Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, December 21, 1881, Image 4

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    The X>oilv Review.
Towanda,Pa., Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1881.
"Ifaitu •' Cn/jf 85 rrnla yer
month. Try it!
Holiday Goods se'ected with great care at
\V hit comb's Rook Store.
Kerosene Burners for Oil Lanterns at C.
M. WELLES' Crockery 99c store.
Don't fail to go to .JOIIN SULLIVAN'S on
Bridge street, for the best five cent cigar.
Cape Cod Cranberries, the largest and best
grown, for sale at K. F DITTRICIJ IT CO. S.
Chains and Lockets in endless variety, com
prising all the new stvles. at Ll) MOLILLKSS
Wanted. *> copies each of the REVIEW dated
respectively Aug. U and 20, and Sept. 3 and
13, 1881.
Christinas Cards, New Year Curds, Lirth
dav, Wedding and Condolence Cards, at
Hooks by eminent authors and Poets, in
the finest bindings suitable for holiday pres
ents, at WIIITCOMH'H.
The Five Cent Store is now receiving an
immens stock of fall and winter goods and
tin? enterprising proprietors invite the public
to cull and examine.
ducements are offered you by the BURLING
TON ROUTE. It. Will pay YOU to read their
advertisement to be found elsewhore in thi
A large assortment of neat Stationery, just
received Jewel Boxes, Work Boxes, Toilet
and Nail sets in pkish and leather Goods
at Whiteornb's Book Store. No trouble to
show goods.
Any industrious, practical farmer, with a
small capital, can* hear of an opportunity to
buy a farm on terms which will enable him
to pay for ot out of the profits. For partial
ars enquire at this office.
In subscribing for a weekly newspaper—
outside of your home paper which you must
have,—it is well to consider the advantage of
taking a paper like The Philadelphia Press,
which not only furnishes the choice of the
general news and reading, but also the fullest
Harrisburgh and general Pennsylvania news.
The Philadelphia Press publishes in con
nection with its weekly edition, a new coun
ty, township and railroad map of Pennsylva
nia, which is one of the best and most accu
rate ever gotten up, and is corrected to the
latest surveys. It is 38 1-2 by 23 1-2 inches,
is handsomely mounted, and can be had, to
gether with THE WEEKLY PRESS, for one
year, for $1,50, the price of the map alone.
These maps can be found in any post-office
in Pennsylvania. Ask your postmaster to
show you a copy of the paper and map.
tical character, and many pleasing and in
structive engravings are given in the January
number of the American Agriculturist,
which begins the 41st annual Volume. We
notice seasonable suggestions on "Work of
the Month."; "Keeping Warm," with many
practical lessons drawn from science made
plain; comparative value of different Woods
as fuel; X. A. Willard on the "Butter Glob
ule": Prof. E. C Ferguson describes a "Tex
as Road Scraper"; J. M. Hubbard explains
how he improved a field; Col. M. C. Weld
on "Artificial Hatching"; Hon. Geo. Geddes
on "Farming as an Occupation"; Prof. S. A.
Forbes on the "Canker WMTH and Birds"
Dr. D. I). Slade on the "Horse Shoe and Its
Application"; Prof. Cyrus Thomas on the
"Army Worm"; Dr. M, Miles on "Rotation
of Crops and Manures"; Prof. W. O. At wa
ter on "Nitrogen" etc. Among the many 11.
lustrated editorial articles arc the "Cattle of :
Holland"; "Canada Thistle"; " Cheap Ice I
Houses,/ etc. "Bee Notes"; exposure of
"Sundry Humbugs"; "Notes from the
Pines"; "My First Peach Orchard"; Chap
ters for the House-Keeper, and for Children
and Youth, with many other useful articles ,
makeup this valuable number of a Journal ;
which should be in every home. Price $1.50 ■
a year; 4 copies for $5. —Single numbers, 15 ■
cents; one specimen, 10c.—Orange, Judd k \
Co., New York, Publishers.
Ice Cream at Tit us' during the holidays.— j
Come in and have a dish or send in your order.
All the new Banks and Toys at C. P. Welles' 99c i
For First ('lass Custom Boots and Shoes, go to
Morgan McMahon's Shop, over Burohill Brothers
Marble Works. Repairing of all kinds neatly done.
Headquarters for DOLLS! Dolls Heads, Bodies,
and Arms, at C. P. Whiles' Crockery and 99e store.
Published, a revised edition of Carnochan's Road
Laws and Laws Relating to Township Officers in
Bradford County," by Samuel W. Bunk.
For sale at Treasurer's Office or at either Whit
comb's ar Cross's bookstore, 'l'owanda, Pa.
New goods opening every day at C. P. Welles'
Crockery and 99e store.
If vcu call at BLUM'S boot and shoe store
you will find that you can get, more and bet
ter goods for the moncv than at at any shoe
house in Towauda.
Best and Cheapest Holiday Stork ever exhibited
in 'l'owanda at C. P. Welles' Crockery and 99c
LAWRENCE ILUORAN, the old reliable and skil
ful SHOE MAKER is again "on deck," and wishes
to inform his customers and the public that here
after, in "rain or shine," he will be found at his
post ready to do all work in ids line in the best
manner and on short notice. Shop in rear of the
REVIEW office.
THE NEW ERA WASHER!— Give it a trial.
It does the washing clean, in one fourth the
202-4w. L. S. BLASDELL, Agent.
Elegant New Styles of picture Brackets and Jap
anese Brackets at the 99c store.
Car loads of new goods now being received at the
Five Cent Store.
a number of dwelling houses for rent or tor sale
on easy terms. Also, eligible and desirable build
ing Lots which will lie sold on long credit to per
sons desiring to build.
Oct. 17. 1881. L. ELSBREE.
Childrens Books, Small and Large. I owest Pri
ces. at C. P. Welles'Crockery and 99c store.
One Cook stove.
One Heating store, suitable for oal or wood,
O. A. BLACK, Weston st.
CHARLES AKPNS has taken the Barber Shop late
ly occupied by PATTINANTO, in I'atton Block, and
solicits a share of public patronage. He is an ex
perienced barber and understands v branches of
the business.
New Majolica at C. I'. Welles' Creckery and 99e
THE VERY LATEST —StvIes in men's, clii!
(Iron's and boys' suits, overcoats and fur
nishing goods can be found at Jacob's Cloth
ing House as lie has just opened an immense
stock of Fall and Winter goods.
Wanted—A good violinist, with evenings not en
gaged. Address, F. L. Gv, Box 50, 'l'owanda, Pa.
Mr. OTTARSON, the upholsterer, is putting some
very nice goods in just now for the Holidays,
and see what a Bargain you can get with hi m
Two heating stoves for sale cheap. N. I'. HICKS.
Great variety of Motto and Fancy Cups, Saucers
and Mugs at C. P. Welles' Crockery and 99e store.
Mrs. Kilbourn invites the ladies of 'J'owanda and
| vicinity to call and examine her stock of Millinery
Goods before purchasing elsewhere.
Compare Prices and Quality , then you will buy
your Christinas Goods at C. P. Wells' Crockery
and 99c store.
Largest assortment of Vases and mottoed Cupa
| Cups and Saucers, in town at the 5 CENT Store.
Berries, Garden truck at My re's meat mar
ket, Bridge St.
Brick for sale. Enquire of J. T. Hale, at
torney at law.
SAFE FOR MALE— Fire-proof. Combination
Lock. Inquire of W.J.YOUNG.
Immense shipments of TOYS for the Holiday
trade, are being received daily at the 5 CENT
William Brown, at Miller's Barn, cleans and oils
Harness, and washes wagons very cheaply.
Second hand Herring Safe for sale cheap,
quire at this office.
twenty-eighth year commences Aug. 22d, 1881. A.
large and efficient corps of teachers; a full collec
tion of maps, cnarts, models and apparatus, and
appliances for teaching. Expenses are reasonable.
For catalogue or particulars call upon, or address
Principal, EDWIN E. QUINLAN, A. M.
To wan da, Pa.
j Miss N. A. Powell, an experienced dressmaker
I would inform Hie ladies of 'l'owanda that she now
| resides at Mr. 11. A, Prince's on Packer avenue,
where she will be pleased to receive orders fo
j wor w rk, or she will go out by the day.
C. M. Manville has a quantity ef fear feet flag
stones for sale cheap.
Buy Knapp's Superior Flavoring Extracts
for family use. warranted pure.
Lamp Wieks, Fletchers best, by the yard at C.
P. Wells' Crockery store.
The Dost a and 10 cent Cigars ever Smoked, at
the Park Street Cigar Store, South side Mercur
Have you over tried that superb tobacco for
sale at the Park Street Store, Mercur block? It
can't he beat.
WANTED—By Germania Band, situations for a
dry goods clerk, four years experience, a house and
sign painter, and light work for a young man. All
of them gentlemen of good character and will fur
nish recommendations. Communications addressed
to Germania Band, will receive prompt attention.
George Carter having opened a Barber Shop one
door South of the Methodist Church, solicits sharea
of the public patronage. George is a Good Barbel,
Give him a call.
nr. WE :
The celebrated Stallioi has retimed ti his n*
bles in this place where he may he fend. TIHMI
—Same is heretofore.
Oct. 21, 1881. D. C. DEVTITT.
IS OP E fok t,,s DEAF.
l >i*. Peck's Artificial Ear I>i*iliii
the Natural Drum. Always in position, but'invisible ethers. All conversation and even'whsper
heard distinctly. We refer t these msiMg them. Send for descriptive circular with tes moniai
. •ct. 11, 1881 Address 11. I*. K. PECK k CO., 85 Ik*wat,sN.T.
From this date and until further notice,
we have resolved to sell out our entire
stock of Heavy Winter Goods, Overcoats,
Boots and Shoes, at cost, in order to
make room for our large Spring and Sum
mer stock, at the Great Boston Clothing
House, just opened in Means' Block,
Main Street.
Plain and Ornamental Painter,
All work in liis line promptly executed skor
notice. From Ion)? experience both in city and
country, lie prides himself on being abl to suit tks
most fastidious.
Offer a large and attractive stock
at very low prices, which you
are invited to call and examine.
Also, a complete assortment of
Fancy Goods suitable for the
Holiday Trade.
Silk Handkerchiefs, Linen &
Embroidery, Ilan dke rchiefs,
Spanish Ties and Fichues, Hos
iery, Gloves, Underwear.
For the balance of the year
will sell Shawls, Cloaks and
Furs regardless of Cost and
Seasonable Dress Goods much
below value.
Cloths suitable for Ladies
Ulsters, also Gents Suitings, 1111-
laundried Shirts, Socks, Silk <£•
Linen Handkerchiefs, in tact
every thing pertaining to Ladies
or Gents Wardrobe.
Towanda, Pa.
A sure care for Dandruff and all other
diseases t trie Scalp.- Stops the hair
from falling out; invigorates the hah
nerves; cleanses the hair perfectly and
gives it a beautiful and healthy gloss feha
cannot be obtained without its use.
fcQp-Pnce 50 cents per Bottle.
Maaufactored a*l sold by