Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, December 08, 1881, Image 2

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    The 1 > ailj I evi e w
Towanda, Pa., Thursday, Dec. 8, 1881.
''Daily IZevietv" only ; cent per
month. Try it,
The unexpected news of the death of
Gen. Kilpatrick, Minister to Chili, has
been received. lie made himself famous
as a Union cavalry commander. When
the rebels under "Job" Stewart were
handling cavalry in their own way, by
repeated raids through the Union lines,
Kilpatrick met them halfway and pluck
ed many a victory. Some of his daring
exploits, byway of invading the enemy's
country were the most brilliant feats of
Union arms. At the close of the war he
settled down on his ancestral acres, giv
ing much time to lecturing on the strik
ing events of the war in which he took
part and in campaign political speaking.
A year ago this summer he organized a
large military rendezvous, with mock
battles and manual vcws near his residence
in New Jersey. These were intended to
revive experiences in the actual field, lie
was sent out as a minister to Chili by
President Garfield. He had previously
married a Chilian wile, and his sympa
thies were very strikingly manifested
toward that country and gave rise to the
recent dilierences between himself and
Minister Hurlbut to Peru. His death
will leave the case, either less or more
difficult for adjustment. Gen. Kilpatrick
was a very electrical sort of a speaker
and was quite a popular favorite. His
old comrades in arms always hastened to
rally about him.
President Arthur made this beautiful
allusion to the lamented Garfield, in his
Annual Message:
An appalling calamity has befallen the
American people since their chosen rep
resentatives last met in the hill where
you are now assembled. We might else
recall with unalloyed content the rare
prosperity with which throughout the
year the nation has been blessed. Its
harvests have been plenteous; its varied
industries have thrived, the health of its
people has been preserved, and it has
maintained with foreign governments uu
disturbed relations of amity and peace.
For these manifestations of IJis favor we
owe to Him who holds our destinies in
His hands the tribute of our grateful de
votions. To that mysterious exercise of
His will which has taken from us the
loved and illustrious citizen who was but
lately the heart of the nation, we bow in
sorrow and submission. The memory of
his exalted character, of his noble
achievements, and of his patriotic life,
will be treasured for ever as a sacred pos
session of the whole people. The an
nouncement of his death drew from for
eign governments and people trib
utes of sympathy and sorrow which his
tory will record as signal tokens of the
kinship of nations and the federation of
A special from Somerset to the Pitts
burg Dispatch says: John Cessna, the dis
tingushed statesman of Bedford, is here,
wit h headquarters at Scull's Herald office*
engaged in important business, lie is
arranging plans to contest the election of
Judge Baer, who, it will be remembered,
defeated Uncle John at the last election
for Judge of the district by thirteen votes.
The ground of contest is somewhat novef.
The claim will be made that vo es for
Baer were received at certain polling
places in this county without the asking
of the questions preserided by the law.
It is proposed to take the position that in
such cases proof at a subsequent hearing
that the questions could all be answered
satisfactorily will not be sufficient to per
mit the counting of the votes.
The Republican caucus in Washington
on Saturday recognized the just claims
of those Congressional employes who are
maimed Union soldiers, without regard
to politics; three of them being Demo
crats and three Republicans. The coun
try will appreciate this action.
Mrs. Garfield appointed President. B.
A. Hinsdale, of Hirm, ()., to edit General
Garfield's works, with instructions to
collect, edit and carry them through the
press as speedily as is consistent with
completeness hud thoroughness. He has
accepted the trust, and will immedaitely
set about preparing the material.
ctA'fctv ** nur>m*i*ftavvv i aar--tvsm ** wtw-w i mm "
fllf RDC mi
/wMv ■■ -' au
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i m
'< /!►.• s.\ ' r ''
n t) H
iIPI # i" H
mh § ds™ i Is ILi m tin U v u
neuralgia, Sotaiicci, Lumbago,
Backache, Soreness of tie Che si,
Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, General Bodily
Tooth, Car and Headache, Frosted
Feet and Cars, and all other
Pains and Aches.
No Preparation on earth equals St. .TAconri On.
as a strfe, sure, simple and cheap External
Remedy A trial entails hut the comparatively
trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffering
with pain can have cheap and positive proof of its
Directions in Eleven Languages.
Jlitltirnore, Hit!., U. S. .t.
"The Qfcfifirens Marj.a inc of America."
t - t cTi f&l ♦
This illustrated magazine for young folks has
now attained a circulation larger, probably, than
that of any other monthly magazine of it's class,
it has been called "a marvel of perfection, both as
regards its literary excellence and its artistic mer
it." It was the first to give to hoys and girls the
very lust illustrations that could lie had, and lias
earned the name of
'' 7 Itc (JhihlreiCn Art JLii/rtziiu'.''
