DAILY TOWANDA REVIEW. VOLUME 111, NO. 100. LOCALS. Personal. Rev. G. D. STROUD, of Tunkhannock was in town yesterday. Lawyer TOM MYER, of Wyalusing made us a call yesterday. Mrs. MKXAKDI is visiting Mrs. WILLIAM DITTRICII. on York avenue. GEORGE WELLS and wife, who visited friends in Ilerrick last week, returned home on Saturday. Mnj. ROBISON, one of the first subscribers to the REVIEW, made us a friendly call yes terday, and renewed his subscription for an other year. L. J. CULVER, one of the government farmers, who has had charge of the ainber cane experimental farm during the past sea son, is visiting his family in Wysox. People who are in attendance at court, as well as town folk, will be welcomed at the social, at M. J. LONG'S this evening. Re member that "bon-bons" will be served. Buy the Waverly crackers. GERTRUDE KELLOGG at Mercur Hall, De cember 15. "Ilazel Kirk" is like the sun with its shad ow and sunshine—patbo9 and joy delightful ly mingled. D, Y. STF.DGR invites his old customers and the public to give him a call at his ew shaving parlor, opposite the post office. JIM KIRWIN is out with a new hack. His establishment looks very inviting and we have no doubt he will receive his share of patronage. _ We llearn that Prof. L'AMOREUX organ ized his dancing class last Friday evening with nearly seventy scholars. The classes will meet every Friday afternoon and evening during the course. "Hazel Kirke," which is to be produced at Mercur Hall to-morrow evening is proba bly the most remarkable play of this genera tion. It had;the longest run in New York of any drama ever produced there. BON-BONS, BON-BONS !—The well-known hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. LONG is sufficient to insure a good time at the Social this evening. Bon-bons will be one of the many attractive features of the evening's en tertainment. Everybody go and take their friends. " There's no mistake that it is a grand rem edy for rheumatism," said Mr. Mackenzie Davis, of 1903 Brandywine street, Philadel phia, Pa. "1 suffered terribly for three years with inflammatory rheumatism, and St. Ja* cobs Oil alone cured nm, after everything else had utterly failed." It's the way of the Oil. Old Mrs. SHOEMAKER, who lived at the head of the upper narrows, on the Waverly road, died on Sunday. The old lady was about f>o years of age and was well known to those who traveled the road in the days of stages. Her adopted son, JAMES KELLY, kindly cared for her in her old age. HAZEL KIRKE.— Hazel Kirke is a story told so truthfu Iv that it goes home to every heart, but there are aeeeesories which make it tell that cannot be found elsewhere. We hardly know of any piece so well calculated to draw large audiences. It certainly is a ve ry pleasant and pure drama, and deserves its popularity. We tind the following nothe of a well known engineer in the last Waverly Free Press: lv reference to not ice muter head. "Drifted with the Tied," it. will he seen that Mr. 11. N. GBIIU.KY has taken unto himself a "better half." We must cordially welcome him to the fold of the benedicts, and join with his score of fiiends in congratulations. Now we know why lie added so many improvements to his beautiful home during the months past and hope tli" happy couple may live long to eiijov the MINI','. TOWANDA, PA., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1881. Prof. DANIELLE'S classes will continue ev ery Thursday, afternoun and evening' until a change can be made to Fridays. Lessons at 4:30 and 7:30 for beginners, and from 8:30 to 11, an Assembly for all. All who can do so are privileged to attend both the afternoon and evening ieesons and the Assemblies, as well, for the one charge of $5 for ladies and children and $0 for gentlemen. The Profes sor teaches all the dances in the one course of lessons. COURT. —December term of the several courts of this county couvened yesterday morning. Judge MORROW presiding. After hearing arguments of counsel, on mo tion of the District Attorney, the Mann hom icide case was put over to February term. At the opening of court in the afterhoon the names of the grand jurors were read over by the clerk, and the following answer ed : Peter O. Biles, Philip Crans, C. A* Cum mins, Perry Dodge, Geo. Emery, R. S. Hakes. IK Iliggins, Floyd Kinney, J. Ketcbam. jr., R. H. Oliver, M. Osborne, R. R. Palmer, Jo el Pitcher, C. A. Plummer, G. Riehaids, 11. L. Scott, E. C. Strong, C. 11. Turner, C. L. Tracy, E, G. VauDyke. Hon. H. L. Scott was appointed foreman and they were sent out under the charge of the court. Tne constables of the several townships and boroughs made their returns. The News Condensed. The President's message will be sent to congress to-day. All the republican caucus uominees for officers of the House were elected yester