to let their
'gill shine. The scarcity of teachers
compelled meto issue ccrtilicates to some
that under other circumstances would
have been rejected. The mode id con
ducting the examination was tlni same
as last year.
Tj;aiiii:iis. Tho whole number of
teachers employed wan one hundred and
sixty-three, of whom one hundred and
, six were males find fifty seven females,
! The teachers were 'generally sustained
j a: d encouraged bv the patrons, and
with lew exceptions, rendered satisfac
tion to their employers, Some tailed for
want ol proper ipiahliealions, and others
tvlio possessed the ability laihd bv Ho
I who nossessi-il the ntuliiv ..ib..1 I..
gieeuug ineir senooi room duties. The
ueiuaiHU was greater than the supply,
eonseqiieiitly, the School Directors were
n. ..i .i ,
v... opcocu u. iiucepi inn services ot some
who were imlil to act in the sphere ol
the teacher. I wimld reeonimend to.
those u hose duty it, is to make piovi -
sions lor the continuance of our public
systein ot education, to increase the
length id' the school term, and grade the
salary ol teachers in proportion to their
,, , , ... . ... ,
skill and ability. Tins would induce
teach jis to qualify themselves for their
Institi'I'I'.s In twenty two distiiels
but three Institutes wi le regularly or
ganized and continued ill siicces.-lul (ipe
ration until (be close of the term.
lliey have liecome uiiiiopiilaf with the
people for the want of interest, skill and j Oi:o!;ii-: Mkcuatiiohn aged 7(i years
ability on the pan ol tcach"is, to sin- On August lib, Mis. Auui mi. Hkcka
lain them, .'ilthiiiioh, it, is i'ei;i rallv ''"on. wife o above, aged 72 years, tor
acknowledged that' the design is good,
and if regularly attended ami properly i
eoiidiieted tho result would be hem (i- '
"isii-atiox.. The whole number of
visitations was over two hundred All
the schools were visited, with one excep
tion, ami that was not in operation at
the time of my culling. Tho condition
in which I found the schools generally,
determined the length of my visit. I
generally made some remaiks of en
couragement to the pupils, and When
necessary, offered suggestions to the
teacher in tho way of improvement. 1 it
""f, ,"8,il"t,l'S' W,,ik! vUI,i,,
j schools, I was accompanied by both eiti.
.ens and directors, f ir which. I tender
them my sincere thanks.
Mki.tinoh. Ten educational meetings
and special institu'es were held, generals
ly lasting two days ami one night, each.
Thu meetings were well atlended, and
the proceedings were interesting, having
a commanding inlhiunee in moulding the
popular mind in favor of education.
AiiKxoin. Special arrangements
have been inade bet ween the Trustees of
lii'cone Academy and the School Direc
tors ol (,'armichacls Moiough for the use
ot the building, which has been relilled
in a style suitable to' the accommodation
of both Common School and Academi
cal departments The hitler is in a
prosperous condition, and bids fair to do
good work.
Waynesburg College still continues
.o lloiirish, with unusual vigor, it, is wol1
supported by students from all parts ol
this and adjacent counties, and annual
ly sends forth many bright scholars,
and teachers who aro or.uauienls to their
prolessions. Titos. J. Thai..
,,., Pirrsiuiiim, August II, inuri,
CHALN-WTeut nt ,()
V"111 T.VeTSc.
y", ; iMie.
Iliiekwhent m,u
I'LOUIt-HpiIng Wheat nl ifciio.ucw 10, nn
Winter " at tJliiewtiL',",-
,., J'yiat fcii.'jrMesjav.u.
1IA Jialed nt sj'.'ii.iiii V ton
ivmu B,.'0(W0.ul -'U.tll)(l(,a-,.tl(l.
LOOS Bides at 1 7,.(Hi
CllKKSE Western ltestirvo at HWlft)'
lliimburg iit...i 1 j
New York Ooslien ui nOrt!il!
UUTTElt-l'ilnio Koll nt 26:10!
n,n;riMoiin, Am;, tl. Jliier Cultlo.-Tlio nf
feilnH ihuliin tho pnsl wuck wero 710 head,
ngnliist l7lii'iid Ihu previous week.
