DAILY T<) WANDA REVIEW. VOLUME 111, NO. 106. LOCALS. Personal. Judge DARKNESS of Springfield is in town. Miss LILI.IK MOWRE is visiting friends in Muucli Chunk. Miss IDA MORGAN is visiting friends in Burlington. Mrs. MCQUISTON, of Pittsburg, is visiting lier friends here. Secure your ticket for Miss KKI.OOGG'S readings, Thursday evening. Mrs. PAIUC LMITII, who has been quite il for several wdeks past, oas so far recovered as to he able to ride out on Sunday. L-iwver M'P HKHSON'B Christmas present has alreadv arrived. It is a fine girl baby, the first one. President Fox of the Citizens National Hank has purchased the valuable family horse lately owned by C. S. FITCH. MKANS MAG ILL is receiving the congratu lations of his friends 011 the advent of the first babv in his household. The welcome little visitor put in an appearance Sunday night. The Reverend Mr. Exos has officially noti fied the Vestry of Christ Church of his ac ceptance of their call to the Rectorship of the oarish and t fiat he will enter upon the dis charge of his duties January first. The rec tory is being repaired and put in order for his occupancy. Among the improvements 011 the building will be a new slate roof. Mrs. Exos is expected to arrive here this week or the fore part of next. Miss NRLI.IE GOIUIAM, daughter of post, master GOIUIAM, of Leßavsville, was visiting at Lawyer GRIDI.KV'3 last week. On Satur day Miss GOIUIAM inspected the "inner work ings "of the Towanda post office. From la ter developments we infer that the inspection must have been entirely satisfactory. AVc believe that it has been decided that, mail be tween this place and Leßavsville goes most Joux BKXXIS, bar-tender at the Ward House has returned from Philadelphia,wh< re he had been undergoing medical treatment in the hospital of the University of Pennsylva nia. lie experienced substantial and lie hopes permanent benefit. Copt. S. W. NORTHROP who has been en gaged in the mercantile business at. Ever green for some time pa>t has disposed of his stock and agahi taken up his residence in this place. Don't miss hearing Miss GKHTUUDK KEL LOGG, Thursday evefyring. It is rumored that two weddings are to be celebrated before many weeks, Jfrom two houses 011 State street. The scholars of Cn rist Church Sunday School will meet at the Church at 4:30. this afternoon to practice Christmas hymns. The sale of reserved seats for Miss KKI.- I.OGG'S select readings, Thursday evening, began Monday morning. Go and have your seat reserved at once. CouitT.—The session of Court yesterd'y morning was occupied in hearing motions &c. The following divorce cases wire consider ed : Mary Rhcbhie vs. Henry L. Rhehinc. Re ferred to L. Elsbree, Commissioner. Margaret Wells, vs. Melvin Wells. Sheriff directed lo make proclamation. E. T. Fox vs. David Benjamin and M. Kir win terre tenant. On motion of W. Doyle Court grant rule to show cause why judg ment should not be stricken off, returnable to argument Court. At the opening of the session in the after noon, Mr. M'Pherson moved for arrest of judgment in the case of Com. vs. Abrains? convicted last week of fornication and bastar *iy- Eight prisoners convicted last week, were TOWANDA, PA., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1881. brought in by the sheriff and received sen* fences. The Judge in sentenceing them ad inistered some wholesome advice. John Doyle, for stealing a pair of mittens, was sentenced to pay a fine of fd, costs and imprisonment in the county jail ten days. Adam Fogartv, a 13 years old lad, convict ed of larceny, was committed to the House of Refuge. h alter and Alonzo Pool were sent to the Eastern I'eniteneiary for a term of two years and 11 months, and Sum Pool one year and 11 months for stealing '-Dr." Oorr's "medicine chest."' B. 1. and John B. Ball, convicted of aggra vated assault, were given two years and 11 months, solitary confinement in the Peniten tiary, t in addition to a tine of SIOO and costs of prosecution. Sentence on another indict ment was suspended, with an intimation bv the cou.it that unless their conduct is more circumspect after their release he will have them brought before him for sentence . Frank Warner and Henry Wheeler, who j p'ead guilty to assaulting and robbing young Brinnun near Hemlock Run last August, were ; sentenced to pav a fine of $250 each, the costs j of prosecution and undergo imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary for the term ofS , years and 11 months. There will be no meeting of the Musical I Society tiiis week. The next regular meet ing will he at the rooms of Mrs. L. M. Of. I BORNE, Thursday morning Dec. 22. j At a caucus of delegates from the several fire companies last night, A. I). COOLBAUGH was nominated for Chief Engineer, DAN. W. I WILLCOCK, first assistant and F. L. GRIN- I NELL, second. i The election takes place next Monday even, ing between the hours of <; and 8. I Hon T. Frelingliuyseu was , nominated and confirmed Secretary of j State yesterday. Postmaster General James sent his resignation to the President yesterday. WANTED,— 2 rooms suitable for house keeping at Z r on!:r ,Ce OUt 0f tOVVn I,referred - Inquire w n, iV ™ ck l' Fletchers best, by the yard at C. I. \\ eils C rockery store. Christinas Cards, elegant line, at C. P. Welles* Crockery Store. 1 Large DoH Houses and Brooklyn Bridges at C. P. \\ elles Crockery and !)9c Store. New goods opening every day at C. P. Welles* | L rockery and y*Jc store. j Best and Cheapest Holiday Stock ever exhibited I in 1 owanda at C. I*. Welles' Crockery and 99c I store. Elegant New Styles of picture Brackets and Jan j r.ncse Brackets at the 990 store. New Majolica at C. P. Welles' Crockery and 99c | store. Headquarters for DOLLS! Dolls Heads, Bodies, and Anns, at C. I*. \\ elles' Crockery and 99c store, j \ ases and Toilet eta. Largest Line. Cheapest j Goods at the 99c Store. ! Kve.ything warantcd as represented at C. 1* ! YY elles' Crockery and 99c store. < hi Id reus Books, Small and Large. Lowest Prl- ' ccs. at C. I'. Welles'Crockery and 99c store. 1 Gold Band Tea Sets, 56 pieces, for $5 at C. P ' Welles Crockery store. All the new Banks and Toys at C. P. Welles' 99c ! store. j Great variety of Motto and Fancy Cups, Saucers. 1 and Mugs at C. I*. Welles' Crockery and 99c store. Compare Prices and Quality, then you will buv your Christmas Goods at C. P. Wells' Crockery and 99c store. J New Courtland Cutter For Sale. Enquire of D. M. WILLCOCK. I hree or four weeks ago tt long niiirtingal belonging to a set of common harness, was lost, propablv in the vicinity of MERCUR'S coal yard, if the finder will call at this office we will direct him or her to the owner. WANTED—By Germania Band, situations for a dry goods clerk, four years experience, a house and sign painter, and light work for a young man. All of them gentlemen of good character and will fur nish recommendations. Communications addressed to Germania Band, will receive prompt attention. ILA.BCOTT, of the "Sugar Creek Mill," has left an order book with (). D. Wickharn at the Post Office. All orders for Flour, Feed, Meal, Grain etc., left there will receive prompt attention. Daniel Mcßridc oilers his house on Washington street, 3 doors from the Henry House, for rent. A small family desired. "Wanted—A good violinist, with evenings not en gaged. Address, F. L G., Box 50, Towanda, Pa. H O.LIDAj KD. MOUILL THE WAT Has greatly increased his goods for Holiday Presents. He ha* a full assortmen of Ladies i Watches, Swiss and American, CiOLI) . Gold Spectacles. Sterling Silver Ware. Rogers Celebrated Sil Clocks of all dis The finest Gold Low Prices. Everything gu Everything done by pjtTTOjy '.v Corner BUSINESS LOCAL. ENCYCLOPEDIA FOR SALE.—A complete set ot Appletoii'a Cyclopedia. Edition of 1879. Full sheep binding. In good order. I'rlce, $75. Agents price for same, $96. Address or see Give him a call. The "Senate" Saloon is not only supplied with the best oysters in the market, but on the lunch counter may always be found everything the ap petite craves. Under Chamberlln's jewelry store. J Select Dancing Clan*. By special request Mr. F. Lamkueaux, of Bing hamton, will give instructions in the above art every Friday afternoon and evening, at Mercur Hall. Hours of tuition—Ladies, masters and mTsses at 4 p. in. (parents and guardians admitted free), gents at 7:30 to 9p. in., assemblies from 9t012 m, All the modern dances will be taught. Round dances a specialty. ' Gertrude Kellogg. MERCUR HALL, I ThxirscLcty Eveixirxg, t DECEMBER 15, 1881. & Sale of Tickets begins at Kirby's Drug Store, Monday, Dec. 12, at 8 o'clock n 4 the morning. t PRICE ONE CENT. Y GOODS. ESSEAUX, CHMAKER stock, and is daily receiving" new and Gentlemen's SILVER & SILVER Jewelcry in tbe latest style. vcr Plated Plat & Hollow Ware. criptions. line of Foley's Celebrated BANK Pens, and Pencils. The BEST in use. aranteed. new. Call and be convinced. himself on short notice ! ttt.OCK. Main and Bridge Street. TOWANDA, PA. Ilccve Come to Stcuj! (X) STEDGE, THE VETERAN BARBER, to the front culcl prepcureh to ho better worh thati ev er. COME AND SE E HI M ! Shop one door north of Scott's Bakery, opposite Post Office. F* St edge, PROP. Josh Billings! MERCUR HALL, Wednesday Evening DECEMBER 21st, 1881. Tiekets now on sale at Kirby's Drug Store, Wliitconab's book store and at Fitch's confectionery store. ADMISSION 50 cents. No extra charge for Reserved Seats. X LVORD & SON, JOB PRINTERS, DAILY REVIEW OFFICE