Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, December 31, 1881, Image 4

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    r Flie X> < y llevievv.
Towanda, Pa., Saturday, Dec. 31, 1331.
"Unity ZCvrit te" Only 35 crrt* per
month. Try it!
Bradford County Teachers Institute.
Opened by singing Old Folks at Home
Questions in nthmetic were assigned as fol
lows :
To Eugene Thompson, Patrick Lynch, Mr.
Burritt, Mr. Ilevcrly, E. H. Badger. Mr. (ill
icit, Mr. Woodrull. Mr. Brown, Mr. Patter
son, Henry Lung, S. M. Marshall, Mr. Han
som, Mr. Burgan; examples covering the
difficult. port'ons of the t<*.\t hooks.
Allied J. Knight recited the "School Mas
ter's Guest'' by Will Carlton. As the gentle
man is a skilful artist the selection brought
down .lie house. In response to a vigorous
enchoro Mr. Knight rendered "The Romance
of. the JSI eping Car," front the Burlington
Hawkeye. This was received with many
manifestations of approbation. The thanks
of the members was unanimously tender
C 'BB room drill visited Section F.
Mr. A. F. Bronson in charge. The subject
grammar —all busy.
Section 11. Miss Inez Smith in charge;
diagraming in grammar being the subject of
Seci'on J. Miss Minnie Grohs in charge;
Unusual interest appeared as various senten
ces were placed upon the blackboard.
In each room tlminstructors were active
*' i pr ,moling the interests of the teachers.
Miss Bogart gave a method of teaching pu
pils in reading, ha ving a class-drill. Exact as
to position and deportment, iter class appear
ed to good advantage. She required them to
write words upon the black hoard ami divide
into syllables, using all the necessary mark
In reading she had firs' the class read alter
nate words, she reading the others; then
pursuing the s one course with sentences; in
a few moments she gave a drill worth more
to pupils than a half dozen careless recita
tions; admitting t hat a careless recitation is
of any benefit. Interesting work in arithme
tic was done by the children, evidencing ex
cellent training. Further drill in geography.
Questions in grammar were presented, and
Mr. Burritt, Mr. Edward Brown, Miss War
ner, Miss Ida Stevens, Miss Minnie ('. Grolis,
Mr. McCollom, Miss Mattie Alleourt. and Mr.
Quintan were appointed to diagram or ex
plain as the ease required.
Mr. S. G. Johnson gave his method of
teaching grammar; lie is strongly in favor
of diagraming, especially with young stu
dents. Questions wore asked, and objections
rJs 'd to diagraming at all, inasmuch as anal
ysis must come first.
111*. Quinlan took up grammar, calling upon
various ones for answers to his questions.
The exercise was lively, and we give the
names who took part as far as we understood
Me srs. Thompson, Hillis, J. B. Harding,
Garrison, Brotison. Osborne, Lynch, Boving
don, McCoilom, Wiggins, McGuirc, Miss Jen
nings. Miss Doty, Mrs. Huston. Several la
dies took part, * but we failed to get their
Committee on discussion reported resolu
tions for disussion.
Scatter Seeds of Kindness, being sung,
questions were in order. A variety of them
was read by Mr. Albert for the committee.
Mosrs Hillis, Burritt, Ingham,C. M. Harding,
and Miss llillis, being called upon for an
swers. The question of pronouncing separ
ately, syllables in spelling, was decided af
firmatively. Several methods of persuading
pupils to study were suggested. Messrs
Duggiin, Osborne, Chubbuok. Prince, Burritt,
and Misses Coney, Petrie, and Cora Bowman,
were called upon to answer queries.
Mr. Bovtngdon recited a selection entitled
the Green Mountain System, which was well
rendered, and in a comical way, it illustrates
the peculiarities of the citizens of those
snowy regions.
A male quartette sang a selection with ex
cellent effect.
The subject of the county Institute was ta
ken up in order to get an expression as to
time, place and maimer of holding, and con
ducting it. Considerable discussion ensued,
a variety of opinions were expressed by
Messrs. Albert, Burritt, Thompson, Harding.
Young, (a visitor) Mr, Wilt, Mr. Hall, Mr.
Chubbuck, Mr. Vaughn, Mr. Bovingdon and
Mr. Brown.
The majority desired it to be held the first
week in January.
Music by a quartett composed as follows
Mr. Dann, Mr. Hillis,, Miss Lewis and Miss
11. C. Putnam gave a declamafion which
was well rendered, and received with ap
plause. It was a spirited description of the
storming of Mitsion Ridge.
Various topics relating to school government
and kindred subjects were discussed by
Messrs Albert, E. Z.Wood, Burritt, Bever
ley, Ingham, Dana, White, Brown, and 31 iss
The spire of St. Michael's was recited in a
thrilling manner by Miss Liliie Brink, ami the
pleasure of the audience manifested by ap
Some discussion in regarding the educa
tional department of the County fair, took
p]ace before adjournment.
Prof. Burritt conducted the devotional ex
ercises, afser winch Prof. 11 van announced
the programme for the day. C. M. Harding
continued the subject of decimals, having a
class drill. He illustrated his .method of
teaching pupils to write them and understand
why they use the decimal sign and till the va
cant places with cyphers.
Mr. Quintan took up percentage and hv an
alyzing thouroughly several problems, and
questioning, lixed upon the minds of his class
a clear conception of the problem, and then
the work is reduced to the four simple pro
cesses in arithmetic.
A committee on resolutions was appointed,
as fotlows: Mr W. A. Plummet*, Misses Em
mi Push ami Annie M. Petrie.
Mr. II i I lis was called to give, a lesson in
vo'.ee culture. He called attention to the de
fects of people in uttering words. By illus
tration he showed the class how full tones af
fect the muscles of the throat and how to de
velop them. A regular exercise ottwo min
utes each day. would in a school term great
ly improve the utterance of pupils.
A recess of three minutes.
Mr. Thompson then took up the subject of
tides. By the use of a globe he explained
the trade winds and the causes that produce
Mr. Burritt took tlie; subject history; topic,
the finance olthe United Mates up to 1.840. —
Began by reviewing the history of taxes; on
ly three times had the National Government
levied a direel tax on the States, viz: 1797,
1813 and 1815, and previous to 1810 hut lit
tle tax was eolleeted on imports. The first
protective tarilf laws weae passed in 1828. —
Itc corrected the prevalent idea that Jackson
removed the deposits of the U. S. Bank. He
removed the business of the government to
state banks, thus leaving the deposits to be
drawn out by regular process of business. —
Attention was called to several points of in
terest and showing how the present financial
system grew up.
I)r. Copeland, principal of Wyoming Sem
inary, was introduced, lie complimented
Superintendent Rvan-on his manner of eon
ducting the Institute and also the tear' >rs
for their attention and work. Ilis
to Bradford county were complimentary, and
his expressions of friendliness for her people
and teachers, apparently sincere, were receiv
ed with applause.
Section drill. Visited Mr.Marshall and Miss
Hiliis in sections and 1, respectively. The
same interest prevailed as in other sections,
the work being systematically executed.
Met in main hall where Hon. 1\ I). Morrow
was introduced to entertain the teachers for
a short time. 11 is remarks were of the nature
to draw out and put in praciiee new ideas.
The most important work in improving the
mind is reading. By reading good selections
and studying the lesson presented, so that on
nearly all topics we may be ready to converse
intelligently, we may constantly benefit the
world and ourselves.
The speaker gave excellent advice to teach
ers and all others, recommending them, to
remain linn in the calling adopted, and not
look back, but improve with labor the advan
tages afforded. Regarding labor he considers
it a necessity, no idle person can rise or even
hold his position , but must degenerate if idle,
as witness the change in two or three genera
tions of those whom you have known.
A vote of thanks were tenderd the speaker
by i ising vote.
Prof. McCollom was called and gave a les
son on ease in grammar, lie proceeded to il
lusterate by many examples some of the
special points, and explained knotty ones.
Questions were asked, and answers given by
several persons.
Adjourned. (
To LET —The large store now occupied by
the Post Oliicc. Will be vacant January 1.
Dec. 27. L. ELSBKEE.
Chains and Lockets in endless variety, com
prising all the new stvles. at El> MOUII.LKSS
50 all Chromo Cards sent post paid for 10
cents, with name. Address, F. P. Carnoelum,
Fashionable Card Printer. Towanda. Pa.
Christmas Cards. New Year Cards, Birth
day, Wedding and Condolence Cards, at
For the finest line of smokers goods for
Christmas presents, go to John Sullivan's on
lb idge st. dee. 19—2w.
Books by eminent authors and Poets, in
the finest bindings suitable for holiday pres
ents, at WIIITCOMB'S.
C. L, S. C. —The attention of the Circle is
called to the article on Oriental and Greek
Sculpture, in January number of the Centu
ra, (Scribner's Magazine.)
CIIAS. 11. WEIGHT, Pres.
The Five Cent Store is now receiving an
immens stock of fall and winter goods and
the enterprising proprietors invite the public
to call and examine.
Large invoice of foreign and domestic wines
and liquors expressly adapted to the holiday
trade.just received at John Sullivan's, No. 4,
Hale's block, Bridge st. dec. 19—2w. .
A large assortment of neat Stationery, just
received Jewel Boxes, Work Boxes, Toilet
and Nail sets in plush and leather Goods
at Wiiitcomb's Book Store. No trouble to
show goods.
Any industrious, practical farmer, with a
small capital, can hear of an opportunity to
buy a farm on terms which will enable him
to pay for ot out of the profits. For particu
ars enquire at this office.
Now ofl'er some Great Bargains in Table
Linens, a very large lot of which they
have just received, consisting of
BARNS LEY, Bleached
and Halt Bleached, |
in different qualities
A large lot of Turkey Red
Tablings, at much less than they j
have ever sold them.
A large assortment of Towels j
in all sizes and quantities. Dam
ask, lluck, Honey comb, Turk
ish Bath, etc.
Table Napkins, Bleached and
Half Bleached, in Great variety
and all sizes.
All of which they have bought
much below their value, and
which they now offer at greater :
bargains than ever before.
Towanda, Pa., Dec. 30, "Si.
From this date and until further notice,]
we have resolved to sell out. our entire J
stock of Heavy Winter Goods, Overcoats, j
Boots and Shoes, at cost, in order to
make room for our large Spring and Sum
mer stock, at the Great Boston Clothing
House, just opened in Means' Block,
Main Street.
Plain and Ornamental Painter,
All work in his line promptly executed on slior
notice. From long experience both in city end
country, he prides himself on being able to suit the
most fastidious.
J> valine- J illdhili
: Offer a large and attractive stock
Dry Goods,
/ 7
at very low prices, which you
! are invited to call and examine.
| Also, a complete assortment of
I Fancy Goods suitable for the
! Holiday Trade.
Silk Handkerchiefs, Linen &
! Embroidery, Ha 11 dke rchiefs,
| Spanish Ties and Fichues, llos
j iery, Gloves, Underwear.
For the balance of the year
! ■ J
; will sell Shawls, Cloaks and
j Furs regardless of Cost and
i Seasonable Dress Goods much
i below value.
Cloths suitable for Ladies
Ulsters, also Gents Suitings, un
j laundried Shirts, Socks, Silk &
Linen Handkerchiefs, in fact
every thing pertaining to Ladies
or _r s Wardrobe.
j Towanda, Pa.
A sure cure for Dandruff and all other
diseases ot trie Scalp. Stops the hair
from falling out; invigorates the liaii
nerves; cleanses the hair perfectly and
gives it a beautiful and healthy gloss Lhi
cannot be obtained without itr use.
Sypd.Tice 50 cents per Bottle.
Manufactured nH sold by
T')WiIDA, I'a