Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, December 05, 1881, Image 4

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    Tli© Daily Review
Towanda, Pa., Monday, Dec. 5, 188!.
(i Daittf Mleriemr" only 25 cent* per
month. Try it,
PROSPECTUS.—'"Of making many books
there is no end," and the multiplication of
newspapers is the popular source of educa
ting the people. We are aware that the idea
s quite preyolent that Bradford County has
too many papers, but with the large number
not one is wholy devoted to the interest of
the great producing class—the agricultural
ists—and at the urgent solicitation of some of
the best practical farmers in the county, we
have decided to commence about the first of
the new year, a local agricultural weekly,
especialy adapted to the wants of the farmers
of this section. The contributors to the
paper will embrace the best practical farmers
in the county, and we shall aim to make it
of real value to every tiller of the soil, dairy
man and stock raiser in the county, by giv
ing the results of experiments by those in
whom the claases interested have confidence,
and whose success in business is an evidence
fo thorough practical knowledge.
The paper will contain a condensation of
the general news and the fullest local notes.
Fuller particulars hereafter.
Buy the Waverlv crackers.
Everybody can have a pleasant time this
evening by attending the " package" social at
£. O. MACEARLANE'S, on Houston street.
Don't miss it.
December Court convenes to-day. The
highwuy robbery case and the Leona homi
cide case will be c tiled for trial.
The impression that there were next to no
potatoes in the country, has about exploded,
and farmers who have surplus will be wise if
thev sell them now. Eastern exchanges are
predicting fifty cents per bushel as the price
before the winter is over.
The Universalist sociable to be held at M.
J. LONG'S to-morrow evening, promises to
be the very best one the ladies of that con
gregation have yet given, and to this end you,
reader, whether old or yonng, are cordially
invited to contribute by your presence.
The Towanda DAILY REVIEW copies an
item from our last week's paper and gives
credit therefor to the Tunkhannock Repub
lican. The editor of the RKYIEW must have
been either sleepy or absent minded in that
transaction; but then we don't feel bad about
it—on the contrary are rather pleased to
think that we have items considered worthy
a place in so neswy a sheet as the REVIEW,
even if the wrong fellow is credited with
them.— Tunkhannock Dem.
We will endeavor to be more particular
hereafter and give credit to whom credit is
Last Wednesday evening at about six
o'clock a man by the name of THOS.TAYLOR,
while walking on the Southern Cent ral rail
road track, one mile west of Smithboro, was
struck by the locomotive of express, No. 2
bound north, and violently thrown off' the
track into the ditch, and causing a severe
wound on his head and right hip. lie was
picked up and taken to Smithboro on the ex
press, where he died at 11 o'clock. He was
formerly a merchant near Wvalusing, Pa ,
and subsequently a Yankee notion peddler.—
Waverly Free Press.
DER CORREI.L were driving to their home
near Wetonuh. Tuesday evening, the hold
back tb the harness broke, and the horse be
coming unmanageable, ran swiftly down a
steep h,ill and suddenly turning into another
road threw the ladies from the carriage
against a stump fence seriously, and perhaps
fatally, injuring both. The first named lady
was severely injured in the side and the other
being thrown headlong against the fence, is
suffer in „ from concussion of the brain.
Luckily a neighbor's child which was riding
with them, escaped unhurt. — Troy Ga
The Pennsylvania State Grange patrons of
husbandry will assemble in Williamsport,
December 13, to remain in session at least
four days. A large number of the represen
tatives of the agricultural interest from all
over the state will be present.
By a recent act of Assembly, which will be
found on page 54 of the Pamphlet Laws for
1881, all borough and township as well as
State and county taxes, arc made a first lien
on real estate upon which they are levied.
The law provides for a lien docket to be kept
in the Commissioners' office, and a new set
of books will be required for that purpose.
In case a judicial sale takes place, the lien
docket is to be satisfied before any money is
paid to the creditors. Collectors of taxes
should inform themselves as to the require
ments of the law, so as to guard against the
penalties prescribed in the third section.
