The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, October 04, 1865, Image 2

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iilii in 1111 rliim 1 -n 1 - ' " -.niMlii 1 hiiumiim, v', j 1
tI 'J iSHr,
. .... t , ,
w MOMTr.ostiuiYcor.sTr.
or cumitu tou.vr-
president junmi
or FAtniTu COUNTY.
OF HA11I0N Tl'.
or ii;iiuy ti
John civvYiNtf,
Tlio readers of Hm R publican doubt
less expect in, in biking charge of it,
to conform to a time-honored custom
by setting forth tho e so ,V(J illUln l
pursue in ita editorial conduct. Wo,
Lowuvcr, deem it iintiwsrary to any
.more llia.v we shall endeavor to
uisiaiti me rrood 'nnmn tl.n
-aiued as t fair and h,,'..,"
of tho lli.on cause-as a ,i,,h ,o
toil Ul'-llllivil PI tilnnnt ,, Ii ii:
1 .1:...,. ' v-
c.T;oii(,nt 0t L',.,,
; l0VTjilE DE.'UoC'K.irg.
Tho Philnclp)rjp rpnvil1 ... ,
tbe idea Of feedinA a ,,, , ' , tbat
Ihiinvnn i 1 y "la" upon
mcsavoiy odors If a l.osni,.,) i -.
... - ,L,.IJ
is not unlike tl,0 i( ()f. ... '
Democratic '
VllWl-yV , ., -
x iiM. .ro-ejg.j flu, ,i,.ir-,.n,-
"'VZ- rql tW.iio1i!l .' :' I
arn-nes, TQ- f''J0, J:,slle..l,'Wl,.''MI09llir1,
." fcvcu IhoirMlTie.f atate, CM'. Divis.
"".'.cems to navo le7!fo"ii ' memory or''nbandoncd tlu idea of giviirgsuocesb to the
their notorious ympathy with the rebels, j stccsbion cause , that they seriously ad
Kut tbat i nc surpriwiig on his part, j r"Mle aiul wnteioplute repudiating the
when we conr-are it with ie iact that ! "atid''ul Jobt: tl,,a t!u'y Jreoi,Uo the
...i, i .. national currency, and that they aro nzer
lor tlneeye'is he allowed a lunous su- , , ,; ,, ' . s,
. . i ,. to mike rulers ol our public enemies. It
eossionist to conduct his paper. "T'u: u . i . .. e
, y l"l"-'. is alt iiiip irL nil ( lint the voico of every
)!..,. ,., 71 i 'i ....,1 r.n ...;.i. . . .. '
"l """-'' ",,u - w"
nil sorts q' ubuso of the Government,
nml nevp' thought of disowning the in
famy until ho was cliari-d wiiii being
iTflponnibleibr it 1 Thue years wunt
ot memory ! When if was ids ja
. . .. . , t , , , .
; cr puuiisiiea ovoi .ns owi narno, in
his' ovn town, sent to liitu in his camp
and road in his lent I "vVoiuh rlul absent-mindedness
! Hut it appears that
t'ver since tlie gallant Colonul has re
covered his memory sufiicieiitl)-, yet
very feebly, to Bay thai his three years'
prostitution of his own columns was
without his consent (not, mark you with,
out his knowledge), ho has again lost,
that important and intelleot.ual element
. Tho Heading Z)t7y Enmity Ilecirti, a
reliublo Union paper, nays, on Frid iy
last :
"'the Doylosiown Ds.nwrnl, owned
and edited by Col, Davis, the Cojiper
head candidate for Auditor General, bus
nn editorial in a rodent Issue in defence
of tho inhuman monster, Captain Wirz,
who murdered our brave men by the
plow process of starvation at Andersnii
villo. It assorts that the military com
mission, before which he lias been put
upon trial, is a usurpation ot power, and
that the prisoner has not been fully
dealt with. Col. "Davis, we presume,
takes this com se in order to com mend
himself lei the support of his party."
If ihon tho Colonel forgets his own
affairs oiler this fashion, and runs into
nil theso copperhead habits and phases,
how can wo expect him to remember tlio
open troason ot tho Demooratiu leaders
oi this State t How can wo blame, if,
following his example, thoy duuido to
forget, even to deny, that they ever did
sympathize with the rebels T Ami who
will be surprised if, like tho poor stnrv
ling who tries to console,, even while
tantalizing himself with the unctuous
perfumes' of a round of roast beef, they
iool themselves with the hope of get'
ting a Democratic viotoiy with tho aid
of soldiers' voles T
EST We learn fryn tlio Mmtngcr that
it is rumored here that wo edited a se
cession paper in the South during tlio
rebellion. We prepared lo provo
.that this rumor is lnlte. It, Is truo wo
edited papers in tlio South am ing 1 ho '
rebellion, tint nevt r wrotn n line or word
in iiivor of tee. ssiou. Uehi'ive to this
shall have n.oio to say hereafter. i
' (COUNT!'.
