Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, December 19, 1881, Image 1

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Mine Superintendent WOODARD of Bernice
spent Sunday in Towanda.
Mrs. F. C. HEATH of Waverlv was in town
Saturday, the guest of Mrs. It. E. SPENCER,
Mrs. JOSIAII STOWELL of Wyalusing has
been visiting her son 0. S. STOWELL in
Tioga, N. Y.
W. V. DUGGAN and C. F. {BEVERLY, two
prominent young teachers, were in town
last Saturday afternoon,
CIIAS. ELMENDORF, formerly of this place
but who now has charge of the Loyal Sock
Coal oflice at Elmira, was in town Saturday.
Assistant postmaster COOLIJAUGH takes
route agent BUCK'S run this morning, but he
will be back long enough to be elected Chief
Engineer, this evening
We are indebted to Messss SWARTS Jk GOR
DON for a sample package of a"mixed cofl'ee"
prepared by them. The flavor is very pleas
ant. Try some and you will say so too.
Mr. HENRY M ERCUR, who has been con
fined to his house with rheumatism for sever
al months, we are happy to see is able to be
around again, though still comuelled to use
crutches to aid locomotion.
Capl. ROBERT MCIVEK, who has , been so
journing in the west for the past five months,
arrived at his home in this place Friday even
ing. lie expresses himself well pleased with
Colorado, where he spent most of his time.
The Callisopia Society of Elmira Female
College, jigive a literary entertainment this
evening. Miss WINNIE DAVIES of this place,
who is the Society critic, will read an essay
entited "Modern Ideas of Culture." The
young lady's Towanda friends would be
pleased to hear it.
Those who did not hear Col SMITH, of To
wanda, in the closing plea in the QUICK vs,
MILLER suit missed a rare treat. The case
was of that peculiar character as to afford
ample play for the Colonel's peculiar qualifi
cations, and despite the gavel {of the Judge,
the audience, which was only limited by the
capacity of the court room, persisted in cheer
after cheer, or were convulsed with laughter
at his happy hits and home thrusts towards
opposing counsel and party.— Montrose Dem
ocrat. \
As. Mr. GOODMAN and his good wife were
for many years residents of this place and
have hosts of friends here, we appropriate
and endorse the following complimentary no
tice from the Waveriy Jievieto :
The family of R. F. Goodman of Sayre,
leave to-day for Buffalo, their future home.
Their many friends, though rejoicing at their
success, will exceedingly regret the necessity
that calls them away. Mr. Goodman's for
tune has been so long cast in this vicinity
that he seems to have grown up with all the
young thriving busmes institutions that now
furnish the vigorous life-blood to our beauti
ful valley, Starting in life as a district school
teacher at the early age of 18 years, and after
ward working as clerk in" the old North
Branch canal office under the late Colonel o
F. Welles, he has bv close application and un
tiring energy arrived at his present responsi
ble position—general manager of the Lehigh
Navigation compan". He lias literally grown
up with this section of the Lehigh Valiey
railroad, having been employed in some offi
cial capacity by them ever* since thev tirst
broke ground through Northern Pennsylva
nia, and always steadily advancing to posi
tions of higher trust and greater responsibil
ty. What Sayre loses Buffalo has gained —an
upright, energetic businessman, a cultured
genial gentleman, and a public spirited citi
The work of decorating Christ Church, or
Christinas, will be commenced this af;<- rnoon.
, Teachers' Institute nextfweek.
Firemen's election this evening, '
Marking of reserved seats for JOSH BIL-
I.ING'S lecture,begins at 9 o'clock this a: m.
Among the happy converts at the North
Towanda revival meetings is an old lady who
has for aver 80 years/ g rieyed the Holy Spir
We acknowledge the receipt of an artistic
ally executed invitation card, accompanied
by a complimentary admission ticket to the
annual reception of i4 Tioga Hose" of Waver
ly to come off Tuesday evening, December
27ih. The names of the gentlemen cbm
prising the several committees, are a guaran
tee that the affair will be first-class.
OTIS P. LYON, formerly a protni nent citi"
zen and business man ot Monroeton, this
county, died in St. Louis, Friday evening of
consumption. The deceased bad a large cir
cle of devoted friends in this county, who
will read the announcement of his death
with grief. Two sisters and two brothers of
the deceased, reside in this county, Mrs. W.
B. DODGE and Mrs. O. A. BALDWIN, of this
place, and SAMUEL and THEODORE LYON of
Monroe. lie was about of) vears of age.
By referring to his advertisement in anoth
er column it will be seen that CIIAS. MORGAN
one of the best blacksmiths in the county has
taken DODGE'S shop and will carry on the
blacksmithing business in all its branches.
He liasjp royided himself with the most ap
proved tools and solicits a share of public
patronage, which he is justly entitled to, not
only because he is a good mechanic, and
worthy, industrious citizen, but was a brave
soldier. Ilis patent "blower," and improved
drill were purchased from A. D. DYE <fcCo.
Mr. G. M. Sharp, Camp Hill, P., says that
St. Jacobs Oil is indispensable for all rheu
matic complaints; in fact, it has given the
highest satisfaction to all who have used it.
The Ladies' Mite Society of the Episcopa
Church meets in the Ward House parlors thi
evening. A large variety of fancy articles
suitable for Christmas presents will be offered
~K. of ll.—Every member of Crystal Lodge
is especially requested to attend the meeting
THIS eveuing. Business of importance.
For the finest line of smokers goods for
Christmas presents, go to John Sullivan's on
Bridge st. dec. 19 —2w.
Large invoieeof foreign and d omestic wines
and liquors expressly adapted to the holiday
trade,just received at John Sullivan's, No. 4,
Hale's block, Bridge st. dec. 19—2w.
Dr. I. I. Hayes, the arctic explorer,
died in New York Saturday, aged fifty.
Mr. Scoville's aged mother is seriously
ill but he cannot leave the Guiteau* trial
to visit her.
Secretary Blaine has accepted the invi
tation of the Congressional committee to
deliver the Garfield oration.
The marking of reserved seats for JOSH
BILLINGS' lecture will commence at KIRBY'S
Monday morning at 9 o'clock.
SOMETHING NEW!—One of the leading fea
tures of New York City is the eagerness with which
the people accept any decided improvement that
may be introduced. The rush now in that city is
for the new kind of Seidlitz Powders, which far ex
eel the old kind, being as pleasant as lemonade.
They are called Seidlitine bcidlitz Powders—put up
in two neat wooden boxes and sold for five cents
each. CLARK R. PORTER, Agent.
M. Hendelman has the finest stock of Brace
lets in town.
You will save money by buying your Jewelry of
Hendelman buys all of his goods direct from the
Manufacturers in large quantities which enables
him to sell goods way down.
You will find the finest selection of Sterling Sil
ver ware at Hendelman's.
Gold Spectacles and Eye Glasses at Hendelman^
Clocks of all descriptions at Hendelman's.
Two dwelling houses in th First Ward
for rent. • O. D. KINNEY.
Rooms suitable for small family, t let, tn centre
of town. Enquire at this office.
Has greatly increased his
goods for Holiday Presents.
lie has a fnll assortmen of Ladies
Watches, Swiss and American, GOLD
Gold Spectacles.
Sterling Silver Ware.
Roger's Celebrated Sil
Clocks of all dis
The finest
Low Prices. Everything gu
Engraving done by
J.f TTOJ\ 9 S
you will find the largest stock of
for PRESENTS , ever offer
ed in this market.
INTEREST to call and exam
mittees will find articles suitable
for presents at very low prices.
The Five Cent Store is head
quarters for Santa Claus.
Josh Billings!
Wednesday Evening
DECEMBER 21st, 1881.
Tickets now on sale at Klrby's Drag
Store,Whitcomb's book o > •
Fitch's confectionery store.
ADMISSION 50 cents.
No extra charge for Reserved Seats.
LOST ON MONDAY.—Lost between Dr. Trait's
oflice and Bridge street, a black Kid Glove, 3 but
toned, No. 6 1-2. Finder will confer a favor by
leaving at this office.
UPHOI.9IERING —In his line of business It ma ke
a specialty and defy competition, as I make my
own work and can sell at prices that others have to
pay wholesale. Call early and leave your order, as
I have a number of oidors at present, but will try
and accomodate all. My goods are the newest and
best ftlie money or tha have ever been put into
his city. J* OTTAUSO* ,
Up one flight of stairs. Bridge st., Towanda.
New Court land Cuiter For Sale. Enquire of
stock, and is daily receiving new
and Gentlemen's GOLDfand SILVER
& SILVER Jewelery in tbe latest style.
vcr Plated Flat & Hollow Ware,
line of Foley's Celebrated
BANK Pens, and Pencils.
The BEST in use.
new. Call and be convinced.
himself on short notice !
Main and Bridge Street.
Have Coma to Stccy!
Again to the front,
and. prepared to do
better word than ev
Shop one door north of Scott's
Bakery, opposite Post Office.
MP I* St edge,
Prof. IPim. I. Marshall,
"WONDERLAND", or The New Nu
tional Park.
Brilliantly Illustrated with Dissolving Views, by
an Oxy-Hydrogen Stereoptican!
"Worth a score of oidinary lectures."— Rev. B.
K. rierce D. I). in Zions Herald.
"Unsurpassed by any lecture ever given in St.
Louis."— St. Louis Globe.
••Four thousand people were in the hall before
eight o'clock. Several times the lecturer had to
request the audience to restrain its applause that
he might go on with the lecture."—W. Y. Herald.
Having rented DODGE'S "SHOP, on
I ark street, I invite the patrenage of my friends and
the public. lam prepared to do everything in the
line of BLACKBMITHING. j#®-Heavy work,
Ilorse Shoeing. Wagon Ironing and Mill Picks,
specialties. Prices reasonable.
I Dec 19, CH AS. MORGAN.