DAILY TO W A NBA REVIEW. VOLUME 111, NO. 109. LOCALS. Personal. D. B. STOWELT. of Elmira was inTowan da yesterday. JOHN FELTOX and bride have returned from their wedding tour. Mrs. PERT and Miss GLEASOX, hare gone to Brooklyn to spend the holidays. F. 11. WAKKIXER, of the finn of MITCII ELE & WARKIXEK, of Canton, is in town. Miss EDITH KNIGHTON, of Stroudsburg, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. N. N. BEITS. Mr. JOHN MCINTOSII is visiting his family and making the acquaintance of his new granddaughter. Mr. LORD, of the Elmira Gazette and Mr. EVANS, of the Waverly Review, were among the visitors in town yesterday. Miss LILLIE MERCUR, who is spending Tlie winter at Say re, came down to attend .Miss KELLOGG'S Select Headings, last evening. G. T. INGHAM, merchant, at Sugar Run, has taken Mr. L). ROGERS as partner, and the firm have largely increased their stock of goods. JOSEPH GAYLORD, one of Wyalusing's oldest citizens, lies in a critical condition, ha ving had an attack that it is feared, may ter minate in paralysis. Rev. D. CRAFT, of Wyulusing, after a lapse of a few months, has resumed his Sunday evening discourses in the M. E. church of that village. lie and Rev. J. 11. WESTON, the regular pastor alternating. Judge PARSONS, the veteran of the Argus and Nestor of the Bradford county press, left yesterday morning for his annual holiday va cation, which will be spent in New ork and Philadelphia with his children. He will be absent a month. Mr. FRANK 11. WELLES has been spending a few days with his father, It M. W ELI.ES, in this place. lie is superintendent, of the New York ofHce of the " Western Electric Co.", and expects to start for Europe early next month, to take charge of the Company's business in the old world. ED. MOUILLKSSKAUX has the linest assort ment of linger rings, oraceiets and breast pins ever ofteied here, and his prices defy competition Dr. TAYLOR'S subject at the church of tin; Messiah, Sunday, will be, in the morning, '•How Christ helps us." At 7 p. m., " Whitlw er I go ye cannot erme." C. O. Woodbury, Esq., of Milford, Mass., states that the application of St. Jacobs Oil cured a valuable span of white horses of a se vere lameness, induced by straining the veins, This led to a personal use, and we now de clare it the best—the very best—in the mar ket." Mr. W. is with a vast niajooity. THE READING ROSTRUM. —Miss KKL LOGG'S ENTERTAINMENT—It is as though this roar of the tempest ha I suddenly stilled and the tierce battling of the elements had "soothed its wrinkled front;" the sunshine breaking from the gloom and the birds twit tering in the trees again—to mark the con trast between the overture of Miss K ELLOGG'S entertainment audits succeeding parts. To blend Shakespearen " selections" with the light chaff of the "Biglow Papers," the dialect humor and somewhat diluted pathos of BRET HAUTE and Mrs. STOWE seasoned with a simple idyl in Mrs. BROWNING'S lightest vein—is, to say the least, a bold in novation upon Miss KELI.OG'S earlier enter tainments. Had the prelude been lighter and the climax ascended to a more seasona ble pitch, preparing the mind and soothing the neryes for the more ambitious efforts of the reader and the profouuder genius of the author she essayed to interpret, we should have been struck mith a finer fitness of things. Let it be said down imprimis that 110 lay man knows the "infinite pains-taking" (which is Curlyle's definition of genius), the elocu- TOWANDA, PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1881. tionist must exercise who courts public favor among the multitude who, in modern days, are seeking profit or applause in this voca tion. The critic of such performances can not have bestowed the thought and study necessary to an apt comprehension of the complex parts which go to make up such a miscellany as these entertainments offer. — Failing this, he may lose and he does lose, no doubt many of the finer touches of an art that can give at best, a fleeting and momentary picture, a hint of feeling and a glimpse of thought—the shadowy portrayals that make up in part at least a programme like the pres ent. We are not suffered to dwell long enough upon a picture, led from this impres sion on to that, and carrying to each succeed ing one no abiding image, 110 deeply pene trating emotion of the mind, It is "•The bubble on the wine that breaks Before you lip the glass." Yet the sfudy of the artist is all the more arduous that necessitates saeh sudden trans formations ;jnd the genius that can suecss- fully compass these various effects must he all the more versitile, ihe art more deft and facile. That Miss KELLOGG has by excel lent training and, of necessity, through a natural adaptation, emotional and mental, to the elocutionary and dramatic art, won a de served and increasing reputation, must be the conclusion which every succeeding experi ence of her quality will bring, the best proof of the growing maturity of her power. What limit there may be to the possibilities of this reader, a still further experience must lead us to determine; certain it is, however, she loses nothing— "Age does not wither nor custom stale her intiniti variety. And the law of progression has determined that so long as Ibis is true, her art will gain— gain in its volume, strength seriousness and power. In the dialect pieces and the peculiar idiom (which Minister—late I'rofessor LOWELL, a rne and various scholar has defended),-redo lent of American or rather" Yankee" life and manners, Miss KELLOGG WO heiieye to he without an equal on the reading rostrum.— These and the Westeruisms —echoes of the Occident in phrase and picture, which give to Mr. BRET HAUTE his ptaee in the litera ture of the day—are within essy range of Miss KKI,I.OGG\S perennial powers, and are done with rare, perhaps unequaled excel lence. Of the Shakespearean parts a more sustain ed effort in a selected part would enable us, if not to judge more securely' certainly to make a bolder conjectuae of what she may do in such away. That this excellent artiste ripens and deepens in knowledge, capacity and power, all who heard her laat night, and who had the same privilege on former oc casions, must conclude. * Of the entertain ment offered, we have nothing hut commen dation to declare and nothing hut hearty ap plause and best wishes to renew. Miss KKLLOGG'S audience last evening was not as large as it should have been, but it was an appreciative one and represented the best society of Tovvanda. The orchestra added to the enjoyment of the rare intellectual treat. BUSINEST LOCAL. A good girl, for general housework, wanted. E. E. QUI.NLAN A good girl, competant to do general housework, can hear of an excellent situation by calling at this office. ENCYCLOPEDIA FOR SALE. —A. complete set ot Appleton's Cyclopedia. Edition of 1879. Full sheep binding. In good order. Price, $75. Agents price for same, $96. Address or see O. A. GUIiNSEY, Canton, Pa. UPH:>I.STERINO —In litis line of business I make a specialty and defy competition, as I make my own work and can sell at prices thai others have to pay wholesale. Call early and leave your order, as I have a number of ordors at present, but will try and accomodate all. My goods are the newest and best ftlie money or tha have ever been put iuto this city. . J. OTTAHSON, Up one flight of stairs. Bridge st., Towanda. New Courtland Cutter For Sale. Enquire of D. M. WILLCOCK H OLID A ED. MOUILL THE WAT Has greatly increased his goods for Holiday Presents. % He has a full assortmen of Ladies Watches, Swiss and American, GOLD Gold Spectacles. Sterling Silver Ware. Roger s Celebrated Sil Clocks of all dis The finest Gold Low Prices. Everything gu Everything Engraving done by M\iTTO.\\S Corner Svanf fjflU j 'Otter a large and attractive stock of Dry Goods, i at very low prices, Which you are invited to call and examine. ALSO, i A conipleta assortment of FANCY Goods j suitable for the HOLIDAY TRADE. i • j Silk Handkerchiefs, Linen and Era j broidered Hankercliiefs, Spanish Ties i and Fichues, Hosiery, Gloves, Under | wear. For the balance of the year will sell j Shawls, Cloaks and Furs regardless of ; Cost and Seasonable Dress Goods much I below value. Cloths suitable for Ladies Ulsters, also Gents Suitings,unliuudried Shirts, Socks, Silk and Linen Hankercliief, in fact every thing pertaining to Ladies or Gents Wardrobe. EVANS & HILDRETH. Towanda, Pa. PRICE ONE CENT. Y GOODS. ESSEAUX, CHMAKER stock, and is daily receiving new and Gentlemen's SILVKK & SILVER Jewelery in tbe latest style. vcr Plated Plat cf Hollow Ware. evictions. line of Foley's Celebrated BANK Pens, and Pencils. The BEST in use. aran teed. new. Call and be convinced. himself on short notice ! BLOCK, Main and Bridge Street. TO WAND A, PA. Ilawe Conic to Stay! (X) STEDGE, THE VETERAN BARBER, _/lget into tl te frortl cirici pi 'cjparcci to do betten TVOPTC than. C\ R ep. CO M E AND SE E II I M ! Shop one door north of Scott's Bakery, opposite Post Office. B I* Stedge, PROP. TEA CHERS' INSTITUTE! LECTURE BY Prof, IITJ#. #. *ll or shall, "WONDERLAND", or The New Nil t.ional Park. Brilliantly Illustrated witli Dissolving Views, hy an Oxy-Hydrogen Stereoptican! "Worth a score of oidinary lectures."— Rev. R. K. Pierce D. D ■ in Zions Herald. "Unsurpassed by any lecture ever given in St. Louis.''— St. Louis Globe. ••Four thousand people were in the hall before eight o'clock. Several times tbe lecturer had to request the audience to restrain its applause that he might go on with the lecture."— N. Herald. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—In the mat ter of the final account of Tamer A. Chaffee, Guardian of Phoebe G. Chaffee. In the Or j phans' Court of Bradford County, j The undersigned, an auditor appointed hy the said Court to dispose of exceptions filed to the fi nal account of said Guardian, will meet the parties at his office in Towanda Borough on Thursday, January 12, 1882, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where all persons interested in said account and exceptions will be heard. J. ANDREW WII.T, Dec. 14, 1881. Auditor.