On Tuiuxi you will be calluj up
on lo ox d highest . privilege und
ntiond ti.jt u.iureJ duty of
mi A:nri;ijn. In tli id grout Coun
try wheijil interests are in con
flict, juiljt- rendered by a jury con
bistiiig otjole people. Ouo year ago
the a.liiiitiu of Ann.viuM Lincoln
was on jury was impaniito d
mill a ver:ul.'rol, not only uciiit
ting hid aLitioii of nil the cluiryed
and f j'L'.rfl' in the indictment, li lt
spprovingi.taining it by the unpre
cedented in' of l;)i),0 Ij Ireemon's bal
lots Ol'tlLVimylvuHia contributed
iibont 20,0't'lm policy of Abraham
Lincoln tlioraed lias since ellecte d
the conluaitraitoraand the overlhionr
ot arinuj ro:i, and restored the Coun.
try to pencj
In tlio iiiiimc,' however, the infa
mous Rjulhinstrated the spirit and
tendency o(!auliiiiv of ilia Deinocra-
oy, when Alln Lincoln was assassiua-
ted and btqan immortal martyr lo
the policy !i tho American people
ad declare. L the truest, wUcst and
tt. Now in adiud to reverse tliat
ndgcincnt. so-cailo-.l .Democratic
party, at ihe( vention bold at llama
bur;', rec-utlVelr resolved that "Hie
men and ilio p'li l.niuisteriiig tue Cuv-
eminent since , Have ueiraycu mu r
tniKt, violatoJir aacred obligations,
disregarded tluinniands of tlio funda
mental law, 'uptly eiiuandcred tlio
I public in iney, j-red tlio whole Uov
I eminent from original purposo and
thereby hava g'it untold calamities
upon the c junl Tho lijuoa no-v are identic!! those oflast voar, and
our a Iver.sarie identically the same
aguuients, grfiiqana faUe'iood to de
feat ua now lli ic' J'1' '" Thev say
in diihstaaca ' failure,"
that "deb!, (t wo and slaughter were,
its only rcstl" ad that '"the ussasu' na-
tors of Abr(tu Lincoln were murdered
by a njilitaialniu'3aloa-" '',c''1 aro ''18
cbufingi o3 party sympathizing and
aiuimiser.vJ subdued rebellion j
the party last year encouraged ar.d
advisud de'1'011 an' protected and con.
cealed de'f-S now invito them
to the por"T '1'- lacir .hokci ; tne party,
wlia last armed to resist the dralt, hut .
decniin" ',D'''J"'i H" uetler part ot vat
i .
i "r- ... .. " s , v i
I .. .eiaddlers have as olearariehtlm!l nro p,'lM'em0 1,1 th,s mMw ani
l. ...I In . ... . nortr l
i i,i un.sthe beat of soldiers : the party
I " ' ... . -
j wl0 l,t year rpsHlo l, giving tho soldiers
j in thehl the privilege of voting, and
.,,0(Vivor Mt.'tiding that privilege to the
'nostra..t traitors that ever drew a sa-
I drei.ob the country in blood
0 Tuesday next the great jury of Ponn-
r n i i . r.ii ,
"Ul.- - -
, " , o hfl lw0 Cdnt01ll,in,, for
elpreinacy; the true
Union, party on the
Ue hand, and the copperhead, ' robol syin
.1''"8. ribel-extoling and rebel defend
the leaders 01 the onnosition hive not vet
, union jur o
uubn ur o .sin h; h.rird. Wo entreat
' ove r lo'v i -.v!i
wo lid J.Mi.'rve tin title of
patriot to bj til n is p-jjt on Tuenl-iy next.
Vigilnnce is (ho pri':o of Liberty" and
"j.ersvci anee iM the ecernt of success."
One we.:!; o'l!:e oa-iip iign U yet left.
bet ii be a week of diligent, devoted and
uiuiring preparation. Let every man who
profits any inlcrc.'t in the result, con-
Htituto bini'ielf a reci'iiitiu;! agent to enlist
the hearts and understanding of the peo
ple in the cause of Coun ry and freedom.
Tho prospects of success wepo never
brighter than n nv. Venn jnt, Maine and
California have just, spi'teu in thunder
tones. Tlie TJ -.ltrm standard has been
borne aloft and planted in gl.-rious tri
umph upon the dvn of :ho capitol of
irh. The result iu Pennsylvania will be
elill more grand and decisive, if Union
men but do ti.cirduiv. Tien, rally tollie
I'otls. Let every linn b in ranks and alio-eci-s
i'i certain victor v is Hire
Oil. Union County Ciminitioe.
Our attention has been called to the
fact that the Democracy are holding uo
public meetings in Greene or Washing
ton this campaign They nro trying to
do tho thing up slyly This Is ono of
tlie'ir old tricks. Walch tnem bo oh
tlw alert, and trust nothing to their
sreniing apathy and supmcncM. They
arc only trying to steal n march.
Union Yorcus, remember next Tues
day. Gd to tho polls. Go early nnd
rote early. Devote the entire day to
tho Country. See that ample arrange
ments mo made to get overy Union vote
In. Provide conveyances for those who
havo nono. Slay on tho ground till the
polls are eloed nnd boo lor youra
that the day's work Is well done.
A Wushinton correspondent men
tions tho gratifying fiiut that tlvo govern
mcnt expenditures, which had before
averaged $5,0110,000 a day dnmnUhod
during the mouth of August to $180,000
a day
All orders fir the prosecution of con
fiscation suits havo been suspended by
President Johnson until further nol'ce,
Tbe Richmond RiyuUHo says that it the
elections show a loyal feeling this suspen
sion will be indefinite
No more of the old ruitterti of 50. cent
currency will bu issued. A new pattern
1ms been adopted. This course has been
b Mtcnwivo counterfeiting.
