The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, June 20, 1866, Image 3

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WAY NES U U 110:
We will receive suhsoriptions for tho
Rr.rntucAU to tho 12th of October for
60 cents, '
Tlio past week litis Uui'ii one of life: iiml
festivity. In (iiidiiion l0 its being the
week of court, with mi uniiMiul siir and
activity in business circles, thu Ktsiivnls
ot the Mite Societies of thu M- 1'. mid V.
P. Chut'ulicH, as previously announced
through our columns, cntnu oh".
Tho lui'incr listed during thu evenings
ot 13th uud 1 1th last. In view ot thu
limited aeeunimedaiinns too lunch can--uot
1). said in praise ol thu eoimnkUe
'on arrangements, lietreshnients were
of tho best and in ample (jumililie. Our
;ci:izun8,aee:iiod to bestow their gratuities
liberally, and tho Society we have no
doubt was bountilully rewarded in i's
cominondablu c!i'jrt thus to soeare public
Tho "15ryaii .Mite S iciuty," ot the 0,
P. Church, javo their onlcrtaiiimeiit on
Friday evening last. To say that it, was
in every way a couipliitn success would
bo u tame assertion. All wero gratified
beyond anticipation. Wo have not
space for details or particulars, otherwise
would bo pleased to give them. Among
the interesting teacuros of the occasion
wero tho music and toasts, the postal,
floral and refreshment depaituicnts, n
iniiiatiiio .well with ''iiioss covered
bucket," from which was drawn an in
exhaustible supply of "ice cohl" lemon-
ado, nbona-Jilc bed room with all nuces,
Bary appendages ; ai'd fancy articles of
all descriptions. A beautiful photogrph
album was disposed of by giving the
assemblage tho priyclcgo of voting it to
tho handsomest lady in the house, each
voto to cost ono dime. Also n Ii:ic
dressing gown for one of the pastors of
our placo was disposed of in tho same
way, at 25 cents per volu. from the
many ingenious devices resorted too to
relievo or.oof his spare stumps, it i. pre
sumed quite a handsome sum it:iH
ed. Nearly everything was mad'.1 sale
of in tho one evening, and no duvbt the
jiublio aiiil tho sjcioty wero each crpially
Lranr Fixiiuueh (!::Nr;iv. O.i the
evening of tho Mth inst., a ooitplo of
youti" gents, who came to town during!
tho day by way ot thu Landing, made a
draw upon tho personal i fleets of .Mr. !
Timothy Doiigher, the proprietor of iho
tVayncsliurg and Landing Hack Line,
to the tune of thirty dollnis and a gold
watch. The trio were occupants d the
same bed room, and the thieves "pi-csuni i
ed their cheek" whilst "Tim" was i.sha p,
otherwise it is doubtful ivlie'.her he-hud
"cashed it." Wo learn also that an at
tempt was made to enter tl e house of
Mr. Jno. J'uehamin, but that gi nilenian
hearing the noise, r::iml the window ly
way of bidding them "good evening" in
tho shape of a "Colt s elm gated" ulien
tho parties fled. Nothing has been seen
er heard ot them since.
Out at Last. Tho Elector," tho
second steamer ol tho "Peoples Line"
was tttkun off the ways at Drownsvillu
list week and went down to Pittsburg
to fit up. Sho is represented as a model
boat in every respect a credit, to her
builders one and all. She is said lo have
made second best time on record, for
Motiongahola wait, or. her trip down, j
am! is uo doubt the fastest vessel on this
trado. "Tho people are jubilant over the
success of thu new line and greet tho j
steamers "Chicltaiu" and "Elector" at
every landing with tho wildest demon
strations of joy. Those of our readers
who have nut had a trip upon either of
tho above boats, try ono. The ncco-ii-modatious
aboard and tho affability and
I gentlemanlike kindness of ollioers and
Wew demand tho warmest praito of all
who travel with them. Tho "Elector"
a commanded by Capt. Phillips of
Brownsville. !
Rui'LECTiox at i.Asr Tho Newbury
fort Herald concludes in testing history
.of the vartous sub.stitu'.es for iho largo
.and costly pipe organ with the following
well-deserved notice of tho Cabinet Or
gan ! "All these inventions worj;, how-1
ever, but htlle tnoro .than a series .of vx
periinents, a striving after an ideal,
which should combine all excellences
and reject nil imperfections, which, ac
cording to the universal testimony of
the greatest musician throughout tho
worldi-has at last . been attained in tho
'Nbinei Organ'- of Mason & Hamlin.
Thosa who- have had their cars pai nod
by tho thin brassy sound of tho old fash
joned serapVmo, in which tho wind was
forced instead of drawn through, or who
bavo tried to bo thankful for the improv
ed melodeon, but wishing tliere was nioiu
ptit, can hardly realize that an instrn
moot of tho same class ohould be cumin
ble of such powr, richness of tone, nml
surprising effects as tho Cabinet Organs.
Jt is fortunate, too, that thoir expenses
is so low ' as' to place them within the
neans of almost every family in the land;
and their vthll, we doubt not,
be unbounded , in immeal, rial hello und
locial culture." ' : ', .," -; t., .
tSeo advertisement in mother column.
