r WAYNESII UKU: WEDNESDAY.'jULY 18, " I Slid. Evknisg Although Wnynosuurg cannot boast ot tliu ninny public improve tnents, facilities nnr various other addi tions that contribute to lliii "inaka up" ot a handsome country village, yet n stranger,-or any one, pcmlin,n nn even, jng or two With ii in the summer sea son, must hcknowlorigi that wo mo n gay, fun roving, stirring, sociable towns looplo. It llicro is any one tiling over jwhich wo like to hoast is tlio good socio j,y, hospitality of our citizens, niul our jlino looking young ladies. Kvorings now is just tlie time to see till this ven ded, No sooner have the shadows at. tained their greatest length than every tiling niul every body seems to have awakened from l' o lethargy of the day. Stately maids and matrons, indulge in pleasant, door-step, ehit elmt,"g ly girls" and "festive boys" timing the Nide walk, enlivening their promenade with mirth and repartee. Loud mouthed ' urchins contribute to the general ounvivalty, and last but net least are the groups ol staid lords" gathered here mid tliere dis cussing tlio irrepressible topic, ot "poli tics" New York may Iwast of her Central Park, and Fifth Avenue, Phila delphia ot her Fairmont and showy Chestnut but t r us they bear no com parison, or contrast with tlio above pic ture. You nyiy think we're joking, but we are not. As thi poet says, "there's tiotlii 11 liko home sweet home." Even Canada flyers don't hesitate coming back after tho war is over. A Talk oir Woii. ''I clasped her tiny linn 1 in mlno, I clasped her In-mucous form j I vowod to th!M li !i' Irom the wind and from tlio world's cold storm, Sliu cast horboauti ouieyeson me, the tears dU wildly II w," and said : I pray you go and purchase your Dry Ciods of J.is. Ucim.ii, as his ara tliu bust, niul cheaper than the cheapest. OiMMiKssivm.Y Waum The weather during the past week must have proved a terror to out door workers as well as to our 'loafers" about town. Indeed. . , . , . , .ii..... .......... . . ... those burning, scorching days caused . k(()iv, , u , t.Uio.,s :ls a artist and the "oldest of us" to languish and sigh tMcher of rare ability, has ju-t b-. light t r tho cool", retrigerative seasons w hen one of Chiekering & Sons New Sale xtarchloss shirt bos. ins and fermentation P'anos, from the agents in this city, by the sun process was unknown. At Ml'iT "V C . Y? "''T .,. . , ., ... , . a::d heard tho I't mo. but '.luiik it need- m d day all naturally seek tho 'vhady k,M U) , ()m. ,.j ,,,.,.,., of ido ' ot our street, tdklng, lol lag, ; yawning, smoking, sleeping, withal pre. Bunting a sorry aspect. tho "b lioys Tho "b hoys'' t Call't stand it, those of them who forever busy theinselvis in the l.iudabli! (') oc cupaliou ot doing nothing, belako them selves to the pleasant nooks and ict'es'i ing waters i f Ten Mdo there to spend the day. Unfortunate is his case whom hunger compels lo enduro thu martyr-, doiu of a walk 'o dinner. 'Tis too jnuch tor luiinan euduraueeaiid atler tho fatigue of eating he tiuc.onsciouly ''.-inks to rest." Wo have become Convinced that 'piich foibeaiai.ee cannot always Le depended on." . 'Fhstivai. and ttit. I'hu member of te '.'Ciiiiluier Mite S iciety" ot tlio IVcs by tori in Church iu this placa, will give a grand festival and 1' air at tlio Court Houso on Tuesday evening July iJLst.-- Every arrangement has bee:i porficted to make tho entertainment one ot inlcrv est and satisfaction. The citizens of Waynesburg and vicinage are respect, fully invited. Proceeds to bo iiscdiu tho advancement of Church interests. -.. -o- Truth. Oo all rtiound to tlio stores in town and then to Gunnm's, and you will bo con vinced that ho sells thu cheapest nml best . goods in the county ! Tiik Snow. Tuesday last, the day appoint ed for tho exhibition of Robinson &. Co's Great Southwestern circus, cone n.ound. but brought no show. Their inrunta who porteJthe bills wore on a "bust," nnd lost their reckoning it Is supposed. None will bo tha worso off horeabiuts unless it may-be fho hotel keepers, mcrclmuts, venders of tho "red-eye" and the trading public gouerally , to the latter class, n doubt. It was a dav of mourntng. Altogothor wo regard U n8 a wholesome disappointment, a savin? of lunu- merabledlmw, whole "figureheads" and uch- la craulums. Wo congratulate our cill.iais on their escape from such a nuisance. Sucoksskui. lionnnuY Notloiu; sinco Sir. Michael Gapon, who resi.l s on , , , , i, i Dimkard creek near the iimoui Bob- tail well was robbed under the following eironmstanocn: A man purpoiting to be an oil speculator introdiiuud himselt t'o Mr. Gapon at hia homo, making many enquiries as to the region and its pros, pecta. Having obtained satisfactory answers the st.'ainucr was about retiring ' when threo men with mnsked faces rush, ed into the house, seized nml tied Mr. (Unpen to b chair. Then with diawn rtvofveys ttlid threats to kill, they com pelled a disclosure ot his treasure. They oooly coynted it out, some ?.iOO in greenbacks and silver', and took their departure, leaving Mr. Giipcii ns they placed liim. No clue hasaS ycf been gained oonoernmg the perpetrators of the robbery. It is supposed tho first in dividual wasanaeoOnTpliobof tho othors, nd that nil were wolPncqiiiiiiiitod with the premises, from tho inaniior in ' which' the deed was done ' Goihkh says If pooplo will not buy their . goods of htm they must lose money. CouiiKsi'ONDKNCK containing interest ing local news, or of a political nature, solicited from nil pans ot the couiitv. All coiiimuiiicalious cuH bo accompa nied by : the iianio and address of the writer not necessarily for publication, but ns a guarantee of good faith. KM hlils. of S.tlt, l-tf 50 per bill, at N. II. MuC'lcllaud's. Laboii Sivino Was'iixo Fi.rm Clothes that me washed with this llu'ul will lat and wear as long nga'ut as thuve is no f iction as in tho usual mode ot wa.-hiug on boards or machines Wash ing Prints with this fluid brightens in stead ot tailing them, and the expense is but a trillo more, lo say nothing of the time and labor t-aved. Does not take halt the soap. This reeipn was in troduced in?!iis country from Germany. It is aUo very giod for removing tar or grease. A lull recipe, printed and delivered for on r. doi. i. u, by Samuel Hardsell. Gcnuai buys cheaper than any merchant In town or county. Co.MMirn:i rem Thiai.. On Saturday last OHiccr Taylor arrested Win. Koup, on complaint of Mr. Jno. Hook, for ns- : sault nnd battery ; filling to get bail ho ! was sent to the county jid, to await his . . , , ., t - neamig. n wm ue .e.u.o,i.ue.ei urn, . said Koup was one ot tho chief instiga- tors of tho disgraceful rows in Jefl'orson on the -1th j ... j S.wrniuY night was made, hideous by ihn u-ild di-.mi.s of snnu, mo-son or nor- ' sons w ho had evidently been taking their 'beer " Where was our valiant (!) con stabulary force ? Genua, buys for C'tsli and Sells for cash. AN INCOXTHOVERTAIILU ARGUMENT. The fact- ot any distinguished inusio lonelier or amateur piircnasing u-piirucu tar make of piano lor ins or tier use, it ot undoubted impnriiincu to tho public, as il indicates unerringly the kind best adnprd for their use : and it is. potent to every one that a mu-io teacher ot U'pu- taiit aisl know what n good piano, is, audih.it homo but a No. 1 instrument will withstand the many hours daily practieu it receives at their and their pn t ,1j iv. r i;,.i 1.- ut,,, ; us merits ; tlio tact of its satisfying l ho delicate musical yirguuizaiion of such an ""isi as me i ror , spi:iKs stronger man any wonts wo could write. II is no.v more than twenty-live yens si co I'rof. Hohhock ili'e'nle I that tlio "Chickei iugs" were the i'i.iuos, and his opinion h iA been uuiitovitl lo this dav. Dunn-' this period ho has purchased pianos ct oilier make-., and although nunv of lit em proved ooo-l, vet noVe- .f thc'iii lullv sal j.,, il:n, because Ue'V d;d not posse-s the touch, tune and ilnral ilit v that, he considered nbsolutil liercss I' V III a pl .1-1 . - . I . . I I , I i ii-'se (j tho ics, we nave uis wuro tor It, helms always found dcvelopo,! to the lushest degreoot lectio,, in tho 'Clii.Ueni.g. n.,,1 c.u,se.pieiitly hasgiv- en them the ,. rderencc I ho Messrs. Ciuckcm-ir & iiiis:, and the A 'oats, ! ..d r-i Al.. Oil .Vr ( t ,,t lliiu ..it e r:i-l-Mti trti.nMftfr.lt .1 .it it I ti miwi.t eiij ml ttlla' .ii.i'ii. i.ri.iVnfiinil-v.i'ur'j i,.,,ii.iliiv f.r the 'ChicUeriniis " Vills. Citioivcle ; sv,e AJvcitiseiuent iu another C 1- iiinii. , ' 'r"B G,'l"!l f ''e' t'.l 'J' lll:lt nt ,ille tt-'1"1 ot" i-'ourt helH iu (Irueuu county there was not a single criminal case for t''1:l1- Wo Invo understood that, the Uonnci'alic majority would be consider- ' ubly rciiuced iu that county this fall, and is woj 8t,t., to indicate that such will be thu case u ui'i. Jicp. Tun "Gi.okiols Forum'' in thu Lath I5i:iii:i. Cai'it.m., 'I he lficliinoml press does not evince a ureal deal of spirit in their report of thu ''Fouith of July" eel- cbrallon iu thai city 1 lu laws says : "We strain our cars to cateh tho music cl'al1. hoping that the tiuiii e mny pfr. 1'otuato