DAILY TO WAND A REV IE"VV. VOLUME 111, NO. 117. LOCALS. Personal. W. 11. POOL and wife are visting Mrs. P's parents. Drs. W. 11. MERCUR and C. M. PRATT of the I'niversity of Pennsylvania are in town. Mrs. C. 11. WRIGHT is visiting friends in Blossburg. WILLIAM HERBERT, of Wilkesbarre i> visiting Ids uncle, ED. LYNCH. Miss SARATI RAIIM was quite badly burned on one of her arms Saturday. Buy vour'tickets for Prof. MARSHALL'S lecture, in Mercur Hall. Wednesday evening. IT, IE MERCUR is home from school for the Holidays. Col. and Mrs. E. OVERTON will .entertain some of their friends Wednesday evening. Miss AMY DUFFIELD is visiting friends in town and sang in the Episcopal choir yester day. Master IIARRY MERCUR, who has been spending several months in Philadelphia is home. Rev. FREDERICK KNIGHTON, I). D., and wife, of Stroudsburg, are visiting their daubs ter in this place. JOHN SMITH, formerly with GRADY, the tailor, and now residing in Binghamton, is paying his Towanda friends a visit. O. I). KINNEY, Esq., was the recipient of a handsome gold Knight Templar's badge as a Christinas present, Miss SHERARD, of Detroit. Mich., is spend ing (he holiday vacation of Elmira College with her class-mate. Miss WINNIE DAVIKS, in this place. Mr. and Mrs. CLARK WILSON conducted service at the M. E. church last, evening. We understand they will go to England soon as Evangelists. Pastor HAL LOWELL'S congregation invad ed the parsonage Saturday evening and left numerous substantia! evidences of their love for their pastor. We are pailied to learn that Mrs. DAVID II.VHVI .suffered a relapse and was much worse yesterday. Chief Clerk ENNES and wife and the tvventv-five girls employed at the Ward House were treated to.au elegant dinner yesterday, mine host JORDAN and hts good wife doing the serving. No paper to-morrow. The barber sliops will close at noon to-day. The Teachers. Institute convenes to-dav in the Graded School building, The Methodist and Universalist Sunday Schools held Xmus festivals Saturday eve. Th * Post Office will be open to-day only from S :30 to 9, from 11 to 12 and §from 5:30 (5:30. The Baptist Sunday School will have an entertainment in the basement of the church to-morrow evening. This is St. Stephens' (the martyr) day, to-marrow will be St. John's (the evangelist) day, aud Wednesday, Iluly Innocents day. The fainting of a young woman at the Episcopal church yesterday morning created some confusion which was soon quieted by the coolness of the new Rector. Whether \