The v Review. Towanda, Pa., Monday, Dec. 26, 1881. EDITORS 8. W. ALVOKD. NOBLE N.ALVORD "StaHy Seviftr" Wii/i/ 25 cent a per month. Try it! The following songs were omitted from the list prepared for use at the Teachers' Institute and printed in the Educator: OUR GREETING. Dear friends, we're glad to meet you, Within these walls to-night: With songs of joy we greet you Our hearts are happy and- light. CIIOKUS. We come, we come. We come, kind friends to greet you : Our hearts are free, and happy are we; Yes, liapyy huppv are we to greet you. CORONATION. To Zion's lull I lift mv eyes, From thence expecting aid. From Zion's hill, and Zion's God Who heaven and earth has made. Shelter'd beneath th' Almighty's wings. Thou shall securely rest; Where neither sun nor moon shall thee By day or night molest. At home, abroad, in peace, in war, Thy God shall thee defend; Conduct thee through life's pilgrimage.- Safe to thy journey's end. Speaker of the House. The N. Y. Evening Post says: "The Speaker of the House of Representatives is the most powerful man in the Govern ment next to the President himscll. and gives the following reasons for the re mark : "While it is the President's constitu tional duty to execute the laws, and he is entrusted with certain limited powers to that end, the Speaker exercises, or at least can exercise, upon the making ot the laws not only more influence than the President but sometimes even more than the majority of the House over Which he presides. The principal legis lative woi kof she House ot Representa tive!B; is done in the committees. There bills are discussed, amended and prepar ed in detail. The House itself is more a voting than a deliberating body. Debate is limited and generally exercises scarce ly any influence upon the votes ol mem bers, except when so directed as to make an impression upon public opinion cal culated to frighten time-serving politi cians in Congress. To change a legisla tive measure in the House against the wish of the committee having it in charge is very diflieult unless the attempt be aided by the Speaker. It is, in the tirst place, the privilege of the Speaker to ap point the committees which prepare leg islation. Then it is the Speaker who 'recognizes' members who claim the floor. It is within his power to give the preference to this one or that one as lie may prefer the proposition to be brought forward by this one or that one. lie construes in the first instance and en forces the complicated rules of the House which are a profound mystery to most members, and lie may construe and en force them or omit to enforce them in favor of or against motions or amend ments as he may favor or oppose them, and the ruling of the Speaker is but rare ly reversed bv a vote of the House. The action or pretended action of the House of Representatives is not seldom so rapid and confused that scarcely anybody but the presiding olllcer knows what is go ing on, and he may sometimes put mo tions to a vote, and declare tliem car ried or defeated without attracting the attention of anybody except those im mediately interested. It is therefore as sumed by many that when the Speaker is in favor of a measure his support is al most as good as a majority, and that when the Speaker earnestly opposes a bill its friends will have to be very keen and active to save its chances. It is ! needless to point out how dangerously such a power may be abused when en- j trusted to an unscrupulous man." giawiSligiggg^sgEiS^ No Preparation on earth equals ST. JACOBS On. as asarr si:itic, SIMI'I.K and CHEAP External Remedy. A trial entn.i. but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50CENTS, and o\ y ■ one Buffering with pain can iiave cheap and positive proof oi its claims. i,niF.(TIONS IN JJ.EVEN LANGUAGES. £Q! a BY AI L QR'janiSTS AND DEALERS IN Aa VOSELER Ik CO. Baltimore, Did., B. S. yt.. BUSINESS LOCAL. New goods opening every day at C. I\ Welles' Crockery and 09c store. If you call at BLUM'S hoot and shoo store you will find that you can get more and bet ter goods for the monev than at at any shoe house in Towanda. Best and Cheapest Holiday Stock ever exhibited in Towanda at C. P. Welles' Crockery and 99c store. LAWRENCE HALLORAN, the old reliable and F-kil ful SHOE MAKE It is again "on deck," and wishes to inform his customers and the public that here after, in "rain or Sliine," he will be found at his post ready to do ail work in his line in the best manntr and on short notice. Shop in rear of the REVIEW oitfee. THE NEW ERA WASHER !—Give if a trial. It does Ihu washing clean, in one fourth the time. 2G2-4w. L. S. BLASDELL, Agent. Elegant New Styles of picture Brackets and Jap anese Brackets at the 99c stole. Car loads of now goods now being received at the Five Cent Store. HOUSE ANd LOTS FOR SALE AND RENT.—I have a number of dwelling houses for rent or for sale on easy terms. Also, eligible and desirable build ing Lots which will be sold on long credit to per sons desiring to build. Oct. 17. 1881. L. ELSBREE. 11. A.SCOTT, of the "Sugar Creek Mill," lias left an order book with O. 1). Wickham at the Post Otlice. All orders for Flour, Feed, Meal, Grain etc., left there will receive prompt attention. A good girl wanted in a small family. Inquire of Smith Brothers. The Baltimore MINCE ME A I' which lias a world wide reputation, is for sale at RUNDELL'S Market. Those who once use this brand are never satisfied with any other. We are constantly receiving orders for " hum Smith's Imitation Stained glass," and are rcadv to give our patrons the lull benefit of an inexpensive and handsome decoration by placing it on any glass whether door or window, large size or small glass, gieen or white, round or square, in fact any posi- NOTICE!—On or about the first of April 1882, M. L. SCHNEEBERO, proprietor of the Great Bos ton Clothing, Boot and Shoe House, just opened in Means' Block, Main street, will Change [Quarters to No 2, Button's Block, corner Main and Bridge sts., with a large and elegant stock of Spring and Sum mer Clothing, which will he made up expressly for the Towanda Branch. Thanking the people of this community for their patronage in the past, and we hope to see all our old customers, and many others, at our new place of business, with a convenient lo cation, and Less Rent, that we shall lie able to sel[ our goods at still better Bargains, and shall aim to please every one, and to keep the Largest and Best stock as can be found'anywhere. Respectfully, M. L. SCIINEEBERG. tion, shape or kind of frame or glass that needs shading from the rays of the sun, or from the ga*.e of inquisitive eyes. Thankful for the very liberal patronage bestowed since we have received the j ngonc.y of this Imitation, we Hindi by a strict atten tion to business, hoping to merit a continuance of the same. To those who have hoard of the ''lmi tation Glass," and have not seen it, we extend a cordial invitation to examine into its real merits, and ask the prices for which it can be obtained, we are prepared to contract with churches, halls, or or other public buildings, and warrant nil -of our work to surpass in beauty the genuine stained glass and our prices are less than one-fourth the cost of the srme. Those in need of anything of litis kind or who are'lovers of art, whether they wish to pur chase or not, are respectfully invited to examine the same at. (Juan. F. Cross' Book Store. LOST OX MONDAY..— Lest between I>r. Prarts ofllce and Bridge str et 4 a black Kid Glove, 3b ut toned, No 0 12. Finder will confer a favor by caving at this oflice. Uphot.sterino —ln this line of business I make a specialty and defy competition, as I make my own work and can sell at prices thai others have to pay wholesale, tail early and leave your ordt r. ns I have !• number of ordors at present, hut will try and accomodate all. My goods are the newest and best for the money that have ever been put into | this city. J- Ott arson, Up one light of stairs. Bridge st., Towanda. I FOR SALE OR RENT.—The Dwelling House fronting on Locust Avenue in Towanda horo, late ! residence of J. M. Ward, together with the Tenant 1 House, Barn, Ice House, etc., and the grounds j within the (liclosourt—covering several acres—in- I eluding a fine garden, choice Fruit Trees. Two ! Large Cisterns una a Well affording an abundance j of Water. Aiso, A lot fronting on York Avenue, huge I enough for several fine building lots. Also, A lot fronting on Mam street, adioining the j Penna. N. Ah railroad, containing several acres. The above property will be sold together, or as divided. For particulars apply to, R. A. MERCUR, Esq. i )\ I'DITOK'S NOTICE.—In the mat.- | x~\, ter of the final account of Tamer A. Ghafi'ee, Guardian of I'lnebe G. <'haffce. In the Or- I plums' (iourt of Bradford < 'aunty. The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the j said Court, to dispose of exceptions died to the li j mil account of said Guardian, will meet the parties i at Lis otlice in Towanda Borough on Thursday, I January 12, IS~2, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and J where all persons interested in said account and ! exceptions will be ln-ard. J. .Andrew Wji.t, Dec. 14,1551. Auditor. j A - E * BUKK ' S HOMEOPATHIC s, u. v h r si v a*. This remedy is something new, both as to name and composition. This is one of the wonders of the world. This Syrup, 1 claim, is better and more effective than any other ever offered to th" ople of America or any other country, and what 1 say of this 1 can prove, This Syrup, like the Pills, is I harmless and safe. It contains no opium or other narcotic poison, like the most Syrup, and is not die agreeable to take. Any child will take it. And it | will cure any and all inllainmations arising from Cold. It is superior to all others in every respect and especially for the following reasons : j;, Ist- It will cure Croup every time. 2d. It will cure Inflammation of the Lungs. 3d. It will cure Quinsy. 4th It will cure Whooping Cough. sth It will cure Bronchitis. 6th It will cure Hoarseness. 7th It will cure Sore Throat. Sth It will cure any Cold. 9th It will cure Congestion of 'he Lungs. 10th It will cure any Cough. 11th It will cure Scarlet Fever. 12th. It is the best rented** that anv one can take for Cons- rnption, and if taken in the tirst stage I will guarantee a cure. 13th. It is perfectly safe for all ages as there is nothing itt its composition that can harm a child. A.E. BURR For sale by CLANK B. POKTEK. jOp Hi hS: U l^J , DAVIPHHr!& r ! E3ENEWER. No other llenctvcr y- : dire wered does its work BO quickly and satisf.iet--.ri y • IF is. It will restoro gray and faded Itii* t > its original beauty ;it will immediately pr. vent t " f.i'.iin ? out of ttio hair; it cures dandruff, Riff la ■; e ant: ms, and keeps tlio scalp clean; it will clu • the huir to grow where it has fallen c-il* an.l imparl j loss anl freshness; it softens the hair when 1 r h dry and is en tirely froo fr.nn all i* Rating matter; it has the very beet reputat ion <• ml gives universal satisfac tion. Do not fail to try if. For 3alu by all druggists. Price, 75 ct3. per bottle. Prepared by < h<:?„ Davis f Canton, Pa. Far salo by all Druggi:.ta and Doalors. SOMETHING NEW. G, 3H. WO OH & CO.. are up to the times in making new styles of Pictures. The latest is a small Card Photograph, called MINETTS which are very pretty and take well, Price only #1 per dozen. Their Tintypes are also made 4 at a time, made very quickly and sell d for 50 cents, card size. Kerneinber the place, Patton's i Block, corner Bridge and Main Streets. THE GREAT GERM A'j REMEDY | FOR RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, BACKACHE, iaoiJTn 1 SORENESS or ins CHEST, SORE THROAT, QUINSY, SWELLINGS ANT I SPRAINS, I FnOSTED FEET AND EARS, AND | GJtk. X.t 3D £3 f, iQEneralßoiilyPaliis, | TOOTH, EArs IANI* HEADACHE, IM Blip,® -AND QUIN!nE Th© Only 2.5 Cent ' IN THE WORLD. * XidaimALAPJAL DISEASES. ' y fc l ' ie Church of the Disciples of Christ, Detroit, Mich. —"My son was dangerously ill and entirely prostrated from Chills and Fever. Quinine and other medicines were tried ! without effect. Mr. Craig, who had used Thehmaline | as a tonic, advised a trial of Thermalink, which was ; done, resulting in his complete recovery withir. a few | days." L' 2 ALL E2733ISTD, 02 BY MAIL, 23:. P22 ZIZ. D'JNDAS DICK & CO., 112 White Street, V. Y. et *tt rnajaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmcwsnrz _ r* ' As pleasant as ( 80. XACB )s --i SELcHzzsaa I DwlalsTS.) rjr ——— —ran jium in ii i jh " . injawjiram-i ncjc JS rs j .' LAXATINE D 1 ?AWEXES :filiate tlie Bowels easily Va|||JdW j and pleasantly. Cures Cons ! tipafion, Piles, lletidiieiie, Heartburn, &e. All Druggists, or bv mail, 25c. per Lkriiiafl box. 1 DENDAS DICK & CO., 112 White Str. t, Is c w York.