,1 WAYNESliUHG: , WEDNESDAY, AUCiUST 8, IBiilt. Tiik. FicsnvAi.. On Tuesday ovening, 81st. ult. tlio eagerly anticipated, nnd much talked uf Kail" uml Festival of tliu l'reiuyteriun 1 -Chalmers Milu Soeietj," canio oft. All the Jay our town labor ed under a (liverish restlessness w Inch told of 8O1110 important evcr.t about to transpire. The bustlu of preparation kopt all moving. Everything ami every body that could render nssislniico was "pressed" into scmoo. There was hnr ryingtoand fro of inaid'iiud matron,1 and it was evident from the amount of "provender" being carried into the Court llouso, that some body wim to be fed. Evening canio and fro the tonos of the bell ha 1 died away the expectant began to pour into and fill tlio h ills to overflowing. Tlio ringing laugh and merry twinkling of eyes skilled in llie roguish glance, told of nought but en joynient. Tlio arrangements wcro nil that they could be. UetVcsliinents were abundant nndofthat quality for which our ladies aro famous. The llor.il and tincy de partments gave ampin evidence ot good tasto and handicraft, and the post ollico arrangement did much to enhance the conviviality ot the occasion, A band some lhhlo was awiuded to llov. A. 11 Miller by the voto of tlio audience, eaWi vote costing a small sum.- A miniature bod-room, and brido were disposed of a la lottery and it is said that some ci tho old "bach's-'' invested largely and lost, not only tho bed room, but perhaps, their last chance for a bride, lting eako, handsome pictures, ite., wcro similarly made way with. An umbrella was vo ted to the ugliest man n: the house, ("0 spccchec,) and a pair of canaries to the handsomest lady. Many mirth provok ing incidents occurred, all passing oil' happily. Prof. Stoy's Orchestra added much to tht giyety of the hour. We understand the Society realized tlio sum ot 122. Q lite a compliment to tho generosity of our citizens It shows their appreciation ot real earnestness and a horrible detestation of subscription papers. . "We live lu deeds not yearsla thoughts not bl'eiltllS, In feelings not in II jures on a dial, We should count lime by hearts throbs Ho most lives Who thinks most feels noblest actsthc best.' Ami that's "Doc" Uniinat, for lie deals fair ly, ami st'lls eheap'.'St. Sniuous S r.iim Nil Airii.vv. On the evening ol tho Eestival, mid w hilst the majority of our citizens were either in attendance there or in (heir beds, a very desperate and almost fatal all'iy took place on the street. There are different versions of the particulars and to avoid miss-statement we give a sketch of ca di The parties aio Jacob Ullery, a student from Wash. Co , and Collin Minor, of this place. The affair in question arose trom an old lend existing between the two mentioned Having fmght some low weeks before Minor had been Home what worsted and it thus led to a second meeting. Fears were entertained by Ullery of an assault after night by Miuoi and his friends mil is said to have given tlmm fair warning, if attacked by more than one ho would resist to the doilh. This ! attack was made on the evoning refer cd to, by tho latter with two others, and 'ended m the severo cutting of Minor in four different places. Another report sys that, the striking, was simultaneous oil meeting, Unit but the two were en "gaged, and tha cutting was altogether uunecossary. Which is truth, wu are not proparo 1 to say, tho first Btory has popular orodenco. It was foaro'l at first, that tho injured party could not survive, onof iho wounds being iu loarful prjxiniity to tho heart. At last accounts ho is sxpected to recover. No arrests hava been undo of tho pnnci pal parties. Tho indignation ot our citizens has boon aroused heretofore concerning (his realtor ol regular knock down and drag out, street fights, they being of frequent oocurroncu of lite. Considerable cx oitemcnt was manifested over this. Those of our "h'hoys" who fight for tho "fun of the thing" will bo npt to have it dem onstrated to them that Waynesburg is a poor plaoo tp do it if tho nightly scenes of Iho past month are ro enacted. It Is an Indisputable fact that GuuiKiihiut the best muslins in town. Ouoiir to uit Uksiovhd Tho dirt and garbigo eolleoting in our streets and al ley should bo removed at once. Tho health ot our village is unusually good for this time ot tho jetir and it is for the welfare of all that it should oonlinuo lo. Tho sultry bums of Aug. uro nil long iu distilling pestilence from do id animal and vogetable mailer exposed to their rays. Will not our town council ice to this immediately. Fined r-"Tom" Mooney of this Co. lor using obs'jone langungo on tho street one day last week. This is n good bo ginning, but rather a Into timo to begin It is to bo hoped our oftioors will not forget their duty in tho future, mid ar rest any, who coer they may be, thus openly violating the law, civil and moral r Puhsonai. Hon L. Ij. .Minor and his son "Eu " aro on a visit to their honn and friends. lloth nio looking well. It must bo a relict to escape tho city din ing tho hot months, and wo wish them much enjoyment during their short res -pito from business. 'Pi:t money lu thy purse," i. i, go to. I, UcillLlt'S' Wk would call flwi attention of our readers to tho advertisement of Messrs Hamilton it Josics, in another column. From the i':ifeiieuce this firm have in 'llieir business they cinnol fiil to give perfect satisfaction to all who may patro nize them. As it is in the midst of the fruit season, our merchants would look well to their intorcs's by procuring a good supply of btuiie ware from these gentlemen. On! IIoniivJ 1UU0 pounds of nice honey in caps, wanted by N, II. Mi; Ci.kli.ani, at li.n'ts jer pound. 'N.vru" has "any quantity" ot groceries on baud to be sold at the lowest figures. Hai.stI'.d's Waynksiu'iki yuon Sl'OIIUl si;xr this Faioiuiis' it DitovKiis' Nation ai. Hank. Where can be found n hugs stock of Homo Madu and Eastern Hoots and Shoes, Dealing in nothing but the ono article of IIools and Shoes, they can offer superior inducements, for some thing good and cheap in tho Shoo line. Call at llalstcii's. A Good Nk.miikh.'-TIio Phrenological Journal for August Contains Portraits ot IJonj Franklin, Lewis Cass, etc., wilh articles on Kesponsibihty; Sowing and Heaping; letting Married; Writing, llie Philosophy of Pbonog'aphy; How to Live; Over' Eating; Head and liody; M in-Mi nkeys; Ins anity, and Heligious Excitements; Physiognomy, Double Chins, Large Ears, etc. 211 cents, or $2 a year. Fowi.kii it Ww.i.s, N. Y. Disini'hct. Hy llie tree uso ot lime, copperas, or any deodorizing substance, you may save many times its worth in doctor's bills. Mi!.. IIknky Jauoih, of Franklin tp. hat sold over 1 L Ot) gallons of blackber ries this season. Who can beat it? Fnr the Uepublican. THE FESTIVAL. Tho Cha.iners' Mito Society ot the Presbyterian Chureh ot Waynesburg, take great pleasure in being able to slate that their Fostival, held on llie evening of tho ulst ult. was a success exceeding their most sanguine expectations, and proved to be a very liberal reward lor their unreinittiiii; labors din ing a period of some four weeks in preparation for it. The gross receipts amounted to .'T- 73; the not proceeds to !? 12 OH. The Juvenile Mite Society realized a very liberal sum for llio purpose of re plenishing their Sabbath School Library. Tho ineiting was characterized with good order, which greatly enhanced the pleasure of those present and made the occasion a very pleasant one. The So ciety embraces tho earliest opportunity of tendering their most cordial thanks to the Commissioners of iho county, t'oi tliu use ot the Court House, also to the Elitors of the different papers published in this place for llieir complimentary notices of tho Festival, also, 'to the young hnlies, who are not members of the Society, for their kind and voluntary assistance in increasing the number of fancy articles, and to tlio citizens id Waynesburg and vicinity for their nt tendance and liberality. Com mi mil:. WllHllH TO SUB TIIU CaUINET OltOASS. Tho "lioadqiiarters"' ot tho Cabinet Or gan aro at C. C. Mellor it Co's 81 Wood street, who have the exclusive whole sale agency for 'Western Pennsylvania. This wholesale agency is established by Mason & Ilunihn j'01. tho purpose of af fording to purchasers residing in this locality tho same advantages, us to price and extensive assortment to select trom, as aro afforded at the factory in Boston. Mellor & Co, have just opened a Hdoti did ware room, in addition to the two largo ones they already have, for tho special exhibition of tho Cabinet Organs, and they now keep a stock of trom fitly to sixty of theso instruments, compris ing all tlm various styles and prices made by Mason & Hamlin, The establish ment ot Mellor & Co. has proved by cxporionco of many yoars to bo worthy ot tlio oonddouco of tho public. Found ed iu 1831, by Mr J. H. Mollor (tuthor ol the prcsonl proprietor,) it constantly increased in size and Importance through liis management, and his honesty and fair dealing soon noquued for it a most wide spread and enviable reputation. 0. 0. Mellor & Co. have well kept up the tradition of tho house, and in their name purohiHCi'it Iwivo a guarantee for tho excellence of any article sold at their establishment. ' Seo advertisement in another column Loon at it! Every Church in town has its Mito S iciety, the College has its literary societies, the ladies have their saving societies, the young men nre about organizing a brass baud ami a TI.espiaii Society, we have uiir lodges ot Odd Fellows and Masons, but there is one thing wc haven't got a Lodge of the Society of Hood Templars All over the State and in nearly every State in the Union, similar organizations are iu vogue, having tho best effect in aiding to arrest the young of our hind, on their dowi'ward course to ruin. What say you, you young ladies that detest the luini'S of tobacco, and drink on the breath ot your gallants, will not soino of you take it in hands ? It can be made lolly as interesting nstiie Mito Society and accomplish perhaps, more good. There is a 1 u'ge liehl Just, hi re. Fro.n present prospects, there never has been, within iho memory of the "oldest inhabitant,'' such corn crops in this c unity, as will be gathered this fall. So far as our information extends nil sections ot tho county aro having good seasonable rains. A Ci;i!iosirv, The Heaver .liY,says J. T. I'oyit, Esq., ot this pl.aee, while at work in his garden on tho 2d ot May last, found a piece of gold coin which weighs within .two pennyweights of nn ounce, and which bei.rs tho date of A D 52!). This makes tho com, incredi ble as it may seem, Mil" years old. The coin its df is a Spanish piece, and was found in ho ground on -which old Fort Mcintosh stood. Ills supposed to have been carried to this place by some one ot tho officers at ono tiifio quartered iu the Fort. Mr. 1! his refused fifty dol lars for bis relic, and prefers to hold on to it himself. It is certainly a quaint piece of money, and litis an n'o that reaches a great distance back. FKO.M JlBXrC'O Nnvv Voi:k, July 2.1 - .Tho Herald's San Francisco correspondence says; The steamer CoiiliMeulal anived there on the 2 lib. from Ma.atlun on the lllih. !.'.! I I J t . oiiiiging a lingo nunioeroi imperia l Is vvlm are Itymg trom wreck olihoEm- pire, and seeking protection under the i u..:. i - i .i eii Stars and- Stripes, winch they find the uBoiiiiiii.eu uncus miner Maximilian unable to defend. Tho refugees give a "looiny account of Iho situation of affairs in the western - AN F.XTHXS1VK SALIC AND Dis part ot the Empiie. In Sonoia till is TIUIIUTION pf I'iaima, Mclodemis, Quid and eon'ussion, and disorder itigned su- Silver Ware is now going on uUhe Salesrooms promo. Sinabra is lomplolely" invested of l!i.i:n ifc 1'uo , III Liberty St., N. Y. These by tho Liberals under Corroru. who has goods nru sold at TWO DOLL.VIW KACII, a large and well armed tTou tinder his Kkii.viiih.kms or Vai.ck. Send TWKNTY coininaiid. At every placo south of F1V10 (Vnts for one nuiuUere4 Noiiee, or Scncola where tho IinpurialiRts were iu ' OK DOLLAR for SIX. The Number on the ascendent, tho Liberals are in anus each Notice corresponds wilh the number on and making headway. ' f nine arllcle of goods, which will be Feiit on Tlio' Anierican citizens in Max itlan .T)1t r . The money will bo refunded complain ot the want ot p'roteclion nffjr- ! 0f the goods do not give sa'tiifaclion. Agents ded iheiii. !,.,!; TWKN'tY-i'IVU D0LLA1W I'EU lhe Herald's City of Mexico corres- pondent says the -lih of July was duly ee1cb'illed there by the citizens of the United States residing there, (ieueral J. I. Magnulcr of the rebel army, and Prince Sdm Salui fi.rmeily of iln United Slates army, paid their respects to the American Consul during the day, besides cnite a crowd of less distinguish id individuals The Declaration of Independence was read by the Consul The nieino y of Washington was eid )g i.ed by ex (Jovonior lceynolds, of Mis sonri, and Magrmler responded to the toast of the nrmy and navy of iho Unit ed States. That to the memory of our murdered President was received with distinguished honor, nil the rebels pin ing with Magruder in respect lo Us observation. (Jen. Chalmers, "late of tho confeder ate army one ot tlio famous heroes of Fort Pillow," is unking speeches in favor of Andrew Johnson. (Ion. John A. Logan is making speeches against him. Tho reader' may draw the Infer ence. MA RRIE D. ' On Juno Mill, nt tho Hair House in Hiidgeport, Fayette Co., by liov. J L. Stilly, Mr. Ci.aukson Jamison, to Miss Ei.iz.viiktii Fi.o.sr, both of Fayette Co. Pa. July 12th, by the same. Mr. Fhank Hamilton to Miss Emma Couwnnsont, both ot (Ti'cctishoro (Jreeno Co. Pn. " ' July 28, l(l(i, by Ituy. J. s (iilnon, Mr. C2.vi.vt.s Sium'NiicK. to Miss Ivatic Fn.nv, both of Orceno Co. Pa July 12th, by Hev. Alex. W. While, at the residence ot the brides' father, Mr. Jos CfAYroN, of West Va,.toM.vi(v Jank Hutu, of Greene Co. Pa. July 22nd. nt Mt, Morris, by the Hev. M. M. Eaton, Mr. John Hi.anky of Mon. ongaliuCo. W. Va. to Miss Louisa C. Coi.h.man of Mt Morris Oreeno Co. July 29th 'CQ, af Newtown, by Eli Uoso Esq , Mr. A. S, Mounts, of Mt. Morris, to Miss Katk Sthi-huns, of Now town Greene Co, Pa, DIED. On tho 3d iust. Mr. John Huks, a well known citizen of this Co. ut his residence in Franklin tp. On tho 20th ult. Ciiaiimk infant son of Mr. S.. Groves of this place. Y OU CAN SAVE MONEY liY 11UYINO Y'OUlt HOOTS AND HII01CS AT HALSTKD'S, WAV N1CSHUUG BIIOK STOItH. NICXT PAUMEHS' AND DUOVICHS' NA TIONAL BANK. rmgVtf NEW YOWC MONEY MARKET. August 4. Uold closed quietly tt 147. Waynesburg Market, COIIIIKI'TIOI Wlililll.Y IIV .1. UIMIIKII.J Mutter; liHi roll -" t'ollee per It. -M to !W Corn pur bushel I"1' Com meal per tmshnl WO Country Soap per H j'K ( 'undies, mould per II'. s Canities, dipped " Cheese per lb Piled Teaches per II) E.rs pi r dozen Kli.nr per II1 Flax seed per liushel '.. Fealhers per ll , bard per II) It. W. Flour per lh Molasses Outs per bushel ........... live per liushel...... .' Itico jior ll Siii;ar, crushed per II) Sii:rur. ivllneil " l.i .in no . t nn , ,10 . i." . (" . 1 00 . ." . 1 no .' 1" . 'JO Sujjar, New Irleans, (I His I (Ml Svrup. pcryuPoii ... I no Sail, No. I "per bll !l .M Soil S'Vip per gallon i" Tar per pillou I no Tea peril) '-'a'-' In Turpentine per gallon - .V) Tallow per III I.'i Wheal per bushel a ".n While Lend per Ue.i,' ? 00 While binio rr bushel l' r.1- Wo 1 eiimuion to line .'iiiuiio Potatoes per bushel .....I '.'Oat Kil riTTSIUKIi (iKXKKVI, MAKKKT l'lrrsiiiiioii, Aui',usl I, ISilil. ClfAIX-WI eat. ill fra v Corn ill ".'iwTSi!. l!ye at line. Muckwheat dull. H.OUK Spring Wheat at iSIO,niv.vlii,;,o. Winter " at .tl!!.oe(,r'.',.-,o Hve at .il,riO(i).oo. 1 1I.VY Haled at fl-.'U.llo v tun. liOose tit ij;'JO.illVi.-,"i.i)(. K(!GS Sales uf. JUcts. Cltl'.LWi eslern Iteseivo lit l.V.dl!. Itanibnr ut 17. New lurk tiosheii iu llUTTKlt-l'rime Hull nt L'lV'-'l. li.VIt'IMOKK CATTLE MAItlvKT. Mvi.timoiii:, Au. 15 'ef (!attli!--Tlu! of' felines ihiiin the piist week were 1171) head, ajiainsl BS2 Jiend the previous week. The market eloped with a decline of i: on fare to ')od. which qualities arc ipioled'at 8(.. ;lle, and prime at 'J(nV. ' Siiia e The niaikel lias been rather h i-U mis iveeii, lain prices nrin. nines in -i fmri for stock sheep, aiul .ri JeO.Jc per lb. l'ur till sheep. Hues. The supply in market has been about npt it lo the demand this week, wilh sales at ijsl I T lo $l"i,Oil per I DO Ids. WOOL M.VHKKTS. Huston, AuyiBt 4, lSCi;. Sales of domestic fur tlio week foot, upsonio I'J.'i.oiiii lbs. at a ranKeot' t.'rnllic Inrfterce, and ,'i."ia7'.'c for the various grades of pulled. In eluded are lotsof old Western lleeeeut ."lOii'i.'ir: MiehiMii al ".Saiiiie; old New York and Ver- I"""''"1 '"'""i'-'ei new Ohio nt (i-.'Aaille for lui-'Oiiliii into inn' iiiiu i eiui. n.uun in ii.i.ivi.e for uood to choiec tills, New Voi.iii, Aug. 4. The market, continues dull mid unsettled, mid prices tend in f.ivor of the riirelmser. The rales foot up 1iio,oimi His Slate and Western tieeees, mainly at rillall"e, but including small lots at rather higher prices, and small lots unwashed 4i)4lc'; I0,nmilis tubbed, .Kin r7.l.e! L'.l.nuo His Texas, p.irt at L'.ia '.'tie; '.'.i.oiio ins l unto ma, .'iialoc; ao.non ... His pull-d, n.iai ; 1,(1110 low do, 20e, 77.0IH) i:l7ie, 2,011(1 lhs unwashed is soiiiimrn, ir?!!f!' ! ' "!": I . i and oil lia es Cape, 41c, and 7 hales Aliican, ii(.Lri, SPECIAL NOTICES ! W KKK. Send for a Cireulnr ItKRI) MTtO. OllV:e : SI Liherlv St. A; ril t S, " I v T. O. I!OX. r.i:w, New York. A CARD TO INVALIDS. A Clergyman, while residing iu South Ajueneu, as n missionary, discovered a sale and simple remedy for the cure of Nervous Weakness, Ivo'l ' D.'cav. Diseases of the I'rinarv and S aniual O.gans, and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habits, llreat numbers have been already cured by this noble remedy. Promp ted by a desire to heuelll the alllieted and im l'ortunle 1 . ill s aid the recipe :'or i reparing and ii.-iug this medicine, ia a sealed envelope, lo any one who needs it, free of charge. I'lr is inclose a post-paid envelope, mi ll rcssed lo vourse'f. Address, JOS. T. IN MAN, Station I), Mihlu Mouse, Apr 11, ly New York City. rpiiu confssioxs'a'nd EXratlKNCE L Ol' AX INVALID. Published for i he benellt and as a C AUTU N TO YOUNU it! UN tun! otheis, who sutler from Nervous Dehilitv, l'l'enialure Decay of Manhood, &o., supplying at Hie samii lime Tin! .Means op Siar-Uinrti. Hy onu who has cured lilmsclt alter undergoing considerable iiiackery. l!y enelnsing a po-lpnid addressed envelope, single copies," free of charge, may be had of the aulhnr. NATIIANIKL MAYEAirt, Es!., .May'il) '(IG.-ly Mrooklyn, Kings Co., N. Y. WHISKERS "WIIISKER3 I ! Dr. Ij. O. jMom'hz' 0im!hi. the greatest stimuliitor in tliu w rid, will force whi.-kcrs or muslaehes to grow on the smoothest face or chin s never known to fail ! sample 6r trial sent free to niy one desirous of testing Us .lierils. Address, ltEICVKS ii CO., U Nas sau Si, N Y. jyll,-!liu. Notice I S IIEIUCliY GIVICN THAT A1TLICA l tiim will be made nt the next Session ol Hie Pennsylvania Legislature, by llie Odd Kc lows Association, ut Waynesburg, Grecnu counly, Pa., to chiinfl the name of the sainu lo the Kxi iiAsoM Hash ok Wavnksiiiiiiu. Also, to authorize snld bank to lssuo stock la shares of lil'ly ilollara each, the whole not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars. JOS. F. ItANDOLl'II, JulvlI,'CO.-(lm. President AltltOWN IIOHSIC, NICAlt SIXTEEN hands hlh, vvhilo feet, wilh black spots and a Bear on llie near foro foot, U or 7 years of ago. This horso strayed or was stolon from the premises of the usdersianed, near Cur inlcliiiels, on Monday nhiht, tilth inst.. Any one rIviiiu Information lcadiiii? to iho discovury of tlio horso or detection of tlio thief will receive tho ubovu reward. jya.au iiqulsWOUTII IIAltriCU. ASSlTlWli NOTICE. TVTOTICK IS lllCttEDY GIVEN TO ATX Xl persons ludehted lo W.M. A. 1'outkii. either hy Note or Hook account to mako hn I mudluto Bcttloment, Tho nccouuts must bo closotl. Those having claims will present I thorn for settlement W. T. E. WEBH, I j'JO fit Assignee. IlllMfcWH I HI LECTURE TO Y O U N (1 M K N . Jimt J'utilitLbtt, inn .Sailed Kneehjiis. lYtett tlx rnitiit A IiKITI lIB ON TIIU N.VTCIIK, TltK.VTJIUST AND ltadicid Curo of Sperinatorrlui' i, or Seinlnal vveakneas Involuntary Kiiiissi ais, Hexual Do hilily, mid Impediments to marriage generally. Nervousness, Consumption, Knilepsy and Fits; Menial an l Pliyflical lneapiinity. resulliug from Self-Abuse, Ac Hy UOHl'KlM. Cld.Vl'.lt WKLL, M. D., Author of llie "Urccu Hook," Ac. The world-renowned nullior, I . Ibis inliui ruble Lecture, clearly proves from Lis own experience that the awful coiisntrut'riees of sclf ibuse may lie ell'ectually removeiy without iiiedielue, nnd wilhout ilaiigeroussli'rglcid ope rations, iiougies, Instruments, ring:!, or r ilials, pointing out a mode of Cure nlouce ecr lain and elleclual, liy which evury suite rer, no mailer what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, piiva'ely, and riiiYically. This leelinu vviil piove a boon to thousands mid thousands. S ail under seat, to any address, in a plain sealed envelope, on lhe receipt of ilx cents, or two postage stamps, hv uddresslii!! (HAS J. C.'KLINM iVCO., Ii" liowery, New York, 1'ost Ollleu No. 4o.Mii. niai'.'L lid ly "SHERMAN HOUSE,"- .itst oi'i;ni;d hy 1 )OSl'l IVKLY lhe niost'eomplete Hotel in 1 our tuwii, Everylhlag coinliiucd to fur nish the best iieconim'odation ever yet ollered to lhe public, .Me.i'luluiie.shei'f iS all hours, table provid ed vvftli'rhc best of the season. Also, ii line in rmtm minun titled up and at'aehed to the house, mid a ii.vit-unrivalled for the variety and nualily of its contents Choice wines and brandies, good whiskey, ale, Hue cigars, Ac, form a few among Hie prominent items. Travellers anil those desirous of refreshment will do well tOntil, "Tom" still retains his old reputation of an necotnniodating gentleman, and hospitable landlord. House, the one for merly occupied bv the "Messenger" Olllec. May'.l,'tii;.-ly. Jcirersmi, (ircoiiB County, renii'it. .t.'.s. .. i:i;.u!Misi:n, iwimtrcs. nAVINU KKCENTLY.l'TTTKD CP THIS well known estalillshmenl, .Mrs. licM iiAiixi.it is prepared lo furni-b ilm hunt, to the travelling public. The TAliLK always sup plied with the choicest delicacies, tha 4IAH with the llnest Wines ami Liquors, good sleep ing apaitmeiils, and an abundance of stable loom attached to the premises. Public patronage solicited iMay '.'Villi -ly. 1)11 TODTAS' ' VENETIAN LINIMENT. Hiud ok nioiT what a prettv and inlerest l' tug child I saw last vvetk! Hut now, alas! it Is no more. Such was tliu conversation of two gentlemen riding down town iu tliu cars1 Died of croup! how .strange! Vhcii Dr. To bias' Venetian Liniment is a certain cure, if taken in lime. Now, Mothers, wc appeal t you. It is not for the paltry gab" and prolll we make, but for the sake of your infant child that now lies playing at your feet. Croup is a dangerous disease ; hut uso Dr. Tobias Venetian Liniment in lime, and It is robbed of its terrors. Always keep it in tliu house ; you may not want it to-night, or lo-inorrmv no telling when hut armed witli this liniment you are prepared, let it come when 11 will. l'riee only lu cents a bottle. Ollleu iili Curt-I 1 milt Street, New York, sold by all druggist . - pYrTOIJlAS' VENETIAN LINIMENT. ACKUTA1N CUK'-i for twins in limbs ifim buck, sore throat, croun, rheumatism, colic, &c. A perfect, family medicine, and never fulls. Head! lied'.! Item!!!! Livonia, Watnu Co., Mich., .Tune 1C, "!1. This is lo certify that my wife was taken with (Jiiinsey Sore Tliroal ; it commenced to swell, and was so soro that she oitld not swallow, and coughed violently. I used you Liniment, and made a ported (aire in .one week. I firmly believe that but for the Lini ment hhe would have lost her life. JOHN 11. HAItLAN. l'rieu In and SO cents. Sold by nil druggists. 0!lice.."iil Cortlandl Slreel, N. Y. $1,500 PER YEAR ! Wo waul i.eeis every where to sell our imckovkd ijcjn Sewing Machines. Three new kinds, t'udi-r iind upper teed. Warranted live, years. Above salary or large commissions pnfd. The only machines sold iu llie t'nited .States for less than I0, which are luily licens ed by Howe, Wheeler A: Wilson, (i rover it Kakcr, Singer & Co., mid l!acheldcr. All oilier cheap machines nre InlriiigemenLs and lhe seller or user Halite to arrest, line and hnpiisMMiincut. ( i -nlais free. Address or call upon Sl.uw A CJark, i!id lel'ord, .Mains or Chicago, III. .Ian. 1 7-1 v. For t3sLG ! 'J riMiKsLiisciiiiiKit nffliia ron sale the propeilv known as the , TYCAHD F A R Pa3 . situ ate at New Brownsville, Monongalia coun ty, W V"-, three miles from lllacksville, Dunkard Creek, containing about I'lii acres, it is in line order, good new dwelling house, cariiagc house, turns, sheep pens and all ne cessary out, buildings. Fences arc iu good repair; u ue young orcharihof choice fruit upon Iho promises. It is near to churches, schools, stores, mills, in:., Ac. Tliu farm will be shown I y Mr. A. W. Teiuicnt, near the premises, or by lhe subscriber, AUGUSTUS HSKNWEIN. May U:l,-tf Mapel Farm, Dunkiinl. FARMERS' GROCERY, TIIK OI.I NAMK lit"!' IN NI'.W HANDS. I. W . T II O M 1 S O N . HAYING purchased the above namc4 Gro cery, has rullltud and restocked it lie 1ms a complete slock ol Confectionery, oranges, Lemons, Sugar. Coll'oe, Tea, (green nud black), Syrup, Molasses, canned fruit, cheese, rice, soda ash, vVhitc lime, soft soap (country made) candles, crackers ot nil kinds, cigars, tobacco, (chewing and smoking) fish, lamps; ol', small fancy articles, &a ins. Anyone needing tlio articles mentioned or iinylhlng In tho line not mentioned will do well lo call, l'roduco taken In trade, ltemeniber tho place. Iho "Fanners' Grocery," formerly owned hy lMirown. May I), 'uii.-ly. Rlobvi't iouxht'i'ly, Carriage Manufacturer Wavnusiii'kii, I'a., ESI'ECTFULLY gives nollee that he tills I located hi Wayneshorg, l'a. where lio In tends to iiianufuctui o CAR I1IAO K S Of (ivory description. From his experience In the business, lie feels c'onlldeiit that, his work, lu stylo, finish and durability, will give entire sa'.lsfaelion. It is his dotoriniiiatlun lo purchase Jio bust material in market, and employ none but competent workmen. B-3-A11 new work warrcnted for ono year. Waynesburg. Fell. '21. ISIlO It . AD.MINISTUATOll'S NOTICE T ETTEHS OF AI1M1NISTIIATION HAV Jj lug been granted lo the nnderdgned up on tho estitlo of Davlil Evans, dcc'd.i' notice Is hereby given to all persons Intlebtea lo snlil estate to mako Immedliilo payment, and tlioso having claims to present theiu properly ail theiitlnatud for settlement. GICO. EVANS, Admr'. Jyll, 'CO.-Gt. M AT A D10SKT: .'V I'll 1 DDI? N; CLAM & SON AUU NOT TAKING GOLU FQU CLOTHING, l'.VT- Ki't'ml:u'lis and IVini'a. CURRKNCY!! WILL HUY ANY Alfl'K.'LK OF CLOTH lug or Gents Furnishing Goods you may Iind iu llieir new fresh, and well si lecled stock Just boughl in tliu Eastern Cities, And which, for variety and cheapness, the lik'i has tint been seen or heard of for mere than tSia k KJ iixil rjw ecW i W will only give a few of the leading articles with prices and ask you, one and all, loeonio and see lor yourselves, and wu will prove more than we say. We have i-W wt-i nki 't. From 10 to J."i. dollars; tmsiuess coats from 4 to Hi dollars, and lor .I dollars will sell you il cunt we will insure V15 Viiiilsfrom I " t 10 dollars, will sell ALL WOOL pants and vest for M. no dollars, these we will guarantee ; vesls from I no to 4 00 do tars. A complete assortment of For Men and Hoys, price ranging from "." cts. to n oo dollars. Suspender", Hosiery, Drawers, Linen, Muslin and Drilling, Shiits, wool, muslin nud linen, Gloves, Tics. &c &c., in cndlesi variety. Suspenders from 'J' els. to 7.V Ties for I " and 7" cents, and il splen did cotton hosu for P-'.l cents. Nearly opposite CanipbeH's corner, Main Direct. way id, iy. NEW FIRM ! T MIICUNDlCitSIGNKDhavi! assnei itedtliem fcclvus together in tliu name and stylo of 1IUGIIKS AND LUO.iS,' I .ii the old stand of 1 1 nouns, Iiavaiio & Co., in lliees Liindinir. Pa., for lh purpose ofcarryin I on the Groceiy, Korwarding ion! Commission liusiiiess in all lis various branches, 1 hey liopu, liy lhe lmnr experience of one ol the I'lU lners, nud strict, attention lo business, lo receive a liberal shaie of the public patronage in their line 'of business. They will KEEP CONSTAN 1'LY ON HAND .ii good supply of Groccnes, such nn Sugar' Collec, Hice, Molasses, Nails and Iron, Oils and Paints, and all articles usually kept, iu n Grocery Store, all of which they will sell at a ery small advance over cosl anil earrlaiic, LINDSICY IICGIIICS, ' THOMAS I.UC'AS. May.'l, '(l.l-tf OrYesTes! (niV. ALL YOU GOOD lT.ol'LE, J young and old, win want to purchase GOOD AND CHEAP CLOTHING! and examine niv NEW STOCK which 1 liayu jusl brought mi from the Chy of Philadelphia, 1 can sell as good suits of nil kinds of CLOTHING! ns cheap nud cheaper than can bo bought In any other eslal lisliiiienl. I ion d'etennihud not to he undersold by any one. A. .!. SOW EHS. WiivncKliunr, Mnyji. 'iiit.-ilm. Lyons .Periodical .Drops THE GREAT FEMALE HICMEDYF-Jt lltUICGULAitlTIES. Theso Drops are a seieiilillenlly couipouiid ed ll i lit 1 preparation, and lictler than any Pills, Powders or Nostrums. Helng liiplld, their action', w direct ami positive, rciHfmmg tlicni ft reliable, speedy unit certain spcclllc for Iho cure of nil obstructions unit suppres sions of ua'iilrc. Their popularity Is Indicated by the fact, that over lOO.UilO bottles am an nually sold and consumed by Ihu ladies of llie United Slates, every one ol whom speak In tlio slroinrest leruis'of praise of their great merits. They are rapidly taking tho placo of every other Fern do Itemedy, and aro con sidered by iiii who knovv might of them, us the surest, safest and most Infallimo prepara tion hi tlio worlif, for the cure of nil feiniilo enmplnlnru, Ihu removal of all obstructions ' nature, and tliu promotion ol health, regulari ty ami strength. Explicit directions stutilig when they m iy h used, mid i xpliilnlnj; when and wb they should not, nor could not lie used' without )roduclil"! ollbets conlrary to mil urn's chosen laws, will ho found carefully fulded around oacli buttle, with , tho written signature of Jons L. Lvun, without' which none aro genulno. I'repare7l by I). .TOIIN L.' LYON, fttfl' Chapel Hireet, New ItaVeii, Conn., vlrt can bo consulted cither personally, or by mall, (enclosing slump.) concerning tiirprlvalo dis eases ami feliialu weaknesses. Bold by Druggists everywhere , .C. O. CLAltK CO., Ocnoral Agents for U. 8. niul Cuniidas. Nov. H, '115. Iv. SOo A MONTH I-A.. wauled for six vnlircly new urlleles, Jus. out. iiddrcs uO. T. GAREY, City Hulldlng, Ulddo I'oT&t Miuo. Hiil7,'G()..y. f.KO. E. Minor. L. K. Eva DO'iYF STOP TO LOOK BJUR nt;, o n l a ii t iff TO Till! HT01IK ' CEO. E. MINOR & CO 'PI IK above named linn has purchased oj L couiilele sloel in the Last and1 are selling III. n.'ilueed prices, It coaiiuiscsii gcilc'rut as' sortineiit ol DUY GOODS. GliOCKltlKS, lIAKDWArvE,' (iUKUNSWAUK, HOOTS, SHOES,' 11 ATS A N I) CA I'd, CLOTI IS, CASSlMKItKtV to-)' &c.,- Sic. Wo would also call the special attention' the LA 1)1 ICS lo tho largest lot or Sr Laities and Calicoi-i ever ollercd in this market, nnd nt pr'Sicif ss1' low as uulbro tliu war, also, ovit lull lKib Of Kir.llONS, VEILS, . DKESS f!f)f)TJS, UltKSSTIUMMINGS-; 1JUTTOXS, .. IIOol'SlvIUTS, liALMO. SICIIITS, &c. You would do well to call Immediately,, aa prices aru already stiffening in the , JCnsturf iiiarket, Don't forget the iflace,' lit tliVi' In Minor's liulldlng, nearly opposite tlio P. & V. N. Hank, Wnyncsbiug, Pa. Am-n w 'lai.ti' mum CHOLERA! now 10 AVOID THE DREAD DISEASE! COME TO TOWN, TO If . RISiilllllT & INIillRLll II AS JUST ItlCTUIIXED FKOM THE city, mid have opened the largest New Grocery in town. They dcs'ie fo.frd'orm tho citizens' of Waynesburg nnd viehuly ol' tli.o caro they, have taken in selecting stock, having1 oft lsimtf n irond supplv of " . , CONFECTIONS, TOIJACCO, CI (SAUS, TAIl. nlso, . VKOVISI-' ONS.UACON, DHIEDBEEP l'OPATOEs, FISH; D1UEIJ PEACHES,' , &o , &6. , Call and seo llieui us they havo Just You will liml iherh nceonindalinir. nnd can' sell lower than any ono lu tho pluco.' Bo sure to go to tho right pluec, iu LEDWITH'S OLD BUILDING. opposite tho Court IJouse, nu'cf foriii'erl'y oc ciiiled by the I'obl Olllco. up IS, 'Oil. -If. 0 NIC 1IL'NT)HED DOLLAItS PltEMIUM . OFFEHICD liY NIXON & DURCHINAL, b.Mlllll llil.l)', l-AVITI'H CO, l'AV MAMII ACTCIllifts OK" CAMS 3IILLH AM) COOK'S EVAPORATOR. Tills hi flic' only successful Evaporator' for' nliOuiij.' a No. 1 Syrup with economy un1 cBa1 palch. Over ten ihmnnild Were used lust fall, nvcry onu ol'whicli was insured, uml not ouu return ed. Il is the only Evaporator freo from liabilities' for Infringement upon some previous patent. Wo are also ngenis for lhe eolubratod "VIC TOU CANE MlLL,"niiuiufactiiredby.ct,A'HK,s. Hoiino m.vciiink co. Wo offer Ono Ifinidmil Dollars l'reniiuin for sample of bostSyrtriv (see pi lee list of Cauo Mills and Evaporators; sent freo of charge.) to bo awarded by Sbrgh urn Convention, tliu timo and placo to exam ine B.vmplcs to be iTotcfmlned by tho Ci inven tion, i). OWENS, Agent. ALSO, PliOPItlETOH OK THE EAGLE FOUNDRY, WIIEHIC lie keeps constantly on hiVjid, STOVES of till kinds und CASTINGS' or alt deseilplions. Orders' solicited nud till ed promptly, upr :'" lim AVavsiisiiuuo, Pa, rii II; ' M'lCi.nor. J.vs. Dii'kron. J. T. Siiaik.- S IMIINQ T K ADli,' iti 00. JDJrtTST GOODS AT VVIIOI.HSAI.K 1 WMMl DICKSON & CO.,, i FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA., Now olt'eill.elrSI'ItlNO U(X)DS at tho fcw'eBt lltalkl I lll-lell ! i'.'lll eiMII-ll.n a I. ...Ill l. . , . . v Mlu iwi,l will OU kcit eonipleto during llio sunsoii. Buyers iron cnsiorn nnd ccnirui Ohio, Western luwiuelviiiil.i ntnl VV,,DI VI,...!.. I.. ....... v, ,,.-, , ,,,,,1,,, un, invueii loOtill ainlo.tnuiliio tho ussoriinent. MnrcliKi' T II iT "v MASQN & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS Forty ullttirent Btyliis, Rtluptud lo oacrod nnd TY FIVE UOLD or SILVER' MEDALS, or lll'uf tii'itinmitia tt.(irifti1 I,.,k. . Til . ' . ' ...... u.,,,,u iu,:,,,. lIHIHinilCa t!iilidoKiies Iroo. Aih'ress, MAHON & HAM LIN, UosroN.or MASON llHUTillCUU, Nkw Yoiiit. soplU,'05-ly WAYNESiHTtO AND KICE'SLANDINO' hiiw coach link, runs mgularly cucIV d;iy between tlio iibuvu polntH, inaklnit don. nectlon with tlio Monoiignhela Sfeumers 'J,-i,'l)i).-tf J NO, J. BTltOSNIDEU.