The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, October 04, 1865, Image 1

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bot r?4 1 .mm irait'dnr nu - im imitu ih rusm mm hihi hi mi ra n j "ww f-3 sa y h ii iei psm ii iu ii if
ftfa Hum I I KJ Icrl I LI i.-. Hi MUU . I Fir Kt I ltd 1,3 ktl - lit 1 PCM , M M cSl 14 L'J Ml t.1 LI id L a t-.l El El I PI II nn II II 75 ll III II
M t.tJ I HI J l.v J .- Aa toT M It Et'LV IA H Wl f.1 K M M TVMVM1 Ml , X ll tfl'-v tl i H tl II 11 t IV U i II I3J A
' j - . 1 V ; . J r,tr;
,' VOL. IX.
OKVICB 05 MAIN sr., ovrostus oomrr H0U8K.
hit months. In advance. il.00 : One year,
in advance, $2,00; within tho year $2,25; if
not paid wltliln tejvear,
ADVBRTiaBMBNTginacrtcdforiill.BO per squaro
. Arat tltrnn InUArttollt unil All cnntS for
1U1 uiO in iw 1
each additional Insertion. XA reduction will
bimade on advertisements uf half or whole
column. -
Miftii Akin r6Pi
PLAIN ftNU rr-- ,
and on reasonabla tuig.
tu-w ? w oi lurent etyiei!. auuutud to bacrcd ana
y-vTOtniar mnsio, lor ipau 10 ijmun eauii. luin
hntL fWmiunia awarded, tlicm. IlluBtrated
. . Uataloiiie free. AdcJrcua, JIAHON & HAM
UN, Bofrro, or MASON IJU0T11EK8, Nbw
York. Bepl3,'65-ly
ob. l. rtv.
(S- OFFICE In the old Carik Building,
Waynesburg, Pa.
February 3d, 1863. t-f.
Attorneys and Counsellor hi Lav
Waynesburg, Penn'a.
' oOfpic in the "Wright IIouse(" East
floore.- Collections, &c, will receive prompt
Waynesburg Aobust 20, 1862. tf.
O-Olllce in Ledwitli's Building, opposite
the Court House, Waynesburg, Pa.
Nov. 4, 1862 ly.
' DU. S. 8. Patton informs the public tliatat-
V February 1st, 1864, ho will be at Wayncs
. vv. ...i..... i.t, .1, ..,.i .....!.,,. ,.,:n i, ...,i..
e njiny und all making uppli.oij.tion.
wrv iii CJ"racuug iceui Kmvi,x
nod fltsliii'w ones' in to ncifec-
iYiV5'deced onus to soundness.
.iUviios ali.i,,-. .. jio0j
wo, gold.
afc"- r j
and Nearly Opposite tno
..r.:,.,ri;!mr'r. iSretiic Co ,
Uobcrt toiitflicrlvi
Carriage Manufacturer
Watnhsiiutc, Pa.,
RESPECTFULLY gives nollce that lie has
located hi Waynesborg, Pa., where he in
tends to mauuuicluro
Of every description From his experience in
tue business, no icuia uuuuuuun
O n stylo, finish and durabiUty, will give entire
(X. eatisfaction. It is Ills detennuiation to purchase
a the beat material in maruei, anu empioy uuuo
but competent workmen.
pyAU new work warranted for one year.
Wavncsburfi, Feb. 21. I860. tf.
"Adams House,"
Jacob Blendcrsliot
HAKES pleasure In Informing his friends and
i the traveling public generally, that he has
(taken charge oTthts popular house ofenter
itolnment, and feels confldent in saying that
.he can render perfect satisfaction. Every cf
ifortwill be made to meet the wants and
iwlBhesof his guests l4(
The BAR will be supplied with , th best ar
itlclca found in the market. The STABLE will
bo carefully attended to. Call and try us.
, April 26. 1864. tf.
- ?8Uo! rulLADELPUlA. VMb
North East Corner rOURTH AND MAR
N. B.-Always In Storo, a large Stock or
a"g2-lim LINEN and OIL bllADES
' OrenesDpro,
D, Ii. JONES, Proprietor.
milE UNDERStuNED still occupies his old
IX Btana and takes tncroaseu piuiwuro m au
jhitlstering comfort to the hungry and weary.
in realizes uie lorce c mo uioAim umv,
pen way to procure paironug" v n.
(May 10, '6S-ly . P. R JOMEo.
Saving disposed of my entire Interest In the
e of Campiikll & Co., it becomes necessa-
close the books. Those having accounts
t me will come forward ana some mem
Vrllntnlv Tl.o hiuika urn In till) hands of
VCampboll for scttlomont.
St. '64-tf
1 1 1
--. r v r sr uri 1 1
Front the North Aurorlcan.
Tho Pkiohmonii Vhifir, nndor the head
oi"D(iclin8 of tlio Ropnblican party,'
tells Its realtors that tho Republican po
litical organization had but ono string
to its bow, tho abolition, of slavery,
which being gone, the party ia done for.
It the Whig founds its adhosion to tho
Democrats on tho belief that tho Repuli
oan organization must necessarily go to
piecebecauso of the end of slavery, it is
most cgicgioiisly mistaken. There nev
er has uk is ted in this country a moro
.compact, well-disciplined or enthusiastio
party than ours, andoUn tfie past its
adherents did not mind dofoat because
of thoir devotion to principles, so in the
future no reverse ot fortune and no dis.
eouragoment can soa(t- .' tuera.
TJftTa8" to having but one prinoiplet
only those uomocrats whose wnoie at
tention has been absorbed in the defence
of slavery bolieve anything of that sort.
The first national convention of the
Republican party deolared "undying
hostility to those twin relics of barbar
ism, polygamy and slavery." One of
the twins is dead, but the other survives,
and the Republican party docs not mean
to go into a decline until it has sealed
its fute also. Polygamy has been al
lowed to obtain a permanent foothold
in an extensive territory, nnd to rear op
their condition of society based wholly
on it, In that community treason is as
rife as at tho south. We do not mean to
allow our party to depart this life until
it has doomed this organization of sin
and treason to destruction. On this
question tho Democratic party stands
imito, but is well understood to be in
favor ot tho admission of Utah as a
State with polygamy. The editor of tho
Whig having been out of the Union
lor four years, has probably-forgotten
this little matter.
Negro slaveryUsJpmshod by tho war j
but peonage W nity and that, too, the
Republican party is opposed to. It is
the distinctive feature m New Mexico,
and tho Democrats havb as yet given do
sign of being in favor of its abolition,
notwithstanding that it is the slavery ol
.m.;n,-ot allraccs white,. .Uack, and
rod. V.phe Vlcnublican
Vu.,urUoofuJ?l true mid : evil, and means
to do it. This matter is ol vital import
ance, because peonage exists all over
Spanish Amorici, and should wo at any
tiino hereafter acquire any of .those
countries, we should h'ivo slavery reviv
ed unless wo now provide against such
contingencies. As to the question oi
negro Buffrago, the party has' as yet ta
ken no distinct grounds, but it such
blind guides as the' Whig can succeed
in preventing the southern peoplo from
granting the freedmen that equality be
fore the law which is essential to their
protection, then it will not be in povver
of any one at tho north to arrest the in.
evitable course of events.
IM there are several other questions
on which the Republican parly occu
pies distinct and well defined ground,
and whereon we find the Democrats ar
rayed against it. 01 theso the chief is
that oi protection to domostio industry
by means of a well arranged tariff. It
the Whig really inherited any share ot
old Whig principles, it would know this
without being told, and it would also
know that the Democrats are for free
trade. If the Whig choosos to iguore
protection, it had hotter tako down its
name, for proteolioa was the soul ot the
Whig party. Protection is now the
belief of the overwhelming mass of tho
northern people, as it ought to bo of the
southern, iu order to build up a greater
diversity of industry than now exists at
the south. The Chicago Convention of
I860 declared for protection in an un
mistakable manner, and the Baltimore
Convention of 1881 confirmed the dec
laration. On this question the position
of the party is as well settled as v any
thing can be.
On the great question of the nations
ality of the Ropublio, tho two parties are
as widely asunder as the poles. We
oontend that this is an indissoluble na
tionality, the land and the people alike
incapable of separation. On that ground
we rested our cause throughout the
whole war, and on that we have tri
umphed. The Demoorats oontend for
State sovereignty, which is necessarily
iniinioal to nationality, and is but a dis
guise for secession and disintegration.
To assume that the party which alone
oontends for nationality is dof unot, is to
believe that rebellion has come off vic
torious, and that the peoplo of the north
repuut of having trono to war. Every
Demoorntio State Convention has square
ly come out for State sovereignty.
Where we are la this matter' needs no
definition. The war tolls the tale, and
the Whig must bave lived through the
last four years with its eyes shut to bo
ignorant ot the position of parties on
suuh a topio. 1
The Republicans have also a record
and a toslimony against filibiutensm,
just as the Democrats, ou the other
hand, have a rooord and a testimony in
favor ol it. Wo are one anHIT "oppos
ed to theso piratical expeditions against
Mexico, Canada, and the' Wot Indies
and Central America, and we mean to
savo tho American name from such dis
grace hereafter, as our government has
signally proven by its suddoa suppres
sion of the Mexican enterprise. On this
ground we plant ouraelvfcTul?ft'y- F'li
bustorism ivus but the pioneer of slavery.
Everybody at tho north knows that, and
woaroall wide a wakotjjj 8toP "
j a part of thb monster evd, against
which we made war. The Whig may
choose to Ignore this question in Vir
ginia, but it may rest assured that here
at tho north it is a live issue, and all
men know thoroughly what it means.
We are for a permanent peace with
foreign nations, and an end to filibuster
ism. Now, hero are several nSpics which
the war has not ended, and we think
we have shown that these live issues
demand the continued existence and
exertions of the Republican party, the
position of which, as well as its oppo
nent, may be seen at a glance', thus i
Republican. Democratic
Protection. Free Trade.
International Poace. itilibuaterisra
Ciyil Rights to Freed-
men. . Bfaclt Codes.
Universal Einancipat'n Peonage.
National Sovereignty. State Sover'nty.
National Currenoy. Local Currency.
Those who wish to disband tho Re
publican party, on the plea that it has
accomplished its mission, should study
this contrast, and see what would be the
effect of breaking up the only organiza tion
which guarantees internal and ex
terual peaco, a proper enumeration to
home labor, tho termination ot sootion
al squabbles, and tho extirpation of ev
ery vestige of human bondage aud Po
pA.Tn a tint? A.T, A XTrtL-'
U1UATE3 AS THE- 'm'mi u
From tho Pliil'a North American
It is a striking and singular tact, that
tho Union men of Pennsylvania have
conferred almost all their nominations
tor the best offices iu the gift of the pco
pie, OU those who nobly stood up in de
fence ot the national life. It may be
insisted with some degree of truth, that
the copperheads have also nominated
soldiers for office. But there is this
difference between tho parties ranking
these nominations : Tho Union men
are impelled to' this act of justico by
gratitude to the soldier, while the cop
perheads have seized upon soldiers who
are willing to be used, in order to in
sure tho success of political dogmas
dangerous to the life ot tho Republic
Tho Union men were ooutrolled by
principle in their nomination ot soldiers.
The platform on which Union men
stand, is consistent with tho character
of true soldiers iu consonance with the
principles for whioh such soldiers con
tended in battle with traitors in har
mony with the oause of the Union and
the Constitution. Not so, however, with
the copperhead nominations. In every
instance, the resolutions of copperhead
conventions reflect discredit on the oause
in which the candidates they nominate
derive their elements of popularity.
Thus, W. H. Davis would never have
been nominated for Auditor General,
had he not made some reputation as a
soldier had it not been calculated by
the copperhead faotion that he oould
secure the support of inon who fought
at his side to put down the Slavehold
ers' rebellion. And yet the platform on
whioh Davis stands declares the war in
whioh he acquired the popularity fitting
him for copperhead uses, to haoe been a
brutal crusadt on Vie rights awf proper
ty of the Southern people I Every sol
dier who votos for W. II. Davis will
thereby condemn himself as a mere rob
ber and raider. Every soldior who votes
a oopperhead ticket for county or State
officers, virtually oharcterizes himself as
a freebooter aol assassin. Evory copper
head platform Insists that the war for
the Union was an aggression on the
sovereign rights of the Southern States.
If this be bo, and it is confirmed by the
votes of Pennsylvania soldiers, their
plaoe in history cannot be other than
is usually occupied by burglars and pi
rates. Tho soldiers who vote for Can
didates standing on platforms which
charge the oause, the crimes and the
suffering of the war on the National
authorities, condonlu themselvos aud ar-
raugo history to securo their own dis
grace. On the other hand, tho Uniou
inon have not only nominated soldiers,
but tliey have endorsed tho work ot the
eoiupauioiis-iii-arms of our candidates.
Our warrior candidates stand on a war
platform. Soldiers voto for the
Soldier Union candidates without stul
tifying themselves. Oar political creed
harmonize with the martial neliiovmeiiti
of our candidatos. .We. do not seek to
prostitute the popularity! of our candi
dates for tho purpose of securing the suo
nous of evil nrinoiules' Tho reoord of
our candidates composes the virtuo of J
our political principles, V We only nsk
the people to vota.tof that in defence of
whioh our oaudi'jbitesWWfO willing to
risK Uyjir livesr; ' soldier and
every oiUjKK.otiviJ,.,y( consider theso
' , From fhir!5! Telegraph.
Tub FnmsDS itf' -.wkbanch must
soon be up aiidvd.- Vlp iily, hourly,
the woful effects; o,lunirance are ex
hibiting thoraselvfcsvjj'cioty. In our
own lopality Ve have onj redently had
a most fearful exhibition otue effects of
liquor iu crazing tho brain'and nerving
the arm for ra'urdef. Wbpky was tho
prime causo of the attempt, in this city,
by a husband to murder hisinfirm wife,
and then afterwards his success in putting
an end to bis1 own life. TWe is no use
in concealing tho faotsi Niy there is
danger in denying them. Anl while we
refer to this most horrible afair in our
own midst, we are reminded a similar
bloody transaction in Lmoastcr county,
whioh occurred only a day after tho in
tended murder in this city. InjXancaster
county a husband slew his wife, (tabbing
her to tho hoart without tho loatpro voca
tion. Ho was drunk whon hi did it.
Are those facts not sufficient to abuse the
fears of all law-abiding, peaceable and
temperate citizoni l' This very four tho
life of every drunkard's wite jnllarris
burg is iu danger, Tho drunkard does
not know how soon he may become a
murdorer, while the man who sellsTwhis
ky is in tho sight of God, contributing to
passions whioh are thirsting for human
blood.d'ui helD the drunkards' w've8
vbt unmurderod t- aa r-i,'- - ''iVS
If A .-' . J - J
a'nd useful citizen.
A young lady moving in the first oir.
clos at Chicago was betrothed at the be
ginning of the war to a lieuttnautin-the
army. lie was killed in battb, and his
body taken home and buriod by his near
est, friend and comrade, who was with
him when he fell. To this young nun the
youug lady's affections were very natu
rally transferred in time, and she enga
ged to marry him. When the happy
day arrived, and just as the clergyman
was about to pronouuee them man and
wife, the lady fainted, anl on being revi
ved forbade any further froceduro,as she
said she had seen the spirit of ber for
mer lover, aud ho was opposed to the
match. She persisted iu her decision,
and has since retired to I convent.
A gontlomiu saw a nouoo of valuable
information Bent to any address on the
receipt ot ten cents, and '.bought that he
musthave ten cents' worth more of know
ledge, lie sent his dime, and rooeivod
in answer the lollowing: "Friend, for
your ten cent, postago, etc., please find
inclosed advico which maybe of great
value to you. As many persons are in
jured for weeks, mouths and years by
tho careless use of a knife, therefore my
advice is, when you use a knife, always
whittle from you."
Brownlow's Endorsements. A lottor
from Chattanooga says that a short time
since Gideon J. Pillow sent in his appli
cation for Governor Brownlow's endorse
ment ot his petition tor pardon. He en
dorsed it as follows: "Were I the Presi
dent of the United Stales I would pardon
him on the ground that nothing but his
vanity took him into rebellion- " On an
other application ho endorsed as follows :
"This man deserved hanging before the
rebellion, and he has done nothing since
to lesson his chance."
Great care should be exercised in the
purchase of Government bonds to see
that their numbers have not been altered.
In several cases where bonds have been
stolen their numbers have been changed
by inserting two-additional figures, one
before and one after the original number,
in that way making tho bonds worthless
to whoever shall buy them. The frequent
thefts of these bonds that occur render
caution on the part of purchasers es'
peoiully necessary. .
The party changes which the war. has
mado aro aptly illustrated by tho fact,
that Gen. Slooum, the Demooretio candi
date tor Soorotary of S.ate, before the
war was a Hopubhoan, while Geu. Bar.
low, the Rcpublioan candidate, was a
OCTOBER 4, 1865.
A man of genius can no more divest
himself of freedom of opinion than of the
features of hfs face.
On Seventh street, from Pine to Carpen
ter, irt Philadelphia, a distance of seven
squares, there are n'ft'y-fWe houses in
which liquor is sold. The proportion is
one tavern out of every four houses.
In the days of the draft a good, looking
but boor young man married a rich old
maid to get money to buy n sutmtfuite.
That l'ul low muri-ied as a military necessi
ty. It Is proposed at Lewistown, Maine, to'
Iiavo an exhibition of the different styles
of bonnets worn within the past twenty
five year?, A very large halt will be re-
W. L. Bary, of Lebanon, Tennessee,
now 87 years of age, is said to be the old
est printer in the United States, having
been a compositor for sixty years
A woman in Cliarlistown, Massachu
setts, has a family of tame toads in her
yard. She feeds them, pets them up,
dresses them on Sundays with velvet, and
on other days in drab, kisses them and
otherwise tenderly cares for them.
As the battery was going into camp at
New Haven on Monday, an old battery
horse grazing in a lot, lioaring a bugle
call, jumped the fence, took bis old posi
tion in line, and moved out to camp with
the battery. So much for force of habit.
A few years ago there was a newspaper
published at Niagara Falls, the editor of
which was a Hind man, the compositors
were deaand dumb, the press work was
performed by the blind, the papers were
folded by the blind, and wrapped by the
The newest thing o'ut is "plumpers'' for
hollow-checked damsels. The plumper is
made of porcelain, pea-shaped in form, flat
on one side and bulging out on the other.
They fit on the inside of the ckeeks, giv
ing'a round plump appeuraance; hence,
doubtless their name.
The standing army of the United States
now consists of 18,000 regulors, 99,000 col
ored and 100,000 white volunteers. Of
these, about 160,000 are now in the field ;
the others are absent on leave.
It is said that Pithole, tho great oil city
in Pennsylvania, was thus named in con-
-'. . .Jian ATtrnnr,linurv fitt Al MV.
etn , r.. ---
fn fiBui nuout mree miles irom toe
. -this nit stones are thrown, but
notyetbeTatl;Wdr, ' T '-"-"
A Nashville letter says that the late
rbels, Henry S. Foote, John Bell, and
Neil S. Brown, are all residing In thai
city. Brown has returned to the practice
of law ; Bell is in feeble hoaith and, keeps
verv quiet ; Foote is active and bustling
as ever, and says th'at he shall hereafter
eschew politics aud devote himself to the
A swamp in Tuwksberry, Masaacliusclts,has
been on fire for some time, and the combus
tion having worked into a peat-bed eighteen
to twenty I uches,' continues to advance. The
roots cf the trees are burned off and they top
ple over, adding fuel to the flame. Gangs of
men have been at work Iu" Various places
trying to check tho fire, but without success.
A Harrisburg paper tells of a man who has
failed in business four times; was burned out
three times ; was robbed five times ; was up
set iu a stage coach and thrown down an em
bankment a distance of sixty feet; fell bend
foremost through a- hatchway in a store at
Bemling j has lleeu merried three times, and i8
the father of twenty-ono ccildren. He "still
l)rcs''and is engaged in business at Harrisburg,
Nearly half a million (495,592) people in
New York live in tenement houses and cellars.
There is a story of an inspector who foundfour
families living in one room, chalk lines being
drawn across in such a manner as to mark out
a quarter of the floor for each 'amily. "How
do you get along here ?" inquired the inspec
tor. "Very well, sir," was the reply, "only the
man in the farthest corner keeps boarders."
A correspondent writes from Pithole
that the Ilolmden farm owned by Thom
as G. Duncan, Esq.. of Pittsburg, and
George C, Crothor, ot Plumer, Pa., was
sold by them on the 14th tor two mill
ions dollars cash. This sale Is one iouith
the oil and tho town lots, with a reserve
of one acre each to the former owners.
Theso gentleman have in one year made
millions in the oil regions, and have still
left a large and valuable property proni-
ini.i(r crroat develonments aud great au5--
e o w a
mentation of their already acquired pos
sessions. Wonderful Tree. In the birch wood
of Culloden, Scotland, there is a remark
able tree, well worthy of note. Some
whero about thirty years ago a littlo giant
of the forest was blown down in a storm,
and lell right across a deop gully or rav
ine, which it completely spanned, and
the top branohes took root on (he other
side, from the parent stem no less
than fifteen trees grew up perpendicularly
all in a row i aud there they still flourish
in all their splendor, where the parent
Stem evinces no token of deoay. Several
of the trees are not loss than thirty feet
high. The tree is a largo fir.
Some of our religious exchanges tell a
story nooui a woman oemg relieved irom
speechless grief by a hymn. We have
kmiun a nnmhnrof thasfiX to ha strong
ly affected and greatly benefitted by
Aims Deiore hub.
.. c V
The thirteenth annual
the Ofccne
County Agricultural Soclel
bo held at
Cunulruucls, on Thursday
Friday, the
5th nnd 6th Inst. Tho JeilFuir will'be
held on Wcducsduy and
and 12th lust.
iy, tho UUi
Oh, ccmo to the 1
Whoever vou arc
And brlug something
Whatever it be;
Come one and col
Your couuty doth
f rom tlio hills and ho
From town uud f:
nrmg your horsd ktne;
Your sheep and iwiuo,
Your fowls of rarest I,
Your "Dunghill oot,
And whatever y ,
Bring your fust I a too,
The crowded track c 's
To take aud dis
Bring on your k -work,
Also your iisathci it
All curious productio
Of nature and art
Come with your tUry,
Also vour man lJ
Palutiuiis most rare
up in
For the eye and til
Brin fruit aad brli,
Bring ores irom thuL
ne weaiiu me enrtu yiq
Above and below;. 1
UKB tuv ruse on uie k
ui me mur ones wno'ii coa
And not tldmk of a beak
Brmg along your ncedLfe, girfg,
itigiii. uiuug wwu yuur u .
Your oasqucs and your bona
"i our sltevcs and vour
And bring curiously wroL
And those "wee little garuieul
Vt various shapes.
And let the matrons come.
(Though tlicj seldom leave Hm.1
uri.i ..t i r"i
And their bed-quilts so rare,
With work of all kinds.
Which their careful hand finda
So much pleasure in doing
Let Uiem come to the Fair.
Ye mechanics, well-skilled,
Let your place be well-HUed,
With all munuer of work
Iu neat order displayed;
Let tho ground, too, attest
That you've all done your best,
And our folks will be proud -. - -Of
the progress you've mads.
HoA ye farmers 'attend i , .
.Off'-1 -"sl?ovtt4 failo -v
'iw J i would "fare" not alall"--r '
Bring tiie fruits of your toil, '
' The rich cream of the soil,
In its varied forms,
To the farmers' own stall.
The hitch-strings hang out,
Aud our people, no doubt,
Will be happy to see you.
By niuht and by day;
What a time it will be I
If you come you will Bee
The beautiful and the good,
And the biillii.nt array.
Though in genei al fowls, when in
health, will become sufficiently fat by
having plenty ot food, with air and ex
ercise, yet they are somotimes fatted
for market by keeping them in confine
ment, with nbiiuJitnce ot food and little
light, so tha. ia j;u:t, they have nothing
to do but to eat. It U a common prac
tice with some to coop their towls for a
week or two, under the notion of im
proving them for the table, and increas
ing their fat i a plan which, l owever
seldom suooeeds, sinco the fowls goner
ally pine for their loss of liberty, nnd,
slighting their food, loso instead of
gaining additional flesh. Such a period
is, in fact, too short tor them to become
aooustomed to confinement. It takes
several weeks to fatten fowls confined iu
coops. The prevention of light, by in
dining fowls to a constant state ot re-
poso, except when moved by the appe
tite tor food, promolea and accelerates
obesity but such a state cannot bo a
state of health, nor can the flesh of am
mals so fed equal iu flavor, nutriment
and salubrity that of the same species
fed in a mote natural Way. Economy
and market interest may, perhaps, be
the best answered by tho place ot dark
ness and close confinement t but a fuedor
for his own tablo, of delicate tasto and
ambitions of furnishing his own board
with the' choicest and most salubrious
viands, will declare for tha natural mode
of feeding.
One neighbor praising the fruit crop
of another, remarked that the land must
be in very good order. "The secret is
not In the toil," John replied with a
twinkle in his eye, "but on it. Do you
seo those grunters there t My pork
brings me fifty ' tits a pound eight in
flesh and the ballance in fruit I began
to pasture my orchard ten years ago
with hogs, and sinco that time I have
bad no trouble with wormy fruit. Ap
ples, as a general thing, do not fall from
the tree uulosg something is tho matter
with.tb.nm. The apple worm and cur
culio hy their eggs ia Uie fruit, and the
apples drop early. Tho pigff devonr the
fruit, nnd by September every uWuiidl
applo is gone, and I have nothing but
fair fruit loft Tho crop of insects for
tho next year is destroyed by the1 $igty
thoy root the ground-under the troeft'
keep the soil loose, manuro, tho fanol
some, and work over what manure t
spread. The apples help the pigs, aud 1
the pigs holp the applet"
Tin r nr k-Kirt'llSlitM tmikHttSt '
S1UU liUl iJAl' v- x-. " J'
Select your ground on som'o' ffotrtuerri ,
southeastern slopo.or any other dry '
that you may have t plow; It from
fiftnen to twenty inches deep, wua v.;
a plow SO oonntrhoied ns to ttt'T tn'tbo'
satjje furrow whioh can be done at '
very little' cost ; then lay your motion or
Inclination, from' 4 by I to 4 by 10, no
cording to tho stylo of gYn'pos' you aim'
cultivate. If yon onltivato dwarfish.
growers, such as the Delaware', llebeoa,
DiifW perhaps 4 by 5 is a very good
distance. If Norton's Vugmia Sodlingv
Hcrbomont, Concord, and Taylor Bul
litt, 8 by 10 is not far apart. Plant
vinos as soon as yon can tako thotnf
the tall or procure thoicf from the
nursory i and when done, lull tuo rows
op as you would corn, cbverinof yotfr
vines ontirely. It you Bhould fail to do '
the ground will sottlo around your
tines, form a basin, and hold too moon
water, whioh will injure, it not ontirely
kill your vinos. That is your whole'
sooret. Now, whon spring comes
and sometimes wet and cold, like last
spring your work is done ind yo
can patiently wan, mi wmu. -u
weather Bets in. Then w yiow
plow your ground back to witlm Uireef .
or four inches oi mo roow, v w(w
them a chanoe with the rays of the1
warm spring sun and and thr iovtgora
ting dews at night. This Ut idea orig.
inated with Dr. Grant ofIona,
York, and he deserves rB"
credit for it. ? -- j
V , withe hori-cuUivotor will
gron , which U , hot.
thn vines erri """"
rtO. 10 VUO buiu."H :
advantaffe-toj-" 0' iX. -
let me tell you theAVoneAL, In the -
month of October hdvvt of tfovora
ber, we bave the finest aVJ most uni
form weather iu .thoyworld, the ...
ground? is generally loose anl worm, and '
plants then removed hardlyexperienee ;
a ohango ; while on the othtr hand,
plants suffer frequently by spring ship:
rents in cold spells. Moreover the
fine fibrous roots got nearly all 'destroy 1
ed, and somotimes the entire roots rot
off during tho winter, if they come in con
tact with water. Somotimes they start
to grow before they are planted and
then the main and best buds are knock
pd off. .Besides, you can never . hare'
your ground in as flue a condition'
in April and May as it is in October and
November. Cor. Rural World.
In discussing the diseases of swine,
the Scottish Farmer sensibly says :
"We remember oneo of hearing an' .
old woman remark that 'sows just re- 't
quired as much care . and attention as
bodies,' and the truth ot the observa
tion is ooii firmed by the experience of
all the largest and most successful breed
ers of pigs in the kingdom. Without '
cleanliness and oomfort tho human spe.
cies cannot thrive ; it is rendered more
liable to all kinds of disorders ; and
kept in dirty styes, with Utile room and
bad vontilation, and ted out of filthy
troughs, swine languish, or, at the beet,
take on fat muoh loss rapidly, and are
moro likely to fall a prey to the first ep
idemic reaching them than If they had
met with kind aud liberal treatment."
Whnri the woather becomes frosty,- ,
out thorn off near the head, and carry1
them, with the green leaves on, to a dry
collar. Break off sUporfkoii leaves,
and paok into a tigtit Cask ot fro, stents
upward, and when nearly full cover
with leaves. Seoure the barrel or box
with a lid against rats.
All vegetables or fruits required for
wintor use, apples and potatoes especi
ally, are prosorved best in barrels and
boxes in a dry cellar, with light and air1
exoludod, and tho temperature as near
to the freezing point as practical without
actually freezing, v -
A businosg firm in Arkansas, who
wero indebted to n houso in Boston to
the amount ot tour thousand dollars pre
vious .o the breaking out of tho rcbollion,'
have within a few days past paid the
debt, principal nnd interest. A moraber .
of tho Arkansas linn is now in B"Jtot
making purchases of goods. y '