DAILY T() WAN DA REVIEW. VOLUME 111, NO. 96. LOCALS. Personal. IRA MORLH.Y has taken a clerkship at J. D. FELCII fc Co.'s. X. J. GAYLORD of VVyalusing, was a call er at this otlice yesterday. JESSE WILSON was shaking hands with old friends in town yesterday. F. 11. COOLBAUGII was calling on the young ladies of Canton yesterday. Mrs. T. C. FKALEY, of this place, is the guest of D. C, DELANEY, Waverlv. C. 15. PORTER and wife have returned from their visit to Philadelphia and New York. W. L. LANTZ, of Xew Albany, was in town yesterday, and made the REVIEW oflicc a call. Prof, DAXNKLI.E is in town to take charge of his dancing classes this afternoon and evening. A. I). COOLBAUGII attended the perfor mance of "Ilazle Kirk" at Elmira, Tuesday evening. Principal ALBERT has provided a pencil sharpener for the use of the drawing classes in his school. The machine is fastened to a bench, like a vise, and can turn out 50 well sharpened pencils in live minutes. J. C. INGHAM of Camptown, Pa., will take charge of the Say re school the coming winter. Mr. INGIIA.M is a young man of marked ability, accurate scholarship and a successful teacher.— Wacerlij Review. BEN. T. IIAI.E has passed the preliminary examination and will next week be admitted and sworn as a member of the bar. We are not surprised to learn that the examination proved highly creditable to Mr. IIALE and entirely satisfactory to the bar committee. Our young friend CHARLES SCOTT, the machinist, is a genius. He yesterday exhibited to us an elegant pair of finely polished hair crimpers of his own make, lie did not admit the fact but we surmise that a certain fortunate young lady is the owner of them now. E. (J. OWEN, Esq., one of the foremost citizens of Wysox, having won the heart and hand of Miss SUSIE LENT, one of the fair est daughters of the same town, will, to-day leal his bride to the altar at her father's res idence. The couple will take No. 1) for the south on a bridal tour. X. S. FRAZER, of W.vill using, was coming to this place Tbesday evening and stopped at F. E. BUSH'S at Standing Stone. In get ting out of his wagon he caught his pants leg on the whitHetree hook, throwing him to the ground, and rendering him insensible for a time, and injuring his arm quite seriously. If we did not know NATE to be a simon-pure temperance man we might suspect lie had been " tarrying too long at the wine," but his brain was as clear as a bell, and the acci dent chargeable to a misstep. Yesterday the weather was mild as May. STKDGE has opened a new barber shop in the room under the Argus office. Persons who are going to Xew Xork sliould go to Waveily and take the new road. If you want to purchase real estate cheap, attend the sale advertised for this afternoon by Hon. 11. L. SCOTT. The members of Christ Church begin to fear that Rev. Mr. ENOS will decline the call extended to him by the vestry to become rector of the parish. Church of the Messiah. Rev. Wm. TAYLOR pastor, at 10 1-2 a. m. Subject—"Our Man na." At 7p. m. "The relation to each other Death, Resurrection and Salvation." The papers are yery generally discussing how to purify politics. The most effective TOWANDA, PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1881. method would be to use more water nnd less whisky, and more hard and less soft soap. The social event of next week will be the "package" party at E. O. MACFA BLANK'S, for the benefit of the mite society of Christ Church. Everybody is invited to go and have a good time. The Germania Band advertise for situations for three young genilcmeu, all good musi cians, who will become members of the hand if they can secure employment here. We hope some openings may bo found for them, as every citizen of Towanda should feci an active interest in encouraging and maintain ing our excellent Germania band. Actina: Postmaster General H.ITTOX, in consequence of the prevalence of small pox, and other contagious diseases in the west* has ordered that mails from infected towns and villages be quarantined and fumigated, local postmasters to decide when such action is necessary and notify theVauthorities at Washington, by whom the delivery of mails will be directed as circumstances shall re quire. The News Condensed. it is estimated that there are I ,> > 0 bicyclists in England. Capt Payne and his baud of colonists have entered Oklahoma from the south unmolested. Guiteau occupied the stand yesterday and furnished amusement for the court and large crowd of spectators. lion. John W. Book waiter, late cadldate for Governor of Ohio, recently rode a bicycle from Springfield to Dayton. Wienmuller, the student who was mys teriously shot at a hotel in New York, while drunk, died yesterday morning. Washington is crowded with cranks.— Four were arrested yesterday. One was determined to testify in behalf of the as sassin. Mr. J. It. Kccne has entered his recently purchased colt Bolero for the Epsom Derby of 1883. Bolero is considered a very promising yearling and cost Mr. Keene SB,OOO. Land reform in Scotland implies reason on both sides. The representatives of the tenants have stated their grievances and outlined their plan of reform. Influential land-owners are prepared to meet them at least half-way. The Duke of Rich mond, for example, applies to his large estates two new principles: compensa tion for tenants' improvements and two years' tenure. At the Erie railroad election Tuesday, Jewett directors were chosen. A divi dend of six per cent has been declared on preferred stock. Six per cent has also been ordered paid on income bonds. The gross earnings for the year were 20,718,- 000 and the surplus for the year $1,887,- 000. This with 1,193,000 received from other sources has been applied mainly to improvements of the road and property ane to the acquisition of equipment and real-estate. The increase of gross earn ings over the previous year is $2,012,000, and but for the railroad war the increase would have been $1,125,000 more. If you want a First Class 811 AVE or HAIRCUT, call at the Barber Shop under the Meat Market, one door South of the Ward House, where you will al ways find experienced Artists ready to attend to customers. G. L. LYNCIICOME, Prop. WANTED—By Germania Band, situations for a dry goods clerk, four years experience, a house and sign painter, and light work for a young man. All of them gentlemen of good character and will fur nish recommendations. Communications addressed to Germania Band, will receive prompt attention. C. S. FITCII has already begun to display his Christmas goods and his stock of candies, fruits, nuts etc., is the finest ever opened in this market. Prof. DANNELLE will proceed witli his classes in the Means Hall. Lessous every Thursday at 11-2 and 7 1-2 o'clock, for begin ners, and from 8 1-2 till 11, an assembly for all. Those not pupils, 50c per couple to the assemblies. lam prepared to give the same unprecedented satisfaction in my teaching that 1 diil last year. Towanda abounds in evidences of my superior skill as a teacher. The Musical Society will meet on Thurs day at the residence of Dr PRATT, instead of I)'A OVERTON, Esq., as announced. Scale A flat. FIVE CHILDREN AT ONE TIME! — A Ladytn JTeio England had five children sick with Chills at one time. Her pastor recommended Thermaline. She bought a family box and cured the whole lot. Cli dren won't take quinine; its bitter taste turns their stomachs. Thermaline is put up in sugar-coated eap eulets, like small flat beans. Only costs 25 cents a box. It lias never been known to fail, and is now prescribed by physicians instead of quinine. Miss EMMA WAKING respectfully informs the ladies that she has taken rooms at Mr. Wm. Keys er r s house, on Pine street near Graded school where she will lie pleased to see all in need of her services. Cutting, fitting and dress making done on resonahle terms, and all work warranto to suit Two heating stoves for sale cheap. X. P. HICKS A good girl wanted for general house work. In j quire of G. S. ESTELLE, at the Prothonotary's ottice. Good servant girl wanted by Mrs. Jus. Lewis, North William st. BUSINESS LOCAL. Select Daneiiiff ('las*. By special request Mr. F. LAMEREAUX, of Bing hamton, will give instructions in the above art every Friday afternoon and evening, at Mercur Hall. Hours of tuition —Ladies, masters and misses at 4 p. in. (parents and guardians admitted free), gents at 7:80 to 9p. in., assemblies from 9 to 12 in, All the modern dances will he taught. Round dances a specialty. Largest assortment of Vases and mottoed Cups Cups and Saucers, in town at the. 5 CENT Store. Immense shipments of TOYS for the Holiday trade, are being received daily at the 5 CENT Store. .V good girl wanted a place to do general house work Enuquir at tills office. Wanted, a place to do general house work, by an experienced girl. Apply at E. G. Kromer's. The "Senate" Saloon is not only supplied with the best oysters in the market, but on the lunch counter may always be found everything the ap. petite craves. Under Chamherlin's jewelry store. 4 O.IL CHEAP! Until further notice the Coal Dealers in Towanda will sell Pittston Coal in yard at $4.00 per ton. y LOYAL SOCK COAL AT YARD. Loyal Sock in yard at $3. 50 per ton. PRICE ONE CENT. Josh Billings! MERCUR HALL, Wednesday Evening DECEMBER 21st, 1881. Tickets now on sale at Kirby's Drug Store, Whitcomb's book store* and at Fitch's confectionery store. ADMISSION 50 cents. Sggp* No extra charge for Reserved Seats. QOMETHING NEW. a. ##. ivoon y fY>., are up to the times in making new styles of Pictures. The latest is a small Card Photograph, called MINETTS which are very pretty and take well, Price only $1 per dozen. Their Tintypes are also made 4 at a time, made very quickly and sell 4 for 50 cents, card size. Remember the place, Patton's Block, corner Bridge and Main Streets. QAL E OF VALUABLE ESTATE. The undersigned will offer for sale the balance of the Real Es tate of G. F. Mason, which he holds as Trustee, on Thursday, Dec. ist, 'Bi, at 2 p.m., On the premises described. Lot No. 5, containing 5 acres ; lot No. 6, containing 5 acres ; lot No, 7, containing 5 acres, lot No. 11, containg 4 acres and 26 perches. Those lots all front on Main street, and are on the west side. Also the following build ing lots on the east side of Main street; Lots No. 47, 48, 49 and 117, all front on Main street and are 40 feet front, and from 160 to 170 feet deep. Lot No. 56 faces Ontre street; has 50 feet front and from 90 to 100 feet deep. Lot No. 79 faces Centre street and has 50 feet front and 150 feet depth. No. 145 is ga part of a lot facing both Creek and Centre streets. Lots No. 148 and one 150 face Centre st. and are 50 feet front and 150 ft. deep. Lots No. 141 and 142 face Creek staeet, These two lots are in a triangular shape and erch are 50 feet wide. Lot No. 85 is a corner lot facing Centre street and has a house thereon. Any of the above property can be purchased at private sale by applying to the Trustee or to Hon. Joseph Powell, Wm. M. Mallory, Esq., or Col. J. F. Means, members of the Advisory Committee. TERMS OF SALE.—One third at time of sale ; one-third in six months ; and the remainder in one year, with intrest from day of sale. H. L. SCOTT, Nov. 9th, 1881. Trustee.