DLEKS. By tho followiiis section of tin Act of
Congros'tof iliroii 3, 1802, it will bo
seen Unit all ilceei'toi's troni tho military
or naval Hervioe, who failed to report in
accordance with the PrcsidiMit's procla
mation and all persons who having been
eurolh d, lull their tlL-di-icl, or fled bo
yon l the liiiiitu of the Uniled States to
avoid being diaftod into the Kcmuu are
dibfiauchised. Election ollieors 'will
ubservo lliereforo that it is their duty
to exclude the votes of all etteb. Tho
section reads as follows :
Sr.o. 21. Ant La it J artier eimnteil,
That in addition to tlio other lawful pen
alities of the crime of desertion from the
military or naval service, all persons who
have deserted tlio military or naval ser
vice of tho United States, who shall res
turn to said servino, or report themselves
to a provost mashal within sixty davs
after tho proclamation horeiimlter men
tioned, shall be deemed and taken to
have voluntarily relinquished and for-
feited their rights of citizenship and i eamlidatu ol tUu-yillimllgaam Democracy,
their lights to become citizens ; and j wliutiiur lie voted Ufaver of allowing the
eucb deserters shall be forever incapable ' soldiers a right to v,:o. tin far, Mr. Rjso
of holding any otlico ol" trust or profit . lntf deell'iifil to imswer.
under tlio United Slates, or exercising j Tlu'tpiostinii, ut'it.n; so plain and simple,
any rights of citizens thoieofi and all , cVniM have lieea answered by anv candid,
persons who shall bcroalter desert the 1 l01101.,itli aim at hijj C rtiinly If Mr.
military or nnvm aei vi.x-, .,,.4 . . j ,.., OP1,.ly ,,u(l uny
who. being duly enrolled, shall depait smullU( 0,i.,.ai.nrtfiifr-Ircln (mowed "0
the juris diction of the district in wltieh , Vt,t( lia (M,'U,V dl ltll it. jt A truu in " of us
he is enrolled, or go beyond the limits ol . w..,.0 ,uv iy ,,.. .'0.J.l,7M ,,.. but it h lil:c
tho United States, with intent to avoid ..,, tnu, llliit U , A cwry 0 l , of U4 couM
any draft into tlio inilitaiy or naval Her- roa,, all!l wlU. . ttL wh,t u 8tm m,rt. ro
vice, duly oroered. hball bo liable o the m UW ft, j WBelJy ymma l tUo
..enalties of tins sent ton. And the 1 rosi- j , om. 1 ft, l!w cit Wo
dent is heivby( authorized and required:, noUcxX irxXrly ,hai:t 0,y but wa
forthwith, on too passage ot this act, to lh(j a Jx.miliiQ hot!i
issue hwproo mnution setting forth the , nf lion tint was brought be-
pruviMOi.B ... u . nuouu ., ... n.... ;
notify all dcsi'itor returning witliin sixty
days as aforesaid that they shall be par
donod on condition of returning to their
regiments and compauies or to sr-eh
otiier organic ilioim as they may be as
signed to, until they shall havo served
for a period of time equal to their origi
nal term of enlistment.
Wo aro aware whilst we publish tlio
above that tho so-called Democratic
journals ot tlio aiatc ami District are
counseling all deserters and skedaddlers
t0 COmeto the polls, and uro trying to
' ll... ..1. lJ.nlj ...III, iU
u.iutiu iiiu u.uVfL.ui. iuu liid
Wca that tho eleetton laws of Pe
..ii. . ,
Ull I all V Hill 11 IS Ollll CO LO VOIO Wirt IS
not expressly prohibited by said laws.
They ignore the fact that the Ciustittu
tion of the United States and the laws
of Uke Uniu,d Stat03 mado m purswailco
y, u t0 h(j tjfl
, . . , . ... f
law of the html, aw which Constitution
declares that tho "judges in every Stato
h"H t V"n, lereiiy, anytlimg in IM
CvnstitiUum qr laws of any cUils lo tht
oontrary noUvithdadii7.'x' U
i '
unffVpicially soldiers, malw 'm. gmfc l
yow 0f
f,ia4!.vnm -a man ssiau'ro a,'r: - orr.
the. Untold "Sink in order to . be a quali
fied voter.
TttR Wosikn or 'inn South. Guv-;
ernor Brownlow thus speaks of the South
eru women in his paper, the Kuoxvillo
. .ti., , ,
Ji- "I-romtho commencement of
tlie rehehion until now, the devil and tha
women c-f the South have been the ablest
allies tho cause ot treason had in the ll id
The ii)3;ieneu of the women, baekod up
by hi.. Satanic Myesty, filled I ho rankjofi
..'..ii , , ,
tlio robin armies, and gave ardor and en-
. . . . .
durance to tlienen -peclieil men Iliac en-,
tcred the service. Soiitliren women even
petitioned tlio reblo Congress lo enact
the law of conscription, so as to toreo all
in tho service, Through tlie inllaenco
which women had, thousands were forced
into the field, aud thence to their graves,
who never would have left home.
Playing into tho bands of tho devil by
t mis umni' ins ranks, tliey Had lus ap
proval all tlio limo. Viv?s gave up their
husbands, Histers their brothers, and
mothers their sons willing, nay, anxi
ous to immolate their lives to the Moloch
of war. Tho women were willing to
wear homespun; ready to diqionso with
tho luxuries of tabic or toilet; ready to
fling all their jewelry into Confederate
crucibles) ready to uiisox themselves for
the cause of tho devil and tho Confede
racy .'.
Mn. Euitou :
As yon are a stranger, hero, and are
unacquainted with the rospeclivo claims
of our local candidates, you will obligo
your patrons by keeping it before, the
Thomas Roso voted against giv
ing the Holdiurs hi tho field tho privilege
of suffrage.
That he w as such a notorious copper
head and rebel svmnathizor that the au-
thorities of West Virginia had ordered
his arrest, if caught within the bailiwick
of tho State.
That he was a leader in tho disloyal
order of tho Knights ot tho Golden Cir
clo which counseled armed resistance
to the Military laws of tho Country.
That he is an unlettered, uncouth and
itupid minded man that does not know
tho dift'eronoe botwoon a letter trom a
constituent and a bill to be read before
tho House of Representatives.
That he was the laughing stock of the
last LogUlufliro and is utterly unfit to
represent nn intelligent constituency.
The first frost ot tho season occurred
hist Monday trijht.