Prices to-day range u follows: Inferior
entlln "i,ri() ronimon Ifil,ri0(ii7,lin fair ifr7,(i()
'?f7,fil) Rood tjiH.ntiejHJl! prima ut !,0(m
l),'.'tl per I no lbs, 1
Kin-A'P The inurltet him been rather li'lsk
this ivi'idi, mid prices llrm. Hales nt 4')mr
i, ., , , i . , . ,, , ., .,
l,,lk nei'l. anil .KbO per lb. lor ial
' .""" rh" H.V''1 7 "V ,",1,"!,t,'t
ul outemml to ; tlio ilemiu d this week, W'llU
sulci ut l(i,oo per 100 lbs,
August 11. Hold closed quietly titllSJ,
Waynesburg Market, WKKKI.V IIV .1. lit 1111:11.
ltulter, flesh roll $ o,-,
Collee per ll :to to
Corn per lnis'.ul. inn
Corn ineal pel bushel no
Country tfoiip per lV .-. os
(Smiles, mould per II
Candles, dipped " " :,
Cheese per lb );
Dried Peaches per lb .'.1
Eggs pi r dozen ,-,
Flour per bbl );i ill)
Flux seed per bushel C5
I'Viitbers per lb fill
Lard per lit 5
II. V. Flour per lb or
Molasses 7,-, ,, no
Oats per hu-hel no li
live per bushel !lo
liiee per 111 ,-,
Sugar, crushed per Hi
Sugar, reiined "
Sugar, New Orleans, li His oil
I'. It. Sugar, H lbs no
Syrup, pergaHou on
Sail. No. I pit bbl ;j ;,o
Soft Soap per gallon
Tar per gallon mi
Tea per Hi ,., o
'I'lirpenliiie per gallon .-,n
'fallow per Hi .-,
Icat per luisliel , . f,n
While Lead per keg o 00
While Lime per bushel ,-,.
Wii' 1 eoinniiiii to line , .lonim
Potatoes per bushel uui HO
The Provickiico Journal thinks it a
fact of evil augury that tho bloody ot.t-
rages in iew ui leans limi theirnpolo
gists in the Northern States ami among
men who el aim to be loyal to tho gov
ernment It was so in ISlil. The
strongest encouragement to the rebellion
came from lliis side ol the Potomac. The
leaders of the Democratic party in Con
necticut declared that no troops should
pass through that Statu to aid in coer
cing tho South into obedience to the
laws. The Mayor of New York apolo
gized to the Governor . (Joorgia 'for the
seizure ot arms intended tor the rcb I
service, and which the Superintendent
of Police against tho protest ol Iho Hem.
1 ocratic, Mavor. had stunned. The load-
; i,,;; I )einoer:itic papers dechired that the
' Presi, lent was a -clown," that Jen
i ..
; Davis s Montgomery eonstilulioii was
belter than our own, thnl the South was
. figliting for the right of sell'-"oveni-
ient, ami the north to nninlain an uti
'just, anp u-iiipcd power. Mlie siok
: men. inid the same papers, are juslifviiig
! 1 "I'loUcrate riot in New Orleans, as
: llll'.V justilicd the Couled into rising five
; year ago. lliev place the blame now,
J, 1(,y lll;H.d (t Uvt m ,,. hil,
tile victims, ami evidently think that it
is as proper to mob a liee State Con
ventton now, as it was to lynch an
abolitionist; then.
OnJnlv Illst. near Davlon Ohio. Mr
'''si'1',ll' "'' Waynesburg Pa,
11 V
imgs, if
ii:n I'lkitm:: niu t mi: is..:hi::i(His:r.
I' tin tun'
ISKviiiiiln ai-retiM.
t(,ilil Gliililtiiil t...,iH,i
' rifi ir.iooHiiii ri'rriiN.
"iN'ilil lllomitiii '!B''iis,
" i:o tCliiuiiiiii !eri'llN.'
A inowt. exiinlltc, clt-ltrali", ami l'ril(:niiil Perfume,
illnll li-il IV0111 lint 1111-1) uilil iK-uiltilul llewti- liuta
ivliirli il tlllU'H ItH II.UIIO,
Mumifai'liiri'il only liy
MIAI.O.'N A: HO, ,i ii Vol It.
