view Town 1 1, Pi ,Ti jrsda/, D )3. 2 3.] 1331. BDJTOKTT S. W.AIAOLD VOW K K.AlA'dKIi * i o.tily " Only 25 cents per mouth. Try it! Mails arrive and depart at the Towanda tl'os-officc as follows: ARRIVE \ DEPART 4 00 A.M. Fhila. N Y. and East States P.M. 7 45 10 30 ....Dushore, Bernice, Laportc, &c.... 245 11 15 ; L. V. way mail North 3 45 11 00 New Era, Sic. Tues., Thurs. and Sat. 1 00 11 00 ..Asylum, &c. Mon.,Wed. and Fri.. 1 00 11 00 Sheshequin, If. 12 00 1 00 P.M Troy, Burlington, &c.... A.M. 10 09 2 40 . ..Closed mail from Erie ttt's... 8 45 4 00 Canton, Monroeton, &c 9 00 5 30 L. V. way mail South 9 50 I*2 00 LeKaysville, Rome, Sic...P.M. 1 Oil 6 30 ...Barclay. 1 00 10 40 Erie west of Elmira 7 30 Office open from 7:00 A. m. to 7: 45 p. si. Money order office open from 8: t0 to 7:00 p. M. Office open Sunday from 9 : 00 to 10:00 A. at. 1\ POWELL, I'. M. UL SINES LOCAL*. New Courtland Cutter For Sale. Enquire of D. M. WILLCOCK. Call and see the new goods at the Five Cent Store. One of tho*' 1 min pum overcoats sold by Rosentielil is cheaper and much more conven ent th an ail umbrella. The only market in Towanda where von can fret good, fat western beef is at Ilundell's, where the host cuts of veal, lamb and inurton are always served Also ham. bacon and salt meats of all kinds. Fresh Fish, dressed poul try. vegetables and fruit. Leave your orders at liuiideH's market. You run no risk when you buy yourgrocer es at G. L. Ross' new store in Montanve Block. His prices are way down to rock bot tom. His store in Ivellum Block, Ist Ward beats the world by low prices and good good*. NOTICE—T want it distinctly understood that I have Removed from Bridge Street Furniture Store to rooms over Turner & Gordon's Drug Store and Woodford & Vandorn's boot and shoe store where 1 keep on hand all kinds of COFFINS AND CAS KE I'S, from the best to the cheapest. Any one in need of anything in my line give me a call. P. S. I haye no connection with any of Mr. Frost's establishments. Feb. 5. <- S. ALLYN, Agt. HOTEL FOR SALE. -I offer the American Hotel property for sale on very reasonable terms—one half the purchase money down and the balance in ten years. Possession given April 1, 18S1. There is a good barn connected with the property. This hotel is located on the corner of Bridge and Water streets, in Towanda borough. The free bridge and new depot near to it make this hotel desirable for any one wishing to engage in the hotel business. Gall upon or address, JOSEPH G. PATTOX. Towanda Pa. Having sold my retail Furniture and Un taking business, known as the Bridge Street Furniture Store to E. B. Pierce 1 would re spectfully recommend those in need of goods in his line to call on him at the old stand. I also wish to inform those indebted to me that it will be necessary to settle the accounts soon. N. P. IIICKS. January 1, 1881. The Towanda Library,over EVANS A HIL DRF/ni's store, is open from ten til twelve, Tuesday and Saturday. Yearly subscrip tion* 32 00. Any one may draw a hook from the library on the payment of ten cents. The Henry House lias recently recruited its resources with the addition to its cellar of a pipe of pure English Ale—home-brewed and genuine. This excellent malt liquor will be found a useful natural tonic for the invalid, and satisfy the palate of the most fastidious epicure. A word to the wise is sufficient— so j s-'vs the latin proverb. Oct. 4. 'FARM FOR.SALE. —I offer for sale on reason- ! able terms a valuable farm, located in the valley of the Towanda creek, about 2 1-2 milos from Towanda, containing To acres, under a good state of cultivation, well water ed, a young orchard of choice trees, good framed dwelling house, and line large barn— witli underground stabling. I will sell this arm on long time, or in part for property in Towada borough. JOSEPH G. PATTON. Fruzer Axle Grease. —One trial will.convince you that it is the best. Ask your dealer-for the Frazer Axle Grease, and take no other. Every box has our trade mark on. FRESH OYSTERS received daily at the THIRD WARD GROCERY STORE. Retailed at 30 cents per quart. Churc es and parties supplied on reas onable terms. D. F. CLARK. SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. —The twenty-eighth year commences Aug. 22d, 1881 A large and efficient corps of teachers; a full collec tion of maps, cnarts, models and apparatus, and appliances for teaching. Expenses arc reasonable. For catalogue or particulars call upon, or address Principal, EDWIN E. QUINLAN, A. M. Towanda, Pa. Miss N. A. Powell, an experienced dressmaker would inform the ladies of Towanda that she now resides at Mr. 11. A, Prince's on Packer avenue, where she will he pleased to receive orders fo wor w°rk, or she will go out by the day. C. M. Manville lias a quantity of four feet flag stones for sale cheap. Wanted —A good violinist, with evenings not en gaged. Address, F. L, G., Box 50, Towanda, Pa. Mr. OTTAUSON, the upholsterer, is putting some very nice goods in .just now for the Holidays, i nd see what a Bargain you can get with liim i C.S.RUSSELL, Generallnsurance and Real Estate Agent, Towanda.Pa Compare Prices and Quality, then you will buy your Christmas Goods at C. P. Wells' Crockery and 99c store. Largest assortment of Vases and mottoed Cups Cups and Saucers, in town at the 5 CENT Store. Berries, Garden truck at Mvre's meat mar ket, Bridge St. Conveniant rooms for house!keeping, in Tracy & Moore's block, Main St. Apply to H, P. MOORE. Two heating stoves for sale cheap. N. I'. IIICKS. We are still selling Pure Milk at FIVE CENTS Per Quart. 11. ELSBREE. I had been a great sufferer from Neuralgia for years and had consulted a great many dif ferent physicians, but got no cure until I took Dr. Burr's Neuralgia and Sick Headache Pills; they cured me and 1 have recommended to over liftv persons and I have never known them to tail. They are also the best nervous and dyspeptic pill I ever saw. SIDNEY BKOADBENT. Master Mechanic, Dickens Manufacturing Company, 3c rah ton, Pa. " W hat everybody wants is the best organfor the least amount of money : Therefor every body wants the Burdett; and when you've said that, you've told the whole story." So say the brightest and busiest organs dealers throughout the land, who are turn ishing this matchless instrument to a musica public, which is rapidly learning to distinguish its marvellously pure and beautiful voice from that which is not music. For sale by J. A. Manville, No. 3 Bridge St., Towanda. BIRD CAGES, 40 cents and upwards at the 5 Cent Store Evety thing waranted as represented at C. P, Welles' Crockerypmd 99c store. Foot Rest Frames and Upholstered Foot Rests at . P . \\ elles' Crockery and 99c store. "My Wayward Pardncr," for $2 at Wkitcomb's Book Store. Latest styles of Hats and Caps just received at M E. ROSENFIKLD'S. Vases and Toilet Sets. Largest Line. Cheapest Goods at the 99c Store. Homeopathic Lung Syrup, is the best rem edy for coughs and colt)*. It is mild, pleas ant and effective, Sold in Towanda only bv 0. B. PORTER. * * Christmas Cards, elegant line, at C. P. Wee ' Crockery Store. 1 lie finest building lot in Towanda borough, cor aor of Poplar and Second streets, between the res idence of lion. E. O. Goodrich and E. Walker, wil he sold cheap. Apply to O. I). KINNEY. Live spring chickens constantly on hand at Myer's Bridge St. Market. Tf you want a First Class SIIAVE or HAIRCUT call at the Barber Shop under the Meat Market, one uoor South of the Ward House, where you will -d --ways ffndjoxperionccd Artists ready to attend to customers. G. L. LYNCHCOME, Prop. Large Doll Houses and Brooklyn Bridges at C I' Welles' Crockery and 99c Store. business Cards. TAMES T. HALE, A TTORNE Y-A T-LA IF, Office over Stevens & Long's store. Of). KINNEY, AT TO It ,V E 1 r -A 7- L A IU, Office corner Main and Pine Streets, Towanda, Pa. A Attomeys-at-Laio, T>icanda, Pa. D'A. OVERTON. I BENJ. M. PECK. ANGLE & BUFFING A TTO RNE YS-A T-LA IF, Office formerly occupied by W. Watkins. JOHN W. CODDING, A TTO lINE Y-A T-LA IF, Office Mcicui Block, over Kirby's Drug Store. BARCLAY JUNCTION HOTEL. R. (JA TON, Proprietor, Near the Barclay depot. Good accommodations at reasonable prices. Call and see us. IIAS. Iv. LADD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office three doors above Mercur Block. 