WAYKESBUIU WEDNESDAY, "MAY 23, 180(1. IIohrkTamkim. Our town was honor, ed by th presence ol one of the abovo class during the past week. On Satur day evening ho delivoreda free lecture to quits a number of our citizens at the Adams Inn bat whether he convinced the peaple that he was a humbug or not, we did not learn. Wonder if ht would "give ni onr money back !" I you want Muslins "what is Mualius" tO JxMHt QlIIIKHJ. go Ficki.b. Tho weather has prove! very treacherous of late. We have teen having it windy and disagreeable stanshiny and pleasant, by turus. No rain, however, which we are very much in need ot at present. The farmer' re cnlly planted crop are suffering from the existing drouth and there is great tlear by many that if the coi n, cane Ac, is not soon refreshed by copious draughts there will aaftin occur the old routine of replanting. We must not complain until we see, as it it said, "all things voik together for good " How 1'uovoKiNO, Did you ever road what you supposed to be a very Interesting para graph in a newspaper, nnd found when ynu were In the gist" of the Joko, that you sud denly ran against tho announcement that somebody had just received an and so In great profusion, and was prepared to undersell everybody else this Bldo of tho Atlantic. Wo lmvj been caught In that snap many a timet and had we ever learned the vmnli art of pro fane swearing we doubt not we should have "went in" on the Billingsgate with a gusto. But to talk is profitless what wo want to get at is, to Inform the public that Jambs Guiukb baa a store "chuck full" of Dry QooJs. Fordvce Post Office A new Post Office baa been opened at Morris' Cross lioads, in Greene county, Pa., at the place formerly known as Morcdock's, in Greene township. In consequence of there being one of that name in Pennsyl vania already, the Post Master General ha changed its name to Fordvce. David A Lemley, Esq. is appointed Post Master. Who is it that has th peculiar knack of selling to every one that comes in his store 7 Jamks Quihkb. - Wr deaira to Ball the attention of our readers ti tire advertisement of Mr. A. Ksv.swbin, he oifi'rs for sale one of ; the finest farms in Monongalia county, ' W Va. It is known as the Tygard ; Farm, To auch ot our readers who do- j ire a gootl farm here is au opportunity j rarely offered. Churches, Schools and Mills are close by. Good buildings and ; ftneos land in good order. j ---- ' Iris unnecessary to say that any ono can ; bp I I iiiififipn pnuni in .1 amha mini v i' , , liatm.ie kou Junk We bavo recciv- j el this periodical for June, aud nfu-r perusal pronounce it every way entitled j to the attention of all Bound readers. Its , .stories are all American, and are most j '.powerfully and beautifully written. The sketch of "Colorado," and Our Entraaoe into Hicbmond," are highly J graphic and historic. This No. finishes th Grst Volume of this Magazine. All who wish to close th volume for the past yar should not tail to secure the number for June. Terms : Single copios $3.00 per year. In clubs of fiye, aud ono extra copy, 15.00. You will find that all tho best and cheapest Ooods are sold by Jamus OimiKit. WottK tub Roads Now is tho time for it. They art in condition for im proventent, and they need it sadly Let our supervisor see to it whilst the peeple have leisure and are waiting for the corn to grow. Thero is not a mile of road in our county but what needs grading, filling, or ditching. Let tlione who do not work hire labor for the pur pose. It U not money thrown away, nor labor wasted, it is for the interest of one and all) means and time well pent. It Is customary to go to Gcmsn's for cheap goods. Arthur's IIomb Maoazink. The most brilliant star in tho galaxy of American pariodioal. Its contents are suited to th grave, the gay, tho young and old Iti fashions are tho predominant of tho season, its illustrations well" executed and designed. "The Wrecked House .hold," byT. S. Arthur, "Petroleum," the ' sequel to 'Whether it Paid," by Virginia F. TownBond i r'e among the jwsny excellent stories of this JCp. fur J une. Terni t One copy for year 92,50, nine copies tor $10.00. DeN'r neglect looking at our column of Nbw AnvariiiSKMENTS. Goi)Er fOR Junk,- Contains all that is beautiful and interesting by way of sound and sentimental literature, "Christ mul the Sisters of'Hcthany," is the steel plate tor this month. The-gronping of figures nd execution are perfcot. Fashions plates embrace all the late styles, ami novelties. Bur the insgntine and con- Tince yourself of it high literary excel lenoe. Terms i 3 00 par ytir a singlt eopy. i HENRY A. WISE RED1V1VUS. The following is an extract from a speech made by Henry A, Wise at Richmond on the anniversary of Stonewall Jack son's death. Whatever sensible Northorn people may think of Wise, he is a rep. rescntative, somewhnt exaggerated, of the men of a certain class at tho South, and therefore the extract is worth reading The difference between them is, that he says openly, iu an extravagant way what they only dare to think soberly. There is evidenco tint he Is not alone in hoping that there yet maybe a second revoln. tion, moro successful than the first, and wild as that hope id, it is well enough to know that it exists. Ono reason why it is never to be fulfilled is in the answer to Wife's question "Why don't they hang me?'' Poor man! To hang him would be to elevate him to the dignity of martyrdom. IIo answers a much more useful pnrposo in bi'ing allowed to live and talk. Hoar him: "I don't know that 1 am a prisoner Laughter. I am bound by no chain. I have a pais to go where I please upon the soil of my n ilive land. At least Gen Grant says so. I may be arrested but I wanted no man living to tell mo whither I might go. Cheers I have the proud satisfaction of saying that I fought nntd wo had won the privilege of being paroled- Applause. Thero is no authority here or elsewhere to arrest me or to stop my mouth so lorg as I obey' the conditions of that parole; and upon that parole I shall stand so long as I live. Applause. You c!l mo prisoner of war; I am not a prisoner of war. It a prisoner at all, I am a pris oner of peace. Among the last shots fired by infantry at Appomattox were those fired by the troops that I had tlu honor and pride to lead; and there at Appomattox peace was brought about. "You call the cause lost; it is-not lost If it it is lost, the cause ot civil liberty s doomed, for it, too, is lost. There was a Paradise lost and a Paradise res gained and thero will bo a Paradise regained in this country. The blood that has been spilled is too precious. I should not believe in God it I did not believe that a special providence would jet give victory to and secure the triumph of civil liberty in this country "One thing can bo said, there was one man who could not oit driven to do that which he did not consent to do As long as one man in this Commonwealth i vnico. 'What Commonwealth? There never was but mm Virginia But I tell you, Old Virginia is riot at home She will come back soon; ot these days, and then the devil take the hind most 1 am watching an 1 will lcl her when she comes what has been done in her absence I'll say, Mamma, your children ilid not do that. Ii was done . . , ,, , .u , - , byi .J II 'WC bf a I.I..4 ll I lit- II. . . I o - n. .1 . M uain. - ay, thero is but one Virgin a. They havo taken ami are wielding her powers, If I am a traitor, let them make the most of it. If I am a traitor, why don't they try me and hang in r! I have lost my lands and property, but I would clean boots on your streets sooner than bow to usurpation. If I had triumphed, 1 should have favored snipping thorn ! naked. Liughter. Pardon! Ibey might have appealed for pardon, but I ,,, , , i i t ..i.iu u w.c.1, u.iiiiuci. U1....io would have grauted it. For my sol t, tho boot being on the other leg. I take no oaths? I ask no pardons'? Prolonged cheers. I give you that brigade the old, the lasting, tho enduring Wise HiU gade. Cheers and applause LKTTEll FItOM GEN. GRANT. Wasiiinoton, May 17. The Presi. dent sent a message to the House to day enclosing the following communication from Lieut. General Grant. Hkadquahtkks Akmiks U. S Washington, 1). C , May 10 '(!G. j" To K- M. Stanton Secretary of War. Sin : In view of the long delay in tho lower House of Congress, in agree-, ing upon a plan for thu reorganization of tho army, suitable to our present roi quireuiunts, and the urgent necessity for early action, I am induced to present the matter to you oftiiciallj, and to ask tho attention ot Congress to it, believing that when they have the mutter fairly bcfore them, they will do what should he tlono speedily. At the present time settlements are spiinging up with unusu al rapidity in the distnul ot country be twoen the Missouri river and the Pacitio Ocean, where heretofore the Indian was left in undisputed possession. Em. igranla ure pushing to these settlements and to thu gold fields ol the Rocky Mountains by every avail il lo highway. The pcoplo flocking these regions aro citizens of the United States, and are entitled to the protection ol tho Govern ment. They are developing tho resour ces ot the country to its great advantage thus making it tho interest as well as ths duly 10 give if:?tl military protection, This makes a indob greatr loroo west of the Mississippi necessn j' lhan was uvor heretofore required. A smaiiiiltl itary force is required in all the States lately iu rebcll'mi, ami it cannot be fore seen that this force will not he required for some time to come. It is to be hoped that this foroe will not be neces sary to enforce the laws, cither Slate or tint i 'ni ill, but the difference tt sentiment en gendered by the great war which bus raged for four years, will make the pres. nee of a military force necessary to give a feeling of security to the people All classes disposed to obey the laws of the it u n try will feel this alike. To maintain order the Government has been compelled to retain volunteers all the while. The volunters bave become dissatisfied, and ohtiiu that the contract with them has been violated by retain ing them afier the war was over, liy reason of dissatifaction' they aro no Ion gor ot use, and every oue now remain ing in the service nik'tit as well be dis charged at once. The colored volunteer has equal rights to claim his di'cliargo, but an yet he has not done ao How wilt the existing laws authorize the re tention of this force, even if they are content to remain ? Tho United States Sunate passed promptly a bill for the re organization ot the army, which, in my opinion, is as free from objection as any great measure could possibly be. He sides, it would supply the minimum r quisite force. It gives but a few thou and additional men over the present or ganizttion. but gives a largo number ot idle battalions and companies, and the public guarding routs over tho plains and giving protection in Southern States demand the occupation of a great num ber of poets. For many of them a small company is just as elfocient as ono with more men would be. Tho bill before Congress, or the one that has passed the Senate, gives an increased number of companies, by diminishing the number o the rank and tile ot each company. It is an exceedingly appropriate measure In this particular, tor it provides for the inoreaso when occasion requires more men. The company is the smallest unit of organization that can be used, with Out materially injuring deseipl'me and I efficiency, ' I The belief that Congress would act promptly in this matter if their attention was called has induced ino to respectfully ask your attention to it. If you agree with mo in this iiialtcr.I would also ask if yon deem it proper, that this, with such endorsement as you may be pleased to make, be laid bofoie Congress through the Speaker of the House. Very rcsp'y your ob't servant U. S. Grant. Lieut. Gen. Some weeks ago the President nomin ated Mr. Wm. l' Johnson to be Collec tor of the 23d district, (Allegheny) in place of Mr. I). N. White. The Senate rejected this nomination, among oilier i reasons, distinctly on the ground that j Mr Johnson was not a resident of the I district, and consequently was by law j ineligible. Now, tho President has j nominated to the same place a son in-- : law to Mr. Johnston, who does not live i -r. 'in.:. : . m- uriii: in inu mibiiioi. l ins ih mi. tv ilium McCandleFs. He lives at New Brighton, in Beaver county. Wo believe ho has hitherto acted with the llepublican partp. He is a young man ol highly respectable character and connections, mid served two or three years in tho army during tho war. MARRIED. On the j'J;h of April, ISdli, by Win Wiley, Esq.. Mr Wm Hi'Kr, of Ere poit, Armstrong county. Pa , to Miss "Maikiik" Maim.k, of Monongalia's tp., this county. On the Slh day of April, by A J. I rinerinan. E-i , Asv M. Boss, ot Mar shall coriity, V. Va , to Miss S.UMll A II AiiTsKi.i., of Allcppo tp., this county. On the 1 1Mb of April, by the same, Mr. ,Jno. Haimxki.i. and Miss Maut IIoi.mi s, both of Marshall county, V. Va. Wayucsburg Mavko'. coniiKCTim wuuki.y ii v .i. oriHi:n. May 'Si. twit. ISutter, fresh roll !i Collee per lh 3;l Corn per bushel 8.-, t'orn meal per bushel Km ; Country Soap per It. (is Candles, mould per It .15 . t ll1(lll!fl) (IjppiKl " ",. Cheese per lb ' j,'1 p'Tlozeii'.!' Jl!'