FAHMEKS' COLUMN? ''Speed tho plow Mid speed the burrow; Pence and ploi ty semi abroad, lktlcr fur tliu spndu and barrow; Than tlio cunnoii nnd lliu sword." . ' CANNED FlllTT-lIOW TO PKESEHVH FUL'IT l'Olt YYINTEltVSE. To can fruit, Biigur is not necossnry., or at luast, not to any great extent. Wo have often ciilcn punches u year oi l, preserved in air lijjht inns, without a morsol ot sugar. Fruit thus pn served is almost us good ns thonjjli just from tho troo. How to preserve fruit in this fresh stato is known to many. It is a sialod book to many. Let us unseal it. Wo will tell you how to seal up fruit fur future uso. The simplest, cheapest, nnjl, in an ooonomieal sense, best vessels for the purpose aro stoneware jus. Those , of one-quart sizo are worth .1,")0 per dozen, thoso of larger size proportion ably cheaper. Good, soft, corks are worth 50 cents a hundred. For use they must lin soaked in hot water, or steamed, and may then bo cut in halves Select your jugs with mouths of even nizo, and your corks of a larger size than would fit, so as to have to-t'ureo them in Glass jars are preferred, because you can put in whole peaches, or large pieces ' ot fruit, and can always see how it keeps, and the variety. I Tin cans aro objectionable for acid fruit, and because they aro not economi cal. Somo persons consider them pois onous, after they are corroded. There aro many patent fruit preser- vers. but. ihov mat croirralk' pvinvnivn Ti.nt ic n. c,,!. ,.r t... it...., i I ll tV is HIV Hiiltt VI .111 ..LIKTIib I r 1 1 1 ,l stoneware having a ground joint that Jicods no sealing. Thoso ofono quart eizo cost y 1,5U a dozen Tho people must have something cheaper, or they will nevir put up fruit for family use. A small-mouthed vessel is just as good as a largo-mouthed one (r small fruit, and for family nso you may as well cut up poaches and pears as to preserve thorn whole. Tlln ltl-fD:H':-lon nml I ll'l II1! 'C J 1.1 the same, whatever the shape or com- i position of your cm, jug or jar. j t ,... , .. , , , w. sng.ar u-u pist enough to make vn,. ,,.;, .,., ,,,, , " ,, youi una palatable, am no more. It; ... ' ' , no, ep w.inoiii sugar, mil it is read cr and belter for uso when sugared before I canning. For peaches, one pound of sugar to four of fruit is siillieient for some sorts more than enough. rillt MI TIIOl) 01' CANNINd AM) I'liia'.W-INIi Tiiu riatr.' If you wish lo preserve thenppearauoo of the fruit, you must use care. If not, you may do the work more expeditious ly. If you wish to have your peach es, for instance,, preserve their shape and color, eaivfully pare, pit, quarter or halve them, and put tho pieces immediately into your bottles or cans, and set tbeni in somo vessel whero you can heat water to cook tho fruit just enough to expel the air. A largo wash boiler answers a good purpose. The water should stand about two-thirds tho height of tho bot tles, and in boiling bo careful it does not 'get into tho. fruit. Fifteen minutes' cooking is enough. Stoaining, whero it is convenient to do it, would bo easier and plcasatiter than tho water bath. Tho jars or cans aro placed upon a steam-table, at which the operator works constantly, sealing them as tast as sufliuioutly cooked. A slit in kage takes place m cooking, and requires to bo filled before closing the jars, with fruit from another vessel prepared at tho tsamo time. Up to this pwiut you have umd no sugar. The jars or bottles aro to bo rilled with boiling syi up, made of ono pound of refilled sugar to one quart of water. Some persons uso raw sugar for common purposes. It is not as good, and is of doubtful economy. Tho bot tles, when taken from the bath, must bo filled and closed as quick as possible If glass is used, you can always sco tho shape, color, and keeping quality of tho fruit, and a well fi led closet of various sorts has a very plesanl look, of which a good housekeeper may well be a little proud. A moro expeditious mode of canning fruit, and 'which answers just as well for every-day use, particularly for tho coarser BOits wo will now describe. Mauo your syrup as you choose, of whito or brown suyur, ill a proper ketllo tho bout is well - cleaned brass ami put in