DAILY TOWANDA REVIEW. VOLUME 111, NO. 119. LOCALS. 'Personal. Miss HELEN NEVINS is visiting friends In Waverly. Jos. POWELL, j\, is spending the holiday vacation with his parents. Mrs. L. C. BECKWITH of Covington is vis iting her sister, Mrs. 11. S. GRAVES, North Main st. Rev. C. 11. WRIGHT, who was too much indisposed to preach last Sunday /-we are hap py to see is on the street again. Mrs. RAIIM has rallied from the relapse which she suffered on Sunday and yesterday her symptoms appeared more euconaaging. G. M. CLARK, who has been on the " sick list" some time past, is convalescent and out again, though looking considerably reduced in weight. O. I). GOODENOUGH, one of the best news paper men in the state, has accepted a posi tion on the Towanda Journal. We gladly welcome him back to Towanda. Editor BOWMAN of Canton was in town this week, probably attracted hither by the presence of so many good looking school mam's. Master CIIAS. MANVILLE has been serious ly sick, and his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. BARRON, were summoned here yesterday. Misses CATHERINE CONEY, FLORENCE MINER, AMANDA LEWIS and FAUSTA JONES, four pretty " schoolmarms " attending the Institute, called at this office yesterday, in company with a very fine young gentleman, who desires his name withheld as he is afraid of the consequences should his wife hear of it. Hon. J. 11. WERB was in town on Friday last and qualified as Register and Recorder. On returning home he was prostrated by ill ness and yesterday was considered in a criti cal condition. He will not able to enter upon the duties of his office Monday, but we hope may soon be restored to good health. JESSEE WA UPELL, for the past eleven years in charge of the boot and shoe depart ment at Powell A Co.'s, left on Tuesday for Chicago, where he goes to take a clerkship in a large wholesale establishment. It is highly complimentary to the firm he has served so long, as well as to himself, that during all the time they have been associated, not an unpleasant word has passed between them. One of the partners said the other evening, that he had never asked JESSEE to do any thing that he did not respond cheerfully. Water in the Susquehanna is the highest it has been for manv months. The weather is so mild that fires are almost unnecessary. Yesterday the store doors were open and but for the calendar we should im agine it May. The meetings of Oscaluwa Grange, which have been omitted during the revival meet ings in North Towanda, for the past six weeks, will be resumed to-morrow evening. Notices of the Christmas celebration of the Savre Episcopal Sundav School and the Tio ga Ilose Reception at Waverlv, are crowded out this morning but they will appear to-mor row. Conductor W. S. Rathburn. of the Lake Shore Railroad, residing in Detroit. Mich., was cured by St. Jacobs Oil of a very severe case of rheumatism. lie was delighted with its prompt action and influence. A son of Mr. MARTIN FEE, of Camptown, while gunning 011 Tuesday last, attempted to clinip a tree in quest of game, drawing the gun after him, when the hammer catching, discharged the load, a portion of the shot taking effect in the neck and jaw, seriously but not fatally injuring the lad. The drama " All that Glitters is not Gold," given bv the Wyalusing Cornet Band in that village Tuesday night, will be repeated to morrow evening. It is said to have been well performrd to a fair audience, notwithstand ing the inclemency of the weather. The ALFRED J. KNIGHT entertainment ad vertised for Friday evening will be one of tho finest performances ever given here. It has required great effort on the part of the managers to secure the company. We hope our people will evidence their appreciation of the pains taken by Mr. CROSS and the artistic merit of the celebrated artists, by an over flowing house. Tickets at KIKBY'S this morning. Miss Richmond in every instance adroitly managed to escape overstepping it, and in ev ery look and motion drew her audience to TOWANDA, PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1881. the conclusion that she was the living part not acting it. Never since the opening of the Academy have we seen so forcible a bit of passion-acting as that witnessed last evening. Montreal Gazette, Miss RICHMOND, supported by a tirst class company, will appear in Mercur Ilall Mon day and Tuesday evenings in the play '' Led Astray." The play, thejactors and actresses are very highly spoken of wherever they have appeared, and are first class in every respect. The sale of reserved seats will begin on Sat urday. at KIRHY'S. Prof. MARSHALL'S "Evening in Wo n derland, " at Mercur Ilall last evening, was one of the most enjoyable and really profitable entertainments of the season. It was enjoy ed by a large audience. Our Institute reporter will do it justice in his report to-morrow. Bradford County Teachers Institute. WEDNESDAY MORNING SESSION. Devotional exercises conducted by Rev. Dr. Taylor. Supt. ltvan gave a few words of advice, urging those presenting methods to avoid pet theories. Committee on methods reported that about one hundred members would be called upon for methods during the week. Miss Fuller gave a lesson in long division. A majority of the teachers would teach long division first; suggestions were offered, Miss Wallace gave a lesson in least common multiple and greatest common divisor. Sug gestions bv teachers. Mr. Bovingdon being called upon analyzed a portion of the lesson. Prof. Burgan was called upon to give an explanation. Mr. S. F. Vought gave a lesson in teaching decimals. Much interest was developed by the lesson, Application of square and cube root. Vis ited section G, Miss Spalding in charge. A variety of problems were upon the black boards and the teachers immediately took those assigned and solved and explained. The work was interesting and all were at work.— Recess. Miss Adams gave a lesson in the main hall upon oral geography, which was follow ed by Mr. Bovingdon with a lesson in mathe matical geography. Both exercises were interesting. Several teachers asked questions and made suggestions. Mr. Munn followed with remarks upon physical geogra phy, giving to ocean currents the most atten tion, explaining the supposed causes for their courses through the seas. Close attention was paid the lesson, which was brought to a close by the expiration of the time allowed. The problems given in the Educator were solved bv members of thelnstiute, several so lutions being given. Adjourned. INSTITUTE NOTES.—J. F. Shoemaker. Esq. of Waverlv, was at tin 1 Institute yesterday. Ex-Superintendent Wilt occupied a seat at the Institute yesterday as did ex-Superintend ent Chubbuek. The latter delivered an ad dress. F. S. Morley, of Athens visited the Instisute yesterday. lie has completed the assess ment of that township. Mr. Frisbie, of Asylum, a director, was present vesteiday at the Teachers' Institute. FOR SALE—A small engine and boiler. In quire of P. M. COOLHAUGH, at Means' foun dry. The lady who left her seal-skin muff at C, S. Fitch's confectionery store on Saturday, can fiudiit there. Kerosene Burners for Oil Lanterns at C P. WELLES' Crockery 99c store. Chains and Lockets In endless variety, com prising all the new styles, at ED MOUILLESS EAUX'S. 50 all Chrorao Cards sent post paid for 10 cents, with name. Address, F. l\ Carnochan, Fashionable Card Printer. Towanda, Pa. Christmas Cards, New Year Cards, Birth day, Wedding and Condolence Cards, at For the finest line of smokers goods for Christmas presents, go to John Sullivan's on Bi idge st. dec. 19—2w. Books by eminent authors and Poets, in the finest bindings suitable for holiday pres ents, at WHITCOMB'B. The Five Cent Store is now receiving an immens stock of fall and winter goods and the enterprising proprietors invite the public to call and examine. Large invoice of foreign and domestic wines and liquors expressly adapted to the holiday trade,just received at John Sullivan's, No. 4, Hale's block, Bfidge st. dec. 19—2w. ALFRED J. 8 H AKESPERI A.N Assisted by the following Miss KATE PERCY DOUGLAS, - Miss JENNIE DICKERON, - - SIGNOR A. MONTEGRIFFO, (late FRIT) A. IT FFFjVI MERCU Tickets at Kirb HO-LIDA ED. MOUIEL THE WAT Has greatly increased his goods for Holiday Presents. He has a fnll assortmen of Ladies Watches, Swiss and American, (JOLl> Gold Spectacles. Sterling Silver Ware. Roger's Celebrated Sil Clocks of all dis The finest Gold JfcJr* Low Prices. Everything gu Everything Engraving done by PATTOJ\ 9 S Corner Gold Spectacles and Eye Glasses at Hendelman's Clocks of all descriptions at ITendelman's. Brick for sale. Enquire of J. T. Hale, at torney at law. SAKE FOR SALE— Firc-proof, Combination Lock. Inquire of W. J. YOUNG. M. Hendelman has the finest stock of Brace jets In town. Go to Ottarson's for yeur Eoot Rests, Ottomans, Sofa Pillows, Easy Chairs, etc. WANTED —By an English laundress, family washings. Plenty of water and good drying ground. M. G. BENNETT. Second house above the Circus Ground, Bridge street, Towanda, Pa. LOST, Saturday evening somewhere on Poplar street or on Main street or Y'ork ave nue below E. T. Fox's, a Gold Bracelet. — Finder will he directed to the owner on call ing at this office. FOR SALE —An established and flourishing mer cantile business in Towanda Boro. A rare chance for investment- For particulars apply at this of fice. WHITCOMB'S, The best watches made for sale at ED. MOUILLKSSEAUX'S. All the new Banks and Toys at C. P. Welles' 99c store. For First Class Custom Boots and Shoes, go to Morgan McMahon's Shop, over Burchill Brothers Marble Works. Repairing of all kinds neatly done. Headquarters for DOLLS! Dolls Heads, Bodies, and Arms, at C. P. Welles' Crockerv and 99c store. Cliildrens Books, Small and Large. Lowest Pri ces. at C. P. Welles* Crockery and 99c store. CHARLES AKENS has taken the Barber Shop late ly occupied by PATTINANTO, in Patton Block, and solicits a share of public patronage. He is an ex perienced barber and understands all branches of the business. New Majolica at C. P. Welles' Crockery [and 99c store. BUSINESS LOCALS. PRICE ONE CENT. KNIGHT, IMPERSONATOR artists from New York city: ------- Soprano. ------ - Contralto. of Strakosch Italian Opera Co.), Tennor. -V6', Dec. SO. 1881. R HALL, y's Drug Store. Y GOODS. ESSEAUX, CHMAKER stock, and is daily receiving new and Gentlemen's GOLD and.* SILVER Sr SILVER Jewelery in tbe latest style. vcr Plated Flat & Hollow Ware. criptions. line of Foley's Celebrated BANK Pens, and Pencils. The BEST in use. aranteed. new. Call and be convinced himself on short notice ! BLOCK , Main and Bridge Street. TOWANDA, PA. THE VERY LATEST— StyIes in men's, chil dren's and boys' suits, overcoats and fur nishing goods can be found at Jacob's Cloth ing House as he has just opened an immense stock of Fall and Winter goods. Buy Knapp's Superior Flavoring Extracts for family use. warranted pure. W ,cks E'etehors beet, by the yard at C. P. Wells' Crockery store. The nest & and 10 cent Cigars ever Smoked, at the Park btreet Cigar Store, South side Mercur block. Have you ever tried that superb tobacco for sale at the Park Street Store, Mercur block v It can't be beat. George Carter having opened a Barber Shop one door South of the Methodist-Church, solicits sharea of the public patronage. George is a Good Barbei Give him a call. ' You will find the finest selection of Sterling Sil ver ware at Hendelman's. The Celebrated Milwaukee Lager on draught a the Park Restaurant. Don't fail to go to JOHN SULLIVAN'S on Bridge street, for the best five cent cigar. Cape Cod Cranberries, the largest and best grown, for sale at E. F DITTRICIJ & Co.'s. FOR RENT. Two dwelling houses in the First Ward for rent. O. D. KINNEY. Rooms suitable for small family, f let, n centre of town. Enquire at this office. You will save money by buying your Jewelry of Hendelman. TyTEW BLACKSMITH SIIOP!~~ . Ha ving rented DODGE'S SHOP, on 1 ark "treet, I invite the patronage of my friends and the public. lam prepared to do everything in the line of BLACKBMITHING. j&~ 'Heavy work Horse Shoeing. Wage l Ironing and Mill Picks! specialties. Prices reasonable. Dcc 19 > CIIAB. MORGAN.