Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, December 24, 1881, Image 2

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    The Daily Review
Towanda, Pa., Satday, Dec. 24, 1881.
"Daily MCevinc" unit/ 25 coifs per
month. 'MTrij if.
The wood of the immense catafalque in
which the remains of the late President ,
were laid in state at Cleveland has been
carefully preserved and is being made up j
into various ornamental and useful little j
articles as souvenirs of the Garfield fu- !
neral services. Under the auspices of a
"Garlleld lielic Bureau" the souvenirs
are sold at special agencies in several
Western cities and at Washington and
the money arising from the sales goes to
the monitnent fund. A single 11 rm is !
engaged in the manufacture and is under j
heavy bonds to use none but the the gen- j
nine material of tic catafalque and every ■
article is marked with a copyright stamp j
to preclude the chance of counterfeiting, i
The demand for the mementos is large !
and a handsome amount will be realized
in aid of the monument.
'•When (political) rogues fall out,"''
etc. The "Continental Congress" has
had another session, this time at the Gi
rard llouse. Had the "machine" men
Held such a conclave, they would have
oeen denounced as conspirators, even
had they decided to recommend the same
political programme as the "Continental j
Congress." Why not call a joint meeting J
of the contending factions for counsel, j
and thus present an unbroken front to
the enemy when the campaign opens
next season.
The Republican organization Queans to
the masses something more than an an
gry, selfish struggle for office, and if the
leaders, under any pretext whatever,
seek to subvert it to such an end they j
ought to be displaced whether they are j
termed "bosses" or independents.
The people of the state would be
abundantly satisfied with either Beaver
or Grow for Governor—either would
make a better executive than we have
had lately, and the fact that they are
championed by Cameron and Quay or
Stewart, Davies and Lee should make no
Chalmers has introduced a bill in the
llouse providing for the issue of S3GU,-
000,000 treasury notes, having the legal
tender qualities now given national bank
notes. The bill also provides that any
bank, national, State or private, shall be
relieved from the tax on deposits and the
stamp act on checks, if it will make
monthly exchanges with the Treasurer of
national bank notes for treasury notes.
The Legislative salary case is likely to
have an early hearing, if the efforts of
counsel on both sides can secure one. J.
McDowell Sharp, of counsel for the leg
islators, was in Harrisburg this week and
with the Attorney-General joins in a re
quest to the Supreme Court that the case
be given a hearing at Philabelphia as
soon as possibly.
The Tunkhannock Standard (dem.)
says as between Grow and Davi es, the
latter is its choice for Governor
A dispatch from Vienna states that the
telegrams about the Jeannettc evoke the
greatest sympathy throughout Germany.
Postmaster-General Ilowe, who is
now at home in Wisconsin, is not expect
ed to enter upon his new duties until
after the first of January.
A dispatch from Brownsville, Texas,
states that three noted bandits, captured
near Renosa, Mexico, were on Wednes
, day hanged by some Mexican vigilants
Secretary Folger disclaims any intent
ion of anticipating the January intrest.
He considered such a step uncalled for
under the present satisfactory condition
of the finances.
WKKKOF PRAYER.— The World's Evangel- j'
ieai Alliance has appointed the first week in ; <
January as the week of prayer, the following I
is the program which is sent forth to all the j (
churches of the world :
SUNDAY, January I.— Subject for discourse I ,
"Renewed Consecration."
MONDAY, January 2.—Thanksgiving for
the blessings, temporal and spiritual, for the ;
past year, and prayer for their continuance.
TUESDAY, January 3. —Humiliation and
onfession on account of individual. i social j
and national sins.
WEDNESDAY. January 4—Prayer for the j
I blessings of Cod on His Church and lii.-> i
; Word.
THURSDAY, January f>. —Prayer for the !
young and all agencies for Christian training.
FRIDAY, January G.— Prayer for the uni
versal prevalence of peace and righteous-j
ness. |
SATURDAY, January 7.— Prayer for Chris- J
an missions, tlie ontp ) iri ig of the Holy Spir
ct and the conversion of the world.
jwm si
, <sS|
v * vr ■■?l -" 9■ 1
; |
*''' FOB
Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backache, Soreness cf the Chest,
Gout, Quinsy, Scro Throat, Swell
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, General Bodily
Tooth, Bar and Headache, Frosiod
Feet and Ears, and ail ether
Pains and Aches,
No Preparation on eartli equals ST. JACOBS On.
as a safe, sure, simple and cheap External
Remedy A trial entails hut the comparatively
trilling outlay of oO Cents, and every one Buffering
with pain can havo cheap and positive proof of its
Directions in Eleven Languages.
Jialtirnorc, MC., V. 8. -1.
11. A.SCOTT, of the "Sugar Creek Mill," has
left an Older book with O. I). Wickhain at the Post
Olticc. All orders for Flour, Feed, Meal, Grain
etc., left there will receive prompt attention.
A good girl wanted in a small family. Inquire of
Smith Brothers.
The Baltimore M INCH ME A P which lias a world
wide reputation, is for sale at UrNDKi.i.'s Market.—
Those who once use this brand are never satisfied
with any other.
We are constantly receiving orders for " Lum
Smith's Imitation Stained glass," and are ready to
give our patrons the full benefit of an inexpensive
and handsome decoration by placing it 011 any glass
whether door or window, large size or small glass,
gieen or white, round or square, in fact any posi
' Hendelman buys all of his goods direct from the
Manufacturers in large quantities wli icli enables
him to sell goods way down.
, You will find the finest selection of Sterling Sil
ver ware at Ilendelman's.
Gold Spectacles and Eye Glasses at ilendelman's
Clocks of all descriptions at Ilendelman's.
NOTICE!—On or about the first of April 18S2,
M. L. SciiNEEBEUG, proprietor of the Great Bos
ton Clothing, Boot and Shoe House, just opened in
Means' Block, Main street, will Change Quarters to
No 2, Button's Block, corner Main and Bridge sts.,
with a large and elegant stock of Spring and Sum
mer Clothing, which will be made up expressly for
the Towanda Branch. Thahking the people of this
community for their patronage in the past, and we
hope to see all our old customers, and many others,
at our new place of business, with a convenient lo
cation, and Less Rent, that we shall he able to sel[
our goods at still better Bargains, and shall aim to
please every one, and to keep the Largest and Best
stock as can be found anywhere. Respectfully,
tion, shape or kind of frame or glass that needs
shading from the rays of the mm, or from the ga*.e
of inquisitive eyes. Thankful for the very liberal
patronage bestowed since we have received the
agoncy of this Imitation, we shall by a strict atten
tion to business, hoping to merit a continuance of
the same. To those who have heard of the-'lmi
tation Glass," and have not seen it, we extend a
cordial invitation to examine into its real merits,
and ask tlie prices for which it can be obtained, we
are prepared to contract with churches, halls, or
or other public buildings, and warrant all of our
work to surpass in beauty the genuine stained glass
and our prices are less than one-fourth the cost of
the srrne. Those in need of anything of this kind
or who are lovers of art, whether they wish to pur
chase or not, are respectfully invited to examine
the same at. CIIAS. P. CROSS' Hook Store.
LOST OX MONDAY,.—Lost between Dr. Pratts
office and Bridge street, a black Kid Glove, abut
I toned, No 6 12. Finder will confer a favor by
I caving at this office.
I "I'IKT.9TERING —In this line of business I make
i a specialty and defy competition, as 1 make my
j own work and can sell at prices thai others have to
pay wholesale. Call early and leave your order, as
j I have a'numbercf ordors at present, but will try
j and accomodate all. My goods are the newest and
I best for the money that have ever been put into
this city. <T- OTTAHSON,
Up one light of stairs. Bridge st., Towanda.
FOR SALE OR RENT.—The Dwelling House
fronting on Eocust Avenue in Towaada boro, late
residence of J. M WABII, together with the 'I enant
House, lJarn, Ice House, etc., and the grounds
within the encloseure—covering several acres—in- i
eluding a line garden, choice Fruit Trees. Two 1
Large Cisterns anu a Well affording an abundance J
of Water.
Also, A lot fronting on York Avenue, large j
enough for several tine building lots.
Also, A lot fronting on Main street, adjoining the
Penna. & N. Y. railroad, containing several acres.
The above property will he sold together, or as
divided. For particulars apply to,
R. A. MERCI'R, Esq.
ter of the final account of Tamer A. Chaffee,
Guardian of I'liu-bc G. Chaffee. In the Or
plums'Com t of Bradford County.
Flic undersigned, an auditor appointed by the
said Court to dispose of exceptions tiled to the li
nal account of said Guardian, will meet the parties
:n his office in Towanda Borough on Thursday,
January 12, ISS2, at 10 o'clock -V. M., when and
where all persons interested in said account and
exceptions will be hoard.
Dec. 14, 1881. Auditor.
Ms rvv ii S V§s V s*.
This remedy is something new, both as to name
and composition. This is one of the wonders of the
world. This Syrup, 1 claim, is better and more
effective than nnybthcr ever offered to th ople of
America or any other country, and what i say of
this I can prove, This Syrup, like the Pills, is
harmless and safe. It contains no opium or other
narcotic poison, like the most Syrup, and is not dis
agreeable to take. Any child will take it. Audit
will cure any and all inflammations arising from
Cold. It is superior to all others in every respect
and especially for the following reasons:
lyist. It will cure Croup every time.
2d. It will cure Intlammation of the Lungs.
3d. It will cure Quinsy.
•tth It will cure Whooping Cough.
sth It will cure Bronchitis.
oth It will cure Hoarseness.
Tth it will cure Sore Throat.
Bth It will cure any Cold.
9th It will cure Congestion of 'be Lungs.
10th It will cure any Cough.
11th It will cure Scarlet Fever.
12th. It is the best reined" that anv one can take
for Consumption, and if taken in the first stago I
will guarantee a cure.
13th. It is perfectly safe for all ages as there is
nothing in its composition that can harm a child.
For sale by CLARK B. PORTER.
1 mtP i:':-. RENEWER.
f No other Itoncvrcr yet discovered does its work
so quickly and sal isf icuv.-Ly ;.3 this. It will restores
I gray and f.ule 1 hair t > its original beauty ; it will
j immediately prevent t a failing out of tho hair;
it cures da ad ru T, tehin r eruptions, and keeps tho
scalp clean; it will c a o tho hair to grow whero
, it has fallen Of an l impart< f .l ss en .1 freshness;
; it softens tho lin'r when Icr a r.nd dry and is en
' tirely froo from all if Rating matter; it lias the
] very bast reputation and gives universal satlsfao
DJ not fail to try it. For ealc by all druggists.
Price, 75 cts. per bottle.
Prepared by i has. Davis, Canton, I'a.
For sale by all Druggists and Dealers.
G> SB. WOOL* tO .
) arc up to the times in making new styles
• of Pictures. The latest is a small Card
p Photograph, called MINETTS which are
, very pretty and take well, Price only 81
1 per dozen.
Their Tintypes are also made 4 at a
i time, made very quickly and sell 4 for 50
> cents, card size.
Remember the* place, Patton's
I Block, corner Bridge and Main Streets.
fOBD -S /
| / \sy
dW'—"A. r
\ '^o^fe ; r ;n I
- "H'f "'
- ' —:"-a. -. . . ■
4s • '" 'A'
B. 3, BUFORD & 0!).,
Hock Maud, 111.
Manufacturers of
Steel &>■ Chilled Flows,
Listing Plows,
Harrows, do., etc.
Branch Ki as.
ST. PAUL, Minn. ST. JOSEPH, 31".
Write for our Diary, mailed free.
r ojHJ
C HE A P <
end I further notice the Coal
-dealers of Towanda will sell
Pittston Coal in yard at $4.00
per ton.
Loyal Sock in yard at $3.50
per ton.
Ed. Williams
I*l umber aad Mas-Fitter,
Respectfully informs the people of Towanda that
he is prepared to do all work in his line on the
hort it notice, and guarantee satisfaction.
He keeps a LARGE ASSORTMENT of stock,
and will furnish pipe, all plumbing materials and
gas fixtures at a smalladvance from jobber's prices.
I refer to my numerous customers during the ten
years I have been in Towanda as to the character
of iny work, and solicit the patronage of those hav
ing jobs in my line.
4Sp" Estimates furnished when desired
Shop'a few'doors north of Mercur Block
May 6,1881.