Tun FouiiTii ok July. Is it possible
that the spirit of our forefathers is dead
ill tho bosoms of their children? Will
the faithful few In (ireunc County permit
tho fires of 'TO to bo smothered f Have
you so soon forgotten tho fu ry struggles
through which wu have but recently
p.'.ssed, tho glorious ii'iniversavy of that
day in '(jo ? Must this great national
sabbath go by without a shout of joy,
the boom of a gun, cr the roll of u diuiu ?
What say you "Young America !" If
nothing else, drag tut the "old m
pounder' from the mud In which it has
been wallowing for the past year, and
make the surrounding hills re e-Jio lice
dolus notes, even at the i-.xpeiisu of Cop
perhead nerves.
Tin-: itKco:tDixa uk ii:i-:n.s.
15y an a-t of ilio Aisembly it is pro
vided that all ilocds and transfer! ot real
cstato in the Statu of Pennsylvania, must
be recorded six months from the tinia of
their acknowledgment, in the l'ecnrder's
ofiiee of the county where such property
is located. We have several times been
leminded of this, fiet, lately, by parlies
having lost heavilv through neglect ot
tho plain provisions of' the law on the
suhjjet. Deed: and transfers not icci.r
ded as aforusaid, arc regarded as worth
less, and snbseipieiit sales i f property
thus held can be nude, to tho injry and
loss of parlies thin negligent, Persons
settling up estates executors and ii.lmin
istrators. should bJ very careful to have
all their releases recorded. To mako a
moitgagj or j j Igni'jnt valid un 1 ac
cording to law, tho p'operty bound
should bo put on record in proper
tiuio. So do not delay, those who have
neglected this matter, but act at once
Tun new live cent coin will bo ready
for delivery to purchaser, at thu mini in
Philadelphia, about the 23th of Juno,
and can thou be obtained in quantities of
filty dollars ami upwards. Orders ac
coaip-.nied by tho greenbacks wil. be
received a', once', and the coin furwaroVJ
, j, ,
li y express, free ol charge, as soon as
J 1 , ' '
ready for slupnieut
azssnxt, gkauv in in.-5'roiiy.
Wo have betoie us tho second an 1'
,, I,-,,, , . .n, ,
riMienl y published vo ume of 'The Great,
. ,
In'helhon. a IIisloi-v i.t the (ivil U'.n- '
, ' - "
in ir.u un-.teii ,-i;ates,--oy j. i nua-liey,
tho well-known author i f Napoleon
and his Marshals," and "Washington
, , . , ,,
and las Geueials. run. many c.vpres
ions to bo found m this book, we judge
the writer to be a Democrat, somewhat,
but slightly, ii-cliiu.l to i'op'.crlii.-adisni,
and opp ised to the "II i Ilea!.--," but in
the main patriotic in his sentiments.
Happening lo light upon a couple of
jia-sagt-s of this volume relating to Gen
eral John W. Geary, now tho Union
cin'idate for Governor ot Pennsylvania,
wo concluded to publish them for the
benefit of such f our readers as have
not seen Iho book. j
la the aut' or's aecounl of" tho ba.tle
of Wafih.itchie. near Chatt.auoo.'a, ho
says, on page i'ol: ,
"All this'ume hoivy md ineessnnt
volleys of musketry arose from tho spot
where Ge;.ry was struggling a;;ai!ist :
overwhelm!.?,, nuinb.o-s ' The
hcr-j was il'-spcrato, ami s-veial times 'no
itas ncaily overborne; but with that
teieieiiy which has al.eays ditinguished
him, he still clung to 1 is position, aiid
lit length hurled this enemy back, com
pelling noil 10 i;u;e veinge on i.oououl . I he valley was now ours.
Geary uaino 1 new honors in this h:lW-
fought batlle; but tluy were ivon,
for his son, u captain, was killed."
And on page 2 til, when describing
' " "
the battle ol Lookout .mountain, tho :
writer says again: i
"At this jiinetura thu scene beeamo i
oneot most exciting interest. The thick '
fog, which had heretofore rested in dense !
folds upon tho sides of tho mountain,
concealing tlio combatants ti in viu-v, I
suddenly 'lif ed to the summit ol the loky I
,.;,! ,.. ,i ; J, I
"S- ,V'",.""lu Sa.e oi
iiiijiis.ioos in inu viiiieH anil on llio
plains below a ccenu such as is witnessed
but oncu in a century. Gen, Geary's,
oo limns, flushed with victory, grappled
niti tho too upon llio rocky lodges, and
drove him back with slaughter from li'u
works. While the result was uncertain
the attention was breathless aad painful;
but when victory perched upon our
standards shout upon shout rout the air.
The whole army, with one accord, broke
o.ut in joyous acclamations. Men wee
frantic with joy, and even General
Thomas hiinselt, who seldom exhibits
his emotions, said involuntarily, 'I did
not think it possibe for men to accom
plish so lyach.' "
So much, for the present, as to the
written history of Gen. Geary,
' Aad whilo all this glorious st'-uglc
was going on, whero waa Jlr Heinler
Clymer? On this or any other battle
field risking h s lifu in tho service of his
country? Not at all, lhit some one.
may say, perhaps, ho was, while at home,
sustaining tho National Administration
in its efforts to crush tho rebellion which
was threatening tho lile of the nation.