your fruit stiriinc; carefully to pievont burning, nnI boil it ten lo fil teeri minutes, ami then with a ladlo liaving a spout, dij) ami pour diroctly into the jars, nnd soul rapidly. . Tho jars, or bottles must bo boated quito hot beloro filling. For it cement, mix ono pound! of com mon rosin with ono ounce of tallow or lafj. Heoswax, sealingwax, or grafting ccinonl will answer the same purpose Whore jugs or ordinary ilark bottles aro used, driro in tho softened cork, and dip the inverted bottles in tho mulled wax, so as to thoroughly cout tho corks Before tho contents beeonio cold, nib down ny blisters on tho wax, and invert H second time in tho cement. Pursue the samo courso with tho large mouthed glass jars, nnd if perfuot security isdesitv ed at additional expeuso, invert nnd leave tho jar in patty ptfn or other vessel I pnrtialljr filled witlr tho lucltsd ceuiont. J mrhni very L'ood with a Bimple oovci ing of cement muslin i i;d securely ovcr tho mouths of the bottle. Alter shrinking and hollowing in, as it always will when cooling, dip on n little inoro of the cement. With tho patent arrangements, pcrew or drive on tho cover as soon as tho bottled are filled, allowing ifo lime f r the contents to shrink and the air to enter. The fruit will keep best in a cool, dry, dark place, and, as a general thii.g, the teller is tho nearest approach to this. It is well to examine tho bottles occasionally, and if any give indications of spoiling, as seen by bubbles and generally a leakage ' of air about tho mouth, scald tho contents over for use or for I ensealing. Tho same directions for peaches will apply for pours, and mainly for all tho small fruits. Tomatoes should be scald id to peal easily, a portion ot tho water . i l .1.1 !..!.. or juice drained on, aim too remaining fruit and juico boiled for lo minutes, then dipped into tho jugs or jars, and imiwdiatoly closed. Tlcy are very easily preserved, and should bo largely put up by every fanner's family. Two important requisites aro neces sary in putting up all fruits: first, to thoroughly expel all the air, and change tho albumen of the fruit by heat, and second, to close tho he tiles or j igs so rjtrckly and thoroughly that, no outside air can enter. Tho contraction by cool, ing leaves a vacuum, and tho oulsido pressnio to fill this is great. The tendency of peas, beer.?, green corn, and most other vegetables, 'to do- cni' ia 80 strong that it is not advisable to attempt keeping the n in their green slate, unless hermetically sealed in tin cans. I!ut all fruits can he preserved in their natural state, with only justsugar enough to niako them palatable, in common glass bolt'es, jugs, jars, cans, or any small vt.-sel that can bo corked and sealed, or made air tight in any ether way, and tho fruit will k -up belter, ami ,'.u bo,t'"' f"r xm l!lim A" ",0il "l""' MV" -. , Yo have seen peaches put up in com- , . , , , , , "ion '-jut-.k bottles,' wlueh; a', a year od, . u , i i .- i , , J , -. I could not be distinguished rom f:iut of t10 ,iUm. Uiixl cut no and sugar ed twelve hours lu this cute, the amount ot cook ing was very slight indeed, l'he corks were put in and tied down belore putting the bottles in water. As soon as tho roughly heated through, they were taken out with an ius'ruineut made on purpose to handle them while but, and the corks dipped in wax, and thence immediately into cold water, to prevent the wax from melting or running oil". For preserving tomat.ocs for winter use, we have found the plan of cooking them Hullii.'iunt lor tho table net'oro put ling them up injurs an admirable one. SrtcdM. A Sad Pi-in r. The Utiea 'Akyrapi says a raving lunatic was brought to that city yesterd iy for treatment in the asylum, lie was formerly asoldur, a member of the Forty-first regiment. His name is (ieorge'W. liasselt- He was one id' the Andersonville prisoners, and the terrible privations which ho then suffered so shattered his constitution that ho never billy recovered, and was finally reduced to his present pitiable condition. Tho phantom which seem ed to possess his mind was a JIcll, to which ho himself and everybody around him was hastening. Doubtless tho scenes of that death-pen at Andersonville had been scared into his brain as with a red hot iron, till all else is burned out but that one terrible thing whicii is now within him a living horror a burning, fearful lull. A man who bad a eauso in court, said, "tnat if ho lost in the Court of Common Pleas, lie would appeal to the Supreme Court, and from thence to Heaven." .-7 "And there," replied a gentleman, "von would be sure to lose, for you will not bo present to answer fr-r yourself, and no attorney is ever admitted there " They do-things in a hurry in Calilor foi'n:a,ns witness ihe following program mo of a "pleasant little nllair:' San Juan Nevada stage robbed at fivn A. M. of 3.000 1 reward offered at seven A. M. j robbers shol'and all the money recovered at iwo I'. ; cor oners inkiest at three 1 M. ; fun ral of the thieves at six 1'. Jil, I obicct to i young laities should l.ever I. LI ii. ', . . being lu.-sed y a priulei'; they should; '. . . ' iii.iru vtvij Hiiowaiioe ioi i no nieiiom ol ' ' the press, .. m.., l.i.. i i . . A voniicf lady ox plained o a nriu Icr tliu other day, tlio distinction between printing mid publishing, and at the cone iision ot her reo.ai l.-s ! -.,u . f illustration she said, "You may print ir kiss on my cheek, lint yo:i must nol i- itslit. -re.. ..-ts. . .. .. (Jeneral Sherman has been diibbed an ' Id- D" h) Dartmouth follegn. In responding I to the compliment he said. "I am iifrald von aro doing what was done In tho eadv part, of, tho war, elevating men far above their ability I and letting thorn down nrctlv hard " I 2 . . I he IluiillngdonfPn.) (It,,! of the I Ith says. "To -day, sixteen years ago, the Hi st, train pass ed westward over tho Pennsylvania Hailroad tl.rongh this place." ''What wondrous chan ges since sixteen years ngo!" Now about I'irly-live trains, freight mid passenger, puss hero daily. (ion. (Jraiit's recent order is severely criticised by tho Southern papers, nnd ho is nccincd of "dubious flirtations with the Radicals. As ono singlo drop of black ink will lingo nnd pollute n vessel of crytal' wati r soonolilllo net ot faithlessness may ir-. roileemabl" poison a wholo lilelinio of tlio purc9t friendship aud Confidouco. srxr m riirmrnivi t'Tnnii mis -nr. THE C.1TIIEMU STORM A. IIKDGK & S0.N Havo Just received a New Stock ol HOOTS AND S110F.S, HATS ANDCAI'S, COLL.UtS, NECKTIES, GLOVES, 110SI- KHY, TltlMMINUS OP ALL PE SCHIPTION.S. We Imvn lust received a lariro assortment of t liu latest kind of ready made BOOTS AND SHOES which wo can warrant lo wear, and do iiood service. Also iv few bow Priced Hoots and Shoes which we will not wjirunt liouht expressly to compete willi our iicL'hliors. Don't I'ail to call Ji'you want lo see jinnd articles In our line of trade. U will cost notli In.L' to limit at theni. Itcnicmlicr the place, "Allison's ISuiKUiig, opposite Hie t'ourt 11 .use." W'nyiU'sliitrg, May tf. TAYLOR & FAKLh.Y'S MODEL ORGANS. O.J. WILLAIID, No. C. liKOADWAV, I (1ST COMl'U; NEW YOKK. rnilE MOST COMPLETE MUSICAL IX .1 STIil il'MENT iiianul'ae ured, and the Z.-CocTLojL crsnn OP THE would: Comlulim;; Sweetness and Depth of Tone, Jii'.iiilll'ul and Cha-te in Appearance, lic liiiin;,' and Eli'Vallm; in ils Tenden cies. Por Churches, Pailors or the ll'iudoir it has no eiUal, and has hivarlalilv t iki u Ihe PIUSTPIii'.Ml I'.M wherever exhibited ill Competition with oilier well'liiimvn manufac turers. Thirty Tour dilTcrcnt slyli s, and from one to twelve stops, Loni; Double Itellows, Double Jilow Pedals, Knee Swell, etc., etc., "Ivinsr I crcat powiu and steadiness of tone. TIll'l St. li-JiASS, upplh-il to the Double Heed Organs, elves a volume of lone ripial to a sixteen fool slop ia a Pip.' Oruiin, ami when applied to our Organs e-uitainin:; them, and four sets of Heio'iS Ihe volume of lone Is eipi'il t n sVjeiai pipe nrnan. and cosliu:;' only alu ul one fourth as much. Send for an ilhi-lralcd Price List, giving full partietilai-i. Address orders, (). .1. WILLAHD, Wholesale Agent, V Hroudwav, N. 1'. TIIU OKKAT l!'i:iV'ALF.l) " V 0 S E " I A H 0 FORTE! The cheapest first class Piano Porto 111 the Market. These beautiful hisiiumenls are last niiinln!! thc.r way Inio ptildle. favor. Tii 1 tone Is rich, full and powerful, and (indies forilt with peculiar sweelnessiv melody, while the touch is easy and el.isiie. Arc linislied In I it'll rosewood ca.'es, villi lull iron frame, over PliiuiL' liass nnd French iimnd nelion. All have large round corners, with back IUi ishi'd like the trout. lOvery instrument fully warranted live years. Circulars givliur cor rect likeners taken from pliot'-ea'aph. with full dcscviplive price list, sent free lo any address on application. .VtiSt'iiBsJsi'aiJ ?-'ss?v nn-il tCi.oi'jtw WOliTII Tininv CI-.ST", Aceompani.-s the ( ircular, and is worthy of preservation. Deal -is will no fur nished these licaillit'tll lu slruiiii nls at the LOWEST WllOLCSALF. I'lHCES. ml Tenehers at the rales of discount. Ad .Ves.s all orders to (. .1. WILLAHD, 'Wholesale Agent, 01" Hioidwav, X. V. ft..--- ?ty$ms$r)r Wholesale ngents for Win. A. Pond fi Co's, Hi'ardman, Cray A Co.'s, Win. Knabe i; Co.'s, nnd oilier lirst i-lass 3Pito.o ' o rJos . Circulars fjiving comet likencs.-as of these celebrated Piano Portes and Taylor A; l''ai'ley'.s Model Oigaus, forwarded to ai:y address on application. 'I'lio I.ates-t S-mgs, Piihlish -d January 1, ISiiii, and mailed tunny address free of postage. Oh, sing mo that deaf old song :',: We've drank from Hie same canteen, hy .1. I). l iaru. P.eaiilil'ul Wales, sang by ,1. Ii. Thomas, I'm happy us the day is long, Somebody's Darling". Violets under Ihe snow, by It. Tucker, Sweet lii! tb,y repose, by ,1. II. Thomas, sior.g ol the spoon, a new college song, The Angel Guide, by Pnvnger, :t.-.a tt.'ie oOe tl.'.c oOe ttue i'.oe When I went eoniling Sallie, com'e, Only a withered rose, Collier, 1 have he ird sweet iini.-ic, ' easanl i renins o oil'' na- r ensa u i re lis oi o g i go, ,, S;iy , tt woman's hcail is hougld, ll.iC j ollC I I'll i Kallili en dear, Het'oro .1 was imirricd, (I iloflr. We'll ir.ei ('no more at twilight hour, ."-de a.'io ;i."ki loe .".ee iicauiiiiii l.-iciji 'lie si-u, ov ,i. ii, iinaiia o.i .i,. i, w i.- i....,-.....i S Light o my soul, of thee I'm dreaming, 1 Five o'clock in ihe inorning, i icon ami i, sung iiy iian y nicker Come, Nellie dear, Tin ping, by Tucker ."He . Music on the waves, vocal du.-l, bvfil.iyer (iOe M . . it CI... 11... ..1.1 II ' No lime like the old lime, ooe tlile :i:.e ."He ti.'ie :i.-ic. L'Oe piiying- (live Ihn old man a chance. (hie blight moony night, cmic, r "'-v "" '"" "lil"' v"1'111? '' " nuiway, lll'n ,',I1:IIIS alM freedom 1)mv" ,IV ,liu Malu.Jiy J. H. 'Thomas, K'-Parlies ordering Music and over Ihos'ame will receive llielreleinge I oscit j with tho Music, or Music will ho select or .Music will ho se eeleil. as parlies pi'cler. All orders promptly nllended to, uml nny information cheerfully given, Hi.i-iaiKM'Ks; lion. (1. W. Pa'Ucrsi n, ex Ooycrnorof New Vorl;, Wcsllhlil, N. V., 'T. It. Cohnaii. President Lake Shorn Hunk, Dun kirk, New York. Now i'oiiu Cirv H. i i;iii:nci!s i William A, Pond it Co., William H. Ilradliuiy, Carlmrt, Nccdham fi, Co , Siberia (III; ( J Iti r, HiibUn, Est , (hairial Snpt. .Motive Power, Kilo H. 11. Wheeler fi Wilson. C'rf"Addiess Orders. 0. .1. WILLAHD. Wholesale 1 iano Forte, ( Irgan ,V Music Denier, No, ti7 Hroiidway, N. V. Dee. 20, l.S(l.-,.-tf ROSS, PHYSICIAN AND SUHUEON, rVFFK'E In Jewell's building, West end of ist end i npl,-tf J Jiiain sfeej, Wttvuesbiug, Pa. : 11 '. -Wu" JS T. IIOSKINSON NEW GOODS ! Spring Stock. Ci-reat Variety AllbS. K. S. SAYEl'S & IIOSKINSON, iSyr's' Comer, Witynesbitr'j, Pa. MESSRS. SAYEUS & IIOSKINSON Have just opened nn extensive and entirely new stock ot'KASllIO.NAIiLE BUY G ririiiuihl In the best Eastern market, at the very lowest cash rates, conipilshii; all styles of the most fashionable anil serviceable, textures ol Gentlemen k Lilies' "Wear, It Is useless to enumerate. They have every thing in the line, with liONNKTS, HATS, CAIVS, HOOTS And Slioes. Wares of all kinds, and a com plete, variety oi'the bcstliKOCEKlES. All of which they propose to sell at the very lowest figures, dependimj on the (pialily and cheap ness of their uoods toyaiii llieni custom. Nov. ill, 'isii.'i. t f' Bradley & Smith MANUFATUHEH3 AND m SADDLES, m IIAHNKSS, Tltl'NK'S, At No. U2 Woo.! Strcrt. PITTSBURG, PA. ' )EOPLEOP CUEEXE COPNTV wisliing .1. anything in our line can lie furnished oil the shortest notice mid MOST llF.ASOXMlLl-: TELVH- Persons from a distanc; p. aiding us OltDEKS will have llieni promplly nllended lo, ami on account, of being near Market Head (Juarlers we can liuiii.