Th e I>i 1 v H eview Towinia,Pa., Tuesday, Dec. 20, 1881. BDITOUS S. W. Aivn:n VOBLK N.ALVORD '•ttonsitf ilifvirir " Ou/yts certs mouth. 'Cry it! 1 General Beaver, The fact that Gen. Beaver is now a pr imihent candidate for Governor will give uita appended sitetcli of his military career new interest. We copy it from nil article in the Philadelphia Times of Saturday last, written from Bellelbnte: GENERAL B KAY Kit's HISTORY. •James Addanis Beaver was born at Millerstown, Perry conuty, on the 21st oi October, ISH7. His mother was Miss Addams, of the same section. lie nud only the usual rude common schools of that day to lay the foundation for his ed ucation, but he finally reached .Jcll'erson College, where he graduated creditably in 1 856. Three years later lie was ad mitted to the l)ni in this town, where lie had studied his profession, and his lot was thus cast for life with the intelligent and solidly progressive people of this le gion. He exhibited an early taste for lue military, and made his first appear ance as a lieutenant of the Bellelonte Pencil)les before the war, where lie com manded the embryo War Governor ol the State. In 1805, alter he had returned from the field, full of scars and hon ors and with one leg left oil the field of Ream's Station, he married Miss Mary McAllister, daughter of the late 11. N. McAllister, then one of the ablest law yers of Central Pennsylvania. llis ac complished wife, his several bright chil dren, his pretty, home-like residence on one of the hills surrounding the town, and his ever genial greeting lor his friends attract many to his family circle and leave pleasant memories with all his visitors. In person he is nearly six feet in height, although his iudispcusibie use of the crutch to perforin the duties of his uiissing leg makes him appear less in stature. Before he entered the military service he was delicate almost to ett'emi naoy , but his form and face have rounded out handsomely, and his slightly silvered hair, keen gray eye and military hat give him all th" air of the veteran soldier lie is. At the bar he is singularly tenacious in battling for his cause, but one of the most manly of foes in legal conllicts. In his private life and character he is most exemplary, being a consistent and active member oi the Presbyterian Church, and energetic in all the olliees of morality and humanity. Indeed lie Is regarded by many as religious even to bigotry and in tolerant in his efforts for Temperauce and social order. GENERAL BEAVER AS A SOLDIER. When the rebel guns first sounded against Port Suinpter the Bellefonte Feu eibles were among the first to respond to Governor Curtin's call for troops, and Lieutenant Beaver was among the most zealous iu the cause. The company was the third to report at Harrisburg, and it was mustered into the service with Bea ver as First -Lieutenant, in which posi tion he served during the three months' term. As soou as he was mustered out lie re-enlisted and was promoted to the Lieuteuaut Colonelcy of the Forty-tilth Regiment, which was ordered to South Carolina. Coloue I Beaver was there sta tioned at Fort Walker with five compa nies, commanding the entrance U) Port Royal Bay. In July, 1802, the regiment was ordered north and Beaver was made Colonel of the One Hundred and Forty eighth Regiment, one of the new three years regiment then recruited, llis com mand was present at Fredericksburg, but was iu the reserve, and did not become engaged in that unfortunate conflict, but at "chancellorsville Colonel Beaver gal antly led his command into a hand-to hand conflict with the enemy, where he fell, as was t ;n believed, mortally wounded. The ball passed clear through his body, but skilful surgical treatment brought liini through, and lie rejoined liis command and was actively engaged at Brlstow Station and Mine Run. In the spring of 1864, Colonel Beaver was conspicuous for gallantry at Spottsylva nia, North Anna, and Tolopotomy. At the first lie was struck by a miuie ball, but was saved from a dangorous and proba bly a fatal wound by a m jmorandum book. At Cold Harbor lie was also struck but not. seriously disabled and lie maintaieed liis position oil the Held at the head of his command. In the first assault before Petersburg, Colonel Eiuver was struck by a fragment of a shell and suffered severe iuterual in juries and a terrible flesh wound in the side. He was again compelled to linger i fretfully in the hospital while the last battles for tiie Union were being fought from day to (lav. lie left the hospital before he was ablejjto ride his horse, and i proceededjin an ambulance to the field, and reached it just as the army was J preparing to battle at Ileum,s Station, and he at once assumed com mand of ids brigade. He was only a short time on the Held when lie was struck on the right leg, above ihe knee, lie was left on the Held, but a faithful surgeon remained with him, amputated his leg, and between the hospitality of an enemy and the ceaseless and skilful care of his surgeon he received, lie was brevetted a brigadier General for gallan try in action, and he returned home liellefont at the close of the war to _re stiine the practice of his profession. ffIiEDBS Uli ! trade MA jis M '"j ■ ■ F p R Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of tie Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frostod Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals S*. Sscom Oil as a safe, sure, simple and cheap External Remedy A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 dents, and every one suffering with pain can have cheap and positivo proof of its claims. Directions In Eleven Languages. 80LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGEIER & CO., Baltimore, M. p. CLARK. LOST OX MONDAY.—Lost between Dr. Pratt's office and Bridge street, a black Kid Glove, 3 but toned, No. 6 1-2. 'Finder will confer a favor by this otfice. I'PH JI.STKKING —In his line of business It make a specialty and defy competition, as I make iny own work and can sell at prices that others have to pay wholesale. Call early and'leave your order, as i have a uuipbcr of ordors at present, but will try and accomodate all. My goods are the newest and best fthe money r tl a have ever been put Into TIIY. OTTAKSOX, Up one flight of stairs. Bridge *t., Towanda Daniel M cßride offers his house on Washington street,:} doors from the Henry House, for rent. A small family desired. FOR BALK OR KENT.—The Dwelling House fronting on Locust Avenue in I owaada boro, late residence of .1. M WARD, together with the I enant House, Barn, Ice House, etc., and the grounds within the encloseure—covering several acres—in eluding a tine gaiden, choice Fruit Trees. Two Large Cisterns and a Well affording an abundance of Water. Also, A lot fronting on York Ayenue, large enough for several tine building lots. Also, A lot fronting on Main street, adioining the Penna. & N. Y. railroad, containing several a. res. The above property will be sold together, or as dhidcd. For particulars upplv to, i;. A. MEItCLTI, E.-q. LOST, Thursday afternoon, on Main street, a Beak-skin Glove, for right hand. The finder will be suitably rewarded on leaving at this office. A good girl, for general housework, wanted. K. E. QUINLAN A good girl, cornpetant to do general housework, can hear of an excellent situation by calling at this office. ENCYCLOPEDIA FOR SALE.—A complete set ot Appleton's Cyclopedia. Edition of 1879. Full sheep binding. In good order. Price, $75. Agents price for same, S9B. Address or see G. A. GUIINBEY, Canton, Pa AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—In the mat ter of the final account of Tamer A. Chaffee, Guardian of Phoebe G. Chaffee. In the ()r- I plums' Court of Bradford County. ! The undersigned, an auditor appointed hv the said Court to dispose of exceptions filed to the fi ! nal account of said Guardian, will meet the parties at his office in Towanda Borough on Thursday, January 12, 1882, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where all persons interested in said account and exceptions will be hoard. J. ANDIIKW WIJ.T, Dec. 14, 1881. Auditor. | A. K. BURR'S HOMIEOPATIIIC MsUwa s ve: r i'. This remedy is something new, both as to name [ and composition. This is one of the wonders of the : world. This Syrup, 1 claim, is better and more j effective than any other ever offered to th® oplo of America or any other country, and what 1 say of this I can prove, This Byrup, like the Pilis, is harmless and safe. It contains no opium or other ! narcotic poison, like the most Byrup, and is not dis j agreeable to take. Any child will take it. And it | will cure any and all inflammations arising from j Cold. It is superior to all others in every respect j and especially for the following reasons : "Ist. Tt will cure Croup every time. 2d. it will cure Inflammation of the Lungs. 3d. It will cure Quinsy. 4th It will cure Whooping Cough. sth It will cure Bronchitis. 6th It will cure Hoarseness. 7th It will cure Bore Throat. Bth It will cure any Cold. 9th It will cure Congestion of the Lungs. 10th It will cure any Cough. 11th It w ill cure Bcarlet Fever. 12th. It is the best remed" that anv one can take for Consumption, and if taken in the first stage I will guarantee a cure. 13th. It is perfectly safe for all ages as there is nothing in iU composition that can harm a child. A. E. BURR For sale by CLARK B. PORTER. B s H R. DAVIS' KAIR RtNEWER. No other Renewer yet discovered does its work soquick'.y and sat isf telcri !v :.s this. It will reston gray and faded hair t > its original beauty ; It will immediately prevent t ie falling out of tho hair; it cures dandruff, itehln / c-u; ti >ns, and keeps tho scalp clean; it will euro the hair to grow whero it has fallen off and iiupartJ gloss and freshness; It softens tho hair when bar h and dry and Is en tirely free from all irritating matter; it has the very beet reputation and gives universal satisfac tion. Do not fail to try it. For sale by all drugglakk Price, 75 cts. per bottle. Prepared by t hag. Davie, Canton, Pa, For sale by all Druggists and Dealers. CJOMETHING NEW. TT. MM. woon # co., are tip to the times in making new styles of Pictures. The latest is a small Card Photograph, called MINETTS which arc very pretty and take well, Price only $1 per dozen. Their Tintypes are also made 4 at a time, made very quickly and sell 4 for 50 cents, card size. &3P* Remember the place, Patton'g Block, corner Bridge and Main Streets. !'j' '■ ■ ■;. I THE CREAT B Ult LING TON JROlTuj* |3f~ No other line runs Three Through I'n-u senger Trains Daily between Chicago, Do 3 Moines, Council Bluffs, Omaha. Lincoln, .St. Joseph, Atchison, Topoka ami Kansas Citv. Direct connections for all points in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming. Montnnn, Ne vada, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and California. The Shortest, Speediest and Most Comforta ble Route via Hannibal to Fort Scott. Denison, Dallas, Houston, Austin. San Antouio, Galves ton and all points in Texas. The unequaled Induoementa ~Jered by this Line to Travelers and Tourists, nro as follows: The celebrated Pullman (16-wheel) Palace Sleeping Cars, run only on this Line, C., B. & Q. Palace Drawing-Room Cars, with Horton's Reclining Chairs. No extra charge for Seats in Reclining Chairs. The famous C.. R. & Q. Palace Dining Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars fitted with Elegant High-Backed Rattan Re volving Chairs for the exclusive use of first class passengers. Steel Track and Superior Equipment, com bined with their Oreat Through Car Arrange ment, makes this, above all others, the fa vorito Route to the South, South-West, and the Far West. Try it, and you will find traveling a luxury instead of a discomfort. Through Tickets via Uiis Celebrated Lino for sale at all offices in the United Stales and Canada. All information about Rates of Pare, cleon ing Car Accommodations, Time Tables, Ac., will be cheerfully given by applving to J. Q. A. BEAN.GenT Eastern Agent, 306 Washington St., B st u. M"ss. and 317 Broadway, New Yot k JAMES R. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt., Chicago. T. J. POTTER, Gen. Manager, Chicago i, CHEAPi ntil iurther notice the Coal Dealers of Tovvanda will sell Pittston Coal in yard at $4.00 per ton. LOYAL SOCK COAL AT YARD. Loyal Sock in yard at $3.50 per ton. AND GAS-FITTING! Ed. Williams PRACTICAL number and Gas-Fitter, Respectfully informs the people of Towanda that he is prepared to do all work in his line on tks hortest notiee, and guarantee satisfaction. He keeps a LARGE ASSORTMENT of stock, and will furnish pipe, all plumbing materials and gas fixtures at a smalladvanco from jobber's prices. I refer to my numerous customers during the ten years I have been in Towanda as to tbs character of my work, and solicit the patronags of those bar ing jobs in my line. Estimates furnished when desired E. WILLIAMS. Shop a few'doors north of Merenr Bleak May 6, 1881.