Perhaps ho win i-Tiduavoring to reconcile
tho people to . tho heavy but necessary
burdens which tho war imposed upon
them. Perhaps ho was cheering on new
recruits' who might ba marching forward
to lill up the ranks of our 'diminished
armies; do all ho could to promote the
comfort of tho soldiers ami making the
somen as. pleasant and honorable as
possible. , Had he been engaged in any
Of lhso praiseworthy objects, he hhould
huvo duo houor tor his conduct, even if
it did not suit him to risk hiscomtmt
and tile on tho Held of battle, Ihit his
neighbors- and acipiiiiutnnces know that
ho "cared for uono ot these things,"
On tlio contrary, he acted with the faction
that was do:ng all in its power to cm
barrat-s the Government in its efforts to
ruisu recruits and pay them; the 'action
that was endeavoring to promote discon
tent and sedition in thu loyal Slates, and
to take from soldiers in the ful l the
privilege oi voting; m short doing all
politically that was calculated lo plcato
Vail iiidighaiii and other traitors in the
North and rebels in the South.
Geary Ciymor. Wiiai a contrast!
And yet thu Coppei heads pretend to
think that ll latter has some chance i t
an (lection. We think that, Geary's
record in tho war, und Clymer's record
nil 1 lii Senate and clsexwioro, inu.-i oe
blotted fi The pages of history before
any such disaster can occur. Vcify.'i'tf
OF THE Al'.Mli-.S.
The European conterance having fail
ed, thu only alto: native now is war, anil
we may at any moment receive lie a s of
tho commencement ot tiostilittes. 1 lie
pretexts are numerous. Tlio Prussians
may attempt to diivi: the Austrian garri
son out (d lli.l-lein, or Austria may
take the i1. illative ot an attack m Silesia
or march an army into Italy. Tl.o Ital
ians are i:i a blaze 'of enthusiasm, and
for thu tunc being thu original points of
dispute are lost sight of in thu oyershnd
owing import.vce ol tho Venetian iies
lion. Kvcu it 1'ius'ia and Austria woio
to conic to an agreement, it. seems im-
po.-sthlo to allay ihu martial ardor of
Italy by any! lung .short of thu rxpidsion
of Austria lroin tho Peninsula. The
people and tho Government united
as ono man, and in tliei'r present temper
it is within thu bounds ot probability to
anticipate that ll.ey would da-h them-,
silvcs against Austria, even if unsupport
ed by a single ally, 15ut in no case is
Italy likely to bo isolated. Tho war
once commenced between Austria and
1 'Hy .wonl.l rapidl extend over Kurope,
i How it is likclv lo end is a nueslion that
i . , ;. , , , ,!
. cannot bo predicted. J. at from present,
! np; eaia:u-es it will probably bo short,
sharp ami decisive. r.(t even utinug
; the meat wars of the first Napoleon
ll"V!' la,'""r arilllM ' .ll,H '',
l he loi'ccs ol Austria nro estimated at
,,i i r, i
eight hunurcil taoiisan I men. Italy, is
: i i...t.. ..i.l. ......'it... l
, oi i pai oil' in t;n e oi.-i mie juie-.iuun-i i
inalo popuia.ii'ti in the r.el'l. 1 riis ia
, 11 r'A'r :i1" '"'t'e''' cipiippcd army
m' '!' ;,I1C0 u',M
: tak! the held, it is probable that the coii
.mnhjA m,y a
of two and'a ha'f millions ot men. .
! rtaMcsjs.TaittiwTu
On .I-iino II, a .tho reddpnea ot thu
bride's father, tit, Canton, Ohio, by l!ev.
K, Buckingham, Mr. 0. II, Hawkins,
of Pittsburg, uud formerly of this place,
to MIsh ,Ii:'nik A. daughter of George
t.J l SI I1! . J11LUIO
jllnt, .f, 1 H.'iti. of Spotted fever
IUnsaii child of Jo-kimi ui d
I'- mini: Wmhhkmi of Ailcppo tp.
lin'ell,! Cl"""'' 1''r A'"1 1,1,0111 17 'M'
l1' Vf T,1,' f T'(!
" ? ,ri,h ,",r!"",
' " .'
veat s o monihs and 10 days.
7aynasb'.inj ffiarko;,
i-oi:u:;cri:! vi:i:ki.v nv .t, i : i -i i I i: it . ")
.tunc 111. W(.
11111 or, fiesh foil :! '.'(I
('nllee per Ih til) to !!;( n,-r luisNcl
Corn ' meal per bushel
f'omitry 'Soap per Iti
j cheese 'per In !'..'.!'.'.'.'.!!!'.'.'.!!!'.!!!!!
' K';u',,"'s l"'r
l-.irii-s ii r i oz-n
13 .".a
, i ;"
.' ii
... 1 no
I 1)0
1 3
I on
i '
1 no
l!a! 10
2 fit'
! no
.1 ,-,
i; dona Mi
,. Ml
Flour per bhl...;
H' I"''", l'ld..
l'c.Ohi-1'.i per 111
Laid per lb ,
j.Vs't ,f "l'lr '"'r 1,1
oii'pe' bii iie'l"!!!.
live per bushel..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.','.'
Jticu per lb.'
?!"il" ea nshed per lb.
Siitftir. relineil ' " ..
,Su,,;ri K(!, (i lbs.
Svnni, per iviiUon. .
Salt, No. 1 per bhl
Soft Soup per gallon per callon
Tea per iii
Turpentine per gallon
'fallow per lb.
