Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, December 31, 1881, Image 1

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VOLUME 111, NO. 121.
R M. BOSTWICK was in town yesterday.
J. W. TAYLOR has been in town the past
Row G. C. JONES made seme of his former
parishioners here a brief visit this week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. MEUEUR will be pleas
to see all their friends at the Social at their
house, Monday evening.
.T. W. JOHNSON, a former resident of this
place, but who now resides in Moravia, X. Y.
was in town yesterday.
JENNIE DICKERSON. superior artistes, from
New York city, are the guests of Mrs. 11. W.
G. IT. TREAEWKLL, general travelling agent
for that staunch old republican paper, the
Binghamton Republican . was in town yes
terday morning.
Mr. CHARLES TAYLOR, of C'anisteo, N. Y.,
accompanied by his little son, is visiting his
sister Mrs. LYMAN BLACKMAN. and brother,
Capt. and Mrs. MANVII.LEhave the sympa
thy of all their friends and neighbors on ac
count of the alarming illness of their only
child, an unusually bright little boy of four
teen months, who is prostrated with malarial
This is the last day of the year 1881.
A happy and prosperous new year to all of
our readers.
This will be Directors' Day at the Teachers
In st it I nto.
Monday being a legal holiday, no REVIEW
will he issued.
The double track between tbis place and
Wysauking will be completed to-day.
The pews of Christ Church will be rented
for the coming year, on Monday.
LED ESTRAY—Don't fail to see the best of
all dramas, Monday eve., Jan. 2nd.
The Institute closes to-day. Some of the
teachers have already gone.
The week of prayer, which begins to-mor
row. will be observed by the Baptist, Metho
dist and Presbvterian churches.
Rev. Doctor. GOOKMAN. of Elmira, will
conduct a " watch meeting" at the colored
church here, to-night.
If all the good resolutions made to-morrow
are lived up to, the millenium will dawn be
fore the advent of 1883.
The post office will be closed on Monday
except from 8:30 to 0, from 11:30 to 12:30 and
from 5:30 to 0:30
Secure your scats for the entertainments
to be given in Mercur Hall Monday and Tu
esday evening. Sale of tickets begins this
There is notiutb in the report that the
young woman who died on Bridge street yes
terday morning had the small pox. Death
resulted from other causes.
SENECA ARNOLD now drives three horses
abreast on the stage between this place and
Leßaysville, and passengers are put through
on time notwithstanding the heavy roads.
To-morrow morning the Communion will be
administered at the Church of the Messiah by
Doctor TAYLOR. At 7 o'clock, p. m., he will
preach on -'The Natural and the Spiritual
New Year." All welcome.
of this place is 70 years old, but during the
past four months l as done the following work:
cut and sewed 4 1-2 pounds of carpet rags,
made 3 1-2 yards of thread lace, 1 1-3 yards of
woolen tr'mming, 5 bed quilts, 14 pairs hose.
2 pairs of socks.
A very fine pair of Reaver Driving Gloves
at wholesale price to-day, only. Apply at
Bradford County Teachers Institute.
Questions and answers were first taken np.
the proving verv interesting. Messrs
Bnrgan, Rovingdon. MeGuire. .T. R. Tlarding
and Miss Jennings taking part. Miss Spald
ing. Mr. Ryan. and Mr. Albert were called
upon to give explanations.
A motion was made to reconsider the ac
tion ol yesterday relating to the time of hold
ing the next Insitute. Carried. By resolu
tion it was agreed to leave the matter to the
Countv Superintendent, having confidence in
his judgment. By request an expression was
given of the wMies of the teachers, and they
fixed upon the last week before Christmas.—
After remarks by Mr. Bnrgan. Mr. Albert
and Mr. Burritt, an expression was taken and
the manner of conducting the Institute ap
The subject, transitive verb, was next ta
ken ipi. Mr. Albert giving a lesson. Messrs.
Garrison. Rvan. Rurri't. Marshall. Osborne,
Pitcher. Dunn. Mark Bowman and Mb* Mor
rison taking part in the discussion which de
veloped. Recess.
Mr. Pitcher was called for and in a humor
ous manner detailed sonic experiences and
gave valuable suggestions to teachers.
Mr. Bnrgan was asked to address the Insti
tute and did so with good results. Tils allu
sion to his poor health caused an expression
of sorrow to pass quickly over the assembly.
ITis remarks were interesting and were re
ceived with subdued applause.
Business relating to permanent certificates
next received attention.
W. V. Duggau gave his method in teaching
J. A. Wilt.'Esq.. was invited to speak a few
moments. Tlis remarks were interesting.—
Alr. MeCollom called attention to a valuable
chart for language lessons, for sale bv E. T.
Question* and answers.
Messrs. Wilt. VanAuken Rovingdon. TTcv
erlv, ITortnn, Marshall. Munn. Pitcher, Bnr
gan. Miss French and Superintendent Rvan
were called upon for answers and helped to
make the exercise interesting.
Voter! to hold no evening session. Adt
CARD.—Nathaniel Young, who solicited aid
for Csrter Lee. desires to announce that tlie
amount collected was S2S 7">. Mr. Lee, be
fore his death, desired publicly to thank the
generous doners, and the aftlietod parents add
their acknowledgements, as does Air. Young.
MONUOETOX —Our faithful hackman, Ed
gar W. Smith.always ready to accommodate
and enjoys custom, thanks his patrons and
friends for all former attention, and solicits
an increased amount in all the departments
of his carrying trade. Please leave all or
ders at his residence, over Summers & Walk
er's store, and they will receive prompt at
tention. N. D. P.
Miss RICHMOND, supported bv a first class
company, will appear in Mercur Hall Mon
day and Tuesday evenings in the play '• Led
Astray." The plav, the actors and actresses
are very highly spoken of wherever they have
appeared, and are first class in every respect.
The sale of reserved seats will begin on Sat
urday. at KIUBY'S.
WEEK OF PRAYER. —The World's Evangel
ical Alliance has appointed the first week in
January as the week of prayer, the following
is the program which is sent forth to all the
churches of the world:
SUNDAY, January 1. —Subject for discourse
"Renewbil Consecration."
MONDAY, January 2. —Thanksgiving for
the blessings, temporal and spiritual, for the
past year, and prayer for their continuance.
TUESDAY, January 3. —Humiliation and
onfession on account of individual, social
and national sins.
WEDNESDAY, January 4— Prayer for the
blessings of God on His Church and Ilia
THURSDAY , January s.—Prayer for the
young and all agencies for Christian training.
FRIDAY, January 6.—Prayer for the uni
versal prevalence of peace and righteous
SATURDAY, January 7.— Prayer for Chris-
AII missions, the outpouring of the Holy Spir
et and the conversion of the world.
Has greatly increased his
goods for Holiday Presents.
He has a fall assortmen of Ladies
Watches, Swiss and American, GOLD
Gold Spectacles.
Sterling Silver Ware.
Roger s Celebrated Sil
Clocks of all dis
The finest
' Gold
How Prices. Everything gu
Engraving done by
The Press has been interven ing leading
republicans in regard to the manner in
which the address recently put fourth by
the independent republicans is received.
Senator Cooper thinks it will unite the
Representative Niles, of Tioga, is sats
fled with it.
Senator Davics remarked that the fact
that lie was a member of the Indepen
dents, who issued the address, rendered
it distasteful for him to say anything
through the press upon the subject. He
added, however, that lie "didn't see how
any Republican could consistently object
to it."
Just "Over the Rhine," at 39G Vine street
Cincinnati, Ohio, lives Mr. Licht, who suffer
ed so with Rheumatism that he could .not
sleep. Half a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil clear
ed the rheumatism out quickly.
ENTEKTAIXMENTS.— We know that this
season thus far, has been fruitful with en
tertainments. and this may prevent some
from seeing Miss RICHMOND on Monday eve.,
yet from the indications, there will be a large
Found, on the side walk, a bunch of keys.
Owner can get them by calling at otfice of
Williams, Angle & BuTHngton, and paying
for this notice.
J\ good girl wanted, to do general house work.—
Good wages. E. W. IIALK.
Flint Chimnies, Dethridge's .best, just re
ceived at C. I'. WELLES' Crockery store.
All the now Banks and Toys at C. P. Welles' 99c
New Majolica at C. P, Welles' Crockery 'and 99c
Foil SALE —A small engine and boiler. In
quire of P. M. COOLBAUGH, at Means' foun
The lady who left her seal-skin muff at C.
S. Fitch's* confectionery store on Saturday,
can find it there.
Kerosene Burners for Oil Lanterns at C
P. WELLES' Crockery 99c store.
BULL—BLACKMAN—At the homo of the bride,
Dec-29th, 1881, by Rev. J. Lloyd Jones, Mr.
Walter Bull and Miss Vic J. Blackman, all of
Monrocton, Pa.
ESTRAY.—Came into the enclosenre of the sub
seriber on or about the 20th of December, a light
red cow, about ten years old. Owner is requested
to pay charges and take her away.
Highland, Dec. 28, 1181. S. B. McCoity.
stock, and is daily receiving new
and Gentlemen's GOLD and| SILVER
Sr SILVER Jewelery in tbe latest style.
vcr Plated Flat ds Hollow Ware,
line of Foley's Celebrated
PAAK Pejis, and Pencils.
The BEST in use.
new. Call and be convinced
himself OB short notice !
Main and Bridge Street.
Gold Spectacles and Eye Glasses at Hendelman's
Clocks of all descriptions at Hendelman's.
Brick for sale. Enquire of J. T. Hale, at
torney at law.
SAKE FOR SALE— Fire-proof, Combination
Lock. Inquire of W. J. YOUNG.
M. Hendelman lias the finest Btock of Brace
lets in town.
Go to Ottarson's for yeur Eoot Rests, Ottomans,
Sofa l'illows,Easy Chairs, etc.
WANTED—By an English laundress, family
washings. Plenty of water and good drying
ground. M. G. BENNETT.
Second house above the Circus Ground, Bridge
street, Towanda, Pa.
TIIE VERY LATEST —Stvles in men's, chil
dren's and boys' suits, overcoats and fur
nishing goods can be found at Jacob's Cloth
ing House as he has just opened an immense ,
stock of Fall and Winter goods.
FOR SALE—An established and flourishing mer
cantile business in Towanda Boro. A rare chance
for investment- For particulars apply at this of
The best watches made for sale at ED.
Wanted, 3 copies each of the REVIEW dated
espectivelv Aug. 14 and 20, and Sept. 3 and
13, 1881.
Buy Knapp's Superior Flavoring Extracts
for family use, warranted pure.
Lamp Wicks, Fletchers best, by the yard at C.
I'. Wells' Crockery store.
The nest a and 10 cent Cigars ever Smoked at
the Park Street Cigar Store, South side Mercur
Have you ever tried that superb tobacco for
sale at the Park Street Store, Mercur block? It
can't he beat.
George Carter having opened a Barber Shop one
door South of the Methodist Church, solicits sharea
of the public patronage. George is a Good Barbel.
Give him a call.
You will find the finest selection of Sterling Sil
ver ware at Hendelman's.
The Celebrated Milwaukee Lager on
draught a the Park Restaurant.
Don't fail to go to .JOHN SULLIVAN'S on
Bridge street, for the best five cent cigar.
Cape Cod Cranberries, the largest and best
grown, for sale at E. F DITTKICII & Co.'S.
Two dwelling houses in the First Ward
for rent. O, x>. KINNEY.
Rooms suitable for small family, to let, in centre
of town. Enquire at this office.
You will save money by buying your Jewelry of
, „ lla ving rented DODGE'S SHOP, on
lark street, I invite the patronage of my friends and
the public. lam prepared to do everything in the
line of BTJACKSM I THING-. Ileavv work
Horse Shoeing. Wagon Ironing and Mill Picks'
specialties. 1 rices reasonable.