The Daily Review j Towanda, Pa., Friday, Dec. 9, 188!. EDITORS 8. W. ALVOKD. NOBLE N. ALVORD "Daily Rente**" only S3 cenlt per month. Try it, Ninteen scats in Congress are under contest, sixteen of which are from the Southern States. Messrs. Errett and Barr took counsel of their better judgment and forebore to bolt the excellent nomination of Mr. Mc- Pherson. Though they voted with wry faces, they did well to stand by a nomi nee who is thoroughly equipped for his work, and is a Republican of Republicans. —Press. The Norristowu Herald ably denounces graveyard insurance and apparently con siders the evil in a fair way to cure itself "since the same greed which formerly prompted men to engage in the business is now warning them to give it a wide berth." Ihe President pas sent two commiss ioners to his Ministers to Chili and Peru to tell them now to behave themselves. A good way to dispose ef them would be to Aurl the Patrick and Kill the But of all this contention—in short—lire both of them out of the diplomatic service and put in some gentlemen who can tell the digereace between Satan's hell and a pow der house. Ihe Petroleum World advocates making the Supreme Court a fixed institution at Ilarrisburg on the ground that it could do vastiy more work and save the people a large amount of unnecessary expense and delay if the chief tribunal of the com monwealth should be centered with the Legislative and executive powers at the State Capital. The only objectian to this plains the danger of contamination. Warren Woodward, son of the late Su preme Judge Woodward, committed sui cide by shooting himself through his brain in Reading, lately, lie was found in bed Monday night partly decomposed. Ihe bullet entered under his right ear and passed clear through the head. The facts were suppressed until Tuesday moruiug. Deceased has been in ill health which is supposed to have caused him to commit the rash act. Of 717 private banking concerns in the sixteen principal cities of the Uniou, 508 are located in New York. New York also provides $45,000,000 out of the $58,000,- 000 of capital represented by the table. New York, iu short, has more banks and represents a larger banking capital by three to one than Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis. The world naturally thinks that New York has truly become the financial centre of the Union. The Atlanta ConstittUion notes that there is no Indian war going on at pres ent. The fact is, the weather is so cold in the West that the government agents who are appointed to rob and plunder the led men are compelled to sit by the stove. In the meantime they are mapping out a programme which will stir up the Indians from the British possessions to the Rio Grande. In a small way, the country has no abler statesmen than the agents who plunder the Indians. Cremation is likely to grow more and more popular if body stealing comes to be systematically pursued or even in creases in frequency. It is practically impossible to turn a cemetery into a sale deposit company and as long as sympa thy and grief make it possible to extort a reward for the last remains of a loved one, the crime is certain to be practiced occasionally and to be feared more fre quently. Cremation will remove at once the dread of the crime and the temptation to its performance. It was reported in Washington yester day that Secretary Blauie had written a letter to the Spanish government stating that the United States will under no circumstances, submit to a claim of an thority over a former subject by any foreign power, after his naturalization and citizenship here. II J IIJ I MBhTimmniiiiniiniir I |P|)|!iii"ui:il!l!||| | C!!U!liUllillUlH 1 tilllSiM 1 J|lllJ]iiiiiiMmlllli)' | | t'A .'''Ullllllillli' I illilLMllliliiliu:((||| J I Uk ||i j 1 1| I I# |t I jilliailiw 11111151 No Preparation on earth equate 9T. JACOBS OIL. a a SAFP SL'lllt, BIMIT.K anil CHEAP External Remedy. A trial entail but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 CENTS, and ever ono aufToring with pain can have cheap and positive proof ~ its claims. DingcxioJlS IN EI.EVEN LANGUAGES. SC'.D BY ALL DRUQOISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO. Baltimore, Md., V. S. Jt "The Chlldrens Maga inc of America." icholas. This illustrated magazine for young folks has now attained a circulation larger, probably, than that of any other monthly magazine of its class. It has been called "a marvel of perfection, both as regards Its literary excellence and its artistic mer it." It was the first to give to boys and girls the very best illustrations that could be had, and lias earned the name of " The Children's Art 3£af/nzine." The greatest living writers of Europe and America ars among its DISTINGUISHED CONTRIBUTORS: Charles Dudley Warner, Ilenry W. Longfellow, .Tolui G. Wliittler, 11. 