thu lune,.and that the crest of the wave that bears us on nviy rellect iu ' " spray drops the glomes that wero. ;Vo ,1,,vu b,lt tl'L,lllls,r ll recount iho tluo.lrt of last lourtli ot July. It was a ""'! cluu.ge tronv the olden timu. The hT'll' and all, its su. rounding was 'oooo no ne-iues irom couiury ami -town. a ho Sluio Jlotiso, which has I echoed with iho eloquence ot the fathers, was bhii kened with a horde of these !mt"k''; ft1IKl l,IB monument which were intended to pernutuato their famo were (l.SL,()1,lU,(, b'y hcil. ailonmle,l8. In. ,jee(l, l)ie negroes seemed to havo had the Fourth all to themselves. They marched through the streets with bauds of inusio and banners waving, with swords nt their sides ami feathers in their caps. In front of the p'ocessioii was an open carria4 in which was scat ed three buck follows. (which wo look to be ll.u honored orator ami his, aids',) each holding iu his hand a lingo boipiet. Then follow'. about lilt y negro cavalry nun, well mounted, and each wearing a sword by his side. Tho next in order emtio the different societies wdiile, be. html, belore, on each side, and all around thousands of them trotted along, yelling and whooping as it rxperiencitig the greatest joy. Scarcely n white person could be seen on thu streets while the procession was passing. " Tho Internal liovcnuo bill needs only the President's signature to make it "n law. It repeals and reduces taxes to llmQiootiutnf.it enst gltlll.Oilfl.iiUU per annum. When belino was a Govern, meiit able so to reduce taxes n little moro thnit-R year alter ilia close of n bloody, protracted and most costly war? THE HOUSEMAN MURDER-TRIaL OF TUB MUUDEREH3. Tho trial of llichard Thairwill and Mrs. Mary Houseman, for the murder of Jas. Ilotisoiiian.ol Cookstuwn, Fayette Co. Pa , has just been concluded, result iugiu tho aeipiillnl of Mrs, II , mid the conviction of Thairwell, of murder in the liit degree. tiiaiiiwum.'s coxvi-sskin ucronK Tin; coi;i;t, 'Win ii I went to board at Horseman's house, another man went lo board with me ; ho went to IVlsvilb' lo woi k in the coal mines there, and six weeks afierwauls lie wrote a letter to me, n.-k ing me to go to Pott-iville j Mr. and Mrs Houseman caw the letter, ami ad vised me not lo le ave ; iliey said I must not go mvay j Houseman then went down street, when Mrs. Houseman said si o wauled mo herself, that she did not love her husband, but loved nie , she said she would poison him, ami procured something which she said would kill rats, dining tlu.t day Mr. 11. complained of being unwell, I went to her and told her he was giving her husband poUon, when she replied that Vhu had do-.ie no, I told her I would tell tho doctor, when sho mid for God's sake not to do it, and sho would not give him 'any more she nsked me to knock htm on the head w ith mi ax, but I would not do it. Alter Mr II. mid myself hail a blight quarrel, she came to my room and coaxed me lo shoot her hudiaud Ho was lay ills' on ,u'"'u before I bad intended I'ho morning to go bunting j h j boT0Wl,(l M- IrM gnn . hutthl So,,,0 am ikiui.ii ion. nnd asked Dr. Dough erty's si n t go with niu a ked the ''- l)1' hullel moulds, hen ho said ho would get me n pair. On Tuesday night I came into the house about nine o'clock "Oil she wanted mo to L'ct the gi and shoot him then : I looked in the room, and saw her in bed ; she said 'do it no.v;' I then took the gun, went into the room w here ho was lying and shot him she had a tub ready to catch the blood, and said she had a plan already lixed ; 1 said we had better lot him lay in the house until morning, nnd then go and contnss : she said "No we will put him in tho river; she said we could float mm up r . she held the rope w hich had been tie I .around his neck audi rowed the skill"; when she let the rope go she' said ; 'Good by ,)iui ;' when we "canu, back to ' the house sho went to seo if the children j wco asleep ; sho took tho bloody clothes l and put them in a bucket ol water; hlio said sho would bain the rest"; said she 1 would put his boots in the privy ; I flit .:. i 1 i..-. i .i i... i i ,,1. ,( ;,m , i i mi i in- viii 1 1 " i: : lieu ; she got through with her wo.k she came j ad laid down beside me, and said I must not stay too long but got up. make ; a lire, and shw would take a basket and ! ''t'V l'1"1 ',,m h'T" U" ""'I that I should go to the coal bank to avoid ! suspicion.1 vi:i;nicT. The jary roll red and on -thoir return rendered a verdict ot ''guilty c t murder in the liil decree " Thairwell en'. rely rifnsfd to testily n'r-iln-t. Mrs. It. adinittiiur fteit l.ei- iiaugtiter luni M'cinvii such a linonise ' (0I 111111 "''".o hu "'as in puson. Here : '' -la lg- si'verely criticised the conduct I ofiho Jailor in admitting peisons to ll.e ucused before tiia vianiicT. in iir.s. it. cast:. As llm Jury wore about lo retire, Mrs. ; ,r exclaimed, -'Now, gentlemen. I d;ice ; n M V()1. m - v 'Ti(, .;. .,.;,,, ,, h, ,,, j.eesenee of a l',; ,,., irea,,lcss. with anxi.'lv. 1 1M.0lulllW ,,,0 ycdiet of iot Suil.y"." 1 J J DISSATISFACTION fl in vpniiei was teeeivecl wun mnnv ' fest dissalisf iclion, so mneh that it was thought necessity fir Mrs. II. to be kept in the jiil over tho fi Mowing night, lest violeixs might be dono hy the people. m AEmsb."""' On iho 'JSlli till, by Ilev. N. L5. Lyoi s, Mr. IIiiiam Tii,m:P, of Amwell toivnship, WnshiiiL'lon Co , lo Miss S'.nau Ann 1)av of Morris tp. Greene County. Waynesburg Markat, coiiii,;cn:i wniau.v nv j, otuinn. Butler, Iresli roll S '-' Collee per lb Ill) to I!;! Corn per bushel 100 Corn meal per bushel ton Country Soap per It OS Candles, mould per tti il.1 Candles, dipped " " 21 Cheese per lb nneil Punches per lb..,.-. Kgu'H pir domm Flour per bbl ... -o 1.1 13 fid I nr. fin ir. 07 I 00 4.-. . ... t on . . is ... 22 ..... 211 l 00 I (Ml 3 (ill 25 I 00 ,...2a2 40 .... 2 fill IS "V Flax seed per bushel Fealhers por lb Lard per lb It. V. Flour per lb Molasses Oats tier busliei Hvo per bushel loeu per III , Sugar, crushed per lb Sii-.'ur. relhied " ' Sugar, New Orleans, (I lbs, Svrup, per gallon Halt, No. 1 per bbl.... Soil Soap per gallon Tar per gallon..! Ten per lb Turpentine per gallon Tallow per lb Wliiint mil liitali.il Ml White Lead' per keg 4 no White Lime perbiisnel M - no Wo I nimimon to flue mini!.) Potatoes per bushel 2 0l)n2 ,"0 riTTSBllta t'KNKIUI, .MAKKF.T PlTTSIICltdii, July 4( mif!i GKAIN-WI eat Siirlng nt ,3.Vf,nil, V"111 nl TiMim. Kyo nt ftliirio,-,. lIICKWIICni FLOUU-Spiing Wheat at. Winter " at.. live nt IIAV-Bale'd at Lonso ut'. KGGS-Bnlcs at dull. ..io,riO?ti,co. l2,7.Vrf!ill3,()0 a,fiu,i,75. -'l,on v ton. ' 28.UOQ'3.()0. I Sets. l5(5lfl. CHEESE Western Reserve nt Hamburg nt 1718. New Y01 lt Goshen iu 2(i'.M, BUTTEtt-Pilme Boll nt 14UQ23. WOOL MARKETS. Boston, July IS. Bailey. Jonkens Gar rison In their ciicnlar of this date, gsvo tho following prices ciureut of wooi nt Huston, O.lo, Pemisylvniiiit nml Virginia-Choice Saxony, selected , 7:'v77ci lliree-rpi utur nnd lull In ad Mud.io, (i'((j7L'ei half bloud, (lUailfic, quarter blood snd coiuinou. fi.imio. NEW YORK MolfciY MARKET. Gold closed quietly at 15?Jal62 j. ' 4 IIALTIMORE CATTLE MARKET,. -TJ.w.TiMonn, July l'.'. Hi'ef Caltln.-TIi of feiings ihiriui! the past week nero 700 head, npiinst IH." liea'd the previous week. Prices to-diiy rang-il Irom ijil to 11,2.1 por 100 11 s., with lait lew ut Mio latter price. Average of llie.in arkei 5S. Tliu uIkivh tlyuieB i-liow mi linprnviiiieiit of.laji! pi rib. over Inst week's rates, market closimj 111 in. Tliu ccncrnl qu dity of 'he cattle offered was com mon, there bun; vciy lew good beeves In market. I Iocs. Sab s nt 1 Ho 1 le per lt, net for fair lo prim iols. Hm:i.i The supply this tveck has Iwn loan, and deniand nioilerale. Bales ut J Jig i, wli'li a lew choice at i: e per lb. SPECIAL NOTICES ta-AN EXTENSIVE SALE AND DIS TlilllUT ION of riaaos, MfUxVons, Gold and Silver Ware is now going uu ntthc .Salesrooms uf liuti. & lino , III Liberty St, N. Y. These goods are sold nt TWO DOLLARS EACH, RiaiAiiin.Kss or Vai.cii. Staid TWENTY FIVE Cunts lor ono numbered Notice, or ONE DOLLAR for IX. The Number on each Notice corresponds with tho Dumber on ixiiiic article of goods, which will bo sent on tecept of J2. Tim money will be refunded of Hie goods do not fdvo satisfaction. Aleuts mako TWENl Y-l-TVE DOLLARS I'ER WEEK. Send tor a Urcular. . RUKD.tmtO. iM.:e : I '. O. l!OX, a I .'IS, lit Liberty St. -New York. A. ail IS, ly A CARD"TO INVALIDS A Clei'o'yman, whitu. rcsKliii! In South America, us a missionary, discovered n- safe, and simple remedy for the' cure of Nervous Weakliest, Earl'' Decay, Diseases of tho Urinary and S-iaiinal 0.j.;aus, and tho wholo train of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Ureal, nunlburs havo been already cured by this iioblu remedy. Promp ted by n desire to benefit the atllictod and im I'oitunato I will s.-nd tlio recipe lor reparing and Using this mediehio, in n sealed envelope, to any ono who needs it, freo of charue. l'leaso luclosu a post-paid envelope, ad dressed to.yourseif. Address, JOS. T. INMAN, Station D, Bible House, AM' II, ly New York City. riMIE CONFSSIONS AND EXPERIENCE X lr AS INVALID. Published for the benefit and as a CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN mid otbeis, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood. i5c, supplying nt the same time Tun Muass of Sixr-Oeim. Hy one who has cured himself after undergoing considerable (U-icUery. By enclosing a po-tpaid addressed envelope, Fingle copies, free of charge, may bo had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Eso... May2a 'Uu.-ly liioolilyn, Kings Co , N. Y. "WIIISKEItS! WIIISKEKS!! . Jlr. L. O. Movtkz' Con-oHi, tho g catest stimulator in the world, will force whiskers or mustaches to grow on the smoothest face or chin ; never known to fail ; sample for trial sent free to niy one desirous of tesling iis merits. Address, REEVES ii CO., 70 Nas sau St. N Y. Jyll.-iim. G3L1 UT A IWT N. CLARK & SON ARK NOT TAKING GOLD FOIl V.UT- Jrcca"j;itl and lai':;n'a,. CU-RRICNCY!! WILL I1UY ANY AUTICLE OF CLOTH, ing or Gents Furnishing Goods you may And in their new fresh and well selected stuck Just bought iu thu Eastern Cities, And which, for variety nnd cheapness, tlio lik') hns not been Been or heard of. for mere Hum STUB YEARS. We will only give a fev of the lending articles with prices and nsk you, one and all, to come uml sec lor youiselvcB, niul wo will prove more than we say. We havo From 10 to 2.1! dollars, business emits from 4 to 1(1 dollars, nml lor 5 dollars will sell you u coat wo will Insure Pntitsfroml 7J t 10 dollars, will sell ALL WOOL punts and vest for 8.0(1 dollars, these wo wlll.guaranteo ; vests from I Ml lo 4 DO do l.us. A complete assortment of For Men and Boys, prlco ranging from 7" cts. to fi 00 dollars. Suspender", Hosier?, Drawers, Linen, Muslin nnd Drilling, Shi. ts, wool, muslin and linen, Gloves, Ties. &o &c, in endless variety. Suspenders from JS cts. to 7S. TJos for is and 78 cents, and a splen did cotton hoso for I2J cents. Nearly onnoslto Campbell's corner, Main Street. May l, ly. ASStdMli'K NDI'K'li' AMMtiMltB. MJIllli. ATOTICE 13 IJRURny GIVEN TO ALL Ly persons Indebted to Wm. A. PonTm, hereby given lo.nll persons Indebted to said os either by Note or Hook uccoun't to make Im- tivtn tm'nnko lininodlato piyinent, nnd those mcdlato sellhiinent, Tha accounts, mint ho having claims against the sunn to" present el-sol. Those having claims -will present them ! properly authenticated for cottlement. them for sottletnent AY. T. E. WEBB, j . J. T, SMITH. J20 Ct Assignee, 20-0w Adm'r. TAYLOIl & FAUMiVS MODEL ORGANS 0. J. WILLARI), No 0.-7 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. milE MOST ('OMPLEflC MUSICAL I BTRL'MENT iiianul'.ic.ured, uudtho IN- Model orsan OF THE WORLD ! Combining Sweetness nnd Depth of Tone, lSeaiitil'ul.an 1 ('baste In Apiieanince, Re fining nnd Kl'-v (till!? in Us Tenden cies. For I hnrebes, Parlors or tho 11 aidoh it bus no equal, and has Invariably taken the FIRST PREMI UM wherever exhibited In Competition with other well known manufac turers. Thirty -four different slylos, nnd from one lo twelve stops Lou;; Double, liellows, Double blow Pedals, Kueo Swell, etc., etc., giving great iowei mid steadiness of tone. THE SUH-11ASS, applied to the Doubhi Reed Orunns, elves a volume of tone, t ipial to n sixteen foot stop in a Pipe Oi L'iin, and when applied to our uriinns containing tliem, nnd four, sets of Heeds the volume of lone is equal 1 1 n ij-.'iii'.o pipe nrsjan,. nml costing only about nnn fourth us much, Send for an Illustrated Price List, giving full particulars. Address orders O. J. WILLARI), Wholesalo Agent, (127 Rroadway, N. Y. GUlfiAT UNRIVALED ', c If piawnFflRTFII THE "V 0 s The cheanest first class Piano Forte in the j Market. These benutitul Instruments are last . winning their way into publie favor. The one is rich, lull and powcrlul, nnd gushes I. it'll, ivitl, H..KI Dii.i.ilii.iun i iw.!.,ili it.liili, . the touch Is easy nnd elastic, Are finished in rich rosewood cases, "with lull iron frame, over strum: bass-mid French irrand nellon. All have large round corners, with back fin ished like Ihu front. Every instrument fully warranted tivu years. Circulars giving cor rect iiKcness time irom pnniograpn. wun niu descriptive price list, sent tree to any address on application. A tU'niitiiiil Mougnnd Chonis ! woiiru Tiunrv ci.xts, i Accompanies the Circular, and is worthy of preservation. Dealers will no fur nislied these lieantiful In slriunents nt the LOWEST WHOLESALE TIUCES. And Touchers nl tho rates of disrnnnt. Ad dress all orders to O. J. WILLARD, Wholesale Agent, i;-.'7 Uroadway, N. Y. Wholesale ngents for Will. A. Pond A Co's, liuarduian, Gray & Co, 's, Wm. Kuaboifc Co.'s, nml otber llrsl class lEPicviio "Portos . Circulars giving correct 'likenesses of these celebrated l'i.in-i Fortes and Taylor & Farley 's j Model Oigins, t'orwardad to ai:y address on ; upplicati ui. I Tho Latest Songs, Published January 1, I lscil, and m liletl to any address live ofpostagn. 1 Ob, sing me tint dear old song USc We've tlrank li'oin the same canteen, by J. 1 O. Ciark, 8:e : rcuulil'ul Wilier, sang by J. XI. Thomas, 3fio : I'm happy as Hie day is long, fide Somebody's Darling, 1 Violets Under the snow, by. II. Tucker, ; Sweet be Iby repose, by' J. II. Tlioinas, i Song ol the spoon, a new college song, 1 The Angel Guide, by Favager, ! When I went courting S.illie, com'c, ! Only a withered rose, ! Mother. I have heo'd sweet mudc, Pleasant dreams of long ago, ' Oh, say not a woman's heart U bought, ! Kathleen dear, :s.ic ; a.-c ; .- ! r.oo ! line ; ."Or ;i.-.c .Lie S.-.c fine 40c 35o :10c lli f ire I was noirned, 0 dear, We'll meet no more at twilight hour, Picnutiliil Isle of 1 he sea, bv ,1. H. Thomas, 8.I0 Old don't care, by VV. K. Hasf ird, D.-io Light of my soul, of thee I'm dreaming, 8.1c Five o'clock hi the morning, , 4()o ('Icon and I, rang by Harry Tucker, .:t('c Come, Nehlu dear, I'm weeping, by Tucker 3uo Mu-ile on ll.u waves, vocal duct, by Glover UOc No time like the old time, UOc Give the old man a ch-.uci!. 30c Ono bright moony night, cniic, 3."c lliev all conic homo but nunc, Yoiuig man nn the ral.wny, 3()C 3.-.cr When 1' emails tight lor Ireedont 3 3fic Down by the i;ate, by J. K Thomas, 20c (".irParlios ordering Music and over paying for the same will receive their change inclosed wun niu music, or .uusie win no selected, as panics prcier Ml orders promptly attended to, ami any inform allon cheerfully uivOn lti:i-Ki:i:M r:s : lion. G. W. Pattersrn, cx Gtu'ernor of Sew York, Westlli lil, N. Y., T. K Co'nian. President Lake Shore Hank, Dun kirk, New York. Nkw foint Citv ItKVF.iii:NCF.s i William A. Pond & Co., William H. Ilradbury, Cnrhmt, Needham & CV, Siberia Ott ; Hugh Piddle, Hsil , Geneial Supt. jMotivu Power, Erie 1, It. Wheeler & Wilson. Cv)'Aildress Orders. (). J. WILLATtn. Wholesale Piano Forte, Organ it Music Dealer, No. 027 Uroadway, N. Y. Dec. 20. 18(l,"..-tr FAHMEHS' GHOCERY., TIIK OI.I NAMJ'. HIT IN NKW HANDS. L . W .' T II ) Ml' SO N , HAVING purchased the above named Gro cery, has relltted and restocked tt He has a complete stock ot (Jonfectionerv, oranges, Lemons, Sugar. Coffee, Tea, (green and black), Syrup, Molasses, canned fruit, cheese, rice, soilansh, white liuio, soft snap (country made) catiillea, nrackers nt all kibds, cigars, tobacco. (chOAing and smoking) fish, lamps, of, small fancy articles. &c, ifcc. Any one needing tho nrticles mentioned or aitj'tlilng In Iho lino not mentioned will do well to cull. Produce taken in trade. Remember tho placo. tho "Farmers' Grocery," formerly owiied by P, Drown. May , 'mi.-ly. Itotvrt Carriage Miiniil'iicltircr WAYNnsimrio, Pa., RESPECTFULLY gives notice that he has loealod In Wayncsborg, Pa., where ho in tends to manufacture C A R R IA fi E S Of every description. From his oxporlonco in the business, lio feels confident that Ills work, In stylo, finish nnd durability, will give entiro sn'Jsfncllon. It Is his determination tiHmrchuse .ho best matorUl In market, and canploy none but comnotcnt workmen. 5rAll new work wurrentod for ono year. Wftvncsbtirit, Feb. 81. I8i!(). tj " ADMINISTUATOKSJSOTIOE. "J ETTER3 of administration having boen ij grnineo toiiio (moors gnen upon 1.10 n- l,itfllc..ln...lrt Stmiv.v den'.t . Inlo of O I - moro toivnsbm. Oon . coanty. Pa-t nmhie ia WOK a Tjgjs-ssiji O Yes! O, Yes! COME ALL YOU GOOD TEOPLE, young nml oi l, who wnutto puichnse GOOD AND CHEAP CLOTHING! nnd examlio my NEW STOCK " Inch I Imvo Just brought on from the t'l y of I'liiladeliibia, I can sell ns good suits of all kinds of as cheap and cllr-nper than cm ho linmrlit hi any olli. T eslal lislrnmit. I .m dcteiiiiinod not to beuud.'riold by any mw. : A. .1 SOWERS. Warnesburg, May 0,l'iiii.-:hii. AYIiUS SAUSAl'AIMI.LA 13 a coneentraled cxiract of the choice root, . so combined with other s.'bstaneos of still greater alterative power as to nll'ord nn elfcc- .l!ftl lual niiililolu lor ilis- cases narsapari:la is rei-uleil to euro. Such ft remedy is smvlv wanted by those who Miller from Strumous eomplalnis, nml that ono which will accom pllsh their euro must prove, ns this has, ot Immense service to mis largo class of our af- illicted I'clluw-iSti.'-ns. How completely this wimpound will do it has been proven by ex periment on many ..of tho worst eases to bo found in tho following complaints i Scrofula, Scrofulous Swellings nnd. Sores. Skin Diseases, Pimples, Pustules, lllotches, Erun'ions, St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Ery- sipelas. letter or sail juiemu, wsuu uauu, ltingworm, &. Syphilis or Venerial Disensn Is expelled horn )iri;f ' auJ iho ,ltti(.nli9 ic:t. iu comparalive j,,,,, jy-mulo diseases am caused by Scrofula In , , ,, B()l)ll cwvlx y U,u ' .. ... - .... Extract ol 8 irs:inaillla. j Do not iliscaul, this Invaluable medicine, ! because you havo been imnoscd upon by something pretending to lie saisaparilln, while i it was not. When you have used Ayer's-i. I then nnd not till then, will you know the virtues of Sarsaparilla. For minute purlieu- u ()l.Ul0 iVw lt curcs We refer vou to . American Alnuinac. which tho Agents below named will furnish gratia to all who call fur p.. Aver's Ciahartlo Pills, for tho cure of Costivencss, .laundicc. Dyspepsia, Indif stion Dysentery, Foul stomach. Headache, I'iles. Riicnma'ism, llenrtburn arising from Disor dered Stomach. Pain or Morbid inaction of the Rowels, Flatulency, Loss nt Appetite, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Worms, Uout, JNcu ralela. nnd lor a Dinner Pill. ! I They are siiL'ar co::led, so tint tho most; sensitive can take them pleasantly, nnd ihey are the best Apciiiont iu the world for ull tho , . purposes of a family pl ysle. , u lusn-' . Prepared by .1. V. A ER &. CO., Lowell, , JliANS, Mass.. nnd sold bv Dr. 1). W. Hiaden.i Dr. Win. L. Creigh. 51. llnrvey, Wayni sburg, Pa, nni' i.f Driieg.e.s tin oughout tho county. Slay HI, I'm DP. TOBIAS' VKXETIAN LINIMENT. IVrn or cnorr what n pretty and Interest Ing child I saw last week I Hut now, alas! It is no moro. Such was tho conversation of two gentlemen riding down town In tho cars Died of croup! how strange! when Dr. To bias' Venetian Liniment Is a certain cure, if taken in lime. Now, Mothers, wo appeal ta you. It is not for tho paltry gain and profit we make, but for the sake of your Infant child llmt now lies nbivlntf at vour foot. Croon Is I a da.igen.us disease t hut use Dr. Tobias Venetian Liniment In tlino, and it ia robbed of its tenvrs. Always keep it In the house ; you may not want it to night, or to-morrow j no telling when but armed with this liniment you are prepared, let il come when it will. : Price only 40 cents n bottle. UMlce fill l;ert- limit Slrec-l, New York. Sold liy all drugglts DH. TOBIAS' VENETIAN LINIMENT. ACEKTAIN CUBIi fortius h. limbs nifa back, sore throat, croun, rhcumalisni, colic, &c. A perfect family medicine, nnd nover fails. Bead! B0..1I!! Bead !.T Livonia, Wayxh Co., Mich., Juno It!, 'fin. This Is to certify that my wife was taken with Qaiusey Sore Throat j it commenced to swell, and was so soro that sho could not swallow, and coughed violently. I used you Liniment, and lundo a porfect cure In one week. I Itrnilv believe Hint hut for tho Llul- iiieiit sho would havo lostjier hie. JOHN II. HARLAN. I Price 40 nnd 80 cents. Bold by all druggUts. Olllee,fi(l Cortlandt S'.reot, N, Y. ' $1,500 PER YEAR 1 We want agents every where to sell our iMi'itovi:n i S'20 Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. Lnilcr una upper teed. wnrrimtod live years. Above salary or largo commissions paid. The only machines sold hi the United States for less than if HI, which aro luily licens ed by Howe, Wheeler & Wilson, Orover & Itaker, Singer & Co., nnd llacheldcr. All odier cheap machines are Infringements and the seller or user are liable to arrest, fine nnd iiiipriasonmoiit. Circulars freo. Address or call upon Shaw & Clark, liiddefurd, Malna or Chicago, 111. Jan, 17-ly. JPojr &Tq ! THE SUBSCTtlUER OFFERS FOR SALE tho property known as tho TYCA? D FARM, situato at New Brownsville, Monongalia coun ty, W Va., three miles from lilaoksville, Dunkard Creek, containing about 21.1 acres, it is in flue order, good new dwelling house, carriage house, turns, sheep pens and all ne cessary out buildings. Fences are in good repair s a lino young orchard of choice fruit upon the premises, It is near to churches, schools, stores, mills, &c, i&n. Tho farm will bo shown l y Mr. A. W. Tenuent, near the premises, or by tho subscriber. Al'GCSlT.S KSESWK1N.' May 23. -If Mnixd Farm, llimlfvl. 1 0 Mcliool DiiTi'tors' fVolice. ITII'IE Scliiinl Dlreetors of Morgan township, 1 will meet nt tho KutffCVjek School House, near the widow Heaton's, , July X4t, 1866, to receive sealed proposals for tho erection of a now school house on tho ground now occu pied bv tho Rutfs Crock School Houso. Tlio tlze oftho building to bo 20x32 It., 12 fl. high. For plan ot finish nee Center S"hool House, near S. C. Orr's. Tho building to he brick, with good stone wall, ono toot high, clear the ground. Tho Desk to bo of Walnut or Chorry wood. ALSO, a Conl House and Privy. At Iho same time and placo tho building that stands thoro will bo sold. By ordnrof the Board. JACOB GREENLEE, Pres't. J20 t-m JOHN SMITH, Soc't. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS, of administration having 'heen grunted to the undersigned upon tho es tate nt'S mil. Hosklnsini, of Qronno township, dee'd c Notice la hereby plvwn to nil persons indebted to said estate t mako Immediate piiymeut nnd I lioso having claims ngaitvst tint same to present thoin properly authenticated for settlement, AB.XLR FOKDYOE, j'-'O-Ow Administrator, I i NEW GOODS I PETER UAS JUST RECEIVED FROM THE Eastern cities and is now opening a Ui gu stock of Spring Cioqds. For quality nnd cheapness ho defies compe tition. Ho is determined lo sell upon as fa vorable p rms ns can be done by uny otlioi house In Western Pennsylvania. In part ho offers the follow ing i FOREIGN AND AMlililOAN GO .15 S , piain amo Figured sins, Orunudius, Lawns, Reragi s, Altmccas," $ Mohnirs, Detains, ChallicB, ' MoandiUtnos, Poil do Chevies, Prints, Sic, &c, &c- Shawls, Silk and Cloth Circulars, Cloaking Cloths, Embroideries, Handkerchiefs, Fine Muslins, Summer Balmorals, and Hoop Skirts. AN KXCI-.LLKNf ASSOnTMKXT or HOSIERY AND CLOVES; CLOTHS, CASSIMEUES , VESTIKGS, TWEEDS and COTTON ap:d linen GOODS! FOR MEN IB HOIS' WEIR, Si.lected with great tiirc, aiul will be sold nt a small advance on Iho lowest manufacturers prices. They have the best stock of goods fot 1 Men nnd Hoys' wear ever brought to Wnyues burg. Call and examine for yourselves. 1 They Invite particular attention to their large stock of I Domestic Lttottu 11 tiools; Bl'OWll ail(.l BleaClied MusU 1 . . . THE BEST QUALITIES. ftiit$Iinnim,' Tickings, Sheetings, Cotton Yarns. WE HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE ASS OR TMENT IN THIS' SECTION OF THE. STATE. Wo aro prepared to sell any kind of goods at i mi To Cash Buyers On mnro favorah'c terms thnn Ihoy can eb obtidued anywhere else In this region. crREMEMBEIi TflE PLACE, J3SIAH PORTER'S OLD STAND. . PETER BROWW. W aynesburg, ni)2.i, 'ii(i,-if, Lyons Periodical Drops THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY F K IRREGULARITIES. Theso Drops tire a seifmiillcally compound ed fluid preparation, nnd better than any Pills, Powders or KotSums. Being liquid, their action is direct nnd positive, rendering them a reliable, speedy and certain specific for tho cure of till obstructions and suppres sions of nature. Their popularity is Indicated by the fact that over lou.ooo bottles aro an nually sold uud consumed by tlio ladies of tlio United States, every oue ol whom spenk in thu stromieat terms of -praise Of I heir groat merits. They are rapidly taking the place of every other Fenuln Remedy; lind nro con sidered b nil who.knovf ' ought of thorn, as the surest, safcst 'nnd most infallible prepara tion In tho world, for the euro of all female cnmplalntsi the removal of nil obstructions of nature, sod the promotion ol tirnltli, regulari ty and strength. Explicit directions stating when they m..y boused, nnd (xpfnfnlng when nnd win they should not, nor could not bo used without nroduclng ellocts contrary to nature's chosen laws;- will bo found carefully folded around cueh bottle, with tho written signiitino of John L. Lvox, yvllhout which cone lira genuine. Prepared . by D. JOHN L. LYON, ICS Chapel Street, New Haven, Conn, who can bo consulted either personally, 'or by mall (enclosing stamp,) cmcernlng'airprlvato dis eases nnilfemiile weaknesses. Sold by Druggists evervwharo ' 1 c g. Clark & co., General Ageuts for U. S. und Canadas. Nov. 8, 'afl.-'-lv. ADMINISTKATWfS NOTICE. LETTERS OF ADMWISTIUTION HAV Ing boon grftnfod to the underslgnod up on tho estate of David Evans, dccUi notice s horthy given to all persons Indcbtod to said pstateto tnnkc Immediate payment, and thoso having clnlmB to present them proporly au llieullcatcd for settlement. GEO. EVANS, Adm'r. 7, '(Kl.-fif. QOTiMTH I-A..KNTS w tflled tor six enlhelv new .nrtlclos, IliSi out. addres aO, T. GAREY, City Bulldlu(c, Bldde ford, Mluo. Jnnl7," 09.-ly. '