Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, December 14, 1881, Image 1

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VOLUME 111, NO. 107.
THOS. S. LANLKY, of Canton, is ft juryman
this week.
Senator DA VIES and 0. D. KINNKY "are in
eastern Bradford.
JOE ELY, mayor of Athens, is rorvin* his
country in the capacity of a jut'or this week.
Col. OVKRTOX is looking in Mipon tlic as
sembled wisdom of the nation at Washing
Mrs. O. A. BALDWIN has gone to St. Louis
to visit her brother, Mr. U. I'. LYON, who is
very ill.
JAMES IT. CODDING, of this place, and Dr-
It. C. KENDALL, of Troy, two of the most
prominent Masons in this county, were re
elected directors of the .Southern Tier Mason
ic Relief Asssciation, in Ehnira, Monday.
M-r. and Mrs. GEO. MORSE of Itooliester,
X. Y., are receiving the eongrutulotions of
their friends on the safe arrival of their first
born—a, little girl—who made her appearance
Monday morning. They are staying at lhe
home of Mrs. MORSE'S parents, Mr. and Mrs.
JOHN MC IN TOSH, on York Avenue.
Rev. Doctor STEWART opens the Monroe lec
ture course this evening. Ilis subject will be
"Self Culture." The Doctor's reputation as
a ripe scholar and eloquent speaker is too
well known to require any notice from us.
"We advise all the good people of Monroeton
and vicinity who desire to avail themselves
of a rich intellectual feast to attend. They
will find Doctor STEWART'S address edifying
tls well as entertaining.
Express agent DODGE thinks the REVIEW
unintentionally did him an injury in the no
tice of the loss of his pocket book the other
day. The fact that we staled the pocket
book contained no money, has been constru
ed by some of iris enemies as an indication
that he is" short of the filthy lucre." lie is
too sensitive, but imagines bis credit has suf
fered; that lie will be snubbed like other
poor men; lie lias been reminded of the af
fair once already by a gentleman who read
the item in Montrose. For the benefit of all
persons who suspect WILLIAM of impeijuni
osity, we will state that Mr. D. had transfer
red the contents of his usually plethoric
pocket book to liis safe just prior to missiVg
it. No sir, he is not poor, as witness his mer
ry laugli and beaming countenance.
Don't fail to hear Miss KEOLOGG to-mor
row evening.
The best watches made for sale at ED.
Cape Cod Cranberries, the largest and best
grown, for sale at E. F DITTRICH & Co.'s.
Chains and Lockets in endless variety, com
prising all the new styles, at ED MOUILLESS
Reserved seats for Miss GERTRUDE KEL
LOUG'S select readings only fifty cents. Seats
marked at KIRBY'S.
ED. MOUILLESSEAUX has the finest assort
ment of linger rings, bracelets and breast
pins ever ofieied here, and his prices defy
Remember that a first class orchestra will
add to the enjoyment of those who attend the
select readings by Miss GERTRUDE KELLOGG
to-morrow evening.
Rev. C. T. IIALLOWELL will preach in the
lecture room of the Baptist Church to-mor
row evening. A prayer meeting will be held
from 7 to 7:30, after which the discourse will
be delivered. All are invited.
"I was very severely burned about the
right leg several years ago," says Mr. R. 11.
Colyer, 123 Erie street, Jersey City, N. J.,
"and the spot always remained tender. A
short time ago I wounded the old spot, and it
refused to heal. I applied St. Jacob Oil, half
a bottle of which cured the injured limb.
The Social at W. M. MALLORY'S on Mon
day evening was what everybody expected,
a very pleasant sffair, and the receipts amoun
ted to nearly s*2s. The next meeting of the
Episcopal mite socieiy is to be held Monday
evening at the rooms of ?C. F. CROSS, Ward
House. A large variety of fancy articles,
suitable for Christmas presents will be otter
ed for sale. The new rector's wife is also ex
pected to be present.
The following gentlemen have been engag
ed to lecture in Monroeton during the pres
ent season: Rev. Doctor STEWART of this
place, this evening, Dr. MOCARTHY, of El
inira, Rev. Doctor TAYLOR, Rev. C. H.
WRIGHT, of Towanda, Rev. M. S. HARD,
Ehnira, Hon, GEO. LANDON, Herrick, Rev.
J. T. BROWXWELL, Mansfield, and Louis M.
HALL, of this place. The dates of the re
spective lectures will' be announced bereaf
i tOT*
The Ladies' Sewing Society of Wvsox will
; give an oyster supper at Grange Hall, Thurs
day evening, December lath. All are cordi
ally invited.
Don't miss hearing Miss GERTRUDE KEL
LOGG, Thursday evenving.
* . ,
The sale of reserved seats for Miss KEL
LOGG'S select readings, Thursday evening,
; began Monday morning. Go and have your
j seat reserved at once.
The ?J i V 3 C).i Jan is :l.
! Riddleburgcr lias been nominated for
1 Senator from Virginia.
Nearly eight hundred bills were intro
duced iu the House yesterday.
Green, republican and citizens' candi
date, was yesterday elected mayor of
Gen. Martindale, of Rochester, N. Y.,
one of the ablest lawyers in the state,
died in Nice, France, yesterday.
