DAILY T( )WANI)A REVIEW. VOLUME 111, NO. ii 2. LOCALS. Personal. R. N. MANNERS, of Waverly, was one of the callers at this office yesterday. IIARRY GREEN of the Waverly Jieview spent Sunday with a friend in this place. Miss LIZZIK 11 K v WARD, who is pursuing her musical studies in Syracuse, came home on Saturday to spend the holidays. JOHN P. Mouuow, of Hamilton College, is spendin the Christmas vacation with his parents in this place. Col. 11. 11. M'KKAN goes to Philadelphia to-day to attend a meeting of the survivors of the Pennsylvania Reserves. Miss EMMA L. WELLES and Miss ANNA THOMAS have gone to New York city to spend a few days in visiting friends. Mr. E. T. 1U; KG AN has also received his Christmas present, a little in advance of the arrival of St. Nick. It's hoy number two. Judge JESSUP, of Montrose, and Hon. M. F. ELLIOTT, of Wellsborough, arc in town to assist iiu the Tunning Co. arbitration, which will bo resumed to-day. WILLIAM LENT, Esq., for along time Jus tice of the Peace and one of the most intelli gent farmers of Sheshequin township, made us a pleasant cali ou Saturday. Capt Jos. TALL, a former resident of this place, is the deputy marshal who has special charge of the assassin GLTTEAU. The vidian will he safely guarded while JOE keeps an eye on him. Court having adjourned, Dr. HARRIS has betaken himself to Potterville to spend the holiday's with his daughter. The REVIEW joins witli his many friends in wishing him a *' merrv Christinas.'' Dr. WILLIAM PEPPER, Dean of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, arrived in town Sunday morning, having been summoned hereby Doctor NEWTON for consultation in a critical case. Titus will have Christmas Trees for sale from Wednesday until Saturday. The cheapest and the best place in Towan da to buy Christmas candies is at Titus' con fectionery store. It is no exageration in FKLCII IT Co. to claim the largest assortment of silk handker chiefs of any establishment in the country.— It will certainly pay you to call and examine them. You cannot fail to be pleased. A Literary Society has been organized by the High School students of the Graded School, and the following officers elected:— Pres. —BEN.I, KUYKE.NPALL, Vice Pres.— MARTIN BKNNLS, See.—WILLIE WOODRUFF. Treas.—HlßAM WlLl.so.v, Ex. Com.—EVAN MUIK, GEORGE LITTLE and JESSE JUNE. BAKED BANANAS FOR BREAKFAST —Peel the fruit ami cut in halves lengthwise. Lay these strips in close order in a baking pan, strew sugar over and some bits of lrosh but ter and hake in a moderate oven about half an hour. The fruit should he hasted-while ha- king with a lew spoonsful of butter and su gar syrup and should oonie out glazed, serve warm. — Chicago Hotel Reporter. IIOUSK STOI.KN. —The Celtaysville Adver tiser says ill Al. HuiSTKjt of l'ike. had a horse taken from his stable on Friday night last, and on Saturday morning a warrant was plac ed in tie* hands of Constable MiI, AN BKKCII KH, \Yho so* n brouglit the horse to its owner and the young man, SHICUMAN HIIADLKY, lie fore Esquire (iK<>. \V. BUINK, who sent him to Towauda to hoard at the hospitable man sion of Sheiitr l>eane. The stealing was done so reckless, it is generally believed that 1 lie young man had an eye to winter quarters more especially than the profits he could have tealized from a stolen horse. The Toledo manager of the Standard Oil Co. No. *> Merchants' Bank, Toledo, k Ohio, TOWANDA, PA., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1881. sprained tlie muscles of his right leg very severely. St. Jacob's Oil was used and quick ly cured him, greatly to his pleasure. MONROE ITEMS.—Dr. Stewart's lecture before the literary association of Monroe, was more than a common success. lie had to encounier the most stormy, unpleasant, and Egyptian darkness evening of the fall and winter. Thus with the weather and dark ness and storm all against him. he was mas ter of the situation, completely so —a good house notwithstanding, and the cream of so ciety for listeners. Everybody was well pleased and satisfied with the high charac ter of the entertainment. The Doctor was eminently at home, and so was every one else. The satisfaction was entire on the part of his hearers. I shall not attempt a description of his beautiful train of thought—as soon describe a beautiful shower after a protracted dirtli. N. D. l\ Anarchy reigns in Peru. •Forty lives were lost by a mine explo sion at Bolton, England, yesterday, The census of France was taken Satur day The population is 38,000,000. It is reported that four hundred per sons were drowned by the bursting of a dam at Perregaux, North Africa. Scot'ilie is said to be worn out and dis couraged with theGuiteau trial. He feels there is no hope for the assassin. In consequence of the death of the wife of one of the jurors in the assassination trial, the court adjourned from yesterday until to-morrow. The nominations of Hon. 15. 11. Brews ter for Attorney General, and J. Bancroft Davis for Assistant Secretary of State, were unanimously cohlirmed by the Sen ate yesterday. The Cornet Band of Wyalusing, will give their popular drama '"All that Glitters is not Gold." on Tuesday evening, Dec. 27th. They arc said to have a company of well drilled amateurs. PREMIUM BEEE FOR THE HOLIDAYS.—Ha ving purchased PETER WALROKN'S premium steers, I sliaii have them slaughtered, and served to my customers for tlie holidays. JOHN KLINE. Ice Cream at Titus' during the holidays.— Come in and have a dish or send in your order. FELCJI & Co. are offering a splendid line of Silk Handkerchiefs, direcs from the manu facturers, the largest assortment ever offered in town, at bottom prices. You cau't aftord to pass them. New Figs, only 15 cents per pound; Mala ga tiaapes. 30 cents; Florida Oranges, Lem ons and French Bananas, direct from Aspin wall, atTirus'. NOTICE!—On or about the lirst of April 1882, M. L. SCHMEEBEKQ, proprietor of the Great Bos ton Clothing, Boot and shoe Mouse, .just opened in Means' Block, Main street, will Change Quarters to No 2, I'atton'fl Block, corner Main and Bridge sts., with a large and elegant stock of Spring and Sum mer Clothing, which will be made up expressly for the Towanda Branch. Thanking the people of this community for their patronage in the past, and we hope to see all our old customers, and many others, at our in-w place of business, with a convenient lo cation, and Less Rent, that we shall be able to sell our goods at still better Bargains, and shall aim to please every one, and to keep the Largest and Best stock as can be found'anywhere. Respectfully, H. J.. SCIIN EISBKRG. For the lincst line of smokers goods for Christmas presents, go to John Sullivan's on Bridge sf. dee. 19—2\v. Large invoieeof foreign and domestic wines and liquors expressly adapted to the holiday trade, just received at John Sullivan's, No. 4, Hale's block. Bridge st. dec. 19 —2w. M. llendelman has the finest stock of Brace lets in town. H OLIDA ED. MOUILL THE WAT lias greatly increased his goods for Holiday Presents. He has n fall assortmen of Ladies Watches, Swiss and American, GOLD Gold Spectacles. Sterling Silver Ware. Rosier s Celebrated Sit Clocks of all dis The finest 'Gold •fifi Low Prices. Everything gn Everything */ o End raving clone' by p.fi'mvs Corner You will save money by buying your Jewelry of llendehnnn. llendelman buys all ofhis goods direct from the Manufacturer* in large quantities which enables him to sell goods way down. You will find the finest selection of Sterling Sil ver ware at Ilcndelman's. Gold Spectacles and Eye Glasses at ilendelman's Clocks of all descriptions at Ilcndelman's. FOR RENT. Two dwelling houses in the First Ward for rent. O. D. KINNEY. Itooms suitable for small family, t let, in ceatrs of town. Enquire at this office. At the FIVE CENT STORE you will Unci the largest stock of HOLIDAY GOODS , suitable for PRESENTS, ever offer ed in this market. IT WILL BE TO YOUR /A TEREST to call and exam ine. SUNDAY SCHOOL Com mittees will find articles suitable for presents at very low prices. The Five Cent Store is head quarters for Santa Claus. Josh Billings! MERCUR HALL, JVe dries clay Even ing DECEMBER 21st, 1881. Tiekets now on sale at Kirby's Drug Store, Whitcomb's book store and C. S. Fitch's confectionery store. ADMISSION .10 cents. No extra charge for Reset ved Seats. PRICE ONE CENT. Y GOODS. ESBEAUX, CHMAKER stock, and is daily receiving new and Gentlemen's GOLDfand SILVEK & SILVER Jewelery in tbe latest style. vcr Plated Flat dr llollozv Ware, cri fit ions. line of Foley s Celebrated BANK Pens, and Pencils. The BFSP in use. aranteed. new. Call and be convinced. himself on short notice ! tiliOCK, Main and Bridge Street. TOWANDA, PA. Have Con ha to Stay! STEDGE, THE VETERAN BARBER, A.gctin to the front and prepared to do bettei* worJr. tTxarc ev er. CO M E A NI) SEE HI M ! Shop one door north of Scott's Bakery, opposite Post Office. BP I* Sledge, PROP. TEA CUE RE INSTITUTE. LECTURE BY Prof, ll'/ii. f. • liftrshall, "WONDERLAND", or The New Na t.ional Park. Brilliantly Illustrated with Dissolving Views, by an Oxy-llydrogen Stereoptican! "Worth a score of oidinary lectures."— lie v. 11. K. Pierce /). 1). in Zions llerald. "Unsurpassed hy any lecture ever given in. St. Louis."— St. Louis Globe. -Four thousand people were in the hall before eight o'clock. Several times the lecturer had to request the audience to restrain its applause that hi! might go on with the lecture."— X. Y. llerald. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP J Having rented DODGE'S SHOP, on | Park street, I invite the patronage of my friends and I the public. lam prepared to do everything in the | line nt BLAOKSMTTIIING-. jggj- lleavy work, ! Horse Shoeing. Wagon Ironing and Mill Picks, j specialties. Prices reasonable. Dec 19, CTIAS. MORGAN.