The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, May 09, 1866, Image 3

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41V i..3-4i
Wednesday," may 0, 1 8(10.
Auout Town. Why is it that so
miny of our resident do not jrid
themselves upon the appearance and
general stato of affairs in cur vitiligo ?
Surely we are delightfully situated, ours
Wing a "city act upon a hill," and com
manding splendid facilities tor enibel
lishmeutniid renovation. We are not
acquainted will) the laws of the borough,
but one thing id certainly evident, that
,it there are any, they are not enoro d.
Some tow years sinco our citizens did
make an effort to eoulribu'e to tho looks
of thin":) hereabout.-, and w hil't tlio
'Hpirit moved" did reaPy fence some of
the town common and sot out a few :
young trees. Time passed nnd " 1 he '
l'ark" flourished titiely, unlit some one, J
'mean enough to bleat acorns Win a .
blind sow," thinking that tho fonoiiig of
the public grounds was an infiiiigeineiit
upon tho rights of their '-lean niul bun-
gry" stock, tore Iho boards off iho fence
to admit the cows and hogs to their
Vontod pasturage. Onco began, ihu
'wot t of demolition continued, until now
Nvehave but tho bare hill, as of old, with
Hit stumps of a low saplings which ere
this might havo beon Irces. Iiow Bad
the retrospect I Alas, that tho hopes of
atl should bo thus blighted. Ou that
game hill, now the evening resort of the
old, the young, tho great, tho small, the
festive, tho sad, instead of having your
eyes dazzled by tho rays of the depart
ing sun, you might have reposed be
neath the umbrageous foliage of , iho
most splendid of forest kings, and if
the sun bothered you held your hat over
your eyes. What pen can portray tho
bliss that would have attended the re
pairing of tho fence, tho forcible eject"
niont of a few misohievious boys with a
due application of boot leather I And
there was tho spring, too, and the wat
ering trough, what instruments of good
they might have been mado to the gen
erations of Buffering humanity that
pass along the road. May visions of
thirsty cattle and dusty hog drovers,
pectres of dogs with their tongues out,
and dirty .faced children making "mud
'pies," forever hauut tho perpetrators ot
the outrage. By the way,
our streols need particular attention at
present. An immctiso amount of tilth,
garbage, trash, &o , Gil our principal
streets and'alleys. It demands tho un
'inediate attention of our town council,
(sooallod ) Who knows but the telo
jjraph might bring the cliulera, (wo (lis
Tike to say anything about that, however,
for tear it will raise the pi ico of butler )
Soiweof tho moro enterprising, wo no
lice,, have mado a beginning in the
wholesome application ot while-wash.
It is a simple compound, not costly, nor
of difficult preparation, but thero is a
reward for the trouble in the happy el -feet
produced upon out-houses, fences,
nud trees, imparting to those places, oth
erwise unsightly, a clean and wholesome
appearance Will not all tiy the chem
ical process f
'Tub late explosion of iiitro-glycerine at
Aapenwall. was ono ot terrifiu force.
'.The buildings of the Panama fipiiit
"company wore almost entirely destroyed.
A great many thoua: ds of dollars in
propel ty lost, together with thirty or
forty human lives. Any one may hung--inb
tho excitement and consternation
among tho people thereabouts at tho
time of tho disaster, but if you just go to
"tBo storo of Geo. E iMinok & Co. you
will find it but little less. They have
expended a groat deal of "time, labor,
iul raonoy, in tho endeavor to bring to
town the best mid cheapest stock yet
brought from the East. Mr. Ci.a y Misoit
long known as the best and most accom
modating salesman in town will attend
.to all your wants. Call and seo them
'bacoro the great demand exhausts their
supply. , liomeuiber tho "Old Stand"
nearly opposite F. & D. N. Hank.
"What surprises everybody, 13
-Goods soil at Guiher's.
Ilia way
Fhost. Our section of the country
' has boon subject to several very severe
visitations ot frost, lately. If tho tiuit
is not entirely destroyed, it is not from
the want ol cold nights.
' To all whom It may concern. Tho cheapest
and best goods in town are kept hy James
, A iukb chance. J. M. Kent of this
' place will sell two first class Knitting
Machines at cost mainly for the-purposo
of getting them introduced to the com
tnunity. Tboy aro warranted and full
instructions will bo given in tlioir use
free of charge .
It la astonishing tho low rates Mnslltis aro
fold at by James Guiher,
To Postmastkus. ;It U not only made
the duly of a Postmaster to give notice
promptly to tho publisher'f a nowspa
per of tho nonliving of a paper by those
to whom it is directed i but it has been
' deolded by the courts that in such a case
the Postmastor makes himself liable for
the subscription price, .
i m m t i i
No such cheap Crdlcocs Icopt anywhtra as
-you will flod at GuUiox's.
ExuiciSB There seems to bo quifo a
mania among tho Vniddlo aged and
young mon of our town for sonm kind
of exercise. In the evening when tho
day's labor is done, wo see them oor.
gregnte upon tho side walk, eager to
shako off the lassitude of the day by
'jumping.'' This is all very wall, hut
tor ono thine;, it is a hindcrance to those
passing especially ladies, whom the crowd
often causo to go round, or entirely
across tho street. To thoso engaged in
sedentary pursuits there 'is nothing so
beuclicial to health as somo system of
calisthenics. A prominent journal say :
No man who has an hour's time at
his disposal need become for
w nut ot exorcise. It' ho has no wood to
saw, let hiui uiu the light dumb hells j
or if he has nothing in his hand ' but
his tiit," let him take gyinnnstio excr
c:so and strike out from the shoulder,
and swing his arms, and thus get ample
exercise. This will really build him up
in strength, and hu will have good diges
tion niul circulation,
It one woiks but foiiiicen hours a
day, and oau get eight or nine hours
sleep, which ho needs, health can b
niantained. In such cum free gymnas
tic exercise, that is without apparatus,
must be interjected in tho intervals ot
business. An engraver, a tailor, a
watchmaker, a telegrapher, or bookkeep
er can, ten times a day, bland up and
take al sorts of free gymnastic exercise
a minute or two at a lime, and do as
much, nay moro, work at his vocation
than to plod continuously, and thereby
build up and maintain health ami vigor.
Who will not try it?
A capital way lo save your moiiy is to buy
nil your Dry Ooodsof Jiunos Guiher.
PiiiiEsoi.oGV. Mesirs. Fowler and
Wells, 380 Droadway, have just issued
a new and improved i'hrenological Hint,
showing the latest classitica ioii and ex
act locations of tho Organs of iho Hrain.
designedMor learners. All the newly
discovered organs are given. It is divid
ed so as to show each organ and all tho
groups Social, Executive, Intellectual,
and Moral classified. It is uow exten
sively used in Europe, and is almost the
only one in use here. There are two
sizes tho largest near the size of life
is sold at $2 OU. The smaller ono which
is not more than six inches high, and
may be carried m tho pocket, is only
$1,00. May be sent by express or as
freight. Address, Fowler & Wells, 389
liroadway, New York.
t.-t n .
A. li. Miller
-On tho 1st inst., by Hov.
"Wiu.." S. TimouKMOH-roN 1
and Miss "Cauuhs"
this county,
M. IIil.i., both of
Wo extend our warmest greeting to
the newly-married conplo. May thotr
voyage on the sea ot lifj hover Lo
troubled by storm.
N. 13. Tho "devil" persists in saying
the cake was tho best lie eVcf eat.
Gi:n. Quant, riding la liis cirriago down
WaterStreet, Pittsburgh, the other day was
stopped by a huge pile of store boxes lying on
the levee. To'his hupiiiy or "whit il,ineant?"
llu was told that they were new goods being
forwarded to James Guiher.
'JTTr "V,Z7Ak
puwm amv,i,
ijiu inieai, 1 1 1110 a paiiniius iu puniau
Chili bv the bombardment of Valparaiso
and other cities, for Iho continual non.
...1. ,c .i ...!., ..,.1
tho reverses which the Spanish fleet has
I more than once Buffered, has at length btcn
executed, so far as Valparaiso is concern,
i ed. A new proposition tor peac 5, offer
ed by Chili, wa njected by the Spuu'sh
Commander, Nunez, who, oil March 27,
i notified the Military Commandant (ien
: oral of Valparaiso, the Diplomatic Corps
I in Valparaiso, and the Consular Corps
I iu Valarais , ,ot ihu upproachiug bom.
i bardmeiil, allowing period of four days
for the removal ot the aged, of women,
children, and nou combatants.
The City of Valparaiso is tho commer
cial metropolis of South America on the
I Pacific, and her progress during the last
teu years has been suo'i as to raise a
hope among iho Chilians that she would
soon be ablo to rival the largo worhK
oilies of tho Old and the New World
The largest portion of tho commerce
and ot Iho properly in the business part
ol the city is iu tho hands ot the foreign
residents. Of course, extraordinary
efforts were mado by all tho foreigners
and by the diplomatic corps to avert the
threatened disaster from tho city. The
foreign residents requested tho Ministers,
and, in particular, those ot the United
Stales, England and France, to prevent
the bombaidment by force. Tho rcp
resonlalives of Iho two latter countries
refused to comply with this request; but
Gen, Kilpatriuk declared himself willing
to resist the Spaniards, if tho English
Hoar-Admiral would share tho respon-
eihility. This being refused, ho declined
to act alone in a matter so grave. Tho
bombardment took plaee, and resulted
in the destruction ot more thnn twenty
millions of property.
The civilized world has, from tho bo
ginning of tho war, been with rare unan
imity against Spain, Tho news ot the
bombardment of Valparaiso will raiso
an outcry of indignation such as rarely
an act of moiiuru warfare lias raised
before. Throughout tlio Amoricnn con
linont it will powerlully strengthen the
wish for bringing about a closer connec
tion between all tho American States A
the defense ot common American inter
ests. It will add immense strength to
tho popular feeling against European
monarchies. Wo learu that in Peru
and Ecuador the pecplo threatened to
massacre all the resident Spanish, nud
that in order to savo Ihem the Govern
nienta found it urcessary to arrest
another IfoMicmi; ;in fayette
. Mr Martin Luta, a' firmer living in
the suburbs r f ibis (place, was uotuVeiitly
shot last evening, about eleven o'clock,
under the following cnunistuiieos. Mr.
Lutz had left hoinu in tho morning, with
the intention of being away until tho
next. day. A young in m by iho naiiio
of Todd, and Mis. Lutz, in tho evening
locked the house ami went to spend the
evening with a neighbor. On their ro
turn they found the door broken open,
sivd heard some ono up slairs. They
called frequently for Mi;. 1-ut,, but ru
ceived no answer. They then went for
assistance aud procure! weapons, while
one of the parly went for au ollicor.
Lutz tired out ot the window up slairs
Tho oilier party thou entered tho house,
and as Lutz canio down stairs Todd
called upo.i him to speak or ho would
shoot, which ho rt fused to do. ' Todd
ihen lire J. Lulz ran several rods, mid
Todd was about to lire again, hen he
(I. -!.) spoke and said i ''My God, Sum ,
you have killed me, but il was my own
i'-dt," and in a low moments died. Mr.
Lutz was a woilhy eitiz-'ii. No blame
is attached to Mr. Todd.
The pp'uitnf liiitish Free Trade is hostile
remorselessly liosiile. It seeks to 'obtain pos
sesion of llii) American markets as an outlet
for tlio surplus products ot tire Ulror ot linlisii
paupers, mid hi tliis endeavor would hreak
down Urn imperfectly established Industry of
our country, impoverish our hdmicrs, ami
bankrupt our manufacturers far more cHecm
ally tlmu the combined army and navv of
England could do in au open warlaro. Inhe
rently, and of necessit y, liritish Free Trado is
hostile) to tho United Sulos.
Durlni! tho Rebellion it showed this hostility
by constantly supplying the Rebels willi mu
nitions of war by lmiluing, equipping and
manning for Ihcm cruisers wliurewitti to de
vastate our commerce hy nlliftving the Ilrit
isli West India islands to be depots for R-ibd
pirates and ldockadc runners by encour
aging on tlio London and Liverpool money
mark" ts subscriptions to the Rebel loan, and
by mailing Canada hu asylum for Rebel con
spirators unci tho liitchinir-ground of -Rebel
raids. Hostile during the war, and thorough
ly confederate with tho licbels in tin Ir pari
tidal attempt to destroy tho Republic the
British Free Traders still cling to that unholy
alliance, and build on it their plans and their
hopes to Coerce us to quit manufacturing, and
give them tho profits and advantages of sup
plying us With iron and textile goods. Tlio
J.mvliin Moiin; Jeunml of March 1 7 'says:
"No improvement in the. demand lormanu-
I faetured iron from America can bo reported;
but if tho feeling which tlm President has
aroused against Iho extreme ltepuhlica'n party
Should prove permanent, we may expect to seo
Soiitlimi ri'imwi'iilativcs irraduullv reenter
Congress, in which ease it further advance in
proilKjt lyo duties In t hu l"LVjr.?'!'f.r
lilipul Ml' ( Itlill III I II 11 b llnw uivmliiiuui lilt-1 -
ican orders appear certain."'
We invoke the utteiitinii of Congress to this
lonewal ot co-partnership between llin lirtlisli
Frcj Traders and Iho iiurecoustruelud Kehels
uf iiib sr. .'i
He insiited that secession was not
Ho dceliired that coercion of armod
b n; uiic.onstitutioual
j H0 Hlyled Union soldiers "hounds,"
j bulldogs," HiirelingV "inccildiaiius"
! amj plunderers."
i0 prcdi"t' d an 1 ciiouriiged a lire in
i die rear of Union soldiers.
Ho piwlaitned, by implication, that
jjavis was a purer pauio- loan
! Abraham Lincoln.
llo discouraged tho raising of arms
! bv volnnteeiinff.
, 1 I'M' ...... .p ....
II.. il.,,,,, ttin ill 1 1 ti cv in) nt our
armies by conscription.
lie opposed and execrated every
measure by winch llio Union was saved
llu characterized Abraham Lincoln us
a "tyrant," "usurper" nud "assassin,"
lie ridiculed Andrew Johnson as a
"recreant," pelf I iinler," inebriate"
and "adventurer.'"
lie opposed the extension ol tho elec
tive franchise to the men iu tho Held
periling their lives 1 it defence of the
Union, ami when they did vote, he
churned that such uso of thu ballot was
illegal and a fraud.
1 lo opposed the di.-fraiichiscinent of
desoiteis and struggled with all his legal
foieo to prevent the punishment el
llo'could seo nothing heinous in the
murder of a draft (illioer or tho pilfering
of an enrolluieut ollico.
lie declared tho war a failure and
insisted that it ought to cease, while ho
advocated tho election to ;lu Presidency
of a played out inihlaiy bombast.
He rejoiced over rebel add mourned
nt Union victory.