III'.WAIIK llIMtOttNTiail'iai'S.
ASK l'Olt l'llALON'S-'l'AKI! Ml O'l llLlt.
e;r an kxtknsivk salh and dis-
Tlillll'TION of Pianos, Melodeons, (lold and
Silver Ware Is now Klng(Hi a! the .Salesrooms
ol Item, it lino , til LibcrlySl., N. Y. These
goo l.s.ari! sold al TWO DDLLA1M EACH
lti:ii.Muu.i:ss or Vau i:. Send TWENTY-
hfTVE Cents for one numbered Noliei1, or
ONE DOLLAIt for SIX. The Number on
each Notice corresponds willi tho number on
same nrllcle of goods, which will bo vent on
i ecept of :ji2. Tho money will be refunded
of the goods do not give satisfaction. Agents
make TWEN'i Y-I'lVE POLLAItS I'Elt
WEl'ilC. Send for a Circular.
Olllei! s p. O, HON', olMS,
til Liberty St, New York.
April ts.'ly
-. --- -- 1
A Clergyman, whilii- residing In South
America, as a missionary, diseovei'ed a safe
anil simple remedy for tho euro of Nervous
Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of Iho
Urinary and Seminal Organs, and tlio w4iole
train of disorders brought on by baneful and
vicious habits. Ctreut numbers huvo boon
already cured by this nnblo remedy. Promp
ted hy a desire to boneltt tho nlllletod and un
foltimato. I will Bend tho reelpu for reparlng
and using this medicine, In a noaluil envelope,
to any ono who nuods It, froo of clinrge.
Ph tnse Inelosn n post-paid envelope, ad
dienseil lo yourself.
Address, JOS. T. INJIAN,
Htnlloii I), llibln House,
April, ly New York City.
Dr. L. O. Jbisri' OireuH. the greatest
kiiinohiioi-i., ii, .,,,. 1,1 ,. iim'. ui.i.Ue.u
... -i m, ....... ...
imislnches to Krow on the iHootliest fncii or
chin i never known to fail i sanmln for trial
m, ,Vl' " ry 1i-slmu r Hh
merits. Address, KEEVES& CO., 78 Nas-
BimSt. N. Y.
Published I'orihebenelli audas a CAPTION
TO VOLNU MLW and otheis, who miller
Ironi Nci vein 4)ehilitv, PiviimtiU'i! IVeay of
Manhood, A:e. suppljhij; ut the saiiiu time
Tun Mi: iss in-siia.r-t'i in:. I!y one who lias
cured himself alter undergoing considerable
quackery, liy enelosfn;' a po-tjmld addressed
envelope, single copies,' five of chart;", may
be bud of tin' author.
MuyLM 'ilti. ly lirooklyn, Klines Co , N. V.
a-&' T O Y O U N ( :,l K N . Ina Soiled -.'iieeei,'. s sir
A Lccii'iii: i,s Tin: N.ireiin, TiM:.iMi.r vsi
liailieal l 'urn ol' Hperniatiailu r Seminul
weakness luvohintaiV Kmissloiis, Sexual De
bility, and linpediunaitslo mini age generally.
Nervousiii'KS, Cniisumpliiill, ICpitepsy and Kil'sj
Mental an I I'hv.-ical lui'upaeilv. lesiillher iVmil
Sell'-Alni-e, ,Ve liy KoliKli I' ,1, l't:iA IIK-
1II.L, .M. I., Author nl' the aiivi ii liook,"
The world renowneil imibor. In thi lolnii
rable l.eeltne, clearly proves limn his own
experience that I lie aw fill eonseiUencesol'seir
Abuse 'li.ay I.e ( tl, eluallv removed without
uiediehie, mid iiiout d.ui.gernus surgical ope
lalion.i, lion;i s, hisinniieiils, r'ee's. or e r-
dials, . i i it in ;oul a mode ol' cure at once eel'
lain and ell'eele, d, bv which cve. v sull'erer, no his condition may be, inav cure
himself cheaply, piiv.iely, nnd radically.
