The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, May 30, 1866, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 80, 18fl.
The Soldiers of Greene Uonuty are re
quested to meet at tlio Court House iu
W'oynesburg on Saturday, Juno 2, 18CG,
to appoint DoleijnUs to attend n Soldiers
Stato Convention to le held at I'ilts.
burg, on the oth day of Juno next, and
to further advanoo the intereus of the
Soldier in this County. All honorably
discharged Soldiers are requested to
' ' ' Cook, Ch'r.
. . Of Last Convention.
, Guiiikr, liko tho Pro ident, holds his
levees, adim'ting Democrats and Kepub
lio.ias indiscriuunately to see his New
Ukno Timks. Dy the last issue of this
sheet we learn that it is compelled to
suspend on itceouut of pecuniary embar
rassment. This is deplorable as the
Times was creditablo in every way to the
editor, and to the County. Venango
must havo been forgetful of her inter
ests. Goll has ,one up to 138, but it don't
effect ' the prices a partiolo at J auks
Gum Kit's.
Wk desire to cull the attention of our
readers ta tho advertisement of Mr. A.
Esknwbin, he offers for sale one of
the finest farms in Monongalia county,
W Va. It is known as the Tygard
Farm. To such of our readers who de
sire a good farm here is au oppertunily
rarely offered. Churches, Schools and
Mills are close by. Good buildings and
fences land in nood order.
Hain. On Saturday night and Sandy
the )9ng wished for and greatly needed
showers came. The lefreshing atmos
phere, the reanimated face of Nature
present quito a contrast to the dusty
earth, and dry parching winds of a tew
days ago. The blasted wheat crop and
tho backwardness of other staples drew
quite long faces on our farmers, but we
are glad to see them cheering up and
hope they will meet their dread enemy
'bard times," 1ialf way. There is in
reality no need of concern. Reports
from the Wust, North west and East are
allifaYorablol It is only in some dis
tricts pf the, middJo and Western Stat'S
that the crops are blighted in some de
gree "Wiikn you catch a black cat shave
hitn."i i If . youj . want to avoid being
shaved" go to Jamks Guhku's.
Lincoln Monl'mknt Association. Tho
Post Masters at Waynesburg, Clarksville
and Cartniohaels, in Greene County, Pa ,
have been appointed Agents to collect
funds for the Lincoln Monument. They
nro solieifd to raise the sum of $500 in
You will find that tho cheapest and
best goods are sold by JamicsGuuiiic.
Tiik f.piinoorafiO Primary Election
came off last Saturday, resulting as near
as we can ascertain as follows : Assem
bly, Jno. Pholan, by a large majority.
Associate Judges, Goo. Iloskinson, I.
L. Craft., , Proth'y, Justice F. Temple.
Comrn'r, J. M-Morris. Reg and Iter.
Peter Drown.' 1 And. Jonathan Allutn.
Poor House Director, Win. P. Scott.
'DrVT. W. Ross, the opponent otMr,
Phelan, we opine, would have polled a
larger vote, had it not become known
throughout tho Comity that ho was for
merly' a s-.irgcon in the army. These
would be friends of the soldier display
their friendship in a singular way.
There was but two men on their County
ticket, making any pretentions to having
been iu the army ; tho ono we mention
nboveund a drafted man. "Actions speak
oudor than words."
Ui to the time of going to press we
have 'nothing definite concerning the re.
turns from West Va. election.
is proverbial for his low
For tho Republican.
'', , RfiANUONVIM.IC, W. Va ,
i May 21st, 180G. f
Mr. Editor : I used to be a humble
-contributor to the columns ot the Re-r-UBMCAN,
and have thought fit to send
your editorship this unworthy produc
tion t it it meets with your approbation
you may hear from me agaiu, .
Tho Spring is very backward here.
The t farmer, ara just planting corn,
ji)a1 mg ' an-vXtri effort to put out n
Spring crop, and have sown . a large
crop of oats, and planted a great many
potaties!'" 'Some are preparing for a
buelf wheat erop, the wheat and rye be
ing quite a failure. I think there will
be enough for seed In tho Fall and Some
surplus. The pasture is fine and wool
growers will have large quantities for
the next market. No fruit of any conse
quonce Infills di'-trici."- Money is quite
Boi)oa; ;pw,ing to the email amount of
produce' taken to market. 1 ' '
Thorawas, soma,, dissatisfaction here
in' ' reference to iher Registration Lawi
but nine tenths of those objecting took
the required 6in!tftTlieV. grumblo, too,
about the proptied amendment to the
State Constitution disfranchising rebels,
reminding tue of a 'bumble bee" In a
fleece of wool. On the 24th Inst, the
people of West Virginia will ratify this
amendment and let them km that tbey
shall neither "rulo nor ruin." The citi
zens within the bound of my lubors are
a jiioils amljf utriotio class, peaceably
( Ursuing their avocations, wido awake
and watching. They think that tho old
Ship of Stato'wbieh has been in the dock
a short lime for repairs) will in good
time, put to see greatly improved, and
substantially' repaired. As bho starts
upon her long voyago of national pros
perity spread evory sail, catches every
breeze, and while she ploughs tho troubl
ed waters of political strife and gathers
wealth and honor from every clime !
her happy ciew will publish to every
laud tho superior glory and goodi:ess ot
Columbia's happy shores, look upon the
silken told of our lime-hoiiored flag as it
gracefully floats on the air, leeljpjroud
that they are American Christians, and
The Star Spangled Banner i Oh, long may
it wave,
O'er Hie land of tho free, and tho !'. ru o the
brave !"
The majority possess a great deal of
true Virginia hospitality and I meet al
most universal welcome. Tho "Andv"
Johnson fever has somewhat abated. It
is Generally believe! that we have a
good set 'd nieu'at tho head of the Gov
ernment and if "Andy" does get a little
"coltish" th y will keep the locomotive
on the track. U I, a t onus.
The following startling facts from the
Doylestown JrtdHgenccr are worthy of
tho candid consideration ot every loyni
One of tho public questions which
conies nearest homo to the minds ot the
people is that of equalizing the basis of
Congressional representation. The Re
construction Committeo ot Congress, hi
their report, which has just been adop
ted by an immouso majority in the
House, makes this a precedent to tho
admission ot thu Kobel communities as
Stales into the Union. It should be
constantly kept in mind that the demand
ot theso recent Rebels, and ot their
Northern allies, is that they shall come
back into the Union, not as equals, but
at superiors; not wielding the same
power as that wielded by the same num
ber of voters in the loyal Slates, but a
vastly greater power, so that, man, for
man, each lao rebel shall count for nearly
twice as much in influence upon all
national questions as-a- loyal man, so
that in the flouse of Representatives
and in the election of a President he shall
have two votes to the loyal man's ono
How monstrous this demand U will be
apparent from tlio consideration ot a few
Fgures, which we herewith present:
I The total vote cast in 18G0 in the eleven
R.-bel Slates was only, 867.U24. lliey
could not poll as many now within a
hundred thousand. The two Stales of
New York and Pennsylvania cast at the
last Presidential election 1,303, 128 votes,
or 333.401 more votos than the eleven
Rebel States combined,' Naw York and
Pennsylvania have foir Squalors) tho.
Rebel States have ttfontii-tivs New
York and Pennsylvania have fifty-five
members of Congress; the Rebel States
will have sixty two Rut even this does
not fully show tho glaring injustice ot
the caso. Each llebel Congressman
will represent only 11,000 voters; each
Pennsylvania or New York Congress-,
man represents 25,009 voters. At the
rate upon whioh the Rebels will bu rep
resented, Pennsylvania and Now York
ought to havo nintythree CongreHinen
instead of only fifiy-live. But' after the
apportionment of 1870, unless tho basis
of representation ahull have beifii equal
ized, the Robe! States will havo'a still
moro unjust advantage,, for they ; will
have added to j.heir, ba.-is ot represents,
tion two-tif'.hs of all the colored popula
tion of the South. This will give them
from twenty to thiply more Representa
tives than they could claim under the
old system, before emancipation. The
power of one voter in ' the South will bo
greator than that of two voters in the
Northern States. Tli's is tho desirable
entertainment to which, under the names
of justice and mercy and magnanimity,
the people of Pennsylvania are invited.
Hicster Clymer is the champion ot this'
scheme cf robbing the people ofl'enn
cylvania of their just rights, that superior
power may be given to the Rebels.,
At a meeting lately hold at Jackson
ville, Illinois, Governor Oglesby addess
ed the vast asemhsge in an able man
ner! and wo extraot the following, hav
ing referenoe te President Johnson's
present position;) . . v- ;. '
'Well, they say. 'Oglesby, what have
you got to say about Congress and the
President!', .Thats the rub. I say,
when Congress passod the Freed mans,
Rureau bill,' Congress did right. When
the President vetoed it he did wrong.
When Congress passed the Civil Rights
bill, Congress .did right. When Hie
President vetoed' ft,' he did wrong
When Congress passed it over the Voto
Congress did dotibly right. Tremen
dous applause. I coui9 here (o endorse
Congress I say, let Congress go on.
We look to you because you are tho
law-making power. ' The President has
uolhing to do with it. Wo have get
no one man power in this country.
We dont want any vuin coxcomb to
talk about mnintaiuing tho rights pi the
people. Hear. Who in the name of
common sense is there in this country
but people. Cheers I tell Mr.
Johnson he insults the people by talk
ing to them in this way. Applause
They dont want any body to stand up
and feed them. Laughter. The
world never gazed on such a demagogue,
but liko all enormities it contains within
itself the seeds of destruction. His cgo
tism befors tho American people makes
him powerless for harm. He led the
American people! I she Amer
ican people can lead themselves and are
his superiors. Great applause It he
wants to lead anybody why don't he
arouse himself up to the trying times
to the dignity of a double em itiou, n,il
say, I will elevate the colored iiasiii ot
the South, who need support. Ap
plause. But, no, he turned his back
on them and goes suufliiig around some
platform ai.d talks about tivking care of
llie American people. They ask, '"what
will you do if he comes bick V I will
taktf him, but I will tell you tiankl.v, I
will-never respect him a:iin. Never!
Nevhr ! ! NEVEIJ ! ! ! Wo elected him
because ho said he was in favor of free
dom, lie recjived your votes and
mine and then took couikuI from the
worst men of the nation. From Vgllan
digham, from Sam Cox, and Stephens of
Georgia. He takes counsel from every
rebel tnat goes and visits Washington.
and excludes every loyal man from his
counsels, because they will not flatter
and fawn upon and cater to his pgotism
and vanity. I tell him plainly I don't
t . . . .
want lum to stand by mo. 1 say "r-a
tan get thee behind me." Laughter
He appointed Governors of the rebel
States and they called elections and
membe's have beeH chosen for Congrpss
and Mr. Johnson says, "let them go in."
I say to Mr. Johnson, I don'l care if
they never get into Congress. It will
be no loss to the nation if they don't.
Did we 6rht this war ior llie benefit of
the rebels f Did we especially consult
their happiness? Not a bit of it. We
fought this war tor tho" preservation of
the Union of our forefathers. , Are we
to rush down there and hurry them up
into Congress! Why should weT They
hate us and despise us. It is unsafe to
trust them. I don't care it they never
get into Congress."
It will be remembered that this man
is the Governor of Illinois. Re is th
representative of the masiot tho people ot
that State. The exponent o-f those Htern
soldiers who went with Sherman ' from
j "Atlanta to the Sea " Their courage
has been tried upon many
a southern ;
battlefield and U is cheering to know
that they can wield the ballot as eflicent- ,
ly as llie bayonet, and will do it.
Waynesburg Market.
May 30. 18G&
liulter, fresh roll ..;
( ollee per lb
Corn per bushel
Corn meal per bushel
... WO
... . 3r
... 30
... 25
....U OD
i !
.... 15
country Soap per lb
Candles, mould per lb
Candles, dipped ' "
Cheese per lb
Dried Peaches per lb....
Eggs pir dozen
Flour per bbl.
Flax seed per bushel....
Feathers per lb .!......
Lard per lb
IV VV. Flour per lb ,
Oats per bushel;..!.'.. -i..
Onions per bushel'.
Rye per bushel
l ou
1 S"
nice per lb.
Sugar, refined " ;. . ou
Sugar, New Orleans, 6 lbs
...i, 1 1)0
Svrup. per gallon I u
Salt, No. 1 per bid ..-.,.;-1 5U
Soft Simp per gallon '. 25
Tiir iur irnllrm 1 lid
Tea per lb...
-" r- 3,-w
,2a'i 40
Turpentine per gallon.. .i
Tallow per lb
W heat per bushel
. 2 u
... t II"
... 4 (lU
White Lead per keg,
one ivimo ner ousaui :. . I
Wo. 1 common to line 5nau
Potatoes per bushel S 00a2 i
l'arsnips, per bushel '. 8"
May 20, 1H00.
Giiaw Club Wheat at 2.33 Oats
fiim, at 50 to 55, from storeat (Jd to 65.
Shelled Corn at SO. lfve is in demaud;
sale otlOUO hi shtls, it 1,00.
Fi.oun $10,75 to 11,25 for fair to
choice brands ot Spring Wheat, and
$12,50 to $13 for Winter Wheat brands,
llye Flour is selling at $0,50 to 1.
Provisions 13. icon nt 14 tor Shoul
der i 17 for Sidesj 2 1 for Plain Sugar
Cured Harris, and 222i)-far Canvassed
do. Laid is i selling ot 20 to 21 for
country and 22J for city.
. I'otatoeSi Sales in a regular way
at $1,3.5 pur. bush, and $3,50 to 3,85
per bbl, as to quality. ' -. i ;:
liinTKii Is quiet, and unchanged,
Sales at 20 to 25 for common to strictly
prime Koll. . ;: u - m ." ; v J : ;
Egos Steady and fresh at 22 .
"Baltimore Initio Market.
Bauimokk, May. 24 Beef .Cattle.
Piiees to-day j ranged ; as follows j . s A
fe'w common to fair at $7,60(98, good $9
and extra beeves 99,23 per 100 lb--no
icalawojfs, iu market.ii-.i'JM,-,.i'-,
, , ,', ;: .. .11 . -; i '
, - . n .i j Nw YonK May 28. :
, Qoldf irregular, unsettled apejj lower,
opening at 140. and declining 'to. 13!),
and closing at 1392.
Iu Wayiioahurg, Pa., on Friday the
I8th Inst., I860, Jamks EmVAiii), youn
gest child ot liev. Pr. J. N fe Mrs.
CaiiolInk Epmistos, aged three y cms
six months' and eight days.
On the 20th in;t., at Jefferson Greene
County Pa , Jamks Gwtnn, aged ubout
"8 vears. ...
The subject of this noti:e was former
ly a citizen of Muddy Creek Valley of
this County, where during tho many
years of his residence there, he had, by
industry and tnigidily amassed a consid
erable fortune, lie had recrnlly remov
ed to his late home iu Jefferson for the
purpose ot spending tho evening of his
days in qtuit, but in a few weeks there
after ho was summoned to his last, long
real ing place.
He was a good citizen and good
neighbor, known for his uniform kind
ness to his family and friends, and for
his general sociul qualities. During his
last hours, ho manifested considerable
anxiety concerning the salvation of Ins
soul, and treipiuntly . asked fov anil toi k
great interest iu the prayers ot hi. nu
merous friends in his behalf He leaves
a it'o ami live children to motiin his
TlilUUTION ot'Tiauos, MelocWous, Ould and
Silver Ware is now going on ui the Salesrooms
ill IJuki. & Huo , !)l Liberty St , N. Y. These
goods are sold at TWO DOLLARS EACH,
ltnr.Aiiui.iiss of Vai.cb. Send TWENTY
FIVE Cents for ouu numbered Notice, or
ONE DOLLAR for SIX. Tlio Number on
cucli Notice corresponds with the uuiiiber on
punie article .f goods, which will bu pent ou
rccept of The money will bo refunded
of the goods do not (live satisfaction. Agents
WEEK. Send tor a Circular.
Ofiieo: 1'. O. UOX, filSH,
34 Liberty St. New York.
A..I1I IS, ly
A Clergyman, while residing in South
America, as a missionary, discovered a safe
and simple remedy for the cure of Nervous
Weakness, Earl- Decay, Diseases of llie
Urinary ami Seminal O.gaus, and tho whole
tridn of disorders brought on by baneful and
vicious habils. Oreat mmihurs havo been
already cured by this noble remedy. Promp
ted by a dcslru to benefit tho altticted and un
fortunate I will send the recipe .'or j repuring
and using this medicine, in a scaled envelope,
to any ono who noeds it, free of charge.
Please inclose a post-paid envelope, ad
dressed to yourso'f.
Address, JOS. T. 1NMAN,
Station 1), Bible House,
April, ly New York City.
- . .
I or AN 1NVAI.II. .
Published for the benefit and as a CAUTION
TO' YOUNU MEN and others, who suffer
from Nervous Deliilitv. Premature Decay of
Manhood, &c., supplying at llie same lime
Tun Muans ov Sni.i'-Cuiiii. I!y one who lias
cured himself after undergoing considerable
quackery. Ry cueliwiug a potpa!d addressed
envelope, single copies, free of charge, may
be nail nt tlio autii'ir.
May 28 .-! y JkljrjKnpCo LN Y.
Register's Notico.
1 1 creditors, lenvtees. wards and other
i (...fuiiiia Inlfti'.iftO.fl Hint tl.n iin(li,rttlirnpil Kv
ocotors, Administrators mm Gimrdinns hiive
Hied their accounts in tho Registers Olllee,
nml ttiiit. Hit! a-irnn will hn ire.ti.nted to the
Orphans' Court to be held within and for the
coanty ol ureeno, on VVetlnesilny, June u,
lHiiii, lor contlnmulim ami allowance.
Account of J. A. Sauteru, Executor of S.
Account of John Haver, Gard'um of Wilton
lkidle. a minor.
Account of S. II. lleutlleo and E. T. Headlcc,
Administrator of I. F. lleadlee, dc'd
Account of John NetF and Henry Sliarpueck,
Admr. of John Netf. dee'd.
Account ol'Hcnj. Wiiv, Executor of Thomas
Jiurson, dee d.
Account of Paul R.;a, Administrator of N. L
Smith, di.'c'd.
Account of Jacob Raaior, Executor of Jplm
Mvers, dee'd. i
AccountrofJacob Ramer, Gtiiirdlun n!' Nicey
Ann EvauB, formerly Nleey Ann
Account of Uriah Hineliart, Executor of usnn
RinuhiirL dee'd.'
Account of J. G. Dinsmore, AdmiuUtrator of
. ujwis Harnhurt, dee'd
Account of Thos. Moore, Adiuiaistrator Of W.
I. Urnck. dee'd.
PETER BltOWN, Register and Rec,
M iy in, 'tiii.-tc.
.P1 HVW 10f.alAL. A
' ' 'TltM, I SOB. '
Coinmon-wcatlivs Tiiomas Wood,
Te'rui.'rlSBiL . M -
Bursou Xut uti V8, Bur8)n, Nik 41, Julie Term,
iu-.i " ' '
. io ., , i
Tucksburry vs. Lantz, No. 42, Dec. Term, '54.
Garrison vs. Board, No. 118, Dec. Term T4
lu llowlsworthvs, Gwy nn, No. ll,,MarcU Turin,
IB.iU. . , ,
Church va. Flenmknn. No. 12i). Jtinu Term,
Ilennen for nso vs. Elder et al, No. 133, M,
1 Term, I857.
; Shougli vs. Kinney's heirs, No. 27, Dec. T.
is.-. 7.
Moiitgoinuiy ct al vs. Fonner, No. 12, Sept
Term, isr.s,
Clemmer & Dunn vs. Cooper, No. 137, Supt
Term. 18.18.
Piper vs. Kincaid, No. 05, Juno Term, 185!)
Hook vs. Oil's aduir's., No. 130, Sept. Term
Armstrong vs. Fuller, No. 08, June Term, '60
Uintzvs Laniz, jno. so, Bept. Term, ihuu,
Same vs. Same, No. 51, " " 1
Sumo va Same, No 52, " " 1
S uno vs Same, No. S3, " "
Htalev va. Cole, No. 72, Dec. Term. 18l!0.
Shoemakor vs, Ycager, No. 00, March Term
1801.,. . , . '
Miller for use rs McNcely, adm'r,, No 29,
Juno Term, I8GI.
btephens and wile vs Lanlz's heirs, No, 38,
juarcn rem, isua.
Tanner vs. Hues et al, No. 70, June Term,
18li. i --
Rice vs Rice, Kb. 113, June Term, 1804.
VViirdold Vs F, No. 87, Dec. Term, 1804
Hawkins vs Mifgan tp No; 47, Dec. T. ;
Hawkins vs sano, No. 48, " " "
Hawkins vs sano, No. 41). " "
Maplu vs Kusiiit. No. 80, Juno Term, 1 803
itieaterzait vs. uray, jno. bb,
Whlllatch vs Viliitlutch. No. 89. June T.
llixenbaugh fir use vs. Watois, No, 41, Sept.
Term, ists.
Ross et al. vs.tyrayetal. No. 08, Sept. Term,
- leeo. 1 i 'i
Wise vs. Slmml No. 79. Sopt. Term, '05
Common wealth vs. Johnson Ex's., No. 10,
December lona. 180A.- . -Bnyard
vs Meet, No. 42, Dec. Term 1805
Hogs vs Hell, fo. 85, Dec. Term, 1805.
South vs Long; No, (12, Dec. Term. 1805.
Noel vs. Swarcttl No. 03. Duo Term 18(15.
Commonweal , vs. . McGurgen, t No. ;107,
ww lum, won. -, i ,,
( J. V. TEMPLE, Proth'ry,
May J.3, 18'.-to
SlKLJll-.M' manulac'.ureil, ami tlio
Model Organ
- .''it
Combining Sweetness and Depth of Tone,
lieautllill anil ( haste Iu Appearance, l(u
l'ming and Elevating in its Tenden
cies. . For Churches, Parlors or t -
the Boudoir it has no equal, ;
and has Invariably taken
UM wliurever
Competition with other well known manufac
Tldrtv-four different styles, and from ono to
twelve stops, Lung Double lscllows, Uoulilo
Blow Pedals, Knee -swell, etc., etc., giving
gretit powei ami steadiness oi tone.
Hit. BU haw, nppuen 10 me ijouum
Reed Oranns, elves a volume oftonn equal to
a sixteen foot slop In a Pipe Organ, ami when
illumed to our Onjans containing llieni, anil
four sets of Iteeils the volume ot time U equal
i a '-'(Mio nine organ, and costing only about
one fourth as much. Send for an illustrated
Price List, giving full particulars. Address
orders, O. J. V 11, 1. Alii),
Wholesale Ageut, l!7 urouiiway, Ki. l.
VOoE" iM A N Q F 0 R TE
The cheapest first -class Piano Forte in the
Market. These lieauliUll insliuinenls are last
winnimr the.r wuv into public favor. The
me is rich, full and nowerlul, and gushes
f.irih wilh peculiar sweetness a melody, while
the touch is easy and elastic. Are llnished in
rich rosewood cases, with lull iron frame,
over strung bass and Fiench uraiiii action.
All have large round corners, wuu imca un
shed like tho trout. Jivery instrunieni luuy
warranted five vears. Circulars giving cor
rect likeness taken from photograph, with full
deserlpiivo price list, sent free to auy uddress
on application.
A Ett niitilul song mill utnoniB
Accompanies llie Circular, and is worlliy of
, preservation, ucaicrs win u iui
nished these Ueauliful lu
sliunu nts at the
And Teachers at the rates of discount. Adr
dress all orders to O. J. VV1LLARD,
Wholesale Agent, 0'J7 llroadway, N. 1.
Whoh'sale ncrenls for Win. A. Pond ACo's,
Rcardman, Gray & Co, .'s. Win. Kuabe&Co.'s,
and other first class ' 'V . . ' ! . '
rxXT2.o Fortes
Circulars uivimi correct likenesses of theso
cflebiMled Piano Fortes and Taylor & Farley
Model Oigins, tnrwarUea to any aaurcss on
Tbo J.a'.est Wings, runiisneu January i,
18G(i. and niidled to any address free of postage.
Oh. fill!: me that dear old Bong
We've drank from thu same canteen, by J.
G. Ciark, ; .. . 85c
IV.'iuttii'ul Wales, sang by J. R. Thomas,
I'm happy as the day is long, C0c
Somebody's Daifuig, ' ., ' . ,r-' ' ; 3SC
Violets under Iho snow, by II. Tucker, IWc
tavect be thy repose, by J. II. Thomas, , 8.1c
Song ot tho spoon, a now collegesoug, HOC
The Angel Guide, by Favager, line
When I went courting Sallie, coiu'c, ".0c
Only a withered rose, . ' , .'1:1c
Mother, I have hord sweet music, .He
Pleasant dreams of long ugo, 3.1c
Oh. s.iy not a woman's heart 13 bought, cue
Kathleen, dear, 4(.'o
Hefore I was married, O deiir. 35c
We'll meet no more nt twilight hour, !!(:
Reailtil'ul Isle of Hie sea, bv j. R. Thomas, 31n
Old don't care, by W. K. Basford, 85c
Light ol my soul, of thee I'm dreaming, H5c
Five o'clock in tho morning, 4()c
Clcon nnd I, f-anj: by Harry Tucker, 8i'c
Come, Nellie dear, I'm wueping, by Tucker 30c
Music on the waves, vocal duct, by Glover 00c
No time like tho old time, , . l)0c
Give the old man a chance. :Mc
Ono bright moony night, e-iuiic, . 3.1c
They all come home but mine, ' '' ' , Sue
Young man on tho railway, . . . ' 35c
When Fenians fight lor freedom 35c
Down by Iho giile, by .1. . R. Thomas, lido
$jrP.irlii ordering Music and over paying
for the same Will receive their change inclosed
with the Muie, or Mrnlc will be selectodi 'as
parties prefer.1' All.orders promptly attended
to, and any inform itiou cheerfully given.
Rui'i;itnscK9 : lion. O W. Pat'ersru, ex
Gin'nrnor of New York, Weslfl-. Id, N. Y., T.
R Co'man. President Lake Shore Bank, Dun
kirk. New York.
Nkw Tokk CiTv.RrFKnKN'cns,: William A.
Pond & Co., William U..' Bradbury',' Curliart,
Necdliam Si Co . Siberia Olt ; Hugh Kiddle,
Esq , Giiiiftal Supt. Mollvo Power, Erie R, It.
Wheeler A Wilson.. (. , .
S3" Address Orders.
Wholesale I'lano Forte. Oman A Jlush- Dealer,
No. 027 Broadway, N. Y.
Dec 20, 1-R08 -if
IP or JBC9,l0 !
1 the property known as the
sltunto at New Brownsville, Monongalia coun
ty, W Va., thrco miles from Blacksville,
Dunkaid Creek, containing ubout 2 lit acres,
it is in (hie order, good uew dwelling house,
caniagu house,-barns, sheep puns and all ne
cessary out buildings. Fences are In good
repair s a flao young orchard of choice fruit
upon the premises. It 1b near to churches,
schools, stores, mills, &s., &q. The farm will
be shown by Mr. A: -W. Tehucnf. near the
premises, or by tho subscriber.
May 28, -tf Mapel Fftrnv Duukard. 1
SomctliliiRlCnwand Navol for Agents,
Podlers, Country , Stores, Druggists, and nil
seeking an honorable and profitable business,
tree by mail for 85 cts.f wholesale 9 n?r
doz. Canvassors realize $n to if; 1 2 per dav
profit. ABBOTT & DOWD, I
. Manufacturers, 1U0 Water St., N. Y. '
May 23, '66.-41. ,,.' .
; Administrator's) .folic e "'"
T ETTERS of udmlnlstrstion iiavlnir hoen
JJ granted to tho uudorslgnod upon the es
tate of Oliver Keonor, late of Aleppo town
ship, dee'd. Notice Is horeby , given to. all
persons Indebted to said estate to make lm
mediate payment, and, those having claims
against the samo are ioreby notified to pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
.... JOSEPH KEENER. . . .
i May i-Swj 4V.()m'V. ofjrsosoa tn.5
33 WIS !:; XyjATSZ1
TvKALER IN B inks 8l.Afl,nrlr. Wall Pn
Lf Window Paper, &o. Biindsy Schnot
pooks of nil kinds constanlly cm hand,' Way-
neshurg, Pa., opposite Post Office.
1 'IXJHthe estate of the late LOT LEN
AltD, dee'd., will otl'er at public salo, ou tbo
premises, on ; i
the following described (arm, l.ilu the property
uf aaid deceased, to wit :
A Til ACT 0 F L A X D
filuato in Jeflersf.n township, Greene county,
Pa , adjoining lauds of II. C. lloulsworlh,
Itlcob Rush, Ksq., nud others, coutaiulug
more or less, about ono hundred and sixty of
which are cleared, and on which ate erected a
two story frame
A good frame tenant he use, one nnd a half
stories high, a frame barn, thiiy feet by forty
and oilier necessary outbuildings.
This is umong the most di sii uhle farms In
the county, and is well worth the attei.tiou of
purchasers. There arft several banks of
excellent opeued on the premises., There
is also a fine orchard of - npples, some peach
ami other trait Ireeson the farm.
TERMS OF SALE will be made known ou
the day ot sale. LEVI LEONARD.
May 9, 'li. ts Ai'mln'o'i-o.-'
IS if concentrated cxirnbt of llie choice root,
socomliined with other substances of si ill
greater alterative power as to nlfoid au elfi-c-
unildole lor dis-
j ' l'asl'3 Sarsiipuiila is
( iu,.uii;n in L'llie. CIUCI1
wanted by those who
i- sulfur from Striuious
complaints, and that
ono which will accom
plish their cure must
prove, as tills has; ol
Immense service L ims large class ol our at
Hided fellow-eili. -ns. How completely this
compound will do it has been proven by ex
periment on many ;f the worst cases to be
round in llie loiinwing coiiipiniiiis
Scrofula, Scrofulous Swellings and 8ores
Pkin Diseases, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches,
Krupuons. St, Anthony's X' ire,- hobo or Ery
sipelas. Tetter or Salt Rheum, Scald Head,
Ringworm, Ac. i
Svn'iilis or V( nerial Disease is expelled from
the system by the prolonged nso of thisSarsa
pariila, anil the patient is lcltm comparative
Fem ile diseases are caused by Scrofula In
the blood, and are often soon eun d by this
Extract ol Sirsaparilla,
Do not discatd this lnvaluarlle mcdic'ne,
because von havo been imposed upon by
soni"thing pretending to he sarsaparllla. while
It was not. i When you have used Ayer's
then, nnd not till then, Will you know tl o
virtues of Sarsaparilla. For nilpute particu
lars of the diseases it cures, we refer you to
Ayer's American Almanac, which the Agents
below named will furnish gratis to all who call
for it. , . , ,
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,' for," the cjnu of
Costivencss, .lauudice, Dyspepsia, Indigi slion
Dysentery, Foul stomach, Ileadache, Piles.
Rhtfiima'ism, Heartburn arisinit frMn Disor
dered Stomach. Pain or Morbid Inaction of
l he Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite,
Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Worms, Gout, Neu
ralgla, and tor IJItiner Pill.
They are sucar coaled,. s6 that Hie most
sensilivo can take them pleasantly, .and they
arc the best Apeuieut lu the World, fur all the
purposes of a family physic.
Prepared by J. 0 Al ICR1 & CO., Lowell,
Mass.. and sold by Dr. D. .W. ' Rraden.l Dr.
Wm. L. Creigh, lit. :V. Harvey, WayueMnirg,
Pa., and al'Druggri'.s throughout the county.
Mav 10. '2m. ...
O Tes! O, Yes!
young .and old, who want to purchase
good and cheap Nothing!
and examine my NEW STOCK which I havo
just brought on from thu Ci:y of Philadelphia.
I can sell as good suits of all JilniU ofL .
; ' : i i t i I 1 1 ; i
as cheap and cheaper than can bo bought in
any other est il liuhment. I am deteiiuiued
not to bo undjrsold by nny ono. , .
":A. J. 80WER3.
Wnyniilmrg, Mjy 9, 'fl.-3in.
L . W . T II O M I SO N .
HAVING purchased tho above named Gro
cery, has refitted and restocked it Ho
has a complete Btoclt ot(7infectlouery,oranges,
Lemons, Sugar. Oolfi d, Te,-" (green and
black), Syrup, Molasses, canned fruit cheese,
rice, soda ash, white lime, soft soap (country
made) candles, crackers ot all kinds, cigars,
tobacco, (chewing and smoking) fish, lamps,
ol', small fancy nrlleles, &c. &C. Any ono
needing tho articles nif'iitlonnd r anything In
tlio lino nrtt ineulioned will do well to call.
Produce taken tn trado. Remember thu place.
Iho "Farmers' Grocery," formerly owned by
P. Brown. ; May !), 'Uli.-ly.
for the best sellinghook over published,
Compilsing heroic adventures and hair-brcadth
escapes of Soldiers, Scouts, Spies and Refu
gees; during exploits ot Smugglers, Gueri l las.
Desperadoes and others ; T les of Ixiyal and
Disloyal women i Stories of the Negro. &c,
iVc, with iuciihntsof Fun and Merriment In
Camp and Meld. By Lieutenant Colonel
Chillies 8. Greene, late of the United' States
Araly. Handsomely iilust ntud with engrav
ings on steel aud in oil colors. '.
Send for circulars snd S'.'o the liberal terms
offered. C S. G IfEENE Co., Publlsl crs.
No. 134 S. Tulrd Street, Philadelphia.
May2,4w, '
want ngeifti every where .to sell our impiiovkd
$2ib' Sewing Machines. Three new kinds.
Under and upper feed. Warranted five
years. Ahovo salary' Or largo commissions
paid. The only machines' sold in ilm United
States for loss than if to, which are fully liceus
od by Howe, Wheeler Wilson,' Grover
Raker, Singer! & CV., Innll Such elder. All
other cheap machines aro Infringements nnd
the seller or user are liable to arrest, tine and
iinprlssonmont. Circulars froe. .Address or
call upon Shaw & Clint, Jllddoford,, Mains or
Chicago) in
i iTAfN,"lU R'Aiiiums,
A Cnimnnmlcr.' Capf 11.
I steaSSKaflJESw , i Mason, Clcrkt loaves
' Greonsboro,, for. Pittsbui'gh evory Mnndnj,
Wednesday and 'Friday", at Diti"." Tjcbvos
I Pittsburgh for Greensboro every Tuesday,
1 Thursday and Saturday, May tuyoo.-Gin.
Impediments ti
tiox, Ei'ii.F.rar ni
uulgenreor sexua
f-j-ntee, in a si
The celebrated
ossayclearly demon!
suceessmi practice, i
oiiences of nl(-abusi
without tlio dangeroil
cine oi tno npplieutio
out to a mode of cure I
and elfvctual, by nieaii
fercr, no matter what
limy euro himself
tr i'he Lecitlro should bo In the hands i
every youth and every man In tho hind.
Sent, under seal. In a plain envelope, to I
address, pot; fiaUl, on receipt of six cents, or
two postage stamps Aililn ss lliu puimsnurs,
l27Rnwcry, New York, PostOUlca Box 4184 vj
miirL'li'dii-ly '
I WILL sell nt public sale, to tho highest
bidder, at the Court HuUse in Waynesburg,
on tho
second Monday cf junenext,
tho following lots of ground situate In the
borough of Waynesburg, for the payment of
the taxes due and unuiU by tho owner or -owners
thereof and which have been assessed , .
upon said lots on tlio owner or owiie-8 thereof,
for Slate, county, township aud borobgh
purposes, to wit : W)ff.
I. A LOT OF GROUND situate upnu
Maine or High street, hounded by lot ol J.
&M. Riuehait on tho East; by lot of the
widow of Chiistian Baltzell, dee'd , on the 1
We.-t, and Strawberry nllcv on tho North, be
ing lot No. seventy-seven (77) In the plan of
said town or borough. Assessed in the
name of John Jones, or John Jones' heirs.
2. A LOT OF GROUND on the corner of
Cumberland and Greene streets, and bounded
on the North by Ch"iry alley, beh.g lot No.
one hundred and seventy-one (171) iu the
plan of said town. Assessed to or in the
uiinio of Robert Whiteliill's heirs.
3. LOTS NUMBERS LMi, 27, '.'8, 29
and u, situate East of tlio Cumberland Pres
byterian Church. Assessed to Jouathaa ,
Munis, or the heirs of Jonathan Morris.
4. LOT on the coiner of Maine or High
and Rlchhlll streets, bounded by lot of John
Mmincll on the East, und Strawberry alley on
the North, being the West half of lot No. '
seventy-nine (i!i) in the plan of said town. :
Assessed to Mrs. Russ, Miss Ross, M. Ross
and Muses Rush.
TERMS Cash in hand sufilcitut to pay the
taxes, and costs and expenses of side, nnd
bond with security on interest lor tlio payment '.
of tho surplus purchase money, ticeordluj to
law. THOMAS IAMS. ...
Treasurer ot Green County. .
Treasurer's Olllee, April 4, 'DC ts. ...
apll 'Hit. '
Exchange Hotel ;
Greonslioro, . :
J. W. HAKN, Proprietor.
TN INVITING THE PUBLIC to his patrou- .
L age, the undersigned feels confident, that
by his long experience, he Jwill bo enabled to
render sallstaction to nil. He guarantees the ;
bent accommodations both to man snd beast,
May Io.'CI-iy J. W. HARN. ,
Lyo.ns Periodical Drops ,'
Theso Drops are a scientifically compound
ed fluid preparation, nnd better than - any J
Pills, i'owders or nostrums. . lieinn nquiu,
their action is direct and positive, . rendering
them a reliable, speedy nnd certain spccillo .
for tho cure of all obstructions and suppres-,
sions of nature. Their popularity is Indicated
by the fact that over 100,000 bottles 'aro an-i
minlly sold and consumed by the ladicB of the i
United Slates, every one ot whom speak in
tlio strongest terms of praise of Iheir great
mollis. They are rapidly taking tho plaeo of
every other Female Remedy, und aro ceni
Biderod bj all who know nUghtof them, as
the surest, safest and most infallible prepara-.
tion in llie world, for the cure of all, female
complaints, tho removal ol'all obstructions of '
naturo, and the promotion ot health, regiilari i
ty and strength. Explicit directions staling i
when they may lie used, nnd explaining when ;
nnd wh they should not, nor could not bo '
used Without producing clteets contrary to 1
nature's chosen laws, will bo found carefully
folded around each bottle, with the written ,
signutiiru of John L. Lyon,, without which
none are genuine
Prepared by D, JOHN L. ' LYON, IPS'
Clmpti Street, New Haven, Conn., Who enn
be consulted either personally, or by mail,,,
(enclosing stamp,) concerning alljpi'ivatu Uis-,
eases nud tuinnlu weaknesses. , , , ,
Bold by Druggists evervwhertf ' 1
c o. Clark & co., J j
. General Agci.ts for U. S. ami Cauados.'
Nov, 8, 'Oii.r-IV.
Letters of Administration upon the Estate of
JOHN UEADLEE, Esq., late of Perry Town
ship Greene Co. dee'd., having been granted '
to the uudersigncd by the RcgUtcr of Greene '
County, all persons knowing themselves in
debted to said Estate nrejrecpiested to pay the-i
same, and those having claims against said Es
tate are requested to present them dulv au
thenticatcd tor settlement. '
Apr 10 B w, Adininislrators.
TJikd or ennui- what a pretty and interest--17
ing child I saw last week ! But now, alas I
It is no moro. Such was the conversation of
two gentlemen riding down town in tho cars'
Died of croup !' how strange ! when Dr. To
bias' Venetian Liniment is a certain cure, if
taken in time. Now, Mothers, we appeal to
you. It is not for tho paltry gala and profit
we make, but for thosako of your Infant child
that now lies playing at your feet. 1 Croup Is
a dangerous disease r hut uia Dr. Tobias .
Venetian Liniment In lime, and It is robbed
of Its terrors. ,. Always keep it in tho house ; 0
you may not want it to-night, or to-morrow,
no telling when but armed with tills liniment ' .
you are prepared, let It enmo whou it will.
Price only 40 cents a bottle. Olllee f8 Cort-
nndt Street, Now York. Sold by all druggits
A CERTAIN CURS for pains la limbs ami
back, sore throat, croup, rheumatism, colic,
&c. A perfect, family uiodicino, and novor
fails. Read! ,Rud:i Read !!! '
Livoxu, WaVsr Co., MiciI., June IC, SU. '
This Is to certify that my wife was taken.'
with Qulnisoy Sore Thmut; it commoncod to
swell, and was so sore that sho could not
swallow, and toughod violently. I used yoii
Liniment, nncl made' si perfect cure iu ono.'
week. I firmly believe Hint hut for the' Llnl
uient sho would have lost her life. ...
, '-',. i JOHN H. HARLAN.. ir.
Price 40 and 8Q cenU. Sold by nil druggist
0mce,5(l Cortlaudt -Street, N. Y. . ' : ; i
SOp -A MONTH !r-A..K-r?j
wanted lor slxmtirely nsw artlcles.usv out.
Jddres aO. T. GAREY, City Building, BIdft.
forMlae, J,nl7, ftsfil