Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, December 30, 1881, Image 1

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VOLUME 111, NO. 120.
I. Ron AT.SK 1 has been in town for seveial
Miss EKKIE ALGEU. is spending a few
weeks with friends in Philadelphia.
Mrs. M. C. MKRCTTR has been spending
Christmas week in New York.
G. T>. L> vvisox, JOHN- A. PARSONS and J
E. STUART, of Troy, are in town.
Miss K \ I K, MURDOCH, of Elmira, is spend
ing a few weeks with Iter friend Miss Louis*
WOODFORD, on Third street.
MICHAEL Coi.r.M\x, one of Athens' com
missioners and solid men. was in town yester
Mrs. \V. 11. HAWF.S and bahv, who have
been visiting D. 11. TURNER'S family, on
Houston street, for a few d vs. returned to
ibeir itome'at Monroeton, yesterday.
Mrs, ( GOODRICH returned to her home in
this place last evening, after it visit of sev
eral weeks in Philadelphia.
Mrs. McQPISTON returned to Iter home in
Pittsburg yesterday. Her daughter DENNIE
will remain here until spring.
Mr. KNIGHT, and his company ARE already
in town. Their entertainment this evening
will be tho richest treat of tlie kind our peo
ple have ever enjoyed.
IT. MERCUR ALLEN, of the Bradford 7,V
--porter. and his mother, Mrs. 0. 11. ALLEN,
are visiting Mrs. DAVID MORGAN, Clark st.
Waverl'i lieview.
It affords us pleasure to announce, and we
know the public will be glad to boar that, the
reports that hive been current for the past
few davs in r *a*ard to the condition of Hon.
J. 11. AV FUR'S health were great I v cxagerated.
lie is not confined to his bed and expects to
enter upon his office on Monday.
Mrs. PIIEBE CONLKY, one of thr> oldest
residents of the borough, died on Wednesday
evening. aged 84 vent's. Funeral at residence
above the upper depot, at 2 o'clock this af
ternoon. Deceased'was the mother of Mrs.
SAM URL W A i.HI! [PGR or this place and Mrs.
JAS. YKRKKS of Springfield.
•' A thins of beauty is ajov forever " Tlie
liolidav number of the Mercury certainly is a
tiling of beauty. It is composed of ten pases
with a handsome tri-eolor cover, and contains
four original Clni-tnias stories, one of them,
written bv Mi-> LILLIE MERCUR. bavins; been
unanimously a warded the five dollar prize off
ered by the enterprising editor for the best
Christmas story written expressly for liis
paper. We believe he has a few extra eopit s
Tor sale at lo cents each. The editor HIRAM
T. MERCUR. has reason to be proud of his
the linest and best amateur paper publisoed.
Road POWELL & Co.'s new advertisement
011 fourth page.
The next Social under the auspices of the
Episcopal Church will ho held Monday even
ing at the residence of R. A. MERCUR, K*q.
The Institute ought to omit the evening
session to-day, in order to give teachers an
opportunity of attending the ALFRED J.
K.Nign r entertainment at Mercur Hail.
Mr. R. Albertson, 4207 Columbus Avenue,
Philadelphia having received a severe contu
sion of the.right knee-cap. suffered intensely
therefrom. A friend suggested St. Jacobs
Oil, and bef ire he had used three bottles lie
was a well man.
win iu: intereste 1 visitor at the Institute yes
terday afternoon.
Mrs. M. L. BURNS, local editor of the lie
publican. spent some time at the Institute
,T. L\ KKKNEY vesterdav visited the Insti
tute. lie ought to have been present sooner
for committee work.
Mrs. Ida M. Campbell was a quiet spectator
among tbc teachers yesterday.
Several of ill,; prominent teachers " locked
horns" during the discussions yesterday af
ternoon. A little ammusement for all when
doctors disagree, and no harm done.
LED ASTRAY.—Articles from the press of
the leading cities m the United States speak
ing in the b'ghest terms of Miss Richmond,
who will n>>time the title role in the above
play; read them:
The title role was sustained by Florence
Richmond, of whose acting we cannot speak
too highly. She is undoubtedly the finest ac
tress we have had the apportunitv of seeing
in Richmond for many years. Apparently
gentle and unassuming in manner, and hand
some in appearance, she is well qualified to
act the part.— Richmond Enquirer.
They were both well performed, and the
honors carried off bv Miss Florence Rich
mond.— K. Y. Herald.
Miss RICHMOND, supported by a first class
company, will appear in Mercin* Hall Mon
day and Tuesday evenings in the play " Led
A-tray." The play, the actors and actresses
are very highly spoken of wherever they have
appeared, and are first class in every respect.
The sale of reserved seats will begin on Sat
urday. at KIKBY'S.
Rev. G. P. IIOPKIXS will assist in the ser.
vice at Christ Church Sunday. Holy Com
munion will be administered in the morning.
AVaveriy's social event of the season occur
red at the Opera House on Tuesday evening
last. it being the Fourth Annual Reception of
the Tioga Hose company of that place. The
Tiogas exerted their utmost endeavors to ex
cel in point of elegance and enjoyment all
other receptions given by them, and that they
succeeded admirably, those who were for
tunate enough to attend can bear witness.
The spacious parlors of the Tioga hotel,
opened directly into the Opera House, which
was carpeted with crash, and handsomely fur
nished with tinely upholstered sofas, huge
mirrors,l marble top tables, and upon the
walls hung many oil paintings, presenting
the appearance of a modern parlor, in all of
its appointments. In front of the stage was
placced a novel design of gas jets, gotten up
by W. If. .ION*KS, a member of the Co., bear
ing the insciption," Tioga," the bright lustre
of which produced a beautiful effect upon the
merry dancers. The orchestra, composed of
i_ r ht pieces, was under the leadership of Mr.
HENRI SIT*r.EN. Prof. LAMOREUX officiated
as master of ceremonies. Mr. L. It. MAN
NING with Miss IIOLHERT led the grand
promenade. Supper was served in the Tioga
hotel undo the supervision of the Chief
Clerk, Col. W APSWOIM it. and was in keeping
with the other arrangements. Hon. It. A.
ELMER, President, now acting Postmaster
NEY and others did the honors of the evening.
Through the courteous and gentlemanly at
tention of the managers, those from out of
town were made to enjov themselves to the
fullest extent.
We should like to speak of the toilets of the
splendidly attired ladies, and give a more
complete diseription of one of the finest re-
ever given, but our limited space
XMAS AT SAYRK —The (Christinas celebra
tion of the Episcopal Sunday School at Sayrc
took place Monday afternoon. It was quite a
novelty in its way and even more successful
than the entertainments of former years.
The upper end of the Chapel was magical
ly transformed into a large old-fashioned lire
piace. in which stood an old time crane and
pair of andirons, well blackened by use or
art. On the mantle piece above ticked an
ancient clock,guarded on both sides by brass
candlesticks, ami some mysterious stockings
dangled from the corners. Against the brick
work, which reached to lie ceiling, hung a
gas star, surrounded by a wreath of ever
green. The whole formed a most e harming
picture to those who entered tlie Church.
The exercises were opened by the Rector,
Rev. Mr. ROSEXMULLKR. After the singing
of Carols in a remarkably hearty way, and
the chanting of the Lord's Prayer, the Ver
sicles. etc.. tiie school responded to some
general catechising. The little girls of Mrs.
TIIOM \S' class then recited Scripture texts
and repeated a Christinas hymn in concert
Tim Infant Class, taught by Mrs. ROSENMUL
LKR.and which must number nearly thirty
children, of every condition, and ranging in
age from three to eight, was then questioned.
It was most delightful to hear each little
mite stand up and repeat with more or less
confidence liis or her small verse. After the
recitation of one hymn, and the singing of
another, Mr. ROSEXMULLKR announced that
Mr. 11. A. PACKER would now read aloud a
Ch'Mstmas poem. A silent and attentive au
dience listened to the well known lines.
'"Twas tho nitflit before Christmas, when all
through the house," &c.
As the reader proceeded the lights gradually
grew dimmer and the suspense greater, until
finally, as he described how St. Nick came
down "with a bound,.' there was a jingle of
sleigh bells, a dash down the chimney, and
there stood Santa Clans in person. He was
all dressed in furs and carried generous bags
from which he filled the stockings, and mak
ing frequent trips up tho chimney to his
sleigh, brought wonderful things for each
child—books for the older ones, tool chests
and magic lanterns for the little boys, kitch
ens'and stoves and blocks for the little girls,
lovely boxes of candy for every one, and fan
ov boubonnieres for the teachers. Mr. and
Mr-. PACKER, who were strongly sus
pected of having been in league with the old
gentleman, must have fell repaid for their
efforts by the happv faces aud unfeigned de
light of the children, who, after a final carol
had bi'T n sung, were bundled up and carried
off by their elders.
The beloved and faithful Rector of the
Church, and the accomplished organist, Mrs.
THOMAS, as well as the teachers, hav; every
reason to congratulate themselves upou their
prosperous and well trained school,
Assisted by the following
FJZ I'D Ar E T ' 7*;
Tickets at Kirb
Has greatly increased his
goods for Holiday Presents.
ffc Ims a full assortmen of Ladies
Watches, Swiss and Vmerican, GOLD
Gold Spectacles.
Sterling Silver Ware.
Roger" 1 s Celebrated Sil
Clocks of all dis
The finest
Low Prices. Everything gu
Engraving done hi]
Gold Spectacle* and Eye Glasses -it llendclman'a
Clocks of all descriptions at lieiulelman's.
Brick for sale. Enquire of J. T. Hale, at
torney at law.
SAKE KOK HACK —Fire-proof, Combination
Loci.. Inquire of W.J.YOUNG.
M. Ilendelman lias the finest stock of Brace
jets in town.
Go to Ottarson's for yeur Eoot Itests, Ottomans,
Sofa Pillows, Easy Chairs, etc.
WANTED —By an English laundress, family
washings. Plenty of water and good drying
ground. M. G. BENNETT.
Second house above the Circus Ground, Bridge
street, Towanda, Pa.
LOST, Saturday evening' somewhere on
Poplar street or on Main street or York ave
nue below E. T. Fox's, a Gold Bracelet. —
Finder will be directed to the owner on call
ing at this office.
Fon HAI.K —An established and nourishing mer
cantile business in Towanda Boro. A rare chance
for investment- For particulars apply at this of
The best watches made for sale at ED.
Wanted, 3 copies each of the REVIEW dated
cspectively Aug. 14 and 20, and Sept. 3 and
ROBINSON —SIIELP.—At the residence of the
bride's father, Dec. 29, 1881, by Rev. C. 11. Wright
Mr. Win. 15. Robinson and Miss Alice Shelp, both
of Towanda, Pa.
ESTRAY. —Came into the encloseure of the sub
scriber on or about the 20th of December, a light
red cow, about ten years old. Owner is requested
to pay charges and take her away.
Highland, Dec. 28, 1181. S. B. MCCORD.
artists from New York city :
------- Soprano.
- - - - - - Contralto.
ofStrakosch Italian Opera Co.),
NG, Dec. 1881.
y's Drup- Store.
stock, and is daily receiving new
and Gentlemen's (JOLl) and; SILVER
& SILVER Jeweleryin tbe latest style.
vcr Plated Flat & Hollow Ware,
line of Foley's Celebrated
BANK Pens, and Pencils.
The BEST in use.
new. Call and be convinced
himself on short notice !
Main and Bridge Street.
THE VICKY LATEST—StyIes in men's, chil
dren's and boys' suits, overcoats and fur
nishing goods can be found at Jacob's Cloth
ing House as he has just opened an immense
stock of Fall and Winter goods.
Buy Knapp's Superior Flavoring Extracts
for family use, warranted pure.
Lamp Wicks, Fletchers host, by the yard at C.
I'. Wells' Crockery store.
The oest a and 10 cent Cigars ever Smoked, at
the Park Street Cigar Store, South side Mercur
Have you ever tried that superb tobacco for
sale at the Park Street Store, Mercur block ? It
can't be beat.
George Carter having opened a Barber Shop one
door South of the Methodist Church, solicits sharea
of the public patronage. George is a Good Barbel,
Give him a call.
You will find the finest selection of Sterling Sil
ver ware at Ilendelman's.
The Celebrated Milwaukee Lager on
draught a the Park Restaurant.
Don't fail to go to JOHN SULLIVAN'S on
Bridge street, for the best five cent cigar.
Cape Cod Cranberries, the largest and best
grown, for sale at E. F DITTRICH & Co.'s.
Two dwelling houses in the First Ward
for rent. • O. I). KINNEY.
Rooms suitable for small family, to let, in centre
% of town. Enquire at this office.
You will save money by buying your Jewelry of
New blacksmith siiopi~
Having rented DODGE'S SHOP, on
Park street, I invite the patronage of my friends and
the public. lam prepared to do everything in the
line of BLACKSMITIIING. Heavy work,
Horse Shoeing. Wagon Ironing and Mill Picks,
specialties. Prices reasonable.