T -JFARMEBS COLUMN, TrnnA-Trt Mivif Mnn-fw 4. lot ol CotUwold sheep having been seen in V; New ,Yorl that would weigh fioin 800 ' ' tol 400 lbs.', the proprietor ( Canadian) . . . was asked bis method ot fattening sheep, "and replied: '.' "In the first place I secure a good breed. That i the most important .rpoint. ' The next thing is to keep them growing from the iime they are weaned till they are takon to the slaughter-house, r.' neer allowing them to grow poor at any ...mn of the vear. 1 have fed them all the ha," peas and oats they will eat. p. a,-.; hitter than Indian corn for matin mutton. Oats furnish a nitro genous matter for the formation of nc oessary musolo. Toas produce more fat v than the same number of pounds ot cereal grain," , 'Do vou feed any roots and strawt" "Yes each sheep gets not less than one or two pounds ot turnips daily, with all the straw to eat and lie on he wauls; and a food shed is provided, with a sup nlv of Dure water, aud salt to lick at r j i pleasure" "How much do you expect to get tor the largest of your tloukl" "Two hundred dollars per head, orl( ship them from this market! The next day wo learned they were taken at that price tor Christians mut ton. Worth Knowing. One pound ot green copperas, costing seven cents, dis solved in ono quart of water, and poured down a privy, will effectually concentrate and destroy the foulest smells. For wa ter closets on 'board ships and steam boats, about hotels, and other placns, there is nothing so iiico to eleanso and purify as simple green copperas diasolv. ed in water; and for sick rooms, it may be placed under tho bed ir. anything that will hold water, and thus render a hospital or other place where there aro sick persons, Iree from unpleasant smells. For butchers stalls, fish markets, slaugh- , ter houses, sinks, and wherever there are putrid and offensive gases, dissolve copperas and sprinkle it about, and in a very few days tho "bad smell" will pass away. If a cat, rat or mouse dies abou1 the house, and sends forth an offensive gas, place some dissolved copperas in a , cup or jar, anywhere within "smcllini; . ' distance," and the cure is sure. I have known a stouk of dry goods which were ,. nearly spoiled by a skunk under tho building, to bo cleaned and restored simply by sprinkling dissolved copperas on the floor. Salem Gazette, orrowino Tools. It is an old say lug, remarks the Albany Cultivator, that "he that goes borrowing, goes Borrow ingi" and a still older one, "tho bor rower is servant to the lender." But so far as applies to farm tools, Yankee ingenuity seems to have reversed these sayings, tor one of the greatest annoy ances of some neighborhoods is the necessity for lending tools. "Won't vou leud me jour cart to -day" "I want to borrow your crowbar." "Can.t you lot us have your drasj?" "Aro you gom' to use your old maro lo-day?" "Father .. wants to eel vou oxen." "I want half dozen of yournew bags.'Vto , are usually , followed with long searches for lost bags, half days spent in getting carts and harrows repaired, &c. ."Why, father, Mr. Duinplin said he .' would pay for the cart, if you would get it mended." "He would, indeed, would , he! this would cost him about one fourth of my loss Of time in going to him fur it, and Inking it from the blacksmith shop, to eny nothing of three days delay in getting in work done!" ' But. father, you know tha's a groat deal better than Mr. Suggarplutn did when ho borrowed your cultivator, for when ho broke it, he swore at you behind your back for lending him sueli a 'rotten machine,' and wouldn' never pay a cent." "John, whore's the crow- bail" "I don't know, sir. I'vo hunted for it a gooJ deal for Uo or three, days." "Have you looked in the barn." "Yes, I hunted all through the barn, and the carriage-house, and the oorn-house.' "Have you asked Jim." "Jim haven't you seen tho crowbar nowhere.; "Why, yes, I saw it at Squire Noodle'si ho bor rowed it one day when vou was gone away, to pry up a bar post, and it's been Blickin' there over since " Every farmer should have n full set of implements and tools, awl have a place for eve y thing, and every thing in its place. If he has not tho moans, let him sell off a corner of his farm to procure them. "Bijckwiihat as a Gni'.KN Manuiik Chop "II." On very poor and light land, buckwheat is by far tho best common green manure crop. Oats do vory well on soils of little better quality, and clover is best for clayey soils that need organio matter. Tho amount oi tho crop varies exceedingly, 150 to 200 lbs. good Peruvian guano will almost uni formly ensure a crop of buckwheat, and two crops may bo iilowed in in ono Bonson 0 t need a little more guano, with the addition of some ashes and plaster perhaps, and clover needs very thorough plowing. It may also have a drossing.ot limo plowed in, also lime harra wed In, and an application ot gua.io and plaster at tho tnno of sowing, wbluli may be iy Soptember.or you may plow in n crop of buckwheat or oat, and sow clover jalba full, ' Geo. E. Minor. ..L. K. Evans. DOW STOP TO LOOK BACK UUT GO RIGHT IN! TO TUB STORE OP CEO. E. MINOR & CO TUG above named Arm has purchased a complete stuck In the East nod arc Bulling at reduced prices. It comprises a general as sortment oi , DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, BOOTS, SHOES. IIAT3 AND CAPS, CLOTHS, CASS1MERES, &c, &c.., Ac. We would also call the special attention of tho LADIES to tho largest lot of IteLnines and Calicoes cm offered In this market, and at prices as low as belorc the war, also, our lull lino of HIBBONS, VEILS, DRESS GOODS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. BUTTONS, IIOOl SKIRTS. BALMO. SKIRTS, &c. You would do well to call Immediately, as prices aro already stiffening in Iho Eastern market, Don't forget tho place, at tho OJLsX STAKD, In Minor's Building, nearly opposite tho & I). N. Raul;, 'Waynesburg, Pa.. April 18, 'illltf. F. CIOUM! CHOLSfii 110 W TO AVOID THE DREAD DISEASE! COMB TO TOWN, FOR iim;ii i m mniiim HAS JUST RETURNED FROM THE cily, and havo opened tho largest New Grocery In town. They dosrc to Inform tho citizens of Waynesburg and vicinity of tho caro they have taken in selecting stock, having on hand a cood supply of CONFECTIONS, TOBACCO. CI GARS, TAU, also. PROVISI ONS, BACON, DRIED BEEF POTATOES FISH, DRIED PEACHES, &c , ifcc , &0. Call and sue thcin as they havo just You will find thorn accomodating, and can sell lower limn any ono in tho place, Bo sure to go to tho right place, iu LEDWITH'S OLD BUILDING. opposlto tho Court House, and formerly c copied by tho Post Olllcc. up;8,'liii.-tf. PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING THE FINES P STYLE. Our prices cannot bo surpassed for cheap ness by any oilier establishment m this part of tho State. Parties wishing done should glvo us a c VI. Wo aro ready at all times to do anything In tho printing line. Ihccutors' Notice. LETTERS Testamentary having been grant ed tho undersigned on tho estate of D.VVID RICH, deceased, lato of Cumberland town ship, Greene county, Pa. Notlco Is hereby given to all persons indoblcd to said estate to make immediate payment, and thoso havimr claims to present them properly authenticated for settlement. .JOHNSON WYCOFF, LOT L. RICH, aplH-Ow. Executors. T II E MASON &.HAMLI'. CABINET ORGANS, Forty uill'erent. styles, adapted to sacred and secular music, for ijjiKO to ijumi) each. THIH TY FIVE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or llrst premiums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogues froo. Adc'ress, MASON & HAM LIN, Boston, or MASON BROTHERS, New Yoiik. 8opl!Vi"-ly Ilobcrt liouxiicrt), Carriage -k Manufacturer Waynksiiuim, Pa., n ESPECTFULLY gives notice that ho has lb located in waynosuorg, ra., wuoru no in tends to manufacture CARRIAGES Of every description. From his oxperloneo In tho business, ho fools cnntldont that his work, 111 stylo, finish nnd durability, will give ontlro satisfaction. It Is his determination to purcluiRo .lie best matorl.il In market, and employ none but competent wotkmon. All now work warrontod for one year. Wavnusburii, Fob. 81, IHIIO. tj . GEORGE s. nn, TvEALER In Books and Slatlonsiv. M,tm- U xlnos, Dally Pu per, Fsnoy Articles, &o., Wayncsburx Pa. April I, 'flo.-ly AT BARGAINS ! ! THE undersigned has a large lot of BOOTS, SHOES, AND . Which ho will ciuse out at FIRST COST!! All persons in want of bargains will do well 10 can soon. AV. A. PnjRTEK. Waynesburg, Nov. 15, 18(i.'. tt. MIIS K. 8.8AVKKS. 1IOSKINSON. NEW GOODS! ! Spring Stock. C&reat ariety MRS. E. S. SAYERS & IIOSKINSON, Saycrs' Comer, Waynesburg, ra. MESSR3. SAYERS & IIOSKINSON navo just opened an extensive and entirely now siocK ol 1''ASII1U Alius BUY GOODS Bought In tho best Eastern market, at tho very lowest cash rates, comprising nil styles of the most fashionable and serviceable textures of Gentlemen & Lades' Wear It is useless to enumerate They havo evcry hing lu tho Hue, with BONNETS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS And Shoos. Wares of all kinds, nnd n com plete variety oftlio bcstUItOCERlKS. ' All of which tney propose to sell at tho very lowest figu'res, depending ou tho quality ana cheap ness of their goods to gain them custom. Nov. 21). inns, t f Bradley & Smith MANUFACTURERS AND IN SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, Ac., &t No. 132 Woo.1 Street, PITTSBURG, PA. PEOPLE OF GHEENE COUNTY wishing 1 nnytliing in our line cau be furnished on the shortest notice and MOST REASONABLE TERMS. Persons from a distance sending us ORDERS PHOTOGRAPHS will have them promptly attended to, and on i AMl'PnTVPira account of being near Market Head Quarters ',,,.. .,,,' , ' ' wo can furnish goods CHEAPER than they ; MALEIANO I I'Kh. cau be bought elsewhere. j CARTES DE VISITE, . Sell (I Us Yoill' O J"dr rn, And nil other kinds and sizes of pictures, in n and we will give them our strictest attention stylo equal to the best artists. Especial atten nnd forward go-ids by Express to Wnvnesbnrg tion will be given to copying pictures and cn- nyimator persons living in tho country can send by Pedlars nnd Hucksters. mnr2!l'(!.- tf BRADLEY & SMITH. NEWFIEM ! rpHEUNDEHSIGNlCDhavc assoc. itedthem. 1 tclvcs together in tho name and stylo of HUGHES AND LU0.-iS, t tho old stand ofllnoiiKS, H.mit& Co., In Rices Landing, Ph.. fi.r the purpose of carrying on tho Grocery, Forwarding am! Commission business in all its various brunches, They hope, by the long experienco of one ot tho Partners, and strict attention to business, to receive a liberal shaio of the public patronage in their lino of business. They will KEEP CONSTAN PLY ON II AND A good supply of Groceries, such ns Siurar' police, nice, Molasses. Nails ami Iron, Oils ' nnd Paints, and all articles nmmllir i.-,,t i , Grocery Store, idl of which they will sell at n uijr Binau uuvancc over cost nnd onrrta 'o LINDSIOY HUGHES, ' THOMAS LUCAS. MnyO, 'C." tf ftNE IIUNDRKI) DOLLARS PREMIUM v ui I'Eurcii iiY NIKON & BURCHINAL, HMITIU'IKI.I), F.VVIii rU CO, l'., JiAXl'l'ACTL'llKllS OF tANK MILLS AND COOK'S EY.U'OIMTOK This Is tho only successful Evnporntnr for maiiing a no. i syrup wuii economy and dis patch. Ovor ten thousand wero used last fall, nvcry ono of which was insured, and not one ruinm. cd. It is tho only Evaporator froo from liabilities lor iniiingemeiit upon some previous patent. We am also agents fur tho celcbratod ''VIC TOR CANE MILVmanufaolurcd by cuiik's snitno maciiinb co. Wo olTer Ono Hundred Dollars Premium for sample of best Syrup, (seo pilco list of Cans Mills and Evaporators, sent froo of charge.) to ha awarded by Surijli iim Convcnllon, thu time and placo to oxain Ino samples to be determined by tho Conven tion. J). OWENS. Agent. ALSO, PROPRIETOR OF THE EAGLE FOUNDRY, WIII'iHB lie keeps constantly on hand. STOVES of nil kinds and CASTINGS of all descriptions. Orders solicited and fill- cd promptly. aprSS Urn. Waysksiiliio, Pa, WHEELER & j WILSON'S Coring Hatluwcj llave been awarded tho Ilighost Premiums stall Foreign, United States and Stale iairs where exhibited. Tho finalities which recommend tho heel er & Wils'.u aro s 1.' It uses NO SUUTTLE, and mkesthe LOCK-S1TCII. Beauty and excellence of slleh, both sides of the labile sowed. aliko np 3. Strength, firmness and durability of scam, that will uot rip nor ravel. 4. Economy of thread. r,. Its attachments and wldo rangu of ap plication to purposes and materials. 0. Compactness and clcganco and finish. of model 7. Sinip'leity stiuction. and thoroughness of con- 8. Speed, easo of operation and mnuage uient, and quietness of movement. !). It has been the popular Family Sewing Machine for nine years, and henco it uol an experiment to buy it. Read the following extract from the Chica. go Tribune! "Tho Wheeler A '.llson Lnck-Slitcli Ma chine in 1,000 yards of Scam, uses 2,2.iU yards thread. The Orover & Baker Double Tlmnid Chain Siilcli Machine iu l.noo yards of icam uses 15. SOI) vards thread. Tho" Wd'iclc ti Glbls Slnalo Thrad Chain Slitch Maehiue. in l.UDU vards of seam uses :i,i00 yards ol thread. Over MOO Wheeler Ss Wilson Machine nro in use h Western Pennsylvania, w hich is more limn all olbei'a combined. A machine whose merit has achieved such a world wide renown and success. W n anted Tkrco Years, By a responsible Company, brought to tho house of the purchaser, instructions given 4u its use, without extra charge, aud satisfaction guaranteed, it. is no experiment to buy, and 1 1 Ore is no investment which pays a better in terest or hi lugs more comfort, health, happi ness and relief to the household. Bend for Circulars and Samples to WM.SUMNKU &CO., No. 27 Fifth St., Pittsburgh, Pa. ' Agency for Western l'a.. Eastern Ohio, and Western Virginia. Nov. 22, 18G3. JulylS-ly. S3-These celebrated machines aro sold In Waynesburg by Capt. J. M. Kits r, Wilson's hnlldinv. MEW PHOTOGRAPH -IX- WAYNESBURG, I'EN'N'A. Has filled up a new nnl splendid Pliotogrnpli Oallery in the third story of ALLISON'S DUlLDINti, lnrgmg llioni. All applications will bo nromnt : ly attended to. Their rooms am commodious I and attractive, and every desirable neeomnm i dation will be reiu'.erod to customer! This is , decidedly Iho best opportunity to. secure accu ! rate likenesses ever oll'ered to the people ol Greene Count'. Call any lime it suits you, 1 Pictures taken any time in the day, and in all kinds of weather, Nov. l.V ixn.y it'. SIlLL.continue to cany on tho Marble find Stono culling business at Iheir long estab lished stand Immediately East of tho Public square, Main Street, Wiiynoshurjr. This establishment has been In constant operation since I suit, nnd the long experience and energy of Iho proprietors, linked with tho exercise of sound judgment and good taste, have