.' i '"ur per bbl Flax seed per bushel. I1 outliers per lb Lard per lb It. W. l'lour per lb 07 Molasses 1 nt) i Oats per bushel 40 j Or.ions per bushel 1 CO Uye per bushel lot) Hire per lb 15 Sugar, crushed per lh 22 Sugar, retined " " ao Sugar,. New Orleans, 0 lbs 1 00 Svrup, per gallon 1 00 Salt, No. 1 per bbl 4 50 Soft Soap per gallon !5 Tar per gallon 00 Tea per lb jja2 40 Turpentine per gallon 2 10 Tallow per lb in Wheat per bushel 2 2.r White Lead per keg...! 4 00 Whlto Lime perbusiiol fin Wo 1 common to lino ; fiduOO Potatoes per bushel g ouu2 M) Parsnips, per bushel 80 PITISBIKO GENERAL MARKET. Satuiidav, May 19, 18CG. GRAIN Wheat is dull and lower ; Spring is l.eld at $2,122,15. Oats quiet and unchanged ; Corn it in bet ter supply but unchanged i sales of 2 cars shelled ami' 1 car in Ears at 80. Uye is in demand acd prune Penn'a sella on arrival at $1. FLOUIl Spring wheat may be quo ted at $10,73 10 11,50 for fair to choice brands and Winter Wheat ditto ut$I2 12,C0. Kyo Flour is scarce and firm at $0,50(37. ' . POTATOES Firm. Sale of primo Peach Mows ..from store nt $1,401,50 per. bush, nnd 4 dollars per bbl. liUTTEIt Prices are nominal at 20 25, for common to prime. . KQGS Firm, may be quoted nt 20. Baltimore Cattle Market Baltimohk, May III. Deer Cattle The offerings during tho past week wore 14(12 bead, against 80 head previous week. Prices to day ranged as follows! Scalawags ijm.riO; com mon, ,$7,r(-,. fair, fS aS.ni). good f8, 75a!, 5j and ext'a beeves !),ri0 per lou lbs. Tho market claso rather firm. Sheep Tho supply this week was fair, and prices unchangou. Sales were made at C? 1 7i cents nor lh, gross, for clipped sheep. ' Hogs The supply la markut has been good and sales moderate at KlaU.iiO per inn pounds not a decline of Ac por pnund on the ate of last week. 'SPECIAL NOTICES tr AN EXTENSIVE BALE AND DIS TRUIUTION of Pianos, Molodoons, Gold and Silver Ware is now going on at the Salesrooms of Itwsn ft Bho , !H LUicrty St , N. Y. These goods are sold at TWO DOLLARS EACH, Reuaiuu.kss or Vai.uk. Send TWENTY FIVE Cents for one numbered Notice, or ONE DOLLAR for SIX. The Number on each Notice corresponds with tho uunibsr on panic article nf goods, which will be rent on recrpt o!' $2. Tho money will be refunded of the goods do not give satisfaction. Ageuts make TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS PER WEEK. Send fur a Circular. HEED A TIRO. Olllce: 1'. O. BOX, 51. '18, 81 Liberty St. ; New York. April IS, ly A CARD TO INVALIDS. A Clergyman, whllo residing hi South America, as a inls-lonary, discovered a sale and simple remedy for thu euro of Nervous Weakness, Fa'P' Decay, Diseases of tho Urinary and Seminal Organs, and tho whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers havo been already cured by this noble remody. Promp ted by a desire to benefit the alllieted and un fortunate I will send tho recipe tor j reparing and using this medicine. In a sealed envelope, to any one who noeds it, free of charge. Plcaso iucloso a post-paid envelope, ad dressed lo yourse'f. Address, JOS. T. INMAN, Station D, lliblc Mouse, . AprJ 1 , I y New York City. "Y AnjAnLl KAlriSTATE"' FOE SALE! mi-IB UNDERSIGNED ADMINISTRA J TOUS of the estate of tin late LOl' LKN- AltD, dee'd., will oiler at public sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, !)t!i DAY OP JUNE, NEXT, the following described farm, late the property oi sam uccuaseu, to u a : A Til ACT OF LAND situate in Jeflersr.n township, Greene county, I'a , ailjoininj: lands of II, 0. lloulsworlii, Jacob Hush, Uiq., and other.), containing TWO HUNDRED AND rillUTEEN ACBES, more or less, about one hundred and sixty of wuieuiiru neural, anu cn which are erected a two story irnme Agoodframo tenant lmuse, one and a half stories high, a frame burn, thir.y feet by forty nud other necessary outbuildings. This is among the most desirable farma in the county, and is well worth the attei.lion of purchasers. There arc several banks of excellent co d opened on the premises. There is also a fine orchard of apples, some peach in.,) ..il.... i....: i... i ,... ...u. i , , i,u 1 1 i-i-n i iii i in; i;n in, TKUMS OK SALE will be made known n llie Ltuv ol sale. liKV I LEON lt' JNO. S. H.YAlil), May !l, 'nil. Is A.l.niiM.ti-.' .u A1 for the best selling bonk ever published, TUUILLLNU STOIIIKS OF TUB GHIJAT KLIII.LLIOX. Comprising hen iic adventures and hair breadth escapes t,f Soldiers,, Scouts, Spies ami ltel'u ceusi daring explniisot Siimgglers, Guerrillas, J)espera('.ocs and others ; Tales of Loyal ami llisloyal women ; Stories of the Negro, iVc, Ac, with iiicidi nts of Fun and Merriment in Camp and Field. By Lieutenant Colonel (.'harks S. (irecne, late" of the United States Ar.ny. Handsomely illustrated with engrav ings on steel nud in oil colors. Send for circulars and S"e the liberal terms ! offered. C 8. GlfUKNU & Co., Publishers. No. 1U1 S. Third Street, Philadelphia. Mays,4w. AYEU'S SAHSAPAUILLA IS a concentrated extract of the choice root, so combined w ith other scbstanres of still greater alterative power as to alford an clTec- IIJ, lUM miU,lotu ''!r, di?" II vnvurs oiusapaiina is rejaueii to cure, nucu a remedy is surely wanted by those who sulfur from Strumous complaints, and that ono which will accom plish their euro must prove, 11s this bus, ol Immense service to mis largo class of our af flicted fellDW-citiwns. How completely this compound will do It has been proven by ex periment on many of tho worst cases to bo found In the following complaints : Scrofula, Scrofulous Hwellings snd Sores. Pkin Diseases, Pimples, Pustules, Ulotclics, Krup'ions. St. Anthony's Fire, Hose or Kry sipelas. Tetter or Salt'Hheum, Scald Head, ltingworm, &.C Syphilis or Venerial Discnse is expelled from the system by the prolonged use of tills Sarsa parlila, nnd the patient Is left in comparative health. l''emalo diseases aro caused 1V Scrofula In tho blood, nnd are often soon cured by this Kxtract of Sirsaparllla, Do not discaid this invaluable medicine, because you havo been Imp scd upon by something pretending to tie sarsaparilla. while It was not. When you havo used Ayer's then, and not till then, will ynu know the virtues of Sarsaparilla. Far minute particu lars of Iho diseases it cures, we refer you to Avpr's Aninrinnii Almflmie. which the Aironls below named will furnish gratis to all who call for It. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, for tho euro ot tjosuvencss, iiaimuieo, Dyspepsia, iiihiiji Dysentery, Foul stomach, Milan.,...... (.I.........I. Ilnoilitn IO ' HI. Headaclie. Piles, Rhoumatlst ism. Heartburn arising from Disor dered Stomach. Pain or Morbid Inaction or Iho Rowels, Flatulency, Loss of Anpeiito, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Worms, Gout, Neu ralgia, and for a Dinner Pill. They uvc suirar coated, so that tho most sensitive can take them pleasantly, and they aro the best Apenlent in tho world for all tho purposes of a family pVyslo. Prepared by J. C. AVER ft CO., Lowell, Mass.. and sold bv Dr. D. W. Rradun, Dr. Wm. L. Crcigh, M. A Harvey, Waynesburg, Pa., and a l'DruggiCs throughout the county. May 1(1. 2m , PEOPLE'S LINE. STEAMER "CHIEF- TAIN," It. R. Aiiiiams, j Conmmndor, Capt R. &SlfoMZM CMasos, Clerks leaves' Orcenshnro, for Pittsburgh every Monday, Wednesday nnd Friday, at 0 a. in. Leaves Pittsburgh for Greensboro' every Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturday. Mny tn,'(l(l.-ilm. Aei'ii'iiluir.il Notice. Tnii Grceno County Agricultural Society will hold its annual meellna nt Iho C. P. Church, Carinlchacls, Pa, on SATURDAY, May ailth, at 2 o'clock, p. m-, for tho election of officers, for tho ensuing year, and transact Ing other business of Interest to t.l:e S iclety, J. 1 M1T0HENEH, MayD,-8t Secretary. FARMEBS' GRQCSRl TIIK OLD NAMK BUT IS KKW flApf" L . W . THOMPSON nAVINQ purchased tho abovo named Gr eery, has refitted and restocked it Ho. has a complete stock otCimfcciionerv,omnges, Unions, Sugar, Cotlco, Teaj (green and black), Syrup, Molasses, canned fruit cheese, rieo, soda nh, whlto lime, soft soap (country made) randies, crackers ot all kinds, cigars, tobacco, (che a ing Hiid smoking) tlsh, lamps, oil, small fancy articles. Ac, &e. Any one needing the articles mentioned or anything In the line not mentioned will do well to call. Produce taken In trade. Remember tho place, the "Farmers' Grocery," formerly owned by 1', Drown. J.Iay'J, Mill. -I v. . TAYLOU & FARLEY'S MODEL ORGANS. 0. J. WILLARD, Wo (127 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. rpiIE MOST COMPLETE MUSICAL IN X STRUMENT manufac tired, and thu PiToc3.oX Oran OF THE WORLD! Combining Sweetness and Depth of Tone, Heautilul ami i waste in Appearance, Ho llaing and Elevating in its Tendon- cics. Kor Churches, l'arlors or the IS indoirit has no equal, unit has invarlalilv taken the KIUS r PREMI UM wherever exhibited in Competition with other well known manufac turers. Thirty -four different styles,. and from one to twelve stops, Long Double llrllows, Double IJlnw .Pedals, Knee Swell, etc., etc., giving great powci ninl steadiness of tone. THE SUU-HASa, applied to the Double Reed Organs, gives a volume of tons equal to a sixteen foot slop In a Pipe Organ, ami when applied to our Organs containing them, and four sets of Heeds the volume of tone is equal t i a iji'-'ooo pipe organ, and costing only about one fourth us much. Send for au Illustrated Price List, giving full nartletilars. Address orders, O.J. WILLARD, Wholesale Agent, (127 liroadway, N. T. THE GREAT ON RIVALED " V 0 S E " r'lANOFORTE! The cheapest first class Piano Forte in tho Market. These beautiful instruments are fast winning their way into public favor. The tone is rich, full and powerful, and gushes forth with peculiar sweetness a melody, whilo the touch U easy and elastic. Are finished in rich rosewood cases, with full Iron frame, over strung bass and French grand action. All have large round corners, with back tin-, ished like