The bill placing Gen. Grant on the ar
my retired list passed the Senate commit
tee by a party vote, 5 to 3, yesterday.
General B. 1). Fearing died at Marietta,
Ohio, on Friday.
The New York canals have just been
closed officially.
't he nest a nnd 10 cent Cigars ever Smoked, at
the Park Street Cigar Store, South side Mercur
Have you ever tried that superb tobacco for
sale at the Park Street Store, Mercur block? It
can't be beat.
Foot Rest Frames and Upholstered Foot Rests at
C. P. Welles' Crockery and 99c store.
George Carter having opened a Barber Shop one
door South of the Methodist Church, solicits a share
of the public patronage. George is a Good Barbel,
Give him a call.
The "Senate" Saloon is not only supplied with 1
the best oysters in the market, but on the lunch
counter may always he found everything the ap
petite craves. Under Chamberlin's jewelry store.
Select Mtauciiig Clans.
By special request Mr. F. LAMEREAUX, of Bing
liamton, will give instructions in the above art every
Friday afternoon and evening, at Mercur Hall.
Hours of tuition—Ladies, masters and misses at 4
p. m. (parents and guardians admitted free), gents
at 7:30 to 9p. in., assemblies from 9t012 m, All
the modern dances will be taught. Round dances
a specialty.
WANTED,— 2 rooms suitable for liouso keeping.
A short distance out of town preferred. Inquire
at this office.
WANTED—By Germania Band, situations for a
dry goods clerk, four years experience, a house and
sign painter, and light work for a young man. All
of them gentlemen of good character and will fur
nish recommendations. Communications addressed
to Germania Band, will receive prompt attention.
H.A.SCOTT, of the "Sugar Creek Mill," has
left an order book with O. D. Wickham at the Post
Office. All orders for Flour, Feed, Meal, Grain
etc., left there will receive prompt attention.
Daniel Meßride offers his house on Washington
street, 3 doors from the Henry House, for rent. A
small family desired.
Wanted—A good violinist, with evenings not en
gaged. Address, F. L. G., Box 50, Towanda, Pa.
Has greatly increased his
goods for Holiday Presents.
He has a full assortinen of Ladies
Watches, Swiss and American, OOLD
Gold Spectacles.
Sterling Silver Ware.
Roger's Celebrated Sil
Clocks of all dis
The Jhicst
L'ow Prices. Everything gu
Engraving done by
ENCYCLOPEDIA FOll SALE.—A complete set
ot Apple-ton's Cyclopedia. Edition of 1871). Full
sheep binding. In good order. Price, $75. Agents
price for same, $96. Address or see
G. A. GURNSEY, Canton, Ta.
UPHOLSTERING —In this line of business I make
a specialty and defy competition, as I make my
own work and can sell at prices thai others have to
pay wholesale. Call early and leave your order, as
I have a number of ordors at present, but will try
and accomodate all. My goods are the newest and
best ftlie money or thn have ever been put into
this city. J. OTTARSON,
Up one flight of stairs. Bridge st., Towanda.
Blank Deeds,
Blank Leases,
Blank Notes,
For Sale at the REVIEW Oflice.
FOR SALE CHEAP.—Good Farm, coutaning
One Hundred Acres, situate near Potterville; good
portion of it under cultivation. Inquire of ARTH
UR BUItCHILL, at the Marble Works.
House for rent in best neighborhood—adjoining
my residence. W.B.DODGE.
uv c, 12,1851.
New Courtland Cutter For Sale. Enquire of
Prof, SB Vt. W. •liarshall,
"WONDERLAND", or The New Nu
tioiial Park.
Brilliantly Illustrated with Dissolving Views, by
an Oxy-llydrogen Stereoptican!
"Worth a score of oulinary lectures."— Rev. I>.
K. Pierce D. D • in Zions Herald.
"Unsurpassed by any lecture ever given in St.
Louis.''— St. Louis Globe.
••Four thousand people were in the hall before
eight o'clock. Several times the lecturer had to
request the audience to restrain its applause that
he might go on with the lecture."—A. Y. Herald.
Gertrude Kellogg.
T7Lvirscicty EvervLixg,
DECEMBER 15, 1881.
Sale of Tickets begins at Kirby's Drug
Store, Monday, Dec. 12, at 8 o'clock n
the morning.
stock, and is daily receiving new
and (Gentlemen's (i()Ll) k and SILVER
& SILVER Jewelery in the latest style.
ver Plated Plat & Hollow Ware,
cri ft ions.
line of To ley's Celebrated
BANK Pens, and Pencils.
The BEST in nsc. •
new. Call and be convinced.
himself on short notice I
Main and Bridge Street.
Ilave Come, to Stay!
Agctirr to tire front
curd prejpcureci to do
hotter wortc tTrcur ev
Shop one door north of Scott's
Bakery, opposite Post Office.
MP I" Sledge,
Josh Billings!
Wednesday Everting
DECEMBER 21st, 1881.
Tickets uow on sale at Ivirby's Drug
Store,Wliitcomb's book store and at
Fitcli's confectionery store.
ADMISSION ..... 50 cents.
No extra charge for Reserved Seats.