The greatest living writers of Europe and
America ara among its
Charles Dudley Warm r, Henry W. Longiellow,
John (i. Whittler, 11. I!, lloyeson, Saxo Holm,
liret I!arte, Gail Hamilton, Thomas Hughes, Loui
sa M. Alcott, Donald G. Mitch'll, Daniel Present
Spofford, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, George Mae-
Donald, Washington Gladden, The .Sisters
Alfred Tennyson, John Hay, Clarence Cook, lios
siter Johnson, Susan Ooolidge, fidwiird F.ggleston-
Prof. it. A. l'roctor, Christina G. Ilossetti, .Mrs. A.
D. T. Whitney, Frances Hodgson Burnett, (telia
Thaxter, Marion Uarland, M. W. Higginson, Lucy
Larcom, Noah Brooks, Author of "Alice in Won*
d.n-land," .Mrs. Oliphant, T. B. Aldricli, and hun
dreds of others.
What Saa's of It,
LONDON j'AILV NFWri: "We wish we eotild
point out its equal in our own periodical liteia
Til 15 SPEC 1'A'fOll: "It is the best of .ill chil
dren's magazines."
LITERARY WORI I): "There is no inagazi tie for
the young that can he said to equal it," etc.
Features of the Cominy Year.
The Ninth Volume which begins with the No
vember, ISBI, number will contain a new
SERIAL S TORY, by Mrs Mary Mapes Dodge,
editor of St. Nicholas, author of "Hans Drinker or
the Silver Skates," etc. A second serial story, full
of lively incidents,
author of "The Hoosier Schoolmaster," etc. A
single article of universal interest:
HIC," by Richard Wagner,
the eminent composer. Two other 'serials, one
dealing with campaign life In the late war, and the
other with Girl and Boy Life in the iSi.h Contury.
l'lays for Home and School, Embroidery for Girls,
Amateur Newspapers, Illustrated Practical and
Descriptive Papers, Articles on Sports, and the
Treasure Box of Literature will be among the fea
tures of this great volume.
An immense edition will he printed of the
which will he ready about December Ist,
Price $3.00 a year; 25 cents a number. Subscrip
tions tsken and magazines sold by book sellers and
news dealers everywhere or the publishers,
Tiis Century Company,
A change of weather means a change ofCI.OTHES !
Anybody in need of Overcoats, Business and 1 tress
Suits, Boots, Ladies and Children's Shoes, will find
-INO HOUSE, just oponed in Means' Block, Main
street, Towanda, l'a.
Oct. 11. 1881.
a* gg m woog* & co ,
are up to the limes in making new styles
of Pictures. The latest is a small Card
Photograph, called MINETTS which are
eery pretty at.d take well, Price only .SI
per dozen.
Their Tintypes are also made I at a
time, made very quickly and sell 1 for f>o
cents, card size.
SC#** Remember the place, Pat ton's
Block, corner Bridge and Main Streets.
<r o.ais
T_jf ir z; rz ;
JU. JLtr J. A. JL a
Until further notice the Coal
Dealers in Towanda will sell
Pittslon Coal in yard at jjk| co
per ton.
Loyal Sock in yard at $3.50
per ton.
We continue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats,
Trade Marks, Copyrights, etc., for the United States,
Canada, Cuba, England, France, Germany, etc. We
have had tliirty-ilve years' experience.
Patents obtained through us are noticed in the SCI
ENTIFIC AMERICAN. This large and splendid illus
trated weekly paper, $3.20 a year,shows the Pr< tgress
of Science, is very interesting, and has an enormous
circulation. Address MUNN & CO., Patent Solici
tors, Pub's, of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, 37 Park Row,
New York. Hand book about Patents free.
ft f? n
I I Irfil IrC
g :-iW t} i (it*.' <psj y IT%J *JJ IK
No other Roncwar yet discovered does its work
so quickly and aa id (•;.•••< y;st!,i.i. It. will restore
gray an 1 fab 1 h.tb* l > i. - original beauty ; it will
immediately prevent t failing out of tho hair;
it'cure.uln i:lru i, .ic : nations, and keeps tho
scalp ; it v. it c k lr to grow where
itb is f.'.Ti i< II an 1 i. • j 1 s.i t ni freshness;
it soften? tics i. •i. 1 .r ii ..1 dry and is en
tirely freo ir > 1 ail i • it.itiug >. t. r; it has the
veiy b "ft reputnti- it gives universal satisfac
3) > net to try it. For 3.110 by all druggists.
Price, To cts. per bottle.
I'repar.'d Ly < ha.i, I'avis, Canton, l'a.
For ealo by all Drugyi ita and Healers.
A i. a keeps several
and is ready to attend all calls in his line promptly.
He runs to ALL TRAINS. Charges for yiglit and
early morning trains (Nos. 12. 8 and 3,) no reduction
for these trains, 35 rent a pee passenger . Regu
lar customers supplied with tickets at reduced Tides.
Charges for attending parties, one couple $1.50; two
couples in one load, SI.OO per couple; for attending
funerals from $'2.00 to $3.00. Hack by the hour sl,
Horses and carriages to let.
Orders left at his ottlce below council rooms will
receive careful attention. IJ. W M 1 LLFR.
Nov. 27, 1880.
BARGAIN. —In consequence of continued
Hi health I now offer my mill property, known as
LUTHER'S MILL, in Burlington township tor sale
at a great bargain. The site is one of the best on
Sugiu' Creek, and embraces about 7 acres of land on
which are several dwelling houses and other build
ings. The mill lnis always enjoyed a large custom.
A practical miller can pay for the property in a
short time from tlie profits. The property will be
sold very cheap and on easy terms.
Luther's Mill. Oct. 12,' St.
E3F~No other line runs Three Through f'rs
flengcr Trains Daily between Chicago, D. s
Moines, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Lincoln. St.
Joseph, Atchison, Topeka and Kansas Citv.
Direct connections for all points in Kansas,
Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming. Montana, Ne
vada, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and
The Shortest, Speediest and Most Comforta
ble Route via Hanniba' to Fort Scott. Denison,
Dallas, Houston, Austin. San Antonio, Galves
ton and all points in Texas.
The unequalcd inducements o.Tercd by this
Line to Travelers and Tourists, are as follows:
The celebrated Pullman (16-wheel) Palace
Sleeping Cars, run only on this Line. 0., B. &
Q. Palace Drawing-Room Cars, with Horton's
Reclining Chairs. No extra charge for Seats
in Reclining Chairs. The famous C.. B. & Q.
Palace Dining Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars
fitted with Elegant High-Backed Rattan He
volving Chairs for the exclusive use of first
class passengers.
Steel Track and Superior Equipment, com
bined with their Great Through Car Arrange
ment, makes this, above all others, the favorite
Route to the South, South-West, and the Far
Try it, and you will find traveling a luxury
instead of a discomfort.
Through Tickets via this Celebrated Line
for sale at all offices ir. tne United States and
All information about Rates of Fare, Fleoi>
ing Car Accommodations, Time Table., a
will be cheerfully given by applying to
J. Q. A. BEAN, Gen'l Eastern Agent,
<IOO Washington St.,, 11. pi 1., Ma: s.
and 317 Broadway, Nov/ York
JAMES R. WOOD. Gen. Pass. Agt., Chicago.
T. J. POTTER, Gon. Manager, Chicago-
The Church Jtin *or
Is a largo eight page paper and is one of the best
Religious Monthlies in America, its waiters for
the coining year include some of our Lest and most
popular authors.
Rev. R. R. f.'eredilh's S. 3. M.)tcs
Arc alone worth double the subscription price—
CO cents yer year. Wo want a Solicitor in i very
town in the I'nited States. Men, Women, Boys
and Girls can get rich and do good a* ;1 • same
time, send stamp tor postage on sample copy and
IJentutijally IHustrated Itanium Sfnot.
sen sat we .voir.
TSi ti CMCi'HI Jg ,TSiiSliii $2,
MSosSmj, .7lax*.
A complete and authentic record of the evidence,
spieehes, addresses and studied in nine saj ings of
t* I'll T E .3 V !
|IUK< i, / !K — its ( auses and its <'oim (.in net s
Stnhvartism as explained en the Witness Stand
by Hon. James Blaine—Graphic Exciting
keenes in Court— Attempts upon the Assassin's
Lite—Sketches of the Principal (linracti rs cn
cagid in this world-famous < liminal Trial— so -
000,100 people await in ar.xietv the Evid.nee in
t us the most Remarkable Trial in American
! (Jstory.
A GENTS l'i!. V v''- V t,WII - tiiei.'E ARE
NTi.. LIONS IN IT. Send 50
JVA XTEI) *"• outlit and secure ter
ritory at one.'. Address
Philadelphia, Pa.
xv• x x
" O \/\/1 111 dS v—.-x —\
"WOT V. a* „ AiL liilL, ;Ai 1 O
* S1 M'j}f;i' fstl/f /,;• gf'*f f(f f'V*,
Respectfully informs the people of Towanda that
he is prepared to do all work in Ids line .on tlie
hor test notice, and guarantee satisfaction.
He keeps a LARGE ASSORTMENT of stock
and will furnish pipe, all plumbing materials and
gas fixtures at a sn.ulladvance from jobber's prices.
1 refer to my numerous customers during the ten
years I have been in Towanda as to the character
ot my work, and solicit the patronage of those hav
ing jobs In my line.
Estimates furnished w hen doshad
Shop a few doors north of Mereur Block
May 6, 188'.