the fronl. Every instrument fully warranted livo vears. Circulars giving cor rect likeness taken from photograph, with full dcuciipiive price list, sent free lo any address on application. It ft caul i (fill OHg and O.onts WOltTII T1I1HTV CKSTS, AccompatiicB the Circular, and is worthy of preservation. Dealers will no fur nished these lieautilul Iu Mriimcnls nt thu LOWEST WHOLESALE PRICES. And Teachers nt tho rates of discount. Ad dress all nrdefs to (. .1. WILLARD, Wholesale Agent, (127 Rroadway. N. Y. Wholesale agents lor m. A. Pond iVCo's, Reardman, dray A: (-Vs. Win. Knabe& Co.'s, nnd other llrst class Circulars giving correct likenesses of theso ei-lebratctl Piano Forteaund Taylor ft Farley's Model Oig.tns, forwarded to any address on application. Tho ' Latest Simgs, Pu'illslied January 1, 1 H(i(i, nnd mailed to any address free of postage. Oh, sing me that dear old song y"ic We've drank from the same canteen, by J. ' O. Ciark, 3-"c IVantil'ul Wnlcs. sanj bv J. It. Thomas, Hoc I'm happy as the day is long, Somebody's Darling, Violets under Iho snow, by II. Tucker, Sweet be thy repose, by J. II. Thomas. Hong ot the spoon, a new college song, The Angel (luidii, by l'avager, When 1 went courting Sallie, com'c, Only a withered rose, Mother, 1 have he ml sweet music, l'lonsant dreams of long ago, Oh, say not a woman's heart Is bought, Kathleen, dear, Uefore I was married, O dear, We'll meet no more at twilight hour. fillC U.'iC Soc arm rnc HOC :(ic (5c r.c y.ic HOC 40c arc 11(10 licautiful Isle nf Hie sea, bv J. It. Thomas, rc Old don't care, by W. K. lJasf-jrd, -''C Light of my soul, of then I'm dreaming, !'c Five o'clock in the morning, 40c ("Icon and I, kmitf by Harry Tucker, !"c Come, Nellie dear, I'm weeping, by Tucker Wc Music on Iho waves, vocal duet, by Glover ,i(,! No time like tho ol lime, (live Iho old man a chance. ( no bright moony night, ooinic, They all come home but mine, Young man on the railway, Wheii Fenians light for freedom Down by the nate, by .1. It. Tliomai, fc-Pa"rlies ordering Music and over UUc SOc lir.c :10c fic a.'c 20c for tho same will receive Iheirch ango Inclose" wilh the Music, or M'isio will bo selected, as parties prefer. All orders promptly ut tended to, and any information cheerfully given. ItKi'KiiKXCKs : lion. O. W. Pat'ei'scn, ex Uovernor of New Yorlt, WesltLld. N. Y., T. It Colinan. President Lake Sliore Hank, Dun Ulrk, New York. Nkw Toiik Cirv ItrPKiiKNcr.s 1 William A, J p,md&c., William 15. Dradlmry. Cnrhart, ! Needham & Co., Siberia Olt ; Hugh Rlddlo, . Vsi( i uul1P.,tti supt. Motive I'oweri Erie R. It. . Wlieelerft Wilson WAddrcss Orders, 0. J. WILLARD. Wholesale I'tanoForto, Organ ft Music Dealer, No. 027 Uruadway, N. Y. Bee. 20. 1 80S. -if OYes! O, Yes! CIOME ALL YOU GOOD PEOPLF-, young nnd old, who want to purchase GOOD AND CHEAP CLOTHING! and cxaniluo my NEW STOCK winch I havo Just brought ou from thu Ciiy of Philadelphia. I can sell as good suits of all kinds or CLOTHING! as cheap and cheaper than can bo bought In any other cstal llshmtmt. I am determined not to be undersold by any one. A. .1. 80WER3. Waynes I ill rg. May 0, Tid.-.'lm, I NNIM TVKALEH IN Rooks, Htatlonory, Wall Paper, mediate payment, nnd those lmvlnc claims 1 Window Paper, ftc. Hiindny School ngslust the sainu are hereby notified to pro lloolts of all kinds constHiilly on liiind, Way- sunt them duly Hiiilienlleafed for settlement. ncsburg. Pa., opposite Post Oillce. 1 JtWEl'H KEENER, May 0, 'M.-ly Msytew Adm'r. of Jsckion lp. HllBIln! CHOLERA! 1 Jr 110 V TO A VOID Till! DREAD DISEASE! :! 0 ' cujyt -ro TOW, Fttl RINEHIRT & INGilROI HAS JUST RETURNED FROM THE lily, and have opened the Isrgest Now Grocery In town. They tics' re to Inform tho citizens of Wnvnesburg and vicinity of the care they have taken iu selecting stock, having on baud a isood supply of CONFECTIONS, T011ACCO, CI OARS, TAR. nlso. l'KOVISI ONS, I5ACON, DRIED 15KEF POTATOES, F 1SII, DRIED PEACHES, &o , Ac , &i. Cull and see them as they have just You will find tlicm accomodating, and csn sell lower than any ono in thu place. i!o sure to go to tho right place, in LEDWITH'3 OLD FLIILDIMG- . opposite tho Court House, and formerly oc cupied by the Post Ofilec. ap:8,'tiii.-tf. C.KO. E MlNOU... . L. K. Evans. DON'T STOP TO LOOK KICK -uui GO RIGHT IN! TO TUB STORK OF GEO. E. MlfJOH & CO 'IIIJE above named firm has purchased a JL' complete stock in the Fast and are selling at reduced prices. It comprises a general as sortment oi DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, ROOTS, SHOES," HATS AND CAPS, CLOTHS, CASS1MERICS, ftc, &c, &o. We would also call thtyipccttl attention of the LADIES to the largest lot of RcLitinc and Calicoes ever microti m tins m truei, win at priees ss low as before tho war, also, our full hue or inr.i'.oxs, veils, duess ooods, uhesstu1m.mings. BUTTONS, HOOP SKHITS, BALMO. SKIRTS, Ac. 1011 would do well to rail mimeaiatcly, as pecs are already stiffening hi the Eastern market, Don't forget the place, at the In Minor's Iluiiding, norly opposite tho P. ft I). N. Rank, Waynesburg. Pa. April is, 'liii-ti. . DR TOBIAS' . . VENETIAN LINI.MKNT. Diuii ok chocc what a pretty nnd Interest ing child 1 saw last wei k I Hut now, alas! it Is no moro. Such was tho conversation of two gentlemen riding down town in the cars' Died of croup I how strange ! when Dr. To bias' Venetian Liniment Is a certain cure, if taken In time; Now, Mothers, wo appeal t-) you. It is not for the paltry gall nnd profit wo make, but for the sake of your infant child that now lies playing at your feet. Croup Is a dangerous disease ; hut uso Dr. Tobias Venetian Liniment In time, and it Is robbed of its terrors. Always keep It In the house ; you may not want it lo-nlght, or to-morrow no telling when but armed with this liniment you aro prepared, let it eonio when It will. Prieo only 4ll cents a bottle. Ollloo fid Cort anilt Street, New York. Mold by all druggils $l,500 Pa YEAR!" w want ngciils every where lo sell our imi'iiovh $1211 Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. Under imu tipper feed. Warranted live Years. Abovo salary or large commissions paid. The only machines sold In ilia United States for less than $IU, which aro lully licens ed by Howe, Wheeler ft Wilson, drover ft Raker, Singer ft Co., nnd Rachelder. All other cheap machines aro Infringements and tiio selter or user nre liable to arrest, line ami Imprlasonmcut. Circulars I'roe. Address or call upon Sliaw ft Clark, Dldde.l'urd, Main or Chlcngo, 111. Jan. 1 7-1 v. DR. TORUS' VENETIAN LINIMENT. A CERTAIN CURS for pslns hi limbs mm back, sore throat, croup, rlieuinatlsin,cnliu, &o. A perfect family medicine, and never falls. Read! Red!! Read!!! Livonia, Watnk Co., Mich., Juno. II?, 'BO. This is to certify that my wife was taken with QuInseySoro Throat 1 It commenced to swell, and was bo sore that she could not swallow, and coughed violently, I used you Llnlmont, and made a perfect cum In ono wook. 1 firmly bellovo that bill for tho Lini ment sno would have lost her life. JOHN H. HARLAN. Trlco 40 and 80 cent Sold by all druggists. Olllce, 50 C irtlandt Struct, N. 1 . AilBsiiiitMrnt.or'N Police LETTERS of administration having hern granted to the undersigned upon tho es lateol Oliver Keener, late of Aleppo town ship, (luo'd. Notico Isliorcby gfvrn to all licrsnns iiiueuieu rr siuu esiato to nnutu lin 1 1 .1 1 1 1 atored. Just nutilKlicd. i 1H. ( UUVFRWKI.I.'i I mil woakness. Involuntary Seminal Losws. Impotency, Mental mid Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, eto.;itla, Commie- ( tiox, Ei ir.Ki ur and Firs, iudu 'td by eelt la dulgenee or sexual extravagance. , rrlWce, in a sealed envelope, only 6 eta. , Tiie celebrated au'hor in this aihnirabla essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty year's uccfiJj'iicc, Hint tho alarming conat queneesof suit -jtbuso may bo radically cured without the dangerous use of internal modi- J , mm hi inu appilCHUon 01 inarUllO poilllliil , out to a mode of euro at once simple, certain, and enVctu'il, by means ot which cvtry 'iiif-r'J icrer, no matter what his condition may ue, may euro himself cliesply. privattly, and . niiimy. . . . ! CTho Lecture should he In the hands ef i every youth and evry man in tho land. ' ' Sent, under seal, In a plain envelope, 'to any '. f address, ( pnij, on receipt of sixcenta, or two postage stamps Address the publisher, , CI I AS J. C. KLINE &(H) " l27Howcry, New York, lVst Olllce UoailSa , nist'2l:'iiii-ly TAX BA.LE. I WILL sell nt public sale, to the highest bidder, ut ths Court House in Waynesburg, ' on tho SECOND MONDAY CF JUNE NEXT, the following lots of ground situate Iu lh. borough of Waynesburg, for the payment of the taxes due and unpaid by tho owner or ; owners thereof and which have been assessed , upon said lots on tiio owner or ownou thereof, for Siato. county, township and borough ; purposes, to wif. , 1. A LOT OF GROUND situato upon' Maine or High street, bounded t.y lot ot J. ' ft M. ltinehart on tho East; by lot of the willow of Christina Ualt.-.-ll, dee'd , on the West, and Strawberry alley on the North, bo tug lot No. seventy-seven (77) In the plan of said town or borough. Assessed 111 the name of John Jones, or John Jones' heirs '. 2. A LOT OF () ROUND on tho corner of. Cumberland and (iroene streets, and bounded on the North by Cle'rry alley, being lot No. ono hundred nnd seventy-ouo (171) in the plan of said town. Assessed to or In the iiBine of Robert Whitchill's heirs. 8. LOTS NUMBERS 25. 2(1, 27, 2R, 29 and 30, situate East of the Cumberland Pres byterian Church. Assessed to Jonathan Morris, or tho heirs of Jonathan Morris. 4. LOT on tho comer' of Maine or High and Riehhlll streets, bounded by lot of John Munnell on the East, and Strawberry alley ou thu Norm, being the West half ot lot Wo. seventy-nine (7U) In the plan of said town. Assessed lo Mrs. Ross, Miss Ross, M. Ros and Moses Ross. TERMS Cash in hsnd sulllelent to pay the taxes, aud costs and expenses of sale, and bond with security on interest tor tho payment . of thu Surplus purelmso money, accorduig to law. TUU.HAS l.MS. Treasurer ot Oreen County. Treasurer's Olllce, April 4, 'tiG ts. apl I '(ill. , Exchange Hotel J, V. JIAI.'N, Proprietor. TN INVITING THE PUBLIC to his patron- ' I mr; the undersicned feels confident, that by his long experience, lie 'will bo enabled to render satisfaction to nil. He guarantees the, best accommodations both to man and beast. May M.'il-i-Iy J. W. 11ARN. Lyons Periodical Drops the great: female -remedy f u IRREUULARlTIEn. These Drops are a seienllllcally compound ed fluid preparation, nnd belter than an Pills, Powders or Nostrums. Heing liquid, their action is direct and positive, rendering them a reliable, speedy nnd ccrtaiu Hpecitlo for the cure of all obstructions aud suppres sions cf nature. -Their popularity is indicated by tho fact that over 100,000 bottles aro an nually sold and consumed by tho ladies of tho United States, every one ol whom speak In tiio strongest terms of pralso of their great merits. They are rapidly taking tho placo of every other Female Remedy, and aro con pidered by all who know slight of them, a I lie surest, safest and most infallible prepara tion in the world, for Hie cure of all female complaints, the reniond of all obstruction of nature, nnd tho promotion ot health, regulari ty and strength. Explicit directions stating when they liuy be used, nud explaining when and wh) they should not, nor could not bo used without producing ell -els contrary to nature's chosen laws, will bn found carefully 1 folded uround each holllu, with the wiiltcn signature ot Joiim L. Lvon, without whlcn none nrogeuuino. Prepared by D. JOHN L. LYON, lftS Chapd Street, New Haven, Conn., who can be consulted either personally, or by mail, (enclosing stamp,) concerning nll'private dis eases anil female weaknesses. Sold by Druggist every whom O. O. CLARK A CO , General Agei.ts for U. S. and Cunai'a. Nov. K, '(in. Iv. 0 NE HUNDRED DOLLARS PREMIUM ' OFFERED 11Y mKOU &M3URCHINAL. B.iiTiii'ii'.i.i, i-AVK.rru :o, I'a. MANCFACllIlllillS or DANE MILI.3 AM) JVOOK'S EVATOCATOK. This is the only successful Evaporator for making a No. I Syrup wilh economy and dis- -patch. Over ten thousand were ued last full, every one of which was insured, aud not one return- . cd. It Is tho only Evaporator free from liabilities ' fur infringement upon some previous patent. We are also agents for tho celebrated "VIO- ; TOR CANE MILIj, "manufactured by ci.auk's son. io MAciiiNK co. We oiler One Hundred . Dollars Premium for ssmple of beBt Syrup, (see piico llstnf (,'ana Mills and Evaporators, sent free of charge, ) to be awarded by Sorgh- ; utnConventlon, I he thuo and placo to exam ine samples to he determined by tho Cnnven tiHn. J). OWENS. Agent. ALSO, PROPRIETOR OF THE 1 EAGLE FOUNDRY, WHERE he keeps constantly on hand, STOVES of ail kinds and CASTINGS of all descriptions, Orders solicited aud 1U1- , cd promptly. '' aprilfi dm Watskbiiubo, Pa, 1 A I) M I N I iTaTO US' NOTICETT Letters of Ailnilnlsl ration upon the Estate nf JOHN HEADLEE, Esq., lata of Perry Town", ship Greene Co, dee'd., having been (ranted to the uuderslgued by tho Register of Greeas 1 Coiiutv, all persons knowing themsolvcs In debted to said Estato srejrequested to pay the same, nnd those having t laluisng ilnitsdd Ka tale are reipicstcd to present them duly au thenticated lor settlement. , JMIINEAS HEADLEE, ' ELUIEADLEE. . A pr 1 0 h Admlnlitrstors. ; . , , Valuable llccipos lor halo. The following reclprs can bo had by calling on or addressing thu undersigned t Hair Dye, No. 1, for 7. Hair Dye, N d. 2, SuinuliillnsJ Onguent, Hair Runower. Hair Restorer, Cr.ro for Pim ples and Blotches, Romedy for Freckles and Tan, all for A Theoo recipes aro is good as any In use any-' Where TIIOS. FEltltEU muriHC Wnvnesburg, Pa. J50O MOFTH !-rAt.Krs. Wanted for nx irnliii'lv.new articles, JilSw out, iiihlr. s O. T. GAREV, City Iiulldhur, Rlddt fori", Mlno. JimlT, 'irt.-lf. i t:.