PES ACE V Wednesday, October 4, 1805. CRIME. ; In almost ovbry pajer wo reeeivo we find a record of some horiiblo criino committed, either by burglars,' rubbers or murderer. Our own county is not nloar .of the miscreant who prowl.nbout the whole country seclttni; to till their pockets with plundjr. Out. .Hyinduy errning, the 24lli nit., tho store room of Morgan Liull, located .nt Ur.iy's OKI Stand in Riohill tovthship, was brokon pen and several hundred dollar, worth it' goods stolen therefrom. Suspicion was lirectod against n young man named Win. Owei', who wan loitering about Mio county in dilTerout localities, and lie ' vns arrested and brought beforo Justice Webb ot this borough, who committed .'him to tho county Jail. Subsequently, The Emperor of Brazil has appointed a 'Board of Health" to luvestieato and de cide what proprietary remedies should to admitted into the country and what ex cluded. After come month s session they havo reported condemning them all ex cept Dr. .1. C. Ayer ACo.'e preparations Three of thoco they recommended the Emperor to admit for iho Itenelit of the public health, while they hold tho fourth, Cherry Pectoral under advisement fur further intorninlion repenting one of its ingredients morphine, which, while fo extensively employed and so highly es t.-enied at a remedy in this cou'ntry, is scarcely known in that. Of all tho other medicines hi fore them, the Imperial com mission eay, "no one of them merits any furor whatever, or protection from this Government, an they contain nothing new nor nny spccillu virtues not fully known, and lined by our ou n physicians." The Imperial Government has accordingly prohihitcd fiem all from admission through the custom house, except the remedies of our distinguished countrymen above mentioneda discrimination by their learned men, very like thai to which experience "as led tne American peopi 'hrough tho persevornnco iVcbb, the goods were found secreted " n a wood near Win. McClehuUTs farm, ind restored to their owner. Tho otl ijrit then nindo n oonlowuou of tin1 thiii, .ind wanted to havo the court pass a sen- of J.iStiooltUt""ltfr'iM-, , ODD FELLOWS' Pitt CES310X. The Oild Fellows' Celebration yesterday I (Tnei day) was considered ft very decided success. The procession tvus termed at tho Court II uiiBu a b .mt 1U o'clock am For the Republican. OIL IN GREENE COUNTY. Since- tho fever to get rich fast has somewhat abated, would it not bo rea sonnblo and rutiontil, for thote who real ly feel it a pride and duty to develop f oi ly and honestly, tho resources of the nil wealth in our county, to go to work sys tematically, to accomplish that object, VuT one, 1 believo there is an abundance ot oil in all part of our county, but I do not believe it can be had by boring !i or GOO feet. I firmly believo that no well at that depth is a lair test. Let us have fewer companies, but stronger ones Let thorn be organized by men who can atlord to subscribe what can bo lost, pro vided there is a loss, with a capital sudl cient to bore to tho depth of nt least 10'JO to 1200 feet and then if the ftiluro is made, wo, at least, will have tho sntisfno lion of having our lands fairly tested. Let us havo heavier and better engines which can do the work, and practical. After years of exprrlmentin;? nant Btndy, tin so machines have been 40 11 standard of perfection n.Miuuriu k.qil.w.l l.l IN Til K Ml.cll.iMo Aiir. THEY ARE PERFECTLY 81 J ? Are very stroncly oonstrut-trd, audi a Lilellmc. I The labor required to turn thenihl. Iling, mid they mnlte vkuv i.iiti.k $. j A child ran easily operate and if in for the different kludg of ork. (i I readily knit WOOLEN OK COTTON YARN 3S, WORSTED Oil SILK, and make Plain or Knit GooiIm nicy are iiesigiieu lor nno-nig I n rnrrwx? X n 1 mi v i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 " it 1 .1 1 is I PATENTED ISO I. I'EKrl-X IW I A trvin roffee of nil die tjiiou. 1 urnn-ns , mhel "uROWNlNG'S KXCfcUuUL - .I'.Vl'.EYVv iii'.wr ,.,, POOdootU lie str ti li, w an ' v, ill eiiniiy ..w.rr1ipruw- .1 Miet. li like mis e-.'.a v.....-- v MS eldMitened nutum. , J r, .1., Ms have i.mfouiiu auoiicc. ;Lsicl..BWdIenlM''B...w'S tt;,l or out ofthe Coffee Ul'umstl.avtlelesfrom which "Urn. V trrwfmm bilvley. rye, who, , beans, ami pens i . , ., iMfjltT ',.. utl.,m.i.U other thUigs-hu. Hit Kin .(ONEll-yVuple''. ..,. lloM con. J5u with tne t-ouuu-i'"." ..iry tldni-'s they say to" n,(- HAVING BEEN MADE, WE OFFER OCR CUSTOMERS ONE OP THE LARG EST STOCKS OF . ' DRY GOODS!! in !l I tenco nnon him, but as tho grand' jury numbered 212 in f.ill rccal'a. Alter marcl .lad broken up before his arrest, he could ( fng die. usuul rounds, witnessed by iimn not bo lniuiitil best .trill, nua as the se Siiet will prove Very likely for a long , rhile( if ho keeps aloof from this oounty j)uring tho last week, tho Sheriff liav- ' uig occasion to admit the prisoner but lidflof hij cell, tho culprit gave him leg b til. Ho was closely put sued for somo d stanco, but proved too fleet for his pur uiers, and ho is still at largo. lie carries with him a soldier's discharge certifiealc, out by some, jt is considered a forged 0110. Our citizens and business men ould bo on the alert at tho present time, for scoundrels of this deso iption. 1 1 1 1 -r u u Mili eu. .. ..' " . . I nu'oneti tne pfivcmeius, uoors ami win I dons, they convened at the stand erected in Adiiuis' orchard, whero they were appro printcly and ably addressed by the Rev Wm. Reeves, 1)1) A splendid b.iud ol iiiiimc, led by Prof. Stoy, accompanied the procession and added materially to the display on thnt occasion. The day was lavoiable and the affair passed off pleas nntly. PREPARE FOR" WESTER? Autumn is hero with frost and chill ing winds, and soon old Winter will Iconio with sleots and snows and freezes Already heavy garments aro necessary toonitort. Mow is tho time to buy thorn, and the placo to find them is N , Ct A!iii & Son's CiuLtiiiii? Storo. on Alnin lunngthe past two weeks, but very 8tl.tet. They have everything necessary uHoiiivw nun nuiiu ill L-uiiPi'uui'imu , f(1 il1A Am.i h.fn nt I ,1 ; w vuill oitiv ""Hit Ul LTTIlLIUIIlt:!! Ulltl boys, l'lieir stock is largo COURT: The Court was setting a few days u of tho sickness of. I, W. Downey, Kq., ono of tho leading Atl rneys ol our borough, whose cases were nil laid over until next term. In the oriniinal calendar no cases were tried, ffh'ch speaks well tor tho morals of the .'iGiiiity. i ... y (H it ROROUUir." 'he liuyt.gti of Waynrsburg wants ' : tn more houses built ill the pies j'il fi ' r io,. '"' is a constant demand LvU' l .- tlw' -"'fllll1 , i irom inu wish If l. 1 1 "'i-'iJO' ':(;e their ed i.T.ove tbo town vt'iaf ins : .. I ,.!. .....! ! I . ..7! i lui- ni' imr iiiiiimi' I , Willi, pi been p'nued in an envious jiosition ! compareu villi ner iietgiiutus war Bch'iois and udlego iu.stit'y an improve nKiit. nl holders should look to it. iji s Tho wheat crop of this conn v wo etedif. tho reports generally, Woo a licH ono averaging a little fio.t than half a crop. Tlio coru crop !a iin.isally good and will turn out a yield. 1 llarley (but little sown) ail'' oats a good crop. oi vhat blasted by the hot sun. '&ac pasture abundant. ,i , here tn J who ,nie. ail varied. and well-adapted to this market. They aro jireparod to fit all sizes ot persons, to please the tastes ot all characters, and suit the purses of all classes. lit!" &T Messrs. Taylor & Uotteud will re ceive an additional supply of groceries in a few days. Call on them i they are elevor and obliging gtoccrs. I"" Mr. A. Wilson, Jr., one ol cm most tasteful merchants-, loll for Phila delphia and Now York, some clays since, to select a new stock of goudj. lis store will soon be lilled with choice nr- ."l ... r matuiai cul- toiia! art'u-li'S uv'iued for this week's paper, wo insert sumo commuuicitious lrom lriends who are better posted on matters and things in this section than no are. Soino of them are very iiupTj1 taut, and will doubtless bo read with much interest by those who have ut heart the best interests of the country. ISOS. jACKKTn, rvSIII-S, Jjl.'.DIV, 1'iei'i.TS, Aioiias 'Pi ,.t.. .it., t.- .....1. tl acieimuu uiii i uuai mem uim. men ' btilC-tt Of till! tUlicll'B Uitllltll, ll experience will be of real valuo to tho , minute's work to lie done with tlietu community. Then wo will learn tho i 0rw,y kind valuo of our lnnd.but not till this is done f will tho oil wealth in this region be ! Mrc workem hi aeMmpUttui'g, , . . , u i . i,. I on one oi' these Miiciimx. tuif known or approbated, hpeculauon has M fwg wmfh (, had its day, now is tlio time to improve i , ' iiimnit i j-.m iru:u4 Jrf.ivtit . i" ' onii ii iimiiR nypre Kn ,von,.,.., i .. i cinely t'.iu sum" nu t!mt made by ii otn iioi severance. Jeniiiisa tiw hnvn i... . x,. .. ' wrr gone to ti.o depth ot 3 or U)0 feet and ! They will make light or open breonin dieo,o:i1 lf I. , riw-ui or lancy. ' v' i IIV lUitl.'ll it sliould remain undeveloped. A I nni.'en -. i tenlion Km tl! many, I-i mil's r.xeelslor, , . ....,al.fri K..l9. eil Lniillii.v n,'.-,ll,.K noil l.iil. IhtMil: R,.iv. ulin l.lloW my Loiii.c b"' 3 1 du, I Ti:ev lire capable of making ag:j,m. illnvehmnedaphmly bicli tlicy hope t. N'-1 V. v 'Hind Unit llUtml u. H,v men s uiu y i a ready iei-t. , ,,.. ,vi.i,;u. you try a nine 01 Uketliebesi. - , ' .,;, r fi I.EAT11EU, BOOtS & SHOKS. ...V. 'l ITlTVll And n pfeat virk-ly orEON?.r.i:i an .or.hclaili utlhetcwe, tpiiies it 0 oods , I in; tm""""" II s IS A i t,! B ei ' f 1. a I, nve. been sukl lor wm oflhu Wuiv MUNTf From li! 1-2 2-' cts. pci yd, 1 At I'lltsljurali Piii f IRON & Nails". Curd Prices. ' Now, lity and variety .mil in uWwl I v i , u,is paper advertised ee wo. maimer, than any other Knllting J m ' ,V' t uW. or v vcr ccmsenl to publim . ! , . 1 Ull 10SBHBT & tOfflffltML i NATIONAL CURREN'Cy. Wasiiinotun, Septemlier .10, During tlie week ending to-ihiy tji,7i!i,-(j,i In National currency whb issued to the bunks, iu iking the total iiiiiount now lu cirouhitlou $l!M,4ll,-l0, In the saiao period nearly eight millions of certificates of indebtedness wcro redeemed at the Treasury. The receipts from Internal Revenue t mIhv amounted to nearly two minimis of dollars. The receipts from this snurco for the quarter ending to-day were St)3.7'.'9.4l. vr wniiUlI now, ortvci Voung women desirous of flccuiha,, I ... .,'.. HM.,l fov "evcrvbody:"sn!d 'everj- ol enrtiiHi: a livelyliuod, will liud i us j w1iimc " in "every sitae." . ceiliiin ol furiibhim; without iiii , aViu ! m-elli:, 1 tlo net wishi the oratrs .B'FraBTbvkniutis t . S0'!W"i?, x -Lv. Und would taUc-lcave . . . ,. , i he IlltHIll s uu j nie: stockiiiu'S. cun iihamx .noiir in s ' " i?;i per i'-.iio-i COTlVJil YAKS, at reduced mtes. and all we ask nr ofr " 7i TuU mid Ko tor themselves attCK.unu . i . V , , , we v.- irouble. .'' . " " , t , nill anil see tlieir .1 . II .1- !. - . niiiit, mi uduiiikui; uirti m us raw siai-ii euu nil he done iu the family, wiL.ny expense whatever. CTA few Energetic Agents wnrjo whom liberal iuducuiuents will bo aivij TO PUBLISHERS OF NEWSPApi One-half of the amount of the niacl.Vl he taken in advertising at regular rates.! Fur further information call ut tho fclulei, NO. 27 FIFTH STREET, IHTTSEURti, , ...... . ... . .i it ntitiress, wuu snmip, lorurcuiiirsanct: pies of Knitting, The payment of November coupons in gold on "Friday, at tlio oflisc of tho United Mutes Assistant Treasurer in Philadelphia amounted to fifty-three thousand dollars The entire payment on the same account atJNew mk up to the close of biisinoBM I Ooneral Airent, forthe Statesof Pcnnsvlv on Thursday, that is for four days whs PVl',lL'rl1 New York, Ohio, Virginia ami Jl about eight hundred and fifty thousand lollars, a sum considerably smaller than the amount paid in on account of customs It.islhis demand, probably, that' bo still- ens the gold prcmirtm.and in the hone of a further riso in cold keens the tion of thu November coupons back. Tim factory ,,,,1 a mot to in. ... t kl Mv trade is not o veiy have aw Bn ue , . 1is jj0T ut' ii ')LD EV ER Y V 1 ' ' . , ,,. No. 20 Market street, Ciimdert, 11SPT ItSV-lio -- " i I ... ..i.t.. im-uieuou,, n M.C0Y & VQ . olda ro, Greene County, i.tun.v. u QUICK SAlliS ? 1 land, E. P. CARPENTER. auii2-:iui THE BE9T CHURN, rN ' V ii-, S. E. Eystku has on exhibition at the Torle llouso, in this borough, ono of ' ikson ,fc Clark's now and perfect v wi 'I ug Churn-i, which makes tlio most an ' ie nicest butter in tho shortest pes pd t ime. Those of our citi. ttis wlio " lia " witnessed its operation pronotinco '! t : li simplest and best as well as cheap 1 j.':C urn thev havo ever examined. It 1 Ukau with us. Tlio present number is not just snob a paper as we wish to ni iko the Republican. It contains not Buckwheat the variety of matter whtoh wo intend Hay l to g'ive when wo g"t our offioo nft'iirs arranged according to our liking, and become better acquainted with looil mat ters. Until thou, we ask tho indulgence of our generous readers. NEW GOODS- Pr. James Guiher gives notieo that ho has ju-t rt'ceive'd. at liis store in this place, 85,000 worth ot new goods, which ho offers nt very low prices. Cull and examine thorn at onee. tfSr The soldiers belonging to tho .. ... . . .1 1 .: .5 T .,itit T Ti, 1 tl ti Wn 1. tiriLil,..,.. itwml t. U! . tue tiling lor too iiauy, auo every '. iMijuuouuij, w ar. and housekeeper sliould use it. Monday evening next. (iiu-.tisii IIol'sk. Mrs. U. J Bum- garncr is prepared to entertain , r. oyster will exhibit the churn at tlio -..untyfair, at Cunniehaels, on Thurs. iy aud Friday. Wo aro euro that all fill be pleased with it. . ttr . Jyhu Cotterel and John Haver, .liniuistrators of J. Cotterel, deu'd., will llt3 tho highest bidder, on tho 4th I ovemhor next, two valuable farms sit i) Jtcd in this county The farms are do t iribed in another column. 'In. Editoiu ' In a communication published in the i Hopnbliean some weeks ago, suggest. -tig the call of a convention tor tho pur- yy i pose ot tornung an association wim ' evrt0 orcotmg a monuinont to the r jrjwuory of the Greene County soldiers, jL',rT i proposed to be ono of 60 pereons to frX I MiBe 300 dollars Wayne 'P-t0 "P" fM I ProPr'nte t0 1,mt pu.'T086' am now tli nt Wnvno tn. r j will furnish her $300 providing the oth- j townships will ach do the same. U. JjAL'GHLlN. i ..I i. WORTHY OP PATRONAGE. Wo call attention to the card of Messrs Kiogslanl and Harrington, both young mtlemea well known in this vicinity, bote well earned reputation as Captains the army commanding Greene County Idlers, merits the trade of our friends. hope our patrons, who havo dealings ahimore, will give them, a call when visit that city. l 1 v all who may call at the Greene llouso during tlio Fair at Jefferson. She lias greatly en larged her dining room and lengthened her tables, so lis to scat many more per sons than heretofore. MONUMENT MEETING. We invito our fellow soldiers and the citizens of Greene county to meet us in a general mass meeting to bo held at tho court houso in Waynesburg, on tho third Saturday in October, inst , to form a Monument Association, for the purpose of erecting a monument to be dedicated to the memory ot our brave companions who fell in the conflict to sive the i tegrity of the Union, J. B. DoNi.Br, Pres't. J. A. Kino, B. P Dbn, J. li. Mouuis. H. Srni'ilKNS, To Delnriuents. Having, disposed of try entire interest In the Republican Office, all knowing them selves indebted to me, either for subscrip tion, advertising or job work, will seethe propriety of settling up at once. The Books must be'oloaod out, and those who have not the money at hand can give ' their note. All delinquents will find it to their own interevt to at, this matter promptlv, V k. Evans. ' j- V. Pro's. Sao'iies. PHn.ADEIiPIIIA PETROLEUM M.VRKET. September 30. Petroleum Tho demand onlinues active, and thu tendency of prices is slid upward. Haies of 2,000 bids Crude at i.VAtS?,,!8l,.t Jftftfli at tlejlsinbr free, and 2"(2'Ji;c for bonded. '' PITTSnURGH .MARKET. Tho Commercial of Hominy, the 2nd, reporis nociiiingn in tho produce market. The receipts last week were limited, mid the supply ou lund nipt largu, NEW YORK GOLD MARKET. Nnw Yokk, September tie. Gold stronger. Among sellers It Is expected-that tho largo payments next week oh account ofS-20 Cou pons .vill clijck tlio upward tendency. Tho quotations this nioruiu, ranged at l lkijl ttj. Tue payment on account of 5-20 Coupons, from Monday tolastevening.wore $1,2311,000, OIL CITY oTE" REPORT. SeptembetSs, Tho market ruled firm until tho commencement of this week. It U now somewhat oxcllod aud prices have advanced, 1,000 bbls for Ojlober delivery, were sold on tlie T.irr Farm, yesterday for $S 50 V bbl. The demand continues brisk, and Urge am'nts ure chancing hands. NEW YORK DRY GOODS TRADE, Thu market lor domestic goods lias boon somewhat excited, and prices have materially advanced, nevertheless the market Is very un certain. The firmness m the views of holders bus liilhorloglyoiiaway at the first withdrawal of buyers from market, though the stocks havo been so low.and tho probabilities of any speedy augmentation very rcmotc,and their reappear ance in market as buyorj have been the signal F9 the puantities tlisu ten ' Vholcsalo Grocers. .vi,i(,B,.ie Dealers tJT Orders ny i " " u .,.,..,., (,ronn.ltv uUeuiUtJ'i:: RECOJNSTltUC'ElON Small Profits CHEAP STORE fir now opening- in tne 11 Idl I NEW GOODS JUST ileeeived from Pliiladelpli