The Dnilv Review. Towanda, Pa., Saturday, Dec. 3, 1881. EDITORS. 6. \V. ALVOItD. NOBLE N.ALVORD Mtrrinr" ttn/i/fis cent* per month. Wry it! Secretary Folger has issued the lOGth call for bonds, the amount to be taken up being #20,000,000. The New Orleans Times , Dem., sees that the heavy blow that has been struck at sectional politics by the result of the recent elections in Virgina cannot be too highly estimated,and says it is the first of movements to break up the Solid South. The report of th 3 Naval Advisory Board recommends thc ( construction of thirty-eight unarmored cruising vessels, and a number of rams, torpedo gunboats and torpedo boats. After eight years, if the programme of the Board is adoped, there will be available for the service twenty-one ironclads, seventy unarmored j cruiser, five rams, five torpedo gunboats I and twenty torpedo boats. - j North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia are all ripe for revolt from the Solid South. A fair vote and an honest count would show heavy anti-Bourbon majorities in all three States to day. Whether they have the leaders capable of bringing about a successful revolt by next election day is a doubtful question, but sooner or later the change will come, and lie is a very sanguine Democrat who thinks it can be delayed till after the next Presidential election. I | Guiteau has established a precedent in Judge Cox's remarkable court which per mits every murderer on trial for his life not only to conduct his own trial but to blackguard every witness who is to ap pear against him, and every man, wit ness or otherwise, who presumes to speak unfavorably of him. The Judge did not even threaten when it was estab lished on Saturday. "Mr. Prisoner" seems to have both the court and the counsel for the prosecution in willing subjection. The country is in a very dif ferent frame of mind. Congressman elect Brumm, of theThir tcenth Pennsylvania District, who was a Greenbackcr, has written a letter to a person named Williams.conected with the National Greenback Committee, that he will not under any circumstances enter the Kepudlican caucus for Speaker. He does not say that he will not vote for a Republican candidate after the nomination is made. Should he withhold his vcAe, the result will be the same. The Missou ri Grecnbackcrs and J. Ilyatt Smith will vote with the 117 Republicans for the nominee of the caucus. Secretary Folger has not yet matured any plan for disposing of the surplus revenues by the purchase of bonds. lie is aware of the necessity for putting out as much of the surplus revenues in the re duction of the d -lit as possible, and is al so convinced that there will be no bonds off ire I un 1:r the Windom circular. He will before the week is ended, how ever, issue a circular by the terms of which a reduction of the debt can be accomplished. What proposition he will make to the holders of bonds or what class of bonds he proposes to buy is as yet undecided by the Secretary. The wedding of Miss Lillie I). Tyler, of Damascus, Wayne County, Pa., to Mr. John G. Mitchell, of the same town, took place a day or two ago, precisely one year from the mysterious cure of th e young lady, which she desci'loed to the Press correspondent. Miss Tyler had been an invalid for upward of six years with a peculiar disease which kept her confined to hcr room most of the time. She was treated by eminent physicians from New York hud Philadelphia, but in rain. In October. 1880 she heard of a female in Connecticut who cured people by prayer, and to tins person Miss Tyler wrote, receiving a reply appointing the 2Gth of November as the day when Lillie should, with her friends, pray for her res toration to health. The day came, and Miss Tyler was so weak she could scarce ly raise her head from the pillow. The company included her family and pastor Ilev. Thomas Wescot. At noon they commenced their prayers, and before night the young lady was able to go about the house,and as her cure has been entirely elfected, she has just redeemed the pledge made long ago to Mr. Mitch ell, and they were married last Saturday by the same clergyman wo prayed so fer vently only a year before for her recov ery. The case has attracted widespread attention and the story as told by the bride is true in every particular. prji£iinp jjji' 1 . \\ %#;'4 s'/ V- "" : ' ■"" '"' ■■'■ •■'. -1 f. ', 51 \..C '••• ;S "••-' S/ ■ •>. -' <■; ■ /. •••• •; ••.