- The Uero of fieltyiburf A f iend who recently visited the scenes where tlio Federal w. 1 '.n, in the vicinity ot' Gettysburg, won such Im perishable renown, has imparted to ua poiuo valuuble information, or at least om original thoughts, in reference to that momentous struggle which wej doem worthy of being conveyed tn our reader. It will be rmembered lliat tlie advance of the Army of the Potoinno iu td h- Gen. Reynolds. No sen eral officer in the army of the Potomac, no well as General Reynolds understood geography of that region oi country. . Ue saw lit a glance that the position of Cemetery Hill was a point on which the Uttlo dopoi.ded. There was 110 time tor consideration. The plan and its ex fiuition were twin thoughts, conceived and Iwrn amid the roar of battle. A moment's pattso might hnve been too late too lite even to secure a decent retirement or save his command from mii overwhelming slat'g'.tter. Hence the impetuosity of the attack made by Gen Reynolds. Hence ntler bo had fallen, . was it supposed that Gen. Reynolds had sacrificed himself in the enthusiasm of battle, when by the aid of calmer reason, ho might have possibly passed through tho struggle mismatched. Tills is not tho lad, however, Gen. Reynolds coolly devoted himself to victory, because lie know that tho point which he had in view, tho result which he aimed at, in volved tho snfty of tho army of the Po tomae. Had he (altered just at that mo. ment had any other man been in the advance ot the army of the Potomac, the result might have been different Ccmetry Hill would have fallen into the possession of Lei the army of the Poto mac would have been crushed Penn sylvania and tho entire northeast placed ut ba marnv nf thfl invaders. Thus after all.are the great victories of ....-.. ..nil nrr.,1 Aa ivif.ll RpVtlolild. Oil . Cemetery Hill, at the propitious moment the real hero steps forth nnd gains tho actual victory and sad to relate, such as these too frequently nre robbed of their just honors, or in the decay ot their brief hour of glory, cause to live and go down to the grave, while those who re uiiiin monopolized the fame of deeds in , tho stern enactment of which they played no other part than that of specta tors. Had Gen. Reynolds not given ' the rebels the first check on Cemetery Hill nothing there alter could have with stood the impel unsiiy of tho charge of those fiends. Lee's spies had been over 'every foot of ground in the vicinity of Cemetery Rill' The rebel chief under stood and properly valued the natural ' importance of the position afforded by that hill. It was no chance plan that drove tho rebels to that point. Neither waa it mere fortune that induced Gen. Reynolds to make an attack just there and then. lie, too, understood the lo cality. His native genius at a glance .miiiiilwinrluii tllH flofUlltlOU Ot llll.lll'J. lie was impressed with the stupendous importance ot me posmuii, iuu no buu tho blow juct, in time to chock the toe ; ti enttn tin. ni'mv id flirt Pntotiiiin . .. 1 1... I. ill VM1IU iv ni , wiv ...j - ' " iron! rout and annihilation I Let it no longer, then be credited that General Reynolds fell a sacrifice to his indiscretion. Let it be fairly understood . that he willingly sacrificed himself in or der to save an army of which he com manded only a porl'on General Key . nolds was undoubted y impressed with .-' the event risk he was undergoing, when ho delivered battle to the enemy. Ho was too good a soldier not to know that when ho gave battle he muH bo pre ... pared to accept death. Thus impressed it is no wonder that lie hurled himself and his command on tho enemy like a ' thunderbolt. Then it, was that the rebels . t-ried out, "Great God 1 we are fighting . the army of the Potomac." Then it was tlvit the victory was won i nnd then, too alas! was it t hat Gen. Reynolds tell. Hero we must pause, and leave to histo ry tho recording of the great event con nected with this gloriom death. Our object is only to rescue the name of Gen. , lleynolds from tlm charge of -indiscreet v impetuosity in making his assault for the capture and possession ot Cemetery Hill : at tho battle ot Oettyshurg. llus as 1 wvult was the prompting of a valor as .'- dauntless and a discretion as calm as ev er controlled a true soldier. Let this, 1 lot tho present, be tho epitaph of Gon. Reynolds, and while Cemetery Hill stands let it represent tho monument ot i his fumo. Indeed, let that hill hereafter be known as Mount Reynolds. AVtku thk B.vrri.B. A correspondent of the New York Commerciil, in a letter from the battle-field at Gettysburg, gives ; the following s t While passing along the center of ' Ike's line I found n German laboier and his vmw, gathering up piles of clothing which had beon thrown away or taken off the dead. Yohn was wheeling away tho spoils as his wife collected them. Sspeoing your correspondent of bein ' official, she began to defend her-self by ', saying, "Dey eomes to mine house and ents all mine geese and mine shioken nnd 1 all mine hocks, but I dont pelieve in that i nnd may' be shift them that eats my r'Hluckeiis is killed and I pe gathering ; their clothes." As strange things have happened. , sr A WiiHhiugton special says- that on Tuesday the Secretary of War issued ' mi' order that John Morgan and his com: 'tnis'sioned ofliccrs should be confined in "tho Cotuinhus puintentiary till Colonel Straight's officers are released or exchan ge! by the rebels. " Violation or a IIosirrAi. Flao. Gen- Lce, as is provedby witnesses, cowardly violated ft hospital ting, by using the cup ola of the colleco, filled, with wounded, I over which it was flying, within range onour cannon, as an ooservatory. ,. Horsim iMPTirssBO. Tlie Government 1iai ' beon forced to impress horses throtishfxtt the neighboring counties of .Maryland to W.J'J pressing needi crea rtod by late active service of ourcavalay "," ' '. Our forces at Charleston. , The Navy Department promises that Gil more nnd D ihlgi en shall receive eve rything neoessury to iuture speedy full rtTCharlstoo- DR. SWEET'S n FALLIBLE ftlE CREAT REMEDY FORRHEUMATISM, GOUT. NEURALGIA; LUMBAGO, STIFF NECK A JOINTS SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS AND WOUNDS, PILES, HEAD ACHE. AND ALL RHEU MATIC AND NER VOUS DISOR DERS. Fur all of which it Is a speedy nnd certain remedy, anil never fsils. Tins Liniment is prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous bone setter, sad lias been used In Ins practice l'r more than 11 twenty years with the most astonishing sue cess. AS AN ALLEVIATOR OF PAIN, it Is un rivaled by any preparation before tlio public, of which the most skeptical may be convinced by a single trial. inis uuemcm win cure rapuiiysna rauicni- w TiTi.MTviATinnmnnnKianfv,.rvkiiifi i and lu thousands of cases where it has been used it has never been known to fail. FOR NEURALGIA, it will afford iuimedl ate relief in every case, however distressing. It will relieve ithe worst cases nf HEAD ACHE in three minutes and is warranted to do it. TOOTHACHE also will it cure Instantly. FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY AND GEN ERAL LASSITUDE arUing from imprudence or excess, this Linemen is a most happy and unfailinir remedy. Actiim directly upon the nervous tissues, it strengthens and revivifies i the system, ana restores u to ciusuuiiy ana vigor. FOR PILES. As an external remedy, we claim that it is the best known, and we dial ling the world to produce an equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint should give it a trsil, for it will not fail to all'ord im mediate relief, and In a majority of cases will effect n rwtfiwcuro. QUINSEV AND SORE THROAT are sometimes extremely malignant and danger ous, but a timely application of this Liuiiueut will never fail to cure. SPRAINS nre sometimes very obstinate, and enlargement of the joints is liable to occur if neglected. The worst case may be conquered by this Liniment in two or three days. BRUISES. CUTS, WOUNDS, SORES, UL CERS, BURNS AND SCALDS, yield readily to tho wonderful healing properties of DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, when used according to directions. Also, CHIL BLAINS. FROSTED FEET, AND INSECT BITES AND STINGS. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the Great natural liono Setter, Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, is known all over the United States. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, is the author of "Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment." Dr. Sweet's Infallible Linimeut cures Rheumatism and never fails. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment cures Burns nud Scalds immediately. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment is the best known remedy for Sprains and Bruises. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment cures Headache immediately and was never known to fail. Dr. Sweet's infallible Liniment affords immediate relief for Piles, and seldom fails to cure. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment cures Toothache in one minute. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment cures Cuts and Wounds immediately and leaves no scar. Dr. Sweet's Infidliblo Liniment is the best remedy for Sores in tho known world. Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment lias been used by more than a million people, nnd all in-aiso it. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment taken internally cures Colic, Cholera Morbus and Clio. Dr. Sweet's infallible Liniment is truly "friend in need," and every family should have it at hand. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment is for sale by all Druggists. Price 25 aud 20 cents. A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT. Dr. Sweet's Infallible liniment, as an external rem- edy, is without a rival, and will alleviate puln mora sm-Hfiilv than nv other nreDaration. For all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders it istru- 1. l.,r..1ltKla nnH im n.imtiiiB U.,ntU IV luiniuuio, aim no u vuiumu ivi VVounds, Sprains, Bruises &c, its soothinir, healing and powerful strengthening properties, excite tbe just wonder and astonishment of all wno nave ever given it a tniii. uver one thousand certificates of remarkable cures, per formed by It within tbe last two years attest the lact. TO HORSE OW NERS I Dr. Sweet's In fallible Liniment for Horsosis unrivaled by any, aud in all cases of Lameness, arising from Sprains, bruises or wrenching, its effect is magical and certain. Harness or saddlo galls, Scratches, Mange, c, it will also cure spedi ly. Spavin ana ringbone may be easily pre vented and cured iu their Incipient stages, but confirmed cases are bcyoud the possibility of a radical cure! No case of the kiud, however, Is so desperate or hopeless but it may be alle viated by thisjliaimont, and its faithful appli cation will always remove tbe Lameness, and .enable the horse to travel with comparative case. Every Horss Owner should have this rotao dy at band, for its timely use at the Ur.4 ap pearance of Lameness will effectually prevent those formidable diseases, to whieh all horses are liable, and which rsndsr so many other wise Tutuablsj bones atarly worth! ass. JLJb.. 0 WJbJJEPlTS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT . IS THE ' SOLDIERS FRIEND And thousands have round It - A FHUCND IN NEEDl tru'y CAUTION iTo avoid Imposition, observe the signature and likeness of Dr. Stephen SwKet on every label, and also Stephen Sweet's Infallible Liniment blown in the gloss of each bottle, without which none are genuine. RICHARDSON & CO. . Sole proprietors, Norwloh, Ct. MORGAN ALLEN. General Agents, , 4tS Cliff Street, New York. ' ' ssrSold by an dealer everywhere. Ue. to, W.Af. GOOD NEWS KROM THE EAST. HAS Just returned from Philadelphia with a Urge and well esgurtid stock of FEADV MADE CLOTHING and the rerdict lus gone forth that the place to buy Clieap for octal!, the most fashlonabl and durable clothing is, emphatically, ; IN THE E AST END nf Allison's building opposite the Public oViuhre, where he has gneflson exhibition and where he will be constantly found, ready to Accommodate his customers. Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto fore extended him he hopes to merit its con tinuance by his usual custom of "quick ialei and mall frrojitt." Waynesburg. April 28, 18M.-t f. EST ABX,1SHEB1760. PETEU LOHILLARD. SNUFF & TOBACCO MANUFACTURER, 16 it 18, CHAMBERS STREET, (Formerly 42 Chatham St., New York,) Would call the attention of Dealers to the articles of bis manufacture, viz : Chows Sni-fp. Mucabny, Demigros, Fine Rappee, Pure Virginia, Coarse Rappee Nielii- i todies, American ueuiieman, lopeunngcn. V U1.1. II 1 O . ..1. TI, . TnKt Srotrh Freili HnnevDuw Srotr-h. ii1?1 toast cmcn, rresii HonLy wtw bcoicil Fresh Scotch. Irish llicrh Toast, or Lundrfnot, (7 Attention is called to the large reduction in prices nf line-cut Chewing and Smoking to bacco, which will be found of a superior quali ty TOBACCO. 8MOKIS0. FIK CUT C1IF.WJKO. SHOKINO. Long P. A. L; or plain, S. Jngo, No. 1, Cavendisli, or Sweet, Spanish, No. 2. Sweet Scented Oronoco, Canister, Nob. 1 & 2 mixed, Tin Foil Cavendish, Turk ish. N. B. A circular of prices will be tent on application. March 31, 'Uii.-ly. D. II.vaT jT Wiiitk. THE ARTISTIC CAR!! PHOTOGRAPH, AMBROTYPES AND CARTE DE VISITES, &C. MESSRS HASS AND WRITE, having lilted up a commodious aud rcspcctablo Sl5.y-llslxt Oftr in Wayncsburgi near Sayers' corner, would respectfully announce to tho citizens of town ana country that they are prepared to take pictures of all kinds and sizes, in the latest style, on the shortcut notice and on the most reasonable terms. Copies of pictures of de ceased persons, made any size desired, irom small Ambrotype likenesses CALL SOON As this arrangement Is only temporary and Is one of the rarest chances to get good pic tures ever offered in Wayneshnrg. Wsvneslninr, April 21," 18ia. t-f. 7V03RJE3LSI ! mm uiiimt. STiLL continue to carry on theMurble and Stone cutting business at their long estab lished stand immediately East of the Public square, Main Street, Wayncshurg. This establishment has been in constant oneratlon since I8i)!. and the lonz experience nnd energy of the proprietors, linked with tho exercise of sound Judgment and good taste, have won for them a wi le spread and enviable reputation. An extensive stock of tho various varieties of the best marble kept constantly on hand. Spccinl attention paid to polishing, dressing, carving and engraving. All orders promptly filled. December 23, 18ii2.-ly. Hardware, Confectionary, AND Grocery Store JOHN MUNNEL, INFORMS his customers that ho has Just re turned from Pittsburgh with a new supply of Hardware. Cutlery, Confectioner'n's and Groceries, Fish, Oil, Rope, Twine, Tools of i almost every description ; in fact, his assort ment embraces nearly everything desired by a farmer or mechanic. iron, i He has purch ased a large quantitjtaf Wrought Iron, and Nails of different sizes. . SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, MOLASSES. Call at the old stand, and ask for any article you desire, and cash or country produce will buv It cheap. If ou hand. May, 81, '62. JOHN MUNNEL K. X. M'CONNKLL. J. J. HUFFMAN. M'CONNEIL & HUFFMAN. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law . iVayntsbwrg, Fenn'a. fOrrtets In tlio " Wriptht House," East door?. Collections, &c, will receive prompt attention. - Wnyncsburg August 26, 18G2. tf. k Joint Resolution Proposing Certain Amendments to tbe Constitution. BEIT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE and House of Representatives nf the Com- i tnon wealth of Pennsylvania in Gciioinl Aisem t 1 1 - a ffl...k lilt t 1... L- - DIV niCl, 1 llllfc UIO HUlOWlUg BlUCUUIllCmi W nroDoscd to the Constitution of the Common- weulth, in accordance with the provisions of tho tenth article thereof : There shall be an additional section to the third article of tho Constitution, to bo designa ted as section 4, as follows t Skctio!4. Whenever anyofthn qualified electors of this Commonwealth shall be in any actual military service, under a requisition from tlio President of the United States, or by the authority of this Commonwealth, such cl- colors may exercise ine ngiu ni suurnge in uu elections Dy me citizens, unocr sucn rcgum- ,1 ,...11 i ti l i... I lions us nrv, ur oiiuu u, , iicat;i iwu uj ntn, a fully as if they were present at their usual place, of election. Then shall bo two additional sections to tbe eleventh article of tho Constitution, to ho designated as section eight and nine, as fol lows i. . Skotio 8. ' No bill shall be passed by the Legislatutc, containing mora than one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in the title, except appropriation bills. Skctios 0. No bill shall be passed by tbo Legislature granting any powers, or pnvileges, hi any ease, where the authority to grant such powers or nrlvileires. has haon. or mav here after be, conferred upon the Court of this Common wealth. JOHN CESSNA. Speaker 'of toe House of RcpntMntutivtt, JOHN P. TENNEY, ' ' (Speaker of the Ssoat. Oim a Tarn Sseasrm or ma ComtoNwciamr, Ilurriiburg, July 1, 1868. PENNSYLVANIA, SSt I hereby certify that the foregoing aud an nexed Is a full, true and correct copy of the original Joint Resolution of the General As sembly, entitled "A Joint Resolution propo sing certain Amendments to the Constitution," as the same rem das on tile in this oUlce. skai. In testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand, and caused the seal of the Secretary's ofilce to be afilxed, the day and year above mentioned ELI SUFER Secretary of the Commonwealth, , First Arrival, GJSJJLmI soon t DRY GOODS IS LOW AS EVER, COSTS CONSIDERED. AT TB "Farmers mid Mechanics Cheap Rxclcanffe' Minor dts Bro. Having made extensive Improvements in their store room are better prepared then ever to accommodate their custo mers. They are offering the LARGEST, BEST and GREATEST VARIETY OF WOOLEN GOODS, .fosicry, Millinery Goods, vcr offered in Waynesburjj, including in immense stock of LADIES' DRESSGOODS. it all descriptions, Shawls, Trimmings, Velvets, CHILDREN'S PLAIDS, lannels, Linseys, Cloths, Jeans, Tweeds, Cassimeres, Satinetts, and Yarns. Groceries, Groceries. fjoffee, Tes, Sugar, Molaiscs, Salt, Tobacco, Sonp ,&n, in fact, everything usually kept in t woll regulated Grocery. If you want goods, call and be con vinced. If you ever bought goods to your satisfaction, you can d it now. All goods. Foreign, Domestic, and Ilome-inade, sold foj CfCt&Td. or other READY-PAY. Call and look at our stuck before buy- ins MIXOR & BRO. Deo. 2, 18fi2.-t-f. TO B AC CON 1ST S, 1IOOFEK & HAGEIi, Wll-SOS'S Ol.D BOILBINO, MaIN SKECT. MANUFACTURERS and wholesale and retail dealers in Tobacco, Cigars, aud Snulf, Cigar Cases, Pipes, &c., October 8. '02. tf- HAMILTON HOUSE. SAMUEL HARTZELL, Pitorair.Ton. R, HARTZELL having recently rented t i AfJL ,uw Hotel in Waynesburg fainilllnry known as the llmnMon lloKt ."' Ho would now, give assurance to his runny friends snd the public at. large, that ho is fully fircpnred to afford satisfaction to all who may nvor him with their patronage. Determined not to be excelled in his attentions to Strangers to render them comfortable in every particular, and confident that his conveniences are such as to enable him to do so, he hopes to receive a flilr proportion of the traveling custom. April 13, 1S0J. To Nervous SuUfercru ofBoth Sexes. A REVEREND GENTLEMAN having been A restored tobtaltb la a few days, after un dergoing all the usual routine and irregular ex pensive modes nf treatment without success, considers It his sacred duty to communlonte to his afflicted fellow croatures the moans of core. Hence, on tbe receipt of an addressed envel ops, ho will sond (free) a copy of the proscrip tion used. Direct to DR. JOHN M. DAG NALL, 188, Fultoc Street, Rrooklyn, New York. January, 27, 186H -It. OKO. I. WYLT. 1. A. J. UVCHANAR. D. R. P. HUBS. WYLY, BUCHANAN & IIUSS, TT0RNEYS& COUNSELORS AT LAW, r OFFICI tn the old Dnuk Building, WavQesburg. Pa. rsbrnaryld, !8C3.-t-f. H I I. LI VII U MLkSY, DIAISS IS ' 'WATCHES. CLOCKS. JEWELRY. '&C. ATTN STREKf, WAYNESnURG, PENN'A. One door ICust of the Old Rank lliilldlug. IXfATC'lIKS, Clocks and Jewelry, repaired l ul uhuit ninici:. mul ou veiy rcnsi amble terms. Waviu-hburg. July lsr.J. ly. t2 TOY 4l IM.OtOll ffH.MJ Waynesburg Foundry. Two Square South ratt of the Bunk, waVnesi tma, pa. mm & iiowivEY, CONTINUE lo nunufaotur nud keep constant ly on luiid a large assortment of tb P'oit ap prised patents of OOKIA; STOVE llattmway'i I'atont. (for eoal snd wood.) Queen of the West ; HntliawHy and Pennock and Mllcbfll't coal and wood 8tovea; Enter, prist Stoves, improved from the patterns now in use. and the improved Premium j all of whieh are liittlilv recommended hv tllone who use them. Also. Franklin 8toves, Parlor Stores, Uiiiloon 8toTs of the latest and most approved style for diuretics, store rooms, io. linn Fencing f diiTereiil Palterns Aroh Orates and Fronts, a variety ol pat terns and sites of the latest style.. Grates of ail ehm. j (Vllar Urnfo w Sivle- SiiEnr Kettles from 7 to 22 gallons; Ho low waro of all descriptions, (new patterns:) And Irons; Sail Irons; I'oroh I'ins; Foot Sorapers sod Mill Irons nf all descriptions. ALSO Clreat Western I'luuslis. HariniE ohtnined the oriiiliml patit rn of tbi Plouxh, Ihey Art nuinufuctiiriiig and keep Constantly on hand a lnru supply of these Plounl s together with the'niMT and land SlUKt, warniuted lo fit complete. We are also milking another Improvement on ths I'lnitRh, hntli as regards the Points an I LuniMilm, aildine t ie renovator, which must i tact thit 'uuj, we think, befnrt any Other, both aa reci'il ilnrnility and draft. Corn I'oucht or (,1'cat AVest Ko I. (flU'lrj thrill they will recommend them selves tonnellsvillo, with impi-oved whirs (Miio shares with improved landslides. Wells burg and other ploughs gg&,Tlies! ploughs nre highly recomnended by many of tho nest rni mi-rs In this vioiuity. I'loimli Points. WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Cranes ."los 1, 3, 4, 6. RJ.7. P-itent Lever right sndlsfl,) 4, S, 8. ftrcat Wvstern, (of course,) 1, 4. Drown Fr.ini.lui, Clipper, Kghtatid Left. Left Hand Cr ues ir Wylia ft Hewitts, two pallerns. LaiiMdrs for Cranes No B and 6. I.atidsldes I ir Patent Lover. Connellnville, Shurers, iVuoiIoooks point a.id cutter, IIIl-lit mil Left crnctet points. Warrnuleil to fit or tin antes. CASTINGS of all kinds made to order. Or ders promptly attends to on f ,ir term. DUN'N & DOttKKY, Wnyneshiirj, Peptemher 10, I8til ATTENTION! NATHANIEL CLARK, the Clntliin? Mer chant has associated his SON, AlouzoJ. Clark, in with himself, in the Clothing business. This is the phco to get your SPUING and SUMMER Clothing. If you want a Suit, Fancy suit, or one for business, you will And our estnl ilisliiucnt the place to purchase. Our business house is directly in F Ji O N T f the Court Ilnnse, in Allison's building. Come cue nnd nil shoulder to SHOULDER and wo will send you home again with your Armas full of cheep and fashionable Clothiug. The PRESENT ! high priecs caused by traitors in ARMS! have mnde a very slight advnncn la our nsunl low prices. Now is the time to get good bar gains. We expect to v ' Carry ! on a CA ' business, and will be enabled to sell at very short profits. If you will favor us with a call we will use our AllMSlt.. i . i 1 1 - In showing you our goods, whether you desire to purchase or not. We ask nothing for show ing goods. So come Right along and see us and wo will greet you with a suiUe upon our FACE! and do our utmost to pleaso you. We havo imulo arrangements with nno of the best Mer chant Tailors in Pittsburgh to manufacture goods to order, which they will I'OltWAICI)! to us as soon lis manufactured. So Unit per sons desiring goods mml to order enn have them mnde ia tlio latest styi. Our MARCH ? or Spring goods hnve already arrived. If you should be, passing our establishment pleaso HAL T 1 and we will try at least, to find you a good place to REST I NATHANIEL CLARK, & SON. NOTICE ? VLL persons knowing themselves Indebted to tho underslgnetl, personally, are re nucsted to make Immediate settlement, as my I ld huninrn mint he settled up. In my absence the business will he settled ny my son, a. j. Clark. All accounts not settled hetore the 1st nfJune, 1A3, willbs left with the proper of fleer for collection. I would very much re gret this step, but to protect myself from grent luss, I wilt be compelled to ndopt it. N. CLARK. March 81. Iftl.-i-r. PLAIN AND FANCr JOB PFUNTI Q M RATftY lOMa AT THIS Offf IU CVSII PAID FOK aUH. I will pay the hlshost prlne IN CASH for Rags dsllversd at the Bonk Stnr. Die. 38, '02. LEWIS DAT. To Asfroy Rfctif Riuu-fiet, 4c, , To JaXro-t-Mioe, Moles, sua Anla. To Vtrtroji Bed-HURI. j To y(n.y Moths in Furs, Oothes, JLe, To Iitntrog Moaqr.itoes unit FltaJ. To lJtttroy- -Insects and Pluntsund Fowls. To Destroy Inaects on Animals, . fEt:.' To Drttroy Every form and specie nl V ermla. "ONLY INFAI.1.III1.K Rl MEI1IES Ks6'v,'S." Destroy' Instantly. EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OK J IViUlH s I Those Prerairntlons (unlike all others) are "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats do not die on t,he premises." "They come oui of ihelf holes to die" "They are tho only Infidliblo remedies known." "12 vears and more established inN. Y. City." Utn y the City Post OUlce, Ihed hy the Chy Prisons and Station Houses. 6'kiI hy the City Steamers, Ships, &c. Vttd Ay the City Hospitals, Alins-Hnuses, fee. f(A'v-lh City Hotels-'Astor'-St Nicholas,' Utrd by the Hoarding Houses, Ac. Ac. Umdliy -myro than KyKM) Prfttvte Families. tSPSee one or tiro Sieamrnt of what it Kerry' wher miidhi the Voip I'jlitore Dealrrt, j(-c. lOUSBlt EEPERS-trmtMcd with vennin need bo so no longer; if tliey ttso "Coirtffl's" Externiinntors. We have used it to our satis faction, and if a box cost $" we would have it. We had tried polscrtis; btrt they effected noth ing! but "Costab's" article kii(s tlie tncath out of Ruts, Mice, Roaches, nnd licil-lteft quicker than we can write it. It is in great de mand nil over the cotftltry. Medina 0. Hot. MORE GRAIN and provisions are destroyed annually in Grant County hy vermin, (hart would pay for tons of this Rat and Insect Kil ler. AnmxMfflr 'iA Hemld. HENRY K COSTAR We are selling yottt preparations rapidly. AVhcrcver they have been used, Rats, Mice, Roaches and Vermin disappear rapidly. - EcKcn & Srouii'En, Druggists, Windsor, Md. . ostar's" Bat, Roach, &c. Exterminator. "Costar's" "Costar's" Bed-bug Exterminator. "CostarV "Costar's" Electric Powder, for Insects &c. Itf'.'.'iC. u(IC AMI fl.OO li)XKl, BoTTLKS AND iasks, $il ANif.' Sizes roil Plantations, SlIlfK, Hoats, Hotki.s, fcc., &c, CAUTION !!! To prevent the public from being imposed upon by tyinrioiuand lliyh ly Ferniriouii Imitation; a new label has been pocpnred, bearing a fhr-dmile of tho Proprie tor's signature. Examine each box, bottle or flask, carefully before purchasing, and take nothing hut "Costiir's." ifod Everqieherthy All Wiioi.cs.ilk DnuunisTsIn the large cities Sonic of tlio Wliolrsnl" ,421'iiN i Nfw York City. Sbieinin Brothers fc Co. It. A. Fnlmestwk, Hull & Co. A. U. & D. Sands & Co. Wheeler & Hart. Jaincs S. Aspinwall. Morgan & Allen. Hall, Ruckel & Co, Tlionms & Fuller. P. 1. Orvls. Harnil, Rislev & Kitchen. ' Push, Gale & Robin'on. M. Ward, Close & Co. McICtann Rohb'na, I). S. f'MiTiies & Co. F. C. Wells A Co. Iizr-Ite, luri-h A Gardner. Hall, Dixon A Co, Conrad Fox. asft omtrsrs. riiiladclphia, Pa. T. W. Dvott A Co., H. A. Fiihncstoek A Co. Hubert Shoemaker A Co. French, Richards A Co. ' ; as otiibss. . AND IIT DnunnisTS GnoTF-ns, SioiiRKKEfRfts and Rb- tailkrs gennniily in uu l ouNTnr iowns nnd Vii.i.aoi-., In tb UNI ED STATES. AT WAYNESBURG, PA. CTSoldhj Win. L. Creigh. Rcmick Clark. B. F. A R KCampbell Isnnc Hooper. And by the Dbcogists, Stoii k a anrsas and Kktailers generally. (yCmiNTitr Dkai.kiis can orcler as above. Or nrlrlruss orders direct for If Prices, Terms. Ac, Is desired, rrSend for 1802 Circular, giving reilurcrt r"riresj to HENRY E. COSTAK, PninripAi. Dftot No. 482 Bhoadwat, N. Y. Waynesburg, Aug. 26, 1802, T. MXCIiAIIl St CO., WHOI.KSALK AND RETAIL DEALERS IS CLOTHING NO. 120, MARKET STREET, CORNER LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA PARTICULARnttcntion paid to customers work, at prices in accordance with tlie times. August fi, 'C2. ly, ICnbcrt DousliertTt Carriiisc Manufacturer Watnesbuiw, Pa., TJESPECTFUIiLY gives notice that be has Xt lociitcti tn wuynesDorg, ra., wucro ue in tends to manufacture CARRIAGES Of every description. From his experience In tho business, he feels confident that his work. in style, llnish and durability, will give entire satisfaction. It is his dctcruiituitlon to purchase tho best material in market, nnd employ none but competent workmen. CjrAII new work wiirrented for one yenr. Wnyncsburg, Feb. 21. 18iiO.-tf. GREENE HOUSE neOpehed. GREAT BARGAINS IK DRY GOODS Si CLOTHING. WILLIAM A. PORTER HAS lust returned from the Eastern cities with the lurgest stock of GOODS ever brought tn this place, which wns bought low nnd will ho sold at about old prices, for Cash or Produce. He invites particular attention to his largo stock of BOOTH AND CLOTHING 1 WM. A. will bo found nl the "tlreeno House " .loo will reninln at tho old stand up town, Cull soon nl either stand. Dec. !i:id 18112. I f. PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING NF.ATtr i:sM;t rw ar Tiiiaorrttx iit. wn.n. uuitiv MOUTH 'WH, (VS MMKDT F0 A - ho na mo urns, I itemed Bleeding Gums) JVitrsing Sore Motif hi And tho best specific now in use for any'dla-' eased condltfol of the mouth. It ia particu larly bonerlclid to persons arlnif , . , AUTIFICIA'Ij TEETH,'' Completely destroying evere taint of the mouth, absorbing and removing all Impurities, InsuN A KREATil to all who make use of it. Nrj young lady at young gentleman who is afflicted with a BAD BREATH, 1 should delay applying this ,rrW(tf, roT.kj rf cenmn cure, ana a spiirovod and recominca, ded by every physlclau under whose notke if A HAD TtTiFATIT rr.-t Is an offence for which there ft nb' tittot't DR. WM. B. HIIRD'V 'Mouth Wash- can be procured, T"'- Prepared at Dr. Ilurd's Dwrtirt Omfe-Nol-77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. ti, ' ' , ' Price 9f rents per tttiUU. A lilicral discount mado to dealers. Address Principal Office, Tribune Biddings.' No. J, Spruce Street, New York, i .- : SoMnrsobyCaWfer. Maclf A Co., Fifth Av enue Hotel; J. A I. Coddlngton, 715 Broad-' VtSkf: Carat'8' Wi hMtT,- d by all UH. iv .11. n. niiiiii i TOOTHPOWUEE n.i- t a .. i vwuer possesses ine i , i , ARBONIC WITHOUT THE INJURIOUS1 PROPERTIES OP OH Anm,vf. and la fttonfmm nil A-l,lo . Aib.ti. ! I in the least injure the teeth. . . . Its action is entirely mechanical polisldnr without wearing the enamel. ' DR. W.u B. HURD'S TOOTH POW.- DEIl - Is recommended by all eminent Dentists.' Prepared at Dr. Hurd's Dental Office. No! 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. Price, 33 Ct. per Hox- A ltrwtml jttatmin J.i ' ' " Address, Principal Olllcc, Tribune BbA'dYnesV No. I, Spruce Street, N. Y. Sold nlno hv PaswH M!,lr.r,, miu i - cnue Hotel ; J. A I. Coddincton. 715 Brond- way, D. 8. Barnes, 202 Broadway, and by all ""SB"'""- IK. WM. II. IH Il D'S TOOTHACHE DROPS roa thk curnc or TOOTHACHE , produced by exposed nerves. It is pnrtlcularlv adnnted to all esses nf children attlieted wjth .. . TOOTHACHE. , . : i vr Parents can relievo themselves from that- distressing weariness caused by LOSS OF SLEEP, and their children from great suffering, by keeping a bottle of DR. HURD'S TOOTHACHE DROPS in the house. , Pp'pared at Dr. Hurd's Dental Oflice. No, 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. Price only IS t'tan Dottle. A liberal discount will be made tn dealers. Address Principal Olllcc, Tribune Building, No. 1, Spruco Street, N. Y. Sold also by Caswell, Mack A Co, Fifth Av cnuo Hotel; J. & I. Coddington, 7ir, Brond- wny; 1J. 8. jiurncs, Uroattwar, and by all Druggists. r IIt. WITI. D. IIVUD'S NEURALGIA PLASTERS. roa ts ctrss n N EUK A LGIA or Toothache prxluccd by colds, 11 " LOCAL NEURALGIA ' " ' Is immediately cured hy their applteafibm. They art like a churm, and Me' ptttiiftff hnnnless in their nature; do not produce abhV ler, and leave no unpleasant results. DR. HURD'S NEURALGIA PLASTERS never fail to give' satisfaction to all who texl their virtue. . -( : Prepared at Dr. nurd's Dental. Office, No 77, Fourth Street, N. Y. Price only 15 Cents). ' A liberal discount mnde to dealers. : Address Principal Ollice, Tribune Bulldlngv No. t, Siiruce Street, N. Y. - -l Sold also by Caswell, Mack & Co., Fifth Af nun lTnlut. T ,t T Piulillmrtui 71R Tl. , . way; D. S. Barnes, 202, Broadway, and by alV Druggists. , . - Notics. We are dally ftecfvlng orders Mr send by mail some one or more ofDr Hurd's Dental remedies, which wo cnnnol WI, Aono' are mailable except the Neuralgia Plasters. . which we send in an envelope on receipt of the commodate nersons in Dlnces When tlm ilm gists nnd storekeepers are liehind theage, we havo put up packages in white etnbcWd box es, 7 inches by 4, with compnrtificnts, eacht box containing a bottle of Dr. Hulrd's Mouth Wash and Toothache Drops, a lix of Tooth Powder, the Neumlgla Plaster, amfl a ralnablo little treatise on Teeth and their Ihiseasea, th best means of preserving them, anil the proper treatment of chililrcn's teeth, wortfr of itself the entire cost to every young man ot woman, or parents with young children, with'snndry oth er necessary articles; price per pfackage, One Dollar, or six packages for , scit bv exrvou as directed. As tho Express charges are not much, if any, more on a dozen than on one, it is far chcniicr to order six or a dozon pnckaci-a atone time. A large Ikmily will wuntalL or the surplus can be disxiseu or to neignbors with public benefit, for no one can estimate tii.ur ii,i,h nnln .nfTiirlnir nnh.nnl.. . :' "itihciw ami fliHnminimf.nL nxrwrme. loss nf tlm nov wniiifi im uiivcii 111 inn frrainiM. ir laniiiv wniny nou nno oi ini-ra rmeKai.ra .kll. lu Itseir, Is a completo set or uental Iimriu. AililrpM Win. IL llllnl A CO.. Trlh..-. ni,.i ings, new i ora, nnn wnie ine nsoie and I dress plainly. W. R. II. A Co. refer to I mayor oi urooaiyn, uu. tv. UriffliK pi dent of the Farmer's and tltlzen's Hank twi vm tn tUm liVUl.tr nf IliA A n,nrln . . .. . r . v w iiHe ivsi'tiuv n. i.i i i, i . imrnura, fjta knows a (rood thine when he sen u.Zl'X . lias airoauy oruoreu a socooa snpjii elc , IOOO Asentt Vnnira. Tolntroduce Dr. Ilurd's IVnuiRMn . every county. Men or women who wtJ. Jl make money qutcklr, rnn do Ksnr with thI arlli'lm than anything In market, i The am now, useful, low priced, ami w are JLtij!! Ihmisands in advertisins; thcralhr thebenent ofagKiita. Boxes of snnipk-s, cmitalnlna- a dot en (if the one dollar packages imre analkML with circulars, will Im arnt on itreli of airfB itolliirs, ntMHit half price. In any iM-raon wWa lug to lift his imt bur skill In rnv vluw nf hoeoiiiltig an agent. Tht-y riin he anM hi a day. We wm.hl rather p,y i1M Cnniiniasions UiIIiom who prove theauerfft erllclenl salesmea. Now Is tht tM tn cabi'tn the busincM. for address M rstemqj above. Ieembsrl m.tj.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers