DAILY TOWANDA REVIEW. VOLUME 111, NO. 113. LOCALS. •Personal. Dr. PEPPER, wlio visited this place last Sunday is Provost instead of Dean of the University. J. M. EDSOX won the 36 pound turkey at the rifle match on the East Towanda range, Saturday. His score was 43 out of a possible 50. During the temporary illness of MAURICE CONDON, the veteran baggage master at the upper depot, Mr. FRED WIIYTE, jr., is very acceptably filling the responsible duties of his office. The Reverend C. H. WRIGHT lectured be fore the Kuights of Honor in Monroeton last night, and PERRY VANFLEKT conducted the revival meeting in North Towanda, which continues with unabated interest. Old Santa Claus appears to haye an abun dance of babies this season. The latest fam ily to be made happy by the receipt of one of these invaluable Christmas presents, is that of Mr. R. H. PATCH, and it's a girl. Our sanctum was invaded twice yesterday. The first time a eood lady whose "rich brogue" would have delighted Gen. SCOTT, bearing a plump, neatly dressed turkey, aud it isn't the first bird of the kind which we have received from the same source. Before we had time to put the gobbler out of sight a a messenger from WM. SNYDKR, Esq., of Sheshequin was annonnced with a basket of eels. The 'Squire says he didn't get sight of a deer in Sullivan county, but always keeps a supply of fish where he can put his hands upon them, and that he considers an eel the finest fish of the Susquehanna—quite equal to the choicest cut of venisou. May our thoughtful and generous friends have a " merry Christmas." and as good a dinner as they have fusnished us. The first sand was struck in the Wyoming county oil well, last week, at a depth of about seyen hundred feet. The indications for oil are stronger than ever, and the stockholders are happy pro tem. Otis Hathaway, Esq., 13 Rock street. Fall River, Mass., had a very had attack of rbeu metism, which racked him sorely. Finally he could scarcely move. St. Jacobs Oil was tried, and proved to be the only remedy that did him any good. Two weeks' use of it ren dered him as chipper and as active as ever. Monday forenoon, while engaged in sawing bed slats, M BARNHART. an employee at HOULENBACK A DULLS mill, at Wilmot Cen tre. this county, had his lower jaw broken by a piece of board thrown from the saw. The injurv is a serious one and will incapacitate him for work for some time to come. Drs. BARTLETT ami QUICK were called and ad justed the fracture. The election for Fire Department officers on Monday evening passed off very harmoni ously. The caucus nominees were elected without opposition. The new Chief, Mr. A. D. Cooi.itAUGtt is an experienced fireman, having run with the "machine" from early boyhood, as a member of the Naiad Co., and will eftb iently discharge the dutiesof his office. D. M. Wit.fOCK and F. L. GiUNNKi.r. are among the most active members of our ex ceptionally well-drilled, efficient department, and will prove valuable assistants to the new Chief. ANOTIIKK MAN KILLED BY THK CAKS. — SAMUKI. OTT, of Wysox township, was run over by the gravel train just this side of Wysankmg station, Monday evening, and so badly injured tha* lie died soon after. He seem to have been picking up coal on the track, and hearing the train approach, sup posed it was on the main track and stepped upon the siding. The train proved to be the gravel train backing up to the bank to be loaded. He was knocked down and both legs horrihlv mangled. The unfortunate man was taken to his house near bv where he died in about one hour. A coroner's jury, summoned bv Justice CODDING rendered a verdict in accordance with the foregoing TOWANDA, PA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1881. facts. The deceased was about 50 veais old, and an industrious and highly esteemed citi zen. ICE CREAM.—TITUS wiil furbish Ice Cream during the holidays. Call and get some or send in your order. The best watches made for sale at ED. MOUILLESSEAUX'B. Rundell is selling nice large fresh Lake Fish at Ten Cehts per pound. Titus will have Christmas Trees for sale from Wednesday until Saturday. The cheapest and the best place in Towan da to buy Christinas candies is at Titus' con fectionery store. It is no exageration in FELCH fe Co. to claim the largest assortment of silk handker chiefs of any establishment in the country.— It will certainly pay you to call and examine them. You cannot fail to be pleased. Congress adjourns for tho holidays to day. Kiddleburger was yesterday elected U. S. Senator from Virginia. The bill granting the frankiug privilege to. Mrs. Garfleld was signed by the Presi dent yesterday. Hon. Timothy O. Howe, of Wisconsin was yesterday nominated and confirmed Postmastcc General. The President has appointed Judge Gray of Massachusetts an associate Jus* tice of the Supreme Court. The arctic exploring ship, Jeanette, has been heard from. The vessel was crushed in the ice In Siberia, but the crew escaped in boats. The appointment of Mr. Brewster, the counsel selected by Mr. McVeagh to con duct the prosecution against the Star Route men, does not look as though Mr. Arthur intended to see the prosecution abandoned. The trial of David Monat, charged with irregularities in Philadelphia with election returns, was interrupted Mond ay by the trasfer to the prisoner's Idock of one of the jurors who assumed the name of a man absent from the city. The rest of the jury were dis charged. DONATION AND ENTERTAINMENT.—There wiil be a donation given to the Rev. GEO. P. HOPKINS at his residence on the Wyalusing Creek, on Thursday evening, December 29, 1881. The guests will be entertained by mu sic and a drama, given by talented young amateurs from abroad. PREMIUM BEEF FOR THE HOLIDAYS.—Ha ving purchased PETER WALBOKN'S premium steers, 1 shali have them slaughtered, and served to my customers for the holidays. JOHN KLINE. FKLCH k Co. are offering a splendid line of Silk Handkerchiefs, direct from the manu facturers, the largest assortment ever offered in town, at bottom prices. You can't afford to pass them. New Figs, only 15 cents per pound; Mala ga Gaapes. 30 cents; Florida Oranges, Lem ons and French Bananas, direct from Aspin wall, at TITUS'. Large invoice of foreign and domestic wines and liquors expressly adapted to the holiday trade.just received at Johu Sullivan's, No. 4, Hale's block. Bridge st. dec. 19 —2w. M. Hendelman lias the finest stock of Brace lets In town. Go to Ottarson's for jreur Eoot Rests, Ottomans, Sofa l'illows, Easy Chairs, etc . WANTED —By an English laundress, family washings. Plenty of water and good drying ground. M. G. BENNETT. Second house above the Circus Ground, Bridge street, Towanda, Pa. HOLIDA ED. MOUILL THE WAT Has greatly increased his goods for Holiday Presents. lie has a full assortmen of Ladies Watches, Swiss and American, GOLD Gold Spectacles. Sterling Silver Ware. Roger's Celebrated Sil Clocks of all dis The fnest Gold Ifcj* Low Prices. Everything gu Everything Engraving done by PATTOJ\ 9 S Corner The following officers were elected for the ensuing term at the last meeting of the En dowment Rank, K. of P.; Pres.— WAYNK DE FOHKST, V. Pres.—ll. E. BABCOCK. Chap.— J. P. VAN FLEET. Sec. and Treas. —J. N. CALIFF. Guide.—Q. 0. ALDRICH. Guard.—W H. LAMENT. Sentinel.— WM. KKYSER. Trustees.— H. S. CLARK, H. E. BABCOCK W. B. KELLY. For the finest line of smokers goods for Christmas presents, go to John Sullivan's on Bi idge st. dee. 19 —2w. You will save money by buying your Jewelry f Hendelman. Hemlelmun buys all of his goods direct from the Manufacturers in large quantities which enables him to sell goods way down. You will find the finest selection af Sterling Sil ver ware at Hendelman's. Gold Spectacles and Kye Glasses at Hendelman's Clocks of all descriptions at Hendelman's. NOTICE!—On or about the first of April 1882, M. L. SCUXEGRKRO, proprietor of the Great Bos ton Clothing, Boot and Shoe House, just opened in Means' B'ock, Main street, will Change Quarters to No 2, I'atton's Block, corner Main and Bridge sts., with a large and elegant stock of Spring and Sum mer Clothing, which will be made up expressly for the Towanda Branch. Tliabking the people of this community for their patronage in the past, and we hope to see all our old customers, and many others, at our new place of business, with a convenient lo cation, and Less Rent, that we shall be able to sell our goods at still better Bargains, and shall aim to please every one, and to keep the Largest and Best stock as can be found anywhere. Respectfully, M. L. BCHNEEBERG. Josh Billings! MERCUR HALL, Wednesday Evening DECEMBER 21st, 1881. Tickets now on sale r at Kirby's Drug Store,Whitcomb's book store and C. S Fitch's confectionery store. ADMISSION 50 cents. No extra charge for Reserved Seats PRICE ONE CENT. Y GOODS. ESSEAUX, CHMAKER stock, and is daily receiving new and Gentlemen's GOLU[and SILVER & SILVER Jewelery in tbe latest style. ver Plated Plat & Hollow Ware, criptions. line of Foley's Celebrated BANK Pens, and Pencils. The BP ST in use. aranteed. new. Call and be convinced. himself on short notice ! BLOCK. Main and Bridge Street. TOWANDA, PA. FOR RENT. Two dwelling houses in the First Ward for rent. . O. D. KINNEY. Rooms suitable for small family, to let, la centre of town. Enquire at this ofHce. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOPI Having rented DODGE'S SHOP, on Park Btreet, I invite the patronage of my friends and the public. lam prepared to do everything in the line of BLACKSMITHING. 49* Heavy work, Horse Shoeing. Wagon Ironing and Mill Picks, specialties. Prices reasonable. Dec 19. CHAi. MORGAN. TEA CHERS' INSTITUTE. LECTURE BY Prof. IPin. I, Marshall, "WONDERLAND", or The New Na tional Park. Brilliantly Illustrated with Dissolving Views, hy an Oxy-llydrogen Stereoptican! "Worth a score of ordinary lectures."— Rev. B. A'. Pierce D. D. in Zions Herald. "Unsurpassed by any lecture ever given in St. Louis."— St. Louie Globe. ••Four thousand people were in the hall before eight o'clock. Several times the lecturer had to request the nudicnce to restrain its upplause that he might go on with the lecture."—A. T. llerald. At the FIVE CENT STORE you will find the largest stock of HOLIDAY GOODS, suitable for PRESENTS, ever offer ed in this market. IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTEREST to call and exam ine. SUNDAY SCHOOL Com mittees will find articles suitable for presents at very low prices. The Five Cent Store is head quarters for Santa Claus.