day aud both branches of congress pro ceeded to business. Yesterday was occupied in taking the testimony of medical experts in the Guit eau trial. Mr. Scoville said the defense had no more witnesses. There is a coal famine at Erie, owing to lack of supply. All the public school children In Pitts burg have beeu vaccinated. More peanuts are sold in Pennsylvania than in any other of the northern States. A guard of six mounted policemen ac company Guiteau from the court lious to the iail. President Arthur's message will not, it is said, be printed before it is* sent to Congress. The Lehigh Valley railroad company is prospecting for a route from Waverly to Buffalo. The salary list of the employes of New York City amount to the nice little sum of $10,000,000. Mrs. Senator Cameron teaches a class in the Sunday school of Grace Methodiste cliurcli at llarrisburg. Buy the Waverly cracker, Manufactured by Robt. N. Manner & Co. BUSINESS LOCAL. ENCYCLOPEDIA FOR SALE.—A complete set ot Appleton's Cyclopedia. Edition of 1879. Full sheep binding. In good order. Price, $75. Agents price for same, SU6. Address or see G. A. GURNSEY, Canton, Pa. UFH MASTERING—In this line of business I make a specialty and defy competition, as I make my own work and can sell at prices that others have to pay wholesale. Call early and leave your order, as I have a number of ordors at present, but will try and accomodate all. My goods are the newest and best ftlu-money or that have ever been put into this city. OTPARSON, Up one flight of stairs. Bridge st., Towanda. HO.LIDA ED. MOUILL THE WAT Has greatly increased his goods for Holiday Presents. He has a fnll assortmen of Ladies Watches,' Swiss and American, CJOLD Gold Spectacles. Sterling Silver Ware. Roger's Celebrated Sil Clocks of all dis The finest Gold Low Prices. Everything gu Everything Engraving done by PJITTOJS'S Corner Blank Deeds, Blank Leases, Blank Notes, For Sale at the REVIEW Office. FOR SALE CHEAP.—Good Farm, eoutaning ( One Ilundred Acres, situate near Potterville; good portion of it under cultivation. Inquire of ARTH UR BURCHILL, at the Marble Works. Keep your family well supplied with "Sellers Cough Syrup." Use it in time; you will avert bron chial and pulmonary affections. 25 cents. " A lady had the flesh eaten off her arm by scrof ula. Could see the sinews working. • Lindley's Bood Searcher' cured her."—J. llolston, Eldcrton, Pa. George Carter having opened a Barber Shop one door South of the Methodist Church, solicits a share of the public patronage. George is a Good Barbel, Give him a call. The "Senate" Saloon is not only supplied with the best oysters in the market, bnt on the lunch counter may always be found everything ths ap petite craves. Under Chamberlin's jewelry store. Select Dancing Class. By special request Mr. F. LamerbauX, of Bing ham ton, will give instructions in the above art everv Friday afternoon and evening, at Mercur Hall. Hours of tuition—Ladies, masters and misses at 4 p. m. (parents and guardians admitted free), gents at 7:30 to 9p. m., assemblies from 9t012 m, All the modern dances will be taught. Kound dances a specialty. WANTS. Under this head we will insert FREE, notices of situations or help wanted. A good girl wanted for general house work. In quire of G. b. Estellb, at the Prothonotary's office. Good servant girl wanted by Mrs. Jas. Lewis, Nortli William st. WANTED—By Germania Band, situations for a dry goods clerk, four years experience, a house aid sign painter, and light work for a young man. All of them gentlemen of good character and will fur nish recommendations. • Communications addressed to Germania Band, will receive prompt attention. WANTED, —a place to board and go to school where I cando chores to pay. L. E. BOVINGDON. Gertrude Kellogg. MERCUR HALL, Th zu'sdcty Evening, DECEMBER 15, 1881. Sale of Tickets begins at Kirby's Drug Store, Monday, Dec. 12, at 8 o'clock in the morning. PRICE ONE CENT. Y GOODS. ESSEAUX, CHMAKER stock, and is daily receiving new and Gentlemen's GOLD and SILVER & SILVER Jewelery in tbe latest style. ver Plated Flat dr Hollow Ware, criptions. line of Foley's Celebrated BANK Pens, and Pencils. The BEST in use. aranteed. new. Call and be convinced. himself on short notice ! BLOCK) Main and Bridge Street. TOWANDA, PA. Have Come to Stay! (X) STEDGE, THE VETERAN BARBER, t jkgcLtrt to tTce front clticL prepared to do better wortc tTicux ev er. COME AND SEE HIM! Shop one door north of Scott's Bakery, opposite Post Office. D, I*. St edge, PROP. Josh Billings! MERCUR HALL, Wednesday Evening DECEMBER 21st, 1881. Tiekets now on sale at Kirby's Drug Store,Whitcomb's book store and at Fitch's confectionery store. ADMISSION . 50 cents. BggP* No extra charge for Reserved Seats. ALVORD & SON, JOB PRINTERS, DAILY REVIEW OFFICE,I M