A I'RESII ASSORTMENT OF GOODS 1 NOT O'e' THE TTNION BtTOF M. .1 '...i.nrl I l It! lllHl' ""'b"V- ,1,(1 ,,. store room- GREENbRO.tO, wi-11 selected assortineut ft BEADY MADE CLOTU1NO. tl 1 priil '.All lie: Boots & Sfct Whieh ibev nro detcrw Iw. B 0)i eh lit t:iiiu":'' for excitement, and a general advance of val ues ot all goods. Tnore has been no stability ; other Establiblmlent in tho county, MANY ARTICLES winou tuit t nn un- -ii'-u'VJ 80 PER CENT. LESS THAN USUAL ! . Consisting in part of the following : (! DELATN3 AND PRINT 3, I BRAIDS. ASKiR'l ED COLORS, f CAMSIMERES, CAS1NETS, I TWKKIW, JEANS. I LANNELS, BROWN it BLEACH ED MUSLIN'S, DOMESTIC GINGHAMS, LINENS, COUAUG1IS, j ALPACAS. CASHMERES, I REl'S, STRIPED S.HIRTIX0, DRILLINGS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS,' LA DIES' LINEN COLLARS. VEILS, NETS, SHIRT FRONTS, i BLACK BELTING, l'.ELT-BUCKLCS, WADDING is UAT'TING, , WOOLEN & COTTON HOSE, HALF HOSE,-(iLOVES, LADIES' BASKETS, I TICKING, I UMBRELLAS, I BALMDIML SKIRTS, JiKESS-HUTTO; SILK VELVET RIBBONS, BONNET -IND OTHER RIUUONS, FRENCH COUSICTS, IIIITIIIC.HAIIS. Resliles ninny oilier articles in lh t)i-y Goods line. I TAliLM LINEN. COTTON YARN. IIOMHIO AND K!XR !!()i)TS WIT? MEN A- HOYS, MEN'S UltOG N. CHlLDRI-.N'Sit MISSES' SHO AND (I A ITERS, WALLL PAPER & WINDOV BLINDS. j A complete assortment of Ladlet nud Gentlemim's Hals, Ornanienls for Tdiiing. QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, ANlI GKOCIOBIES, A r I LL ASSOU I'.Mll". BRANDRETH'S PlLLs, AND f iMt-BRlDE'S KING OF PAIN All of the above will be sold as low aiatr.ny from 1:2 i'-'.' to 'J6 cents peryauli Muslius from in to -It) i:t:iils per yard. Uivo us an early null and st-c for yomselvi'S wUat sp(en'lid bar guins can be had. No mm shall go awuy dk'Niiiislifd. II . SILVER.MAN & CO. Jlayli), 'ti.vr.ra rfflJf3.0MOOP 'KU stock was btm,l tmOOEuv & cOSFEeTlOSEltYlj gl.L -CTTEAf ... .". ..... i. . i--4 tifLoav otlier liiaise in the trade. !Joa (.limes ill Hid Cboci'i j and Conl'cdioiicrv tratle at liis usual place ot doing business, and that' he bus jut received & Fresh Supply of tho best quality of all articles in liis line. TOYS NOTIONS nnd a great variety of useful articles uhvuysou baud. 33EFRESHMSNTS, In connection with tho above, Mr. Hooper keeps a Restaurant, where ICE CREAM, ber ries and nil tlic luxuries of the seusuii can be obtained. The most attractive and most popular resort n town. Juuo I t. 'ti"-ly M. iiaykks. n. e. CAMriiKi.r.. Cabinet Shop ! rpiIE UNDERSIGNED still carry m the J. Cabinet business nt tbo Old Stand, one dtior east of Minor fe Cn's store, Waynesburg. CABINET FURNITURE, ol nil drscripilons, kept onstantlvou liaml or made to order. Quality nnd Stye' ciiiiiiarc fuvurubly with any in niurkek Prices reduced to thu lowest standard ' Collins niiiilo nt the shoitel notice ami in in nny style required, lhiiirso uhvnvs ready-. Thankful for past favors, the Firm confi dently hope to merit a still greater share of the public patr.mago. . , - InylL'-ly HAYNEf & CAMPU ET.t. to the market, and tlio prices current of one jScpiii-ilf day have airordod no criterion for tlio next. Hereafter, wo shall duvot e much space to financial an I commercial nm tiers. R, K C.VMrH'i.r. OBPHISTS CODBT SUE PKCIAL NOTICE ! I would respectfully inform my friend; throughout tlio County, liiat I am now nt home, in Wnynusbiirg, ami luive nmnged m; visits so nsto'siieml from the first to the twen tieth of every month at, Waynesburg, this my r islomcrs liuvv depend upon. Very ReiroeclfuUy, R PATTON. k Mureli S I so l 1 N PURSUANCE OT AN ORDER OF THE j 1 Orphan's Court of Oreciio county, the uu- tlersii'iied. Kxecutors of the last Wili and t Testament of Georau Waters, (lec'd, will seli i MARRIED, A'ig'istGtli, lSim, by A.J Hlnennan, Esq , Mr. FiiunmiieK Wauk mill Miss Louie Hiutku, both of Monroe coiintv. Ohio. ,,. ... T ,, ! nt public sile at the "residence of said dee'd, August tit, by Rime, Mr. Jimur McCer.t.A ' and Miss M hitiia McIIknkv, both of MarsliaU ' county, West Virginia. I August 17lh, by same Mr. Wm. Evans and' ,. . , , , , . no Miss Kksiau J. Ubko, both of West Vu. i " tUftto'1 J" un.kard towns ilp Greene omin v. ' Pa., on tlio wuters of Crooked Ru i, contain- In this place, yesterday, at tho Wnrley ing Housa. bv J Stewart. V.m . Afe. David Ijiy.. to Mrs. M.uiv a.NN BussiiV, botli of Duukard township.. THE HOMESTEAD FARM DISSOLUTION PARTNERSHIP- ?rlt'rs iTCfivcrt for IllC iuCMlJiU'lllB't r ol (.iiMtoiii-iniiide iiiuof!i & Shoos. OSSScc Jiu's.-s lilts nl SI Miiilhiiild htrtel, J UImIhii-h, i'a. John IJa!ied's auglO-am Agency. Bradley $?Si5I1 MANUFACTUBEIIS AND 1: saddled m II AUNKSS, TRUNKS &A &o,- No. 132 Wool Strci PJTTSGURC, P Another Call ! I 00 OOO ttMloincrs WiVN'l'KU AT J.. Wal ace's 1MIOTOGUATI1 GALLERY, (Wilson's Frame ruihlinp, one door cast ol the 1st National Bank,) Waf NESBTJE3, FA- MR. A W A 1. L A C E Hus fitted no a splendid HU. v-linht Gullary, the lirst regular pi. lun. -tailing establishment nn,i wc wjj gvo them our strictest atteution L-Verinsuiuiuu l.r uiu fii.ii-i., nuio inujr aiu preparetl to execute TEOPLR OK GREENE COUNTY wiping X nnytliing iu our line can he furnlshel on tho shortest notice uir1 j MOST REASONABLE TYLRXS. PersoiiB from a distance s.mding us ORDXRS will have them promptlv attended to, anion account of being near Market Head Quarter we can furnish goods CHEAPER than they can be bought elsewhere. Semi Us Your Orilci, 220 mora or less. Said farm Is wllbin onc-liolf mild of Tnvlnrtown. ou Dunkitrd. and two . rilUE partnership heretofore dolna business miles ami a hall lrtmi uie uuiiaa u uu iicg qu 1 under tlie name of "C.illlor, S iott & Co." , -is wulsMmyroved and in excellent larndng U this day disilvod by mutu d coatent. ' condition The farm has au abuudaiicu of Tuo business will hereafter be conducted bv 1 coal Is well watered finely situated tor cl- Cluirlos Collier and J. L. Scott, under tho , M'ur larmlng or gmmg nai an excellent immo of "Oolllar & Sanl.t." who aru nuthor. , Erumo Dwelling and two orclmrdsot excellent izod to settle up the business of the late firm. J. L. 8C0TT, P. L. KRAMER, . Greensboro, Sept. 23, 18U3. Test, Jas. A. Black. octt-nt - ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration- having been granted to the undersigned, on thu estate ot IS. 8. Bayers, lato ot Waynesburg, deo'd . notion is hereby given to all persons having 8 years old, 15 hands likh, with black muuu claims against said estato to present them duly . tt,;, ale. blind of both eyes, star lu her foie- head, nnd white rlgm inua iuoi, Any ono Fruit on it. Bale to commence ut 10 o'clock, A. M., of NOVEMBER 8th, IH(i5. TERMS made known on day of salo. JOHN N. WATER!?, GEORGE WATERS, sep37-ts Ex'rs ol Goo. Waters, deed. Strayed or Stolen From the subscriber, la SprlnclilU tn. on Sunday, Sept. 10th, !b05 a Urn Marts, about kntiitinilciiUn fur settlement. ELIZAUEf I 9AYRR3. TUOAIAS IIMIClJfSDX, AihiiltilBtralors, Wiiynesbur;?, Out. 4, l;8C5-t giving Information' ol her whureabouts will be sallNlleu lor tlmir iroueiu, iavid dnvohii Now Preeport, Green -Co. l'.i. Bept 27, St.. mum mum Do vou want Whiskers or Moustaches ? (lir Grecian Compound will forco them to grow on the smoothest face urchin, or hair on Udd heads, In Six Weeks. Price, 1.110. Sent by mall anywhere, closely 6enlod on re ceipt of price. Address, WARNER CO., liox 1!I8, Brooklyn N. V. Feb. W Iy. Administrator 's j NOTICE 1 ETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on (be U estate of Catharine ' McFuihmd, due'd, Uteot Greene tp., Greene Co., Pa,, having kueu grunted to tbe undersigned on said es jnte, Hllpersonslndebted tborcto lire required to make Inmiudlatu payment ; all persons hav Jig claims n.ftilnst said estate to present them iriipnr!y nutlumtlcatod for settlement. SljsAw,, CORHLY GREGG Ailm, I'llOTOGKAl-'lLS. A.MiUtorVPES, jMALEIANOTYPIC, CAUD l)U V1SITES, And all other kinds and sizes of pictures, hi a style eipml to the best ai lHt'-i. hspecial atti.-n-tion will be giveu to coiyiug pictures uuil tui larging them. All'iipplicatmnswlll bo prompt ly attended to. Their rooms hw rounnhdious ; lind attractive, and every iu ;arable aeciimmo- j ilution will bo rent'ercd to cr, itmnert 'i'tiii is i tlci itledly tlio heal opporluuiiy to secure occu-1 rate likenesses ever ottered to the people ot Greene Comity. Cull any time it suita you. Pictures taken nny time in tlie day, and iu nil kinds of weather. Nov, 10, ltiGl. tf. Dissolution of Pariner.liip '! The cn parliinrslilp hitherto existing between Alexioitler Wallace nud A. C. Craig was mu tually dissolved on nnd after tho Mb day of November, ISti l. Thu business of the Gallery wl'l be conducted heieufter, cxelnsively, by A. M'ulluon. A. WALLACE, nov. In. 'Ct- A CRAIO. GREENSBORO, : Greene count)', FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Are well supplied with largo and commodious WARE HOUSES for the reception of all kinds of Gone", Produce, &c, ilo. Business done with promptness and on tho MOST REASONABLE TERM-.- They aro also proprietors oi a largo . LIVERY STABLE. Horses Huggios nnd Hacks Always In roadlness for any point. Call- at the EXCHANGE HOTEL, Greens , oro Pa. iwv3i'Ul lY and forward gu'ulsby Express to Waynesburg liyboat or persons living in tho country cau' send bv Pedlars and Hucksters. inarati'Bu If BRADLKi & SMITH. iBiiF.ialii -0 IX ORDER TO COME TO WAYNESIJUIt'O "X0 CSrOt ' C8IEAP CKOCERS or' - . otti;iu:l & f aylok. Prnpriutors of the splendid Grocery Rtoro, fm nerlv owned by Joseph Venter. Mr, Taylor keeps on hand a good supply ot (lie very best BUGAR. , COFFEE, TEAS,' RICE, MOLAS SES. SLICES, CARHON Oil LAMPS! LAMP CIJ1MNIE& SHOE FINDINGS, &C &c., ami, in fact, EVERY THING ustiull kept hi a first class Grocery Store. - i Two doors Eist of Wilsons Now Ruildingy iico it. 'Ot-W wa'W:i uu numt.Kto row!' WORIS.S! .;i STILL conlmuo to carry on tho Marble sii'd1 Stone cutting business at their long esuib Ufchcd etnmi immediately East of thu Public ' square, Main Street, Wnynealnirg. : Tliis I'slnblishinrnt has been In constant operation since L Wilts, ami tho long experience' '.md eneri'V of the nronrietors. liiiKtal Willi Hi!- exercise of sound judgment and good tasts,- havo won for them a widu spread and cuvlablo' reputation. An extensive nt , k of tho various4 varieties of the tost inaible kept constantly on Hand. Ppeelal r.tteiitton pakl to polishing . drtwslng, inrvirig aud engraving. ; All orders promptly I'd letl npifmbMritOiit,.