DAILY TOWANDA REVIEW. VOLUME 111, NO. 114. LOCALS. Personal. Hon. GEO." MOSCRIP, of •Burlington, was in town yesterday. Editor STRONG and wife came down from Dushore to hear Josh Billiugs. Principal MCCOLI.OM, of the Troy Gra ded School, was in town yesterday. Miss WINNIE DAAIES, of Elmira College, is home for the Chriftmas vacation. Miss LILLIE MERCUR came down from Say re last evening, to attend JOSII BILLINGS' lecture. Rev. E. P. HAMMOND, the evangelist, is about to commence revival and evangelistic work 111 Nashville, Tenn. Miss EUGENIA MACFARLENE has gone to Williamsport to spend the holidays with her friend, Miss BLANCHE LINN. CHARLEY HILL IS so far recovered from his late illness that lie has resumed his posi tion in the Erie office, Waverly, Dr. JOHN D. MERGER of Philadelphia is in town and will cat his Christmas goose and plum pudding with his parents, Judge and Mrs. MERCUR. The mite received at the Episcopal Social at the Ward House, last Monday evening, amounted to ssl SO—the largest taken any one evening this season—and Mrs. CROSS naturally feels quite proud. The Reverend E, A. ENOS, the newly elected Rector of Christ Church, has tele graphed the Warden, Col. MEANS, that he will arrive here on Saturday and conduct Christmas services IU the Chu reh, -which is being elegantly trimmed, on Sunday, Christ mas day. L R iysville sent a large delegation down to hear Josh Billings last evening. Among those present from that wide-awake village were L. P. BLACKMAN, SAM DAVIS, W. B. PAY SON, Mr. PITCHER, M. B. BOSWORTII, C. C. WICSTRROOK. O. E. PAYSON, and J AS. BAILEY. Mr. BARRON, who has for the past three years been with a large western hardware house |is traveling salesman, in Kansas, is making his daughter, Mrs. Capt. MANVILLE, a brief visit. He is looking well, from which we conclude the western atmosphere agrees with him. ON the first of January the linn of PATCH & TRACY will lie dissolved, Mr. PATCH re tiring to engage in the general mercantile business at Say re. We understand Mr. TRA CY is to continue the business of the late |lirm. Mr. IIARLON PATCH has been one of our most enterprising, honorable mer chants, an 1 his numerous friends and cus tomers hereabouts will regret to have him leave. He will certainly prove a valuable ac quisition to the thriving embryo city of Sir, re and we hope he may be as thoroughly appre ciated by the good people there as he is here. The Towunda Library will not be open Saturday Dec, 24th nor Saturday Dec. Jlst. A severe accident lately to a star performer had a far happier termination than was ex pected. The wife of 11. Stowe, Esq., mana ger of Dan Rice's Great Show, was terribly injured by being thrown from her horse while performing at Cadiz. Ohio. St. Jacobs Oil alone vvus used and cured her in four days. Patrons and friends of the Graded school, should encourage the faithful teachers and scholars by attending the Roll of Honor ex ercises to-morrow afternoon. The school has never been in a more flourishing condition, and the'monthly Friday afternoon exercises are yery interesting. Mrs. MARY ANN JONES, wife of JOSEPH .TONES, died yesterday afternoon. The de ceased had been in poor health for several years and had been gradually sinking for a month past. She was about 60 years of age. Rev. GEO. D. STROUD will conduct the burial services which will be held at the house, near the upper depot, at 1 o'clock this afternoon. TOWANDA, PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1881, An unfortunate case of dementia attracted an unusual amount of attention at the Erie depot last evdling. The afflicted lady's suf ferings were aggravated by the presence of so many people. Such scenes are of too seri ous a nature to be made the subject of jests. The lady was being taken by friends to Troy, Pa., for treatment. — Binc/hamton Republi can. EMMERSON VOUGIIT, of Ghent, Shoslie quin township, died Tuesday afternoon, after a brief illness. He was engaged in teaching at Morres' Hill and having contracted a severe cold, went home last Wednesday, and was only confined to the house six days. The de ceased was in his 22d year, and an unusually promising young man. A brother, who was a student at the Institute in this place, died quite suddenly, a year and a half-ago. Fu neral at Ghent M. E. church this morning at 10 o'clock. 11. W. SHAW, (Josh Billings), was greeted by a literally full house last evening, notwith standing the rain. Mercur Hall has seldom been >o well tilled—every seat was occupied and many were compelled to stand. " Josh" was iutroducetf by Col. SMITH in some face, tious remarks, which were well received by the audience. While Mr. SHAW'S effort was highly entertaining It could hardly be called a lecture; it was simplv a rehcrsal of some of his pie santest and brightest " Josh Bill ings'" sayings, which were listened to with added interest as thev fell from the lips of the witty and talented author. The audience gaue indubitable evidence of their entire sat isfaction with the entertainment. STILL THEV COME.—Six more Doctors lmve registered during the present month. They are: . LORENRO A. JONES, M. D., Terry; Gene va Medical College. 1872. CHARLES W. CARRIER. M. I)., West Bur lington, University of Buffalo, N. V., Feb. 18(52. XIRUM JACKSON COGSWELL, M. I)., Tns carora. Hygein Therapeutic College of New York, March 18(5(5. CHARLES S. DUSENBURY, M. D.. Belle vue Hospital Medical College, New York city, February 18(55. STEPHEN C. BISHOP, Wysox; no medical degree. JOHN M. FUHMAN, Terry. No medical degree. ICE CREAM.—TITUS wiil furnish Ice Cream during the holidays. Call and get some or send in your order. The best watches made for sale at ED. Mal l I,LESSE AU X 'S. Titus will have Christmas Trees for sale from Wednesday until Saturday. The cheapest and the best place in Towun da to buy Christmas candies is at Titus' con fectionery store. It is no exageration in FELCH fc Co. to claim the largest assortment of silk handker chiefs of any establishment in the country.— It will certainly pay von to call and examine them. You cannot fail to he pleased. For the finest line of smokers goods for Christmas presents, go to John Sullivan's on Biidgcst. dec. 19—2 w. PREMIUM BEEF FOR THE HOLIDAYS.—Ha ving purchased PETER WALBORN'S premium steers, I shall have them slaughtered, and served to my customers for the holidays. JOHN KT.INE. FELCII Co. arc offering a splendid line of Silk Handkerchiefs, direct from the manu facturers, the largest assortment ever offered in town, at bottom prices. You can't afford to pass them. New Figs, only 15 cents per pound; Mala ga Gaapes, 30 cents; Florida Oranges, Lem ons and French Bananas, direct from Aspin wall, at TITUS'. Large in voice of foreign and domestic wines and liquors expressly adapted to the holiday trade,just received at John Sullivan's, No. 4, Halo's block, Bridge st. dec. 19—2vv. HOLIDA ' ED. MOUIEE THE WAT Has greatly increased his goods for Holiday Presents. He has a fall assortmen of Ladies Watches, Swiss and American, (JOLI) Gold Spectacles. Sterling Silver Ware. Roo-crs Celebrated Si I O Clocks of all dis The finest 'Gold How Prices. Everything gn Everything Engraving done by jPrirmi's Corner The examination of medical experts in the assassination trial was resumed yes. terday. Speaker Keifer announced tiff? Standing Committees of the House yesterday. Kel ley is chairman of the Ways and Means; Iliscock, appropriations. The nomination by President Arthur ot Chief Justice Horace Gray, of the Massachusetts Supreme Court, to the United States Supreme Court Bench is universally commended as an appoint ment eminently fit and proper to be made. Other appointments by the President to prominent positions are also receiving general commendation. Rundell is selling nice large fresh Lake Fish at Ten Cents per pound. DONATION AND ENTKRTAINMKNT. —There will be a donation {riven to the Rev. GEO. P. HOPKINS at Ins residence on the Wyalusing I Creek, on Thursday evening, December 2!>, ISBI. The guests will he entertained by mu sic and a drama, given by talented young amateurs from abroad. M. Ilendelman lias the finest stock of Brace lets in town. Go to Ottarson's for year Knot ltcsts, Ottomans, Sofa Pillows, Easy Chairs, etc . WANTED —By an English laundress, family washings. l'ienty of water and good drying ground. " M. G. BENNETT. Second liouse above the Circus Ground, Bridge street, Towanda, Pa. You will save money by buying your Jewelry of Ilendelman. Ilendelman buys all of his goods direct from the Manufacturers in large quantities which enables him to sell goods way down. You will find the finest selection of Sterling Sil ver ware at Hendelman's. Gold Spectacles and Eye Glasses at ilendelman's Clocks of all descriptions at Hendelman's. NOTICE! —On or about the first of April 1882, M. L. SCHNEEBERO, proprietor of the Great Bos ton Clothing, Boot and Shoe House, just opened in Means' Block, Main street, will Change Quarters to No 2, Patton's Block, corner Main and Bridge sts., with a large and elegant stock of Spring and Sum mer Clothing, which will be made up expressly for the Towanda Branch. Thanking the people of this community for their patronage in the past, and we hope to see all our old customers, and many others' at our new place of business, with a convenient lo cation, and Less Rent, that we shall be able to sell our goods at still better Bargains, and shall aim to please every one, and to keep the Largest and Best stock as can be found anywhere. Respectfully, M. L. SCHNEKBERG. PRICE ONE CENT. Y GOODS. CHMAKEB stock, and is daily receiving new and Gentlemen's GOLD'and SILVER & SILVER Jewelery in tbe latest style. vet' Plated Flat di Hollow Ware, evictions. line of Foley's Celebrated PANK Pens, and Pencils. Flic BEST in use. aranteed. new. Call and be convinced. himsel fon short notice BMJOCK, Main and Bridge Street. TO WAND A, PA. FOR RENT. Two dwelling hsuses in the First Ward for rent. O. D. KINNEY. Rooms suitable for small family, t let, in centre of town. Enquire at this ofliec. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP! Having rented DODGE'S SHOP.on Park street, 1 invite the patronage of my friends and tiie public. lam prepared to do everything in the line of BLAOKBMITHING. Hh&~ Heavy work, Horse Shoeing. Wagon Ironing and Mill Picks, specialties. Prices reasonable. Dec ID, Oil AS. MORGAN. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. LECTURE BY i*rof. Wat. /. Marshall, '•WONDERLAND", or The New Nil tional Park. Brilliantly Illustrated with Dissolving Views, by an Oxy-llydrogen Stcreoptican! "Worth a score of culinary lectures."— Rev. 71. A", fierce D. ]). in Zions Herald. "Unsurpassed by any lecture ever given in St. Louis.''— St. Louis Globe. ••Four thousand people were in the hall before eight o'clock. Several times the lecturer had to request the audience to restrain its applause that he might go on with the lecture."—V. Y. Herald. At the FIVE CENT STORE you will find the largest stock of HOLIDAY GOODS, suitable lor PRESENTS , ever offer ed in this market. IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTEREST to call and exam ine. SUNDAY SCHOOL Com mittees will find articles suitable lor presents at very low prices. The Five Cent Store is head quarters for Santa Claus.