Wheat, pur bushel
Whitu beiil per keg
While Lime perbiisiiel,.,
Wo, 1- cniiiniim to line..,,
I'olatoes per biuhel
IVsiii; s. per bu ;hel ....
The .exti-aoi-iUnary mlvanco In gold has
made but. a very slight Impression, taking
everything Into eniulilerulion. fniporleil
gooils me Ihnier. mi l henl ntu slight advance,
tint there is no excitement and domestic pro
ilnee generally, remains about -Ilii! sumo with
gold at I.Mt, thnl itiliil with gold at I HI.
lilt.VIN Wl eat is llrm good Siii-liii' nt
.fpL' L'.-K.y.MlO. Oals-at 58. Prim,, 'Peil'iia, Oaio O.i sat (it! In ii". Cm it ill HDii ityo
Is dull at tin to !).", for Western, nml t for
I'iimo I'eniui. Ohio IJailey at huclt
wheiit, is selling nt i(ii,2,-,,
I'KOVl.SlO.N-llacon Is (lrm nt 5,at.-,.l
tor Slemlihav; I "Juts for Nibbed 1 1,1. ,vml
'.'I I i'.'H for Canvassed 8uiir Cured Hams. ,
1'' I. OL'H Spring Wheat nt i.'I(),(HIii ! lialf
Sjiilng nml hall' Winter nt tfMIJulli nil
Winter at $12,50 to $1:1; ami $11 to ,fiif,,r
fancy bi'iuuls.
ri)i',Toi-;s.-i-licii niows nt 1511,1s t
l.'J0 per bush, and tf-1,-"' to ll.'ill per hbl.
lilJTn;it I'iimo Itoll not above 2i)a'.':.'
ICtlUS Sales at '.'-.'.i'.';).
HliliUS At sJ'.',ii.in2,T0pi!r bush.
, llaltltiiuro t'attli) .ilarket.
Hai.timoiik, June 21. licef Cntlle
Thu otl'oi ings daring thu past wore .Il'7
head, against Old lioad previous week.
O.ving io tho light supply to-day prices
wero rather stiller, and show an average
advance of ioo per UK) lbs. Common
at .'jt7,2o,1S,2,-, fair 65.2,5fi)S,7,',, ,u,d
good at St!i(,j!),2. pur I Oil lbs.
Sheep S des at o(ii) io per lb., gross.
Lambs brought $3,5001 1, 50 per head.
aw in1' i.i warMWM8f w.g?OTinnjwTirt lHimhi i i rwn m h -raramiij''tt vmtrm r mmm m ft mm im hiiihbi-, :-
corn MVRKET.
.liino 10 Gold opened at 151 J bid
in New York this morning, but there
wero uo Boilers. 'Ihu foreign advices
coiitiuuo unfavorable, flnancinlly, and
this was what stiffened up tho gold
market, mid sent thu, premium up U
Five Twenty bonds ko:p firm at UIJ
r.l()2;S; lHMI's advanced ) 10. 10'a'
better, and 7 oO'sare strong.
Imiston, .Tune Hi The Wool niiiiket con
tinues (pl'ltc nctive. Sales ,,f iloniestic fool
up some (iL'."i,oiit) It's, nt a rang) of 4r.:x7."o
for ll.-eee, and lOiiTl'Jc for Ih.) vaiimis grades
of pulled. Ohia, niPiliuin mid Hue, at Cluii.-.o;
iiunieroim small parcels of Ohio and Pcniisyl--an
a (liable extra nl ii"ia7"ic,
TH I Ul'TK )X of I'ianos, Melodeons, CM.l nn.l
Silver Ware is now going on a: the Salesrooms
of Keen & Ih , "I Liberty St., N. Y. Tln-s-j
goods lire, sold at TWO DOIJj.VlW EACH,
Kiui.uini.iiss or Send TWKNTV
T1V10 C'enl.- for ouu nunilic icil Notice, or
OXI-: DOLLAR for SIX. The Number on
each Notice corresponds with thu number on
pinie article of good., which will ho sent on
leeept of $1. Tho money will bo refunded
of the goods do not .ulve suti-if.iclion. Agents
in ike TWLNIY-FIYK DOLL A 113 i'KIt
WKtdC. Send for a lhciilur.
Olllee: . 1. 0. fiOX, illtts,
yt Liliei-ty St. -1!W York.
A. ail V ly
A Clergy man, whitu residing In South
America, as n missionary, discovered a safe
and simplcremcily for llio euro of Nervous
Weakness, K i'i ' Decay, Diseases of the
Urinary and Seminal O.gans, and Iho w'uolu
train of disorders brought on by baneful and
vicious habits. Great numburs have been
already cured by Ihij noble remedy. Promp
ted by a desire to beiU'lU tho alllicted nnd im
I'orlii'iiilu I will send the recipe :or repaitug
and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope,
to any one who needs it, free of cliarac.
Please Inclose a post-paid envelope, ad
dressed to yourscU'.
Address, JOS. T. IX MAN,
Station 1, liable 1 louse,
Apr II, ly New York City.
I'ulili.-hedfnr'liobi'iiellt Hildas a CAUTION
TO YOU NO Mi:N and etheis, who sull'ej
from Nervous Deliilitv, Pi-i'm.-ilure Decay of
Muihood, supplying nt the --aine 'time
Tun Mr. v;is oi--Svi.r t'riii:. I'y one who lias
cured hiins-lf after iridcrgoln;' conslderaiilo
((iiai-Uery. I5y enclosing a po- tpaid addres-ii d
cuvi'lope, Mimic copies, free of charge, may
be had of the author.