•■;• ' --■ ' / v • • ' ;v , ; FOR a |M|ral• Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of t'ie Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Threat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Bar and Headache, Frosted Feci and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals ST. J A cons On. Hi a safe, sure, simple and cheap External Remedy 'A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of uG Cents, and every oiu* suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A. V©GELER & CO., littlti-norc, Sir.., U.-S. A., Jtiusuiess Cards. BARCLAY JUNCTION HOTEL. ' P. CATOX, Proprietor, Near the Barclay depot. Good accommodations at reasonable prices. (Jail auci see us. HAS. K. LADD, M. 1). W PHYSICIAN AND SUP(}KOX. Otllee three doors above Merc 11 r Block. 284 ly. DU. T.B. JOIINSON, I'll YSI CIA X A XI) S UP(i EOX, Oflicc over 11. (J Porter's Drugstore, Residence corner Maple and Second Streets, r A1 TO UX E 1 ~S-A T-LA IV, South side Mereur Block, Towanda, Pa. N. lOjanSO THORNTON, •A • T UNEP ANDPEPA IP EP Of Pianos and Organs. (Over 17 years experi ence.) Orders received at Holmes & Passage's Music Store. vr. RYAN, * -cOU Vr Y S UPS ft IV 7 E V!) ? V Otlice Means' Block. TT ENRY STREET EIL A A ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW TOWANDA, PA. THE CREAT B Vlt LING TO X BOI'tZ. 63£""No other line runs Three Through Pas senger Trains Daily between Chicago, Pes Moines, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Lincoln, St. Joseph, Atchison, Topeka and Kansas City. Direct connections for all points in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming. Montana, Ne vada, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and California. The Shortest, Speediest and Most Comforta ble Route via Hannibal to Fort Scott. Denison, Dallas. Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Galves ton and all points in Texas. The unequaled inducemento, offered by this Line to Travelers and Tourists, are as follows: The celebrated Pullman (lfi-whrel) Palace Sleeping Cars, run only on this Line. C., R. & Q. Palace Orawing-Room Cars, with Horton's Reclining Chairs. No extra charge for Scats in Reclining Chairs. The famous C.. P. & Q. Palace Dining Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars fitted with Elegant High-Backed Rattan Re volving Chairs for the exclusive use of first class passengers. Steel Track and Superior Equipment, com bined with their Great Through Car Arrange ment, makes this, above all others, thefavorite Route to the South, South-West, and the Far West. Try it, atid you will find traveling a luxury instead of a discomfort. Through Tickets via this Celebrated Line for sale at all olliees in the United States and Canada. All information about Rates of Fare. Sleep ing Car Accommodations, Time* Tables, &c., will be cheerfully given by applying to J. Q. A. BEAN, Gen'l Eastern Agent, iftHi Washington St., Boston, Mass. and 317 Broadway, New York JAMES R. M OOD, Gen. Pass. Agt., Chicago. T. J. POTTER, Gen. Manager, Chicago- PATENTS We continue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, Copyrights, etc., for the United States, Canada, Cuba, England, France, Germany, etc. We have had tliirty-fivc years' experience. Patents obtained through us an; noticed in the SCI ENTIFIC AMERICAN. This large and splendid illus trated week 1 y paper, $ 3.2 0 a year,shows the Progress of Science, is very interesting, aud has an enormous circulation. Address MUNN & CO., Patent Solici tors, Pub's, of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, 37 Park Row, New York. Hand book about Patents free. ft If I® DAVIS' • RENEWED, j No other Roue*." ry- f,; "crcd docs its work BO quickly an 1s I i: f. . / HhD. It will restore gray and faded hair to Us <•*. ;• i.i:*.l beauty ; it will immediately pr v :t t 0f,,.!;,, * out cf the hair; j itcure3d.:n.dr.itchkn; e: u; t!on and keeps tho ecalp clean ; !. v. 'li c •: - 3; ,!r i > grow where j it has f.d'cn ofi inipa.t* i i ssanl freshness; i it soften? t;r.i huh* wli n i i;r !i :.;. I dry aud is en tircly f.*.* irai a'l i • itatin v matt.-r; it lias the , very best: ejaitati'-n nr. 1 -ives universal satisfac tion. DJ not fail to try it. For tulo L>y all druggists. Price, 75 cts. per bottle. Prejtnl' -tl b\) < has. It"vis, Canton, Pa. For aule by ail Druggist? and Dealers. T_T W. MILLER -<*- • keeps several PUELiIO HACKS and is ready to attend all calls in his line promptly. He runs to ALL TRAINS. Charges for night atid earlj morning trains (Nos. 12, 8 and 3,) no reduction for these t rains, 23 renin per passenger. Regu lar customers supplied with tickets at reduced rates. Charges l'or attending parties, one couple $1.50; two couples in one load, SI.OO per couple; for attending funerals from $2.00 to $3.00. llaek by the hour sl, Horses and carriages to let. Orders left at his office below council rooms will receive careful attention. 11. M r MILLER. Nov. 27, 1880. MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. —Inconsequence of continued ill health I now offer my mill property, known as LUTHER'S MILL, in Burlington township for sale at a great bargain. The site is one of the best oh Sugar Creek, and embraces about 7 acres of land on which are several dwelling houses and other build ings. The mill has always enjoyed a large custom. A practical miller can pay for the property in a short time from the profits. The property will he sold very cheap and on easy terms. R. LUTIIER. Luther's Mill. Oct. 12,'81. "The Chlldrcns Maga inc cf America. " This illustrated magazine tor young f-Iks lias now attained a circulation larger! probably, than 'that of any other monthly magazine of it.- class. It has been called "aniar\el of peifeetion, both as i regards its literary t xcellenco and its arii-tic nier j it." It w.'is the lirst to give to boys and gills the I very best illustrations that could lie had, and has I earned the name of •' I Iw Children's* Art Ncujazine." The greatest living writers of "Europe and I America ars among its listing lr-iaed contkh vtors: < 'l.arles Dudley Warm r. Henry W. Longfellow, John G. Whittler, 11. 11. Boyeson. bnxt- ilolin, : Bret llarte, Gail Hamilton, '1 hoina- Hughes. Loni j -a M. Alcott. Donald G. Mitch' 11, Ilairiet I'rescot | Spoft'ord, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, George Mac | Donald, Washington Gladden, The Goodale Sisters ; Alfred Teiinjson, John Hay, Clarence Cook, Itos siter John.-on, Susan Coolidge, Edward Eggloston ; I'rof. K. A. l'roetor. ( hristma G. Ko—t tti, Mrs. A. j I). T. Whitney, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Cdia ; Thaxter, Marion HarlanJ, M. W. Iligginson, Lucy ; l.areom, Noah Brooks, Author of ••Alice in \\'un■ j darland," Mrs. Olipliant,B. Aldrieh, and liun dn ds of others. What Km, land Sax s of It, ! LONDON DAILY NEWS: -We wish we conld i point out its equal in our own periodical litem, j lure." ! Til K SPECTATOR: "It is tiie I,est of ail ohil -1 dren's magazines." LITERARY WOltl I>:''There Is no magazine for I the young that can be said to equal it," etc. Frllliant Feaiurcs oTthe Coming Year. The Ninth Volume which begins with the No i vcmber, 1881. number will contain a new SERIAL STORY, by Mrs Mary Mapcs Dodge, j editor of St. Nicholas, nuthorof "Hans Brinker or ! the Siivi r skates," etc. A second serial story, full ! of livelv incidents, •'THE lIOOSJLB SCHOOL BOY," by Edward Eggleston, , author of "The Iloosier Schoolmaster," etc. A ! single article ( f universal interest: -HOW CHILDREN SHORED LEAKS' MU s;IC," by Kit bard Wagner, i the eminent composer. Two other serials, one j dealing with campaign life in the late war, and the ! other with Girl and Boy Life in the ioih Century, j l'lays for lit.nit and School, Embroidery for Girls, j Amateur Newspapers, Illustrated Practical and I Descriptive I'apcrs, Articles i n Sports, end the ! 'I reasure Box of Literature will be among the fca . titles of this great volume. An immense edition will be printed of tlm CHRISTMAS M M HMR I which will be ready about December Ist, Price s■"> 00 a year; 23 cents a number. Stibsorip j tions tsken and magazines sold by book selkrs and news dealers everywhere or the publishers, The ueiuury Company, I.'NION SQUARE, NEW YORK. K Vll ; w r£ 77 "*j m 4 JH r*> [-—' " i y-s i' * >•*, ■ —v a. 1 i 1 i wi.i O F F ICE. LETTER, NOTE AND BILL HEADS. ENVELOPES, AND PAMPHLET WORE A SPECIALTY All work Neatly executed on the shortest notice Corner Main and Pine streets, o\erthe Music Stort. TO WANDA, PENN'A. ALVORD & SON. AND GAS-FITTING! t- d. W1 iia m s PRACTICAL Ptumbqr fidffi Mas-Fit Wi\ Respectfully informs the people of Towanda that he is prepared to do ail work in his line on the hottest notice, and guarantee satisfaction. He keeps a LARGE ASSORTMENT of stock, and will furnish pipe, all plumbing materials and gas fixtures at a smalladvanee from jobber's prices. I li fer to my numerous customers during the ten 5 ears I have been in Towanda as to the character of my work, and solicit the patronage of those hav ing jobs in my line. Estimates furnished when desired E. WILLIAMS. Shop a few'doors north of Morcur Block May 6, 1881.