Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, December 17, 1881, Image 1

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VOLUME 111, NO. no.
Mrs. J. A. MVNVILLK is visiting friends at
lier former home in New York state.
Dr. S. C. Ross, of Scranton, found time to
pay his mother a flying visit, yesterday. He
returns to Scranton 10-dav.
Mr. JUDSON HOI.COMU H:is been appointed
to a position under the Chief Clerk of the
House of Representatives, at Washington.
Mrs. WniTCOMB received a dispatch yes
terday announcingthe alarming illness of her
father, and immediately left for his home in
Numla, N. V.
Our aged townsman, TOMMY BARNES, is
seriously afflicted with the rheumatism and
has been confined to his house most of the
time for several weeks.
Prof. SHELDON takes advantage of the holi
day vacation to consummate an alliance matri
monial with a young lady of the Empire
state, The twain will be made one on next
Mrs. DAVID RAIIM appears to be nfcovcr
ering from what her friends feared might
prove a fatal illness. We hope soon to be
able to announce her entire restoration to ac
customed health.
Editor STRONG'S wife of Du.-hore has been
visiting her cousin, Mrs. W. F. DITTRICII in
this place, and spent a day or two with the
Misses DELPUECH. at the " Bear's Den,"
near Horn Brook.
Maj. E. W. HALE attained his 65th birth
day on Tuesday last and the event was cele
brated by a family gathering at the Major's
hospitable mansion, "Woodside." Ilr. IIALE
has the hearty congratulation of a host of
friends on his good fortune in being so pros
perously and happily situated. \\ e wish him
manv more years of happiness.
The holiday vacation at the Institute will be
gin Monday and continue two weeks.
The marking of reserved seats for JOSH
BlLLlNGS' lecture will commence at KIUBY'S
Mondav morning at !> o'clock.
I)r. TAYLOR'S subject at the church of t lie
Messiah, to-morrow, will be, iu the morning,
"How (Jlirht helps us." At T p. 111., " Whith
er I go ye cannot come."
Rev. Doctor GOODMAN of Elmira N. V.,
will preach in the colored church here to
morrow, morning ahd evening. All are in
vited. Come and hear him.
Wyalusing always alive to all good works,
has recently organized a live foreign mision
ary society under the auspices of the Wyalu
sing 2d Presbyterian church.
The people of Wyalusing will have a pub
lic Christmas tree at the Presbyterian church
on Christmas eve. Music and other titling
exercises will be on the program.
The viewers appointed to report on the pe
tition for a new voting district in Wysox
township, reported to the court that the re
quest of the petitioners ought to he granted.
The Cornet Band of Wyalusing. will give
their popular drama "All that Glitters is not
Gold." on Tuesday evening, Dee. 27th. They
are said to have a company of well drilled
Young JACKSON who was recently arrest
ed in this place on a warraut charging him
With forgery, and taken to Tioga county, has
settled the matter and proceedings have been
Mrs. CIIAKDK, a niece or the la'c Mrs. C.
S. FITCII, and daughter of l\ 1). WKUT, who
lived in this place for a few months some six
yeors ago, died in Wilkesßarre I hursday.
Mr. FITCH will attend the funeral Monday.
"I suffered horribly with inflammatory
rheumatism," said Mr. Chas. \ . Baker, of
No. 313 Main street, Kansas City, Mo,; "I
was helpless in bed for five weeks. St. Ja-
cobs Oil was applied liberally, and one dozen
bottles cured me thoroughly."
PATCH & TRACY purchased some very fine
turkeys yesterday. Two of the largest weigh
ed 28 1-2 pounds each. One of these was pur
chased by JOHN MCGOVKRX and sent to his
son-in-law, PETER MCCONNO.MY, a Lancas
ter hanker. The bird will furnish a sumptu
ous Christmas dinner.
lecture at Orwell on the above theme, by
Rev. C. 11. WHIG I IT, of Towanda, on Wed
nesday evening last, was a masterly effort,
and was thoroughly appreciated by all who
heard it.
Owing to the very unfavorable weather
the audience was small, but the Rev. gentle
man kindly pledges us another opportunity
of listening to him sometime in January, c.
old man named MICHAEL CKOAK, who had
i been living with Mrs. CUMMINGS near the
! railroad bridge in North Towanda, was run
over bv the local freight moving north at the
East Towanda station about eight o'clock last
evening and killed. He was on the track but
so much intoxicated that he was unable to
get,oft*and the engineer, could notjstop the train
in time to save him. Both legs were entirely
severed below the knees and the poor man
died before I)r. JOHNSON, who was summon
ed reached him. The boby was taken into
the depot and an inquest will bo held this
Guiteau's divorced wife yesterday tes
tified to the prisoner's sanity.
The President yesterday appointed Hon
Benjamin Harris Brewster of Philadel
phia, Attorney General.
j Attorney-General and Mrs. MacVeagh
have been visiting Mrs. Garfield at Cleve
LOST ON MONDAY.—Lost between Dr. I'nut's
office and"Bridge street, a blank Kid Glove, 3 but
toned, No. 6 12. Finder will confer a favor by
leaving at this office.
FOR SALE OR RENT.—The Dwelling lionse
j fronting on Locust Avenue in Towanda boro, late
j residence of J. M \YAKI>, together with the Tenant
I House, Barn, lee House, etc., and the grounds
i within the eneloseure—covering several acres—in-
I eluding a tine garden, choice Fruit Trees. Two
Large Cisterns ana a Well affording an abundance
i of Water.
Also, A lot fronting on York A venue, large
enough for several tine building lots.
Also, A lot fronting on Main street, adioining the
IVnna. & N. Y. railroad, containing several acres.
The above property will lie sold together, or as
divided. For particulars apply to,
11. A. MERCUR, Esq.
LOST, Thursday afternoon, on Main street, a
Beak skin Glove, for right hand. The tinder will
be suitably rewarded on leaving at this office.
A good girl, for general housework, wanted.
A good girl, competant to do general housework,
can hear of an excellent situation by calling at this
ot Appleton's Cyclopedia. Edition of 1879. Full
sheep binding. In good order. Price, $75. Agents
price for same, S9O. Address or see
G. A. GUItNSEY, Canton, Pa.
Ui'iKti.srEKiNa—ln this line of business 1 make
a specialty and defy competition, as I make my
own work and can sell at prices thai others have to
pay wholesale. Call early and leave your order, as
I have a number of ordors at present, hut will try
and accomodate all. My goods are the newest and
best ftlie money or tha have ever been put into
this city. J. OTTAUSON,
Up one flight of stairs. Bridge st., Towanda.
New Courtland Cutter For Sale. Enquire of
Two dwelling houses in the First Ward
for rent. O. D. KINNEY.
Rooms suitable for small family, t® :et, in ceatre
of town. Enquire at this office.
VAUGHN—BUCK —At the M. E. Parsonage Wy
alusing, by Rev. ,T. 11. Weston, Mr. Elias Vaughn
and Mrs. Lydia Buck, both af Wyalusing.
Has greatly increased his
goods for Holiday Presents.
He lias a full assortmen of* Ladies
Watches,*Swis9 and American, CIOLD
Gold Spectacles.
Sterling Silver Ware.
Rogers Celebrated Sil
Clocks of all dis
The finest
Low Prices. Everything gn
Engraving done by
P.f TTOX 9 S
The "Senate" Saloon is not only supplied with
the best oysters in the market, but on the lunch
counter may always be found everything the ap
petite craves. Under Cliamberlin's jewelry store.
11. A.SCOTT, of the "Sugar Creek Mill," has
left an order book with O. I). Wickham at the Post
Office. All orders for Flour, Feed, Meal, Grain
etc., left there will receive prompt attention.
Daniel McUride otters his house on Washington
street, 3 doors from the Henry House, for rent. A
small family desired.
A good girl wanted in a small family. Inquire of
Smith Brothers.
The Baltimore MINCE MEAT which has a world
wide reputation, is for sale at KUNDELI.'S Market.—
Those who once use this brand arc never satisfied
with any other.
Select Itancing Clan.*.
I By special request Mr. F. LAMEKEAUX, of Bing
hamton, will give instructions in the above art every
j Friday afternoon and evening, at Mercur Hall.
I Hours of tuition—Ladies, masters and misses at 4
p. m. (parents and guardians admitted free), gents
at 7:30 to !• p. in., assemblies from 9to I*2 nt, All
the modern dances will be taught. Bound dances
a specialty.
WANTED, —2 rooms suitable for house keeping.
A short distance out o town preferred. Inquire
at this office.
Blank Deeds,
Blank Leases,
Blank Notes,
For Sale at the REVIEW Office.
FOIt SALE CHEAP.—Good Farm, eoutaning,
One Hundred Acres, situate near Potterville; good
portion of it under cultivation. Inquire of ARTH
UR UURCHILL, at the Marble Works.
House for rent in best neighborhood—adjoining
my residence. W. B. DODOE.
ue c, 12,1851.
Frazer Axle Grease.—One trial will convince you
that it is the best. Ask your dealer for the Frazer
Axle Grease, and take no other. Every box has
our trade mark on.
FRESH OYSTERS received daily at the THIRD
WARD GROCERY STORE. Retailed at 30 cents
per quart. Churches and parties supplied on reas
onable terms. D. F. CLARK.
Josh Billings!
Wednesday Evening
DECEMBER 21st, 1881.
Tiekets now on sale at Kirby's Drug
Store,Whitcomb's book store and at
Fitch's confectionery store.
ADMISSION 50 cents.
No extra charge forßescived Seats.
stock, and is daily receiving new
and Gentlemen's GOLD; and SII.VEK
SILVER Jewelery in the latest style.
vcr Plated Flat c£- Hollow Ware,
line of Foley's Celebrated
BANK Pens, and Pencils.
The BEST in use.
new. Call and be convinced.
himself on short notice
Main and Bridge Street.
Ilcuve Come to Stccij!
hgciiti Lo the footid
and to do
better TVOOTC IJicui ev
CO M E A N1) S E E II I M !
Shop one door north of Scott's
Bakery, opposite Post Office.
DI # St edge,
Prof. il'wi. /. Marshall,
"WONDERLAND", or The New Na
tioual Park.
Brilliantly Illustrated with Dissolving Views, by
an Oxy-llydrogen Stereoptican!
"Worth a score of oidinary lectures."— Rev. 11 %
A . Pierce D. I) . in 7ions Ilerald.
"Unsurpassed by any lecture ever given in Bt.
Louis."— St. LOU\B Globe.
-Four thousand people were in the ball before
eight o'clock. Several times the lecturer had to
request the audience to restrain its applause that
he might go on with the lecture."— X. Y. Herald.
ter of the final account of Tamer A. Chaffee,
Guardian of Phtcbe G. Chaffee. In the Or
pliant* Court of Bradford County.
The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the
said Court to dispose of exceptions filed to the fi
nal account of said Guardian, will meet the parties
at his oflice in Towanda Borough on Thursday,
January 12, 1882, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and
where all persons interested in said account and
exceptions will be heard.
Dec. 14, 1881. Auditor.