This lecture will pioc! a 'boon to thousands
and .1 1 1. ii i.-i.i i ii l.-i
Sail under seal, to any ml, Ires', ina plain
senh'd envelope, on llle'receipt ot' fix cellls,
or two poM.u'o stamps, by nddres.-iii"
I'll AS .1. C.'KI.INK A- ro
l'-'7 llowcry, New Yor'.i, I'ostOlllee No. l.'.Sii.
maiL' I: 'mi-ly
.1 IS T' OI'KNKI) 1!Y
poSl'llVKLY 1 In- line t complete Hotel in
1 our town,' Lvi iTlhiii'g eoinliim d to fur
nish tin! best iiccoiuiuodiitiou ever yet ollercd
to the puhlic,
.Meais tuinishcd at all hours, table nrovid-
ed wilh the best of ihe season. Also, a line
'ee eee,oi ilmui lllleil up and al'iielied lo the,
house, and a uui unrivalled for the variety i
and quality ol'ilscontents Choice wines anil ;
brandies, eood v.Iu.,key, ale, line cigars, A'C, j
form a fey iiniom; the prominent ilems. !
Travellers and llinse desirous of lelVestnneiil ;
will ilo well lo call, "Toin" still retains his oft
1'epulalion of mi iieeoiuinodalin'g e.'-tit li'inon,
unit hospitable landlord. House, ihe one for
merly occupied by Ihe "M"S. enger" Olllee.
.May '.'.'liii.-ly. !
li 11 BJ ':l B'4 13 81 J i
Jrirersaii, (i.-fnie Coiinly, Pciuiii.
.l,'s'. ,', ..!, I'mprUtnM.
HA VI Nil ItKiTNTLY l'1'l 'TI'.D l'' TIII.S
Well kuo.ui e.-l.lli;sh;l,enl, Mrs. I'.I M
lAiisia: is prepared to Imu'eh tt l A, lo the
travelling public. Tec TAIil.M ahvuys sup
plied Willi tin' choicest, delicacies, th'i I'.AIt
with the finest Wines unit I.immoi' ,ni,lcl
ing nptii lnient.'i, and an abundance of slubln
loom ntlaelied to thu premises. Public
patronage solicited May ",'!,'ni! -ly,
Pit TOIl! AS'
nun oi' ci:oi e-v, hat a pretty nnd lutefest
17 in;1; child I saw last wei li ! liul now, alas !
It Is iio more.
Such was the ci.nyci'-'ation of
two p'utleiuen riding down town in the ears
Died of croup; how sli'aii'O' ; wleMi Dr. 'IV
hlas' Venetian Liniment j. ;l n'rl nu cure, if
taken in lime, Now, Mothers, we appeal l
Vim. II is not lor Hie paltry Kan and prolll
we make, but lor Ihe s ike of your infant child 1
that low lies p'ayinj; at your feet. Croup is
a dangerous disease ; but. us ! Dr. Tobias
Venetian Liniment iu time, nnd it is robbed '
of its terr -r.'. Always keep il in the house : I
you may not want il lo night, or to -morrow ,
no telling when bul armed with this linimenl fill II'' UNDICHSlONKDhave assoeuledlheni
you are prepared, let it conio when it will. : L selves tojellier in Ihu name and style of
I'liee only 10 cculsa bollle. Olllee ell Corl-
landl Street, New York, Mold hy all druggist I
DI!. TOlilAS'
VCKKTAIN Cl'lf';'. for pains hi limbs una '
back, sorelhroal, croiin, I'beuniaiisiu.eoUe,
A'C A peifeel fainiiy inediciue, and never
fails. I tea.i : lied:: Lead::: '
Liviim " '. nk ( 'ii., Mien., .lune HI, '.111.
This Is lo certify that, my wife was taken;
with IJninsey Sore I'liro il ; it. commenced lo I
swell, and was so sore that she could lint '
swallow, and coughed violcnily. 1 used you
Linimenl, mid made a P"i fecl, cure in 'one 1
Week. I liruily believe Unit tint for the Liul- j
meat she would have; lost her life.
Price .-loatnl so cents. Sold bv all ilrngvjsls.
()lllei! Call audi S;i I, N. Y.
!S$1,300 PER YEAR! W
iim ,i;;i-m.-i la ei y neie lo sen our I Ml IIO IUI
li'-JO Sewing .Mai'luties. Three new kinds.
I'mh-r ami uimer feed. Wiuranled Ii vi-
Veins. Above salary or large conmiisslnns I THK IIIIKAT KK.MALL IIK.MKDY K It
paid, The only machines sold In Ihe I'nited I ' I lll!L ll'LA Kl'fl Ivi.
Slali'S lor lesn l ban I0. which are luil.y lieens- These Drops aie a seieiililieaHy f'oiupound
cd by li.iwe, Wheeler Wilson, I b'over .V J cd lluid prepar.illoii, and heller than any
linker, Singer A, Co., ami liaelo lder. All Pills, I'uwdei's or Nostrums. Ileiii" liouki,
oilier cheap machines nre infringements ami Ihelr nclloii is direct mid positive, lemleilio''
jle seller or user me liable lo arrest, line and them a reliable, speedy ami ccrlain faiecilie
liuprissoniucnl. Ciieulius free. Address or i for Ihe i nre of all ob-liuelions and suppres
calj upon Shaw iV Clark, Uiddcford, Main- or sines of nature. Their popularity is indicated
Chicago, Jll. by Iho fact that, over I nil, nun hoillcs nre nn-
.lan. I 7-1 v. i miallv sold ami consumed bv Hie ladies of ilw.
riMIKSCIISi'lilllKI! OKKlllts fO SALL
X tbc properly known as the
,,,,,1,, nl ,,w ltrownv.ille, Moiionealia couu-
ly, IV Va., three miles from IJIarksvilie,
Dimkaiil Creek, coulauiiin; about, '.'hi acres,
it is iu line order, good new divelliug house,
enriiage bouse, b.ons, sheep pens ami all ne
cessary out buildings, fences are iu good
repair i a Ibc young orchard of choice fruit
Upon the premises. Il, is near lo churches,
schools, stores, mills, Av., Ac The farm will
be shown l y Mr.A. W. Teniieut, near Hie
premises, orbv lie' subscriber.
Jlav SU.-ll' -M ipel Kurin. Diiel. .vd,
FAKlMEPiS' iIlO(5aY,
1 III-: OLD N V .MM til l' I J NI.W II AMIS.
L . XV : T II () M p S O X ,
UAVINO purchased the uliove named tiro
eery, has relilled and restocked It lie
has a eomplelii slock ol C'olil'ectloncry.oranges,
Lemons, Sugar, Collee, Tea, (green and
black). Syrup, .Molasses, canned fruit, cheese,
lice, sodiiasli, while lime, soli snap (country
made) caudles, crackers til all kinds, cigars,
tobacco, (ohir.vlng ami smoking) INh, lamps,
oil, small fancy arlieles, iVe,, iVe, Any one
needing tliu articles 1'Ulloueil or anvtlilng In
thu line not mentioned will do well to call.
Produen taken In trade, Rcniumhor tho placn.
Mm 'Farmers' Grocery," I'ormeily owned by
P. Jlruwn, jMayii, 'HHedy.
I lion will be luiule at the next Srsslon ol
the Pennsylvania Legislature, by Hie Odd
Endows Association, at, Wiiyueshur, (Ireeiio
Ciiuiitv. I 'a. i loehiuigii tho mime of thu saino
lO tllll KXCIIANIIH lllNK (!' V A VS H II t' Itf I.
Also, to mil horl.i! said bank to Issue Block In
shal es of (Illy dollars each, thu whnl'i not to
exceed one hundred thousand dollars,
iltllvll.'dll.-llin.' , IVesldent
f&Oo"A MOPTIU-a'h
Wimtml lor six einbely new nrllelen, lusk out.
udilres nO. T. UAltlOY, City Dulldlng, llldde
lord, Aliuu. iml7,'liil.-ly.
M A? A Mill.
3 IT
i'j-mli;it'iM atnl SVsmra.
. ing or (lenls Kinnishuig Ooods von nuiv liod
in their new fresh and well si lected t to'ck ju.-t
bought in the
Eastern Cities,
And which, for variely and cheapness, the
lik'-hasnot been seen or heard of for more
We will oply givi! a few of the leading arlieles
Willi prices nnd asli you, one andall, loeome
limi see lor yomselves, mul we will
more Hum we say.
We have
in, if.
; From lo lo 'j: dollars
lo Ii! dollars, and lor ,"
coSl we will lii iue
' M XI v., ,.
bu-iness coals from I
dollars will sell you a
I'm, Is Iroin I 7" to in dollar', will sell A Lb
! W'DL pants and vest for S.IH) dollars, Ihesu
: W(' WI" J!1""'i"",'''.: Vests from I Ml to I 0(1
j 'lll'A A complete assortment of
j EE '':'i" j &2 tC .ni33 !
I b'or Men mid Hoys, price raiiftint; IVom 7r els,
' to .i 00 dollars.
Drawers, Linen, Muslin and Prillimr,
Shii's, wool, muslin and linen,
l.lloyes. Ties, tVc.. Ac,,
in eadlesi variety. Suspenders fronl els.
lo "A. Ties for lo and i cents, ami a mileii-
did cotton hose for 1-", cenls.
Neatly opposile Campbell's
coiner. Main
May 111, ly.
Hi reel.
lllJiillf'! AND LUG.S,
at the old stand of Iluouns. Itwunwv. Co., in
lllces Lamling. I'a for the purpose nfenrrving
on Ihu (Iroeeiy, forwiirdiiig am! Comiuission
business in all lis various branches, They hope,
by Ihe long experience of one ol the Partners,
nnd strict attention to buiuess, to receive a
liberal sbaie of the public patronage iu their
Hue of business. They will
.i good supply of Or ries. such R,,..'
Collia. Itiee M.,..- Vlla ..,! 1 7. ..
and Paints, and all arlieles usu illy kepi in a
Grocery Store, nil of which they will sell nl a
fciy .small iidvan iver cost anil cnn'ia 'e,
May tl, '(l,"i tf
Lyifiis lV-riodicii Di'ojis
I'niled Stales, every one ol' whom sneak iu
the slroimcst Icrins of praise of Iheir gieat,
merits, 'I'hev nre rapidly taking the place ol
ii i. i.. i. ...... i.. . i
sideied bj al' who know mi'ibt, of them, as
eiv inner reniuo ocmcuv, linu nil! Coll
inesuresi, saii'si mui nmsi mialunin pri'para
o.... .1 . ..I....I I i mi l
una m i uu worm, inr ine cure ol nil leiualc
eoinplnliits, the remoi'id of till obsliuelions i'
nature, and the promotion ol health, regulari
ty mid strenglh. Explicit dircclluns staling
when they may he used, and explaining when
nud why thev should not, nor could not be
used without producing cllecls contrary lo
nnliire's chosen laws, will be found eare'l'ullv
folded around each bollle, with liul written
signature of .Ioiin L. Lvov, without which
none arc genuine.
Prepared by D. .loilN L. LYON, 1!T
Chiipcl Sli I, New Haven, Conn., wdm can
be consulted cither personally, or by nuill,
(enclosing stamp, ) com-enilng alfprivate dia
euses ami felimle Weilkn'cssi.
Sold by Druggists everywhere
, . , C l. CLAI!1 it CO.,
(leuoral Agents for u. M. and Cimadas,
Nov. n. 'ii.".. iv"
tiotu i't
WAVNUHiiititn, Pa,,
IESI'KCTFLLLVglveS notice that ho has
1 1 located hi Wavnenhor, Pa., where be In
tends to lunmiliieluru
0 A II It I A O E S
Ol'ovcf'v desitrlptlon. Prom bis experience hi
the business, he feels conllilent that Ids work,
hi style, ilulsh mul durability, will give eiillru
sa'lsl'aetlou. It Is lilstlctcrmhiulinu to purchase
Jin best material In market, mid employ none
but eonuietent woiknien.
t JrAli new work warreiited for ono year.
Wavm'slmi'if, Feb. jjl, Sllil It
J Ing been primled to tho undersigned up
on the enlnlo of Di.vld Evans, dee'ii.i notice
ts hereby cjvcu to all perilous Indebted lo suld
esiulelo make limneillnle pnymeul, nnd thonu
hnvlng clnlms to present them properly au
thenticated lor settlement.
CEO. EVANS, Admr'. .
Jyll, 'OU.-iit,
llio. K. Mtsoit. . i ....... I,. K. Evans-
'Pllt; above named linn has piltchaseil a
L coinplele sioek in thu Kasl and are selling
nl rciiuocil prices,
sorluiciit ol
ll comprises a general us-
lV"-i ''., . Ac.
.V",w'."."',l,.",s" 'il'1 "u! lecial attention
Hie LA I MLS to the largest lot of
ever ollercd in this market, and at prices ns
low as before tho war, also, our lull lino of
DliKSS (;:)( ) I )S.
di:i:ss TKIMMINGS.
hoop sicnn's.
You would do well to call Immediately, fta
prices n re already MiU'ening In the JCasteru
market, Don't forget the place, at Iho
In Minor's lluihling, nearly opposilo tho P.
& D. N. Hank, Wiiynesburg, Pa.
April is, 'ui! ti;
t'O.MH TO TOWN, l'Olt
cily, and have opened tliu largest
New Grocery
Iu I own. They des're to Inform Iho citizens
of Waynesburg and viciuilv of thn enro they
have taken In selecting stock, having on Imnd
a e:ood supply of i
(1A11S, TAIL also. PUOVISI
i''oK-i, fish,
ii;iKD pnAuiins,
Aie , v.(i , ito.
Call and see ilium as they havo Just
You will limi Ihem neeoniodiillnfr, and can
sell lower tlmti any ouu initio place. Ijo
sure to go lo the rieht pbute, hi'
f 1 !. ' ' ' r.1 ' '.!Mm!' nl,u "'""''y oc
'""I"1" " '' ' OSl UUICC .
K.Miriinia.ii, .ai;tik co, va.
masi I'.icicmaia oil'
This is tin! only successful Evaporaior'for
making a No. I Syrup with economy and dis
paieh. Over ten lliniis and were used lust fall, overy
one of w hich was insured, and not ouu return
ed. . .
It is Ihe onlyEvaporator IVeo from lliibilitles
fur infringement upon some previous patent.
We are ab:o airenls for the celebrated "VIC-
'l'Olt CANE MILL,"manufaelured hy ci.aiik's
Foinui mm iiim; co, We oiler Ono Hundred
Dollars I'remiuni lor Fiunplo of best ttyrup,
(see pilce list nf Cane .Mills and Evaporators,
Hl'nl ln''' "' 'eharge.) to h i awarded by Horgh-
inn I i in t'eiio. II,,, I,,,.,. .....I ,!.... ...
' . ii,.... ,i uuiii nun iiiieu in ii.miiii-
Inn samples lo be determined bv the Cimvcn
lioit. J), OWENS, Agent.
WJIHUE he keeps constantly on hand,
STOVES of all kinds and CASTINGS
of all descriptions, Orders solicited mid fill
ed promptly,
npr L'."i (Im V.YMi.snimn, Pa,
S. II. jM'Ei.uov. J. Dickson. J. T. Siunb.
S l It I N ( tTT'aT) 15 , 1 8 G 6 .
izpTirsr goods
Now SPIIINU (I0ODS nt. thu lowest
luaiki t price 1- .i i;iuih dsn tho stock wllllio
kept complete dining tho beasoa. Buyers
from nasi era mill .central Ohio, Western
Pennsylvania and West Virginia, nro Invltod
local I and oxnmiiio tliu assorlnieut, March 10
TTilr" "
Forty ultl'ereut styles, adapleil tosacwd and
secular music, for ,so to Anut) each Til lit.
llrst prenuunls nwiirded them, lllustratod
Cnlhloifiies lien. Address. MASON fi HAM
LIN, Eosrox.or JIAaoN JMuTIIKHfl, NnW
Voiik. BO)l;),'llfi-ly
Vifov li ki a ETTT
Wa yn Esnimci anj.) mem landing
nhw f'o.icn mxu, runs regularly each
day between the nlmvo imlnts, mukiiiit con
neellon with thu Mouonuuhcla Stenniers.
lyas.'GO.-lf . JNo. J. b'f UOSNmiSH.
. s