The l>iily Review. Towanda, Fa., Thursday, Dec. 15, I3SI. EBITOHB S. W. ALVORD. NORLK S.ALVORD ! "Daily iStriftr" Only 25 rtttf.s per month. it! •- mi ■■■.rr vnriwnr www--/<.*-.• ;v ran* mfwm* v-f^nnr-m alls arrir* and depart at the Towanda Post-office as follows: ARRIVE DEPART 4en A.M. Phila. X Y. and East States I\M. 7 4.} 10 O J ... .Dushore, Berniee, I.aporte, 8cc.... -41 11 1 j ; L. V. way mail North 041 | 11 0.) New Era, &c. Taes., Thurs. and Sat. 1 J)0 | II 00 .. Asylum, &c. Mon., Wed. and Frl.. 1 00 11 00 Sbeshequin, &c V. 12 00 1 00 P.M. ...;Troy, Burlington, &e...'. A.M. 10 00 240 .. .Closed mail from ErießS's... S4a 4 00 Canton, Monroeton, &c 0 00 j 5 3o L. V. way mail South 0 <">o j l-> 00 Leliaysville, Rome, &c ...P.M. 1 00 C S i Barclay 1 00 10 40 Erie west of El mini 7 Go (Jtlice open from 7:00 A. m. to 7:4.i p. >;. Money order ollice open from S:00 to 7 : 00 p. M. Office open Sunday from 9 : 00 to 10 :00 A. M. T. POWELL, P. M. J I NES LOCALS. Call and see the new goods at the Five Cent Store. One of thovj iitiii gum overcoats sold by Rosenheiil is cheaper ami much more conven ient than an umbrella. Tim only market in Towanda where you can get good, fat western beef is at K'.IIKU il's, where the best cuts of veal, lamb and mutton arc ahvnvs served Also ham. bacon ami salt meats of all kinds. Fresh Fish, dressed p Jill try. vegetables and fruit, (.cave y ur orders at Fund 'IPs market. You run no risk when you buy your groecr es at G. L. ltoss' new store in Montaiive l.loek. His prices are way down to rock bot tom. His store in Kellum Block, Ist, Ward beats the world by low prices and good goods. NOTICE—I want it distinctly understood that I have Removed from Bridge Street Furniture Store to rooms over Turner & Cordon's Drug Store and Woodford & Vandorn's boot and -hoi' store wh re I i keep oil hand all kinds of COFFIN'S AND CAS KE IS, from the best to the cheapest. Any one in \ need of any thing in my line give me a call. j P. S. 1 buyn no eontiection with any of Mr. ! Frost's establishments. Feb. .J. it!•?!'il's store, is open from ten til twelve, Tuesdav and Saturday. Yearly subscrip tions $2 dO. Any pue may draw a book from the library on the payment of ten cents. The Henry House has recently recruited it> resources with the addition to its cellar oi a pipe of pure English Ale— loin '-brewed and genu in '. This excellent malt liquor will be found a useful natural tonic for the invalid, and s i i v Office Moans' Block. TT KNRY STIi£ET ER. I X. ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW TOWANDA, PA. S USUAL RosenfielM tr/' the fashionable clothier, is the first to open a FULL LINE OF bm& HW.YTKR CLOTHING to which lie invites the particular atten tion of TZ3 81 8° VBS 8, HC . His assortment comprises the most fasli ionable .goods 111 the RE. I DY- Jf. IDECL 0 Till NO LIX E, purchased lor cash, and will be sold CHEAPER than any other house in the country can oiler the stune quality of goods. A full line of MEN'S AND BOYS' HATS AND CAPS Also a better assortment oi FURNISH ING GOODS than can be found elsewhere in Towanda. Call, examine, and satisfy your selves. M. fi. ROSENFIELP. Marsh 9, 1881. OAL W Nathan Tidd, DEALER IN LTTTSTON, WILKES -BA It RE, AND •j Sock Coal. Invites the patronnsre of his old friends and the put. lie generally. I shall keep a full assortment ot all sizes, AND SHALL SELL AT LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. i Yard and office, foot of Pine street, just south t f Cour Aug3o. N. TJDD. iron Hair Cat aits! Bihave Go to the t : WARD HOUSE SHAVING PARLOR WI LLIS'F AI RC MIL D Formerly rEix; id ■ I Is there. ' ! 11A 1 MORE DO YOU WANT? (Than the Fifteen Years CONTINUOUS TRADE OF T_T T X /-s 7—! C7 i. 1. U Otj £3 o, , To eonviitee ton of the ] let lability of Ins j goods. niit! lie now olters better bargains than j ever, in Mons, Btys anJ Childrens Suits, Over coats. Hats. Caps and fine Kurnisliinn s! Gacds. J lljT All good* guaranteed as represented 1 Not Col ton and shaddr for "All Wool." For the Bast Bargains, Best (roods, j | li st Assorthient and Largest Stock- of any ' I dealer in town, ARROTT & GRtSSEL, .muecii.M.VT T.ufoks 96 Main Street. We have now on our racks and shelves one of the most ele gant lines of foreign and domes -1 tic Cloths, Cassimeres, J f r orstcds, Overcoatings, that the market can produce, for the FALL cf- WINTER i season. We invite an inspection ol the same, feeing assured that we can please the taste of all as !to style ol make and quality ot goods. (DdP Ido not wait until the sea son is well advanced before leav ing your order. COME EAR LY ' sep. 14. JJU. A. E. BUKit's IIOMCEOPATIIIC FJ vw u si* r r This remedy is something new, both as to name 1 and composition. This is one of the wonders of the world. This Syrup, I claim, is better and more effective than any other ever offered to the ople of America or any other country, and what I say of this 1 can prove, This Syrup, like the Pills, is harmless and safe. It contains 110 opium or other I narcotic poison, like the most Syrup, and is net dis : agreeable to take. Any child will take it. Audit I will cure any and all inflammations arising front Cold. It is superior to till others in every respect | and especially for the following reasons: "Ist. It will cure Croup every time. 2d. li will cure Inflammation of the Lungs. 3d. It will cure Quinsy, ith It will cure Whooping Cough. sth It will cure Bronchitis. 6tli It will cure Hoarseness. ; 7th It will cure Sore Throat. Bth It will cure any Cold. • '.'th It will cure Congestion of /be Lungs. 10th It will euro any Cough. J 11th It will cure Scarlet Fever. I 12th. It is the best remedv that anv one can take , for ( onsumption, and If taken in the first stage I I will guarantee a cure. • > 1-th. It is perfectly safe for all ages as there is . nothing 111 its composition that can harm a child. , , r A. E. BURR !• or sale by CLARK 15. PORTER. I' ~ ' ! TjAILY REVIEW T irent//- Jfi e< Vents ALMONTIT. TONIC FOR THE HAIR A sure cure for Dandruff and all other diseases 01 the Scalp, stops the hair 1 from falling out; invigorates the hair nerves; cleanses the hair perfectly and ' gives it :i beautiful and.healthy gloss tha : cannot be obtained without itu use. Manufactured a4 sold by U. V. STEDGE, I TOWANOA, PA