Jlayj:) "liti.-ly lirooklyn, Kings Co , N Y.
Ill 11! 1 1BC83IT
ing or Oents I-'iuni-iliieg loods you may Ibid
in their new fresh and well si lectcil stork just
bought in thu '
And whic h, for variety nnd chcapners, the
lik'j has not heea seen or heard of for mere
We will only give a few of Iho leading nrlMcs
with prices and nsk you, one and all, toe ane
nnd fen lor yoiusclvcs, and wo will prove
more than wu say. Wo have
From 10 to 'J. dollars, bu'hiesp coats from -t
to Hi dollars, and for dollars will sell you 11
coal wo will insure,
Pat.ts (10:11 1 7" 1 1 10 dollars, will sell ALL
WOt L pants and vest for 8.01) dollars, these
wo will guarantee j vests from I nolo 400
do Tars. A complete, nsaortini.nt of
For Men and Dnvs, prlcu ranging from "" cla.
to "1 (Ml dollars.
Hosiery, .
Drapers, Linen, Muslin nnd Drilling,
Shhts, wool, muslin nnd linen,
UIovcr,' Ties, &,!., itc
In endlesi variety. Snspenders frnni .1 els.
to 7,'i. Ties for I." nnd i"i cents, and a splen
did cotton hose for yt cents,
Nearly opposite. Campbell's comer, M.dn
Street. , May Id, I. v.
A5iisii:jt.s:i'atoi,'ts IVotk'C
T.ET'l'EIW of admliilnl ration linvhig been
IJ granleil to the imdi.rsigiied oil the estate
of JaniesUwynn, dee'd , late of Jell'ersmi tp .
nolle,! is hereby .given lo all persons indebl d
lo said cslalc to niakii liamedlate payment und
those having claims to present thyin properly
luilhniiliealeil forsetilci it.
, Admhilatraton of Jainus Owynii, duo'd.
May o, iau'i.-0w
Xo. C,27 liltOADW.VY,
I STKl'MXNT aianutae ured, und Ihu
Combining Sweetness nnd Depth of Tone,
1 1-"t ii I i lul mil ( 'liaH In Appearance, Uo
llning and I'.lev ding hi ii-r 'Penden
cies. Eur Churches, Pallors or
Ihi! lioudoirit has no cipial,
and has invarlablvtakiai
Competition with other well known mnmi!ac
turi'is. Thirty -four different styles, and from one to
twelve stops, Long Double lidlows, Double
Iilow Pedals, Knee Swill, etc., etc., giving
great powei mid steadiness of lone.
THE SUlMtASS, applied to the VWilu
Heed Ononis, elves a vohniie tif tone rinial lo
n sixteen font stop hi a Pipe Oritan, n:i I when
nppllcd to our Oruans cantainhu tlicm, mid '
four scls of lieeds the volume of tone Is eipial !
t a $'J(Kio pipe organ, and costing only about '
one fourth us much. Send for nil ilhi-lr:ited
Price List, giving full purilcttlars. Address i
orders, O. ,T. WlLLAIil),
Wliolcsalo Agent, (i'.'T liroudway, N. 1".
TIIK G U K ATM ' N! 5 1 VA LV. I V
The idienpcst lirst class Piano Forte in the
Market. These beautiful inslnuneiits are last
wluulnir their way into putilie favor. The
tone is rich, full lin 1 powerful, and gushes
forth with peculiar sweetness a melody, w hile
the touch is easy nnd clastic. Are lliushed in
rich rosewood cases, with lull iron frame,
over slrnng bass and rrci'.eli uron,, action.
All have large lomid corners, with hack tiu-
Hied like th" Iro'il. Every instrument fully
i warranted live venrs. Circulars giving cor
- reel likenrs-s tali, n from iihotoirraiih. with full
descriptive price list, sent free to any address
on application.
won rii tuiiitv ei.Ms,
Accompanies thu Circular, nnd is worthy of
preservation. Dealers will no fur
nished these lienulil'ul In
struments nt the
And Teachers nt tho rates of discount. Ad-
, dress all orders to O. J. WILLAI!1,
I Wholesale Agent, I!-'" I'road'vay, N. Y.
wvi m
Wholesale agents for Win. A. Pond A-Co's,
I'l'iirdman, 0 ray & Co, 's. Win. lCnabci. C'o.'s,
mi I other llrsl class
IPaiclo fortes
Circulars giving correct iilo-icsses of these
celebrat"d Piano Purl sand Taylor & l'loVy's
Moilel Oig up, forward :.l to ai:y ndilrcss "on
niplicali.ui. .
The Latest Hongs, Published .laiuiary 1,.
ISil.i. and mailed to any address free of postage.
I )i, sing me that, dear old song Jlec
We've drank IVoiutliu same canteen, by J.