J'';r ihe Republic in.
Ma. Editor : .
The Democ-a?y, as you aro aware,
claim to be the especial friends ot the
soldiers. Tho lullmving will thow to
what extent they befriend them t In
the Ifi'iimcraiio enmities of Ada ns, lieu
ford, 15, rk. Cumbria, Carbon, .Monroe,
Center, Clarion, Jell'jrson, Clearfield,
Cumberland; Cnmriibi'.!, Franklin, Le
high, Luzerne, Lycoming, Montgomery,
Northampton, Northumberland, (Schuyl
kill. York, llVstiim-i'iiiff, Fayhttc nrd
fiKliliNE, in which a nomination is
equivalent to an election, thero is not a
single soldier on their county tiuket for
any ellieo whatever. Is this not an ex
traordinary Friendship 1 M.utiox.
.T-ul' Hie Republican.
Ma. Emma L ii no' snmo tnno since .the
(Uusiion was put to Mr. It ue, the present
f()r(J t,1() . thw w,m vo(eJ ,
i against iisiiad (life tlio same thing; they, then '
at least, would lilvc been aiito lo aiserlmlrato i
between kner iid bill Utj'mr. the LmjUUuirs,
We were in limi doing our duty for oi.r flag j
and our counti t our friends and our homes, j
our titles to oiijlauds and th j cause of Free- I
dom hi our oipnn country, against a vilo I
and wicked enimy who were fighting tde- I
strov it. l)iv aud night, there we stood J
amidst tho r.ilii a i l li-jat of summer, tho
storaw of saof and the chilly bUsts of win-
tur W:,idiin.'!3 violent tempest of war iu its
most hi deoiH 'sliaoe. rukhr' our health and i
our lives to nlrtact tlia ftoo l citizens of our !
j j - ,
scrilloingilirlivcs fur tlio same purpos i, yet
to b5 told, ii tlio faej of th '33 facts, that we
werj Kitit tovM to hutt rule a country wo were
. !.,,,. u
IHIiirnn rw '.wuaiij im. uju.i iiuuiku
ittnifr... 1ni'nilerl ii'inn our lilonrl nnfl nnr
sacrifices., is too bad. and that too by
a m m wliij wishes to be a law maker in the
land we hive rescued lr.nn a tyrant'3 grasp.
Can any pirty bo so unkind and unju3t ti the
defeudei'sof this soil as to elect such a man
to represait us In tho ouneils of Ilia State?
Wo take f.r gr.-ntud Mr. R o voted against
us beca'iuf it would bo so easy for ile. Rosa
to say lif did not do so, and ha refmes to say
It. W'ijii30 know that. Mr. Boee did roflke a
rwn In Hils mnntv In nnnnklllnn lo Aran
, . f,5
i Ti-ouiuou. wekaoir
Mr. Bojodid encourage Uuvs iu tins couiuy io
s'.ng soris a'i'Ut "tfa sktiullHwi Yuihrcn at
lhll Rn." Wc biowrfait Mr. R ise did mako
a spaecli at the luno liui'j In opposition to an
Uonnrubio D, and st it:al that ho wool I
lloveto wo the d iy wli-.ui w.j (soldiers) wnull
i 0,1 h'ivc ' ' 'm M wu!l H t!l0H w'"1 s'"
ported us, lo the arbitrary power of Villau-
di,hiimlm Now cm It bo passible that the
Donvicrats who sunported U3 can support that
' suae Mr. R .?
I FulimvDjinicrVt, many of you assisted us
w'leu wesloud s'.emller to shoul iu tlio
b,"0l,y n.ll of bil's defending our common
country. Why Is il you stilf.r such an Mi .tic
politician to represent you as well as ourselves
politician tn represent yo:
lu the comciisof otrS'.a'e? You have hotter
men inea worthy if our esteem nnd regard
men fit to represent our houors fairly abroad.
Wo have done tlio r.ugh work of tho rebel
lion iu the field, an J wo pray that you will
polish the macltlno with men of mind and
hotor, wh.n you lnve tlie power to do so.
Wo feel nady to twiit yoa' in finishing tlio
work well, that oir inheritance may livo In
peace and quiet, bir do not insult us by elect
ing tho mo. t littler Copperliea.1 you can select
la the canity lo represent m t;w who has,
no doubt, voted dir.j-:tly tidnstm nnd de
clared us only fit to 1m with idiots ami
negroes, by r;fa-:iuj ns ! b ' allowed a vote,
Tip: CivmvrPN op Whiz. Tliore are
many who are beginning to believe that
Wiuz will bivak down cjunpletely nnd
die before th end of the trial, or before
lie can punished. Uo is a man
of nervous nnd delicate frame, and one
wonders as lie looks upon the criminal,
how it is that so much cruelty could be
done up in so flimsy a pickage, His aro sunken, his hair grows wirier
and grayer every day, and lie seems to
be without any fi lends but his lawyers,
who are stuvi professionally nothing
more, nnd hi) spiritual advisors. His
wife, who seems to bo a cold, hard woman,
visits him, but her 'Wits aro oven more
formal than those of his ootnsol. She
does not seem to bo in tho loat affected
by the terrible late impending over her
husband i indeed, it is not harsh to say
that she does not care whether ho is
hung or not. Wntz feels that hn is aban
doned, nnd abandoned too when he wants
friendship the most when it is food and
drink indeed to him. Histjird, pale,
aud despairing he experiences something
of the horrors ho onoo so ooolly inflicted
on others,
A stntetnont is made by Thomas W.
