DAILY TO WANDA REVIEW. VOLUME 111, NO. 105. LOCALS. Personal. L. L. LYON, of Monroeton, drives a very handsome pair of well-matched horses. Mrs. It. A. PACK BR spent last week as the guest of President CLAGHOKX'S family in Philadelphia. W. \V. IIICKOK has recently invented an improvement on his ditcher shovel. Hv an endless band the dirt is carried up a slide, like that of a dredgng machine and deposited at one side of the machine. — Troy Gazette. FRANK BOWMAN, the hackman, was stand ins in front of the Ward house, Saturday, when his feet slipped and lie fell, protru ding his elbow through a large pane of glass. It only cost hnn three dollars to repair the damages. The Episcopal Social meets this evening at Mr. W. M. MALLOKY'S 011 Houston street Friends of the Church from out of town as well as those residing here will meet with a cordial reception and enjoy a good time if they attend. Our old friend JOHN MORAY, the artist, lias been publishing a picture sketch of M a verly, and the Free Press thus compliments Mr. John Morav has exhibited to us a very line picture of Waverly and South \\ averly. The view is taken from near Mr. Heinstreet's residence, and, shows Savre, the plains and mountains in the distance. It is executed in tine warm tints, and is a picture that would adorn any parlor. It is printed on heavy plate paper 22x28 inches. In the margin .are views of Broad street.Spanish Hill, Academy and Park, Lincoln street school house, view on Chemung street, near Mr. Slaugnter's res idence and oui view at East Waverlv All the prominent public and private buildings, are shown with remarkable accuracy, even to those in Say re. We learn tlie Waverly Daily Review which lias exhibited evidences of phenomenal suc cess, is to be enlarged. The Park Street tobacco >tore in Mercur block, lias become the favorite resort of the best judges of the 'weed.'" The new school house recently erected in the Xeely district, Athens township, was destroyed by tire one night last week. The old building was also burned. L. \V. SWAKTOUT, agent, i.t the Park Street tobacco store in Mercur block, so all the smokers say, seils the best 5 and 10 cent cigars hi the market. Mrs. JAMKS 11 AIT HIS, who was buried yes terday, had been a eonsisten* and exemplary member of the Presbyterian church for 50 years, and her name stood second on the roll of members. In the notice of the ABHAMS ease Saturday we inadvertently made DAVID ABHAMS the defendant. We should have said "11. A." in stead of DAVID. The latter gentleman in forms us that counsel fell into the same error in arguing the ease To prevent croup in children let them wear upon their chest a pad made of cotton batting sowed upon a piece of muslin or oth er light fabric. Tnis is one of the "mother remedies" that lias never been known to'fail and much serious illness from the dread dis ease may be prevented by its ue. A line looking horse caused its owner some alarm, and the hoys considerable amusement, by deliberately lying down while standing hitched t<a buggy at the north side of STE VENS & LONG'S store, Saturday afternoon. The animal was soon divested of its harness, when lie got tip, apparently all right. As Christ 111 is an I New Year's both fall 011 Sunday this season a good many people are wonderinwhat dav will be celebrated. Sat urday or Monday. A law of Pennsylvania decides tlit; question. It makes Monday the holiday when the same falls on Sunday. This applies to all holidays save Decoration Day. TOWANDA, PA., MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, ISBI. Tlion the day preceding is chosen when the 30th of May comes on the tirst day of the week. ED. MOUILLKSSK.VUX has returned from the city with an elegant assortment of jewel ry, silver and piated ware, watches, clocks, etc., and informs us that he is prepared to of fer better bargains than ever to cash buyers. He sure and give him a call before completing your Christinas purchases. 11 is store is corner .Main and Bridge streets. Strangers who may be in town this week will be sur prised to learn how cheaply they can buy the best goods from him. To make a town prosperous everything possible should be purchased in it and in this way money will circulate amongst us. going from one to another, instead of entering the pockets of the rich merchants of the Fastern cities, never to return again. We have en tered upon the holiday trade when thousands of dollars will be expended and it is to he hoped that one and ail of our people will fore go purchasing in the cities, and give our own merchants that support which they merit as citizens and men who have invested their capital in our midst. Don't forget thill the sale of reserved seats for Miss K KI,LOGO'S readings begins Monday morning The News Condensed. Ex-Congressman Banning of Ohio died suddenly Saturday morning. Speaker Keifer does not intend to an nounce the house committees until after the holidays. The funeral of John W. Forney takes place to-day. The pall-hearers will be Gen. Hancock. Gen. Sickles, Hon. W. 1). Kelly, Ex-Speaker Randall, Gov. Curtin, George W. Cliilds, E. B. Hart, Daniel Dougherty, A. K. McClure and Lewis Cassidv. By the burning of a boarding house on the line of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie railroad, about live miles from Pitts burg, Saturday morning, ten laborers were burned to death and eleven others seriously if not fatally burned. The fire was caused by the bursting of a lamp.— There were about fifty men lodging in the shanty. Jurymen and others addicted to the use of the "weed'' attending court, this week, can supply themselves with the best tobacco and cigars at the lowest prices, at the Park street tobacco store, Mercur block. SOMETHING NEW!—One of the leading fea. tares of New York City is the eagerness with which the people accept any decided improvement that may be introduced. The rush now in that city is for the new kind of Seidlitz Powders, which far ex cel the old kind, being as pleasant as lemonade. I hey are called Seidlititio Seidlitz Powders—put up 'n two neat wooden boxes and sold for five cents each. CLAItK 1). PORTER, Agent. Three or four weeks ago a long martingal belonging to a set of common harness, was lost, propablv in the vicinity of MEKCUK'S coal yard, if the finder will call at this office we will direct him or her to the owner. WANTED—By Germania Band, situations for a dry goods (dork, four years experience, a house and sign painter, and light work for a young man. All of them gentlemen of good character and will fur nish recommendations. Communications addressed to Germania Band, will receive prompt attention. 11. A. SCOTT, of the "Sugar Creek Mill," lias left an order book with (). I). Wickhain at the Post Office. All orders for Flour, Feed, Meal, Grain etc., left there will receive prompt attention. Buy the Waverly cracker, Manufactured by Robt. N. Manners & Co. Daniel Mcßride offers ins house on Washington street, 3 doors from the Henry House, for rent. A small family desired. Wanted—A good violinist, with evenings not en gaged. Address, F. L, G., Box 50, Towanda, Pa. H O-LIDA 1 ED. MOUILL THE WAT Has greatly increased his vT* J goods for Holiday Presents. lie has a full assortmen of Ladies Watches, Swiss and American, (iOLD Gold Spectacles. Sterling Silver Ware. Roger's Celebrated Sil Clocks of all dis The finest ' Gold Low Prices. Everything gu Everything End raving done bij P.§TTOS% 9 S Corner BUSINESS LOCAL. ENCYCLOPEDIA FOR SALE. —A complete net ot Appleton's Cyclopedia, Edition of 1879. Full sheep binding. In good order. Price, $75. Agents price for same, S9O. Address or see G. A. OURNSEY, Canton, Pa. Urn 'I.9TXRINO —In this line of business I make a specialty and defy competition, as I make my own work and can sell at prices that others have to pay wholesale. Call early and leave your order, as I have a number of ordors at present, but will try and accomodate all. My goods arc the newest and best fthe money or tha have ever been put into tldscity. J. OTTAUSON, Up one flight of stairs. Bridge at., Towanda. Blank Deeds, Blank Leases, Blank Notes, For Sale at the REVIEW Ollice. FOR SALE CIIEAP.—Good Farm, coutaning One Hundred Acres, situate near Potterville; good portion of it under cultivation. Inquire of ARTH UR BURCIIILL, at the Marble Works. Keep your family well supplied with "Sellers Cough Syrup." Use it in time; you will avert bron chial and pulmonary affections. '25 cents. " A lady had the flesh eaten off her arm by scrof ula. Could see the sinews working. ' Lindley's B-ood Searcher' cured her."—J. liolston, Elderton, Pa. George Carter having opened a Barber Shop one door South of the Methodist Church, solicits a share of the public patronage. George is a Good Barbel. Give him a call. The "Senate" Saloon is not only supplied with the best oysters in the market, bnt on the lunch counter may always be found everything the ap petite craves. Under Chamberlin's jewelry store. Select Dancing t ins*. By special request Mr. F. LAMEREAUX, of Bing hamton, will give instructions in the above art every Friday afternoon and evening, at Mercur Hall. Hours of tuition—Ladies, masters and misses at 4 p. rn. (parents and guardians admitted free), gents at 7:30 to 9p. m., assemblies from 9t012 m, Ail the modern dances will be taught. Round dances a specialty. Gertrude Kellogg. MERCUR HALL, TTuzrscLcLij JSvejxirtg, DECEMBER 15, 1881. Sale of Tickets begins at Kirby's Drug Store, Monday, Dec. 12, at 8 o'clock n the morning. PRICE ONE CENT. Y GOODS. ESSEAUX, CHMAKER ! stock, and is daily receiving new I and Gentlemen's GOLD and SILVER & SILVER Jewclery in tbe latest style. | ver Pla ted Flat cts Hollow Ware, cri ft ions. hue of Foley s Celebrated BANK Pens, and Pencils. The BEST in nsc. aran teed. new. Call and be convinced. | himself on short notice ! ! RIjOCK, Main and Bridge Street. TOWANDA, PA. Ilave Coma (X) j STEDGE, THE VETERAN BARBER, j\cjcLiib to the front cured prepared. to do better worh than ev er. C 0M £ AND SEE HIM! Shop one door north of Scott's Bakery, opposite Post Office. M 9, r. St edge, PROP. Josh Billings! MERCUR HALL, Wednesday Evening DECEMBER 21st, 1881. Tickets now on sale at Kirby's Drug Store,Wliitcomb's book store and at Fitch's confectionery store. ADMISSION 50 cents. No extra charge for Reserved Seats. X LVORD k SON, JOB PRINTERS, DAILY REVIEW OFFICE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers