Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, December 01, 1881, Image 4

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    Tlie Daily lleview
Towantla, P . Wednesday, Nov. 29, 1881.
ik Uaily Mterinr" only 35 cent* per
month Wry it,
Read theJ/Vf. Nicholas prospectus, it is
the best young people's paper published.
The star cough drops manufactured by C.
S. Fitch are becoming very popular wherev
er introduced. If troubled with a cough try
What can be more apetizing for breakfast
than a plate of buckwheat cakes and honey?
You can buy the best quality new process
buckwheat Hour and the finest quality of clo
ver honey at E. F. Dittkich's.
We are informed that the new N. Y. I).
L. & W. K. K. sell tickets from Waverlvjto
New York tit the rate of 2 cents per mile, or
a saving of more than $8 on the round trip
from the tariff of the Lehigh Valley.
C. E. S. C. —The next meeting will be held
at the residence Mr. J. E. HITCHCOCK on
Pine street, Friday evening December 2d, at
7 o'clock. The work will be a review of
♦'History of Art" from page 270 to the cloje
of the book. Essays will be read by several
members of the class.
Mr. W IIITCOMB's show window is a regu
lar kaleidoscope. Every day a new scene is
presented. No wonder so-many people are
attracted by the beautiful tilings displayed
there. We believe the public arc indebted to
Mrs. W IIITCOMB's excellent taste and indus
try for the pleasurable exhibition,
Great joy entered the household of Mrs.
Harrigan, 172, E. One Hundred and -thirty
second street, New York, when lie little boy.
who had been pronounced hopelessly incura"
hie from severe influmatory rheumatism by
the doctors, was entirely cured by a single
bottle of St. .1 a bobs Oil, kindly brought by a
friend intested in tee ease.
11l :i report by ex-State Superintentlent of
Schools, Dr. J. I\ Wickersham, of Pennsyl
vtinia, published by the Bureau of Educa
tion, it is stated that one-sixth of lite crime
of the country is committed by wholly illit
erate persons, one-third by those practically
illiterate, and that the proportion of crimi
nals among the illiterate is ten times as great
as among the educated.
Small. —The Seranton Hoard of School
Control voted down a resolution providing
that Ihe city teachers should attend County
Institute. They will be required to keep
their schools open during the session of the
institute, and should they attend will lose
their time and a chance of being hired ano
ther year. The board ought to he ashamed
of such act on. We hope they may have no
If good milk disagrees with a child or
grown person, lime water at the rate of Bor
4 tnble-spoonsfuls to the pint, mixed with
the milk or taken after it, will usually help
digestion and prevent 11 itulonee. Lime wa
ter is a simple antacid, and is a little tonic. It
often counteracts pain from acid fruits, from
"wind in the stomach," and from acids pro
duced by eating candies and other sweets;
also "stomach-ache" fr m over
eating of any kind. A tablcspoonful for si
child of two years old, to a gill or more for
an adult, is an ordinary dose, while consider
able more will produce no more serious inju
ry. A pint of cold water dissolves less than
ten grains of lime, and warm water still
less, l'ure lime water, even though pretty
closely corked, soon deteriorates by carbonic
acid in the air, which unites with the lime
and sett les as an insoluble carbonate. To have
it always ready and good, and at no cost, put
into tall pint or quart glass bottle, of any
kind, a gill or so of good lime just slaked
with water. Then fill the bottle nearly full
of rain or other pure water, and let it stand
quietly, corking well. The lime will settle,
leaving clear lime water at the top. Pour off
gently as wanted, adding more water as need
ed. Some carbonic acid will enter, but the
carbonate will settle, often upon the sides of
the bottle, and freshly saturated water re
main. The lime should be removed and a
supply put in once a year or so, unless kept
very tightly corked.— American Agricultu
ralist for December.
Mr. Ottauson, the upholsterer, is putting some
very nice goods in just now for the Holidays. Go
and see what a Bargain you can get with him
Holiday Goods selected with grout care at
YVbitcomb's Hook Store.
Christmas Cards, New Year Cards, Birth
day, Wedding and Condolence Cards, at
A large assortment of neat Stationery, just
received Jewel Boxes, Work Boxes, Toilet
and Nail sets in plush and leather Goods
at Whitcomb's Book Store. No trouble to
show goods.
FRESH OYSTERS received daily at the THIRD
WARD GROCERY STORE. Retailed at 30 cents
per quart. Churches and parties supplied on reas
onable terms. ]). F. CLARK.
Speaking of Oysters, we have a word to
say in regard to the manner in which S. IL
Tinp serves them. lie keeps the largest
ones, and gets them up hi the very best stvle.
He has fitted up elegant rooms for his custo
ducements are o ire red you by the BUBLIXG
TOX ROUTE. It will pay you to road their
advertisement to bo found elsewhure in thi
Hooks by eminent authors and Poets, in
Ihe finest bindings suitable for holiday pres
ents, at WHITCOMH'S.
Any industrious, practical farmer, with a
small capital, can hear of an opportunity to
buy a farm on terms which will enable him
to pay for ot out of the profits. For particul
ars enquire at this office.
The Five Cent Store is now receiving an
immens sjoek of fall and winter goods and
the enterprising proprietors invite the public
to call and examine.
Don't fail to go to .Joitx SULLIVAX'S on
Bridge street, for the best five cent cigar.
FOR ?ALE CHEAP.—A "Good .Morning
Range, a foot turning lathe, and a foot jig
saw, also three heating stoves. N. P. HICKS.
f razor Axle Grease.—One trial will convince you
that it is the best. Ask your dealer for the Frazer
Axhi Grease, and take no other. Every box has
our trade mark on
The Sugar Creek Mills are now turning out the
best of tiour, meal nnd feed. Our " new i rocesb"
buckwheat flour is hard to beat. All orders left at
mill or sent through post oflice will receive prompt
attention. \\\ X. FOSTER.
Oct. 'J7, 1881.
Some lady of this place should take the
agency for that popular and useful book,
"practical House-keeping." issued h\ Muck
eve Publishing Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Ev
ery housekeeper needs a copy. Address the
publishers for terms. Commissions large.
Sheriff Dhax advertises of real
estate to be sold December 1. as follows:
House and lot in l> >ro and town
ship. Advertised as the property of F, JJ.
Vincent as the suit of James Foster.
Lot in Litchliel 1, containing 100 acres. At
the suit of Hannah Snoovor vs. 11. F. John
Defendant's interest in .*>7 acres in Wiiinot.
Edward Prcyost vs. M. P. Frutchev.
House and lot in the Ist ward Towtuula bo
rough. Kellogg A Maurice vs. J. E. Flem
Lot in South Wavcrly. James it. Stone to
use o' Geo. Edininstor vs. X. Edminster.
8 acres in Rome township. 11. Conklin vs.
R. M. Washburn.
Lot In Athens township. Daniel Rrowifs
use vs. James E. Arnold.
House and lat in 3d ward Towanda boro.
13. \\ . Lane vs. 11. A. Prince.
337 acres in South Creek. John Hruiuard's
use vs. Amos I). Hinckley.
08 acres and 29 perches of land in Wiiinot.
Michael C, Kingsley's use vs. John C. Cran
For second sale day, Friday December 9,
Sheriff I>kax has advertised the following
pieces of real estate: Two acres in Monroe
borough, sold at suit, of Mrs. Abagai! De-
Long, administratrix, vs. John Dougherty.
Fifteen acres in Monroe township. Mrs. Ab
agail DeLong, administrator,, vs. John
Ninety acres in Asylum. Belinda Beidle
man'sjuse, and others vs. Daniel Sullivan.
Fifty acres in Monroe twp., J.P.Kirby vs
D. W. Ilarvey.
Lot in Canton borough. A. Reals' use vs.
L. 1). Grantecr.
Fifty-two acres in Orwell. W. W
burn, vs. S. G. Rockwell.
S '\eut\-eight acres in Asylum. A. T. M'
Clinton, trustee, vs. Maudes HottenHine
and others.
PRESBYTERIAN—Rev. J. S. Stewart, D.D., Pas
tor. Preaching at ]o:3oa. .and 7 p. m. eve
ry Sunday. Prayer meeting Thursday evening
| at 7:30. Sunday School—D'A. Overton, Superin
tendent—at 12 o'clock.
CHRIST CHURCH—(Episcopal)—Rev. .Tc\n S.
Leers, Rector. Service and preaching at 10:30 a.
rn. and 6 MX) p. in. Service and lecture Thursday
evening at 7:30. Sunday School—.las. T. Hale,
Superintendent—at 12 in. Teachers' meeting
Tuesday evening at 7:45.
M, K. CHURCH:—Rev. O. H. Wright, Pastor.
Preaching at 10:30 a.m. and 7 p. rn. Prayer
Meetings on Sunday evening at 6:30, Thursday
evening at 7:30. Young men's prayer meeting
Friday evening at 8. Sunday School—B. il. Peek,
Superintendent— at 12 in.
SS. PETER AXl> PAUL.—(II. C.) Rev. Clias. F.
Kelley, Priest Mass at Sand 10:30 a.m. Ves
pers at 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 12:30 and
CHURCH OF THE MESSIAH.— (Universalist)
Rev. William Taylor, Pastor. Preaching at 10:30
a. m. and 7p. in. Prayer and Conference
Meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. Sunday
School—Dr. Taylor, Superintendent—at 12 tn.
BAPTIST CHURCH—Rev. C. T. Hallowed, Pastor
Preaching at 10:3OA. m. and 7 l\ M. Prayer
Meet'ng, Thursday Evening, 7 p. m. Sunday
School at 12 in.
Union Lodge, No. 108, meets First and Third
Wednesday of each month.
Union Chapter, No. 101, meets Second Wednesday
evenings of each month.
Northern Commnndery, Knights Templar, No. IG.
Meets fourth Wednesday each month.
Crystal Lodge. Meets every Monday evening.
Mystic Lodge, Iv. and L. of Si. Meets Second and
Fourth Friday evenings of each month.
G. A. 11.
Watkins Post No. GB. Meets every Saturdayjevenin
Towanda Castle No. 68. .Meets at K. of . Hal!
every Wednesday evening.
Towanda Council No. 53 2 meets antfirsd third
Friday of each month in K., P. Hall.
Towanda Lodge, No. 200. Meets every Tuesday
Endowment Rank, Section 101. Meets Third Fri
day it, each month.
Bradford Lodge, Xe. 167. Meets every Monday
Bradford Encampment, No. 41. Meets Second and
Fourth Wednesday night of each month.
Looh Lodge Degree of Rebcka. Meets First aud
Third Fid ay evenings of eneh month.
Published, a revised edition of Carnochnn's Road
Laws and Laws Relating to Township Officers in
Bradford County," by Samuel W. Buok.
For sale at Treasurer's Office or at either Whit- !
comb's ar Cross's bookstore, Towanda, Pa.
stead of being stamped out—far sale at C P.
WELLSE' Crockery store.
Tf yen call at Tit u.M's boot and shoo store
you will find that you can sr< I more and li t
ter goods for the TO on ov than at at any shoe
house iu Towanda.
l.AWituxrE TTAT.LORAN, the old N .liable and 1:1!
fill SHOE MAKER is again "on deel ." and wishes
to inform his customers and the public that here- j
after, in "ruin or shine," he will lie found at lib
post ready to do all work i.i his line in the hi st 1
manner and on short notice, tehop in rear of the i
REVIEW office.
THE NEW EM WASHER !—Give it a trial.
Tt does the washing clean, in one fourth the
262-4\V. 1.. S. TILASHEI R.. Agent.
Car loads of new goods now being received at the
Five Ci nt Store.
Cups and Saucers with Portraits of Mr. and Mrs
GARFIELD at ('. P. Welles* Crockerv Store.
a number of dwelling houses for rent or for sale
on easy terms. Also, eligible and desirable builrl
ing Lots which will be sold on long credit to per
sons desiiing to build.
Oct. 17. 1881. 1,. ET.SBREE.
The march of improvement has brought us to the
time when old fogy machinery has to take a bark
seat. This is verified by 'be success of the" New
Davis" Sewing Machine, with its "Vertical Feed.',
Whereevi r it lias been introduced hosts of admi
ring friends sound its praise. 6d\ 5.39
One Cool?stove.
One Heating stove, suitable for oal or wood.
O. A. BLACK, Weston st.
Seller's Liver Pills," have been the standard rem- !
edy for malaria, Liver eompuunts, costiveness, e*c. '
for fifly years-
Tumors, erysipelas, mercurial diseases, scrofula,
and general debility cured by Dr. Lind-a y's Blood
CHARLES AKKVS BAN taken 1 1st* Ember Shop late
ly occupied by PATTIVAXTO. in Patton Hlnck, ami
solicits a share of public patromm*. Tie ia an ex
perienced barber and understands atl brandies of
the business.
Mr. .Tames 1 Tees, late with IVleb J: Co., takes (bis
method of notifying bis friends that be bus taken a
position with Evans & Tlildretb, where be will lie
happy to see them all and offer them great induce
ments in the line of dry goods.
Silver Plated Napkin Rings for TEN Cents at (
I*. Welles' Crockery and 90c Store.
THE VERY LATEST —StvIes in moil's, chil
dren's and hoys' snils, overcoats and fur
nishing goods can bo found at Jacob's Cloth
ing House as he has just opened an immense
stock of Fall and Winter goods.
II op E for the I) EA F c
I >i'. Peek's iiieiii 1 Drums
the Nati-rnl Drum. Always in position, but invisible others. All conversation and even whisnsr
heard distinctly. We refer to those using tliem. Send for descriptive circular with tes monials
•st. 18, IS*I Address 11. P. K. PECIv & CO., So BRODWAY, N.Y
Miss N. A. Powell, an experienced drees make
would inform tlie ladies of Towanda that she now
resides at Mr. 11. A, Prince's on Packer avenue,
where she will be pleased to receive orders for
wor work, or she will go out by the day.
I have bought and used the New Era Washer five
days in the week lor the past five weeks and am
satisfied it will do all that is claimed for it. It is
the Lady's Friend. 'J he more I use it the better I
like it. Mrs. E. Oman.
FOR RALE CHEAP—A good self-feed Heating
Stove. Enquire at John Sullivan's store, Bridge s'.
Oonveniant rooms for house keeping, in Tracy &
Moore's block, Main St. Apply to 11, t\ Moo'ue.
Mrs. Kilbourn invites the ladies of Towanda and
vicinity to call and examine her stock of Millinery
Goods before purchasing elsewhere.
Fitch lias ncnv large Figs that almost melt
intlie mouth.
All persons indebited to the subscriber whose ac
counts have been standing over three months must
nettle before December Ist to nave costs.
Wanted — Drcss-Making and Plain Sewing, by a
thoroughly competent Dress Maker. TERMS, o(j
Gents per day. Enquire at J. M. Cherry *t.
Situation as Rook keeper or ( r v u a by
thoroughly competarit young man. _,,udress JI
Box 1135, Towanda, l'a.
Nathan 1 idd desires to inform his patrons and
the public in general, that he is prepar. d to deliver
Los al Sock coal at same prices as charged at the
S. L. & t-. Yaid.
One Ilorse,
One Cow,
O, A. BLACK, Agt., Towanda.
A\ anted, work by the day, bv a woman svlio can
, sew, wash, clean house, etc. Call at Campbell's
boarding house on State street.
"Whal everybody wants i.-s the best organfor
the least amount of money : Therefor everv
bo<l\ wants the llurdett $ and when you've
said that, you've told the whole story."
So say the brightest and busiest organs
dealers throughout the land, who are turn
isbing this matchless instrument to a mtisiea
public, which i- rapidly learning to distinguish
its marvellously pure and beautiful voice
from that which is not music. For sale by
J. A. Manville, No. 3 Bridge St.. Towanda. "
"Mv Wayward J'ardner," for $2 at Wluteonib's
Bool; Store.
'LES—f'ornic. and Rings, atC.P.
V\ ELLL.& Crockery store.
We are still selling Pure Milk at FIVE CENTS
1 had been a great sufferer from Neuralgia
for years and had consulted a great many dif
ferent imysieians, hut got no cure until I'took
Dr. I.urr s Neuralgia and Sick Headache Pills;
cured me and I have reeommerded to
over lltty persons and I have never known
them to tail. I hey are also the best nervous
and dyspeptic pi!l 1 ever saw.
iMaster .Mechanic. Dickens Manufacturing
Company, Scran ton. Pa. °
Cull and see the new goods at the Five Ceut Store.
I-LOW ER POTS-Job lot, Pots worth 12c for
Je, oi si lots, worth 15 cents for 12 cents
I ots worth Is cents -for Ft ets. p„ts worth "5 cts
I'."',, I '' ( ' ,s - Also Common and Fancy Flower an
CaoaLots, at C. P. W EL I,EB' Crockery Store.
Oh. bean!
Plain arid Ornamental Painter,
All work in his line promptly executed on slior
notice. from long experience both in city and
mostStid'iow. 110 * ''" '" '"S' :, ble t<> suit the
Two dwelling houses in the First Ward
n uf * O. D. Kix.NKY.
Rooms suitable for small family, to let, iu centra
of town. Enquire at this office.
•.-u i■.....
fi *i mm MM i; if M: /
I lie celebrated Stallion has returned to his sta
blew in place where lie may be found. Teii.vs
— Same as heretofore.
Oct. 21, J SSI n. C. HEWITT.
A TERM, 1881.
Jackson T ewis vs Win. "Whitney '''rest,
Rose L. S. cor nsevs ElUhn Atherton's Ex'is P. I„ H
E. A. Packer X Co. vs Sclirader Min, & Mfg.
hirst Nat Bank. Towanda vs Thos F. M-idill "
11. W. Tracy vs l'a &N. Y Canal .X R. ]>. Co Anneal
M S. Pike's l N'r- vs A. llunsiker ......
Francis A. Dtvxel \s .Tno. Carrol Fioet
<)., 1- rost vs I bos. R, Jordon \nneni
S. 11. Farnsworth vs ,J Cobb Y£o.
E. W. Drake vs Thos. Harding, < t a1.... A^Mit
E. L. Palmer vs Engi ne Keeler £
M. S, Pike's Ex'is vs C. llunsiker ' Knlvn
Lewis .X Brown vs David Whipple Anneal
Samuel i'vi■nsbire vs A, 11. Spalding, et al' Tresn
< 'lark Johnson vs Asylum Twp A unci I
S. H. Howell vs A.J- Lnyton.
( has. IVrrigo ,X Co vs Kinney .X Watkins.. Trcs*
Clias. Perrigo .X Co vs M. Watkins "
Mary I. alley, use vs Michael Kirwio
Geo. C. At wood vs N. N- Parks
Snhpccnaes first week returnable' Monday
21. 1881. at 2 o'clock P. M. ' '
o/i'^r'", a o K seeond wei k returnable Monday Nov,
28, 1881, at 2 o clock P. M.
r,, , ~ . Hkorob "W. BLACK MAN.
Towanda, Pa.,oct.i4, 1381. Proth'y