Conway, Assistant Commissioner Bu
rcnu of Refugees, Frcedmcn, fco., that
accurate reports, now preparing to Gen
eral Canby on Affairs of former Bureau
ot free labor prior to its translor to Mai
General llowari, shows less than' Soil
vagrant negroes In nil Louisiana, lie
further states that his records, made
from reports trom every parish in Loui
siana, shows but 400 vairrntits in thu
whole Slate. The small amount of ne
2ro vagrancy which ho finds in tho
State is nn item of credit to. the ratio I
whioh he did not expect. j
John Cessna Chairman of tlio Union
Exeeutiveljommiitco of Pennsylvania,
has issued afl address in which he 111 ikes
tho follo'.vii g pniiit's for, the eonsideia
tion of holtirers. lid them bo reid to
soldiers, r.nd let soldiers read them to
those of personal friends who yet
adliero to tho opposition to ihe Union
Parly : - '
1 Tim floi.Dir.ns.
Extraordinary eirorls Bie being made
by nur opponents' to obtain the votes of
our fcllow-oitiiions, recently returned
from the service ot tho country in the ar
my of the nation. In these efforts they
sheuld.anl it is confidently bel.eved,that
thev will .tail .' ... . .. ;
1, BeealfsTo, vigorous prosecution of
I lie) war tor the suppression of tho rebel
lion lias ovej been urged by the Union
party of the .country.
2. Became tho war has never been
srstaiued oradvocated bytbe leaders of
the paily opWed to the Administration.
o Benausi .M16 f.ionds ot tho Union
cause have u(wars eustauied and uupfiort
el tlio soldiei's In the field,' and th: lead
ers of l!io'o?5!cNdod Democracy have
ridiculed an.tiSorided the Bolliers of tlio
Union, calling thorn "Lincoln hirelings,"
lotiif"1-", 'T''Hitirors," ana otner ep-
miem .'"..i.ahkiip.jQ. ;
4 Because wlieu volimreers were ew-4.
e l Lr, they deni!iiid;;d a draft.
o. Because when tho draft came they
oiposed the commutation clause, and de
clared it tvna a disorimination ngiinst
the poor man. '
0. Because when that clauso was re
pealed they complained that the only
hope of the poor man was gone.
7 M1..nnua tlinv flminnnnn.l llm wr ns
fl iefro waraml did nothing to aid or
aiSi4i in carrying it on.
jj Beoausj they became highly indig-
nant when negro troops were called for,
and threw the benefit of all their sympa-
thies vith the Siiitb.
9. Because 'thf-y opposed every meas-
lire the Government found it n'cessary
to adopt for the suppression of tho rebel
lion ;
10. Because -they magnified every rebel
success, and deprecatid every Union vio
H. Because
1861, tliey declared
tho war it f.iilmn
.- ,.,. ., i.
Ii. Jjec:iuse, in jlooo, moy uuui.iio
that tiie IVuils oi the war are "debt,
disgrace, and slaughter."
J3. Because they tried to prevent the
extension ol tbjvnght ut Buttrago to boi-
- " - , .
onnssed nivinc? bounties lo volunteers,
1 J.UUU wnu'-io fit iv"w 'j
while tho iVioifd Uf the U iion party al
ways sustained ami supported theso
15. Even sine1 the war is over, they
employed their ablest lawyers in an ef
fi't to (le'elaro the bounty laws uneon
slitutionat I'
- Vf Uyn-a were greatly needed
,)?to fiil up thwjtltUani the - Govern- j
,,V mant t'.r.-!r1'SI7it'a known they
w 1 resist c y oHinea,aoJ
was deioai.iiT'iiI itiJi. . -
17. Beeause they have tried to injure
the credit arid disparago the ciirrenoy ot
tho country, by means 'of which the pay, .
bounties and p.uisicus of the soldier can
alone bu paid j
IS. Boeaus) tlio pi.i'iorm ot tno
ion tin ty teeog.ii.'-s tho service ot the!
soldier; dedares that the war wis com. i
iniinced by rebels; that peace was the ro-
iii.ul' ihe cntiri ' - aud heioisui of the -
Union anny, that, the came in wh'o'i lu
fought was holy and sacred, and tint
honor, tjlory, an I pmsperi.y to the co in
try, ami not ' debt ti'sgraeo, ami siaugn.
ter, " are tllfi legitimate fruit ol his toil, j
u. Bee ui-'e, when Lni'm men express?
oil l-lie Hope mat our iron i migm, soon
- . . . ... . . . - I . .
it, soon
be able t , cnntpiort'io' evoi. by
their exliau.suo.i and want of food, those
leaders of the new Democracy declared
that wo could never conquer the South,"
and that. " tliey had more to eat in the
S uith than wo had in Hie Morth. '
20 I5te,atis-.i, when robe's were s'arv-
. ... , . , ..l.l-i
ing, our nrave soiiliers ny tue iimeiro i at
Li'uliy, Belle island, An lersonviile, un.l
elsewhere these same leaders exemcd or
mitigated the enmu by deela.iug that
they ted our prisoners as well as they
lid their own men; " that "(; to tho
iineor.slitiitioual blockade of thu ' tyrant wed watered, ami lias an ahudduiicu ol' cx
Lhieolit, they could not obtain a sulli- '"" '''l'!,' ' . r
ciuncy id food.
Oil-wel.s are )ioiiriiig out tiieir trens
.ires m Southron States. From West
Vug nia reports come ol wells yielding
ten, twenty livo. and liiiy barrels a day.
In .Missouri not less than twenty wells
are open in Carrol, Uiy, Saline, Crllowny,
and Lafayette ooinilius In Texas wells
are found, p irlicullry near Sour Lake, in
ilardun county, lu Kentucky Govern
or Bramlotlo heads a company boring on
the soiuh lork of lliu Cumberland, near
the old Beaity" s all well. , It is said to
havo already yielded twenty thousand
barrels of petroleum.
Whoever reads" thVlieniooratio pipers
ot tho North and tho proceedings of the
Sjiitlirou Slate conventions can como to
no other conclusion than that untamed
rebellion is us much hero as snywhere.
One fact stands out so conspicuously
that no one oan tail ot seeing il, uamely.
wheio the Domooratio legislatures ot the
North steadily refuse to accept tho aboli-t
tion amendment, Mississippi; South Caro
lina' and 'Alabama have decided the ex
tmoiiou of slaveray lu tliose Sianes.
Thomas Cunningham, E-iq., died on Fri
day evening, at his residence, in Beaver.
Judge Cunningham wus a proiuhent Dein
ooratio politician previous to tlie late re
bellion, but in the struggle he left that
unrty, owing to the part its loaders took in
oebulfof the rebels, and associated himseli
wiill tho Union men ot the country. H e
was senatorial leo'.or in 1304. lu all his
relations he was un amiable, high-toned
Tho Treasuty Department, it U stated,
will nouissue 1 1 present any more oom
iioiind interest notes ot tho (luiioiniuatiou
of one hundred dollars, which have been
counterfeited, aud will adopt measures
w osli w buuu as are in ouuaiauou
At a regular meeting of Waynealiurg Lodgo
No. 4 till, 1. O. of O. I1'., a ooiumitleu ap
pointed to dnl'l resiiliitioiH expressive of tlio
leeliugii of said I .edge on the death of Rid,
K. fci.vYi-.ns, vvlio Mfter llvuilays' severe
illness depaitcii this lifu uiileuiher Huh, I. 'Hi.',.
In view of tne smuo we buhmil tbu following!
WliHUr.AH, It has pleased lliia Who iloelh
all iliings well to remove from our couneil
and liieudly ordur our liieiid inul b; oilier
E fci. dvvKiis, who was highly isteeuieil by
nil who lial the pleasuru nt lorming his ac
ipiiilutanee and iniugliug iu his wieiety one
wiioiii no one knew but to honor and rcspeet
always willing to give novice m any uf his
business purcuiis, tu lend a helping liaad to
tliose who were In dislres.s oiie wnoso motto
to tho wo ld was, "Do unto otliers in you
would Uiut they sUuuld d ) unto you;" Tilers
llttoknl, That, that which Is right In the sight
of Uod seemelli at times Imr t lor umu to en
dure, yet wo willingl. submit to lliu workings
of a Divine Uelng, and deeply mourn the loss
of our brother whom 01. id in Lis Intitule Ih
tlbni h ull cubed from our midst.
llesuliitHl, That our deceased brother was a
man of note In tho Lodge dining liis connec
tion with it; his religious character was strong
and marked; his attachment lo all Ihe peciiliur
leatures of the Lodge was warm and unwaver
ing On oughnul his lilo. lie leved Ihe order,
aud the noeiely of his brothers ; and never
permitted his seat to Ue vacant when business
and health admitted of his attendance ., That the life of this brother ras
a power in the h dge j his life always above
contempt ami reproach, and his career whilst
wli h us wot thy of Imitation. "
Ri'mtvcd, That the uaiuo and devoted lifo
of Uto. K. ti. fciuj era, is cniimlmed iu tlm
memories of the past and shall be in the future,
and hi'i codlv walk and uprk'ht coaversutioii
shall slili c liitmue to exert an hillueiieo . lor
rr.wi.l dinrimr 11,(1 ll V'l 11 ' '
iooreiThat tlie uncertainly ot' lt:'o-tle i
"nplv of'i Iho Bolemu iiuioonnioii
which weTctruren lilen calliiifcut nur
brother that wo meditate upuu lujifr W ittr
care mid seluioly. and examine oitra-.-lvrs, K-st KTJ!,H' -ff-"ejirrf i i F'-"" f 1
...I.,.- ..... ll.l.Or ..... I 1. . UI....I..J ..I .1....... ..1....I! .. . .. .V . .
when we think not, the shades of dmith shall
cueirclu us, and we be suiiuiiouud from Umu
Itcsolvet', That the Lodge is ever ready and
willing to protect the widow and orphan"
that we deeply sympathise with tin tamhy of
the deceased m their sore bereavement, and
with depressed feeling, we, In uniaoii with the
bereaved, are forced to utter,
"Another dear form is luMng
There is another vacant cltttir;
He hath gone forth at his waster's bidding
Away trom our friendly care."
Hesoloal, That the emblems of this Lodge
bo draped in mourning, aud each ot Its mem
bers wear the usual bailge for t'io space of
thirty days.
llfsotueil, That a copy of these resolutions
bo lianUcd to tho family of tlio deceased; also
a copy bo Hied nmoug tlio records of tlie Lodge
and that wo solicit publication of tho same in
each ot the county journals.
J. II. llt.vinatsiioT,
M. II. HimxKi, Committee.
Wu Bi.mmm.t,, J
A circular has been issued by tho
Post (Jlllce Department giving notice
that the penalties fixed by law for car
rying letters outside tho mail wheii not
enclosed in Government, stamped enve
lopes will bo rigidly enforced in every
instance where violations are known to
exist. Only letters relating solely to
the cargo and freight of water craft or
other vehicles-employed "I,0 sufiil routes
may bo lawfully curried not enclosed ns
above. By the terms of'this order un
paid letters for delivery and thoso p.i
paid by postage wtamps cannot be car
ried outside tile nr.iil by liny nt these
conveyances without subjeetiu;' thu cap-
to a'
owner, tniver or oi.ier employe
penalty of one hilii li' 13 fl v
...j r..i. :., iv,M..,. v
"rr--'rr iZ ""a " f ' '
!r W'fsisMl-pi . l-ean'
a"lcs ol pmniuuons nave uecu lenseu 10
W'U'U and S3 Slid acres to whites,
Ab.m' om, b ill the lands lo ,sed t, whites
were auaunoneu oi me overnow
u:i-i"'u,u "."i-Vi.
1 ho Demnrx.nio Tarty of D.inphi.i
county at the election when the Amend-
incut to the Constitution eonternng tlio
elective t'.-inehiso on thu soldiers m tin
'full wesb. fno the people, cast its fall
' vole against that inens'iie, We want tlu
soiuieis 10 vciue.iioer uus i.iet.
g ; i i "jat--wiico-irjBrgijgva.-jg-Ta 'mavaacaam
llllt ill ' ,',S iM. lil
.1 if B
fill il a ii Ll 9 il 1 1 If IMSJJ'J.
. , Amlnt.tlors will, the
X Will annexed of John Coiterel, deceased,
lato of Jellcrson, in pursuance of a power
contained iu tho Will of said deceased, will
sell at. public outer', at JoH'ci'son, on SAT
URDAY, NOV.E.MliKR 4th, lHtir.,
continuing about one hundred and fifty acres,
situ iled in Jefferson tp., three miles south of
the borough of Jeff s-son, adjoining binds of
II, C. 'loi.iswortli, William Kiucaid and oth
ers. This farm is well adapted to tiling! and
irroziii". about mm hundred uer s brini clear-
ed e.ini iu a goo I slutn of c illlvi.tion. It ij
Tile hiiprovi iii-.'ii.M lire a sin ill Fi'.iinu Dwell
ing llousit, Log 15-irn and lila-'Usmita ijiiop.
TLRVIS. Duo .third of tlie luirchasi! money
to lie paid nt the time of sale ; one-third in
twelve months, with interest from tlie time of
8;de, nnd tho rem lining third iu two years,
with interest from the tiniu of u.ila. Oa pay
ment of tho second hwtalm. nt, deed to be de
livered upon purchaser S"curing Iho balance
of thu purchase money by lieu un tlio laud
At tho damp lime nnd pl'ice. A FARM lying
ono-li.ili' mile hi null of Jellcrson, containing
ono hundred nnd sixty acres, ir.oro or le.s
shout onu hiiudred acres being cleared ad-
loiniii' lands of Michael MeUo'crn. John
J. r T .!,!!, If. ...In... II .
Haver, joun luiiiitviru, .ueeuu. . jyuui.-
and otliers.
THRMH Ono-lblrd ntconfirmalion of sale;
nno-thlrd In one year, with InteresU'rom day
of sale, aud the remaining third In two years,
with interest from day of sale.
joiin cottbrel,
john haver,
Adm'rs of J. Coiterel, doe'd.
Oct. 4, 1805-tds
If. S. KINOSI.itJtD, (.... 1. P. IIBRRINatON
" . KINGSLAflD & CO.,
Butter, Choeo, Grain. Seeds and Couu
try Produce generally,
No. 22 Spear's Wharf,
Jesse Lazoar, Pretident Far. ADrov. Bk.,
Wavnoshnri. Pit: Jens Hook, late Pres. Far.
& Drov. Bk., Wsynosburc, Pa. Rhriver &
Lazoar, Plttburg, Ps. Vm. (t Thompson,
i luriisourg, i-u., aau Diepncns. juner, a. t o,,
Riltltn'ire, Md. ccUM-tf
Ayevs "Pills.
you Ilel;, fijcblrf
coiiii.luinlnir t
you out of oiAnt
your BVstem ili,.
s ranged and your feel-
i igs uncomiortulilcf
These symptoms aro
oticn the prehulotote
imiis Illiu-MU. Hwie tit
rirsicknosa U crei'i)lli
uiinn you, and shoul-t bo averted by a timely
use of tlie rignt rcnuiily." Take Ayer's l'jlls,
and dense out. tlio disordered liumors purify
the blood, let the lluids move, on imoli
Mructcd iu health a;ain Tliey- bifuiuliito the
functions ot tho body Into viuonius uctlvltv
purily the syuteiu fojlii llicjAetruetlon which
make disoiisn. A coldwfh ssoaiewhure in the ....
body, and deranges its l'unciiniis. .These, if . .
not relieved, react upon themselves and the f
surrouiiding organs, producing general aggra
vation, suffering and deranginiieut While in
this condition, tako Ayer's rills, and see how
directly they restore tlie naturul action of the
nyst 'iu, Htul with 1) the buoyant feeling or'
health again. Whn( Is true mid so apparent
In this trivial and eijiumm complaint i8 ulso
rile in many of tbe-i'ep lealeil and damrer--ons
distempers. Ths samo purgativo etloct
expels them. CiUscd byslniilnr obstructions
and derangements of tlie natural functions of
tlie body, tney aicrnplity- ond many of them
surely eure.l by lbs sainr meaiis. None who
know the virtue of theis Villa will neglect to
employ lliem whf:i Mft'erlng from tlio dlior- '
tiers they cure, ecili is lb adacho, Fiml Stom
ach, Dysemery, lilllBus ComphiinlH, Indiges- '
tion, I)eian;.'nuioail tlw Liver, Costiveness.-
PltllUtltHllLvu II . -flvii... I1 .1 . '
ConHMp'Ulni), ltbnrn, Rheumatism, Drop
ge:fe,1f:''',''n,n'39i('',, whcn-iaken 1
tho besWrutivo modielno yet diseov-
0ly4' ig'UC (J
For the speud;-'. : nurt.Ji
Fever, Chili Fitfe. Dai i'i Auo- I'nnn T isitni '
-tlIoaJS'.aO or 1'iilli iiH 1'ec 111- '1,1 ; vi 'M'lOJ'- f V, '
Fevers j liuloed,' fir tfi .jaie'" t . .u. f ol db'-t "
,. cases oiig'matl.ig hv biliary ' ileraugnmei: i ..
caused bj the malaria of miasmatic couu-; ,'.' 4' ;
tries, . ,
Tills re'nedy ha rurely failed to cure 'tlio' ' r
severest eases of Chills and Fever, and It has- i.
tins great advantage over other Ague modi- .. ; '
cincs, that it subdues tho complaint without , j.
injury to tho patient. It contains no quinine 1 :'
or oilier deleterious substance, nnr does it nro-
I duee quinism or any liijiirl.nis effect whatever. , '
niiakiug urotiiors ol tlie army una tlie west, try
it nml you , ill oudorse tliese assertions.
Prepared by. I. C AVER & Co, Lowell,- , '
Mass , and sold by Dr. Iiriulen and Dr. Creigh, .
Waynesburit ; A. & VV. Kiiughner, (.-'reeusbo- jr.
ro: Alias M. A. Jordan, .le leinon: .1. W.. : '! ,-
Hathaway, Uirmlclncls, and by dealers
wncro. oct4,
IN tho Orphan's Court of said county, of
Juno Sessions, iaii.1, Nn. 3.
In the matter of tho finrtilion and real estnto'
of. William Drake, dee'd and now Sept. '20,
ISl!,'!. Rule ou the heirs and legal represen
tatives of said William Drake, dee'd., to bo
and appear, on tlio first day of next term of
said Court, before tho Judges theieof, and
cliooso or refuse Ilia estnto at the valuation J ''
thereof, and bid for Iho sum), or show cause- '
wliv tlin Hum, itli -11 not. he Hold. ?
iiy the Court i
J. F. TEMPLE, Clerk.
The heirs and legidrenreseiilatives of sV
dee.'ttsed will 'tnkcTiriilco of the above rr
i no nimt if. tSfiT K'!ti liropr r.
' Sheriff's Olllce. del JST"V'i.-;v "f"
irtH?lTT lt UO Ij l'IOltf 'T
K I I'JSKH l'..'-l'llio"J -. - - r -t v -v
ed to th ) nraguB" Jx.'" T.VH i.tti-
in hereby
,,,''. ' u .... . naw n- -H.,
vcn-VT"" V' ...... limit, nvo,
nut, tneiiie"". .--
v, nd f J" T. - ti JJV
an.- i-aii. i-i.T f'
- . i a urt',i'j r.i
Oct. 4, lSiM-Ot
DIRECTIONS for a new nnd Intaresii,,,,
Lame for childreii, sent pont p.i lx,. . 7
cents. W. W. tiWIi'?' ,,
Oct 4. 'CI ' Jlightstown.-.Iv'J.
Pint norri.r.s at o:;h not.j.AH, ron tiik ct;m,
of lanicnesn, scratches, wind galls, spriins,
bruises, splints, cuts,' collie, sliiping, stifle,
over heating, sore throat, nail In tho foot, etc.
It Is warranted cheaper and better than nny
other article ever offered to the public. Thous
ands of iinimals have been cured ot tho colic
and over heating by this Lluhncnt: and hun
dreds that were crippled and luuio have been
restored to their former vigor It Is used by
all I lie first horsemen throughout tho St ties.'
Orders are constantly received rroin tho Racing
Stables of England for fresh supplies of thu.
invaluable article. Oct S.iOO ttntimoniats Imva
Iten iwmvi. llcincmtier ono dollar laid out in u
time may suvo the life ofynnr horsa. 8 old by
all drngjilsts, O.lleoMI Oorll md Street, Now
York. . Sept 27
lcl)cl Colors DeMroycl
When nature or tlmo lias planted on the hu.
man head such colors as rebel against every
Idea of comeliness, replace them with tiinsa
glorious niul exquisite black and brown tinges
everywhere di oiued tho . '
which are pindu-.ed in five, minutes, without' j t
injuring Iho flbeisor sbdnlng tho sculp, by , v
Manufactured bT ' C'R1"TA00R(), No
Astor House, New York. Sol.l ir ..11 Tj,.(;a . -
gists. Applied by all hair dressers. , 4.'.
Sept. 27 It ,
. . 1 ,
. PR. TODIAS' ' ' '
lameness, cuts, galls, colic, sprains, &c, . V
warrcntod cheaper than tiny other. It is usod ,
by nil tlio great horsemen on Long Island '.
course It will not euro ring bono nor spavin, ,
as there Is no Unhnout In existence that will. 1 j
What rt Is stated to euro It positively docs. Nn . . ' . i )
oinr 0 orf ici7 b wiMout nfttr trying imp
bottlt." One. doso revives ami often saves tho'
life ol an over-heated and driven horse' For
colic sod bellie-aoho It has never fallod. Just
assure as tho sunrises, Just so sure Is this Lin
iment to bo the llorso ombrocatlon of tho dav.
Sold by all druggUls. Offloo 68 Cortland St.,.
Now York '.. ISopwr.:,',
Administrator ' s'" m
Jj the estate of Christopher Horn, deceased,'
late of Jefferson township, 'Greene Co., PaV
having beeu grantod to the undersigned C .
said, oil pel son 0 Indebtod tlierelo xrt
required to msko lmmodlato payment ull
persons having cluhns against said mtseto
presuntthuia properly iiiithentlosted fnrmttlo
ment. SOLOMON It. HORN7 v
BAM'L UAYAR.D, of Jyft. lp,,
eepia-bi Auuiunuraiors.
ers every-- -, . I
,'6-8n m t I
.. ,- " itj-Vi
' rn'r;
l ' V 1 '
lit r 1
1 1 1 T. If 7 I
Y?M ' A
Jflim V-w VV
I j.. ...-W4
'i fl'