won for llioni n wi Ic spread and enviable reputation. An extensive slock of the vurlou i varieties of the best marble kept constantly on hand. Special allenlion paid to polishimr. ! dressing, carving add engraving, All orders promptly tilled. December 2:1. I una. GROCERIES! Lto All Persons COME TO WAYNESDURQ "3L7o G-Ot CHEAP GROCER1EG OF t'OTTKHL'L & t AVLOIt, Pronrletni'Rot' llin nliindld Grorerv Slum f... iiiorlv owned bv Josirnh Yea ter. Jlr. Tavlnr koops on hand a good supply of the verv best SUGAR, COKFEK, TEAS, RICE, MOLAH 8ES. 8 PICES, CARBON OIL, LAMPS, LAMP CII1MNIES. SHOE FINDINGS, &c. &r. and. In fact. EVERY. THING usuallv kept in a first class Grocery Store. Two doors East of Wilsons New Building Oct. II, '03-U' mm k mum. RECONSTRUCTION NOT QF THE UNION BUT OF Esaac Hooper's GROCERY & CONFECTIONERY I MR. HOOPER would still havo his rlends and nations bear n mind, that he con tinues in tho Grocery and Confectionery trade at Ills usual placo ot doing business, and Unit ho bus )ust received A. Fresh Supply of tho best quality of all sii'cles in his lino. TOYS NOTIONS and a great viiricty of useful articles always oil hand. 3P3EFHESHMENTS, In connection with (he nlmve, Air. Hooper keeps a Restaurant, where! CK CREAM, ber ries and all the luxuries of the season can bo obtained. The moat attractive and most popular resort in town. .nine u, 'lu-.y E. B. Pendleton Ma ti ti la c 1 in i n s Jeweler, No. 20 Fijt Street, Third Floor, PITTSBURGH, I A. Jewelry made to order, Hair AVork, Corps Marks. Badges, &c. ; Jewelry repaired and madu to look equal to now, Wfliest Cah Prim raid or Old Cold Sitnr. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Julv 12. 'li.--lv TJiTT." IF witmor' UAS been In successful practlen fur a niim her of years, wllh iho experienco of tho dlilereul hospitals In Europe, also a member of tho Analytical Medical Institute of New York, continues to attend lo all professional cases at I is ollleo , No. 1)28 Filbert Street, Phila. No natcnt Medicines aro used or recom mended i the remedies administered arn those I which will not brake down tho constitution. but renovate the system from all injuries it has sustained from mineral medicines, and lcnvo the systc-n iu a healthy nnd perfectly cured condition.' BYSPEPSI , that distressing disease nnd fell destroyer of health and happiness, under mining the constitution and yearly carrying thousands to untimely graves, can most cm phatlclly be cured. Melancholy, Abberration, that state of Alio-' nati .n and wiaknossof mind which renders persons incapable of enjoying tho plcasbresor perlormins the duties of life. RHEUMATISM, in any form or condition, chronic i r nccutc, warranted curalile. Epi lepsv, or falling sickness, all cluvido or stub born cases of FE M ALE DISEASES radically removed ; Salt Rheum and every description of ulcerations , Piles and scrolul ous diseases which havo bullied all previous medical'skill,.can bo cured by my treatment; nnd 1 do s;iy all disuacs, (yes ConmHiiilitui) can be cured by wearing my Medical Jacet, which is a protection ty the lungs against all changes of weather in all climates having investigated for years Iho cause and character of intermit tout's (fever and ague) iu all parts of Iho United Stales will euro' permanently all chroiilc or acute cases ot Ague and nervous discuses in a lew davs. CANCER CPRED WITHOUT THE KNIFE OR DRAWING OK BLOOD. Taoo Worm, that dread to Iho Huiniin T Family, for years, can be removed wilhtwo -ir t-nrco noses o:iny new iy Discovered remedy, warranted, in all chjcs. Consulta'lon in the EiikI'isIi anil Ganpn Langunges free ofcharge. Will make visits any distance. If desired. May bo addressed' by letter (conllden.ially,) and MiMliclncwnt'wlth proper directious to any part nf iho country. OFFICE No. 1)28 Filbert Street, Phila. niar'.'4:'(i(i-ly IP 33 JO. O H3 IIAVINU BEES MADE, WE OFFER OUR CUSTOMERS ONE OF THE LARG EST STOCKS OF DRY GOODS!! 