DAILY TO WANDA REVIEW. VOLUME 111, NO. 105. LOCALS. Personal. L. L. LYON, of Monroeton, drives a very handsome pair of well-matched horses. Mrs. It. A. PACK BR spent last week as the guest of President CLAGHOKX'S family in Philadelphia. W. \V. IIICKOK has recently invented an improvement on his ditcher shovel. Hv an endless band the dirt is carried up a slide, like that of a dredgng machine and deposited at one side of the machine. — Troy Gazette. FRANK BOWMAN, the hackman, was stand ins in front of the Ward house, Saturday, when his feet slipped and lie fell, protru ding his elbow through a large pane of glass. It only cost hnn three dollars to repair the damages. The Episcopal Social meets this evening at Mr. W. M. MALLOKY'S 011 Houston street Friends of the Church from out of town as well as those residing here will meet with a cordial reception and enjoy a good time if they attend. Our old friend JOHN MORAY, the artist, lias been publishing a picture sketch of M a verly, and the Free Press thus compliments Mr. John Morav has exhibited to us a very line picture of Waverly and South \\ averly. The view is taken from near Mr. Heinstreet's residence, and, shows Savre, the plains and mountains in the distance. It is executed in tine warm tints, and is a picture that would adorn any parlor. It is printed on heavy plate paper 22x28 inches. In the margin .are views of Broad street.Spanish Hill, Academy and Park, Lincoln street school house, view on Chemung street, near Mr. Slaugnter's res idence and oui view at East Waverlv All the prominent public and private buildings, are shown with remarkable accuracy, even to those in Say re. We learn tlie Waverly Daily Review which lias exhibited evidences of phenomenal suc cess, is to be enlarged. The Park Street tobacco >tore in Mercur block, lias become the favorite resort of the best judges of the 'weed.'" The new school house recently erected in the Xeely district, Athens township, was destroyed by tire one night last week. The old building was also burned. L. \V. SWAKTOUT, agent, i.t the Park Street tobacco store in Mercur block, so all the smokers say, seils the best 5 and 10 cent cigars hi the market. Mrs. JAMKS 11 AIT HIS, who was buried yes terday, had been a eonsisten* and exemplary member of the Presbyterian church for 50 years, and her name stood second on the roll of members. In the notice of the ABHAMS ease Saturday we inadvertently made DAVID ABHAMS the defendant. We should have said "11. A." in stead of DAVID. The latter gentleman in forms us that counsel fell into the same error in arguing the ease To prevent croup in children let them wear upon their chest a pad made of cotton batting sowed upon a piece of muslin or oth er light fabric. Tnis is one of the "mother remedies" that lias never been known to'fail and much serious illness from the dread dis ease may be prevented by its ue. A line looking horse caused its owner some alarm, and the hoys considerable amusement, by deliberately lying down while standing hitched t