Tlie Daily Review Towanda, Pa., Monday, Dec. 19, 1881. EBITOiIA . W. A LVORD. NOBLE N. ALVOUD "Daily RenVw" only 25 cent* per month. Try it, General William T. Sherman writes in a recent letter to the Soldiers' Bazaar of Boston: "You ask me for the loan of 'the sword or sabre I wore during the fa mous March to the Sea.' The truth is 1 did not wear a sword or sabre during that march. The only honest relic 1 pos sess of that memorable time is my saddle which I value for its real goodnes. I use it now when I have occasion to mount a horse. Still, for the purpose you have to please 'several thousand old soldiers' —I have sent it to you, and hereby certi fy that I actually used that saddle, from Corinth, Miss., to Chattanooga—to At lanta and to Washington." Geu. Sher man's note will recall to some readers a letter ol the Duke ot Wellington's, pub lished a few years ago, iu which he says, to the dismay of some historians: "I probably did not draw my sword once during the battle of Waterloo." The New York World claims that the Refunding bill which Mr. Randall will in troduce in the House is one of a series of Democratic steps to he taken towards the reduction of public expenditures. Why didn't the Democrats institute their "series of Democratic steps toward the reduction of public expenditures" when they were in the majority, instead of wait ing until they are in the minority? It is reported from Washington that Gibson's report concerning the Star Ser vice frauds, was formally transmitcd on Thursday by the acting Attorney-Gener al, to the Postmaster-General. Now that the red tape of the Attorney General's olliee has been officially wound around the report it is possible the facts it con tains will have more force with the De partment of Justice. The Scran ton Republican joins Senator Cooper in defending Mr. Grow against the charge that he sold out the ludepend- ents in the last Senatorial contest, and says: "It is gratifying to have Senator Cooper make this candid contradiction of a common calumny tit a time when his own name is mentioned prominently in connection with the Gubernatorial nomination." Governor lioyt said in recent public address that there are 3,000 children be tween 12 and 1(5 years ot age in the alms houses in this state. They are in constant contact with pauerism, have no oppor tuniiy to raise or develop self-respect, and readily become criminals. The law should stop this. The Altooua Tribune: " It would be a good idea for every voter to examine the record and note the associations of the men who are aspiring for high places. Then when primary, election time comes round let the voters go to the primaries and act according to the light they have received." The director of the Atlanta Cotton Ex position has published an address In which he ascribes the great success of the affair to the generous support of the American press—another illustration of the benefits of newspaper advertising. The Exposition will close en the 31st in stant. The war at Harrisburg on the Grave Yard Insurance Companies has commenc ed to bear fruit. The Directors of one of the largest of these disgraceful swin dles arc to lie trird in January for con spiracy. Justice should take sure aim in their cases. Chicago has a Margaret Fuller society composed of ladies who meet for the dis cussion of social questions. No Preparation on earth equals ST. JACOBS Oil. as a SA FK BUitic, 91.MP1.E and CHEAP External Hemody. A trial entail but the comparatively trifling outlay of JSOCSNTS, and ever one suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof o; its claims. ihhbCTIONS IS EI.KVES I.ANGUAOE3. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO. Baltimore, Met., V. S. The "Senate" Saloon is not only supplied with the best oysters in the market, lint on the lunch counter may always he found everything the ap petite craves. Under (Jhamberlin's jewelry store. 11. A. SCOTT, of the "Sugar Creek Mill," has left an order book with O. I). Wiekham at the Post Office. All orders for Flour, Feed, Meal, Grain etc., left there will receive prompt attention. Daniel Mcßridc offers his house on Washington street, 3 doors from the Henry House, for rent. A small family desired. A good girl wanted in a small family. Inquire of Smith Brothers. The Baltimore MINCE ME A 1' which has a world wide reputation, is for sale at RUNDKLL'H Market. — Those who once use this brand are never satisfied with any other. Select Dancing Clang. By special request Mr. P. LAMKRKAUX, of Bing hamton, will give instructions in the above art every Friday afternoon and evening, at Mercur Hall. Hours of tuition—Ladies, masters and misses at 4 p. m. (parents and guardians admitted free), gents at 7:30 to 9p. ra., assemblies from 9t012 m, All the modern dances will be taught. Round dances a specialty. WANTED, —2 rooms suitable for house keeping. A short distance out o town preferred. Inquire at this office. Blank Deeds, Blank Leases, Blank Notes, For Sale at the REVIEW Office. FOR SALE CIIEAB.—Good Farm, coutaning, One Hundred Acres, situate near Pottcrville; good portion of it under cultivation. Inquire of ARTH UR BURCHILL, at the Marble Works. House for rent in best neighborhood—adjoining my residence. \V. B. DODOK. *>ec, 12, 1881. Frazcr Axle Grease.—One trial will convince you that it is the best. Ask your dealer for the Frazer Axle Grease, and take n* ether. Every box has our trade mark on. FRESH OYSTERS received daily at the THIRD WARD GROCERY STORE. Retailed at 30 cents per quart. Churches and parties supplied on reas onable terms. D. F. CLARK. FOR SALE OR RENT.—The Dwelling House fronting on Locust Avenue in Towaada boro, late residence of J. M. WABD, together with the Tenant House, Barn, Ice "House, etc., and the grounds within the encloseuro—covering several acres—in eluding a fine garden, choice Fruit Trees. Two Large Cisterns anu a Well affording an abundance of Water. Also, A lot fronting on York Ayenue, large enough for several fine building lots. Also, A lot fronting on Main street, adioining the Penna. & N. Y. railroad, containing several acres. The above property will be sold together, or as divided. For particulars apply to, R. A. MERCUR, Esq. LOST, Thursday afternoon, on Main street, a Beak-skin Glove, for right hand. The finder will be suitably regarded on leaving at this ollice. A good girl, for general housework, wanted. E. E. QUINDAN. A good girl, competent to do general housework, can hear of an excellent situatien by calling at this office. ENCYCLOPEDIA FOR SALE.—A complete set ot Appleton's Cyclopedia. Edition of 1879. Full sheep binding. In good order. Price, $75. Agents price for same, $96. Address or see G. A. GUItNSEY, Canton, Pa. THB GREAT GERMAfi REMEDY FOB RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, BACKACHE, G-OTJT, SORENESS or TFIB CHEST, SORE THROAT, QUINSY, SWELLINGS AND SPRAINS, FROSTED FEET ANI EARS, Birnro-s AND KCAL33B, General Bodily Pains, TOOTH, EAR AND HEADACHE, iAND /ILL OTHEH PAINS AND ACHES. ALVORD & SON, JOB PRINTERS. DAILY REVIEW OFFICE AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—In the mat ter of the final account of Tamer A. Chaffee, Guardian of Phoebe G. Chaffee, in the Or phans' Court of Bradford County. The undersigned, an auditor appointed l>y the 6aid Court to dispose of exceptions tiled to the fi nal account of said Guardian, will meet the parties at his office in Towanda Borough on Thursday, January 12, 1882, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where all persons interested in said account and exceptions will be hoard. J. ANDREW WII.T, Dec. 14, 1881. Auditor. QUININE SUBSTITUTE. The Only 25 Cent AGUE REMEDY IN THE WORLD. CURES And all MALARIAL DISEASES. pn_paiiaß From EI.DHR THOMSON, Pastor IJ Jjl I■ I J 11*1 of the Church of the Disciples of Christ, Detroit, Mich.—"My son was dangerously ill and entirely prostrated from Chills and Fever. Quinine and other medicines were tried without effect. Mr. Craig, who had used THKRMAI.INK as a tonic, advised a trial of THERMALINE, which was done, resulting in his complete recovery within a few days." AT ALL L&NAAISTS, OS SR MAIL, 25C. PES ECZ. DUNDAS DICK & CO., 112 White Street, N. Y. SEIDLITINE POWDERS, As pleasant as ( 60. ZACH ) 8R358H DOTOUSTSJ G°IAL LAXATINE LOZENGES lfc '''Siiiiii} 'Regulate the Bowels easilyf|Tl|Tjj7| ami pleasantly. Cures Cons- ti put ion, Piles, liilioiisneßs,pwn Headache, Heartburn, Ac. All DPfS Druggists, or by mail, 25c. per ■ Aiim box. DUNDAS DICK & CO., 112 White Street, New York. FTVTY9IR7I Capsulets. II ipi Hll |AlTho safest and most reliable Cure for all Diseases ol tne Urinary Organs. Certain Cure in eight days. No other medieino can do this. The best medicine is the cheapest. Beware of dangerous imitations. All Druggists, or by mail, 75c. and $1.50 per box. "Write for Circular. DUNDAS DICK & CO., 112 "Whito Street, Now York. Instantly r< lieved by the use UUyWJ of MACQUEEN MATH'O OINTMENT, and ITHITTIiI after sev era 1 applications of it. Sold by all Druggists, or mailed on receipt ot by DUNDAS DICK & CO., M'fg CCE? Chemists, 112 White Street, New York. Sk 11 Mb DAVIS' NAIR RENEWER. No other lienewer yet discovered docs its work so quickly and satisf ictorily r.s this. It will rcstom gray and faded hair to itr- original beauty ; it will immediately prevent t ie failing out of the hair; it cures dandruff, itching eruptions, and keeps th scalp clean ; it will e iu"o the hair to grow where it has fallen off and impart 1 gloss and freshness; it softens the hair when 1 ar hr.nd dry and is en tirely froo from all irritating matter; it has the very best reputation and gives universal satisfac tion. Do not fail to try it. For sale by all druggist*. Price, 75 ets. per bottle. Prepared, bi/ ( has, J tar .*, Canton, Pa. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers. QOMETIIING NEW. a. it. IV"OOtP ( 0., are up to the times in making new styles of Pictures. The latest is a small Card Photograph, called MINETTS which are very pretty and take well, Price only $1 per dozen. Their Tintypes are also made*4 at a time, made very quickly and sell 4 for 50 cents, card size. Remember the place, Tattoo's Block, corner Bridge and Main Streets. TIKZZED TIE 3 THE CREAT B Vlt LING TON ROUTL\ fWNo other line runs Three Through Pas senger Trains Daily between Chicago, Des Moines, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Lincoln. St. Joseph, Atchison, Topoka and Kansas Cit>. Direct connections for all points in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Ne vada, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and California. The Shortest, Speediest and Most Comforta ble Route via Hannibat to Fort Scott, Denison, Dallas, Houston, Austin. San Antonio, Gaives ton and all points in Texas. The unc