DAI L Y TO W AND A REV IE W. VOLUME 111, NO. 116 LOCALS. Personal. Mrs. Judge LONG, of Burlington. is visit ing her son, M. J. LONG, on Third street. A. J. WHITNEY, jr., of Harrisburg, is at the Ward House on bis way to Rome to eat Christinas dinner with his parents. Mrs. J. 11. BKEBK, who has been visiting friends in town for several days, returned t> her home in Montrose this morning. Doctor TAYLOR, will preach a sermon ap propriate to the season at the Church of the Messiah, to-morrow morning. Xo evening service. Senator DAVIDS has been in Philadelphia tliis week attending a meeting of the commit tee appointed to secure reform within the republican party. Mr.-. ROBERT SHERMAN, the lady of the -White House,"' at Rernicc, loft Monday morning for a short visit with friends at To wanda.—lbis/tore Review. To the generosity of Mr. I). O. IIOLI.ON, . MOL'H.LESSE VCX. Uis of Swiss manufac ture, open face a regular beauty. Dr. X's patients tnav be sure that he will be on time so long as he consults that chrouometei. Doctor. HOPI'ET the colored small-pox pa tient died yesterday morning. Gwing to the energetic and thorough action of tlie board of health, in quarantining the house and provi ding a good nurst , 110 exposures are known to have taken place and 110 further danger is apprehended from this source. I here are no other eases in the town or vicinity.— Wavev ly Review. TOWANDA, PA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 18S1. The Episcopal Mite Society will meet next Tuesday evening at the residence of Judge MEKCUR. AS this will he the lirst one after the installation of th* new Rector, it will undoubtedly be the pleasantest meeting of the season, and every member of the church and congregation, will doubtless be present. MONROKTON.— Mr. EDITOR, Dr. Stewart's lecture gave full satisfaction; and it was de livered in a pleasing and forcible manner. Rev. (>, C. Jones of Rochester, is to deliver a lecture here on Wednesday eve., Dec. *2B, ISM. Doors open ut 7. Lecture to commence at 7 1-2. p, 111. We expect a good represen tation from Towanda and vieinitv. The Roll of Honor exercises at the Graded School yesterday afternoon were very inter esting and, notwithstanding the very disa greeable weather, were attended by a large number of interested spectators, amougihc number Supt. RYAN, and Prof. MCCOLI.OM, principal of tlie Troy schools, The acquitted themselves splendidly. Miss DAI SY STEVENS, having tlie best record for the month, was awarded the •banner. Speeches were made by J. F. SANDERSON and K. L. HlLLls, of tlie board of directors. Capt. J. A. WILT, 011 behalf of L. S. RLASDELI,, pre sented the school with a set of pointers. Tlie names of the roil of honor pupils are crowded out this morning out they will appear Mon day. The school rooms wore all tastefully decorated. It is expected that over four hundred teach ers will attend the se-sion of the County In stitute, and any of our citizens who are will ing to take a portion oftiiein as hoarders, can notify County Superintendent RYAN at •J. ."v. WILT'S office. A list W ill be kept there for the accommodation of teachers. THE PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY PRESS an nounces that i: will continue, during tlie coin ing year, all the attractive features which have given it its present prestige and popu larity, and that it will add new features, ma king it Mill more desirable as a family jour nal. Specimen copies arc sent free. A tine free lunch will be set out at S. IP Tidd's Restaurant, at 9 _ o'clock to-night, Christmas eve. 50 all Cliroino Cards sent post paid for 10 cents, with name. Address. F. P. Carnoeliau, Fashionable Caad Printer. Towanda, Pa. The Celebrated Milwaukee Lager 011 draught a the Park Restaurant.. A inissunderstaiiding having arisen, we are requested to state that the Christ Church Sunday School Christmas exercises will in clude both a tree and a foa-r. The celebra tion will lie observed Monday afternoon. SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY.— The Sunday School of the Church of the Messiah R'-v. Dr. TAYLOR, Pastor, will celebrate the Christmas Anniversary in the church audito rium. on Saturday evening (Christmas Eve.) at 7 o'clock. The formation of mottoes, re citations, singing, and Christinas gifts, will make up tlie programme. The public are cor dially invited. A large assortment of neat Stationery, just received Jewel Boxes, Work Boxes, Toilet and Xail sets in plush and leather Goods at Whiteomb's Book Store. Xo trouble to show goods. Any industrious, practical farmer, with a small capital,-can hear of an opportunity to buy a farm 011 terms which will enable him to pay for ot out of the profits. For particu ars enquire at this office. Xew Figs, only 15 cents per pound; Mala ga Ganpes, 30 cents; Florida Granges, Lem ons and French Bananas, direct from Aspin wall, at TITUS'. Large invoiceof foreign and domestic wines and liquors expressly adapted to the holiday trade,just received at John Sullivan's, Xo. 4, Ilale's block, Bridge st. dec. 19—2w. H OLIDA EIY. MOUIEL THE WAT lias greatly increased his goods for I loliday Presents. He iins a full assortinen of Ladies Watches, Swiss and American, GQLI) Gold Spectacles. Sterling Silver Ware. Roger s Celebrated Sll Clocks of all dis The finest 'Gold 'lff' Low Prices. Everything gu Everything Enf ravin d clone by Corner ICE CREAM. — TITUS will furnish IceCream during the holidays. Call and get some or send in your order. The best watches made for sale at Er>. MOUII.LESSKAUX'S. Titus will have Christmas Trees for sale from Wednesday until Saturday. The cheapest and the best place in Towan da to buy Christina* candies is at Titus' con fectionery store. Il is no exageration 111 FELCII SC CO. to claim tin'largest assortment of silk handker chiefs of any establishment in the country. — II will certainly pay you to call and examine them. Vou cannot fail to be pleased. For the finest line of smokers goods for Clrrestmas presents, go to John Sullivan's on Riidgest. dec. 19—2w. PREMIUM REEF FOR THE HOLIDAYS.—Ha ving purchased PETER WALBORX'S premium steers, I shall have them slaughtered, and served to my customers for the holidays. JOHN KLINE. FELCII Co. are offering a splendid line of Silk Handkerchiefs, direct from the manu facturers, the largest assortment ever offered iirtown, at bottom prices. You can't afford to pass them. liundell is selling nice largo fresh Lake Fish at Ten Cents per pound. DONATION AND ENTERTAINMENT.— There will be a donation given to the Rev. GEO. P. HOPKINS at his residence 011 the Wyalusing Creek, 011 Thursday evening, December 29, ISSL. The guests will be entertained by mu sic and a drama, given by talented young amateurs from abroad. M. Ilendclman lias tlie finest stock of Brace jets in town. Go to Ottarson's for your Foot Bests, Ottomans, Sofa Pillows, Easy Chairs, etc . WANTED— By an English laundress, family washings. Plenty of water and good drying ground. M. G. BENNETT. Second house above the Circus Ground, Bridge street, Towanda, Pa. You will save money by buying your Jewelry of Hendclman. LOST, Thursday afternoon, on Main street, a Beak-skin Glove, for right hand. The finder will be suitably rewarded on leaving at this ollice. A good girl, for general housework, wanted. E. E. QTRINLAN. A good girl, competant to do general housework, can hear of an excellent situation by calling at this office. PRICE ONE CENT. Y GOODS. i ESBEAUX, CHMAKBR t I stock, and is daily receiving - new and Gentlemen's SILVER Jk SILVER Jeweleryin tbelatest style. vcr Plated Plat tie Hollow Ware, cr rations. hue of Foley's Celebrated BAA A Pens, and Pencils. The PEST in use. aranteed. new. Call and be convinced. himself on short notice ! iSFjOCK, Wain and Bridge Street. TOWANDA, PA. FOR RENT. Two dwelling houses in the First Ward for rent. O. D. KINNEY. Rooms suitable for small family, to lot, in centre of town. Enquire at this office. "J\T K\V ISLACKSMITII SHOP! Having rented DODGE'S SHOP, on Park street, I invito the patronage of my friends and the public. 1 am.prepared to do everything in the line of I3LACKSMITIIING. ffir' Heavy work, Ilorse Shoeing. Wagon Ironing and Mill Picks, specialties. Prices reasonable. Dec 19, CIIAS. MORGAN. TEA CUE PS' INSTITUTE. LECTURE BY Prof. if**#. ff. c TSnrsha!/, "WONDERLAND", or The New N;t tional Park. Brilliantly Illustrated with Dissolving Views, by an Oxy-llydrogen Stereoptican! "Worth a score ofoidinary lectures." — Rev. 11. K. Pierce D. 1). in Zions Ilerald. "Unsurpassed by any lecture ever given in St. Louis."— St. Louis Globe. ••Four thousand people were in the ball before eight o'clock. Several times the lecturer had to request the audience to restrain its applause that he might go on with the lecture." — N. Y. Herald. At the FIVE CENT STORE you will find the largest stock of o HOLIDAY GOODS, suitable for PPESENTS, ever offer ed in this market. IT WILL BE TO YOUR I A TERES T to call and exam ine. SUNDAY SCHOOL Com mittees will find articles suitable for presents at very low prices. The Five Cent Store is head quarters for Santa Claus.