Ila oppnsod tho establishment of a
National currency.
lie insisted on Pennsylvania paying
hut' linylish creditors in gold, when hy
all the rules ot financial business the
Stale could only bu asked to pay in
currency. Tho paym nt in gold cost
tlio Commonwealth many thousands ot
dollars, which went at the time to till
the pockets of Englishmen who were
then engaged in affording aid and
comfort to lliu rebels lighting for thu
destruction of the Government.
Tlioso aro a few of thu distinguished
nets performed by Utesier viyiner
while ho was a tstate senator, no is
now a candidate for Governor, and
was nominated by his party because ot
his record above given. Will tho
people of Pennsylvania oudorao a
eundidulo coining before thorn wit'ia
rcocord like tlnsl Tho r-sult of the
election in October will bo tlio answer.
UarrUburg Telegraph.
Tub Now York Wovhl's admiration
for. President Johnson is evidently on
fie wane. That paper bitterly or'nlo'ises
the President's Proclamation of Peace,
because that Proclamation does not re
store tho writ ol habeas corpus in thu
Kebel Slates. jTlriJLrol'W says, "for
can seo, the
tdont might
iwh kuvn pllblldled a UUl'tou
strnuled uonuuiidrum,
The Domo'jrats ha cooled ofatntiz?
ingly toward Mr- JoUnsoiv lately, hav
ing discovered that ho still believes in
keeping governmental affairs from dis
loyal hands.
Washington, D. W.. May 7 Tho
Sjnatu was occupied all day in the dis
mission ot tho motion to reconsider tho
vote by which the Senat e agreed to the
amendment to tho Postal Appropriation
Kill, prohibiting any o'licer removed by
the President during the recess ot the
Senate, ti'om receiving any salary until
confirmed by tho Senate. Tt.o debate
was as elaborate as on previous days,
when the subject was under considera
tion. Senators HowmII and Trumbull
were tho principal speakers against the
The House passed without, any debate
a UH ijerteeieu ny me j uuieary oiu
mittee, which in effect, paves Iho way
somen hat for iho trial ot Jeff Davis.
iu answer to lliu question as to
whether the proclamation id peace re
moves martial law in the .South, the fol
lowing dispatch is explicit ;
W.M! Dia'Alir.MI'NT.
Washington 1). C. Apr. 17 '(iO.f
'The IVesidcnl's Proclamation does
not remove inaiti l l iw, or operato in
any way upon Ilia Freo lmans Huruau
iu iho exercise of its legitimate juris
diction. It is not expedient, however
to resort to military tribunals in any
case where pistiee can bo obtained
through the medium of civil author
14. I). TOWSSKNI),
Assistant Adjutant General."
Ir Can't Wis, the effort to make hoi
est people and loyal men believe that
Iliester Clymer was a friend of the
soldeir, tecauie he voted for the. pmiosi-
Von lo p.iy Inn in cjoUK That proposi
tion was originated when gold was at i
premium ot 70, and its sole objoet was
to embarrass the Government and not
benefit tho soldiers. It was ono of Hies
ter Clymer's dodges to bankrupt thu
treasury and thus put an end lo the war
lor the Union.
"Nor a MiiLtlo man served undur
Geary in .Mexico," says the Hellcfonto
Watchiinn, "will vote for him." To
which thu editor of the Ebensbttrg Alle
glienittii replies by asserting that it the
editor of the WauUmaa was to oomo m
hero to Cambria county, whero Geary
raised the company which ho lod to Mex
ico, and make tho foregoing bssci lion
ho would have tho he crammed nown
his throat, not hy a "Binglu man," bill
by scores.
It is said that n lady, on putiing on
Imp erii'ti;ts is like a man who drinks to
drown Ins grief, because nso.tactny lier
seit she is getting ti jht.
'Mwa.wii in. nip-m wwrtgwaagaqniaacagraa
Wayneshurg Market,
coi''no wm.m.v nv j. oitiiikr.
April 2.1. I8l'6.
IVilter, fresh roll $ '!"
Clover seed per bushel 1 12 "(
Collea'per Ih il.'l
(lorn per tuwhcl ?."
Corn meal per bushel 7"
Country Soup per Mi. 08
Candles, mould per Ih 35
Candles, dipped " ".. L',r
OhiH'SO, per "o 30
Dried Apples per It) 10
lined Peaches per lb 25
Kirns p; r dozen 15
Flour vr bid U (ID
Klax seed per bushel.
I 115
I 00
1 50
. ... "5
. 1.-.
. 0
4 5.
'.'a'i 40
2 50
Fe ithius per lb ,.,
Laid per lb
H. W. Flour per lb....
I .Molasses
I o.iU per bushel.
Onions jvr inisiici
livo per bushel
Hire per lb i
Sun'iir, crushed per lb.,
S'lLfar. retlned t " "
Hmrar, New Orleans, 0
Svrnp. per (ration ,
Salt, No. I per lihl
Soft Soap per gallon.....
Tar per itallou
Tea per hi
Turpentine per gallon. ..
Tallow per H)
heat per bushel 2 0(1
While L.'ad per keg 00
White Lime perhusin.1 I 5(
Wo 1 (i, minion to lino .'lOnltT)
Potatoes per bushel..... 2 O0.i2 50
Parsiilpg, per liUilicl BO
ririssuiiu- uim;iuii MAUiisr.
SIondav, May 7, 'Ot.
llusiSKss The market since our last
was not very active. The demand was
confined to lots to meet tho wauls cf
the homo mat ket.
JJaoun h'iruiucss was tho order ot
tho day. Tim lato advance was fully
maintained. Tlio daily transactions are
reducing the supplies very materially.
Wo note sales as follows s Sugar cured
hams sales 10,0:11) lbs nt 21 .Jc V lb
Shoulders sales 7,000 M at ldMu.
Sides sales (I.OJO lbs, ribbed, at ltijo.
Total sales 211,000 lbs. Market closed
Flour The market was firm with
an nctivo demand. Tho sales were lib-.
era! for our market; prices were in f'sv..
or of holders. L ite sales were 27o bbls
choice at $10 25 a 10 50. Firm at that
lluf ricit. Dull, aud falling, 40cts be.
mg highest paid.
Poiatous No changa. 3 60 high
ost paid pur bbl,
Uit.uN. Uood demand, tne riock on
hand small. Oats 02 a OHots, Corn, 77
nndBJo, Wheat tlrm at 9i 10.
May 5. Wool There is more do
inand tor lino Djinostio Fleeces, which
biing fully a a '5 00111811 lb, advance above
thu extremely low prices recently current,
Coarse wool is nogluotod, hoA'Over, and
thu sales in this denorlptinn aro almost
invariably allow prloei. Foreign Wool
is ooinparatively quiet, yet we note a
fair business in Mosli.a at about previous
nrlcos. Tne sales this week, besides
those reported on Wednesday, onmpriso
aiO.OJOlb Sttte and western rieeoos,
mainly ut 45 a 60 cents, but including
some as low as ou.
Market. -
10 cents,
11 -
. n .
11 "
18 '
10 "
Water per It,
iioston, '
Oinger Simps,
vv mo,
13 "
11 ' '
35 '
' l iii i iiiwi ill inn in iiiiKiiiiiii
Dii d At Mr. Phillip Minors, on thu
81st of March, Mr. Dknjamin Hamku,
member of the 7lh Va Vols. ,' "V
Having completed a three years term
ct service, he returned from the Army
of the Potomao with impaired health ta
io among his friends. Ueside himsolf,
Mr Uamor had two sons in tho service.
Jacob, who was captured and nerulifd
at Salisbury, N. 0 , and Noah M., of thu
85th i'a Hegimciit.who is the only sur
vivinfi so n.
1 I IIIWI I II mil il
TKIBUTIOX ofl'iauos, Meloduons, Gold and
Silver Ware Is now going nn lit the Salesrooms
of Hi;i:ii & Bho , 31 Liberty St., N. Y. Those
goods aro sold nt TWO DOLLAIW EAIMI, ok Value. . Send TWENTY
nvli ( I'lits tor ono nuuinorea notice, or
OXU DOLLAR tor BIX. Tim Number on
each Notice corresponds with Iho number on
ssure article of goods, which will bo rent on
icccpt of 2. Thu money will be refunded
of the goods do not give satisfaction. Agents
WEEK. Send for a Circular.
Olllce: V. O. 1SOX, t:i8,
t!l Lilieily St. New York.
A Clergyman, while residing In South
America, as a mls-doiiary, discovered a sale
and simple remedy for tho euro of Nervous
Weakness, Eirlv Decay, Diseases of Iho
Urinary and Seminal Organs, and tho whole
train of disorders brought on by baneful and
vicious habits. Great numbers have been
already cured hy this noblo remedy. Promp
ted by a desiro t.) bcnolU tlio alllicted and un
fortunate I will s-.'iul tho recipe for preparing
and using tills medicine, in a soalod envelope,
to any ono whs noeds it, froo of charge.
Plcnso inclose a post-paid envelope, ad
dressed to yourso'f.
Address, .108. T. INMAN,
Station D, Dible House,
A)MI, Iy New York City
Gi-.o. K. Minor...
. ..L. K. Evans.
-1U.T '
f f 1) T H TI 'P I TVT I '
Vjf U ll 1 VJ II 1 1. IS i
TO Tint sioill'. Of
rnUV. nbnvn nnmwl firm 1... r,r,.,n,:.,1
I complete .lock Iu the East and arc selling
nt reduced prices, It a general as - r,r
soi tnient of
&G., &c, Ac.
We would nisi call the spneial attcutlon of
tho LADIES to tlio largest lot of
ever olf ired in th'n mu'ket, anl at p.-loes h
low us before the war, sLo, our full liuo of
You would do well to call immediately, ns
pf'resiue already stifleiilr.R in the Eastern
iu irket. Don't forgot tie! place, at tho
In Elinor's Dtiildinir, nearly opposite the F.
Si D. N. 'Ban I;, Wayncsburj;, Pa.
April IS, 'liii tf.
Forty uiU'orent styles, adapted lo sacred nnd
secular music, for ijSO to ijiiim each. THIRTY-l-TVE
(lrst premiums awarded them. Illustrated
Cntuloirucs froo. Address, MASON Ss HAM
You it. Boplii.'ur.-iv
BHritleBKl fVolicc.
THE Stockholders of tho Moiionjrahela Vnl
loy Telegraph Company aro hereby notified
that a dividend, at Iho rate of leu per cent.,
per annum 1ms boon declared, out ol tho Cam
illas of the company, counting from tho dato
of tho last dividend, January Is', lHlii!, or
from tho dato of tho receipt of tho payment
or tho last instalment due subscription to stock
10 1110 "'8t0l'Ap,""'.,L.S. WILSON,
May 2. 8w. Treasurer.
"Administrator's Police
LETT BUS of administration having boen
grunted to tho undorslguod upon tho os
tatu ol Oliver Keener, lato of Aleppo town
shimUec'd. Notioe ishoroby given to all
persons Indebted to said cstato to make- im
inodlato payment, and thoso hnvlni claims
arjulnst the same aro heroby notltled to pro
sent Ihem duly authenticated for soltleniont,
May 2-Gw ' ' ' Adiu'r. of Jackson tp.
Blscctitors' Koticf.
LETTERS Testamentary having bewvemnt
od tlio uivluMlimod on tho ostato ot DAVID
t.riii .....1 1 .1.. ,,f fnlirtrl mil nWil.
UlUll, tlUCU'lSUH, ,imj -
ship, Ureeno county, I'a. Notice Is hereby
given to all persona Indebted to said cstato to
make lniinodliito payment, and thoso Imvluo;
claims to prcsunt them properly authentic itod
foriottlomont. - JOUNSOft WYCOFF,
apt8-0w.' Executors.
Pittsburgh Cracker
"iiow 10 AVOW TUB.-'-
COMB TO TOWS', VOW ) i , ,
city, and lnvo opuued Iho largest
New Grocery
In town, Tliev des're to Inform thu cid.ens
of Wnynest)urg and vicinilv of Urn care they
havo taken in selecting slock, liavrug on liana
a uocxl supply ol
&o , tto , tfco.
Call and seo tliom as they have JukI
You will Ibid Ihem accomodating, and can
sell lower tliv.n any one in tho place, lie
sure to go to thu right place, in
opposite ihu Court House, and formerly oc
, cupicd by the Post Olllce.
Vi'ITII corrupt, disor-
tiered ofvirtueit lilood
( you iirn sick nil over.
y. v utll ... i'U, III
. It nnv l,ii,.ur ,.f I.,
liintn tw fir Hiinu iti
In some activii iliscis.
or it may miirely keep
you Ii-.IL ss, depressed
nnd good for nothing.
Hut you cannot have
good health wmlo your Uood Is inipuro.-AV..1--S
Kiowmirilla nurses out these Impuri
ties and stimulates the organs ot life into vigor
ous action restoring tlio health nnd expelling
disease. Hence It rapidly cures a variety of
complaints which are caused by impurity or
the blood, such an Scrofula, or Knur's Lvil,
Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Ksuplbms, Pimples,
Brotches, Boil. St. Anthony's Fire, Jlnsj nv
Erysipelas, Tetter, or Salt Phcimi. fcv'al l
Head, Poni Worm. Cancer or (' .ncr-rous Tu
mors, :J.rii Kvi-f, Kcm.doilisjasi-s, slieil "S !!
I.'iiii'ii, Irv'-ulaillv, Saiiprestdon, Whites,
tSlerility, also Svphilis or Vcneiial DU-osscs,
Liver complaints, and Heart Dt-jeasrss. Pry
Ayvr's Sarsaparilla, nud bcc fir .yourself the
i surprising activity Willi wlncu il cieanscs ino
uiooa ami fires uhsj uis-iaics.
lulc veas the public, l ave been mla
led by l.irio bi'illes, prctKiKlhiR lo f-'ive a quart
( T Fxerar t of Sarsaparilla for on-.' dollar. AIos
oflhcse have been fiauds upon llis sicrt, for
they notouly contain little, if any Saisnparllla,
but often no curative prope't'us whstever.
lienor hitler disappointment h3 followed tin
use of the various extractaorSaisaparilh which
Hood tho market, un'il the name it -elfins be-
como synonymous with iinpoiiiiou and cheat
Slill wo call this compound .Sarsapsnlli, sad
cue tho name from the load of obloquy which
reats upon it. We think wo hsve ground for
lielieviuir it has virtues which are lrresistablo
by the ordinary run of thodi.teuiiesUMiiteud
ed to euro. We can only assure the sick, that
we otter them thu best alternative which we
of tho blond yd discovered by any body.
AvKii'sC'in'.imr Plciohal ia so universally
known to surpass every other remedy for the
euro of Orughs. Col ls, Influenza, Hoarseness,
CrOlip, lironc.IllIIS, incipient UonS llinui. il, .Hill
'''"VT0!. .IT I ,w,.b.
! v"c rt"B " . 1,0 tll? 1 f, ! ,L l-m i
i hero to recount the evidence ot its virtues.
Tim world knows them
Pi-ormred bv J. (J. A ER & CO., Lowell,
Mass.. nnd sold bv Dr. D. W. Bisden, Dr.
Wm. L. Cfclgh, M. A. Harvey, Wiiynesburi,',
Pa., nnd nl Drugg ts throughout the county.
febL' L'm
Dikii op ciroce what a prettv mid Interest
ing child I saw last wet k I But now, alas!
it is no more. Such wa3 tho conversation of
two gentlemen riding down town in the cars
Died of croup I how strange I . when Dr. To
bias' Venetian Liniment is a certain cure, if
taken in lime. Now, Mothers, wo appeal to
you. It is not for tho paltry gai i and profit
we malic, but for the sake of your infant child
that now lies playing at your feet. Croup is
a dangerous dlsoas? j but uso Dr. Tobias
Venetian Liniment in time, and It is robbed
of its Always keep it in tho house j
you may not want it to-night, or lo-morrow
no telling when but armed with this liniment
you are prepared, lot it coruu when it, will.
Price only 40 cents a bottle. Oillce ffi Oort
tindt Street, Now York. Sold by all drugglta
wain, iiijeiits every where to sail our imwiovisu
ifjii Sewing Machines. Three new kinds.
Under unci upper feed. Warranted five
years. Above salary or largo commissions
paid. The only machines sold in tho United
States lor less than sjln, which arc luily licens
ed by Howe, Wheeler & Wilson,' tirovcr &
Riker, Singer &, Co., and Baclielder. All
other cheap machines lire Infringements nnd
tho seller or user are liable to arrest, line and
iinprissonnient. Circulars free. Address or
cull upon Shaw & Clark, Biddeford, Mains or
Chicago, 111.
A CERTAIN CURS for pubis in limbs nnd
back, sore throat, croun, rheumatism, colic,
&o. A perfect family medicine, and never
fulls. Read! Read II Head!!!
Livonia, Wamb Co., Mich.. Juno 10, '.VJ.
This Is to certify that my wifo was taken; It commenced to
swell, and was so soro that alio could not
gwallow, and coughed violently. I used you
Liniment, nnd mado ft perfect euro In one
week. I firmly believe that but, for tlio Liul
meutsho would havo lostlioMi lo.
Prleo 40 and 80 cents. Bold by nil druggists.
Oltlce, 50 U.irllaudt Street, N. Y.
HAS DliliS
Iu every State, and City, and Town in the
Union, by
over all would-be rivals, aud tho palm ot vic
tory Is awarded to It for depth nnd richness ol
tint, durability, rapidity or Action, aofteulng
and lubrleiitinir properties, and entire freedom
rom'overy deleterious or Boiling Ingredient.
Manufactured hy J. Clirlstadoro, No. 8. Astor
HouKCi New-York. Bold by druggists. Ap
plied liyTriniarfli'Ssscra:
1 fgmwmz
Manhood: ho hoat, hoW He- v. j
-I....' I" ' (
sivsLl. "'. iwrTiiililUliod'. a newadltlon
iWjlfm 1) (VMTSTNtKIX'S Cbatii.
nut medicine) of SeEiuAnouHimcA.
rtal weakness, Involuntary Seniinnl Losu,
impouiney, Jllentsl and t'liysical incapiiciiy.
Impedimenta to Marriage, etc. also, Cossu'
tios, EriLKi-st and KiTi induSqd by ftlf in
dulgence or sexual cxtrnvuganct. , - ,
, fta"l'rleo, la a sealed envelops, only 6 cti,
Tlio celebrated su'hor in this admirabl
essay clearly demonstrates, froiusthUty year's
successful prctce, that tlio slarmlnit const- .
rpicuccsor selt-abuse may be rttdlcally cured
vvUhoul the dangerous uso uf internal medi
cine or tho application of tho kuife pointing
nut to a mode of euro at once simple, certain,
and effectual, by means of which every suf-.
ferer, no msttor what Ills condition may be,
may euro himself cheaply, privately, and
ea-Tho Ucturo should ho In the. hand of
every youth and every man In the land.
Hunt, under seal, In u plain ouvqlopof to anf
addrtsa, put. )uiJ; on Receipt of sixjeonta, or
two poatage stamps Address the publishers,
miWcry, Now York, Post Olllce Box80
mar'.'4:'(lii-ly 1
WILL deli nt public s do. to the highest
milder, at thu Court liouso in wayneauir
on lliu
ihu tollowiin; bits of ground sltuato In tha
borough of Wayni'sbiirg, for tho payment of
mo i.ixcH.iiuo iuui unpai.t iy tne owner or
owners thereof uut wnhjli havo boen.nssessed
upon s:n,i loiHim uia owner or owuo"S llieruor,
for Biato. couniy, towushlp and borough
purpose, to wit : ,
1. A liUT OP GROUND sltuato upon
Midiie or High street, bounded by lot pt J.
ic M. Kiiiekut on tho East: bv lot of tho
widow of C;ni.ti;in Bidlzell, dee'd , on the '
V'et, and Strawberry alley on the North, be
ing lot No. ncv9iity-.seveu (77) in thu pUn of
said town or borough. Assessed to the
name of Juhn Jones, or Johu Jouos' heirs,
2. A LOT OF GROUND on the corner of
Cumberland and Groeuo streets, and bounded
on the North by Cherry alley, being lot No.
one hundred and soventy-ono (171) in ! .
plan of said town. Assessed to or la the
uumo of Robert Whlluhill's heirs. i '.
3. LOTS NUMBEiH B. 27. ts, 2t
and 80, situate East of the Cumberland Pres
byterian Church. Assessed .t'i
Morris, or tho heirs of Jonathan Morris. . .
4. LOT on tho conn r of Maine or niS
and Itlchhlll sirecls, bounded by lot of John
Munncll on the East, and Strawberry allry on
tin? North, being the West half of lot No.
scvciily-nine (7H) in the plan of, said town,
Asws.'id to Mrs, Ross, itis3 Ross, M. Rosa
and Mos 'a lioss. . ......
' hi hind sufllcient tonav.the
tax-s, and co.-ils and expenses of sale, and
li 'iid wiih security ou interest lor the payment
of the surplus purchase money, accordant to
Treasurer ot Green , Couuty. "
Trenmrars Olllce, April 4, 'UO-ts. ,
n;il l 'Hi. '
Exchange Hotel
J. W. IIAKN, Proprietor. '
1 nt'-, tbe undersigned feels confident, that
by Ms loii experience, ho will bo enabled to
r-nder satisfaction to nil. . Ho guarantees tha
best nccommodations both to man and beast.
May DMU lf J. W. UA.RN.
Lyons Periodical Drops
Those Drops are a scientifically compound
ed tluid preparation, nnd belter than ,ailr
Pills, Powders or Nostrums. Beion liquid,
their action is direct and positivo, rendering
them a reliable, speedy and certain specific
for tlio euro of all obstructions and suppres
sions of nature. Their popularity Is Indicated
by tho fact that over 100,000 bottles are an
nually sold and Consumed by tho ladies of the
United States, every ono of whom speak in
tho strongest terms of praise of their great
merits. They are rapidly taking tho place of
every other Fern do Remedy, nnd aro con
fid ere. 1 by air who know slight of them,. a
the surest, safest and most Infallible prepara
tion hi the world, for the euro of all female
complaints, tho removal of all obstructions of
nature, nud tho promotion of health, regulari
ty and strength. Explicit directions stnting
when they may be used, and explaluing when
and why thev should not, nor could not bo
used without producing cltects contrary -to
nature's choseu laws, will bo foutid carefully
folded around each bottle, with the written
signature of John L. Lvo.v, without which
none are genuine.
Prepared by D. JOnN L'. . LYON, 195
Chapel Street, New Haven, Conn., who can
be consulted cither personally, or by. jnail,
(ouclosing stamp,) concerning all privato dis
eases nini female weaknesses.
Sold by Druggists everywhere i ' .
0. O. CLARK & CO.. .
General Agents for U. 8. and Canadaa.''
Nov. R, '(iii. Iv.
nmon & durchsnal,
S.MITllflKI.I), KAYKTTB CO, i'A.' ,
This is tho only successful Evaporator for
making a No. I Syrup with economy and dis
patch. Over ten thousand wore used lust fall, every
ono of which wus insured, and not ono relum
ed. "
Il is the only Evaporator freo from liabilities
for infringement upon some previous patent.
We nrii also agents for Iho celebrated "VIC
TOR CANE MILL, "manufactured by clabic's
sokko MAeiiiNii co. Wo offer One Hundred
Dollars Premium for sample of best Syrup,
(hoo pi ico list of ("ano Hills and Evaporators,
sent freo of charge.) to bo awarded by Sorgh
um Convention, tho tiino and placo to exam
luo samples tu bo determined by tho Conven
tion. D. OWENS. Agent-
WHERK ho koops constantly on hand,
STOVES of all kinds and CASTINGS
or all desndptlous. Orders solicited and fill
ed promptly. '
npr'-'fl iirn . Watsksiuibo, Pa,
Letters of Administration upon the Estate of
JOHN HEADLEE, Esq., Into of Perry Town
ship Greene Co. dee'd., having beta granted
to tho uudorslgned by tho ltegfstor of Grceao
County, nil persons knowing themselves In
debted to said Estate are requested to pay tbe
same, and thoso having claims against said Et
into aro requested to present them duly au
thenticated lor settlement
Apr 108 w Administrator!. '
Valuable Recipes for,; sale.
The following rerlpi s enn bo had by calling
on or addressing tho undersigned i
Hair Dye, No. 1, for 7. .
Hulr Dye, No. 3, 8llmulntln.( Onguont,
Hair Honower, Hair Rnatorer,, Ci'.fo for Pim
ples and Blotches, Romody for Freckles and
Tan, nil fr ' , ",': '"'.
1 Uf so recipes nrs as gnnn ns nnv in use any
hero. TIIOS. Fi:RRKL
nwr3tf ' Wayneslmrg, Pa. ,
iTTflsL- . . . ' l
- w a
OO' A MONTH !-Aotarn
wanted for six entirely uow articles, Juli oajt,1 t '
ford, Maine.
V I, , -v
r 1
.1 ; " ' . , ;
- ' f :
, j- .
; -ml)
' f
1 '