G. Ciark, :."ic
l'l-aut'u'ul Wales, saiighyj.. 11. Thomas. .:),"(:
! I'm liappy as ihe day is long, r.ue
Somebody's Hailing, :!.",e
inlets muter tlic sno-.v, liy ll. rnclscr,
Sweet lie Iby repose, by.), II. Thomas, ' li.'ic
Song nt the spoon, a new college song, Mlc
Tim Angel (J'.llde, by Kavager, ttnc
When I went eouriiug S.illie, com'c, ;;ec
Only a withered rose, ;).",e
'Motlier. I have lie R.vcel ir.u ic, :i."c
Pleasant dreams of long ago,
Oh, s.iy not a woiii.ui s heart is bought, fine
Kathleen dear, " 400 I was married, ( dear, ;ir,c
We'll meet no more at I wili-jl.t, hour, tine
lienulilul isle of 1 he s-'ii, liv ,1. I!. Tlaai::;;-, Jiei;
Old don't care, by W. IC. Itasl'-ud, ,""ic
Light ot my soul, of thee I'm dreaming, .".'.c
Five o'clock in the iuiii niiig, " .Ilia
Clcon and I, :ang by Harry Tack -r, tli'o
Ci me, Nellie dear, I'm weeping, by 'flicker :!;
Mnsicon the waves, vocal duel, by Glover Cue
No lime like the old linn;, jtne
Give the old Hi-Hi a clii.niv. :icc
One hriglit moony night, cone, tioe
They nil ciene home but mine, .'Inc.
Young man on Hie rahwny, ' ;i.u
When P, niaus light lor freedom ti.'ie
Down by Ihc i,ale, by .1. It. Thomas, line
CF-Parlie.-i ordering .Music and over paying
for the same will receive their cliaiuti: inciiisi'd
with the .Music, or Music will be selected, ns
parties prefer. All orders promptly attended
to, and any information cheerfully given.
KiU'i-uiiiNct.ff : Hon. 0 W. Pa'llersrn. cx
(loi'ernor of New York, West Ii. id, N. Y., T.
It. (i Lilian. Pn aident Lake .Shorn, Dun
kirk, New York.
Ni;v I'onu Cirv l'r ri-.iiiA-cr.s 1 William A.
Pond & (Jo., William I). Itradbiiry, Cnrlnnt,
N"edham ,t Co , Sioeria Olt ; Hugh Kiddie,
l-ls. , Gcneial Supt .Motivu Power, EilaU. li.
Wheeler & Wilson.
C;$"AddiT;-i.i Orders,
0 .T. wn.r Ai:n.
Wholt fjalu Piano Porte. Organ & Music Dealer,
No. tiJ7 liroadwav, li Y.
Dec. 20, I SC.',. -If
'lilt! (11. 1) NAMK ill "'r IN Nl V IIAMM.
L . V . T II ), M I S 0 N ,
J TASTNO purchased the above named (Iro
IL eery, ha t relilleii and restocked it lie
basil complete slock ol (.'oul'celioncrv,orane.s,
Lemons, Su:;ar, Colfce, Tea, (;rrcea and
blin k), Syrup, Molisxes. canned I'l iiit. clieese,
rice, soda ash, while lime, soft soap (country
made) caudles, crackeis ol all kind 1, ci-aiv,
tobacco. (cho:ving and saiokiiii;) lisli, lumps,
of, small fancy articles, in:., ic. Any mic
in-edlng the arlielcs meutloaed or anvth'uig In
Iho line not mentioned will do well to call.
I 'rod nee taken In trade, licniember the place,
the "Fnrniers' Uroeery," formerly owned by
I'. Drown. May !', 'uti.-ly.
For f3-lo 2
mnuufDscniiinit offeiij foi: sale
. the property known its th-.i
slluatu at Now Ilroivnsvlllo, Mouongalli couu
ly, W Va tlireo miles from lil acksville,
Dunkiud Crock, conlainin; about mil acres,
It is In (Ino ordor, good new dwelling house,
earilagii housa, b.ons, shenp pens and all nn
ei ssary out. buildings. Fences are la good
repair t a lino young orehar'l of choice fruit
rlpoiilho premises. It lit near lo chinches,
schools, Hlorcs, mills, Arc, Tlio farm will
be shown by Mr. A. W. Tcnneirt, near tho
picmlses, or liy the subscriber,
May -If. .Mapel Farm, Diiiikard.
p i : 0 1'Ll ?" l i xlf .
T.lX,"li. II. Annuls,
1 j,K ' -Vj Co ui 1
ouuiLindiji', (,upt II.
isoN, Clerl;; leaves
(Ireiiiisboro, fir Pin sbnrgh every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, nt !' ill' Leaves
Plllshurg'i for (ireenslioro every Tuesday,
Thursday nml Saturday. May toy tit). Cm,
O Yes ! 05 Yes !
J yin(::g and old, who want to purchase
and examine my NEW STOITI "Inch f hnyc
just broiighl on from tlic Ci.y f Pliiladelphin,
I can sell as good sails of aft l.inda of
as cheap and cheaper thin cm be bntr;!it hi
nnyoth 'i- j'stal li.'h-aeii; I iu dcteniuued
not to lie und rtold by any one, '
A. .1 iiO'iVEItS.
Wayncdiurg, .May !), 'liii.-.'liu.
I S a concentrated cxiiact of the choice roct,
so cianbined wilh oilier sclistaiicescf still
gr -ater nllerntlve power as to all'oni an ell'ee-
t mil null dole for dis
cuses ,'Sarsap iri la is
rejaile,! to cure. Such
a remedy is surely
wanted by those who
i-ulli r IVoin t-.tru.nous
eoniplainls, nnd that
one which will accom
plish Iheir cure must
prove, as this him, ol
Immense service 1,1 tins 1-irge class of our nf
tlieted fcllow-chi.-ns. How eonfpletely tins
compound will do it has been proven by ex
periment on many , .of the worst cases to lie
found in Ihe following coinpl aints ;
.Scrofula, Scrofulous (dwellings and, Sores.
Sfiln IHseases, Pimples, Pustules, lilotchcs,
Eiiip ions. St.. Anthony's lire, Hose or Ery
sipelas. Tetter or Salt Itlieuni, Scald Heuil,
ltingwonn, Ac.
.iyp'iilis or Vencrial Disease Is, xpellcd from
tlie 'uvstein by the prolonged use of this Sarsn
parilfa, und the patient is lelt in comparative
Female diseases are cau a-d by Scrofula in
the blood, and arc often soon cured by this
Extract of S.irsaparilla,
Do not diseaul this Invaluable medicine,
because you have been imposed upon by
soae tliing prclendiog to lie saisaparilla. while
it was not. When you have used Ayer's
thin, mi l not till llicn, will you know thu
virtues nf Sarsaparilla. For iniuute parllcu
Jinn of llio diseases it cures, we refer you to
Ayer's American Almanac, which the Agents
In-low named will furnish t,iulis to all whocall
for it.
Ayer's Cnthailie Pills, for the cure of
Costivcniss, .laundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion
Dysentery, Foul stomach, lleadiichc, Piles.
Khcmna'isni, llcnrthmai aiising from Disor
dered Stoma, -li. Pain or Morbid Inaction of
Hie Dowels, Flatulency, Loss oft Appetite,
Liver Cotiiplainl, Dropsy, Worms, Gout, Neii
rnlniii, 11111 1 lor 11 I tiiincr Pill.
They nve Miirar led, so that the most
sensitive can take them pleasantly, and lliey
are the best Apcnient in the world for nil tho
purposes of a family pl vsie.
Prepared by J. !. A 1 Kit & CO., Lowell,
Mass.. and sold by Or D. W. Hradeii.t Dr.
Win. L. Crci':'i, .Sr. Harvey. Wnym shurg,
Ph.. nil'' nl T'ltigg, ;'.s :hrnu;;houl the comity.
.May Hi. l: 111
i13ac2l:o(i: how Z.csl, Eaaw EJc-
yyT.-.T 'Ltlt published, a new edition of
f a--; "'ty Da. i.i.'s Cia.iaaiA-nai
JaL..iV.i Essay on the rmlUilrm-c (with
out medicine) ol! SnaiM.vrroioino'.A, or s'.-inl-nai
weaknc-is. Inviduularv Seminal Losses,
linpotcacy, Mental and Physical Incapacity,
Impediments to Marriage. cic.;also. Cuxscmc
tiox, Eeii.ncsv and Pus, iiidu cd'by rclt iu
dulireiiceor sexual i xlravagince.
i'--)"l'ilce, in a sealed envelope, only (I els.
The celebrated nil lior in this admirable
essay clearly demonstrates, from n thiity vein's
successful practice, that tlio ularoilng consn
cienecsof sell-abiise may be riilicall cured
wiihouttlio daiererous use of internal Inedi
cinn 01 tho application of Iho knife pointing
out to a mode of euro lit once simple, certain,
iind cll'cc.lii d, by means ol which every .suf
ferer, no matter what his condition may be,
may cure himself cheaply, p:ivnlely, and
e,j"T!ie Lecture should bo hi the hands ol
every youth and every man in the land.
Sent, under s-ad, in a plain envelope to anv
nddrcs:, mx ji.ihl, on receipt of sixYcnls, or
two postage stamps Address Ihe pub!i.-heis,
( HAS J. C. KLINE 6.(1).,
I271)nwcry, New York, Post (Mice Iioxl.isii
niai-2l:'(l(i- ly
j'Jii-ii oc 0 iit what a preltv and inlcreat
Ay lag child 1 saw last wci k ! tint now, alas.!
It Is no lanrn. Sach was the conversation of
two gentlemen tiding down town in tlio cars'
Died of croup! how strange ! when Dr. To
Idas' Viaelian Liiiiincnt is a certain cure, if
taken in time. Now, Mothers, we appeal t
yon. it is not for thu paltry g-di and profit
we make, but for the sake of yourinfaiit child
that now lies playing at your feet. Croup is
a dangerous disease. ; but, us-.s Dr. Tobias
Venetian Liniment hi time, und it is robbed
of its terr rs. Always keep it in the house ;
you may not waul It to-night, or lo-mi mm
no telling when hut armed with this liniment
you are prepared, le.1 it. ,-omii when it will.
Price only -It) c.hilsa b.ittl . OiUco Mi Curt
unilt Street, New York, bold by nil druggils
DU. TOiilAlj'
ACEliTAlN CL'ltV- forp-dns i limbs mm
back, sore throal, crouo, rheuniatisin.colic,
itc. A polled, family medicine, and never
raits. Head! Red!! It-ad !!!
Livonia, W'avjjh Co., Mien.. Juno 1 iT, V,:).
Tliis is lo certify thai my w'.fj wSs taken
with (J iinsey Sore Thro it. ; it commenced to
swell, nnd was so sore that she could not
swallow, and coughed violently. I used you
Liniment, and made a perfect cure in one
week. I linnly believe that but. I'm- tho Lial
men! sliu would have lost her life.