The following is recommended as a cure for
a felon: When a finger pricks as though
there was a thorn in it, and throbs badly
when held downward, and yet there is no
external sign of mischief the probabilities are
that a felon is in prospect. Go at once to the
butchers and procure some of the spinal
marrow of a beef creature. Take a piece say
about two inches long, and, having cut it
open otherwise, wrap it around the affected
finger, covering it, of course, with cloth. In
a few hours change the piece of marrow for
a fresh one, and continue to keep the finger
encased until all the pain has ceased and
there is no discomfort when the marrow is
removed. The finger will look strangely
white and porous but the cure is complete*
The remedy ought to become professional.
It is vastly better than the surgeon's knife
and more effectual.
Prof. DANIELLE'S classes will continue ev
ery Thursday, afternoun and evening' until a
change can be made to Fridays. Lessons at
4:30 and 7:30 for beginners, and from 8:30 to
11, an Assembly for all. All who can do so,
are privileged to attend both the afternoon
and evening ieesons and the Assemblies, as
well, for the one charge of $5 for ladies and
children and $6 for gentlemen. The Profes
sor teaches all the dances in the one course
of lessons.
Buy the Waverly cracker,
Manufactured by
Kobt. N. Manner & Co.
Two heating stoves for sale cheap. N. P. HICKS.
C. S. FITCH has already begun to display
his Christmas goods and his stock of candies,
fruits, nuts etc., is the finest ever opened in
this market.
What can be more apetizing for breakfast
than a plate of buckwheat cakes and honey?
You can buy the best quality new process
buckwheat Hour and the finest quality of clo
ver honey at E. F. DITTRICH'S.
The Five Cent Store is now receiving an
iramens stock of fall and winter goods and
the enterprising proprietors invite the public
to call and examine.
Buy the Waverly crackers.
Don't fail to go to JOHN SULLIVAN'S on
Bridge street, for the best five cent cigar.
Read tlie.AY. Nicholas prospectus, it is
the best young people's paper published.
The star cough drops manufactured by C.
S. FITCH are becoming very popular wherev
er introduced. If troubled with a cough try
FRESH OYSTERS received daily at the THIRD
WARD GROCERY STORE. Retailed at 30 cents
per quart. Churches and parties supplied on re as
onable terms. 1). p. CLARK.
Buy the Waverly cracker,
Manufactured by
Robt. N. Manner & Co.
Christmas Cards, New Year Cards, Birth
day, Wedding and Condolence Cards, at
FITCH has new large Figs that almost melt
inthe month.
Books by eminent authors and Poets, in
the finest bindings suitable for holiday pres
ents, at WHITCOMB'S.
Frazer Axle Grease.—One trial will convince you
that it is the best. Ask your dealer for the Frazer
Axle Grease, and take no other. Every box lias
our trade mark on.
Holiday Goods selected with great care at
Whitcomb's Rook Store.
A large assortment of neat Stationery, just
received Jewel Boxes, Work Boxes, Toilet
and Nail sets in plush and leather Goods
at Whitcomb's Book Store. No trouble to
show goods.
ducements are offered you by the BURLING
• TON ROUTE. It will pay you to read their
i advertisement to be found clsewhore in thi
i paper.
Speaking of Oysters, we have a word to
say in regard to the manner in which S. B.
TIDD serves them. He keeps the largest
ones, and gets them up n the very best stvle.
1 He has fitted up elegant rooms for his custo
-1 inera.
Some ladv of this place should take the
, agency for that popular and useful book,
"practical House-keeping," issued by Buck
eye Publishing Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Ev
■ erv housekeeper needs a copy. Address the
publishers for terms. Commissions large.
Any industrious, practical farmer, with a
small capital, can hear of an opportunity to
buy a farm on terms which will enable him
to pay for ot out of the profits. For particu
ars enquire at this office.
For second sale day. Friday December 9,
Sheriff DEAN has advertised the following
pieces of real estate: Two acres in Monroe
borough, sold at suit of Mrs. Abagail De-
Long, administratrix, vs. John Dougherty.
Fifteen acres in Monroe township. Mrs. Ab
agail DeLong, administrator, vs. John
Ninety acres in Asylum. Belinda Beidle
man's use, and others vs. Daniel Sullivan.
Fifty acres in Monroe twp., J.P.Kirby vs
D. W. Ilarvev.
Lot in Canton borough. A. Beals'just vs. I
L. D. Granteer.
Fifty-two acres in Orwell. W. \V. Wood
burn, vs. S. G. Rockwell.
Seventy-eight acres in Asylum, A. T. M'
Clinton, trustee, vs. Maudes Ilottenstine
and others.
Largest assortment of Vases ami mnttoed Cups
Cups and Saucers, in town at the 5 CENT Store.
If you want a First Class SHAVE or HAIRCUT,
call at the Barber Shop under the Meat Market, one
door South of the Ward House, where you will al
ways find experienced Artists ready to attend to
customers. Q. L. LYNCIICOME, Prop.
For First Class Custom Boots and Shoes, go to
Morgan McMahon's Shop, over Burchill Brothers
Marble Works. Repairing of all kinds neatly done.
Children* carrages at reduced prices to close out
Btock, at C. P. Welles' crockery store.
Published, a revised edition of Camoehan's Road
Laws and Laws Relating to Township Officers in
Bradford County," by Samuel W. Buok.
For sale at Treasurer's Office or at either Whit
comb's ar Cross's bookstore, Towanda, Pa.
stead of being stamped out—for sale at C P.
WELLSE' Crockery store.
If yen call at BLUM'S boot ami shoe store
you will find that you can get more and bet
ter goods for the moncv than at at any shoe
house in Towanda.
LAWRENCE ITAI.LO RAN, the old reliable aud skll
ful SHOE MAKER is again "on deck," and wishes
to inform bis customers and tire public that here
after, in "rain or shine," he will be found at his
post ready to do all work in ins line in the best
manner and on short notice, Shop in rear of the
REVIEW office.
THE NEW ER V WASHER!—Give it a trial.
It. doe 3 the washing clean, in one fourth the
262-4vv. L. S. BLASDELL. Agent.
Car loads of new goods now being received at the
Five Cent Store.
Cups and Saucers with Portraits ofMr. and Mrs
GARFIELD at C. P. Welles' Crockery Store.
a number of dwelling houses for rent or tor sale
on easy terms. Also, eligible and desirable build
ing Lots wldch will be sold on long credit to per
sons desiring to build.
Oct. 17. 1881. L. ELSBREE.
One Cook stove.
One Heating stove, suitable for oal or wood,
O. A. BLACK, Weston st.
CHARLES AKENS has taken the Barber Shop late
ly occupied by PATTINANTO, in Patton Block, and
solicits a share of public patronage. He is an ex
perienced barber and understands ail branches of
the business.
I Silver Plated Napkin Rings for TEN Cents at C.
P. Welles' Crockery and 99c Store.
THE VERY LATEST—StvIes in men's, chil
dren's and boys' suits, overcoats and fur
nishing goods can be found at Jacob's Cloth
ing House as he has just opened an immense
stock of Fall and Winter goods.
HOPE koi! ™ e DEAF.
I>i*. Peck's Artiiicial Ear Drums
the Natvral ft'imi. Alwayn in position, but invisible others. All conversation and even whisnsr
heard distinctly. \ V • refer to .sin- then,. Bend for descriptive circular with tes monhiN
•ct. 1, 18 I Address If. P. K. PECK & CO., 85 BRODWAY, N\Y
Mr. OTTARSON, tlie upholsterer, is putting some
very nice goods in just now for the Holidays. Go
and see what a Bargain y®u can get with him.
Homeopathic Lung Syrup, is lite best rem
edy for coughs and colds. It is mild, pleas
ant and effective. Sold in Towanda only by
The finest building lot in Towanda borough, cor
aor ofPopiar and Second streets, between the res
idence of Hon. E. O. Goodrich and E. Walker, wil
bo sold cheap. Apply to O. D. KINNEY.