10Sffl.OI.lM LEATHER, BOOTS & SHOES, Hats & Caps f EIi., .lLS ;i!i(l SALT, And a groat variety of BONNETS nnd II ATS for Iho ladies, at ihe lowest prices that Goods have been sold fur since tlio commencement of the War. I'lilNTS From 12 t-2 Ui 2.".cts. pcrvd,. .l.rMj.VV.. I- I - 10 10 " " I'lII AfPillsbiirgll prices. I RON & Nails" ' Card Prices. KAL'I " tj:i per barrel. t'OTI'ON YARN, at reduced rates. We havo the goods In sti.re, nnd nil wo ask of our friends Is to call and Bee fiir t lionise! yes for wo nro .satisfied that an examination of our slock and low prices will repay thorn for their trouble. To our friends at a distance, wo ex tend a cordial Invitation to call and seo their old friends, who 1110 always glad to goo them, for wo can assure them that It will repay them for tho trouble. W. II. jM'COY & CO. The old stand of W. II, M'COY, Orccnsho ro, Greene County, Pe iiii'a. May 1 0, 'r-tf ) S. B. M'Ei.uov. J,s. Dickson, J, T. Shank. s p 11 1 n a T R AT) E , 1 8 0 0. GOODS AT WIIOI.KHAI.lt 1 JI'ELROY, DICKSON & CO., .11 FIFTH STREET. PITTSBURGH, PA,, Now olT.irtl.olrSPRING OOOD.S nttlio lowest lUlllket llllenl .TKn I'mltlm ul,w,l will In. kept eompluid during the unison. Buyurs Iron eastern nnd nnniinl mi,i v.,ai,,i.n Poniisylvanl nnd West Virginia, nro Invited tocnlt and exnmlno tho assottuieut.. March 10 Pounded in 1840 AN D INCORPORATED BY LEGISLATIVE CHARTER. milEONLY INSTITUTION OF THE KIND 1 in tho Union conducted by a Practical bu kIik'ss man. Our hiirhcst Commercial Author- Hies, cast nnd west, prononnco his systems of Book-keeping uneduslcd comprelienumg every deparlment uf luisiness, nnd yet so sklllullv condensed that tho attentive student masters tho whole In six of cluht weeks. It consists of STOCK BOOKS, closed n ice with ft loss nnd twice with a gain exhibiting bv'threo dillereut methods tho transfer of old to new books. PARTNERSHIP BOOKS, conducted by three dilfecent methods, cx hibilingtho transfer of tho old to new books, willi the introduction or a new partner ; also practically illustrating tho , PRIVATE LEDGER, by means of which tho results of tho business aro kept out of tho general booksk for tho use ot the partners only. , LECTURS ON BUSINESS SUBJECTS. How every one may got rich. How to get rich by ttading. Tho cause ot Commercial failures. On speculations. Tho moral inllu anco of integrity in youth, etc. Also lectures upon COMMERCIAL LAW, . on Partnerships, Contracts, Insurance, Com mon Curriers, tho Statute of Limitations, etc. Practical insf notions In DETECTING? COUNTERFEIT BANK NOTES, by a full sot of genuine vignettes and coun ters, and a large collection of counterfeit notes. OUR RAILROAD BOOK-KEEPING, (m manuscript,) exhibits the construction and equipment, tno cpornting receipts and cxpen (mures j tno noons closed aim a mvuicnu re corded. These books arc advertised by others but not taught elsewhere In the city, Our new system of PRIVATE BANK BOOKS, (In manuscript,) embraces nil tho best forms in use among private bunkers. Our new en - larged edition ofDulf's Steamboat Hook-keep. lug. uurlilll course 01 uusuicss prnoiie in cludes about FIFTY BUSINESS BOOKS, ruled to about thirty ditferon' forms, via : 1 1 Ledgers, 7 Day Books, 5 Journals, li Bill B inks, 4 Cash Hooks, 4 Smios Honks. 2 Invoice Books, 1 Discount Book, 1 Check Register, I Dcpnsit Register, 2 Collection Registers, 1 Tiekier, 1 Hands' Register, I Freight Book, 2 Passage Books, I Fuel Hook. . Theso Books practically record about six hundred business tiMisactimi", comprehending Duff's original plan of business education, introduced twenty-live years ago. How far others havo suc ceeded in imitating: hint will bo best soon by enmnnrine the business papers and bonks ot other pupils with those ot the graduates of this institution. Harper's Enlarged Editiott DUFF'S BOOK-KEE . I.NG. rriec 62. rost-tje. 20 cents. SOLD BY UOOK SELLERS GEN ERALLY. AWARDED FOUR SILVER MEDALS. Which, with the following testimonials. Indi cate the character of tho work 1 'No other work upon Bookkeeping explains tho subject with so much clearness aud sim plicity. F. W. EDMONDS, Cashier Mechanics' Bank, Wall street, N. Y. 'As 1111 extensive ship owner, American and Eur ipcan merchant, hank director, etc., bo bus borne the reputation of tho highest ordo of business talents.' JNO. W BURN HAM Merchant, No. N South street, N. Y. 'I graduated in Dutf's college In half the lime I expected, Ills admirable system in cludes nothing superfluous, nor leaves out anything essential. J. K. COMITON, Cashier Niagara Bank, Lockport, N. Y. "Tno most complctu work id' the Kind I have ever seen." J. 11. Ml'RRY, President Exchango Bank, Pittsburgh. Tho most clear and comprehensive that I have met with. JOHN SNYDER, Cashier Bank of Pittsburgh. Your committee unanimously concur in the opinion ollho utility of the Improved method of Mr. Dull'." ' GURDON J. LKEDS, Recording See. of tho Amer. Inst! , N. Y. O11W U.J)uft's Penmanship For tho best business and Ornamental Pen manship, awarded our present Penman, by thu . United States faro at Cincinnati.. In ISliO Piuinsyl' ni'i Slate fair at Wyoming 1Si;o Wester Po itisvlv.inl i fair at Pittsburg ISlIu Wosten. VI' iiiii fair at Wheeling lilflo Ohio St ito fair at Cleveland 18l2 All of which aro exhibited at our office. OUR TERMS." Have never hi en advanced, while others nro charging fM tuition fee, or ijili) and ijl," ex tra for pi'iunanMilp. and $12 loiJ'-'Ulor text hooks anil blanks, For our graduating course, Including husl .,.,.,...,. ...,l.l ll, in, limit, ,.i & 111 The culanod edition ol Dutf's' Book-keep- bur. wllh blanks aud ilalloncrv at booksellers' mires. .". Our blanks nro uindo up of lino extra sl.od paper ruled complete, wl li lull sots of uuxll- IllliiS. Wo therefore prossnt tho business student with t!m following IMPORTANT ADVANTAGES 1 1 We have llin host Penman In tho west. 2 Dull 'a System of Book-keeping, (sanc tioned by tho New York Chamber uf Com. inerco,) taught by tho author. 8 The dally lectures uf an experienced mer chant, 4 A saving of sovoi) or eight weeks Iu tlmo of study. fl A saying of tlio samo number of weeks board. (i A saving of $1) or $7 In books and sta tionery. 7 A diploma signed by 0110 so long and so favorably knu .11 11s a preceptor, asanrooouiit unt, and as a merchant. For full particulars, send for circular, 7.1 pugns, with samples of out penman's Business and Ornamental writing, lnclojnj twenty llvo cents for puslago, to p. m rr & soar, PRINCIPALS, febll'flfl.ly P1TT9BUHGH, P HELMBOLD'8 EXTRACT teUOHU. IIELMBOLD'S BUCHU. IIELMBOLD'S BUCIIU. ' ' IIELMBOLD'S BUCnU, ., . . : i i ." : THE ONLY '.KNOWN EEMEDT. F0& DIABETES, IRRITATION OF THE NECKJOU1 THE BLADDER, INFLAMMA TION OP THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH OP THE c BLADDER, STRAN GUAUY OR PAINFUL URINATING. For theso diseases It Is truly a sovereign remedy, nnd too much cannot ho said in Its praise A single doo has been known to re lievo tho most urgent symptoms. Aro you troubled with that distressing pain in tho back nnd through tho hips ? A tea spoonful a day of Hclmbold's Buchu will re lieve you. fmiciuoonpi PLEASE NOTICE. I make no secret of ingredients. Ilclmbnld's. Extract Buchu is composed of liuchu, Cubebs, and Juniper Berries, selected with groat caro, prepared in iwc and according to rules of P1IAHMACY AND CHEMISTRY. These ingredients nro known as tho valuable Diuretics afforded. most A DIURETIC Is that which acts upon the kidneys. IIELMBOLD'S EXTltACT MCIIO ACTS GENTLY, 1 Is pleasant In taste and odor, free 'ft om nil 1 injurious properties, and immediate in ill action. FOB THE SATISFACTION OF ALL, ! See Medical Properties contained In Dispensa tory ot the U. S., ot winch llio lollowmgls a copy : ' Bcciio. Its odor Is strong, diffusive, and so newlial aromatic, i's bisio bitterish, and analogous to that of mint. It is given chiefly in complaints of Iho Urinary Organs, such as Gravel. Chronic Catarrh of the bladder, Mor bid Irritation of tho Bladder nnd, Urethra, Diseases of tho prostrate, nnd Retention or tlio locontiacnce of Urino, from a loss of tone In the parts concerned iu its evacuation. If, lias also been recommended in Dyspepsia,' Chronic Rheumatism,; Cutaneous AU'cctiuiia, and Dropsy. FOR FUnTHEIl INFORMATION See Professor Dcwecs' valuable, works on th practice of Physio. Seo Remarks uindo by tho celebrated Dr. Physic, of Philadelphia See any and all Standard Works on Medi cine. FROM THE lL,.:FLC3r:E3ST I'lTllilM, CHEMISTS IN TUB WG2lI,D 1 mn acquainted with II. T. Ilclmbold ; he occupied tho drug store opposite my residence and was successful hi conducting tho business where others had not been equally so before him. I have been favorably impressed with his character and enterprise. WJ1. WEIGIITMAN, (Firm of Powers & Weightnian,) Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Brown Streets, Philadelphia. From Iho Philadelphia Evening llulletin, March 10th We are gratified to hear of the continued success, in New York, of our townsman, Mr-II. T. Ilclmbold, Druggist. His store, next to the Metropolitan Hotel, is 28 feet front. 2:10 feet deip, end live stories in height. II Is certainly 11 grand establishment, and specks favorably ol the merit oflnsnrll elos. Ho retains his Olllcc nnd Laboratory in Ihis city, which nro also model establishments of their class. Tho proprietor has been induced to make this statement from tho fact Unit hls.rciiiedieg, although advertised, are Genuine Preparations, ' And knowing that the intelligent refrain from using any thing pertaining to Quackery, or Iho Patent Meiliclne order most of which aro tii'cparcd by self-slyled Doctors, who are too ignorant to read a physician's simplest pros cription, much less competent to prepare phar maceutical preparations. These parlies resort to various moans of ef fecting sales, such as copying parts of adver tisements of popular remedies, and finishing with certificates. The Science of Medicine statnds simple, : n pure and inn ietlic having f act tor Us uusii, 1. Induction for Its Pillar, Truth for its Capital, A WORD OF CAUTION. Health IS most Important ! anil the alllictod should not use an nuvcrtlscd medicine, or any remedy, unless Its contents or Inuredleiits nro known toothers besides tlio maniilaclurrr, or until they are sullsllod of tlio (iiiiillllculloiis of the party so olfeiiug. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS.. FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU, FLUID EXTRACT SAKSAPARILLA, . AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH.'"" EstnblUhod upwards of 10 years. ' Prepared by H. T. HEIMBOlbr ' principal ainrols HKLMBOLD'S DRUG ANtt CHEMICAL WAREAOUSE, BOl Broadway New York. And IIELMBOLD'S'" MEDICAL DEPOT, ,h Tenth Street, Philadelphia Pa. 104 South BV AU DRUGGISTS. Nov. in, lewi-iy.