Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, December 26, 1881, Image 4

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    The Daily Review
Towanda, Pa., Monday, Dec. 26, 1881.
"Daily Review)" only 95 cent* per
month. Try it,
DURING THE MONTH. -High Sehool-Benj.Kuy
kendall, Martin Bemis, Geo. 11. Bufflngton,
Hiram Willson, Belle Calkins, Ethel Graves,
Josie Kililea, Mary Califf, Pauline Jacobs,
Minnie Kline, Ida Layton. Sue Stevens.
A Grammar. —Win. Ivuykendall, Bertha
Warriner, Dosia Noreonk, Jessie Curran,
Judd Bensley, James Mehadey, Belle Collins,
Harry Burns, Charley Rutty, Libbie LaMent,
George Henley, Thomas Curran, Fannie Mor
gan , Paul Kuykcndall, Anna Cash, Mary
B. Grammar —Loitie Aldrich.Maud Allen %
Mertie Buttles, Maud Brink, Mary Coyerdale,
Kittie Koon, Mary Huntley, Jessie Kline,
Mattic Melville, Dennie Montanve, Ida Sim
mers, John Albert, Clias. Califf, Ilennie Deck
er, Fred. Prince, Harry Shores,.
C Gramma**. —Annie Bisiiop, Ilattie Coon,
Rose Kelly, Mary Porter, Lulu Post, Nellie
Peck, Jennie Schoonover, Louis Young, Ar
thur Allen,, George Baldwin, Eddie Frisbie,
Burton Melntose, Fred Mclntyre, Homer
Nutt, Robbie Newton, Leon Stedge, Don Ste
vens, Maxie Simmins,
D Grammar. —Ned Albert, Charley Albert,
Ned Betts, Samuel Bean, Charley Clark, Will
Fisher, Willie May, Frank May, Frank Mon
tanye, Willie Taylor, Richard Coleman, Mal
lie Esenwine, Gesrge nill, Nellie Kellum,
Mina Henly, Fannie Long, Anna Wooley.
A Primary.—Bertha Stedge, Carrie Van-
Tuyl, Eugene Humphrey, Eugene Hafer.
Charley Limlley, Nellie Bryant, Bertha Ja
cobs, Emma Moyers, Charley L'Araoreux,
Lissie S. Calkins, Eva Kililea, Millie Nor
eonk, Rosseel Overton, Frankie Emery, Ma
mie Lewis, Sallie Overton, Ceeley Walborn,
Carrie Johnson, Christine Montanve, Danie'
" Bentley,
B Primary—Harry Keyser, Frank Moody,
Minnie Bennett, Harry Coon, Austin Wood,
Clara Tracy, Charles Evans. Frances Turner'
Henry June, John Carnochan, George Kelly.
C Primaay.—Georgie Wood, Mary Sim
mons, Allen Albert, John Kromer, Nathan
Teel, Ida Strange, Raymond Calkins, Frankie
Carl, Henry Keen, Walter Lyon, Minnie
Cowles. Anna Jacobs, Lillie Wolf, Mamie Es
py. Charley Decker, Harry Lynch, Jo. Kelly,
Walter Humphrey, William Miller, Lizzie
Mercur, Elhoit Henley, Augustus Phillips,
Ruah Moody.
C and D Primary.—Tommy Simmons. Rob
ert Passmore, Earle Hallowell, Robert Wil
bur, Benny Noreonk, Ida Hafer, Bertha Es
py. Emma Buttles, Alice Blake, Ilellen Hunt
lev, Emeline Blasdell.
D. Primary.—Bennie Brannd, Charlie Ly
on, Joe Meals, Arthur Mclntyre, Fred. Moo
dy, William Bennett, Bessie Blasdell, Nellie
Brown, Ella Daugherty, Bessie Kililea, Lillie
Lewis, Teresia Myer, Ilattie Nichols, Lillie
Bertha Warriner, John Albert, Fred. |Mc-
Intyre, Ilattie Coon, Lulu Post, Bell Spal
ding, Carrie Van Tuyl, Bertha Stedge, Min
nie Bennett, Frances Turner, Emma But
tles, Tommie Simmons, Joe Meals, Arthur
Mclntyre, Bessie Kililea.
Number not receiving demerits. High
School.—Josie Kililea, Sue Stevens, Ben Kuy
kcndall, Willie Layton, Hiram Willson.
A. Grammar.—Judd Bensley, Ralph Mer
cur, James Mahaney, James Middaugh, Stan-
Icy Stevens, Mary Marsden, Ida Savc-reool.
B. Grammar. —Maud Brink, Fred Forbes.
C. Grammar. —Nellie Peck, Ilattie Little,
Rose Taylor, Lulu Wardell, Willie Patch.
D. Grammar. —Bessie Adams. Lilian Cow
les, Myron Emery, Richard Coleman. Willie
Simmers, Edith Hunipkery, Minnie Kline,
Nellie Kellum, Emma Munier, Mattie Stulen,
Belle Spaldiog, Minnie Moftitt, Matie Briton,
Mina Henley, Fannie Long, Annie Woolley
Lizzie Morrison, Frank Hoffman, George
A. Primary.—Frankie Emery, Gertie Eas
terbrook, Mannie Griswold, Lizzie |llollister,
Lucy Lsyton, Emma Moyers, Eva Simmers,
Bertha Stedge, Freddy Braund, Loyd Bent
lev, Wallace Harris, Rosseel Overton, Frank
Begley, Lemuel Allen.
B. Primary.—Mary Burritt, Emma;Good
man, Clara Tracy, Frances Turner, Josie
Mullock. Benny Rockwell, Lc-roy Lyon.
C Primary.—Rachel Bean, Minnie Cowles,
Mertie Easterbrook, Anna Jacobs, Jo Kelly,
Lizzie Mercur, Ruah Moody, Edna Post, Ma
ry Simmins, Ida Strange, LillieWoltF, Mamil e
Espy, Raymond Calkins, Arthur Codding,
Walter Humphrey, Lemuel Kingsbury, Wal
ter Lyon, William Miller, Freddie Willson.
C and D Primary.—Bertha Espey, Nettie
Tuttle, Katberine Elwell, Katie Wolf, Eftle
Scott, Clara Emery.
High School.—B. Division —Ben. Kuy
kendall, 1, Josie Kililea, 2, Ethel Graves, 3.
C. Division.—Pauline Jacobs, 1, Ida K.
Layton, 2, Geo. If. Buflington, 3, Ilattie Sue
Stevens, 4, Mary Cailifl, 5.
A. Grammar—A Division—Daisy Stevens, 1,
Paul Kuykcndall, 2, Judd. Bensley, 3, Ralf
Mercur, 4. Mary Chubbuck,s.
B Division. —Bertha Warriner, 1, Frank
Wardell. 2, Fannie Morgan, 3, Millie Brown,
4, Thomas Currau, 5.
B Grammar—A Division—lda Simmers, 1 ?
Mertie Buttles, 2, Julia Do Lano, 3, Mattie
Melville, 4. Fred. Forbes, 5.
B Division —Frankie Kuykendall, 1, Maud
Brink, 2, Marv Huntley, 3, Kittie Bryant, 4,
Dennie Montanye, 5.
C Grammar—A Division—Maxie Simmins. 1
Jessie Stevens, 2, Anna Bishop, 3. Mary
Wood, 4, Frank Overton, 5.
B Division—Homer Nutt, 1, Nellie Peck,2,
Ilattie Coon, 3, Ilose Kelly, 4, Arthur Al
len, 5.
D. Grammar—A Division —Edith Humph
rey, 1, Nellie Kellum, 2, Emma Kline, 3,
Myrtle Emery, 4, Lilian C'owles, 5.
B. Division—Fannie Long, 1, Charley Al
bert, 2, Mina Henley, 3. Charley Clark, 4,
Richard Coleman, 5.
A Primary —A Division—Carrie Johnson, 1,
Lucy Layton, 2, Emma Moyers, 3, Daniel
Bentley, 4, Sally Overton, 5.
B. Division —Bertha Stedgc, 1, Agnes Dal
las. 2, John Babeock, 3, Rosseel Overton, 4,
Eugene Humphrey, 5.
B Primary—A Division—George Kelley, 1,
Frances Turner, 2. Charles Evans, 3, How
ard Spencer, 4, John Carnochan,s.
B Division—Henry June, 1, Morgan Marsh
2, George McCabe.3, Eddie Gunn, 4, Willie
Butler, 5.
C Primary—A Division.—Jo Kelly, 1, Wal
ter Humphrey, 2, Anna Jacobs. 3, Lemuel
Kingsbury, 4, Edna Post, 5.
BDivision—Lizzie Mercur. I,Lillie Wolf 2,
Ilaehael Bean, 3, Mary Simmins 4, Abie
Trumburg, 5.
C and I) Primary—A Division—Robert
Wilbur, 1, Hellen Huntley, 2, George Meals,
3, Susie Cross, 4, George Essenwinc, 5.
B Division—Stewart Black, 1, Earle Hal
lowed, 2, Jennie Frost, 3, Robert Passmore,4
Carrie McCabe, 5.
D Primary—A Division—Sam Essenwine, 1
Terosia Myer, 2, Nellie Brown, 3, John Stem
burg, 4, Charles Lyon, 5.
B Division—Bessie Kililea, 1, Bennic
Braund, 2, Frank Lane, 3, Joe Walborn, 4,
Josh Marsden, 6.
Come in and have a dish or send in your order.
All the new Banks and Toys at C. P. Welles' 89c
For First Class Custom Boots and Shoes, go to
Morgan McMahon's Shop, over Burchill Brothers
Marble Works. Repairing of all kinds neatly done.
Headquarters for DOLLS! Dolls Heads, Bodies
and Arms, at C. P. Welles' Crockery and 99e store.
Childrens Books, Small and Large. Lowest Pri
ces. at C. P. Welles'Crockery and 99c store.
CHARLES AICENS has taken the Barber Shop late
ly occupied by PATTINANTO, in Patton Block, and
solicits a share of public patronage. He is an ex
perienced barber and understands ad branches of
the business.
New Majolica at C. P. Welles' Crockery and 99c
THE VERY LATEST— StyIes in men's, chi!
dren's and boys' suits, overcoats and fur
nishing goods can be found at Jacob's Cloth
ing House as he has just opened an immense
stock of Fall and Winter goods.
Buy Knapp's Superior Flavoring Extracts
for family use, warranted pure.
Lamp Wicks, Fletchers belt, by tlio yard at C.
P. Wells' Crockery store.
The nest a and 10 cent Cigars ever Smoked, at
the Park Street Cigar Store, South side Mercur
Have you ever tried that superb tobacco for
sale at the Park Street Store. Mercur block v It
can't be beat.
WANTED—By Germania Band, situations for a
dry goods clerk, four years experience, a house and
sign painter, and light work fer a young man. All
ot them gentlemen of good character and will fur
nish recommendations. Communications addressed
to Germania Band, will receive prompt attention.
George Carter having opened a Barber Shop one
door South of the Methodist Church, solicits sharea
of the public patrouage. George is a Good Barbel,
Give him a call.
11 () PIE foh t,,e ■ DEAF.
Dr. Peck's Artificial Ear Drums
the Natvral Drum. Always in position, but invisible others. All conversation and'even whspsr
heard distinctly. We refer to those using them. Send for descriptive circular with tes ,monia{
54i.®ct. 18, 1881 Address 11. P. K. PECK & CO., 85 BRODWAY,SN.Y.
From this date and until further notice,
we have resolved to sell out our entire
stock of Heavy Winter Goods, Overcoats,
Boots and Shoes, at cost, in order to
make room for our large Spring and Sum
mer stock, at the Great Boston Clothing
House, just* opened in Means' Block,
Main Street.
Plain and Ornamental Painter,
All work in his line promptly executed on shor
notice. From long experience both in city and
country, he prides himself on being able to suit the
most fastidious.
SvanS& JlildUh
Offer a large and attractive stock
Dry Goods,
at very low prices, which you
are invited to call and examine.
Also, a complete assortment of
Fancy Goods suitable for the
Holiday Trade.
Silk Handkerchiefs, Linen &
Embroidery, Handkerchiefs,
Spanish Ties and Fichues, Hos
iery, Gloves, Underwear.
For the balance of the year
will sell Shawls, Cloaks and
Furs regardless of Cost and
Seasonable Dress Goods much
below value.
Cloths suitable for Ladies
Ulsters, also Gents Suitings, un
laundried Shirts, Socks, Silk &
Linen Handkerchiefs, in fact
every thing pertaining to Ladies
or Gents Wardrobe.
Towanda, Pa.
A sure cure for Dandruff and all other
diseases 01 tne Scalp. Stops the hair
from falling out; invigorates the hair
nerves; cleanses the hair perfectly and
gives it a beautiful and healthy gloss tha
cannot be obtained without itf use.
Manufactured awl sold by