-li goods CIIE.VPJOH than they can lie biaighl elsewhere. Moml Vh Votiy Ot'doi'K, and we will givn them our strictest nttenlion and forward gieuls by Express to Wnyneshurg I iy lioal or persons living ia the ei-iinliy can wild hv Pedlars and Hucksters, mai-sri;.-, if I'liADLLV &. SV.ITIT. tel v slaoro. .1. '.V. II A WN, I'rtiprioior. TN lNYITlNO TJ1E PPHLICio his patron 1 aire, the iuidcrsi",ncd feels conli-lent. that j by his Ioiili experience, he will be enabled lo 1 vender satisfaction lo all. I le guavanlees Hie best accommodations both to man and beast. May lo,',!.-. Iy .. W. ll.VHN. HECOiNSTIlUCTION NOT OK j HUT OF i "cT r Ts,i," , CKOt'KRY & COXI'I'X.TION'KKY ! I Mil. IIOOPr.H would still have his rlciids nnd piilrons bear n leiml, that ho con : tonics in the (;rocery.and Confcelii ncry trade lit his usual place, ol doing business, and that : he has ju.-t received A Fresli SupjDly of Ihe last quality of all uK'cles in his line. TOYS NOTIONS and a peat variety of useful articles always on hand. rEFSESHMENTS, In coiuieclion wilh the above, Mr. Hooper keeps a llcstauriuit, whent li'E ( HI'iAl, her ricsand all the luxuries oftlie season can he obtained. Thi' mo::' attractive nnd moO, popular resort in town. June I I. "li.Vly GEiOOSEiaS! Let All Persons CO.MH TO WAYNESIIUHU C51EAP CROCERiSG OF rO'S'TC'lSHUi & ,'i'A YIAUZ. Proprh'loi'sof the splendid Clroccry Store, fin inerly owned bv Joseph Yo'itor. Mr. Taylor keeps on hand a good supply oi'the very hist Sl'tlAH, COFFEE. TEAS, KICK, MOLAS SES. sPlfTlS. CAIIIION OIL. LAMPS, LA MP ('111 M N 1 ES. SI IOE FI N I IN(IS, iW., itc., and, In fail, KVEItY T1JINU usually kepi In a llrsf class Orooery Store. Two doors K ist of Wilsons Xow HiilMing Oct 1 1, 'll.Vtf (iliOlUll! S. JIIWY, DliALEH In Hooks nnd Stationery, Maga zines, Dally l'npe, Fuucy Alleles. iV;c, Wiiyucsburu, Pa. . April I, '(JO'-ly S.SAVI'.IIS. PHOTOGRAPH pc Jl. JLm JLm ES 3FL vayn lis n mxc, penx-a. jVL'i-. -A.. Walaoe Has lilted up a new nnd splendid Photograph Gallery in tliu third story ot ALLISON'S nUILDINO, . Whom ho Is prepared to execute lMioTOdUArns, AMI5UOTYPES, MALIilANOTYl'liS, , CAUTKS DK VISITK, And all other hinds and sizes of pictures, In a style ejiual to Ihn best artists. Especial ultcii tlon will be given to copying pictures and eu liirglng tlieni. All applications will be prompt ly atlendi'd lo. Their rooms are commodious and attractive, and every desirable accommo dation will ho rendered to customers This Is decidedly the best opportunity to secure acea rate likenessos ever oH'cred 'to the people ot (ireene Pounty. Call any lime It suits you. Pictures taken anytime i'n Hie day, and in all kinds of weather. Nov. i.i. xt;r,. if. IV t VM SIIl I(U .t! (lU'.I.K S.SH)l. lilliT. U 1 ILL conlinue lo carry on llm Marble mid KJ Slone cutting business at their long estab lished siuml immediately East, of the Public square, Main Street, i'ayneslnir);. This cslalilisbnient h-is beeii in constant operalioH since I sill), and Ihe long experience and energy of the proprietors, linked wilh the exercise ol sound judirment and good taslu, have won for them a widespread ami enviable rcpulalion. Ancxlensive stock oi'the varioili variel'ies of Hie be-t marble kept eonstanlly on hand. Special alleutioii paid to polishing, pressing, carving and engraving. All orders promptly tilled. Dc.icnibcr .'::, I sua. DIl. W. II. WITMORB I I AS been in successful praeliee for a nuni- I 1. be dillerent hospitals in Europe, also a member of t lie Analytical Medical Institute of New York, continues toallianllo all professional exses at I is olliee , No. tli'8 Filbert Street, I Plnla. o patent Medicines are ined of reenm nii'iidcd ; Hie remedies adininisliM'cd are tliosu which will not brake down the constitution, but renovate the system from all injuries it has sustained from mineral medicines, and leave the sysle. il lu a healthy and perfectly cured condition. DYSPEPSIN. that did res-lug disease nnd fell destroyer of health and happiness, under mining tliu coiisliliuion and yearly carrying thousands to untimely graves, can most cm phaliclly be cured. Melancholy, Ahberrnlioii, that statu of Alio nat'r.n and akncs.i of mind which renders persons incapable of enjoying the pleasbresor performing the duties of file.' Itlll'.L'.MATIS.M, in any form or condition, chronic or aceuto, warranted curable. Epi lepsy, or falling sickness, all chronic or stub .born cases of ' AM ,1 L !: J) 1 SEA SES radically removed , Salt Hheimi and every description of ulcerations ; Piles nnd scroful ous diseases which have bullied till previous medical skill.'an Ik! cured by my treatment! and I do say idldiseaes, (yes ( 'onmimii'mi) can lie cured by wearing my Medical .Ineel, which is a protection to the lungs against nil changes of weather 111 all climates having investigated for yeais the cause and character ofiiilermit t.cnls(fever and ague) in all parts of die Pnited Slates will cure pennaiii'iii Iy nil chronic or acute cases ol Ague and nervous discuses in a lew days. CANC'EH Cl'HHD WITHOUT TUP. KNIFE OH DH.VWINU OF HI.OOD. Tape Worm, that dread to Ihe Human Family for years, can be removed with two ir three doses of my newly discovered remedy, warraiiicdin all cases.' ' Coiisnlla'i-in in Ihe I'.nrhs.i and (ici'inaii Languages free ol'chan;i!. Will make visits any distance, II' desired. May he addressed by elb-r (conlidcn.ially.) nnd .iieoieme sent, witli proper directions to nny part of the country. OFFICE No. ' U'.'S Filbert Street, Philu. inar'-'li'ilti-ly PEACES HAYING HEEN MADE, WE OFFEH OUH CTSTOMEHS ONE OFTHE I.AUO EST STOCKS OF DRY GOODS!! UI CtAtii-ttiiMk LKATI1EU, HOOTS X SIIOKS, Hats & Caps ! IKON, NAILNiiHit MAIF, And a great, variety of HON NETS uml 1 1 ATS lor the ladies, al Ihe lowest prices that Hoods have been sold for .since the cniuincueoiiioiil ol I lit) War. , '''VT I'ttmx P.' I-'.' to ets. pervd, MUSLINS,... " p.. a .. 1 ..' '''SH At Piltsliiirgh prices. IKON&Nails" Card Prices. 's'''l " is'J per barrel. COTTON VAHN, at reduced rules. We have the gooils in stori and all we ask of our friends is to. call and see for themselves for we are Miillslled mt nil exnnihiatloii of our slock and low prices will repay them for their trouble, 'To our frlemls a I, a distance, we ex- lend'a cordial Invitation to cull uml sen their old fricnils who aie nlwnvs Ldud to see them, for wo can iissuru llieni that if will repay them tor ino iroiiino. . W. II. M COY it CO. The old stand of W. II. M'COY, Oreensbo ro, tirecno County, Penn'n. I May I0,'i!."-tl' PLAIN AND VMiCY JOB PRINTING THE FINEST STYLE. Our prices cannot lie surpassed for cheap ness by any olhor establishment m this part of tho Stale. Parties wishing diaii) ulinnld give us ft call. Wo at'fl ready at all times lo do iinytliing In tlio printing lino. Pounded in 1840 AND ISCORP0R1TED BY LEIIISl.lTIVE CHARTER. fJlllKONLY INSTITUTION OF TIIK KIND 1 hi the Union conducted by a Practical bu siness mail. Our highest Coiiimercial Author ities, east and west, pronounce his systems of Hook-keeping unedualed comprehending cvfry department? of business, and yiH so skilfully condensed Hint tliu attentive student masters tho whole in six of eight weeks, It consists of STOCK HOOKS, closed oieo with a loss and twice with again exhibiting by thrco dillerent methods' ilu transfer of old to new books. 1'AUTAKIISIIIF' HOOKS, conducted by three ditl'crenl methods, ex hibiting Ihu transfer of the old to new hooks, wilh the introduction of a now partner ; also practically illustrating the 1'1'IVATE I.EDGEl', by menus of which the results of the business are kept out ot the general hooks, for the use ot the partners only. LECTUHSON HUSINESS SUIUECTS. How every one may get lieli. How lo get rich by hading. The eauso ol Commercial failures. On speculations. ' The moral Inllu .mce of integrity in youth, etu. Alsj lectures upon COMMERCIAL L.-UV, on Partnerships, Cou'Jaets, Insur.nien, Coni inun Carriers, the Statute of Limitations, etc. Practical hM' actions in DETECTING COFNTEHFEIT HAMC KOTICS, by u full set .of genuine vignettes and coun ters, alula large collection it' counterfeit idles. OlMi UAILIiOADUOOK-KEEl'INU. (in nianuseript,) exhibits the construction and equipment, tne operating receipts nnd expen ditures : the hoods closed and a dividend re- i'orded. These hooks are advertised by others but not tauglit elsewhere in the eiiy. Our now system of riHVATE HANK HOOKS, (in nianuseript,) embraces nil the best foims hi use iiiiicng private banket Our new en larged edition oI'Dulf's Steamboat Book-keeping. Our full eour-e of business praelio in cludes about FIFTY HUSINESS HOOKS, ruled to about thirty diUeron1 forms, viz: II Ledgers, 7 Day Hooks, i Journals, (i Hill 11 inks, 4 Cash Hooks, 1 Sales Hooks, 'J Invoice Hooks, 1 Discount Hook. 1 Check Hegister. I Depasit licinstor, L Collection Itegisters, t Tickier, 1 Hands' Hegister, I Frclaiii, Hook, ' Passage Hooks, I Fuel Hook, Tliesn Hooks practically record about six hundred business tr .nsaclloii", comprehending Dulf's original plan of business education. Introduced twen ty live years ago. How far others have suc ceeded hi imitating him will bo best seen by eompaiim.' the business papers nnd books ol other pupils with thoso ol the graduates of this iiisiiluliou. Haiper's Enlarged Edition ' 0I-' DUFF'S BOOK-KKK'.'IjNG. Trice ?2. iVHyc. I'D ecittn. SOLD 1!Y HOOK SKLLKKS GKX- I'". MALTA'. AWAHDED FOFH SILVER MEDALS, Which, witli the following testimonials. Indi cate ihe charaelcr of the work : 'No other work upon Hookkeeplng explains the subject with so much clearness ami shu plieily. . F. W. EDMONDS, Cashier Mechanics' Hank, Wall street, N Y. As an extensive, ship owner, American and Fiiropcnn incrclmiit, hank director, etc.. ho has borne Hie reputation of ihe highest ordu of business talent. .INO. W HUHNILWI Me.chiiiit, No. S South street, N. Y. ''I erailuat d in Dulf's college, in half Ihe lime I expected. His iidniii'tthlu system in cludes nothing superfluous, nor loaves out iinvlliinu' essential. ,1. It. COMPTON, v asini-i maar.i nans, j.ocKpori, iv , 1 lie most complete work ol the Kind I have ever si-en." .1.11 Ml'HHY, President Exchange Hank, Fillshuri:h. The most clear and comprehensive that I have met wilh. JOHN SNYDEll, Cashier Ha::k of Pillslmrgh. 1 our committee unanimously concur hi the ooii,!.,n ..in.,, oiiiiiv i.i'ii,,. Im,".,..,',.,i ,,.,i....i of Mr. Dalf." J '.:'..'.." 111 OL'HDON .1. LEEDS. Heeording Sec. the Amer. Instl , N.. Y. OnW. II. Dud's fcumanslrip For tho best business and Ornamental Pen manship, awarded our present Penman, hyj ion Fulled Stales fare ill Cinciiinattl la ISfio Pi'iinsylvioiiiiSi ite fair at. Wyoming Isiin Weslcru I'l-ir.c'ylv iiiia fair at Pitlsliurj; I Silo Western Virginia fair lit Wheeling llhlo Ohio SI Itn fair III. ClcVcl ind ISCl All of which aro exhibited ut our ollleo. ' OUll TKKMS. Have never bfeii advanced, while others nre ..i, in.r .v.o mill. ,m I'm. in- -too ii ml ski.-. ,.v. Ira for penmanship, ami .$12 to ss'.MMor text books and blanks. For our uradiiallng course, Including busi .... . ... , , . - . - i ness penmanship, time unlimited, are .I0. 'flic, enlaiire'l edition ol Dulf's Hook-kecn- Ing, wilh blanks and ulalloncry at booksellers' prices, i?.i. Our blanks aro made lin of linn exlril sized iiaper ruled coinplete, wi h lull sets of auxil iaries. Wo Lluroforo, present tho lmsiness stllilont with tho following IMPORTANT ADVANTAGES: I We have Ihn best Penman In tho west. a Hull's System of Hook-keeping, (sanc tioned by the Now York Chamber of Com merce,) taught by the author. il 'The daily lectures of liu experienced mer chant. t A saving of seven or eight weeks hi llino of study. n A saving of tho saino number of weeks hoard. it A saving of ijK! of i7 in hooks and sta tionery. 7 A diploma signed hy ono so long and so favorably kno.vii us a preceptor, asaii rocoiuit ant, and as a merchant. For full particulars, send for circular, 7fl pages, with samples of our penman's Easiness and Ornamental willing, Inclosing twejily llvo oenls for pustnge, to PRINCIPALS, febl7'0(l-ly riTTSBURGH, Tft. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT 15UCIIU. llELMHOLD'S I1UCHU. , IIELMIIOLnsHUCIIU. IIELMIIOI.DS EUCIIU. THE ONLY KNOWNIHEMELY FOR DIABETES, IUHITATION OF THE NECK Ol THE HLADDEi;,.; INFLAMMA TION OF THE KIDNEYS, ' CATAUIMI OK THE . HLADDEH, STliAN- 0UAI5Y OH l'AINFUL UIHNATING I or thesn discuses It is truly a sovereign1 remedy, and too much eannot he said In Its praise. A single do.e 1ms been known to re lieve Ihe most urgent symplonis. Are you troubled wilh that distressing pniu In the back ami Hmamli tho hips? A ten spoonful a day of llehnbold's Huehti will re lievo you. PLEASE NOTICE. I make no secret of ingredients. Ilehuhold'g F.xlract Hiiehu is composed of T.iichu, Ciibebs, and luniper llerrii s, selecUal wilh grent caru prepared in nmio and iieeording to rules of l'll.VILMACY AM) CHEMISTRY, These ingredients nre known as tlio n'ost valuable Diuretics ulVorded. A DJUilSTIC Is that sihieh nets upon the kidneys. iifiumoLrmTBiiTBH ACTS GENTLY, Is pleasant la taste nnd odor,- free T on; nil injurloiiM properties, uml iniiiiediale hi its action. VOW THE SATISFACTION OF ALL, See Meilieal I'roperlies contained n Ilisponsa tory ofjiho U. S., of which tho followiiijfis a copy i "Hri'in:, Tis odor is strong, ditruslvn, nnd so aewhat aromatic, ps tnsie hilterisli, nnd nnalogous tolhat of mint. Ills given chlelly in complaints of the I'rinary Organs, such us (liavel. Chronic Catarrh of 'thn liladder, Mor bid Irritation of tlio Hladder nnd Urethra, Diseases of the prostrate, mid Hetention or. the Incontinence of Urine, from a loss of tone, in the parts concerned In its evacuation. It has also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic I!heumalism,J Cutaneous AU'ectlons, and Diopsy. FOll FUKTIIIill INFORMATION See Professor Powers' valuable works on tlio pi'Mctiee of Physic. See Hcmaiks made by tho celebrated Dr. Physic, of Tliiladelphi i See any and all Slaudaid Works on Medi cine. ITiOM TIIK Tj,Jk3ZLC3rT31ST illiVU now v B. Tim WOULD T am nriUniulcd wilh II. T. Ilehiihold ; ho I occupied the drug store opposilu my resldenca aud was successful hi conducting thu business where others had not. been equally so beloro him. 1 have been favorably Impressed with Ids character mid enterprise. WM. WEK HITMAN, (Finn of Powers ifc Weightnian,) M.iinif.'Ctnring Chemists, Ninth and Hrowu Streets, Philadelphia. From tho Philadelphia Evening lltillftiit, March loth Wo are gratilied to hear of tho continued niecess, in New York, of our townsman, Mr II. T. llehnboM, Druggist. His store, next to the Mrtropolilna Hotel, Is 28 feet front, 'j::u feet dci.p, and live stories in height. It is cevlaliily a grand establishment, i and specks favorably'ol the merit ol'liisnrtl i .a.... ii.. ...... i.:..,, ni.... i i ..i i...... n. I n r.. ill: ii mill.- iiin.iniA; iiiiii u.iiii.oiori jr ii. this eily, whk'h lire also model establishments of their class. 'The proprietor has been Induced to niako thlssliU' inent from the fact that his remedies, nil hough advertised, are Genuine Prcpaialions, And knowing Hint the liilelllgont refrain from using any thing pertaining to Quackery, or I lie ratciit .ueiiicmo order most or w men am prepared by self styled Doctors, who aro too ignorant lo read a physician's simplest pros- I ,..i,,ll,, ,,,,.!, I,.UJ, ou.li.nl In iinmiim nliur. miiooiillonl preparations. These parlies resort to various means of ef- feeling sales, such ns copying parts of advor- Useinents of popular remedies, nnd lliilshing wilti ccrtillcales. j J lie cciciieii in iuroitaiio miiiiiioh Plllipiu, I pure and nuijesllc having Fnot Cor Ils Hasis, Induction for hs Pillar, Truth for its Capliul. I A WOHDOF CAL'TION. llonlth is most Important ; nnd tliu alllicled shonlil not uso nn .. r r.,.i,.t.. , , i nilvcriismi iiieuienie, or nny remedy, unless lis contents or Inirrcdlcnts aro known toothers' liesldes the ninniil'neliiirr, or until thoy uro satlstlod of the ipialilleallons of tho party so olfcrlug. HELMBOLD'S'GENUINE PREPARATIONS. FLUID ENTflACT I1UC1IU, I'T.UID.EXTIt.UT SAHSAPAIULLA',. AND IMPltOVlil) ItOSE WASH.. Estidill.'.lied upwards of 10 years, Prepared hy H. J.JHEL2IB0LD. I'HIACIIME, Ji:iOTS HELMHOLnS DHUGAND CHKMICAIJ, WAHI'AOfSH, Bill Droadway New York.. And IIF.TiMItOLDS MF.DICAT, DEPOT,, 101 Sisnlh 'Tenth Struct, Philadelphia Pn. ' UY Alii DRUGGISTS. Nov. W, lB(5-(y.