Price III and SO cents.. Sold liy all druggists.
Oillcuioii Oa-tlanlt, N, Y.
J3l,S300 PSA YEATS ! W'
want iiKiatu every where lo s-l our imciiovi o
i2i Hewing Maeliiue.i. Tlireo new kinds.
L'udr.r nnd uppar feed. - Warranted live
years. Above, salary or largo commissions
paid. The only machines sold In the United
States for less than :,ili), wh'c'li are lliily licens
ed by Howe, Wheeler 16 Wilson, ' (trover A;
Hiker, .'linger it Co,, nml Knchcldor. All
othor cheap mnchiuefl nro Infringements nnd
the seller or user ere liable to arrest, (ino nm
iinprlsmnmont.'. Cirrulicn free. Addr.-s.i or
call upon Shaw ii Clark,. liliUloford, .Vain: or
Cliieago, III. ' . . j .
Jan. 17-ly. ' ; !'',
Exchange JSotal
GiVar o o n 353 o r o , '
J.'V. II JN, IVp!'i!or
rN-lNVITINO THE I'UI'.LICto hi-, patron
L Sge; tile undersigned feels conll leul, that
by hll long experience, hejvill bu cunliled to
render BalM'acllon to nil. He guainntecs the
best nccoiniiyidalious both to man nnd beast,
May M.'ti.Vlv J. W. ILMIN.
wm uwm;..
ft.VLKK In Hooks and Ht itioucrv. Hf en-
I ' !lH. Daily L' lP-'i i'Viany Articl.-s, ka,.
WnyucshurA Pa. April 1, 'G(!.-ly
Eastern cltks ami is uow opening a
Inrgu stock of
Spring (Ooods.
For (pi'dily nnd cheapness he d( 'flua compe
tition. He Is determined to si ll upon as fa
voiahle terms ns can tie done by any other
hnibu in Western Pennsylvania.
la part he otl'eis the following 1
lleragis, ;
A lottcrns,
Del, ins,
Challics, ;
Foil ,le Chevrcs,
Piints, &c, iSc, &C.
Silk and Cloth Circulars,
Cloaking Cloths,
Fine Muslins,
Saiuiiuor lialmorals,
Hoop Skirts.
Selected with great care, nnd will ho sold at a
small advance 011 the lowest manufacturers
prices. They have the best Btoek of goods fin
Slcn nnd Hoys' wear ever brought to Wnyncs
burg. Call and e.Miniine for yourselves. -
They invito particular uttention to tliuir
large slock of
O '
Brown and Bleached Musli'i
Vulon "S'nj'tss).' ;
We aw prepared lo sell any kind of goods at
11 mm m
1 .
On more favorable tonus thiui they can ob
ouiaineii anywhere m nits region. ,
W iiynesburg, np'.'.'i, 'li(i.-tf.
Lyons Periodical Drops 1
Theso Drops nre a seicnlilleally compound
ed1 fluid preparation, and bolter than any
Pills, Powders or Nostrums, lining liquid,
their notion is direct nnd positive, rendering
them a reliable, speedy nnd certain specitio
for t ho 1 ure of nil oM ructions and suppress
slims of nature. Their popularity la Indicated
fly thu fact, th at over lUO.Ooil hollies arc an
nually sold and consumed by tho ladies of tlio
ladled Slates, cverv one ol whom speak In
tlio Ntrnmrcst .terms of praiso of their great
merits. They are rapidly taking Ihu placo of
every other Poni do Heinody, nnd urn con
sidered In, nil who know nui'M of tlinm, as
Hie surest, safest nnd inl'alliblo prepara"
lion in tlio world, for tho cure of all fcmiilu.
complaints, Iho removal of all ol.j-trlictions of
nature, nurl tho promotion ol health, rcguliirl-l
ly and strength. Kxplicil directions stating
when tlily niiiy be used, and explaining when'1
and whj "they should not, nor could not bo,
used without producing olpebj contrary to,
nature's chosen lawn, will bo found cnrefiilly'
folded around each bottle, with the written
signature of Joii.n. L. Lvov, without' which
rone nre'genuinc.
Prepared by 0. JO IIS L. LYON,.' Iflfli
Chapel Street, New Haven, (Joan,, who can,
ho conmiltcd cither personally, or by ninll,'
(iinel'islng stamp,) conccrnin;.r'all prlvitto' (lis-
eases and feniidu weiikncssi-s." . .... .
.Sold by Dru-.'glsls evcrvwhera 1 "'' 1
(J U. CLAl!K&CO., v.f
Ucner.d Agents for U. S. mul Cumulus,
Nov. H, I v.-
H'iWt'uJos h Motive, ,,,
KTTKHS lertaiiicntary having been giant-'
I J ed tlio undersigned upon thoVstato of Do-'
Ilia Lint, late of Way no Tp., dec',1, Notice'
is hereby given to nil persons indebted to said
cstato I o make immediate pa) mom, nml tlioso 1
having claims iigaiiiBl thu snniu'nru hereby no
tilled to present them (btlv auiheiiticstpd for
uelllemillt JMII law, r.',. '.
JNO, LANTZ, Ex'r.-
my ill) tiw
$90 A mOUTH I-ArTmn
wanted lor six i-nliieiv new urlielc, Jns nut 1
addre; i.O, T. OAKliY, City lluildlug, UUUq.
lord, Mow. J:iuu -(jo.-lv.