Latest styles of Hats and Caps just received at M.
BIRD CAGES, 40 cents aud upwards at the b
Cent Store
C. M. Manville has a quantity of four feet flag
stones for sale cheap.
Buy Knapp's Superior Flavoring Extracts
for family use, warranted pure.
Live spring chickens constantly on hand at
Myer's Bridge St. Market.
Berries, Harden truck at My re's meat mar
ket, Bridge St.
Brick for sale. Enquire of J. T. Flule, at
torney at law.
SAKE FOR HALF. —Fire-proof, Combination
Lock. Inquire of W.J.YOUNG.
Immense shipments of TOYS for the Holiday
trade, are being received daily at the o CENT
William Brown, at Miller's Bam. clean-and oils
Harness, and washes wagons very cheaply.
Second hand Herring Safe for sale cheap,
quire at this office.
twenty-eighth year commences Aug. 22d, 1831 A
large and efficient corps of teachers; a full collec
tion of maps, cnarts, models and apparatus, and
appliances for teaching. Expenses are reasonable.
For catalogue or particulars call upon, or address
Principal, EDWIN E. QUINLAN, A. M.
Towanda, Pa.
A New Line of Decorated Chamber Sets just
received. American Porcelain and Ivory body
verv cheap at C. P. WELLES* Crockery store.
Miss N. A. Powell, an experienced dress maker
would info'in the ladies of Towanda that she now
resides at Mr. H. A, Prince's on Packer avenue,
where she will be pleased to receive orders for
wor work, or she will go out by the day.
I have bought and used the New Era Washer five
days in the week for the past five weeks and am
satisfied it will do all that is claimed for it. It is
the Lady's Friend. 'J he more I use it the better I
like it. Mrs. E. ONAN.
Convcniant rooms for house keeping, in Tracy k,
Moore's block, Main St. Apply to 11, I'. MOORE.
Mrs. Kilbourn invites the ladies of Towanda and
vicinity to call and examine her stock of Millinery
Goods before purchasing elsewhere.
One Horse,
One Cow,
O, A. BLACK, Agt., Towanda.
"My Wayward Pardner," for $2 at Wliiteoinb's
Book Store.
WINDOW POLES—Cornices and Rings, atC. P.
WELLES' Crockery store.
We are still selling Pure Milk at FIVE CP2NTB
Per Quart. 11. KLSBREK.
FLOWER POTS—Job lot, Pots worth 12c for
9c, 01 $1 adoz. Pots, worth 15 cents for 12 cents.
Pots worth 18 cents for 13 cts. Pots wortli 25 cts
for 15 cts. Also Common and Fancy Flower an
Calla Pots, at C. I'. WELLES' Crockery Store.
1 lint! been a great sufferer from Neuralgia
for years and had consulted a great many dif
ferent, physicians,but got no cure until I*took
Dr. Burr's Neuralgia and Sick Headache Pills;
they cured me and I have recommended to
over fifty persons and I have never known
them to fail. They are also the best nervout
and dyspeptic pill \ ever saw.
Master Mechanic, Dickens Manufacturing
Company, Scranton, Pa.
"What everybody wants is the best organ for
the least amount of money : Therefor every
body wants the Burdett; and when vou've
said that, you've told the whole story.''
So say the brightest and busiest organs
dealers throughout the land, who are furn
ishing this matchless instrument to a musica
public, which is rapidly learning to distinguish
its marvellously pure and beautifnl voice
from t hat which is not music. For sale by
J. A. Manville, No. 3 Bridge St., Towanda.
Two dwelling bouses in the First Ward
for rent. O. D. KINNEY.
Rooms suitable for small family, to let, in centre
of town. Enquire at this office.
The celebrated Stallion lias returned to bis ita
bles in this place where he may be found. TIRHI
—Same as heretofore.
Oct. 21, 1881. D. C. DEWITT.
• Plain and Ornamental Painter,
All work in his line promptly executed on shor
notice, hrom long experience both in eitv and
country, he prides himself on being able to suit the
most fastidious.