. ... TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1863 ' . . - A 1 A TO tK Puolt IIoi.SK Wo tjwiil opr firt visit to the Poor House ft" h,;riMlrty J was shown tlir6'uh BHI1"JS. 'liich wc wrb glitd to' find i U commodious nnd every way conifer UUo., We coiifiisi! tlmt olif prejudices gainst this method of administering to ' tHe wants of paupers were rill reluovcd by our visit. Tho paiipers, of vhom there are quite n nuniher of nil doserip " Hons and conditions, deemed to bo as Contented and happy in their different apartment, us though they were heirs 'fco tlm mqiinif nr..-i. r .1 .; -"v hiiui uwm milUII Ml 11119 11 eontentment is ntributublo to the kind ness, nnd rood management of the keeper, ...... sxii.viis, aim ma nmiauie , And agreeable family. Improvements 'bn the Turin re rapidly being made and yvcify thing gfves -evidence that tho insiitutiou will provb every way satisfac tory. ill m M i . . A . 1 1 f I Bkmooiuts Hkkkabouts would bo do .lighted tosce all the dratted republicans go to the army so as to insure tho cop. perheads a fair sail into olllue this fall. Unidn ballots annoy them much more than rebel bnllels. They keep well out of range of tho bullet, but every Union ballot kills a pecesh.. . t, Attkntiom, Cosscitirra and every body "lie. Our enterprising brother eonscaipt ml by the , way, brother widower, :too, Johmii Poirricii, na still doing n "thriving trade in tho dry goods business. -,Joe" has a good store and "knows how to keep it." He is a stern, inflexible Union man notwithstanding that he was drifted, is a faithful friend and an ac commodating merchant, and deserves ' tthe pnf.ron.igo of all good customer!. Ho Ihas leagued, that all successful business Mien advertiso their business. See his v card in another column. , UoU'8 AT JIO.UK A(!,1N. Wc WCI'0 agreeably surprised, on Wednesday last to recognize the agreeable countenance otynryomijOt and patriotic friend, Robert A. layers', in town' once more. IIo is or.e of a detail from thu, 8th Ifcsg. Re serves to organize the dnftpd men at the Pittsburg rendev'ous, prior to their joining tho ol.l rcgiin mU. Robert cm braced ait oppartanity to visit his friends liere. lis is in good health. 'T;iH Pus ' IS MKIIITlKIl TllXH TIIK S.vo:ti.'-We have rej.Mve.l, through tho courtesy of Ilickitv' Mixkr, wholesalo and retail Hook seller, Stationer and New Oilier,- 7t & 73 Fifth street, PiUs'itirilfi, P.i , a cir l oiataiiiing ore doV.en of Miner'. .Muniiiiiiiiu Pen ; price Slots. We hive triuj these paas and find them a superior nrticlo. ' , : ' Litkiiauy. The ladies of the, Piiiuax LtTBitAitY Socmrv gave a public enter lainnumtrlii t'ollege Chapel on Thursday evening last, .which did thorn groat cred it. We congratulate the Phileans on their conplete,succss. They seem do itermined to excel, and "whore there u a will there is a; way." v Mi-si.m are prostrating the Volun teers by( hundreds, tho hospitals are crowded with them. Soldiers, bo warn- ed in time. Ifallomy's I'illttwo positive ly infallible in the euro of this disease i occasional doses of them will preserve the heajth. eyen nndor the greatest expo sures. Only 25 cents per box. 221 DlSTIIKHSlNf Act'IUKNT. Ml'.' J. D. Tiioiirsox,- undertaker to do tho wood work on the Publio School House hero, fe) from tho second story of that building on Tuesday last and injured himself very evorely. He i a resident of Cumber Hand tp. and is a very excollcnt me'ehan i nnd lisefui' citizen.. . '" ' . To'sii if a girl is amiable step on her dress in ii ball room. ' LIST OF LETTERS - JH'flburg, reen County, Pa., August JV-fMista I:ucinda Karker., .. F Wi li'am i'nnk. ,t. f Uaiscjii-Hufrman.' ' fSW Pen oiig' ctlling for these letters, ill nlensc m'pntlon ' tho data of the list In'whiuh t uiy are advertised. :.. wiaeo iKinrs liom 7 A. M. to 8.V V. ' ' L. K.U VANS, P.M.-; DIED: ill Grwiim'l'iAl'n Pn An 1Viilmr mni'n. Jug tho 17th ut,; Mnj. tmhkxtL in tho ' AT llnr T .... ... -... '. 1' '' . . . " - 'jiT V ' "y"10 ;w j go one .. , c ' - i OI '! U :-irl. l , i . 1 ; I .'. ' oyei mar tni;lioit ' oonti lonoa of overy fctodi 'Vortuntf booomitijf adversi, ho Hf jraJiiaaj to bmkruptoy and flo'd ' to tfjf 01 to rofriovq his tatu,nos., but W-tm iittwvoni'ng". ho strugjled a gJ f tt'n' return'od 'after, a number W9ai w hu mtivo country whoro ho ::;r-:' At1 rti.uao j Wiivnoshu'rg, on Jfcft, l4,li;.l8ai3,..Kx.Sheriir IP- - 'MM, mMM din Wednesday nt the rj'flCltiifcl, the burial .s'nte,,'"' ( PROII M LIST OF Till JKFFKB8QX AC KKTLTl UAL FAIB Fott 1NJ. 1IOHSH.S Best stallion, 2d do. Best 8 yr old stiillion, 2d (U do host brood inarc do do Best draught Iiono 2d do do 85 00 3 00 3 00 Judges. Zadook Gordon, 'William Stewart, J. C. Flenuiken. IJest 2 yr old horse colt, do do do I Jest 2 yr old mare colt do do do Host yearliug horso cult, 2d do do lie.st yearling mare colt 2d do do , lie.st spring horse colt 2d do do Uest spring maro colt 2d do do 2 00 Judges Jacob Greenlee, Johti Dow lin, Hiram IJell. Uest pair inatchod horses 2d do do Uest single harness horse, do do do G no 8 00 8 00 2 00 Uest riding animal a no Dest trotting animal 15 00 2d do do 5 00 Uest pacing animal, 10 00 2d do do 4 00 Judges. Georgo Moredock, Jacob Lougneeker, Payette county, Reed Rig gle, Washington county. CATTLK. Uest bull 2d do Uest 2 yr old bull 2d do do Uest yearling bull Uest bull calf, (G mos. old) 4 00 2 00 2 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 Judges. Mark Gordon, Jeremiah Long, Silas Barnes. COWS. Uest cow 3 00 2d do do 2 00 Uest 2 yr old cow or heifer 2 00 do do do 1 00 Uest yenrling heifer 2 00 do , do I 00 Uest heifer calf (0 mos old) 1 00 Uest yoke of oxen 4 00 2d do do 2 00 Uest beef animal 2 00 2d do 1 00 Judges Isaac Riddle, Eli Long, I. F Randolph. SHEEP. Rest Spanish buck G 00 2d do do 3 00 Uest yearling buck 3 00 2d do do 2 00 Rest buck lamb, 2 00 Ue.st grade buck 3 00 Judges. James Ross, Washington county; Moses Morton, Ellis Uaily.. EWES. Rest ewes, (G in number) 5 00 2d do do 2 00 Uest lot of lambs (G in number) 3 00 Uest lot of fat sheep, 10 iu number 3 00 Judges. Abel Evans, Washington county; Morgan Wise, James Kea. SWINE. Best boar 2 00 2d do 1 00 Uest Rrood Sow Rest litter of pigs 2 00 2d d. 1 01 Judges John Clayton, Michael Mo Govern, Thomas Altree. POULTRY. Uest roostor, 2d . ; do Best lot of hens 2d do Julges Dr. W. R. Gilbraith, W.u D. D. I Sogers, Dr. S. Colver. Best homrmmlu red flannel (3-f yd wide) 10 yuHk 2 00 2d do do do 1 00 l no l on fin 1 00 ltcst Flannel Uest pair btmkdfl, homemade 2d do do do Best factory blanket '' Judges Wm. Hlack, Wni. A. Tortcr, Jns. Barnes. Best pnir of boots, -Best cslf skin Umued, Bust si le of upper leather Best side of sole leather Best double harness ' Best side saddle, . r: Best man's saddle I 00 1 00 1 00 1 no 3 00 2 00 1 00 Jiulgcit-Tomih FHiindolph, Sam. McCallls tcr, Jolin Bradley. Bust drcps coat I 00 Bust punts .,. AO Best Vest ' ' " ' CO Judges John Pryor, Joshua Phillips, KlcU ardMoflU. litut enrriago, exhibited by manufacturer 8 00 Best buggy 2 00 Best farm wngmt 4 00 Best ant . 1 00 Uest sulky, Uest wheel barrow ' Uest two horse plow " corn plow Uest harrow . " cultivator, Uest feed cutter' Uest grain cradle Uest mowiug machine, Judges Solomon Hogo, John uel, Wm. Cree, Sr. Uest secretary Best bed stead Best bureau, Best washing uinchlno . 1 00 50 1 0J 50 5 J 50 1 00 50 5 00 51 iin 2 00 .'BO 1 (10 1 00 , 1 00 ' 1 1 00 2 00 , 2 00 1 00 .. B0 -' ' .TiO B0 " r so BQ fit) Best set of chairs . ; Best churn : Bent marble work. I lust cook Ing stove '. '." 1 ' . Best parlor stove ."" "" Bust, pair dmuglitrVhaln ,. , k.. , ... , Best ax iUM . I Best mnttock, Bo sfdde,: made by exhibitor, . ' J ." ; Best shovel nmde by exhibitor, Best mnuuro fork, do . do ' Boat hay fork, do do Judgus-Dnvld Hose, Johu Snyder, ? Jin 'Best barrel of flour, j 00 Best corn brooms, 1-2 dozen no Best honey, S pounds, ' B0 Best sugar cane molasses, gallon, no Best Sorghum sugar, pau,urt, i 00 Judges John noytt, lamuel Sedgwick, Augustus MlHef. ' Rest coverliil, a q() 2d do l 00 Best wh'te imllt, .I a oo -a r W -'1!S 'A ' 1 1 "0 Judges-MrsMf.'Fiilton.Slrs. Xf. Roll, Mrs. P. Noel, Mary Crane, Sarah Rlack, .Mary Smith. 2 00 1 0' 2 0 1 0(i I Judges Miss Fanny Long, .Miss Nau I v ll...,ii..) t..,.,l;.... I. I.... Uest pair woolen hose 5. 2d do do 25 Uest pair cotton hose . 50 2d do do 25 Rest socks 25 " cotton socks 25 Judges Mrs. Rcnjamin Way, Mrs. Isaac Randolph, Mrs. Isaac Bursou. Uest piece of home made carpet 1 yd wide, (l() yards) 2 Oo do do do 1 00 Restpiece homemade linen, 10 yds 1 00 2d do . do 50 Judges. Mrs. Wm Stewart, Mrs. Thomas Sharpneck, sr.Mrs. Abraham F. Randolph. Uest bonnet, 1 oo 2d do 5o Uest made dress, -. 1 00 2d do do )() Uest made shirt, ji) Judges. Mrs. Caroline McCollister, Mrs. Jane Hamilton, .Mrs. Albert Richie. Uest lady's collar, Hi) Rest undersleeves, 5,1 Rest pocket handkerchief 51) Uest silk embroidery 50 " tapestry f,o Uest lamp mat ;,o Stand cover fio, Uest hearth rug 5$ Judges Miss Mary Flenuiken, Eliza beth LinUsey, Ellen Richie. I Uest collection of flower 1 00 Uest designs ,50 . Uest cactus i0 ' boquet ,10 ..,1 r: !.... 111 1 ((ims uises uirj.w jjiack, Jiartha IJayard, Lucy V. Inghrain. Uest peaches 75 2d do 25 Uest quinces jjq do marmalade ') do quince jelly 50 do apple' do at) do grape do 51) do currant jolley, 50 Judges Mrs. Johu Dowlin, Jr., Mrs. Sam Bayard, Mrs John Roll, Jr. Uest loaf of bread ;o do light cakes 150 do pound cake ,r,Q do sponge caku 5;) do fruit cake 50 do cucumber pickles 5 ) do preserved corn 50 Judges Mrs. Joseph Randolph, Mrs. Dr. Rogers, Mrs. John Cotterol. Uest butter, G lbs flo do cheese. 12 lbs, 50 do solid soap 50 Judges Mrs. Daniel Moredock, Mrs. R. C. lloulswoiih, Susan Lindsev. Uest selection of apples, " 1 00 do do 30 Uest specimen of apples (1 peek) 50 2d do do 25 Uest collection of pears. 50 do collection of plums i 50 do ' do quinces . : r0 .udges Thomas Ross, Thomas Mc Clcnntli.m, Judgo Pollock. jjest specimen ot when, 1 ()0 1 do . do corn so do do Ryo 50 do do Oats .SO do do Barley ,r,0 do do swi et potatoes 50 do 'dolrish do 50 do ' do beets, 1-2 bushel 50 do do pumpkins 50 do do cabbugu . 51) Uest collection garden vegetables 1 00 2d do do do .r() .udges. Hugh Montgomery, John Uell, Sen., Benjamin Crall. Best Female Equestrian 5 01 2d do do 3 00 Judges Jacob Rush, John Flenuiken, Russel Arii,.-trong. GELTrcmyi"lR153i0l8 AN D itici3:M03ri OT TAKEN YET. JOHN BKADLGY & SON STILL continue tho Saddle and Hames making buslnos In all Its branches, nt th old stand, nearly opposite tho Bank, hi Way nesburg, Snddlos, Harness, Bridle., Collars lhirse l)iiisliis. Cnrrv Comlm '1Vhv..I1Iii, and Trunks, and everything needed liy the iiiiinuumii iiuu lariuiT. niuc.s lis low U9 Itliy lu the market, and goods that cannot he beat. MONEY 1 MONEY I I All. persons Indebted to tho old firm are rc- 3 nested to call and settlo bet'oro tho 1st of unuiiry n tho old accounts must be elgsed. Dec. 2nd '(J2.-t-f. Piano and ITIcIoilcon Agency EDWARD WILKIN'S, j AUENT for the sale of the best macla Bos ton riuno Fortes, Melodeons, &e., has' established hhnself at SMITH'S NEW IRON IILL, WBshlngton, Washington County, Pa., where ho Is prepared to furnish Instruments, miido to order by tho best artists In America, and at tho lowest manufacturer's prices, lie wsr- nmlM nilnh Tnatrtlmrtnt fnn flun ....n.Hi ..m .... ..... v.w.. ...v. I.I..U..,. ... ,.,u ti.ii, n, i,iit VII- gagos to keep It tuned oneyenr freo of charge, ynyn icsburg, June 15, 1803. ly, ForSnlc. A LOT In Jacksonville, Greene county; Pa,, containing twelve town lots, AO feet by. 850 fcetcach, having eroded thereon a Frame Two Story Dwelling House, 1 8 by 4t (act, wllji a Btijry and a half kitchen iitutuli(l, and a good frame Stable, 20 by at) feel, There aro, also, over fifty your- Apple trees-rchnloo fruit on the lot, and other fruit trees. Pos session to be given on tho Ut of October, 18(i:i. For further InfnriUaUon, nail on the subscri ber at Jacksonville. LUTHER AXTELL. Wnynesburg, Pa., July 14, 18i!:i.-l)l, RANK NOTlOEI-rrTuo Stockholders of the FARMERS' AND DROVERS' HANK OF WAYNIlSpUWilu (iroeno county. Pa., will "indy t the nct legislature of the Slate, for an extension, of charter, for H19 term nf fifteen years frum the expiration of Its present term, Tho location, corporate name nnd privileges, nnd amount of capital stock, to wit 1 ono hun dred and filly thousand dollars, to be tho mime ns under Its present clmrior. ' '. By order of the Hoard. J. LA ZEAR, AVuynesburit, Juno 80. Guilder. Uest fancy quilt 2d do Uest scrap quilt, 2d do K N A B E & C O'S f O'f so.rnt: pio, MADK by WM. KsAlllO Ho.. Ilaltiiuorc, still ahead ot titdiway, and all others made in this -imtiy. Head tlin t'nlluwiug tcsliiuiiiiUls of their supcflnrity over nil 'others: I have ereat . plcasuro In c'l i tifyin Hint I lmve tried ) our S(piare 1'lnnos, anil lind them f(ual, If not superior, to any in this (Hiiuiiry. Among their ijreat qimlitles, which distinguish them, Is the evenness of tone, the ngreruhlu niiil cusy touch, nnil voluuiu of tone. AVish ing you till the success you so highly deserve, 1 am, sir, yours, very truly. S. TlIAI.liKIUl. Though not personally ncipininled with you, lUllonJ-) inu much pleasure to make you a communication, 'which, us a strict friend of juslice and candor,! cannot withhold from you. On u reeciil visit to I'hlladelphia, 1 had tint pleasure of piu lorniing 1111 one of your l'iauos, and to my astonishment, 1 found it in every particular a- most excellent one, mid your mime lias, since that time, been fresh iu my memory. With much esteem, vours, - . ' 0. BATTKU. I cannot but congratulate you upon tho lm nieuse progress find liuproveiiients which you continually make on your llanos, which in my opinion, rank among the very best in the country. ; M. sT'ltAICOSCil. I was d(Tmhti;d';on hcnrln'' the cleiir and full tone of your really I'ivst C'Aii Vuuto, mul 1 congratulate you ()ti the progress you have made in tins uiiin-'leoi nit. . ' II. YIEUXTEMPS. II. ItOIUKJC'K, lVofessor or Musle. Pitts burgh, Pa., writes : "And with a good con science I pronounce it the host Square Piano I have ever seen in fhis country or Kurope. I int ns much nstonbined as delighted, and noth ing will give mo 11'iore pleasure limn to recom mend your Pianos." A splendid assortment of the above celebrat ed Pianos just received. C'hnrlolie lllumo, 1:1, Fifth street, sole agent for Knahe's Pianos, Haines & lire's., lew S'ork l'iauos for $I7", unci Prince's unrivaled' Melodeins. April 28, '(!:). ly. liRE.1T SHE OF BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS A T SAVERS' CORNER ! TUST opened and ready for inspection nnd sale, one of the largest and best selected STOCK OP GOODS, in my line, that ever came to Greene county. The only place in the county you can havea good cnoleo. j The limited amount of goods kept nnlmirds , by other persons throughout tho rnunty, in my linn, often compel peisons to purchiisft nr tieles thev do not like, or go without. This Inconvenience may be uvoi led by giving 1110 J. O L JLm JLm ! as I now have on hand ns good assortment of goods as can be found in other Shoe or Hat Stores In adjoining counties. 1- will sell the following articles nt verv little advance (m old prices. -Take irlirtilar 'NOTICE! What I say I mean mul inlenll to do, as I have bought largely and have bought low ; being hi the cily when gold was down to 40 per cent, I will sell accordinglv. In addition to my HOOTil, RIIOKS. HATS nnd CAPS, I have added a splendid lot of Ladles' gloves, which, lor variety and beauty can only be appreciated by examining them. XsEitUes' Hose, Misses' Hose, Children's Hose, Suspenders, Nee-lies, Oollais, Poitninnics, Gentlemen's Socks. Children's Mats nnd Caps, Nun Mou nds, Mucking, and marking Brushes. In fact, an assortment too numerous to mention. Thankful for past favors, I ask, respectfully, a' continuance of tho same. ,1. C. LIUIITCAP. AVayneshurg, April 14, 'fi:t.' ' Ornamental Iron -Works ! ! WOOD & PEROT, RIDGE AVENUE PmLAPELPITJ A.' PA OFFKIl for sain upon the most reasonable tern.s, NEW and IIKAIITIKI'L deslsns, in great variety of IKON K.MI.INOS for Cem eteries, Residences, &e., of Wrought nnd Cast Iron, and Galvanized Iron and Hrass Tubing; Iron Verandahs, lialeonies, Stairs Counters, Fountains, Gates, Colnnms, Hitching Posts, Lamp Stands, Vases, TaliU s, Flower Stands, Sofas, Chairs, Statuwv, Anima's, nnd nil oth er Iron Work of a Decorative character. De signs forwarded for, seloction. Persons ap plying for same, will-please state tho kind of work needed. . Way nesburg, June 1), 18(111. 3mo. GREAT ATTRACTIONS ! AT Till! . ; . , FasliioRble. Pry Good Store IN W1LSDX-S- BRICK BUILDING, A..WILSOX, Jit. PUBLIC nltentfon Is rcsiTCctfully fnvited lo a Klnclc III' NTew (Innilu u'liti-lt Itna tet u,i.Uf eo IVolil itie Kasl. nnd wlileli vvna ai.lrit.tiid u.ltli great care and with a view tosultthc ttujles am! wants of my customers. Comprising n desirable variety of nil the lat est styles of tho ' . . i ; Of Dress Fabrics. Silks , Delains, Coslimors , Merinos, ' , Plaids ami nil ' .,.." kinds of PrintA, ,'." ' Cloaks, Shawls, Bonnets. , . '. iVe., (fee, Also tlm best quail- '. ty ofgiwIs'formeu'Hivear, such '.. . ns Cloths. Casslmeres ami Vitings, huts ' nnd caps, hoots and shoes, iVu..(ic. Re sides, the usuid iissorlinent of Groceries, Hard ware, Queenswnrc, &c, &e. Everything usually kept at thu best DRY GOODS , , STORES cart Ufl had here on the moM teawnahle fcrmxi ': purcluiDcdi fornsh and H- lit V; h 'PZClfnf h ! town.'1. Call and examine 'jjiy slock!1 . Nolhlii c,hirgcd for showing goods. ', 1 CASH and .MEHCHANADLE prodttco taken In oclinngo for goods. ... ji '.A-WfLSON, JR. , . 'AVrt-ynosburg.Nov. 25, 'W.-tf. DR. A. J. EQY.T.-T RESPKtTTFULLY olTers hl sen,-l(-os to the cllliwns of Wuynoshiug mid vicinity, as a , PIlVsiC'rAN ANV) SlTRGIiJON, 1 Ofllce ' 'two' dooi1!! T'li'st ,nf A,.' Wllaoh',' rfr's. Dry Ooriils estahllMhumnt llehoi(s W a due appreciation of the. laws of knanm 'life lind health, sanative medlentlon, 'aid strict' ntlim- tlon to hualneiis, to nurlta lllierul share of public palioniige HOWiliD ISSDCIIT I fl i I PHILAD2LHIA. . ' j V He KtHtf ' the iinH fatmmt, - llireil iriti jj:nltiiUmni. V.'irnuie dufiton, mul eyeriitly jor Vic cure of divides of the Sexmd Oiydiii, ' - MEDICAL AD ICE given gratis by the Acting Surgeon. . . . . VALL'AliLK HKPOHTSon Spermatorrhoea or SeuiiuaLWeaknes:!, ana other, IMsntsc of Hie Vxual Organs, nnd on thn NKW KK.MK DI!''.r rtnplnytHl in tile Dispen'ary, sent to the iilllieted in scaled envelopes, fate of charge. Two or three stumps for, postage will be ueccp tablt. Ai'ldress, PH. .1. SUILMX IIOUOHTOX, Acting Surgeon, H.owadl Association, Ka 2, South Ninth Ktreet, Philadelphia, Pa. January ii, I8:i--ly. G. W. C. WAD DELL, ATTOItNEY AND COUNSKLLKR AT LAW. Oh'FKJK in Campbells Jlnir, ovxi.tw the. llnmillim Home, Wmincnburn, I'enn'a. BUSINES OF ALL KINDS SOLICITED, H AS received arHeial eoppies of till the Laws passed by Congress and other necessary instructions for the collection of Pension!, Iloiinlit'M, Hack Pay &e., due discharged and disabled Soldier, Widows, Orphan children, ifce., which busi ness it intrusted to Ills care will bo promptly attended to. : Wuyncsburg, May 12, I still.-ly. FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. FOUNDED I.Y IS 10. IsroiteonATKi) nv Lkoislativk Ciiartrr. Being the only COMMERCIAL COLLEGE In tile Union conducted by a PUACTICAL MERCHANT. OVER SIX THOUSAND STUDENTS HAVE Reen educated iu the Principles and Practice of till the details of a business education from DUFF'S system of M EUCANTI LE BOOK-KEEPING. Awarded four Silver Medals and tho sanc tion of the highest .Mercantile Authorities In the country. Also, DUFE'S STEAMBOAT BOOK-KEEPING. "A perfect system for such books nnd ac counts." Also, DUFF'S new system of KAILUOAD BOOK-KEEPING. After the forms of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Also, DUFF'S new system of PUIVATE BANK BOOK-KEEPING. The only one In use in the city. Tho above system of accounts are all taught under the dally supervision of tho author, nnd, it is be lieved, to a degree of perfection never attain ed elsewhere. 13 FIRST"ritEIHllJMS for best Rusiness and Ornamental Penman ship awarded our present Penman by tho United Slates Fair at Cincinnati iu 1 860 Penn'a State Fair at Wyoming 18t!0 Western Penn'a Fair at Pittsburgh. I860 and the Ohio State Fair at Cleveland I8i all of which are exhibited at our ofllce. DUFF'S NEW ENGRAVED SCHOOL COPY ROOKS, Fine Cup. 24 pages each, iff per doz the cheapest Copy Rook in use. BUSINESS AND ORNAMENTAL PENMANSHIP, with new plates and scales, by W. H. DUFF, illustrating all the elements of the Penman's Art, the most complete self-Instructor known. Elegantly bound. Crown ipiarto. Price $5, post paid. - HARPER'S ENLARGED EDITION OF DUFF'S BOOK-KEEPING, ' Pi Ice iRfiO. Sold by Booksellers generally. For full particulars send for our elegant nets' Circular, pp. (18, nnd sample's of our Penman's Business and Ornamental Writing, enclosing as cents to P. DUFF & SON, PRINCIPALS. C-y SI rangers will please Inquire our reputa tion of our city busiuess men, whore, wc. are best known. January , ISHIl. ly OP. UUMAN, MISERY. Jml Published, in a Scaled Envelope. Price ' . Six Ceiu. A Ijccluro by Doctor Culycrwcll. on the cause nnd cure of Spermatorrhoea, Consump tion, Mental and Physical Debility, Nervous ness, Epilepsy; Impaired Nutrition of the Bo dy! Lassitudes Weakness of the Limbs and tho Buck; Indisposition, and Incmiacltv for study ami Lnbor; 'Dullness of Apprehension? Loss of Distrust) Dizziness! Headache ; Affections of tho Eyes; Loss of Memory! Aversion to Socie ty; Love of Solitude; Timidity; .Pimples oji iho Face; Involuntary Emissions and Sexual Inca pacity; the consequences of Youthful Indiscre tion, &c., &c. . This hdmirablo Lecture clearly proves that the above enumerated, often self-afflicted evils, may ho removed without medicine, and with out dangerous surgical operations, and should be rend by every youth and every man in' the land. ... .'.'. Sent under seal, to any address, .in a plain, sealed envelope, on tho receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by nildresslng, . , Da. CltAS. J. C. TaiNE, , 127 Bowery, New York, PostOltlce Box, MSG. Nov. II. 18i!.Vly. wnisliers. I )KLATRHAU'S STIMULATING ONGU- llald Heads and Hare Faces. THIS celebrated ' article is warranted to bring out a full sot of Whiskers on tho smooth est lace, or a tine growth of hnlron a bald head in less thnn six weeks, and will In no way. In jure or stain tho sklu. Thn French Cream is' mamuiicuircu ny nr. in. i-einircnns, or inns, and Is the only rclbblo artlole of the kind - ''Uo no other,"' W.utHANtKn i rvkkv csr. One box will do tho workv . Price $ I M. Jm pocred and fhr sale; WhnlMnto- nnd Metall, by A.'. THO.VfASF.CllAP.MAN, .i h uc.(thMiist njl JJrngelst, 8!H Bmmlway, New York. ,1'. S. A boje-af tho tognoht sent to any iuV dress, by rotnni mnll, en ruoelpt ofprlce, and 1,1 cents ftwpoKlago,. . I AVnyncsburg, July 7, 1 803. It. . . c rHHlnl NoMice. , ALL persons knowing thcnuelve Indebted to tr underHlgwsl aro rosixielfnlly but posi tively wotflled to,wU and settftitbelr aewunts. AIAIUA A. IIAltVKY. R. Y. DOWMEY, ATTpiUNliy AND COUNSKIJiOR AT LAW erOtllitir m LedwItli'icRnlldllig, opposite thu Cimri flouse, Wnynesburg, Pa.' . Nov. I, IHUi! ly. FRIEiDS",MD RELITII K Brave Soldiers ami 'Sailor mmmm wm;-' f. A ;! t$ HOLLO V A Y;S PILLS & OINTMENT; ' t " : " All who have friends' nnd relatives in tho art my mid navy, should take especial cure that they he unipl.v supplied with iheso Pills and Ojnlinent ; mid that where the -brave .soldiers und sailors have neglected lo provide them selves with them, no belter present tan be sen them by their friend. Thev have peon proved to be the soli lit r's never failing friend iu the hour of need. Coughs and Colds Aflocthig Troops Will be speedily relieved ami effectually cured by using these udiniinblc medicine sand by paying proper attention t n,,. directions which are attached to each box or pot. Sick Ileatfat'ltrti :tasd Waiilol Apiictilc liu-idi'ntnl lo Sol- Those feelimrs which HO Hitililf.n iiu ,,. II.. arise from trouble or annoyances, obstructed i,u"i"""'"p fiouiK 111111 orinKing wliatever Is lUiwholeHome. Hutu iliutii-l,l. o... i.....!,!.,-..! action ol tho liver and snioinaeh. These organs must bo relieved if you desire to be well. ?l'he Pills, taken according to the printed instruc- iun, inn ijuicniy pniuuco ii iieiutliy ncllon In both liver nnd fltonineti ,i,,,l ,,u , sequence, a clear nnd u good appetite. WEAKNESS OR DKMI.ITY IN. DUCEI) LY OY ICR FATIGUli, Will soon (Hhkoucmi'Iiv Hwi h i'n,.,i i uablo Tills, and the sulilii r w ill qnickly uc- iiunu iiuiuiunini sueein. iNever let tlie Uow ols be either contined or unduly acted upon. It nifiv ficeni Htrtnurn II,, t I b.ll,, ...... not . i TS , " , . . """". v (mi should be recomnieniled tor Dysentery and i iiiA, nmiij- l'eisoos sniiiiosniginauiiev would i increase tho relaxation. This is a great mis-' take, for these Pitta will nn-nu-t il,,. i .. 1 ...yj 1111:1 unit Stomach, and thus remove nil the acrid humor I irom mo system. J ins medicine will give tone nnu vigor 10 1110 wnoie organic svsteni, how overderansed, while heallli and slrcn.rilt fi,l. lows ns a matter of course. Nothlnir will stop the relaxation of the bowels so sure us HUB 1UUIUU& lUl'Ull IUC. VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION ! IN DISCRETIONS OF YOUTH. Sores nnd Ul CCI'S. ljlOtclies mul Ku'iillniiv can with certainly be radically cured if Hi0 i ins me uiiiuii jogin ami mornmg mul th" Ointment be freely used ns stateil in the prin ted Instructions. If treated in any other man ner they dry up in one part to I rontmons o,,tl,.tv vli. ....,, it.:, o:.,i ....U...V... ,, i,i.,..u.-, mi.-, iiiiiit.-u will ru yo tho humors from the system and leave ho Patient a vigorous anil Itenliliir mm, li .. in . J ........ 4V ,,,,1 require a hi lie pel severance in bud cases lo unuiu u Hinting i-uiu. i FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCA SIONED P.Y THE RAYONET, SA BRE OR THE BULLET, SORES OR BRUISES. To .which every Soldier mul Sailor are liable there are no medicines so safe, so sure and con venient as Holloway's Pills ami Ointment Tho Poor wounded and almost dving 'sufferer might have his wounds dressed immediately ; if he would only provide himself with this matchless Ointment, which should be thrust into the wound and .smeared all round it, Mien, covered with a piece of linen from his Knap sack and compressed with a handkerchief. Taking night and morning (ior s Pills, to cool the system and prevent iiillamnlion. livery Soldier's Knaiwack mid Seamen's chest should be provided with these valuable Remedies. IMPORTANT CAUTION 'None are gen uine unless tho words "HOLLOWAY, NEW YORK LONDON," are discernalilo its a water-murk in every leaf of thu book of directions around each pot. or box ; the same may he plainly seen by holding Urn leaf to the light. A handsome reward will be given to niiy one rendering such informal ion ns may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medicines, or veiidiug.thu same, knowing them to be spurious. Soli nt the .Manufactory of Professor IIOL-' LOWAY, 81) Maiden Laiie, New York, and by all respectable Druggists nnd Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civilized world, in boxesut 25 cents, U'.' cents and ft each. There is a considerable saving by taking tho larger sizes, N. B. Directions for tho guidance of pa tients in every disorder arc affixed to each box. ETTliis medicine is for sale by Dr. Win. L. Creigh, Wnynesburg, Pa. , . Nov. i!l,. 'lii.-ly. .' FOR RATS, MICK, ROACH KS, ANTS, RED MHOS. MOTHS IN FURS, WOOLEN'S fee. INSI'XTS ON lr.XT l.YWTS ANIMALS, &c. Put up In 2."tC. fide, and if'l 00 Roxcs, Bottles and l'lasks, tjfA nnd Z siies for Ronas, Puii t.ic Institutions, &ct "Only Inliillibln remwlhis known." . "Freo from Poisons." ; - .,,' ''Not dangerous to the human fiunlly."' ' "Rats coiuu out of their liolcs to die.", j (KT Sold Wholesale in nil largo cities. ' J Sold by all Iliicaotsifs and ItKTAtfKtnj cverj'where. ' - . ; trir !!! 1U:w.ib ofsll worthless toltatlons. ty See that "Cos mi's" nnwe Is. .on 'each . Rox, Rottlo nnd flask, before vou buy. tir Address HENRY H.' CbSTAK. tr Pclnclpal Depot 4S2, Jh'oadwaj-,,, NY ttr'SWd.by : .-' , . , ; ' . Heniick Clarkj ; . ";.J.Wts Hooiier,, ;.';:. ! 1 . ;. ' s 'Ynyn'Csbitrg, Pa;-1 ''"'' May n.-wW.m.vt " Vkv M'!V ! srlFlh.cfll i .maw D. R;; P. HUSS, ...... '.' '. ii, ' :tt t . lVnyiedo)iir Penn'a, HAS received frnnv.lhn Wiir TVjpnrtnient at WasfcJngUm -City, (,' ,W copies Of tho sevenit laws passed by Congress, and all thu necessary tonus and uvtrueilous- for Iho proscoiill(MiiUKlcollc(alonifv u.. PENSIONS', BOUNTY, AND RACK PAY duo illsehai-geil, mid' ilisnhled soldiers, their, widows, oi'pltlliVChildNin; wldiiwe'd' mothel-s,. fathers, ststcrs ,njld luxilhers-wlifc'li business1 upon dim iioilce' will bb pamupilv uiul iiecu-: rately nllendetl to, If entrusted to his cure. (TrOKKICU, Iu Old Hank Lulldhiij. 1 April, 7, ISU3.1 f -jiyiivifin a uji mum. .1 i - NOT " ALCOHOLIC. X hlJthly concentrated VegeWblc Extnul A pure toiijc,, I)r..Ji')llHiul s.German Bitters, . prepared lij , DR. C Mr- JACKSIN,' PHIOEPHIA .PA ' Will cir.-rtHairy piire'rAor Complal it. Pys piisiu, Jauudure'.t'liroulc f r No. vjus debility, diseases of IhcCiilin s, tu.d alldisaa-'Oiarlsiug " from n ilisoriji-re'd.l.ue.-or Soma'-h, Such us tihsfipaih n, Inw.rd 1 lo-, FuII.ims orBUxl Ki t-w Ha' , fa Ty t il c HlomacU N.fuieu,. lUarllnir. , O s .u t ior Pood, Fulness or Wdglit in hiojnut'h, . Sour Eructations, Sinking or Flutleiing id Ilic Pit of the Stom ach. Swimniing of the Haul, Hurriecl and Dilllcull lirefitliing,'. Fhuteriug nt tho heart, Choking or silff c ili ig sensations when in a Ivin'g poslu.e. Dimness of Yission, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever ami Hull Pain In the Head, Hctlciciicy of Perspiration, Yellow ness of tho skin ti'nd Eyes, Pain in the Side, Rack, ( hisf, Limbs, in.; Sudden Flushes of Heat, Ilnrn'uig in the Flesh, Constant Imagin ings of Evil, and great Ucprcssion of Spirits. And will positive! prevent Yellow Fever, Hilious Fever, Are. Tliey coutttln no Alcohol or bad Whiskey ! They will . cure Iho nliovi diseases lu ninety-nine cases dui of a hundred. The proprietors have thousands of Letters from the most eminent CLEHOYMKX, LAW YERS, I'll YS1C1A.'Saxi CITIZENS, I 'Slify ing of their own personal knowledge, to the bciielicial effects und medical virtues of then Hitters. - t Wo yi 11 want something to strengthen you f Do you want a good appetite ? Do you waul to build up your constitution ? DoytMi want to feel well ? . .a Do you want to get rid of nervousness ? ; Do you want lo sleep well ? Do you want a brisk and vigorous feeling ? It you do, uselloolliind's Herman Hitters. From Rev. J. Nu 11 11 ISrown, D. D.. Editor of the Encyclopedia .of Religious Knowledge. .. Although not disposed to . favor or recom mend Patent 'Medicines lu general, through distrust of. their ingredients and effects ; I yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man niav not testify to tno benefits he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, iu the hope that he may thus contribute to thu benefit of others. I do this the more readily In r gard to Hootland's German bitters, prepared by IV. C. JI. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against them for r.Umy years, under the impression that they were chiefly an alco holic mixture. I am indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Es;., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tesis, and for encour agement to try them, when suffering from great and long continued debility. Tho use of three bottles of this Hitlers, at the beginning ot Iho present year, was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodily und mental vigor which I lind not felt for six months before, and had almost despaired' of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for directing me to the use of llioin. J. NEWTON BROWN. Philadelphia, June TJ, lt;i. PARTICULAR NOTIE. ' There nre maiiy preparations sold under thu name of Hitters, put up in quart bottles, com. pounded of the cheapest whiskey or common rum, costing from -U to 40 cents per gallon, the taste disguised by Anise or Coriander Seed. This class of Hitters 1ms caused and will continue to cause, as long ns they can be sold, hundreds to die the death of the drunkard. Ry 'their use the system is kept continually ' under the intlucncc of Alcoholic Stimulations of the worst kind, the desire for Liquor is created ami kept up, and the result is all the horrors attendant upon a drunkard's life nnd death. For those who desire and will have a Lbpior Hitters, we publish the tol lowing re ceipt. Oct one bottle of Hootland's German Hitters and mix with three quarts of good brandy or whiskey, and the result will he a preparation that will far excel In medical vir tues and tine excellence any of thu numerous Liquor Hitters in the market, und will cost much less. You will have all the virtues of Hoof land's 11111011! In connection with a good article of Liiiuor, at a much less price than these in terior preparations will cost vou. ATTENTION, SOLDIERS ! AND TIIK FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. Wc call the at tention of nil having relations iu the army to the tact that '-Hoolland't German Hitters" will cure nine-tenths of the diseases induced by exposures nnd privations incident tocamp life. In the lists published 'almost daily in the news papers, on the arrival of thu sick, it will la noticed that a very large proportion arc suffer ing from debility. Every case of that kind can be readily cured by Hootland's German Hitters. Diseases resulting from disorders of the diges tive organs are speedily removed. We have no hesitation in stating that, if these Hitlers were freely used among our solditrs, hundreds ol lives nuglii ne saved that otherwise will be lost. We call particular attention to' the fol lowing remarkable nnd well authenticated cure of one .of the nation's heroes, whoso life, to use his own language, '-has been saved by the Hitters ;" Philadelphia, AucustS.'l, ist!2. 3feMr-Jonri B- V.Vw j Well, gentlemen, your Hootland's German Hitters has saved my life. There is no mistake in this. It is vouch ed Inr by numbers of my comrades, some of whoso names are appended, and who were fully cognizant of all the circumstances of my case. ' 1 am, and have been for the last four years, a member of Sherman's celebrated bat tery, and under the immediate command of Captain R; R. Ayers, Through the cx)osuro attendant upon my arduous duties, I was at- tacked in November last with inHumiillou of the lungs, and was for seventy two days In the hospital. - This was followed by gnat de bility, heightened by nn attack of dysentery. I was then removed from tho While House, and sent Ui this city on board tho Stcn rcr "State of Main," from which 1 landed on thu 2fth of June.,. Since that time I have hern about as low ns anv one could k und st(U re tain a spark of vitality. For a week or more I was scarcely able lo swollow anything, ami il'I did forco a morst'l down, it was immedi ately thrown up aguiu. -1 could not even keeu a glass of water oh my stomach. Life could not last under these circumstances 1 und,- ac cnrdiuu'lv, tho physicians who had lieon work lngliulhUuly, though uiiKUceevfully, to roseoe me from thu grasp ut' Utv xw Archer, frank ly told mo they could do uo wore (or me, n,d mlviced me to sec a clergymntv aud to Uiako such disposition of my limited tuiula as best suited me, An noqnaitilnnco whovbhort uto at tho hospital, 'Mr. Frederick Steiibom of Sixth below Arch street, advised me, ns a tnt ban hope, to r- your Hitters, and kindly pro cured h Ixittto. From the time I commenced1 t iklng. them the gloomy shadow of death rfc ceeded, unci 1 tun now,' thank God for It, gH--ling better. Though 1 hive taken but two' lutiles, I havo gained fi-it kiiuuK und feel' sanguine of bc)ng pi rmtttcd lo rejoin hiy wife and daughter, from whom 1 have heanl noth--hig for e'htccu months.; for, genllenit-nj T am il liiyiil Virginian, from the vicinity of Front Rnynl.' To your Invaluable Hitters 1 otto the gb riouh privilege of again chispingto rtly bo--som those who sro dourest to me in life: .Very truly yours, JHAAG M'A WWt We.ruHy concur In- tho truth of llfo show statement, as wo bad despared of scclnF our comrade, 'Mr'. Malone, restored fo liealiu, . it John CuthrlchnckV' Isf New York RmWt Geo. A.- Aokley. Co; C.s- Mv M't Uwli CheyiOinr, ad ji IvK Scie 1st A lillcry. Uatlory F. J. IU- a.Holl, Co, R ad Vermont j IL K JforthV' Coi U. Vt. t 11. f. Miirdoniddi Coi CV (ttlVMihiei -J. (. - Ward. Co. K. nth Mnlnoi II. Koch, Co. II, y& N, Y. 1 N. 11 TluxtSis. Co. h mk Imn. 1 A. 4. Kimball, Co. A lid 't t J, Jieniiins Co, B. lomh ivnn. Rkwaiu-! tnf ' ttan:rfcrrfi ! Si tW tbn signature of ) M. Jacksctt,' kinu the wranrr ol each botkks I'nce pet bottle 7eU, or lutlf do, for 4 01). Should your MOatest difUggest' not have tiho- article, do not by put off by any of the llvtotcutliu preparations ttmt may It' olTci-cd ill - lis pirate, but send to us, and w will I'orMiard, secmiily packed, by express. ' ,. Prbu'hiid olllee iviul Mnnufactorv. No. M.V ,' Arch St.-' ilONKSt EVANS; (Sun-mson tof C. M. Jackson & Co.,) ProprhhT.""-4, u STJ-ror saio ny 1 r.uggists, and, VXsiln ijtf every town In tho United Slates. Mav Mh lxit,'l iv. For sale by V,'. 1,', CREIGH,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers