The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, August 11, 1863, Image 1

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" 'ii.n Aj- r 'fj
'1 ,Uv.rn.j
' the Noblest motive is the public c.dbb. "
I : ftoMisiier k Pi'oprleW
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it, m. im7,-Aja,0,
vrorricn, 4W aw, . .
qipaMti lU Cimrl limit, WagnfiilitifiJ, Ni
. Ms Month. In advance, i Onn year,
in 1rnn, 43,00 wlihln tho year fl,'i'; if
Hoi paid witwn tin year, ,..
(Tbmwi terms will In irtrktly ndliered to.
. XnvKiiTiiirMr.trriilnw!rtc(1 fitr tl.iR per trinnrR
for the flrnt tlirM Initertiiind, und 'lit cunt for
rarlk Ktdltlonal Inmirtlim. A rcliirtlon will
W uiiKla on xlvvrlUcmcuU of half or whole
Xim Work done nt till office In tlie nentest
Ann m'rttt expcdltiou mnnner, and on reMona
1il term.
4 Mithaf4Hta 4vHA ia not irlv flllwM no-
Vlca 'trt th contrft lto connldcrud as wUlilng
Vo continue thnir suhw!rlplVon.
2. If nhs'iHNts wlcr the discontinuance ot
Vhob neA)VcTs, tha pttl)Uihe Winy continue
, ataA Iniiin until all arrearages ate paid.
. If sultscrinnrs nejtlect otf IWto to tnko
fielr newnpapers from the nflfWc trt liirh they
Vi're directed, they are held rif. onrtblc until
, they hare settled their bills nWhe.t tlwm
tllncnntinneil. ,
1. Ifsulcrlbcrrewvelootlicr t)lar4with
out Informlns; the pnltttslie'r. mkUiia )ip
ncrs are sent to the fortnef direction, llicyare
held responsible.
B. The Courts havn also repeatedly dccMttd
thnta Post Master who neglects o perform his
duty of living reasonable notice as required by
Ilia regulations of the Post Office DepArtMent,
f the neglect of a person to take from the office
i newspapers addressed to him render the Pt
Master liable to the publisher for the subscrip
tion price. ,' ' , ;
PenTest love, thi you remember
When we last did neet
How you told me thut yott loved Yfte,
Kneeling at- my feel f
Oh ! how proud you stood befofe me,
' In your suit of blue,
Vhen you vowed to me and country, i
Ever to be true; ' ; . '
--W-.-.... -';..';.: u.'L::
' Weeping sad and lonely,
Hopes and fenrs how Tain,
Yet praying when this cruel war Is over,
Praying ! that we may meet again.
When the Bummer btceto is sighing,
Mournfully along!
Or when autumn leaves are tailing,
Sadly breathes the enj,
Oft in dreams I see thee lying
r On the battle plain,
Lonely, wounded, even dying . :
Calling, but hi vain. '
v Weeping, sad and lonely, &c.
If amid the din of battle,
; : Nobly you should full,
'Tax away from those who love you,
None to hear you call :
Who would whisper words of comfort,
. , . Who would sooth your pain ? .
. , . Ah ! the many cruel fancies .
Ever In my brain.
' ' ,WecP'DB' "d &Q1 lonely, &c.
But our country calledyou, darling,
,v ! Angels cheer your way,
While our nation's sons arc fighting,
"'" We can only pray.
J' Nobly strike for God and Liberty,
I Iet all nations see
' How we love our starry banner,
Emblem of the free. .
Weeping, sad and lonely, &c
lneulters and Invaders, why com ye here to
Bpoiu ,
JCns-rw yenof, ye nigger drivers, that you're
.'.i-o ireadinjt on free soil t
Tht every turf Is watered by the sweat of
konert toil r
Back to your native bondage, and dare to
1 1 .r . tempt the fate
TBat is sure to overtake and overwhelm you
Y'Jri oon or lnte'
Fosyoor wicked, mad Invasion of our noble,
Keystone State I -
!,- I ii..-.i
TheKeyrtoneoftheglorloui arch you strive
'to topple down,
But which shall stand In your despite, with
II us oia renown
"Oae out of many " still Its scroll, and Union
l stillltB crown. A ,
.ycidpthsand Vandal of the Bouth, encamp
ing on our plains, .
Jflmt you may shed your brothers' blood, like
'. j i. Just no many Cslna, 1 i
We elould'nt wonder If you had your labor
for your pains. . k ... ,
Them was a song your niggers sung in peace
f"1") M dare of yore,
' Trial you will have, we rather gtiesa, to sing
. a few times more,
"Oh, carry uU back Oh carry us back, to old
Vlrglnny' shore I" ,
And when, yon rebel rascals, you're carried
back Indeed
Xlko horses or like donkeys displaying all your
" ' speed,
'Twill be because of your deserts at length
you've got the Mkaos. .
ivt 2, im. PARK DEXJAMIK.
Hn .gtirft
. "
Oajitain Vfm 0. Lindsey.
Tribute of respect by the bar.
At tile1 announcement of the fledlll Of
C'nit William C. Limlsey, tlio members
of the barwtml olTutcrs of the Court of
(Jrct'iiti cotliiiy, liuld n meeting, nt which
the following proceeding were had :
Un motion of1 11. W. Downey, Esq.,
John l'lielitii, ,,., was called to the
chulr, nnd IJ. 11. 1. Ilitds, Esq., elected
K. W. Downey, Esd.; in a few brief1
remnrkx, paid ft high tribute td the char
acter f if the decensed.
On motioti of C. A. Black, Esq., n
committee consisting of J. A J. Buchan
an, It. W. Downey and C. A. Ulac.k,
Esqrs., was appointed by the chair to
prepare resolutions expressive
senso of the meeting.
Tlio said committee, through itsciluil
man, made tiio following report i
Wiikhkas, We have heard with deep
regret, of tho death of our esteemed
brother, Cant. William C, Lindsey, who
fell nt the head of his columns whilst
leading a gallant charge on Hagerstovvn.
And whilst we would fain have him
spared, to fill a mission commensurate
with his intellect, his patriotism and va
lor, wo nevertheless bow in sadness,
though submission, to. the will of Him
who knowcth Ai.r,
Our young brother was permitted to
practice with us, and remain long en
ough among us to establish his charaiiter
as an able though honorable practitioner,
a fvere critic of the literature as well as
learning of the bar, and a high toned
and rom-icous ceiitleinaii. ,
Being unselfish, and exalted in his
own thoughts:, he nlwnys mu.isiued oth
ers by ih'e standard of his own menu,
which ever enable 1 him to pass in one
step from (KqiutinUmce to a fitenddip that
was not apt to break. As a prornhnul
man, his months had only marked one
year on the dial plate of time yet hav
ing stepped, in advance of young men of
his years, to a heavy practice at the bar,
we had siflhYieut business intcrcourte
With him to justify us in the belief that
his clear niatheniatical mind, his literary
taste, his untiring energy, his methodical
habits, his glowing imagination, his un
selfish friendship, mid his high colloquial
powers, which gave ns cause to guard
agalilst hint as an adversary 'around the
council table, but love hfm as an compa
nion around the social board 'would
lead him to distinction in his profession
But As it lias pleased a kind LVovidenco
to SUttimon him lo courts of higher au
thority, it is a md, yet sweet privilege,
of turning for consolation to the memory
of his deeds; they aro written on the re
cords of our courts; they are stamped on
many a Held of martial glory, that will
form themes for pages of our country's
history, and engraven on tho hearts of
all who knew him, and it only remains
for ns to ,
Xetotoe That it is with unfeigned re
giet we heard of the death ofoures
teemed brother; and although ho fell
covered with the honors of the patriot
soldier, and a martyr to the noblest
cause that ever graced humanity, we can
not, in our Bullishness, but express the
wish that he might have been spared a
littlo longer to serve his country with his
valor, and bless his friends with his com
pany. , ., j
Jfeolwd, That iu . the conduct of our
deceased brother, wo ever mot an exem
plification ofjprofessioual ethics, and soci
al duties, tii at now contribute a double
pang at his death, but a bright example
in his memory. ,
, Resolvxl, Tuat we tender to tho family
and friends of the deceased our condo
lence and sympathy tor the Bad bereave
ment that has befallen them.
Resolved, That as a testimony of resnoot
for our deceased brother, wo attend the
funeral as a body, and wear tlio usual
badge of mourning for thirty days.
Rmolved, .Thai a copy of these proceed
ings be furnished the . family of the de
ceased. On motion of C. A. Black, Esq., the
proceedings of this meeting be published
in the county papers. '
D. R. P. Hush, Sec'y.
Waysesbuko Lodok, No. 153, A. ,;
Y. M., July 23,'18L3, A. L. 58C3. ;
SpKciur.MKBTiS(.--The Lodge being
oueued in due and ancient form, the. W.
M. stated the object of the meeting to be
the consideration of the death, and prep
aration to inter the body of our late es
teemed brother, Capt,. Win, C. Lindsey.
"When, on motion, it was resolved that
the Lodge pay the expenses of convey
ance to t he friend.
Itemlwdf That Bros. J. A. J. Buchan
an, James S. Jennings and Wm. Bailv
be appointed a committee to prepare
resolutions appropriate to the ad occa
sion; rrom which committee the chair
man made the following report i '
' It has pleased the great Architect of
tne universe, tne nod who sits in judg
ment over an tne eartn, to drop the fatal
shaft on the vrf, and summon from the
field ot tho patriots labor, onr youthful.
gallant, kind, talented and beloved broth
er, Capt. Win. Lindsey. Ho fell at tho
head of his columns, leaving to his men
the inspiration ot an example that caus
ed them to stand nnd fight till Ilagers
town became entitled 'to the name of the
"dark nnd bloody ground" of the great
With tearful eyes nnd heavy hearts
to gfltittHS,
we bow in humble submission to the
great behest, feeling" a relief, though
mournful it be, iri tHC reflection1 thitt lie
weiit dawn the "dark and narrow way'
in the shade of tho "Flag" ot his heart's
loved homo! . Patriot Brother ; unselfish
friend t gifted ydilth, farewell ! Lifes
morning sun had but just lit up the
chambers of A majestio mind, 3 tltfblo
heart in you, and though they are now
extinguished, ne have the consolation to
know they went ont on that alter Capable
of refleclirig their virtue, whilst Ameri
can nationality has n name, or liberty a
hoirie among her people. Narrow, in
deed, will be the mantel required to cor
ver thy faults. Among humanity's fa
vored few, yorlr memory lives, unstained
and bright as the spotless robes of purity.
As we witness the tears of the young
and the old, the male and the female, thd
rich arid the pool', mingling at the mere
mention of thy fate, we Cannot but feel
the shaddws ot a passing joy in tlie
belief .that Providence cut ytnt down in
the centre of that friendship's circle
which extended co-evil with your 'ac
quaintance. Therefore, yielding to the
Almighty l"iat, we can only pay the poor
tribute of mortal love by resolving
1st. That it is with feelings of sadness
Wo (here assembled) ldok upon your va
cant seat, tiiiss tho sound ot your voice
in councils of wisddnl, and rctlect that on
earth we will Bee or hear you no more
forever. That we feel most keenly a
great loB4 in tho reflection that a kind
heart and clear head have passed from
the brotherhood of the living to the "si
lent city of the dead;" but tilh pleasure
we remember yod as due of those whose
faults are too dim to be st'e'il in the bril
liancy ot their virtues.
2d. That it is with feelings (it priJe
we remember the anxiety of our lamen
ted brother to return, from the quiet ot
home and the-lcve of friends, (to whoiri
he had camo on leave of absence to be
nurtured in sickness,) to share the glo
ries and dangers of tlie battle field with
that main' courage- beaming in his eye
that irave us an assurance he intended to
swim th roil 2I1 seas of blood, with his
country's flajr, orsink beneath it 8 shadow.
It seemed as thouch his restless spirit
lonercd for duty on the field, -and whilst
friends were imploring him to stay a lit
lie longer; with him the sentiment was
"0 hold my hands while yet you may, love
of in V earlier veare.
And wet my face, my mother, with thy promt
ami naii icnrs l ' "
And bless me again my father bless :
Wain. I Hr.iv !
I1 or I hear the bn!le-I hetr tho drum I havo
but an hour to stay."
3d. That as a testimony of respect for
the memory of our deceased brother, wo
attend his funeral fts a body, and wear
tho usual badge of mourning for thirty
di'ys: .. ... . .
4 Hi. That a copy 01 tlicso resolutions
be furnished tho family of the deccascd,
with tho assurance ot our own heartfelt
sympathy For them in this the hour of
their affliction.
5th. That tho proceeding be record-
e l on tho minutes of tho Lodge, and
published in the county papers.
, Buchanan Defaced.
Tho editor of the Soranton Republican
says : ,"We saw a curious embellish
ment tho other day, a five dollar bill on
tho Pottsville Bank, which contains on
otio corner a vignette of James Buchan
an. Some loyal persons had bunged his
eyes with. red Silk, drawn a gallows above
his head, from which a rope was suspen
ded, that went round his neck, and then
branded his forehead with the word ' Ju
das." This is but one of hundreds.
The, bank has had to call in all its issues
with that portrait on it, so unmistakea
ble are .the manifestations of popular in
dignation against tlio man who might,
had he had the will or pluck, have nip
ped this thing in the bud, as Jackson did
before him." ...
Somk time since the Ohio Statesman
published a poem entitled "The Demo
cratic Banner," the editor, George vV.
Manypenny,' bestowing many commen
dations upon it,' and adding, 4 We are ob
liged to our lady correspondent 'Holen'
for her patriotic effusion." The "Helen"
turned out to bo a masculine, and tho
poem an acrostic, the first letters of the
lines forming the following beautiful tri
buto to the victimized editor : , "Geoige
W. M inypenny ts a great jackass and a
uuiur vu uuuu :
'' llow woNDicuifui.. It is that of more
than a thousand millions of human faces,
each covering , but the space of a few
square Inches, no two should be alike I
What ben eficence, ns well as infinite
skill, is shown by the Creator in this
beautiful arrangement I And what incon
venience would ensue among lovers, hus
bands and wives, parents and cildren,
debtors and creditors, if all these distin
guishing marks should be obliterated. .
Tub diafted men at Pittsburg, N. Y.,
numbering . three hundred, celebrated
the "election" by music, a procession,
repented cheers for the President, Pro
vost Marshal, General Meade, and oth
ers. '
.' Tub ago of a young lady is now ex
pressed according to the present style of
skirts, by saying that eighteen springs
have passed over her head I
tote, j $gnntal, omp anil
PA., TUESDAY, AUGUST 11; 1863. ,
2Ii Visit to "iJIIr Buchanan .
An Interview With feraando Wood and a
. Visit lo tier. Seymour.
. '; ' STAFF. ; ; ;.:
To 3fy Old Fiifnd of tint Pkladelpfiiit
Daily News .Yo'n see I got sd many
cuffs and curses ' about those' letters I
wrote you a little afore Uncle Abe's eleo
f ion, that I havQ kept quiet ever since.
But when a fellow is actually tWrfull,
he must either explode or boil over ; so
I'm going to lift up the lid and lilt oilt'a
little steard, just td bidder a great public
calamity, stfc.h aa-niy death would be,
Well, as t expected, the "off leaders"
of our party wentover Niagra, inoluding
Breckirir'idge,! Drtvls, and our "Southern
brethren" geiiewilly. '- Douglas, he just
laid down and died, and hi pnl'tlctilur
friends scattered pretty Widely alter his
funeral, and for sonle months I actually
went wandering about to nnd our party,
like Jacob Faithful in search' of his
father. ' ' - '' "
After awhile, I went np to Valldnituj
ham, who, as he" made the most noise,
had the biggest Crowd around him, and
asked where I Could find ''the party." .
"Major," says he, "I'll give yon a liile
to a few of the sachems. Our real head
quarters now af Philadelphia." So he
gave me a bunch of letters; and I made
For the Quaker City by the next train.
When I got odt at the Prime street
depot, I pulled out my letters, and I
tltiVef Was 'more struck in my ldng event
ful life. I read first, Lawyer Ileed, next
Lawyer Rmdull,- next Lawyet Wharton.
By thunder, says I, somebody has swap'
ped coats with me ; these names point to
the rankest ot Old Nfctft eoumellors they
wore every oue attorneys of the Chestnut
street monster, find I'd as soon call on a
cannibal as Oil either of 'em. But when 1
felt in the othe pocket and found my
knife and tobacco there, and found the
mended platte in the right cuff, so that
there was no nVistake as to the coat, 1
suspected that Vol. had played a mean
joke on me, and had given mo letters to
these friends of Kiddle Rd as to have me
snubbed. I fult like going right back
and or.imraiug' (he -envelopes down his
roaring thi oat. v4ut oir second thought
rtctci'ifiinecUt5o tip to Lancaster and seo,
Mr.' Buchanan; and ask him whether
such treatment was according to the
Constitution! '
Sure enough, there I found J. B, pal j
and cold as usual. He told me the let-
tors were all 'right. Says he "xhese
are our patrori Democrats now."
"Well," says I, "this beats .ill my for
mer trials its. worse than nigger recruit
ing.' I wouldn't feel safe in conference
or company with thein. I'd rather go
down and take my luck with the remains
ot the old Kitchen Cabinet, viz : Globe,
Blair and P. M. Amos."
"Ah Major," said he, "you are nt once
too ndhesive and too suspicious. The
world turns, and we must turn with it.
You stick tod fast to old friend's a"d
tako hold ot new ones too slowly. Yon
had better not lose this opportunity of
calling On ottf late Extraordinary Envoy
to China. ' See how his acquaintance
might, advance your social btatiw."
"Mr. Buchanan," says I, "you'll please
to speak English when you speak to mo.
I want none of Squire lteed's 'social sta
tus,' whatever that may be. I want a
few real Democrats." ,
"I .begin to understand your case,
Major," says he. "and I now think of a
couple of ourfolks with whom you will
be both safe and satisfied. I can com
mend you to Fernando Wood and Hora
tio Seymour of New York." ' '
"They sound rather better," says I.
"At least I don't think they Were among
the Biddlo Whigs thirty years ago." j
"No, indeed,", says ho ) "but, Major,
you shouldn't have such a dread of the
Biddlo name. ; Don't you know that Oul'
Colonel Biddlo is Nicholas Biddle's own
son!"- .,''.;; ..-iv. .....''
"What I that Congress man who cus
sed the nigger so, and said he could smell
!cm far off, and that Lincoln meant to
put them abOVe the whites, and all that !"
"That's the very man, Major," Said he.
. "For gracious sake, Mr. Buchanan,"
says I, "don't tell me any more. Give
me the letters, that I may start to New
York before the very points of the corn
eas cat ohanared." And so he wrote
me an introduction to F. Wood and II.
Seymour,' aud slipped the note into an
envelope of the color of skimmed milk,
audi made a bee line for tho oars in
short time, i- : ' : '
- I had - no trouble obont finding Mr.
Wood in Nfiw York, I toll you. :. Ever
body knows- him there. Every fellow
that is oroinz Into' a grog shop, or com
ing out of one, or lying down in one, is
his friend. ?fAs soon as he rend my namo
in the note he shook hands with me, and
asked how I was, ihow I had-been, and
how I would like to bo all in- one breath.
I thanked Dim heartily, and said that
when it suited, I would like to see the
othor trentleman, Mr. Seymour.
"That's our Governor,'' aid he, "and
ho is up at Albany. . You may stay here
a month with mer you shall have a free
ticket up fo tho Capital to-morrow.
Make yourself at home and at ease."
By thunder, thinks I, this is certainly
the very fellow I have been in scorch ot
ever since ! the General died i nnd so,
when I said I felt tired, ho crooked his
finger at ode of his five hundred attend-
ants that stood afdlind, and told him td
show mo to my room, and the gentleman
took hold of my' arm, called the chaise,
and landed ite dt the New Tork ' Hotel
in fifteen minutes The next day we
had. a pretty long talk about peace and
the war, aud then about' peace again.-r-We
exchanged several wrinkles, and be
fixed a day to go np wMl me td AlbsiiyY
i Punctual to tho minute, off W set,
talkinsr about peace all the war. rW e
foUnd Mr. Seymour in his parlor- witli.
Ilis feet in patent leather, and his hands
in white" kids, one of which he tore a
little in taking off to shake hands With
me. I lie said he loved General Jackson
above, all men, and me next. .to him
"Now." savs Wood, "my name is FeM
nando, his is Ilurrasho.and yours is Ma
ior Jack this is between ourselves."-
. "Precisely so," says I, and when we
three go out on picket duty, t!tettt;'ll be
our watchwords.", -. .'.,( r '
' . "Picketduty, indeoasays Fernando;
"I'm for w.""' '' " I '". i:
"No, no," says' Ilurrasho, "I'm for a
vigorous prosecution of the war." ; i ,'
. v "And I'm for both,", saysi, "as wng
as it '11 serve the party." ,
" "Major you're a trump," says both of
them. "Lut's introduce him to 'Glorious
Little Mac' at once," says Fi
"The very thing," says It.Mind then
ho telegraphed to McClellan. . Then we
look drinks all round, sipping and talking
leisurely, and, jUst as I was lifting my
glass for the last time, I heard a penny
whistle in the entry, and tllty said that
was a sure sign that Mao was close by.
"Well, really," says I, "I reckon he
Wasn't 'tother side of the Potomac when
the Governor called him, considering
the time it took him to cross it last fall."
"Ah, he moves differently, now," said
Fernandoi , "Here he is" and then the
Governor rose and piit my hand over to
"Little Glorious," and we shook hands,
and my three new friends seemed quite
pleased, and I joined in the fun.
Directly Mao aBked mo what Wars I
had been in. , l.- ' '
"Never farther than the militia mus
ters of Dowingville,1! said L
Then, you should have seen how the
three looked at one another, and then
Littlo Glorious called otuV'Why the
Major must be my chief of staff," which
announcement 'was received j with applause;-
Fernando saying it was a deci
sion worthy of Napoleon. , .
Sd, here I unuj'Chjef of Staff' to Glo
rious Little :Mac. '.' After this if my lelters
small of powdtir, dou't be surprised ; but
believe mo, J. DOWNING.
Major Downingville Militia.
i i
Gen: McClelland and the LnlcRloti:
On Thursbny last, says the New York
Contnwc'al Advertiser, Gen.,
while at Orange N' J., received two
very urgent dispatches Honl Governor
Sevmoii, asking him to come to New
York and assist in restoring order, j In
obdieence to the request of tho Gover
nor, General, came to toWh,
went to the St. Nicolas Hotel, and had
an interview with the Governor. Ihe
Executive was oery much excited with
the condition of affairs and asked Gen. to go up to the scene of the
rioting, on the east side of the city, and
aMdrcss the people, stating that a speeph
from him would quell the riot. Gener
al t.4Jt. replied : "If I go up to
the people, n you cull them, it will not
be with a speech, but with grape and
canister." The General then withdrew
iu good order leaveing the Goverrnor
much chagrined that the .General was
notwilliug to adopt tactics simoiar to
. . i , : , .
Ins own, ana -spcaK to 1119 pcopie. ;
A Rciulnlsccnec of the Rebellion. ,
.Tlip guns captured by General Gn.-
Mouii, 011 Morris isinna were tne pieces
with which the traitors opened the war
of the rebellion. A reminiscence of these
samo batteries is related by the Washing
ton Republican. When the South Caroli
na commission was here demanding tiat
our Govcrnmeut should transfer Major
Andkuson'b forces .from Fort Sumter to
Fort Moultrie' telegrams in cypher, pass
ed between them and the Governor ot
South Carolina. These telegrams were
Interpreted by one ot our shrewdest tel
egraph managers in the American office,
and this is the purport of two of thera :
Fhom CiiAKMUTON. "The work u.icn
the batteries goes gloriously on." Fkom
Washington. " We have no confidence
that the President will order Anuiikson
to Fort Moultrie", but we stay here in or
der to give you time to erect your : bat
teries." ,1 .11 -vis -.if. -I '--fi'
; . , :, -l '. . in; (':
A Shrewd Jrjck During the Riot. ).
"The howling 'mob of last week, says a
New York paper, . espied a Major of a
volunteer regiment alone in one of the
avenues, ami gavo chase. , He ran, .but
the ruffians gained upon him, until final
ly he lookedfor a convenient shelter in
order to save himself." Just ahead of
him was a-hatcher's-shop; into which he
turned, divesting himself of his uniform
coat and throwing it under a stall.. : Sea
sing n long knife and a olever, the Ma
or fell nt work quietly upon a side of a
beef, cutting and carving it with great
composure. The formost ruffians soon
rushed in, demanding to know "where
that ofiicer was 1" but the volunteer
butcher, who by this time had got him
self professionally bloody, Vhnd .aeon no
officer." The.mub believed him, turned
away, nnd went ranging up the street in
search of a new victim. But the cool
Major was sate
itic jjp
'- ; ' : : : 'H 11 1 ': ' fltO'ff'
Tins' following soldier's
letter is put).
lishdby request!
Mf 22d, 1863.
' Dbab Auirrs I once more drop yoa a
fine. am not ns well as nanttl 1 am,
however doing dfity, bnt.'am by no
menus fit ' I ' am inwardly' Weak, but
many of onr officers in this "crnel War"
htfVe dot the slightest de'gree of :ymp
thy lor their fellowman. - Many empty
brained things that weaf shoulder itrapi,
just have sense enough to know when
they are hungry and no mora, destitute
of all feeling, the poor, ignorant, insig
nificant whelps think their bark 1 will
clothe them with immortal power.
They are marked by the soldiers, the
most of whom are their m per r , and
When this "orul war Ai oiw," they will
have' a stigma upon them that will 'dis
grace their offiiprlng, oven to thai third
generation.' Many, indeed, will not - bs
suffered to live. - They will- be shot with
less cersrbony than sheep thieving dogs'.
: I tTust these lines may find you in the
full enjnymen of health. Twill now
give you a synopsis of our long, tedious
aud laboiious march. Doubtless, as
you have already learned, old Lee with
his starved and motley crew left : his
strong hold Opposite Fredericksburg, be
tween the 5th and 12th of June. The
yankees, being always wide awake when
the blackhiarts tire in motion, Were ap
prised of the same by the offensive smell
when they emerge from their dens, were
in quick - pursuit. Marching on double
quick the distance of f25" miles ve came
up with them at Gettysburg, Pa. . Tho
oontest soon begun and when the history
of this cruel war shall be beautifully
written and published to the world, it
will be seen to have been among the
most terrific,- fierce and destructive of
the war, and one, too, amongst the most
brilliant victories. Once the old tdry
succeeded in leading his starved crew
upon the soil of tho Old Keystone, and,
once their stomachs were filled, and once
too, the green earth tt the old State was
saturated with tory ,blood. TrilB, Hlany
noble defenders of their Country, fell up
on that bloodstained field. However,
the number was small, when compared
with that of the rebs, in that bloody
struggle. We slew, and gobbled up thir
ty five or forty thousand "grey-backs."
.r . 1 .1 - ft'rtT!nf &
v e men pursued mum 10 vv nimiiisuoi u
JJai'ylaiiU. Here both armies lay lit line
of battle two days without fli'mg a sin
gle canhort. Here, 111 my judgment, kee s
head was too ions tor General MeaJe s,
consequently, he stole a march upon him
and succeeded in recrossiug tho river.
I anl inclined to think, had we pounced
unon them at, the proper time, we could
hare bagged the old Fox and all his
cubs. We are now eu route, I can't tell
Where. However, in tho direction of
fredi rleksbursr. Lvlne- this morning, in
Louden Co., Va., 25 niHes south of Hor
ner's Ferry. Kenort says Lee is now
surrounded ttlld Ciin't possibly get out.
This mnv be even so. but 1 think it is
very doubtful. He is a cunning old fox,
and such an olio In the box or bag is
worth two in tho hole
I will now sa,Y a few words in refer
enco to our old brigade. Known as
Kkmih.e's brigade, but subsequently
commanded by the brave nnd sallnnt
Caul, and nt this time eotnnl.lllded by
Colonel Jostii'lk Snyder, of West Va.
Much as editors and correspondents have
promulgated In referenco to the treble
deeds of other brigades, they seem to
have been as silent as the grave in refer
ence to the first named brigade. How
ever, for this brigade, wo ask no favors.
Nothing but that which is duo it, and
thtitweihink wo are entitled to. Wo
do not desiitt ti speak ej-itistioally. We
scorn to boast. :ViIl, therefore s'nle a
few fuels, such ns w: nro, prepared to
authenticate. In doiiior this wo will
simply can to mum tuo woony ua-.ueo,
namely j Fredericksburg, Chaneolloi s
villo, Antiotara and Gettysburg. ' In the
bloody struggle of Antietam, whore yas
this brigade, that there has soarco been
any i.untion of it found! Most assuredly
in the heart of tho battle.' Where nt
Fredericksburg! Unquestionably in the
same. . Where at Chaiicellorsvillo ! -As
ever, before, where bomb and ball flow
fast and thick around theru. Where
were thev and what did thoy do when
the eleventh corps ran like scared sheep
Many 01 tnem not Biopping unui mcy
uime to the .river a distance of three
miles 1 some, indeed, did not stop there,
bat swam tho river and are running yet
for aught I know. ' They wore some
distance off, -but the lion voice of the he
ro. Carl, was distinctly hoard throughout
the brigade. -And what did thoy 'hear
from that animating voice I "Forward I
double quick, I charge t" , Did they obey
the 'command I Most assuredly, nnd,
veteran-likei" fought -to desperation- nnd
filially sucooeded in repulsing the same
that ha4puJJh..Hth corps to flight,
driving them out of and beyond their
rifle nits, cabturirig at the same time six
hundred rebs. Again, where wore they
found at Gettysburg 1 At their post, in
ths hottest 6f the oontest, 01100 moro
winning ilaurels that will nover . wither
nor fade, b recapturing n battery, where
scores of rebel cannon were concentra
ting their terrific flro, sustaining at the
samo time a serious loss. Our regiment
lost 44 in killed and wimndcd. 6 killed.
And, strange to tell oompuny F, 7th Va.
Vols., hnd not a sinclu bov to till), into
the icy arms ot death upon that blbfd,
milieu num. uub iour wounaaa-
.:...! B-1.J 1.... i-. S-M
Meine, wounded, in tho thigh, seriously,
, . ':-
and, in ell probability. will prove taor'
tal, Sanford Kendle reoeivyd qaitoaf- '
vera wound iri.tho shoulder, but. will
doubtless recover. Gorge Kendleand
James IHtJe were slightly woumied. OA. '
uxskwood or tlie 7th Va. Vol Kegt wan
wounded in the bin. anil nniK a wnknil
Would hava caused manvtn hv latt thit
field, and not have looked behind them un
til they had reached their homes or U boa
pital, but this old veteran sisapiwwsvie
sour face and the neat mom,Qi.tgare the
fdrdmaud. Let is be remembered, thin
old hero was the only Mi officer we ha4
in onr regiment doling thia oontest and
most nobly did he do bis duty. In jd
tide to this oia vtteran it is our duty t
say mat he lias not only proven himself
n orave ana eminent omcer, bat has been
a father to the boy 0 tba Jth Va. Vola.
neu ever aims post on tne maronaud
upon the tented fiold. And WheU th
tug and heat of bat tltf domes, he never
leaves nor forsakes his men. ' He ie brave
to tulL Indeed, be. Merer seems', td
enjoy .veil a, when bombs A
balls fly tat nd,thick ' around him, and
if the rtbs deslrrf to hdsh his vole, thev
will nave to shoot his heaoT offWh will ,
0 t . . is. ... . ..
nam mem until tne wane ot treason aru
battered down. "Then let me say, truth
fully to the people of little Greene, there
is much respect nnd honor due from you
to Colonel Look wood for his gallantry)
noble deeds aud the care and protection
ot your fathers, sous and brothers- i
Private, Company F, ,7th Va, V(pU.
Near Warrisgtox Junction, Va.; . p
July 28, 1863. f;
Mr L. K. Evans Dear Sir : I have
now a few spare moments, and as I have
not had time since the Gettysburg hattle
to forward you any particulars concern
ing Company A. ' The list of the killed, '
wounded and missing of Company A,t
appeared in your last rwer. it sliulitly
dlmnged. The number, however, is cor
rect. Ihe name ot Norval L. Fry 1
Norval L. Troy. Tile two nallnht Ser
geants, James M. Pipes and William A.
Brown, who were r jportd missing, were
wounued the latter mortally, and dutd
in a rebel hospital. foilF Miles from Get
tysburg. I learn since ins body .has
been taken homo. , Poor Will 1 , No
more is his Voice mingled with ours at
the close of a hard days march; when
seated around our eainn fires made of
flgdesh Mils. Will wits always ready for
duty, no matter how hard. . Ilis loss will
be much lamented by his remaininir com .
ritdes, ana nis bereaved friends Will re
member that we all condole with thenl
in their bereavements. The same I can
say to the friends ot Corporal Leroy
... 4 - . - - .1.. - . ' .. 7 . A- ft, . . ..
Spencer Greenlee. He was as noble a
soldier as ever faced the cannon's rnouthi
Dr. Sharp, assistant surgeon of die
UOth, who remained at Gettysburg with
the wo' .iided, came up yesterday, and
repdha the Wounded all doing wll.-
T.Ia.lft. PnrmMrt . tltn -....n..ftlli
ijivuv. AHiujw.i. . wily - mus. mjiivumif
wounded, is . getting along as well as
could be expected. . We miss our com
missioned officers much, .and hone the
time will not be long When some of them
will be able to return. Provision has
been made for the wounded to get homo
those who are able td go.
Ser'gt S. A, fltfrtNS, ,
Company A, 1 40tll fteg. P. V.
P S 1 learn from it letter received .
from Sergeant Pipes, since I closed thlsi
that John W. Eddy was in the hands of
the rebels, badly Wounded. . ,., : , . ,
A Itrare Girl. ' ,
A correspondent of tho News, relates
the following instance of bravery as e
hibited by a young lady at Chairtbflr
burg whilst tho "Thugs" of the South
nnd possession of that town. If the neA
of Chambersburg nnd vicinity had shown
ns much courage, tho town might havtt
been saved the disr .0 of tlie rebel
presence. ' ' ' . ' '
V. , , ,.,-a 11K11KI. j . .,' .. :
: "During tho rebel . invasion in this
valley there have been instances of indi
vidual bravery displayed, which forever
'live in story.'- i rdm many I take thl
following : t When the rebel . infantry
advanced under Ewull, medicines of
every description were immediately ap
propriated by tlleill front tile dnlg store
and physiciunif' ' ofliues, It happened
that a rebel sUi gedil damu iutd tlie ottitte
ot Dr. Richards of this town, and (k
niunded certain drugs. These WeTK giv"
en hitn. A demand having been1 mdw
by him, whioh the family wero unnble tar
supply, ho comiuenoed to search tho
house. The Doctor boing absent nn
opposition could be made. The rebel
had proceeded as for as the cellar whtcir
Miss Hichards interposed, and deolsred'
that he should go no further.. The reb
el paid no 1 Attention and - pushed on.
Miss Kiohards, anxious for the snfty of
a colored servant, whom she bud wtf
oealed in the cellar, grasped s aae, anil
raising it over her bead, . nohriine
"Advance one step farther sir, ad tit
ciU you tmuffhf" The mrfgeon, whe
it aflorwardt appoardtU was-the faraoua
Dr Todd, brother to Mrs. Linoolav
immediately mired." .1 1 --
A Hit wrnt Bonn. The potMe
song of thU thwJ 'When this1 Croel
War is Over." .. Wilhim the space ofa
few months 18(7000 copies of it hirre
been sold. ' Thw muslo nnd the Wbrd of
the ballad are not remarkable lor -beauty
or originality.,; BliV the melody catohee
tha-noDular ean. nnd the words- tonehi
SimouM'tKarjoDuUr heart: - We trivo th wAWik
jn ,Uotlisr columtv-
1. .