11. Boyeson, Saxe Holm, Bret Harte, Gail Hamilton, Thomas Hughes, Loui sa M. Alcott, Donald G. Mitch' 11, Harriet Present Spofford, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, George Mac- Donald, Washington Gladden, The Goodale Sisters Alfred Tennyson, John Hay, Clarence Cook, ltos siter Johnson, Susan Coolidge, Edward Kggleston. I'rof. li. A. Proctor, Christina G. Rossetti, Mrs. \. D. T. Whitney, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Celia Thaxter, Marion Ilarland, M. W. Iligginson, Lucy Larcom, Noah Brooks, Author of "Alice in Won dorland," Mrs. Oliphant, T. 1L Aldrich, and hun dreds of others. WHAT ENGLAND SAYS OP IT, LONDON ajAILY NEWS: "VVe wish we eonld point out its equal in our own periodical liteta ture." THE BPECTATOU: "It is the best of all chil dren's magazines." LITERARY WORLD : "There is no magazine for the young that can be said to equal it," etc. Brilliant reatures of the Coming Year. The Ninth Volume which begins with the No vember, 1881, number will contain a new SERIAL STORY, by Mrs Mary Mapes Dodge, editor of ST. NICHOLAS, nuthorof "Hans Brinker or the Silver Skates," etc. A second serial story, full of lively incidents, "THE lIOOSIKR SCHOOL BOY," by Edward Eggleston, author of "The Hoosier Schoolmaster," etc. A single article of universal interest: "HOW CHILDREN SHOULD LEARN MU SIC," by Richard Wagner, the eminent composer. Two other serials, one dealing with campaign life in the late war, and the other with Girl and Roy Life in the iSth Contury. l'luys for Home and School, Embroidery for Girls, Amateur Newspapers, Illustrated Practical and Descriptive Papers. Articles on Sports, and the I reasure Box of Literature will be among the fea tures of this great volume. An immense edition will be printed of the CHRISTMAS NUMIIER which will be ready about December Ist, Price s:>. 00 a year; 2-"> cents a number. Subscrip tions tsken and magazines sold by book sellers and news dealers everywhere or the publishers, The Uentury Company, UNION SQUARE, NEW YORK. LOOK HERE ! A change of weather means a change of CLOTHES! Anybody in need of Overcoat*, Business and Dress Suit*, Boot*, Ladies and Children's Shoes, will find the CHEAPEST PLACE at the BOSTON CLOTH ING HOUSE, just opened in Means' Block, Main street, Towanda, Pa. M. L. SCHNEEBERG. Oct. 11. 1881. QOMETIIING NEW. g. #/. wooi p & co , are up to the times in making new styles of Pictures. The latest is a small Card Photograph, called MINETTS which are very pretly and take well, Price only #1 per dozen. Their Tintypes are also made 4 tit a time, made very quickly and sell 4 for 50 cents, card size. Remember the place, Pattern's Block, corner Bridge and Main Streets. C 0.1/. CHEAP! Until further notice the Coal Dealers in Towanda will sell Pittston Coal in yard at S.J.GO per ton. LOYAI. SOCK COAL AT YAITP. Loyal Sock in yard at $3.50 per ton. PATENTS We continue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, Copyrights, etc., for the United States, Canada, Cuba, England, France, Germany, etc. We have bad thirty-five years' experience. Patents obtained through us are noticed iu the SCI ENTIFIC AMERICAN. This large and splendid illus trated week ly paper, $ 3.20 a year,shows the Progress of Science, is very interesting, and has an enormous circulation. Address MUNN A CO., Patent Solici tors, Pub's, of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, 37 Park Row, New York. Hand hook about Patents free. EnR. DAVIS' HA;R RENEWER. No other Itencwcr yet discovered does its work BO quickly and satisfactorily as this. It will restore gray and faded hair t 1 its original beauty ; it will immediately prevent the failing out of the hair; it cures dandruff, itching eruptions, and keeps the scalp clean; it will c-uso tliohair to grow where it has fallen off and impart, gloss an! freshness; it softens the lialr when far h and dry and is en tirely frse from all iritatlng matter; it has the very belt reputation and gives universal satisfac tion. I)a not fail to try it. For sale by all druggist*. Price, 75 cts. per bottle. I'repared by f has. Davis, Canton, I'a. For sale by ell Druggists and Dealers. I H.W. MILLER ■ keeps several T? ÜBLIC and is ready to attend ail calls in his line promptly. He runs to ALL TRAINS. Charges for night and early morning trains (Nos. 12, 8 and 3,) no reduction | for these trains, 25 rents per passenger. Regu lar customers supplied with tickets at reduced rates. Charges for attending parties, one couple $1.50; two couples in one load, SI.OO per couple; for attending funerals from $2.00 to $3.00. Hack by the hour sl, Horses and carriages to let. Orders left at his office below council rooms will receive careful attention. IJ.W MILLER. Nov. 27, 1880. MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. —Inconsequence of continued ill health T now offer my mill property, known as LUTHER'S MILL, in Burlington township tor sale at a great bargain. The site is one of the best on Sugar Creek, and embraces about 7 acres of land on which are several dwelling house's and other build ings. The mill lias always enjoyed a large custom. A practical miller ean pay for the property in a short time from the profits. The property will be sold very cheap and on easy terms. R. LUTHER. Luther's Mill. Oct. 12, 'it. THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY tor RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, BACKACHE, GOUT, SORENESS or Tnn CHEST, SORE THROAT, QUINSY; SWELLINGS SPRAINS, FROSTED FEET ami> EARS, nOTT3EI.3NrjS AND BCAIiDS, QsnsralßolilyPains, TOOTH, EAR AND HEADACHE; AMD iLIOWIi AND ACHES. TI-IE THE GREAT BVKIjINGTON ROUTE. %S~No other line runs Three Through Pas senger Trains Daily between Chicago, Pes Moines, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Lincoln, St. Joseph, Atchison, Topeka and Kansas City. Direct connections for all points in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming. Montana, Ne vada, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and California. The Shortest, Speediest and Most Comforta ble Route via Hannibal to Fort Scott, Denison, Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Galves ton and all points in Texas. The unequaled inducementa offered by this Line to Travelers and Tourists, are as follows: The celebrated Pullman (16-wheel) Palace Sleeping Cars, run only on this Line, C., B. n. Mass. and 317 Broadway, New York JAM ES It. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt.. Chicago. T. J. P YfTER, Gen. Manager, Chicago- Th e Ok arch Mi i v*o r Is a largo eight page paper anil in one of the best Religions Monthlies in America. Its writers for the coming year include some of our hist and most popular authors. Rsv R. R. Meredith's S. S. Notes Arc alone worth double the subscription price— -00 cents yer year. We want a Solicitor in every town in the United States. Men, Womtn, Boys and Girls can get rich and do good at the same time. Send stamp for postage on sample copy and Beatutifully Illustrated Premium Sheet. SUB SCI!WE NO W. Address, Tit Mi CHURCH .JMMRRC It, Ronton, TIIE GREAT STATE TRIAL! A complete and authentic record of the evidence, speeches, addresses and studied insane savings of in uat ms •! r: TIIE ASSASSIX. THE CHIME— Its Causes and its Consequences Htalwartism as explained t,n the Witness Stand by Hon. .lames G. Blaine—Graphic Exciting Scenes in Court—Attempts upon the Assassin's Life—Sketches of the Principal Characters en gaged in this world-famous i riniinal Trial ,70 - 000,000 people await in anxiety the Evidence iii this, the most Remarkable Trial in American History. AGENTS v ,wn - there are MILLIONS IN IT. Send 50 \VA \ TET) c^n ** I°'' outfit, and secure ter rH. j-y at onCl(> Audress, UNION PUBLISHING CO. Philadelphia, Pa. JpLUMBING AND GAS-FITTING! Ed. Williams ITtACTICAL t*i timber aa if Gas-JPiuer, Respectfully informs U < people of Towanda that lie is prepared to do all work in his line on tin* liortcst notice, and guarantee satisfaction. He keeps a LARGE ASSORTMENT of stock, and will furnish pipe, all plumbing materials and gas fixtures at a smalladvance from jobbet's prices. I refer to my numerous customers during the ten years f have been in Towanda as to the character of my work, and solicit the patronage of those hav ing jobs in my line. Estimates furnished when desired E. WILLIAMS. Shop a few doors north of Mercur Block May 6,1881.