I) A I L Y TO WANDA REVIEW. VOLUME 111, NO. 95. LOCALS. Personal. I). R. STOW ELL, of Elniira, was in town yesterday on his way to Sugar Run. . Judge MKRCUR arrived home last evening and WVD remain in town until after the holi days . Misses'ViUGixi \ and ELEANOR WELLES, of Wyalusing were shopping in town yes terday. Mrs, L. M. WOODRUFF is so much im proved in health that she has returned to her home in this place, Mr. W.M.JENNINGS ha- resigned his clerk ship in C. S. Ft roll's confectionery store, to take a position in the machine shops, at Say re. EN-SherilV LvY l'oX, R. M. I'ECK, Esq., J. ,J. GRIFFITHS, D. A. OVERTON, Esq., M. A. SHAW, and Doctor WooDBURX are con structing a sever from their several lots to the river. This is a commendable enter prise. Mrs. Maj. O'RRIKN of Dulutli, Minn., is ex pected to arrive in town to-day and will spend the winter with her father, Council man KEELER. The lady has a large circle of friends here who will extend a cordial wel come to her. JOHN SNOOVER, of Oamptown, who has acquired some fame in this section of the county as a tirst class horseman, exhibited on our streets yesterday unlatched span of brown liauibletoniuns. that attracted considerable at tention. We are in receipt of a letter from our quan dntn l'rieud, BEN. BEEIIK, late of Trov, now station agent for the N. 1. C. R. It., at Ly ons, N. V., enclosing a remittance for the RE VIEW. Mr. R. is an artist and has left in this county many evidences of his skill and cleverness in '.hat direction. Mr. E. It. VAUGHN, wife and niece, Miss IIINMAX, were bidding .fiends in town good bye yesterday, an J took the evening train for the west. They will spend tne winter in North Platte, Neb., and may possibly con clude to make their future home in that place. Mr. V. owns a tine farm in Wvalu sing and is one of the most enterprising and intelligent ci i/ens of that section of the county. We hope himself and family may • enjoy their trip, and that a sojourn of a few months will sutlice to convince them "there is 110 place liiie home '' and that they may re turn with stronger attachments for old Rrad ford than they now have. Sale of the MASON real estate takes place to-moerow. The tirst meeting of this season, of the Re nevoleut Association will bo held at their rooms, tins afternoon ot two o'clock. C. S. FITCH has begun to display his Christmas goods an 1 his stock of candies, fruits, nuts etc., is the finest ever opened in this market. What can be more apeti/.ing for breakfast than a plate of buckwheat cakes and honey? You can buy the best quality new process buckwheat dour and the finest quality of clo ver honey at E, F. DITTRICH'S. The star cough drops manufactured by C. S. FITCH are becoming very popular wherev er introduced, if troubled with a cough tiy them. The time table of t!ie]N . h . L. it XV. It It is arranged very conveniently for passengers from this section going cast from Waverly. New York Express leaves Waverly at 5:50 a. m., arriving in New \ork at 3:80 p. rn. Day Express leaves Waverly at 12:25 p. 111., effecting close connections for passengers on the L. V-, train, which goes north at 9:35, for New York, and all intermediate stations. We recommend this route to any readers who aie going to New A ork. TOWANDA, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1881. flic Episcopal sociable at E. \V. ELWEI.I/S Monday evening netted over it is in cash, be sides affording all who attended a social treat which will not soon be forgotten. The next meet ing is to be held at the residence of Mr. E. O. MACFARLANE, on Houston street. It will be a "package'' party, aad much real en joyment J- anticipated. Mrs. MACFARLANE extends a cordial invitation to all to be pres ent. AUUPMUXT COURT. .MONDAY, NOV. HTM. 1881,. —William Griniley vs. K. L Kershaw et al, W. U. Wattennnn vs. M. \. Wnttcr tnan. Susan Anieigh vs. Vincent Draper et al. Jeremiah Bailey vs. Morris Wilcox et al, Ann Median vs. Douglass Wilson. A. Doud's use vs. It. W. McClelland et al. Hannah Iloleomb vs. I 101 lis Ilolcomb. Charles Main et al. vs. Thomas (Jahvain, J. M. I'ike vs. C. Hunsicker, Thomas Merideth use vs. S. ltules discharged in each of the above eases. NT Morton vs J S Campbell et al. W S Allen et al vs Julia S Thompson, J D Iveiser vs N 0 Harris, Lewis Zaner vs James M Ward, John Melvean use vs Plvnne Phelps, Itobc-rt Mclvee's use vs J. N. II ilcoinb. Rules made absolute in each ease. L. R. Frost vs I>. V. Stodge, Amanda S Cash vs C, Vanderpool. C. M. Manville vs (J. \V , Armstrong, 2 eases, C. M. Mail villi 1 vs E. E. Bufiiugton, John Ream and- u-evsA. i>. 11 iekley. Rule to open jjdg nent in each E. Pomeroy ys Geo. Rogers, et al. Rule to subrogate C. 11. Webler and John You inaiis t:> tlie rights of the plaintiff. N. C. Harris vs (J. Hunsicker. Rule for judgment for want of sufficient adidavit of defense. A. H. Slocum vs. Barney Clark. R lie for sherilFs interpleader. In re the lunacy of Myron Luther Rule on tie 1 committee for an order to pav costs. In r* the application of the Mutual Build ingand Saving Fund Association of the bo rough of Towanda. Rule to dissolve said Association. A. D. Coolbaugh vs. w. R. Storrs, S. A. Rockwell vs \\ inheld Packard, Rose Vincent vs Pa AN h . Canal A Railroad Co. Judg ment for defendants in eacli ease upon cases stated. Coin, vs Dayton A Angle, Sam 1 vs. Shaw A Co.. Same vs. D.ividow A Rro. Mercan tile License Tax. Judgment for plaintiff in each ease upon cases stated. E. Smith ys.' P. Gorsline, J. M. Hoaglin vs. Mary M. Mar shall, Rule made absolute in each case. Eu- R. Lent vs. F. M. Dent, Divorce granted. SPECIAL COURT, MONDAY, NOV. 21, lssi C. I). Nixon use vs. William Wolf, Issue, Overton A Sanderson for plintitf, Wood A Hale for defendant. Verdict for defendant. 11. R. Ingham vs. A J. Layton etui.. Tres pass, Williams A Angle and W. T. I>avies Esq. for plaintiff, N. C. Elsbreo, I). C. De- Witt Esq. and Overton A Sanderson for de fendent. Verdict for defendents. Reason tiled for a new trial. 11. S. Rently Trustee etc. vs. The Susque hanna Mutual Insurance Company of Ilar risburg, Pa. Debt, 11. S Bentley Jr. A H. N. Williams Esq. for plaintiff, C. M. Hall and L. M. Hall Esqs, for defendant. Case set tled during trial. I. O. Blight vs. Ilenry Mercur et al. Geo- Steveiis, Win. Chamberlain and C. L. Tracy appointed appraisers. Pomeroy Bros et al. vs. The Minnequa Springs Improvement Co. Report of View ers filed. In re the petition of Canton Township School Board. GII Webb, Ira II Smith, and A' M Wilson appinted viewers. L. B. Rodgers vs XV N Helton. Exception to Auditor's report dismissed and report con tinued finally. Annie Carey ys C IlOarev. Divorce grant ed. E T Fox vs David Benjamin et al. A C Els bree et al vs C Hunsicker, C J Allen vs G P Wood. Rules discbaaged in each case. Wyalusing Poor District vs Wysox Poor District. Order of removal confirmed. 11 Wilson's use vs vs 611 Kitchen. Order for feigned issue. In re the petition to divide Wysox twp into two or more Election Districts. James II Codding. C S Russell and S W Alvord ap pointed Commissioners. The annual meeting of the National Base Ball League will be held in Chicago on December 7. George Hazel, who challenged Rowel 1 to a pedestrian contest, having failed to put up the required deposit, the match is declared of!'. The Musical Society will meet on Thurs day at the resilience of Dr PRATT, instead of IVA OVERTON, Esq.. as announced. Scale A flat. FIVE CHILDREN AT ONE TIME ! —.T l.ady tn New England had five children sick with Chills at one time. Her pastor recommended Thcrmaline. She bought a fa nily box and cured the whole lot. Ch dreu won't take quinine; its bitter taste turns heir stomachs. Thcrmaline is put up in cap sulets, like small flat beans. Only costs 25 cents a box. It lias never been known to fail, and is now prescribed by physicians instead of quinine. Miss KMMA WAKING respectfully informs the ladies that she has taken rooms at Mr. Win. lveys er's house, on I'ino street near Graded school where she will be pleased to see all in need of her services. Cutting, fitting and dress making done on rcsonable terms, and all work warranto to suit Two heating stoves for sale cheap. N. I*. HICKS. A good girl wanted for general house work. In quire of G. S. ESTELLE, at the l'rothouotary's otliee. Good servant girl wanted by Mrs. das. Lewis, North William st. BUSINESS LOCAL. Select Ifanctug Via.., l?y special request Mr. F. LAMEUEAUX, of Ring iiamton, will give instructions in the above art every Kriday afternoon and evening, at Mercur Hall. Hours of tuition—Ladies, masters and misses at 4 p. in. (parents and guardians admitted free), gents at 7:8 l) to !> p. in., assemblies from 9 to 12 m, All tiie modern dances will Go taught Round dances a specialty. Largest assortment of Vases and mottood Cups Clips and Saucers, in town at the 5 CENT Store. Immense shipments of TOYS for the Holiday trade, are being leceived daily at the 5 CENT Store. A good girl wanted a place to do general house work Enuqiiir at this office. Wanted, a place to do general house work, by an experienced girl. Apply at E. G. Kramer's. The "Senate" Saloon is not only supplied with the best oysters in the market, but on the lunch counter may always be found everything the ap. petite craves. Under Chainburlin's jewelry store. CO.lis CHEAP! Until further notice the Coal Dealers in Towanda will sell Pittston Coal in yard at $4.00 per ton. LOYAL SOCK COAL AT YARD. Loyal Sock in yard at $3.50 per ton. PRICE ONE CENT. Josh Billings! MERCUR IIALL, We dues day E veil i n<J DECEMBER 21st, 1881. Tickets now on sale at Kirby'.s Dim: Store, Wliitcomb's book store aiul at Fitch's confectionery store. ADMISSION ..... r>o cents. SklP* No extra charge for Reserved Seats. QOMETHING NEW. ft. 11. ,v are up to the times in making new styles of Pictures. The latest is a small Card Photograph, called MINETTS which are very pretty and take well, Price only 81 per do/.en. Their Tintypes are also made 4 at a time, made very quickly and sell 4 for 50 cents, card size. Remember the place, Patton's Block, corner Bridge and Main Streets. QA L E OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The undersigned will oiler for sale the balance of the Real Es tate ot G. F. Mason, which he holds as Trustee, on Thursday, Dec. ist,'Bi, at 2 p.m On the premises described. Lot No. 5, containing 5 acres ; lot No. 6, containing 5 acres ; lot No, 7, containing 5 acres, lot No. 11, containg 4 acres and 26 perches. Those lots all front 011 Main street, and are on the west side. Also the following build ing lots 011 the east side of Main street; Lots No. 47,48, 49 and 117, all front on Main street and are 40 leet front, and from 160 to 170 feet deep. Lot No. 56 faces Ontre street; has 50 feet front and from 90 to 100 feet deep. Lot No. 79 faces Centre street and has 50 feet front and 150 leet depth. No. 145 is fa part of a lot facing both Creek and Centre streets. Lots No. 148 and one 150 face Centre st. and are 50 feet front and 150 ft. deep. Lots No. 141 and 142 face Creek staeet, These two lots are in a triangular shape and erch are 50 feet wide. Lot No. 85 is a corner lot facing Centre street and has a house thereon. Any of the above property can be purchased at private sale by applying to the Trustee or to Hon. Joseph Powell, Wm. M. Mallory, Esq., or Col. J. F. Means, members ol the Advisory Committee. TERMS OF SALE.—One third at time of sale ; one-third in six months ; and the remainder in one year, with intrest from day of sale. H. L. SCOTT, Nov. 9th, 1881. Trustee.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers