Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, December 14, 1881, Image 4

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    Tlie Daily Review
Towanda, Pa., Wednesday, Dec, 14, 1881.
u Daily Keriew" only 25 cent* per
month. Try it,
PROSPECTUS. —"Of making many books
there is no end," and the multiplication of
newspapers is the popular source of educat
ing the people. We are aware that the idea
is quite preyelent that Bradford County has
too many papers, hut with the large number
not one is wholy devoted to the interest of
the great producing class—the agricultur
ists—and at the urgent solicitation of some of
the host practical farmers in the county, we
have decided to commence about the first of
the new year, a local agricultural weekly,
especially adapted to the wants of the farmers
of this section. The contributors to the
paper will embrace Hie best practical farmers
in the county, and we shall aim to make it
of real value to every tiller of the soil, dairy-
Imau and stock raiser in the county, by giv
ing the results of experiments by those in
whom the classes interested have confidence,
and whose success in business is an evidence
fo thorough practical knowledge.
The paper will contain a condensation of
the general news and the fullest local notes.
Fuller particulars hereafter.
The M. E. church Sociable will meet on
Wednesday night, at the house of A. D. DYIC,
corner of Main and State streets.
A first class orchestra will discourse choice
music before the opening and between
the parts, at the select readings by Miss KEL
LOGG, Thursday evening.
clucements are offered you by the BURLING- J
TON ROUTE. It will pay you to read their
advertisement to be found clsewborc in thi ■
paper. ,
It isexpected that over four hundred teach
ers will attend the session of the County In
stitute. and any of our cttizens who are will- i
ingto take a portion of them as boarders, can
notify County Superintendent RYAN at
J. A. WILT'S office. A list will be kept there J
or the accommodation of teachers.
Mox ßOW— There was curried through this
village to-day, to their last resting place, Cole's
burial ground, the caathly remaizs of Mrs.
Lyman Dodge; formerly Mrs. Gilbert, moth
er of Nelson Gilbert, Esq.,of Franklin twp.,
at whose residence she endured her last sick
ness, and met her last enemy, being kindly
ministord unto and tenderly cared for by
those of her own household. Her earlier
years were spent in Monroe, while living
with her first husband Mr. Daniel Gilbert.
We have no exact dates at hand from which
to quote, but from our recollections we place
her age up in the nineties. Ilerjmaiden name
was Wythe, and we do not recollect a person
of her father's family living in the State, or
in the world. The great west may yet re-*
tain some fragments of the family of Wythe's
She was one of the pioneers of this valley,
and acted nobly her part, in the stirring
times of its early cultivation. We claim the
privilege of paying our full quantum of res
pect to all such prominent and worthv marks
of our earlier times as they pass away. For
many vears of the latter part of her life, she
was a devoted christian, and known to us as
a faithful member of the M. E. church. She
has passed safely home; unsolicited we drop
our little token on the foot of her grave.
Monroe's Sunday Schools in the M. E.
church, is preparing for a large time for tie
little folks, on Christmas eve. The children
have a clear title to one day in the year; and
it occurs usually about the2sth of December.
"He took them up in his arms and put his
hands upon them and blessed them." So mote
it be. The Christinas tree always wears a
Monroe, Dec. 11th.
missioners, V. M. WILSON and T. J. SMILY,
assisted by their clerk, E. B. COOLBAUGH,
are now engaged in placing the eight hun
dred names of persons to be drawn as jurors
during the year 1882 in the wheel. The m>-
dus operandi of securing jurors is not un
derstood by everyono. The Presiding Judge
every year orders so many names placed in
the wheel as in his judgment will suffice for
the courts to he held during the ensuing
The system of drawing these names is as
follows: When jurors are required in anv of
the courts the clerk of the court sends to the
sheriff an order directing him to draw a cer
tain number of jurors—this order is called a
venire. As soon as received by the sheriff it
is registered in a book kept for that purpose
and is sent to the clerk of the jury board,who
paepares bis book to receive the tequisite
number of names when they are drawn. At
a time when it is convenient for the jury
commission consisting of the sheriff and the
jury commissioners, the wheel is opened and
the names required by the venire are drawn
out seperatsly and duly recorded. The first
twenty-four names drawn at each term are
designated as "Grand Jurors." Aflerthe
drawing is concluded, the clerk sends to the
sherifi a duly certified list of the names so
drawn with the lesidence and occupation of
each iuror. This list is the sheriff's guide
and from it he makes out tin; notices for ju
rors. Jt becomes the duty of the officer
charged with the service of the notice to find
the juror, no matter where lie may be—
whether at the address given or at any other.
After proper effort has been made to find the
juror, the officer returns to the sheriff all the
notices he has been unable to serve and a
statement of those served, and the sheriff t hen
prepares his answer to the venire and affix
ing it thereto, returns it to Hit" court clerk,
who uses the list for his roll. It will be seen
from this statement that the system is a com
plete one ' and absolutely free from any
chance of fraud.
An idea is to a certain extent prevalent
that the sheriff lias the power to excuse ju
rors, hut tins is wholly erroneous, that pow
er being in the court alone. If jurors fail to
attend at the time named the court mav im
pose a fine and issue an attachment for the
I arrest of the iuror and his production in
! court. A great majority of the jurors sum
moned serve; some are excused. Deafness,
ignorance of our language, physical inability
to sit and other physical ailncnts are good ex
cuses. Physicians surgeons and apothecaries
are also excusable under a salute passed in
the reign of Henry VIII. (1513), and now in
force. Attorneys and other officers of the
court* exempt from service. Some lew oth
er persons are exempt, but to secure the
privilege must comply with certain stringent !
requirements of the law. Jurors are under
110 circumstances excused from service on
account of business engagements, the judg
es having taken a firm stand upon that point,
desiring the services in til* court of just tint
character of men. The pay of a juror is $2
per day.
Two heatingstoves for sale cheap. N. I'. IIICKS
Books by emipent authors and Poets, in
the finest bindings suitable for holiday pros
euts, at WiiiTcoMii's.
Holiday Goods selected with great care at
Whitcomb's Book Store.
Tickets for JOSH BILLINGS lecture are on
sale at the book stores.
Don't fail to go to JOHN SULLIVAN'S on
Bridge street., for the best live cent cigar.
Wanted, 3 copies each of the REVIEW dated
respectively Aug. U and 'JO, and Sept.and
13, 1881.
Mr. OTTAUSON, the upholsterer, is putting some
very nice goods in .just now for the Holidays,
and see what a Bargain you can get with hi in.
On the 15th inst., one week from to-night,
Miss GERTRUDE KELLOGG will gjve recita
tions and readings in Mercur Hall.
FITCII has some very handsome Christmas
tree decorations, which people attending
court will do well to call and examine.
Frazer Axle Grease.—One trial will convince you
that it is the best. Ask your dealer for the Frazer
Axle Grease, and take n< other. Every box has
our trade mark on.
Christmas Cards, New Year Cards, Birth
day, Wedding and Condolence Cards, at
FRESH OYSTERS received daily at the TI1IRI)
WARD GROCERY STORE. Retailed at 30 cents
per quart. Churches and parties supplied on reas
onable terms. D. F. CLARK.
The Five Cent Store is now receiving an
immens stock of fall and winter goods and
the enterprising proprietors invite the public
to call and examine.
A large assortment of neat Stationery, just
received Jewel Boxes, Work Boxes, Toilet
and Nail sets in plush and leather Goods
at Whitcomb's Book Store. No trouble to
show goods.
Any industrious, practical farmer, with a
small capital, can hear of an opportunity to
buy a farm on terms which will enable him
to pay for ot out of the profits. For particu*
ars enquire at this oflice.
.All tlio new Banks and Toys at C. I'. Welles' 99c
BIRD CAGES, 4ft cents and upwards at the 5
Cent Store
C. M. Manville has a quantity f four feet flag
stones for sale cheap.
Buy Knapp's Superior Flavoring Extracts
for family use, warranted pure.
Lamp Wicks, Fletchers best, by the yard at C
I*. Wells' Crockery store.
One Horse,
One Cow,
O, A. BLACK, Agt., Towanda
Kveiytiling waranted as represented at C. P
Welles' Crockery and 99c store.
"Mr Wayward Pardner," for $2 at Whitcomb's
Book Store.
Latest styles of Hats and Caps just received at M
Vases and Toilet ets. Largest Line, Cheapest
Goods at the 99c Store.
Homeopathic Lung Syrup, is the host rem
edy for coughs ami colds. It is mild, pleas
ant and effective, Sold in Towanda only by
Christmas Cards, elegant line, at C. P. Welles'
Crockery Stole.
The finest building lot in Towanda borough, cor
aor ofPoplar and Second streets, between the res
idence of Hon. E. O. Goodrich and 10. Walker, wil
be sold cheap. Apply to O. 1). KINNEY.
Live spring chickens constantly on hand at
Myer's Bridge St. Market.
Tf you want a First Class SIIAVE or II All' CUT,
call at the Barber Shop under the Meat Market, one
door South of the Ward House, where you will al
ways find experienced Artists ready to attend to
customers. G. L. LYNCIICOME, Prop.
Large Doll Houses ami Brooklyn Bridges at C. P
Welles' Crockery and 9.'e Store.
For F'rst Class Custom Boots and Shoes, go to
Morgan McMahon's Shop, over Burchill Brothers
Marble Works. Repairing of all kinds neatly done.
Headquarters for DOLLS! Dolls Heads, Bodies,
and Arms, at C. P. WvllcP Crockerv and 99c store.
Published, n revised edition of Carnochan's Road
l.iuvs and Relating to Township Officers in
Bradford County," by Samuel W. Buok.
For sale at Treasurer's Office or at either Whit
en nb's ar Cross's bookstore, Towanda, l'a.
New goods opening every day at C. P. Welles'
Crockery and 90c store.
If ycu call at BLUM'S boot ami shoe store
yon will timl that you can get more and bet
ter goods for the tiionev than at at any shoe
house in Towanda.
Best and Cheapest Holiday Stock ever exhibited
in Towanda at C. P. Welles' Crockery and 99c
LAWRENCE NALLORAX, the old reliable and wki 1
ful SHOE MAKKRis again "on d"ck," and wishes ;
to inform his customers and the public that here- j
after, in "rain or shine," he will be found at his J
post ready to do all work in his line in the best j
manner and on short notice, bhop in rear of the
REVIEW office.
THE NKAV ER\ WASHER!— Give it a trial.
It doc 3 the washing clean, in one fourth the
262-4w. L. S. BLASDKLL, Agent.
Elegant New Styles of picture Brackets and Jap
anese Brackets at the 99c store.
Car loads of new goods now being received at the
Five Cent Store.
a number of dwelling houses for rent or tor sa'e
on easy terms. Also, eligible and desirable build
ing Lots which will he sold on long credit to per
sons desiring to build.
Oct. 17. 1881. L. ELSBREE.
Childrens Books, Small and Large. 1 owest Pri- j
ces. at C. P. Welles'Crockery and 99c store.
One Cook stove,
One Heating store, suitable for oal or wood,
O. A. BLACK, Weston st.
Gold Band Tea Sets, 56 pieces, for $5 at C. I'. !
Welles Crockery store.
CHARLES AKENS has taken the Barber Shop late
ly occupied by PATTINANTO, in I 'atton Block, and
solicits a share of public patronage. He is an ex- j
ptrienced barber and understands ad branches of j
the business.
| New Majolica at C. I'. Welles' Crockery and 99c
j store.
THE VERY LATEST —Stvlcs in men's, ehi! |
tlron's and boys' suits, overcoats and fur
nishing goods can be found at Jacob's Cloth
ing House as lie has just opened an immense
stock of Pall and Winter goods.
SI () P E fok t,ib DEA F .
I>r. Peck's Artificial Ear Drums
the Natvral />rwm. Always in position, but invisible vthcrs. All conversation and even AA,
heard distinctly. W c refer to those *siMg them. Send for descriptive circular with tes m.mi.T 1
18 > 1881 11. P. K. PECK & CO., bo KKBW A Y" N.Y.
Great variety of Motto and Fancy Cups, Saucers,
and Mugs at C. I'. Welles' Crockery and 99c store.
Mrs. Kilbourn invites the ladies of Towanda and
vicinity to call and examine her stock of Millinery
Goods before purchasing elsewhere.
Compare Prices and Quality , then you will buy
your Christmas Goods at C. P. Wells' Crockery
and 99c store.
Largest assortment of Vases and mottoed Cups
Cups and Saucers, in town at the a CENT Store.
lirrries, Garden truck at Myre's meat mar
ket, Bridge St.
Brick for sale. Enquire of J. T. Ilale, at
torney tit law.
SAKE FOR SALE— Fire-proof, Combination
Lock. Inquire of W. J. YOUNG.
Immense shipments of TOYS for the Holiday
| trade, are being received daily at the 5 CENT
j Store.
William Brown, at Miller's Barn, clean * and oils
j Harness, and washes wagons very cheaply.
Second hand Herring Safe for sale cheap
quire at this oflice.
twenty-eighth j"ear commences Aug. 22d, 1881 A
large and efficient corps of teachers; a full collec
tion of maps, enacts, models and apparatus, and
appliances for teaching. Expenses are reasonable.
For catalogue or particulars call upon, or address
Principal, EDWIN E. QUINLAN, A. M.
Towanda, Pa.
MissN". A. Powell, an experienced dressmaker
would inform the ladies of Towanda that she now
resides at Mr. 11. A, Prince's on Packer avenue,
1 where she will be pleased to receive orders fo
wor work, or she will go out by the day.
I have bought and used the New Era Washer five
days mi the week .01 the past five weeks and am
satisfied It will do a'l tluu is claimed for it. It is
the Lady's Friend. The more 1 use it the better 1
like it. Mrs. E. ONAN.
Convcniant rooms for house keeping, in Tracy Jfc
Moore's block, Main St. Apply to 11, P. MOOUE.
We are still selling Pure Milk at FIVE CENTS
Per Quart. 11. ELSBIiEE.
I hat', been it great sufferer front Neuralgia
for years and had consulted a great many dif
fered physicians, but got 110 cure until I'took
Dr. Burr's Neuralgia and Sick Headache Pills;
they cured me and 1 have recommended to
over fifty persons and I have ne.vcr known
them to fail, 'i'ltey are also the best nervous
and dyspeptic pill I ever saw.
Master Mechanic, Dickens Manufacturing
Company, Scranton, Pa.
"What everybody wants is the best organ for
the least amount of money: Therefor every
body wants the Burdett'; and when vou've
said that, you've told the whole storv."
So say the brightest and busiest organs
dealers throughout the land, who are lurti
ishing (his matchless instrument to a musiea
public, which is rapidly learning to distinguish
its marvellously pure and beautiful voice
from that which is not music. For sale bv
J. A. Manvilie. No. 3 Bridge St., Towanda.
Two dwelling hause* in'the First Ward
FOR rent. O. I). KINNEY.
Room* suitable for small family, to let, ia centre
of town. Enquire at this oflice.
s). f e *uks aa s v"ujn :
The celebrated Stallion has returned t kis sta
Lies in this place where lie may be teami. Teiims
—Same as heretofore.
Oct. 21, 1881. D. C. DEWITT.
and is ready to attend all calls in his line promptly
lie runs to ALL TRAINS. Charges for nightand
early morning trains (Nos. 12, 8 and 3,) no reduction
for these trains, 585 cent* per passenger. liegu
lar customers supplied with tickets'at reduced rates
Charges for attending parties, one couple $1 50- two
couples in one load, SI.OO per couple; for attending
funerals from $2.00 to $3.00. Hack by the hour $f
Horses and carriages to let.
Orders left at his oflice kelow council rooms will
receive careful attention. IJ . w MILT
Nov. 27, 1880. ' *
A change of weather means a change of CLOTHES '
Anybody in need of Overcoats, Business and Dress
Suits, Boots, Ladies and Children's Shoes, will find
INO IIOLsE, just oponed in Means' Block M iiu
street, lowanda, I'a.
Oct. 11. 1881.
• Plain and Ornamental Painter,
™!.! WO w k in 1 1 18 line P rorn Ptly executed on shar
notice, hrom long experience both in city and
r.ra&r i ' 3 hln " iir< " 1 ** • -UK