liie I)ail3' IJev iew Towanda, Pa., Wednesday, Dec. 28, 188!. EBITOKS 9. W. ALVORD. NOBLE N. / T VCi fi lPaiti/ on/ 1) 535 cents per month■ JTI'!/ it, Sixteen of those known as experts ' . 1 Guitcau sane. It is generally believ d that the ver dict in the case of Cadet Whittakcr is unfavorable to that young mtn* A g-eat revival in mining iutcrefts is eported in Northern Mexico Much Ame./can capital is ilowiug in, and the authorises aie encouraging American emigration. The Governor of Cuba has discovered a number of false certificates, by which 170 negroes, who ought to be free, are held in bondage. An investigation has been ordered. Regno, the last Secretary of the Trcas v y ruder th 2 Con federate Government, spates that the contents of the Treasury at the evacuation of Richmond amounted to only about $150,000. One hundred thousand dollars wrs paid to soldiers and the i\.it captured by the Federals. A lc . Reading, Fa., states that a 1 raugements have been made with sev c al mutual associations to secure an in surance not exceeding. SIOO,OOO on the life of Guitcau, and requesting his signa tuie to an inclosed application to be pro cured. The application is for SIO,OOO ' sr unce in the Reading Mutual Aid As >c'a lon, and the beneficiary is Arthur J. Bo dnei. So rapidly are the new railroads being built across the continent that in a short time there will not be less than five sepa rate roads to the Pacific coast. Let us hope that they will not all be controlled by one company, or else we wont be much better oil' than we are now. To the old rood, the Union Pacific, will be added the Northern Pacific, the Central Pacific, the Atlantic and Pacific, and the Texas and Southern Pacific, the latter be -g r'-eady f dsl; J. Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Webb are not ex pected to return from their wedding jour ney before the middle of January. In the private car which Mr. Vauderbilt placed a. his sou-in-law's disposal Uiey will ravel wherever incll-.ation prompts tb n n and will not return until Mr. Vau de bit moves into his new house. They will be guests of Mr. Vauderbilt for some time, while the bride's house is being refitted. The bride will give her first r ept'ou in the new house, and Mrs. V" lit will also give three reception o I her account. The fact that this Christmas 101 l 011 Sand ay gives occasion to exercise one self in some curious calculations . Some one who has a taste for such matters pre sents the following statements that are not generally known: The falling of Chr'stmas 011 Sunday takes place four t'mes in every 28-years, after the expira tion of every 5, 0, 11 and 5 years respect ively. Take, for instance, the year 1859 as a starting point. In that year Christ mas came 011 Sunday. The succeeding twenty-eight years during which Christ mas has and will come upon Sunday are 1864,'70,'81 and 'B7. Since we last celebrat ed a Christmas Sabbath before the pres ent 11 years have elapsed. In six years we will have another, and there will not again be an eleven year skip until that between 1910 and 1921. Owing to 1900 not being an actual leap year, though divisible by the figure 4, from 1802 to 1910 Christmas (and, of course, New Year also) falls on Sunday regularly ev ery six years. This calculation ma';es an iteresting centre-table amusement. A statement of the anthracite coal trade shows the production for the year to be about twenty-eight million and live hun dred thousand tons. There may be a week's suspension in January, but after that, it is thought, that the demand will be such ;is to make work imperative. Thirty million tons is calculated as the production of ISB2, and with this view preparations are being actively pursued in all the anthrrcite regions. There are now three hundred and lift}' prominent Irishmen in jail, but the tale of agrarian outrages in Ireland does not de crease, although there are now fifty thou sand armed men in the country. Game must be scarce in the vicinity of Towanda. A celebrated landlord and a vigi lant police officer went out hunting one day last week. After traveling all day, without success, so some of the knowing friends of the parties say, they went into a farmer's pigeon-roost and knocked down a half dozen of the birds with a club and departed for home. Go to the filwell House, or ask DIM MOCK, if you want to get further information on the subject. Ilere the brave hunters hive away of going to one of the meat markets and buying game to take home with them when they fail to bag any. They dont pro pose to run any chances with indignant far mers since the time the boys shot that pea cock for a wild turkey.— Athens Gaz. WEEK OK I'RAYKU.— 'The World's Evangel ical Alliance has appointed the first week in January as the week of prayer, the following is the program which is sent forth to all t lie churches of the world : SUNDAY, January I.—Subject for discourse "Renewed Consecration." MONDAY, January 2.—Thanksgiving for the blessings, temporal and spiritual, for the past year, and prayer for their continuance. TUESDAY, January 3.—Humiliation and oufes. ;- )u oil account of individual,l social and national sins. WEDNESDAY, January!— Prayer for the blessings of God on His Church and His Word. THURSDAY, January 5. —Prayer for the young and all agencies for Christian training. FRIDAY, January 6.—Prayer for the uni versal prevalence of peace and righteous ness. SATURDAY, January 7.—Prayer for Chris ,rn missions, the outpouring of the Holy Spir et and the conversion of the world. ' FOR Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of t'w Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, SMail ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals ST. JACOBS OIL as a safe, sure, simple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffering with pain can have cheap and positivo proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Mcl., JJ. 8. -4.. BUSINESS LUCAL. New goods opening every day at C. P. Welles' Crockery and 99c store. If you call at BLUM'S boot and shoo store you will find that you can got more and hot ter goods for the lhoncv than at at any shoe house in Towanda. liest :rid Ode store. LAWRENCE HALLOHAN, the old reliable and ski! ful SHOE MAKER'S again "on deck." and wishes to Worm his customers - d o that here after, in "rain or shine,' - . , • found at his post ready to do all work in his iiue in the best manner and on short notice. Shop in rear of the REVIEW office. LOST, Thursday afternoon, on Main street, a Beak-skin Glove, for right hand. Tin* tinder will be suitably rewarded on leaving at this office. A good girl, for general housework, wanted. E. E. QUINLAN. A good girl, competent to do general housework, can hear of an excellent situation by calling at this office. Immense shipments of TOYS for the Holiday trade, are being received daily at the 5 CENT Store. William Brown, at Miller's Barn, cleans and oils Harness, and washes wagons very cheaply. Second hand Herring Safe for sale cheap, quire at this oftire. Elegant New Style iof picture B ack't- and Jap anese Brackets at the 93c stoic. Car loads of new goods now being received at the Five Cent S„ore. IIOVSE ANd LOTS FOR BARK AND RENT. —1 have a number of dwelling houses for -em or for sale on easy terms. Also, eligible and deferable build ing Lots which will ho sold on long credit to per sons desiring to build. Oct. 17. 1881. L. ELSBREE. H. A.SCOTT, of the "Sugar Creek Mill," lias left an order hook with O. 1). Wick'-Mii at the Post Office. All orders for Flour, .oed, Meal, Grain etc., left there will receive prompt attention. .V good girl wanted in a small My. Inquire of Smidi Brothers. The Baltimore MINCE MEA !' which has a world wide reputation, is for sale a. UINDEI.R'H Market.— Those who once use this brand are never satisfied with any other. We ate constantly receiving orders for " Lum Smidi's Imitation Stained glass," and a.e ready to give our patrons the full benefit of an inexpensive and handsome decoration by placing it on any glass wlic-tln"- dooi or w'ndow 'ar- size or small glass, gmen or white, round or square, in fact any posi- tion, shape or kind of frame or glass that needs shading from the rays of the sun, or from the ga*e of inquisitive eyes. Thankful for the very liberal patronage bestowed since we have received the agency of this imitation, we shall by a strict atten tion to business, hoping to merit a continuance of the same. To those who have heard of the •'lmi tation Glass," and have not seen it, we extend a cordial invitation to examine into its real merits, and ask the prices for which it can he obtained, we are prepared to contract with churches, halls, or or other public buildings, and warrant all of our work to surpass in beauty the genuine stained glass and our prices are less than one-fourth the cost of the srmc. Those in need of anything of tins kind or who are lovers of art, whether they wish to put chase or not, are respectfully invited to exarnin the same at. CuAS. F. Cnosd' Book Store. LOST OX MONDAY).—L< nt between Dr. Pratts oflicc and Bridge street, a black Ivid Glove, 3 but toned, No. 6 1-2. Finder will confer a favor by caving at this ofllec. UPHOLSTERING —In this line of business I make a specialty and defy competition, as I make my own work and can sell at prices thai others have to pay wholesale. Call early and leave your older, as 1 have a number of ordors at present, but will try and accomodate all. My goods are the newest and best for the money that have ever been put into this city. J- OTTARSON, Up 0113 light of stairs. Bridge st., Towanda. FORPALE OR RENT.—'The Dwelling House fronting on Locust Avenue in Towanda boro, late residence of J. M WARD, together with the Tenant House, Barn, lee House, etc., and the grounds within the encloseure—covering several acres—in eluding a tine garden, choice Fruit Trees. Two Large Cisterns and a Well affording an abundance of Water. Also, A lot fronting on York Ayenue, large enough for several fine buil. ag H,,S. Also, A lot fronting on Mam street, adioining the Fenna. & N. Y. railroad, containing several acres. The above property will lie sold together, or as divided. For particulars apply to, R. A. MERCUR, Esq. A""" UDITOR'S NOTICE. —In the mat ter of the filial account of Tamer A. Chaffee, Guardian of Pluebe G. Chaffee. In the Or phans' Court of Bradford County. The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the said Court to dispose of exceptions tiled to the fi nal account of said Guardian, will meet the parties at Ifs office in Towanda Borough on Thursday, January 12, 1882, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where all persons interested in said account and exceptions will be hoard. J. ANDREW WII.T, Dec. 14, 18S1. Auditor. QOMETHING NEW. ft, if. woof* x co , are up to the times in making new styles of Pictures. The latest is a small Card Photograph, called MINETTS which are very pretty and take Aveil, Price only 81 per dozen. Their Tintypes are also made 4 at a time, made very quickly and sell 4 for 50 cents, card size. Remember the piaco, Patton's Block, corner Bridge and Main Streets. jyt. A. E. BURR'S HOMOEOPATHIC ej & vr r s. This remedy is thing new, both as to name and composition. This is one of the wonders of the world. This Syrup, 1 claim, is better and more effective than any other ever often.d to the ople of America or any other country, and what 1 say of .his 1 can prove, This Syrup, like the Tills, is harmless and safe, ft contains no opium or other narcotic poison, like the most Syrup, and is not dis agreeable to take. Any child will take it. And it will cure any and all inflammations arising from Coal. It is superior to all others in every respect and especially for the following reasons : "Ist- It' 'II cure Croup every time. 2J. It will cure Inflammation of the Lungs. 3d. I."will cure Quinsy. 4tli 11 will cure Whooping Cough. 6th L will cure Bronchitis. 6th L wih cure Hoarseness. x Tilt 1. will cure Sore Throat. Stli T. will cure any Cold. Pth L will cure Congestion of 'he Lungs. 10th It will cur any Cough. 11th It will cure Scarlet Fever. 12th. It is the best •cmed" that anv one can take for Const- -nption, and if taken in the first stage I will guarantee a euro. 13th. 11 's perfectly safe for all ages as there is nothing in its composition hat can harm a child. A. E. LiUIII? For sale by CLARK B. ROUTER. DAVIS' HAM ANSWER. No other Rcnewc? yet discovered docs its work so quickly and sa'.isf.te';rLy as this. It will rcstoro gray and faded hair t > if: original beauty ; it will immediately prevent the falling out of tho hair; itcuro3dandru.?, itching c-uptions, and keeps tho scalp clean; it will c.uiso tho hair to grow whero it has fallen off and (rnpi.rf: ;.I'.;33and freshness; it softens tho hair when bar h and dry and is en tirely froo from all irritating matter; it has tho very bcrt reputation an J gives universal satisfac tion. Do not fail to try it. For salo by all druggists. Trice, 75 cts. per bottle. Prepared by t has. Davis, Canton, I'a. For salo by all Druggists and Dealers. CO.tJL C HE A P i Lii mb her no tit • the Coal Dealers of Towanda will sell Pittston Coal in yard at s4xo . ion. LOYAL SOCK COAL AT YARD. Loyal Sock in yard at $3.-50 per ton. PLUMBING AND GAS-FITTING! Ed. Williams PRACTICAL Ptnmfoer crust Gets-Finer, Respectfully informs the people of Towanda that he is prepared to do all work in his line on the hort st notice, and guarantee satisfaction. lie keeps a LARGE ASSORTMENT of stock, and will furnish pipe, all plumbing materials and gas fixtures at a smalladvance from jobber's prices. I refer to my numerous customers during the ten years I have been in Towanda as to the character of my work, and solicit the patronage of those hav ing jobs in my line. KiT Estimates furnished when desired E. WILLIAMS. Shoj few^doors north of Mercur Block- May 6,1881. R. f PIW st 9\ TiSl ! The celebrated Stallion has returned to his sta bles in this place where lie may be fbuml. Term* —Same as heretofore. Oct. 12, 1881. [y Ck DEWITT.