284-13*. T-NR. T.B. JOHNSON, PHYSIC IA N A Nl) S URG EON, Office over H. C Porter's Drugstore, Residenct corner Maple and Second' Streets, A1 TORN E YS-A t-LA IF, South side Mercur Block, Towanda, Pa. N. C. ELSIJUEE. | L. ELSBKEE. FL. HOLLISTER D. I). s. ■ (Successor to Dr. E. 11. Angle.) OPERATIVE AND MECHANICAL DENTIST. Otlice on State street, second lloor of Dr. Pratt's ofllce * lOjanSO F THORNTON, TUNER AND REPAIRER Of Pianos and Organs. (Over 17 years experi- Music Store. reeeircd Ut Uolmeß & *X~LVOHD & SON, JOB PRINTERS, DAILY R- VJW OIF'CE, M/ T N STREET, TOWANDA. TLTENRY STREETEK, ■L * ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW Towtnda, Pr. Nathan Tidd, DEALER IN PITTSTON, WILKES - BAKRE, AND Loyal Sock Coal. Invites the patronage of his oh! friends and the pub. lie generally. I shall keep a full assortment 01 all sizes, AND SIIALL BELL AT LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. Yard and office, foot of Pine street, just south of Cour House Aug3o. N. TTDD. | F" u Mi air Cut ami Shave Go to the WAI(I> HOUSE SHAVING I'AKLOK WILLIS FAIRCHILD Formerly SfEDGE Is there . w HAT MORE DO YOU WANT? ITnan the Fifteen Years CONTINUOUS TRADE OP H. JACOBS, To convince you of the Reliability of his goods, and he now offers better bargains than ever, in Mens. Boys and Childrens Suits, Over coats, Hats. Caps and fine Furnishing Goods. UT All goods guaranteed as represented Not Cotton and Shaddv for "All Wool." Fo>- (he Best Bargains, Best Goods, Best Assortment and Largest Stock of any dealer in town, go to the "old reliable" store of H. JACOBS, No. 2, Patton's Block, Towanda. Pa. MORRIS & IRELAND'S liEW IMPROVED F i s'h ! -CI au gc FIRE-PROOF SAFES. Tlic only eight-flange safe in the world and containing more improvements than any safe made, such as THE PATENT INSIDE BOLT WORK, More secure from Burglars than any other Fire- Proof Safe, and no expense in repair ing Bolts or Locks. PATENT HINGED CAP, FOUR-WHEEL LOCKS, INSIDE IRON LININGS, SOLID ANGLE CORNERS. These Safes are now being sold in this State in Largo Numbers and give the Greatest Satisfaction, being the Most Highly Finished, Best Made, and Cheapest First-Class Safe ever Produced. . These Celebrated Safes had the CHAMPION RECORD in the Great BSosfon Fire, And since that time Great and Important Improvements have been made. Before giving your order to any other concern, send foe prices and descriptive Catalogue. MORRIS & IRELAND, OS I XADE ST., NEW YORK. 64 SUDBURY ST., BOSTON. D. y. STEDGE, Manufacturer of and dealer in Human Hair Groods, Special attention given to COMBINGS—Roots all turned one way 1 "P wards Also agent for Hun er 8 I.N VI SIHLE FACE POWDER, and Duplex l and Griswold.Corsets and Shoulder Brace Eiastics. Corsets, and Shoulder Brace Elastics. Particular attention paid to dressing ladies hair at heir homes or at my place of business, over Evans te llildreth's store. MRS. D. V. STEDGE I TAILORS • 96 Main Street. We have now on our racks and shelves one of the most ele gant lines of foreign and domes tic Cloths, Cassimcres, Worsteds, Overcoatings, that the market can produce, for the FALL & WINTER season. We invite an inspection of the same, feeing assured thai we can please the taste of all as to style of make and quality of goods. Do not wait until the sea son is well advanced before leav ing your order. COME EAR • sep. 14. A S USUAL Roscnfieim the fashionable clothier, is the first to open a FULL LINE OF FALL .V H'LS'TL/t CLOTHING to which he invites the particular atten tion of THE JP I/BLLC. Ilis assortment comprises the most fash ionable goods in the READY-MADE CLOTHING LINE, ' * purchased tor cash, and will be sold CHEAPER than any other house in the country can otfer the same quality of goods. s-/ A full Hue of MEN'S AND BOYS' HATS AND CAPS Also a better assortment ot FURNISH ING GOODS than can be found elsewhere in Towanda. Call, examine, and satisfy your selves. M. fi. ROSENFIELD. March 9, 1881. HW. MILLER ' " keeps several PUBLIC HACKS and is ready to attend nil calls in liis "ne omptly. He runs to ALL TRAINS. Charges ( night and early morning trains (Nos. 12, 8 and no reduction for these trains, 25 cents per pa (user. Regu lar customers supplied with tickets >.t reduced rates. Charges for attending parties, one couple $1.50; two couples in one load, !SI.OO per couple; for attending funerals from $2.00 to $3.00. Hack by the hour sl, Horses and carriages to let. Orders left at his offico below council rooms will receive careful attentiou. H. W. MILLER. Nov. 27, 1880.