The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, August 15, 1866, Image 2

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    hols ' wore lired, and tho negro loll,
pierced wiih throe,
Hut this wiis only tho by (.lay, nml
scenes like thin were oectirieg i it u doz.
cu different places Tim Mechanics' In
stitute was still iho cenlnil point. Tin
Police uuj citizens 1i;i 1 possession of the
lower story ami ot tliu staircases. Tho
florgoant-ut-Arni had barricaded the
doors to tho chamber of ilia Convention
when Shaw went out. The tmluu charg
that tho negroes in the lobby of the
vhiinibur begun tiring from the windows
. upoii the members ot" their lurco in tin.
street It is cortui.i that they wen
tiring at tho windows of the Convention
and that the negroes in hu ullev's ami
door yards wuro liringal them, and thai
brickbats wuro also lively Hying, ,
considerable iiuhiIkt ot oti.ons I. ad join
ed the polico lureu in and about tin
Institute, and groat crowd.-), gathered at
tho corners of Canal and Common, and
along thu mill to tho City Mall, were
tiring at or rushing upon the lew piisan
ers brought along.
Finally a crowd ol policemen and citi
zens niado a rush at tho doors of the Con
volition chamber and brol.o llicia down
The exact order id what immediately
followed no man o.-in toll, ll is only
certain that as they out. red tho attack'
ing party delivered a volley into the
huddled muss of members ai.d speota
tors, which killed and wounded several,
and received one, severely wounding
Homo of t ho polienuv-'ii and killing some
ot the citizens. Each side charges that
tho other fired first, and whether from
testimony of paitieipants or from the
sound of Uio volleys, it seems impossible
to reach any other conclusion than that
they wcro nearly .or iiile simultaneous.
There followed a series nf sliflrl and
bloody individual conflicts. Negroes
woro shot down, members ol the Con
volition wounded ami arrested, and the
scenes u-f violence in the streets inleiisi
tied tenfold us persons began to emerge
lroni tho building. '
Standing at tins mouuiit in the high
est verandah of Motor's restaurant,
louking directly down tin., street to the
Iustiiuie, was a tato Major General ol
thu United States service. He saw lour
policemen bear out tho seemingly lifeless
body wl Dr. Docile, an earnest, "sincere,
perhaps fanatical member of Hie Con
vention, a prominent Fi;eo .Mason, anda
gentleman against, whoso private char
ucter no charge was ever made. His
head hung down till il almost, dragged
tho puvement, blood was slroainingTrom
his wounds ami marking the. path bv
which ho was borne. Around this it.'
aiiiumto body the crowd rushed and
- blasphoniod.or'laiigho 1 and cheered. At
last a cart was reached, and the body
was thrown in, when a morn determin -d
rush than any previous ono was made,
and tho rioters broko through, IScloro
.the cart could be, started, several blows
had been rained upon tho bleeding bodv,
Slid thu General felt sure that 'as one
man's hand descended ho caught the
gleam of a knife
Tho news Hew among the rioters that
Di" Dostio was killed, and it was every
where received, many i-qii.u'os oil' even,
where people had scarcely became inllam
d Willi the lever of the' massacre, with
expressions ot satisfaction ami positive
Meanwhile, retiiniinr ftotn C.-.imA-
c i i '.,.... ii ... r i... i . . . i
Biinu hi v.m uimeici, i i m isi set H ell
I.lll nn .1,,, ..,'l.,l. . .
rooms, nar tho corner of Common
when great cheer oaufo up from the
Instilute, anda dense mob crowded
along Common street lowaid the St
Charles Hotel. As thov approached We
could make out tour policemeii Wll-,
cocked revolvers, and in their 1Mi,ist
with hat knocked off. with coat nearlv
torn from his shoulders, with blood clot
ted over bis head and about his tied
with citizens rushimr at him. striking at
liim, shouting, "kill him,"pauly liiiipin" I k",')lVL',' a soll'll-'l'ly General was theie,
and pnnly jerked ijong by UieiufurhHed wU.h 11 htt R'''7' 1 1
policemen, caniu Jlichael I, ex-mem- ,'"llu ln'vT hy U', C fit:'t"u L,,t ,,,at
berof'lhe Uniled Stales House ot Ken - "?nt tlia mob shot down unother
resentnlives, ex Governor ot Louisiana, !u-''- ll'im l,;st!l1"t' ,"' utj"ti'
and United States Senator elect from j ,orJr-1 I,0"M H""k-'laslied
tho Legislature of Louisiana-the man ! !"" ", !" vwev We'" u,'llmi'L''l'll
to whom Abraham Lincoln conlidenti- yehmh'? "I""1.1l,,,u ,M",b' 11 ,i,l,li"S
ally wrote that -negro sullVage might yet J "f s:1V(!tl '"s hk hm di,rt,"S 10 tilL'
in some hour of peril, hofp to keen the : U-1S'
swel of Liberty in tho lainily of Free-
dom!" In ten minutes ho was, lyii
bleeding and toverisb, in a ceil ot the
city jail1, 'He was moro seared than hurt,'
is the cool comment of ihu 'leading
lournal' this morning.
A lilllo later camo the only stroke
of tho Clonic in all this sail tragedy.
Tho boaster id thu Convention, tliu hero
who would do and and die for his new
born love ol negro sull'rage, had not
yet been found. Arrayed in spotless
white ho had been seen to enter the
Chamber before the opening ol ilio Con
vention, but since the firing began, no
eye of negro had beep cheered, no heart
of Convention member nerved, no soul
of policemen inflamed by the radiant
sight of U. King Culler. The last
member had been driven out by the mob
and tho last negro stabbed; the Chamber
was occupied only by tho police, U'f
oilier rioters and tho dead- but still the
hero was missing. At last a bright
thought struck a policeman, lie explor
ed tliu chimney. Its throat was narrow,
und King Cutler's body was large, and
80, instead ot being quilo swallowed up,
there ho stuck! In a moment a non
descript figure oimo up the street, be
tween policemen and rioters, all so amus
ed that for tho moment, they lost their
nppctito ' for uuirdor. Iljpublieuii or
not, King Cutler was black. His while
hat, jammed down over his blackened
uosu and ears, like a half painted ship,
was already colored, lore and alt. His
whit coat hung down till black behind.
His epaiklitig shirt trout presented a
fitting stripo to correspond. Tho waist
band of his voluminous pantaloons bti
alasl that was where ho sliiufcj . and so
must I. .
', . Tho Convention had boon thoroughly
broken up an hour ago it that were the
object of Mr. John T. 'Monroe and his
rebel soldior policemen. Tho negro'
procession had been Bcalterod, its leaders
killed, and dozens of innocent negroes
struck by tho same hapless fato, if thai
were their object. But still tho author
ities and the citizens continued tho riot.
' An Innocent negro carrying a roll of
cotton jatnplos under his arm, quietly
ll.,,.!..!! f
ind...l it... kit I l I
iii"nnu inu 01, v. mines
liaekmuii pounced upon
ing iho non-rosi.Mrtnt, urn
crowd. A policemen
without a word it inouirv
every I arrel of his icvolvur at tho i
trato negro, wlio kept crying, "Am
mo, I ve done nothing arrest me. but
for God's sake don't kill mo infold blood '
To thu amazement, id all every shot mis.--eil
him "J!ut," exclaimed a re 'liable
citizen -lot the expression be set down
lorevel' to his honor with thoso who
knew him "ii I'd had a pistol I'd have
killed the iiii-wciiiit'polieciiion."
Carts were constantly passing, laden
wd'.li tho bodies of murdered negroes.
In one 1 counted six; many had two
and three. All were greeted with laugh
ter i occasionally one evoked a cheer.
Now and then a euriiago parsed with
some wounded white man, and not un--frequently
the crowd i would make a nish
upon him to fee if ho were one ot the
obnoxious radicals.
.Meantime, tho lighting negroes, re
treating below Canal street, into thu
I'Yench quarter of thu city, had once or
twicu reorganized, and made charge on
the polico. in the hope ol rescuing some
ol their lriciids i r avenging their death.
In tho course oft ho ufei noon ebetwen
twenty mid thirty policemen were Urns
wounded. The number on tho other
side can only be given by conjecture.
Wherever a negro, either entirely peace
able or by accident cut oil' from bis com
rades, was found, liu was pursued, and
il possible shut.
One loll thus near the noted millenery
shop of 51 id.imu Sophie, a low doors
below Jileioek's bookstore. A gentle
man so fur as clothes go, and general
demeanor stepped out from the sule
wa'k, and devoted a minute or two to
vigorously kicking the dead body. A
bystander made .some expression of hor
ror and disgust, when a policeman turn
ed sharp on him with, "Aro you one ot
them, say?" llo protested that he was
not. 1 1 1; lies," exclaimed another, "he's
a Yan;e sn licr .'" The luckless person
protested that he was not the policeman
tieively questioned him, and at, last al
lowed him to escape, on the express
ground that, ho "gaess'd he wasn't a
Federal soldier a del' all." This occured
in right, and hearing ol at least one late
General nt our army, who stood on an
adjacent upper verandah.
It was nearly or quite lour o'clock
There were artillery, cavalry, and black
and while infantry whlun an hours' call
There was a general of the United Slates
Volunteers in command, and during the
uuexpei.iedly prolonged absence ol Sher
idan in Texas, Ire was in supreme coin
maud. J In t ho was not merely a Gener
al of Vnllllilei'l'sl lie u- w mm tlm
liighest ollioers in the Froedinnii's liu-
lean. His iinifoi in made it his duty to
maintain order j but his special position
niado it, his especial duty to sou Ilia, the
frecdmen under his direct personal
charge were in t causlessly butchered by
parolled rebel soldiers Vet ho did noth
ing! Ono late Major General ot our
volunteers sought in vaiu to gain admis
sion to his i:lo:-ely guarded houso. Two
others persisted till they got in, and de
manded the cause of bis amazing inac
tion, llo didn't know thoro was any
thieg requiring his intervi ntion I Not
to know that was to be an idiot. Not to
' :, .
; P'' 't W.'IS tO be UU CUIlUell
I .. 'i"i'".v'i "s it should seem, hu was bub
i ,iu;t1""' IaSMI!,' down Caron-
' !' ,a wul' !l hmu' M 1,l,0 1 louM
.)""'. ' hetween iour or live, we came
i !"" "'10 u,l:ll;.l',lsl 113 mou was shoot
! lnS l'ow I'1'1!1'1 solitary uegro, wl.o
i 'is vaiiily atte.npting to du-h across the
! 8.,r,,lLtl0.!! I.,l:10(: . s;ll,il)'
luriiiuir troiu
! the devilish siht, wo saw toward the
river, beyond Canal street, the Ihutering
I lJ 11 M"s10 " ?0?' txm '." n oinont,
5y companion ami myself "moved
in less man a square n regiment
in blue thank God for the color at last I
came up Canal street, mi the double
quick, ami obliquing from sido to side,
left no rioters behind the artillery.
There wcro a 'few straggling shot
through Ihu evening, but that was the
end of the riot.
A Union ex Majiw General walked
down an hour later, to demand of .Mayor
Monroe, in llm nani'i of common decen
cy and humanity, tho release from the
stilling jail where .these wounded men
still lay, of Governor Halm, Sheriff
Shaw, Dr. Dostie, A. !'. Field nnd tho
rest. Ho was met by tke smiling 5Iavor
with the inquiry if the "thing hadn't
been pretty well done?'' While he was
getting Ins question fill answered, in
walked Cavalry" lvautz.
"Is this .Mr. Monroo ?"
"res sir."
"1 inn directed sir, to relievo yjii of
nny duties as Mayor ot this city, and as
sumo command as military governor of
iNow urieansj Yourself and other ofli
ettila will a wait and obey my orders."
In a moment lie received' his first or
der. It was to neeompany an aid, and
see to it that the meuibeis of the Conven
tion and other innocent citizens hliould
bo released instantly. Spi-cutl Cones
pmikiicc Cin. Gazelle,
Tun Richmond Uxamicr, in com
menting upon tho hisses and groans
given I y tho reconstructed rebels of
Kentucky for Giiant and Siihiiman, says:
"Not only in Kentucky, but through
out tho Union and the world, Grant
and Sherman will declino in estimation,
whilo President Johnson and General
Loo will bo recognized in all their purity,
goodness, and greatness."
There is no mystery in the fact that
the rebels now associate tho namo of
President Johnson with that of General
Lk.k. Tho President, by his oorduct,
shows he has repented of the part ho
took in pulling down tho rebellion, and
is willing to do all ho can, under thu
circumstances, to undo tho best acta of
his life.- PUtt, Gazette,
lim A !t It
ruhbeirV yr-yr-
ft '
" Vi:T)NKI )AVrAUOTS'i'ri.i,"l,s?i.
wisi Mfj.amn j ..mia'Awi'Uj mmc mm aw
Of Washington County.
Of C liter Til
( )f 51onor.gahela Tp..
Of Jefferson Tp.
Of 51 mong iheln Tp.
CAPT. .101 IX A. 11UKNS,
Of Kichhill Tp.
Of Gilniore Tp.
l'ooii IlorsK D1RWT0R,
' COL. JO.S COOK 10,
Ol .Marion Tp.
cum ! !
All fi 'lends of tlie Uni m w ho have no
fears ol -1,000,(1110 negroes usurping tho
lilieities of oO.O'Jil.OIKI whites, who be
lieve that "TREASON should bo made
odious and TU.UTO!!S punished," that
the victory belongs to" (ho victors and
not to tho vanquished, in short, thoso
who believe the people and not tliu
President should rule tho nation, i rj
invited' to assemble at tho following
named places on Iho days appointed :
At OiiKMi.Mon's T.wi-aiN, Jackson
township, Greene Co , Friday, Aug , 17,
1 8(iti
At Koii.i:svir.i.n, C-euter tp , Greene
county, Saturday, Aug , IS, l(Jli.
, Prominent, speakers aro invited to
address tho people. I Ion. Gr:o. V,
L.wiiKN:n will be present. Turn out
vn linttsi! to hear his vindication of the
Constitution nnd Congress.
who are Tin-: SkvoTutkwts?
We would not wish to bo called an
a!armist,nr ihL. creator of any novel imag
ination, but since the question is being
agitated, the idea of a revolution noon
mooted, it is not impolitic to examino
and study for ourselves what may bo tho
nature of such a movement and who aro
to ho the prime agents.
Who are they that talk loudest,'
threaten most ;lnt hear the low mut-
leniigH in me coming storm in every
breath that comes from a 1! idical ! It h
nono other than .the fo called Dem icr'at
to party. Thu times are parallel wilh
those of '(SI and 'CI. They predicted was soon to shake tho
ontinent, but all tho time threw their
energies into tlio balance of power that
was to usurp the nationality. They on
ly precipitated tli'j crisis ami it was their
object. It i not "passing strange" they
should do so again. Wo aru forced to
acknowledge the situation fully as start
ling at tho present tiinn. Tho terrible
fact is forced upon us that, to com
pass their treasonable ends, law is to be
disregarded, the rights of men and slates
to be overruled and every element ( I
revolution invoked to their aid. These
iivfu:tx, profoundly sad, but made in e
sistably true by tho complicity of thoso
same elements which before so nearly
wrought the ruin ot our country.
Wu may add that tho eontost has vir
tually begun, that llm clarion notes ot
war are sounded, and they can a'rendy
omhht.on on their triumphant banners
(he victories of Memphis and Now Or
leans. Would it be g dug too tar to say
that treason is now moi-o powerful than
in iho pa'iuiest days ot tho Confederacy ?
We thii k not.
Tho cauldron is bubbling over spito ot
tho more cautious endeavors of those
who would smother tho hidden fires of
hatred. The South makes tho slgnifi.
cant boast that the final struggle between
tho Union and Conservative party of tlio
country wilt be commenced about the 4th
of March 18UQ it a crisis is not sooner
hastened, and "then uiglit hundred thous
and Southern votes, or btiyvicts thrown
into the conservative seale, will dueido it."
Southern journals discourage the emigru'
tion ot thoir young men to work off their
"surplus oourage" in tho wars of Europe
and Mexico. They oall upon them to
"bide their time, it is a duty thoy owe
to their causo that it requires no pro
photic vision to dijecrn a mighty up
heaval of tho fonnd.tions of government
soon to take place." Why is it wo hear
such proclamations tuado, these guttural,
mites of warning Irjm such sources!
The conclusion is not hasty, that it;
proves a second rebellion . being organ
ized I This tiuio with tlio PnM'iit of
the Vnitel SUtui as Conimander-in-Cheifl
What ii to bo done? Let the
people answer At once. Let them gath
er in every city, village and community,
and unito in sending up to tho Capitol n
voice of protest and warning that shall
make the guilty hesitate and tremble.
Let loyal men couio together at once for
consultation and organized preparations
for the worst. Let tho fires which ac
tuated us in the last crusade for freedom
burn anew in each heart. Thus the
country may bo protected from impen
ding danger; without it other victims
will be sacrificed, other s' roots flow with
blood, until (he fearful scenes just en
acted in tho Crescent City, shall be re
alized all-over the land.
Are we in earnest ( We are terribly
in earnest' I Wuspeik words ot warn
ing, conli lent that (he fatiuo w.ll moro
than sustain them,
As tho days ot October approach it,
becomes us that we stir ourselves "like
men." It is not to bo. disguised that we
have a stubborn foe to resist, and that
conscious of victory, we are getting re
lax in our exertions. Tins should not
be. On the contrary, work with increased
; energy und make the discomfiture of our
enemies this Kali so overwhelming that
it will leave them no doubt as to the
helplessness of their cause.
The coining Friday and Saturday aio
the days selected tor the gathering of
our friends in Jackson and Centre tps.
We would impress upon nil tile necessi
ty ol attuudinglhese meetings. Devote
those days to the cause of thu Uni,)n,
I and come, bringing with you your neigh'
bors ami acquaintances. Hon. Gi:o. V,
Lawiiuni'H lias pledged himself to be
present on both occasions, oilier able
speakers will doubtless be there. Turn
out thousand by jour earnestness ami
enthusiasm carry dismay into the ranks
of our opponents 1
Tho Coppurhead papers are jubilant
over the election in Kentucky. Verily,
they oug'it to have something to croiv
over otico in four years ; but it seems in
ibis they have nothing wirth wasting
pen and ink for, in tim m iin question in
Kentucky was : whether their oiii.ens
should lie paid lor tlm .-I ives tliey liber
ated by (he rebellion, and, of course, thov
( voted in the atl'ii'maUve by a large ma
Ijority. Wi: are exp-scted toseoiu-, tin! 'R"pul)lica!,'
for tho m.uiner In wliieli it, puhlislieit tliu
names of on- dolomites t th,i S iMim-s' m-
I venlloa. I h;j 11. is;; is ton coiitrinplpily low
jiinil nii'iin lorn deivnt in'intu hnelle, niel wo
ueoiuiu u.ii;uiiij ill,.- u.l.:u:ill inill. .l.'.s-.v.vl-trr.
We b )i ro,v a reply from Preiriee. ho
j says, '-It is impossible tor a gentleman to
kick every m ingy car that may 'yelp,
1 yelp !' at his heels. It is natural for
' pups to bark at gentlemen."
Tin: Pittsburg Civile says; Fears
.have been entertained that effirts would
bo made to retail itu on tho Philadel-
phia Convention some porlio-i of thu
j violence inflicted on tho L uiislana Con
stitution i! Convention. We understand
thai precautionary measures have been
concerted by thu Stale and city author
ities to m lintnin order an 1 einureper
soal security. This is well. Not on'y
high comidoralious of duty require this,
but tliu lower considerations of expe
diency. I!y all means lot thu President
and his supporters have a monopoly of
brutality and bloodshed. Loyal men
ought not, and mint not, sully their fanio
and d tni igi their cause by resorting to
General Chalmers, u notorious light
ing rebel, whoso h inds aro yet rod with
tho blood of tho slauglitore 1 patriots of
Ft Pillow, is ono of thu delegates to the
Philadelphia Convention from Tennes
see. He made a sp.Hieh recently, from
which the following is an extract: "It
was not tor S mthorii aggrandisement
that the S entered into the late
revolution, it was not an effort ot her
politicians, it was not tliu work of him
wdio to-day is pining in prison at Fort,
ress Monroe. Ho was not ashamed to
say that ho lrved him then, and was
bold to say that ho loyed him now.
Loud cheers. He is tho greatest of
hvinir statesmen. Few have ever been
his equals. Cheers Wo are, perhaps,
now in the midst ot another revolution,
and it becomes every ono to stand with
his armor on. Republican institutions
aro now trembling in the balance. There
aro two grand opposing ideas which
brought on the late war individualism
and centralization. Wo of tho South
struck for individual liberty, but central
iss'tlion overwhelmed us, and endangers
the liberty ot the whole country. Our
question wont into tho court of war, aud
was argued and decided against us, and
wo have submitted hko good citizens,
Wo havo sulmiittod to a Govoruor not
of our own ohoico, boon insulted by our
termor Blavcs, and lost four thousand
million dollars' worth of slaves, greater
than tho war debt of tho North. And
ought they to call upon us to pay their
war debt? Wo sco. however, a glorious
summer iu a son of Touucssoo, John
son has struck for us." ,
Tho laws of thu Comfhonweatih disfran
chise convicted f'eloiiH and paupers.
Such as these are debarred from all
participation in thu choice ofruleis and
tho adoption ot laws Now tlio question
arises, h a wilier to be put on a fool
iiiij with paupers and convicted felon?
Aro men, willing lo peril their lives in
delcnso of the Government, to be placed
on an equality with wretches w ho, by
their oiimes, haye forfeited nil right lo
share in tho control tk-rcof? Jlirdn
Vlljnicv MS placed Imu-c'' on tin! record
in favor of such an equality. Hn von:i
TO PISI--IIANi:llll! TUB Sol.IllKI!, W 1 II CI I
AM) PAUPK'US. Soldiers (ifPcnnsyl
vaunt: are you wining to contcr honor
and power by your votes on a man who
voted to disgrace you? Answer lit the
balluLbox !Lir,Te!e.
It may interest many persons lo view
again the lineaments ot their favorite
military chieftains within a political frame:
Gen. Grant,
Gen. Meade,
Gen. S lerinan,
(ion. Hancock,
Gen Crawford,
Gi n. Sheridan,
Col. Coulter.
'Gen.' Ilaihr,
'Gen.' Siegel,'
Gen.' Sehiii z,
'Gen.' Schcnck,
'Gen.' Cameron,
'Col.' Forney,
Gen.' Geary.
Ihu military trappings straps, but
tons, stars, eagles, itc are cipinl, it
will bo perceived, but. there is avast
dilleicnce in the color ol the exploits.
Erie Obsi rrer.
Precisely but 'why don't you com
plete the Pretidcnl's column? .Here are
some of his unwed nupporturs:
Wiru Tim imtisinuNr.
Jefferson Davis,
Gen It. 10 Lee,
Gen. IJ.auregard,
Gen. Early,
Gen. Stuart,
Gen. Loiigstreet.
Gen. iMeClellan,
Col. Mushy,"
Andersonville Wirz,
Wilkes Rooth (in
Hicsler Clvmer,
C. L. Vallamlig-
Uoberl Toombs,
Guerrilla .Morgan
Every Southern
Every Northern
De.-erlei-s and
Tho Democratic
Hread ami Butter
We think that Grant, Sherman, Sheri
dan, and other Union Generals named
would preler Stevens' column us
they diil through a recent civil war. Il
riipiiri's a rather vivid imagination to
get them into Ihu oth. r picture frame
don't it, .Mr. Observer? Kiie
-"--.-- ;
Tin: 1 Itli ol August, the day fixed for'
tlio assembling 1 1 the Pniia-lt Iphia Oon-
veittiuit, islho aniuversaiy oljell'. Davis'
t.tuiona prool.imatioti 1,,-inishing all Union
men tioin (he s -ulh. As the deloo-ales
to, and thefiiends ,.' Urn
conclave may have forgot.ton tliiitdocti -
moid, wo reprint it, us follows;
".Now, I JoUbrsou Davis, Prosidi-nl
ol the Confederate Sla'os do issue this
my proclamation; and 1 do hereby older
and re.piiro every male citizen of tho
United States, ol the ii"0 otfoiuteen
years and ivtirds, now within the
Uiitleileiate State", and adhering lo tho
govern iient of tho Uniled Slates,' and
acknowlc Iginglho authority dtthe same.
and not being a citizen of the Confederate
States, to depart from the Confederate !
States within lotfy days. And I do
warn all persons above describe I. who
shall remain within the Confederate
Slates alter the expiiatiou of said period
ot forty days, that the.y w ill be treated
as alien enemies. '
"(iiveu under my hand and seat of
tho Confederate Suites of America, at thu
city of Richmond, on litis 1 lib d'yuf
August, A. D. lao'l.
Seal, J t:rri:i(S()N Davis
'il M. T. llunler, Senret.ry ot Slate.'
IlAi:i!lsui;iiii Pa. Auo-ust 10 Tito
parlicul irs of thu attack on the (ieary nalnral action, ami impart a healthy tone
soldiers; tit York last night, aro as fol- with slrcngtli to the whole sy.-tem. Not only
t . . 'm ... . , do they ctii-o tlu everv-dav comtilulnts of
lows: lhotratl was moving oil whoa everybody, but ulso formidable and danrer
the solilutts III tho open gondolas were oils discuses. While they produce powerlul
attacked by a parly secreted in a corn-,
field, w hence canto discharges from 11 re
arms, stones and other missiles. Half
a dozen soldiers were bit lly bruised
about the head, and tmu was shot in the
log. Six shots wcro fired at the closed
cur in which were ( J ov. Ciirtin, (Jen.
(ieary, and thu ladies and ehildri f tim
party. One ball uiilorud aud is slill im
bedded in tho wood of the car. Of
course tho ladies weio much frighten
ed, and their sc'eains were heard by
tho boys on board, who caused the
train lo stop, nnd went back tiller the
attacking party who fled iu all direc
tions. A special policemen appointed
by tho Democratic authorities ot York
is Said to havo fired several shots.
Tllli KnMIITS OK TIIK ((Ot.PKS ClllCl.t'.
have been organized, the old titlu hay
ing been repudiated, and the namo Jyj
stu Circle adopted iu lieu theicfoi'. This
order is very numerous in Clearfield
county, tho homo id Senator Wallace,
who is suspeolod as being tho originator
of tho proceedings to introduce the order
in that soution. Tho Mystic Circle like
tlio Knights of the Golden Circle is of
Southern origin. It hud its first public
demonstration ot strength in New Or
leans tlio other day, wdicn Its armed
members toll upon a convention of un
armed Union men, nnd murdered ninny
of them in cold blood. The grand coun
cil of this order is to meet In Philadel
phia on tho l ltli of August, in connec
tion wilii tho Doolittlo-ltandall Conven
tion to assemble iu tho eama oity at the
laiuo time.
Lonpon Aug. 9. There is urent ex
citement here this evening at a supposed
atteuipi to blow up Iho two liouses ol
Parliament, len packages ot minpow-
der, with a filso partially Imrued, wire
loiiml near tliu entrance to thu Lord
Chamberlain's ollico in the House of
Lords. The mem tiers ot Parliament
havo Visions of another Guy F"vku
gunpowder plot.
Tho deaths from cholera in London
during tho last week were l,0f)3, and
from diarrhea Sot.
Equalization of Uountics I
VJiJUJlMiSm ISIM-Cl! who served a veins,
k5 or weru ill-eliaiv'ed from wounds or ilisu-
tiility incurred in the. lim1 of than uro entitled to
tin ittlilitinihit our Itiiiidirtl tfollurx tiuiinlif, Tlto-c
wlio i-iililo. I liu- uiul served 2 years, or were
d'nehiiivod for wounds, itil., uro entitled lo
ij.'iil additional biinty. The lu-lts of said, d
censed soldiers are entitled to tlio same.
uio itnoi'iM;oi"il iiavunr av, it thiikk
vi;vi!S in- tiii: aumv, und hnviti-; bad eonsliler-
uhlu experience Ii. eolloetiii.; IJOL'NTY j'.NI)
PENSION CLAIM: will eolleet. lite nm srv
imdor thu late 1 iw. Call at Downey's Law
Olliee, rppnsite Court House, W'siyiu-sKiir-j,
P.i. I'.rina your Oisehaijres with vn'u.
j. a. w'oons,
uui!.-:'.t Claim Agent.
I). 0. SITRRV, Pnoraii roit,
rpill-; subseribor respectfully iinnoiinces to
I. the public that ho h is taken charge of tho
Hamilton House, which he is determined to
conduct us a lin,t class liotcl. Lout; experi
ence in Imlel-k 'eiinc' lt!iM oindillcd liiin tori
II o business, un-1 hu feels perfectly confident
that ho can stitlsfui torilv enteil'dn all. who t
nitty tavor him with a c:d', Tho houso is1 LV It, has sreatly more power und volume
large und wi-ll-l'tiriush-.-d. It lias undergone a j of tone in proportion to its cost,
thorough renovation und been re lilted in such ;s, lly iho emplnyn cut nt a very simple
style us renders il ittile pleiisunt. Tlm moms invention, its capacity for expression is vast
have been re-papered and newly painted ; tho ly greater than lias ever before been attained
........ .3 i.ii,lnii.-l inn, uiu uL-ai un ; m such in si 1-niucius. j. ills invention is cs-
bles Iho eotiiiliy atl'iirds, und pains uro taUeu ' pecially valuable, Iicchuhc scarcely uny prao
to render miosis comfortable. Rates us low lice is'necessnry lo lender It uvailublo Any
us those of other hotels. ). O. Sa-iiitiiv,
There iseoiineeled witlflhe llaunllon Hmisu
a Livery Stable, with good horson, carriages
und littgios for the uc.eoinod.i'ion ol'llio piib
lie. llorsis hoarded, tdul wellalU'tidod to, at
model-ale rates. I). Cl. Se,.i:i:v & Sos.
aug l.i, 'Uii.-lv
V. f. Itlk't'ED.'tl SU'VCaiUJll T.iX,' Il Is a geni-rul reeling among thoso about to
Onion in- Iximnu. I!i;vi:m:i-;, ) purehusu musioul insl.runieuts, Unit were they
-Mih l)i-triet, Stale of Peiiu'a., S , "1 diteel coinnninicatiim wilh Iho liictory they
ll',oi.,-.u-, Anaii"! m, I siia. ) I would have a greater opp rlunity for select-
VTOTICK is l.rr'ehy given to all persons who 'fr,, "-n "u .i"a!.n,m,mt tlmn U
l 1. tvo been assessed will, un annual Tax. 1' 1 U ',0 T "We ,i",tt,n T?" T1?'
under the Kxclso Law of the Uniled States, in ' , " . T'' l,wl.t0 $?M
(lroc-ne countv, that Ibeir taxes are now duo f ' 1 ,,a" 11,1 l;n t dbtiince
und payable, and that the Collector .will be at . ' . " 7 1 w 3 'L'"' ' ,l lu , '"f" u,ir,"'0
,.!,. J,,v ... , .., ,,,, i Ii' '"ty, Jiessrs .Mason ii llitmlin have eatab-
'Vi'iVmi i i'.-r j l"'l,,,,;ml,er 17"1'' Hslieil a number of 1 17,. A..m-ivs nt itu-
v . i, ... , v 1 1 . i ... -, y.n,
1 1 I-, r.NSUl M I, " 7i,
And tit tho Olliee, in Wuynesburg. on till
wed; days nolo September 1st, to n-ecive the
same, und if said tuxes-are not paid within tho
tin' persons so noiilootiii'' or rcfusina to nav
shall be liable to'
TTJ2X pQ CGllt.
' ' "'
teMiiionul upon tin- uoiottnl thereof. Vuilod
'-'des or Natioind liutil; funds only. luUeii iu
: nugiri.-liii.
' O " ' O'O.
' AU,per,os k,.owig""th,,Hsolves indebted
to llm lti.t-i iu.umn (Ii.-m.-h, cither fur .lob
Work or Subscription (hiring the six mouths
Hu; paper was conduoted iiy Mr Wulkins,
Z L'
Earlv attoiitimi in this mailer will save cmi.
, " v,,,V..7," 77 ,,, ,rr..
I l I J 1 , O V.. V l ll.'VIW L IO I 11,
A HE the must p-rl'ect purgative wliioh wo
..lire able to produce or winch we think his
ever yet nern nude by niiylindv. Their ef-
teels have been abun
dantly shown to the
' community now much
t I,.,. ........ , ,-
nary medicines in use
... J A,,, . HI, llll
- 1 hey uro safe nml
pleasant lo lah-o, b.-.t
powerlul to enr.- -Tlieit
liropertios slimtilute
tlie vital nclierios ol ib" bode, removhi" I In-
oiistriiciioiis ot us organs, ranily the liloml.
expel (liseits.-. They purge'oiit. 'ill t foul, ho-
ulato sluguisli or disordored nnrans Inl'i
inoru wiiicii nt-eeii mi grow ilislemper
cllecls, tiny uro at Hie same lime, in diminish-
i e.i, inn huicsl -.oni nesi iinysic lmil cull
bo employed for children, lieing stlgur-cout-cd,
lltey are pleasant, lo take ; and, being
purely vegetable, urn free from uny risk o.
harm. Chios have beoai made which surpass
belief, were they not, substantiated by men
t ot such exalted position and diameter us to
: forbid the suspicion of untruth. Many emin
ent clergymen IiihI physicians havo lciit. their
I nuiiics locca-lil'y to Uio public Iho reliability of
our remedies, while others havo sent us tho
iis"ar,-iaco ofthoirconviettou that, our Prepa
rations conti-.liulo Immensely to tlio relief of
our, siill'ering fellow men.
Tne Agents below n lined Is pleased to
I'liruidi gratis our American Almanac, con
taining dircoliiins for the use ahd cerlilletites
nl lliolr cures, nl tlm billowing complaints t
Cosllveuess, llilioin Complaints, Rheuma
tism, Dropsy, lleurlliurn, Headache, arising
from Foul shiiuaeh, Niiusea, Indigestion,
Morbid Inaction of iio Rowels and Puin
iiilslng therefrom, Flatulency, Loss of An
pelite, all Diseases which ro.juiro tin evacua
tion mudiclno. They ulso, bv put Hying thu
blond und Htiiniilatlng thii system, euro ninny
complaints which It would not bo supposed
they could reach, such us Dciil'iidis, Parllal
lllludncss, Noiiruiglmnd Nervous Irritability,
Deiangeinoiils of tlm Liver nnd Kidney's,
(lout, and o'.licr kindred complaints arising
fioin a low stuto of the hotly, or obstruction
of its functions.
Do not be put ofT by unprincipled dealers
with other preparations which they iiuiko
more prollt on, Demand Ai nu's and take, no
others. Tho sick want tlio best aid thoro is
is for them, nnd they should havo It.
Prepared liv -T. U A Kit & CO.. Lowell.
Mass., aud sold by Dr. D, W, Rraden,( Dr.
iv in
Vm. Ii. Orcl'ili, M. A.. Harvey, Wnyntshiirg,
'a., am' iiliUruggcits throughout the county,
iiugH, 2m
Dividend Notice.
J. oNOAina.A Tuia-uniAi-ir Company
lire hereby notlllcil Unit a DIVIDEND, at tho
rate of 10 per cent, per annum Is this thy do
dined, counihig from date of lust dividend.
By order of Directors,
W. Ii. a. WILSON, Treasurer.
Monoiigiiuolii City, Aug. 1st, 'UU.
W. I.. HAMILTON. W. .infiitt.
11 L ' t nil v.u Utiles und patterns. Tlmnliovo'
linn Imve recently iislalilUlrcd a luuuufactory
of tliu Mud immcd ia
and uro prepared to him toU everything In'
their lino, such ns Uumm, Pitchers, Jurs for
liresorvinjr fitiit. Jtc, Ac. A Supply kepl con
Bluntly on hand. The public, am) country
merchants pitrlieuhirly, are earnestly request
wl to call and examine their stock before
purc-hns-liur elsewhere.
oiuimiiumu uisuuieu will reeleVQ
C A It I set ou; lS,
dinyita to Secular and Hums Jmte
nniC'R?) : e'HO, I30, 1 ID, tflfin, andupL
1 wards acciii-diiij; lo number ot stops and
style of case.
'Tho C.Miixr.r Oiuianr ni'iiuifuetured cxclu
sh lyhy Masiui & llMiidiu, have met with a
success unprecedented iu thu history of musi;
c:l his'i nments. tlupplyitii,' n wiuit long felt;
they liuvo been received with tho greatest fa.
vor bv the musical profession und tlio public,
have tdicudy been very widely Introduced',
and demand for Uiem is MM rapidly increasing
un, I must continue io increase as I'irir merits
become Unown. They urn admirably adapt
ed to the performance of Secular as well as
Sacred .Music.
Tho Caliinet,.OrKan is csentlally dilTorcnt
lroni ami a very grunt iiuproveinent upon all
'mtriitneuls of tlio Jleloileon or HiumoiiUiiu
Tho mora organ like character of its
i tone.
i,iuiai ,riioiiu. r i:,ui iiiiisier n in all Hour.
1. It ailiuilsof rapidity la execution,
adapting to the performance of u grout variety
of lively secular music.
". iNo instrument is less liable to get out
of order.
0. It will remain in tunc for years.
poitunt points, where u full supply ot all tlio
various styles of Cabinet Organs is constant!
I kept on rami. This agency in Pittsburgh is
; ii h hii iafr one, ami purchnsi rs mnv rely on
beingsoived hero, us iidv.inliigeonsly as at
Iho tin-lory A eiimpctent player and inutl
ciau is always ia ullctidaneii at the warel-oonts
of Hie Mibset iliers to perlortu nil tlio instrument-
exhibit, lle-ir various ppwets and quali
fies, show the diU'eieiil slops uiul tlieircouiliinii-lion-i.
nnd explain their iitb-rnal conslructioa.
All iiislriitneiitssold in the city, are sent' to tho
lesid.-iioe of Ilia purchaser williout charge,
anil those Holdout of the city uro securely
boxed und deliver, d ul. the railroad stations
or Ian lings in the city, five nl'expense.
Persons nr-li-ring mi organ by letter, uro in
sured Hiatus good un instrument, will ho sent,
us if lit -y wcichem lo select It personally; Iho
subscribers (loisl,lorlng themselves bound
by honor mid interest to select und forward
Mvit ntlirr than llie iv-i- bat of tho stylo order
ed. The subscribers will ho happy to receive
eotiimunieali ins from any ono Unit desires
I'lii-lhcr information niioitt tiie Caiiiskt Okhans,
and ure u'.xiomto put. into the bunds of every
body, whether iiitcndmg to na in
strument or not, a cop) ol thu circular, which
contains ii vuslunumnlof ink resting musical
inloiiuution. Copies mailed free to any ad
dress. CHARLES C. MKLLOR, & CO.,
HI Wood Street, Pittsburgh. Solo Agent for
the Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organ's for
Western Penusvlvuniii.
, nuiS. 'liii-li.
23- IkI. sayors, '
Will attend to nil claims for back pay, boun
ty mid pensions of soldiersand their representa
tives Tlio Pensions ol'lhe following class aro
increased lroni !;JS to i?r und ijnv, per inontlb
iind w dows (or children under sixteen years
per tniml'li each, vi. :
1st. Thoso who have lost tlio sight of bolll
eyes, tin: use of both hands, or otherwise total
ly disabled and incapacitated lroni porforauug
manual labor.
lid- All widows having children under six-
teen years of ago m-u entitled lo $3 per month
additional for each child.
.'id. (Itiurilkins representing tho minor Ml
ilmuit soldiers am entitled to thu same increase
usil the inothi.r was living. attg.l.'utj. tf
rjUIOMAS FI-:i!i!KJ. respectfully announces
I. Unit ho has purchased tho slum o('('li,,, ij
llhtkey, and solici sa call from thosewho may
desire his services as Harder mid llair-DruHser.
Hu oreitpios room Ni r, Cutupbclrs HoWi
wli :ro ho is preiiiired to norlbi-m llnlr.
ucroiillng to Iho latest nindu, and llo SUavia
witli real luugnum honiim razors. "
Come liitli r, como hlthor, by night or by day.
For tlio gay; and tliu witty hu shaves and
in nun,
And as ipiickly as ono, dressed and brushed,
goes away,
Another is sure to drop down In tho chair)
Aud tlio ( bin that Is smoothed, and the hair
llmt is dressed.
So polished nnd graceful and noutly appoar
That ll'Tasto line ti mansion on earth, 'tis con-
, It Is here It is hero I
Hero Fancy designs, and as guy tho design
As tliu gayest winch Fashion o'er taught to
tho tndo,
And graceful thowavo of tlio locks as they
Where Forrul's hand has their beauty nrray-
Thori let old and young, all tho lovers of Taste, .
l'oril Tasto has a mansion ou earth, hither
It is hrre tt Is hero i
Waynosburg, nugl.-tf.
ISTo-ws I "
,w?,'!d (,nllho Kll,t IV stock of DRY
(JOODS, wducli he offers to tuh imihi.ic at tho
lowest possible rates. Call and see him.
Humus In tho west end of tlio. "Greta
Houso,'1 Waynesburg, Pa.
A YEAR made by any ono with
lfl-Htenoll Tools. WxiVorl.
once necessary. Tho Presidents, Cashiers,
and Treasurers ora Hanks ladorso the clrftular! '
Heat IVeu with siuimlcR. Aibiw... n, i .
can Bleucll Tool Works, bprlnKtleld" Ver-